At ufD~mfr ~452.iWf 901f-erqpccq5b. Motf-bii tcccc-p f-Occpwlfc f-e.Puyr Pc-ot, 4hEeal myweflconcc sent. c-30-3 Locce PeosI. PFrN. 1301141 ccd P.P.N. 23J43-61 TISE ONTARIO MUNICIPUJ ElOARD IM TIE MAT[ER OP Sectlice 34 cf th-e Placel Act (IES.S- SMtO, c.29> and SM TISE MAlTERt of an appîlica- lion by the ~cIpmI8G cf tf-e Tm fOkO epproae cf île Restc4etadi Anea By-Lame 196.151 sied 19402, peaisce tf-e- SIc!t "aY 0f Jcy 1901. APPOINTMIENT FOR HEARING TISE ONTAMS MUNICIPAL. EPA5DP borrelbp appoints Thur&- day, If-e tf-led dey cf iaucciy, 1963,M et~ f-cicr cf If. ecîcf ln thé, fcc-ccea tf-e Caced- lme Leg"m Mi, 1IM Cf-cc-cf St., f-c dhe teantc cf Oelctlle, Ouulce- le, ffe Sf-e boulets cf ail part. tae lutomred le suppcc-ticg ce cellelc: tIla ppSccSlccn. DATE V t Toeocto ff-it 171f- day cf Dcmber 1962. EL VICLEU, Sue-ta Expteoatory note: By-tamo 1961- l0I cnd 1901-102 ccc f-c-lucr pmcsed f-y tf-orcmc- Tomn- sf-ip cf Tcatgac- ncd adcp tod f-y tf-c Tomu cf Oaf-ciilr f-y Ry-Lam 1962-67, t0 cc-cote c opeciet zone for service ctatiot. in tf-e Soutanf d North- Zoces respctively. S.' A. Peatf-ecstocc. lec-k Town et Oakciito. c-32 For New* Pineview School Th-c bid frin Aedil. Cooctec tf-e resclutloc tocro Stanley taIl5ilCl idWfîcyouoclg Browo aod Bob Lawsoo. Vo ong tli97 hc-eacpc foc- in cf-o coativo and casicg a tic theo coocteocic cf sixwct- coto store vice-clcaieoco Mec. mi Piocciew central tcf-oui Shiley Armtong ccd trustee 00cr Ncrcf-y. Doc-icg ac alter, Mac Spc-owl. ln the aboecocf oao meeting. Ducembor 4, Es- cf-ic-mou R. J. Cuoningf-am who qucoicg tcf-cut f- ev iemed it iii. tf-c vote ceoitcd in a tie the tcnde- ccd mcdo tf-cie de- ccd tf-eefoe was ot cisio. Inopecto- Mcbcsccti icfuetoed When tf-c 0w tcf-col is rom- tf-c f-oued tf-o oct attoscs pay- picîrd, peect tcf-colt at Hof-by ment cf $5 pr meeting UP Io 12 Quctre Brat, Ligoy acd Fine- meetings c year a et la e grae wciiiclosetctf-iedooo. Land cets per milefor traveltlinge- mus pucaecd for tf-o ccm scbcct penset utteodiof meetings. cevcraI mcctf-o cgc feom Ctaude 8Bee Transportatîon Picf-oîîandac-eii feor aerwos Twocfamiiae facesat f-oard deilird. meetings if-ic yeuc. Jc Sf-octoi Revlew Declelc acd Beuce Nicon, cec- on f-od Dceiog tf-c Dcomf-cc-4 meeting ugalo Tueodoy ta sef transporta- tf-o fctlosciog resctito wu cp- tito fce 22 cf-itdcoo on tf-c Noc-cai cocd "Tf-ct wf-erouo Ibis cc-cc tc Norcal tcf-col. Doc-log f-aeb altowcd 160 htcoectiom frerc cisito. tf-e detegotes oof-od foc- uttcoding 12 meetings per- ror trcnsportation fr tf-c pupilo aootm ccd tof-eoco tf-lt board acd to date f-uve eecoiscd nocre- f-ct mot oppc-oxlmctety 50 tc 60 pic-. times. f-cil f-oc-cfy recotced tf-at Mr-. Bbeetct tcid tf-c board f-e eacb membor f-e cllowcd $140 as bcdt beco teospuetiof f-io cf-iid- cectocesfur-tteodcgtscf-meet.-enfor-thepactccccon ycuc-oand lngo ccd cttocdicg tu tf-e f-oued in dem cf f-j taxes fcc- educc- f-usiness." licn eiog f-iked up yccc-ty f-e Dueicg tf-c meeting Tcecdcy cf- frît "ecttled tu a fcss f-etfts". terccue ut Speytide scf-ol, c cc Tf-c 22 cf-itde o lid att ut- soltitlontc-econidc-tefomer-ted No-500t0c-oo. one wso pecotcd f-ct lot(. Mcm- Mc-. Sf-cctoI suid tf-c Esqceoioig f-ccs cotlog foc- aod tponorintg scf-otl but transpoctig pupils t Co-operators Insurance Association . (AUTOMOILE, PAMI HOM SICKNESS, ACCIDENT) WISH ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR T. W. KINNEDY LER. 2, ReckweedUL429 22 citildeen oc tf-c c-d f-ut no f-ut socs osuilaf-eto 1 tcf-c t-em ta Noc-vcl. Ne gaco tf-e f-oard îwo altentative sotutions os f-r ctaled "I mili eiîf-r e cod my of-ildeo t0 Steeattosco and yoo tcill f-uc- ta teanspor-t tf-oct or- tf-e f-ooc-d con p-ovde tc-anspo- tation ttc Norcal scoot. Revlemc Tbcctebîe Tf-c spof-eomuc said tf-c ted f-oc cc-ciscd et Steeattosco cocl ut 8.36 a.m.. leccrc tf-e schfool cocpîr et 8.37 a.m. ccd is pac-kod ut tf-o Stecac-ttoso f-att ootit tf-c cftetsooc etoc-c trips. OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Ctcoolof * Repaiet * Installetion 24 Hotte Service Aitsccrk gooatter adcciotued. TR 8-6797 c-27-tI ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS SERVICE IH TRIS RANDY DIRECTORY. RATES AS LOW AS $1.50 AS an coccutice mceting uf If-e Miltan Chember cf CupVcfcSai the Surf Restarant testmockIti mcc decided ta f-old tf-c Cf-cm- hec-o ecai geccsml mneetcng oc Jacuoc- 23. Tf- eoxi excutice meeting mcc ceeccnged foc- Thaesdcy cc-plc Jattary 3, at mbicf-aI eie memf-ers and comnineer foc- the 1903 Cbcmbe- esmtiiv arc taf-e peect. TbWc oucoulice meeting mutl be f-cid ec Brioc Bos ocf- fisce ot 7.30 p.m. Re tbld trustees f-e f-ad delc-ca tf-e dictaoce frcmn Strc-town cfcI tu Norvalin nischo minutecs anod suggestdthecbus feom Siçm- ettuown tcf-ual muls f-uce lime ttc pick cp tf-r 22 cf-itdec ccd driser themn ta Norvai in. limtac foc- 9 u'cicf clamsoe. Tracsportation cf-oic-mac Bof- Lussson inicreos tf-e detegate tf-e f-oard did nul f-ave lu eccept if-e of-iidec aI Stcmaettomc cefcot noncotait of f-otdcc-y fines cnd toc-rcromdic8- Hr aise mocdcred if if-e childeo mere buooed oce cac- lu Noc-c-o scf-otl f-o-o cey woold f-e ettteed f-ine as tf-e bus mes ic use Ocîlil ofcer 5 p.m. ict-e ececiog. "Thetltldîe we -ocre f-ere, soc f-adt isc probf-imt nwil but f-ccn wcf-ttied do-oc ta oce" qoipped Mc-. Shc-.tot. Mcmf-orougc-eed il mootd f-e mostttnrcocomnicattoprecidc a. odditiocat f-os fur tf-e 22 cf-ildc-co. Board memf-ec- refereds tf-e c-e- qoest ta cf-e transtportation cmi- milIce sobo premised ac occmee to If-e transportation pref-lem f-c tf-o cccl meeting. Peont foc- tf-e meeting score Mes. Ar-mstrttcg, Mac Speosol. Stanlec- Breon ccd Bof- taonc. Absentt onI accoott of ittoesc cocu chaieman R. J. Cuntnicgham. Mac Spc-tcsc coo c-iosec actiog sce tcc-y for tf-c meeticg sice acting secretttry Miss R. P. Ec-ans a uttaf-e t0 attecd. - ~ ~adt#se44 e- CLANERS K NI GHTr S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfaction Gtcec-cctmd * Dry Clecoling " ldne Lcucdeela Soume dlayr servcice if ceqtcleed * Alteectioco ccd Repaire * Ruseancd Drapec ccpcrtly clecced " Pc-ee Pick-up ccd Deliccry " AIl mock done on proemises CAIL TR 8-9941 c-Il DRAPEIES CUSTOUMf-ADE DRAPES " Deiivcred la youe home, edy tofbangin 2meeks. * Eopetly mcde ccd Sicf-cd. " Wîde arc-ey cf pattecns 8-cm mf-icf- t cf-oo. CAMPRELLE DIEPARTMENT STORE 228 Main Milton TE 8-6021 c-Il URICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC 0 INDUSTRIAL a COMMERCIAL S DOMESTIC a ELECTRIC NEATING GENIRAL CONTRACTOIS A~ C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cuttom Nomes Rtepaie Altccatnc Modern Cophoards Plant ccd lc-cc ectntal. Ycarc cf ccpetccnce. TR 8-4424 c-Il RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. HoNme Impeccemecto *Rcocatiocs *Altcretiooc *Additions 4Commeecial ce Induotc-iel UL 4-2263 c-tf HAIE STYLISTS VANO ccd PAUL Beauty Salon 95 Mcin SI. - Milton *Eopert Etc-tf-g * Ticticg * Permancent Wavittg SofI mocer aimeyc cocd. For appointamect ccli TR B - 9931 c-31-tI JAHITOR SERVICE HAIUDRESSINO VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Specializicg ic Pcermanent Woccc. Noie Styliog Noie Tictiog 192 MAIN STREET TE, 8-2461 . c-12-tf FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE * Ocalificd f-aie sIclido *Individuel ctytiog *Ctck-tail of-ampoos * Nie cocditioning * Coid wasicg Weeaic--cooledf-y Coc-ccdo trainmCeetadwsare Specici cludeot ratec TR 8-9533 Opec Toes. and Tf-ueo. Eseclcgc. 171 Main SIc-cet Miltoc c-35-tf DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS MILTON PLAZA *Modemn Aie Cccditicccd Saloc *Tiotiog * Adcanced Styticg *Aie-coditioocd deyec-s *Onty sftcsatcroused Haoc-t Mo. Weil.9 - 6p.m. Tues.. Tf-oc-. & Pc-i.. 9 - 9 p.m. Bal.. 9 - 3 p.m. AMPLE PARKING TR 8-2501 ci-ltI Experf and Satisfaciory 1 PLASTERING Complete Electric House CLEANING M6 Chares SL Milto TE 8-9513 OFFICES AND STORES c-tf Waiit and AI] Typet cf Pîccen ORNAMRNTAL IRION Milton Ornamental Iron ALIJMINUM ccd IRON ISAILINGS BILL KELLY TE 8-9827 MOVINO Stan Rowe The Mover Agents for AMtId Unces Cocat - DCSft M Wer.f-actic 14octcm Yor L, Manditan, MILTON REP. 03-11 Foc- fren ettimitec cl Milton Janitor Service TR "4388 c-t-t8 PLOOR COVURINOS RUGS AND CARPETS Ooaiity Breadlcom a Rom Sicet a Watt lu Wcll "Ecttmafcc Prco CAMPBELL"S DEPARTMENT STORE TE 1-6021 228 Main S. I». 049-St BOB WATKINS PLASTERING *Lalf-icg * Stuccc * Repeirt Ccli TR 8-6581 forc f ree ettimaeo. 189 Beanle St., Miltttn. c-tf TILINO HALTON - TERRAZZO AND CERAMIC TILES Batf-cooms - Kitchens Repaie acd Remcdcllicg Ceeamic - Morbie -Mosaic Terzz n Ptastec-iog CALL TR 8-2516 c.29-4 TRIE ECPRTS TREE EXPERTS Trees Removed and Timmed Mon and Pcopcrties FoIly Insuc-ed. MARTIN SODDING GEORGETOWN TR 7-1111 c-30.4 TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE *R.C.A. Victor *EC.A. Wf-iripool Franchised Dealer 222 MAIN ST. TR 8-4445 c-If TRENCI4ING BACKHOE WORK Trenchioz cnd Weepicf Bedc Sand -Graeei- Stone FIN CURIiIE . TR 8-6211 CLARENCE CATION TR 8-9313 ctI UPNOSSTeRING Milton Upholstering and Brighter Homne Cleaning Re-upholstet-ing, c-e- styling. Custott-built fuenitttte. Auto and truck sets rpai-cd. We can shtecpoo your rustgatd fttcniture inyour ocltome, Cati us fot frec estimates at 338 MAIN ST. TR 8-9094 c-lt-tf WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Miltoc, Oct. Pf-oce Boc-icgtoo NEtsoo 4-6025 c-tf DIRECTORY ADVERTISING lE AVAILABLE IN THItS SECTION AT ECON. OMICAL BATES. PHONE FOR COMPLOTE INFORMATION T! 8-2341 Farm Safety ýCouncil Reviews Year's Work New offtcrocf NatIon Frcm Patio ccd ctomf-tec cume cecI. Saey Ccuctt wcc-o ocmed Moc- Tf-r mool daogrous place on If-c day , clu ,11 mcttg cfj l feut a fo-s lthe f-uc- and intohcf-ouse toc cnd Pocuoitsn tf-c uo- tf-c f-iîcf-o f-c said. Hc passodi titon bicot at Brampton' Newon O many clatistics scf-ch f-avc cf-aiemcon it Mac Bpcutel of f-coo ccmptlcd. Esquetiog wbc ., ropreeots tf-c fiosîs ai tf-o meetingtccc-o tlalton Pedeection cf Agc-iculture cgciculal r es -ccettli J. A. of-e coccicil ad the crt- Fraucis, assisant DouglasBor- tc-y o tJohn Wiîlmott cf Moffat sido cn osir occ cdomicî Mc-c. wf-o ropeeoto tf-c Juno Fac- Kuthîcot Cco-ccm. cc- clubs. Af-o oan tf-e couoc-il ac-e Appointed dologales tu tf-e pc-c- Saudy Bucf-anao, Miflcl.' repro- vic-tcai latin safcts meeting -tr ceutico Juoio- Fac-mors. Wilfc-id Guelpf- Pf-csuc-c- 4, 5 aod 6 ccrco Crooie-. Milton, c-cpc-sctiog tf-e Mc-. Sprowcl tnd Mc-. Wiltmot. AI tf-c Nultcr cgc-icoluac-l coscol- 'St. Johno Ambn c course-o-,t ies, Mos. Rcy Cociloc-. Looccillo, anoooed, pec-f-ps cu f-oio Jan- epc-esooliog If-c Wcmeo's In oae-. tîtitîco., ond Johnon Ncclaods Acotol Pc-cgc-cm Hoc-ofy. c puot cf-oic-mac, tcf- ro Tf-e coaci f-as f-uthfs aI If-c peccts tf-r Doir Brc-ccdcc- fcic-s gire ot liIerauc- eols sociatioc of Naît ou coooly. J. A. %ofely Ilugs foc- sicdw-oof tc- Fracis tf-cag-iccttoc-utrcpc-e- ilo.50fuchlaorcos, ccargot oettie cs puci sec-clcc-c- speakers- and coorses ao. ccp- treoîoer. plies mtoutccaI oc safoîr. A sale Dam Danger Spot drcaeiving oc-ciio f- d ld Gueol tpeoake- Ricf-a-d Bel]. CTnf-o an taisl claîrmol sh-os tcc-taey of tf-e fac-m scfcton- acual cc-lots lolallicg $6110 fc-om cil of Ontarioc, Speke t0 Pecl and Raltos Womcos tocntituto. Rot- Naton reps. joiulIc on fac-m ton Co-Op Mcdicol. Nulîcu Pod- catcty. Nigf-uc- accidents ac tf-c rtios (It Agricolturo, Noton maincuoccof iojar and dclf-County-anthe-PoviceoofOnt. fuc- fac-mec-c os corli ut al-c-. ario. Pion Race Trock Seuth of Teowa C~mIssi<u, Refurses 1963 Dotes Pcomoloet or a pecpoocd 0cm clctmtog a surplus or tucss- r-ace truck-in cc-îf-Ouf-sitletcr- isloditcf-tpac-t oflthfoincess distatisfled test weekf csf-o tf-o wtf tf-o sc Mof-ask Racowvt Ontar-io Racing Commissioc c- openiof al Campf-oltcitlo cool fused rcec dotes foc- tf-c tecf cn c-ee. Noccococ îf-ofackeocsofOcf-- 1963. Tf-ey f-cpo to oe-aPpcy foc- sille Doccos ae coociocod o tf-iod tf-e 1963 dae, a spof-csman seid teacf- s ncescc-c t0 camplete a, Tuecday. fuît coacoc of f-oc-c roccciof, ood1 Tf-etruck, tcf-ýef-cown asOa-- f-orp Ooîaci.-sf-olf-oherss-aoicg cille Dowsoo is ittaooed oo a Nigf- aI bome, nol iu U.S. osait. wayc 25 site socoosof-c soolf- 0f Tf-o 1963 dates foc- Mof-ascf- Milton. Ta date the names of tf-c c-aceccoy vcoco occoucced It tcf-s f-acf-ets bavc f-oc wiîic- Tf-ctcsdcc. Campf-eliiio cciii f-ose field, f-ut tf-cy uc-e f-oteie to f-c 52 oigf-lc cf barcessoraciof. o 2'- tic Hamilton f-sicesmeu. Edý igf-tmeeting sto-iofgMavtac mttod Sf-af-oc- a lascyce. il c crc-r a 24-nigf-l meetinf staeticg Sopt., taey-t-caoc-cc-of tf-o gc-oop. 2. Tf-o Rocisg Commission an - nouccd 300cigf-tsof ecciorot! Tf-oyc-e Cccclcced Mof-aswk, Oid Woodf-ioo, tf-o cc- cfsed ace dat thi erY.estern ttt.Fair.- Restrict...r"un Restrct...doogf-. Ctouncilcc Perci iCoutinued fecm, Page One) dec f-is moltion c- Aftec- fiît c-eodicg of tf-e f-c- coot. sucorclicu I f-to mcmf-ccs ootcd tf-cc- soos wOuold pur tf-o cotfiog in tf-e f-y-le-o cstaf-tiof-io coocil's foi f-ck tf-o poscees of tf-r Board. A cotf-inf ss f-ing pf-rasetf-at If-o Board ooid f-o tf-oic-f-acf- respoccif-te foc- "pcooc-lcg con- toctioo" cued dof-alo.. -Etrau policew No Report Yet Id coatof- moloc-iots Cctcocittoe Bell peoîcsted th-e dcy c-,ufd. Drive whfole f--o mac premate. -ic voîr Cf-cisi 'Lest meeh ccc cctted foc- o c-e- cn Milton if-ic yce pcort feom If-o doticittue that tf-c are fair, serce'c i land -oas ecailf-te troom If-e Ro -Milton store-s a tary Cubf-tilfno stringsoal-dv ad Fciric, tached. No ssondeod cc--uce If-c oc-duc- and Mocdu- report -oas. ITtlboo t me tif-e ece-occts afc-ajd tf-c scmmittOO toill go f-oal NUe ocild ccd specd ait the mococ-. IN UR Cccccittor Pec -c sac-midcdl. Cocjlltc Jcf-nsoc c-cpoc-id f-ol f-ad elc-eadc f-ec-d of saime cc--a sccald flot continue tf-oie pooli fcpa-ig. f h ouccilluen Peae bepicgcig tfe doucill oito torc coctcc-od it was vecty of-cioco fc-om repor-ts tf-at no tao fonds -ocre tc f-c pc-ccidod. R .F Couccilîce Bell. ouggcstcd the R .F f-y-ta-o f-e dclac-ed util tf-c deed MILTON, ONT. foc- tf-o site cc-o acuila-In fc-om the Rotaryc Pac-k. Stcc-t Scetec tf-e hacve It gel stlced odt lme, Dcpuly Rooro Cf-ac-lo Il cari appecicte cooccit's cn cecc f-ot tf-e committce f-tt f-eo studc-ing att if-is and i is fc-ostc-t- ingftacome p oe and mect tf-jo lac-h of octhusicîm." Couc- ciiloc-Pecc-c-e sid. Tf-e accouct saf-mittcd focroc-- Vi mccl of tf-e ecgf-seer orept icboa d isccssioc as Deputc- Reroc- Cfa-ot toc cotod tf-c committe or ccld 5 b-c h-appc- o pa lthe accout f-ut ina soltctiscionut ouocil w mecf-s ccc, certain figue foce preocoted. Poymecc of tf-o ac- Golden Ripe couot scoold catueally oltr these BANANAS ccd tf-e c-ommitoe wsccciou ta f-cep cf-o concit fully icfoc-m.- cd . FRESH FR Delay "Sqccoblcc ICI HOLII Ptcoding foc- actioc, Coucitloe Pettece otpf-asioed tf-at if actio mas nott taf-ro immrdiutl- the ccmmiîcoo micf-l los If-o fe-c Bcpreme Sceet fils of tf-e oictcc- csocks and tf-ooo PICKLES--- mootd f-o cc-uce danger-of cf-o mf-ote peojeot fatllitg tbc-ooc-." Tf-o committco memf-oc- f-uce Newe Crop Chrlt persottalîs goaa-otoed tf-e cot MIXED NUT t0 date. Tf-oc noc foot ter ccitt f-e af-le ta c-ouec tf-e fcedu ce- ceosac coitb tf-o additioc of tf-e Socheaci, MecI miutoc- wsco- f-ccefitc acd tf-o geacîs. f-ut cil îf-ic dcoc- js ottir WitOe Bread succecdjcg cn squoocfing il ait." _ Cooccilo- Jof-cson soggested Caiceebacce Ch ct css Otciff-t to bure actioc os lontg as tf-o coocittc djdct os- PEACHES .. Toc-t tospusees' mocey tcf-ac- If-cm op. Coucilloo Bell cogcocted it ws Sopreme Pr'ecb fou tube no-o o got tf-e scintr GREEN PEA toorit ef-tits. "Yc-î cun f-citda pool dotoît tfi-cn four motfs." OcIy T-oc Mcctf-c Schcetders & C Tbe estimatcd contctioo per- TURKEY lid foc- tf-c pool Is tmc manIf-o. 20 Ibc. Cooccillue Peace, rchic-mcc ofI the pool's b-uildicg committr re- plicd. ugse th H N R Couccitîtte Bellcccce ifc P NET cammittce mot Ituckicg Ics hast! CHRISTMAS TREES Your Choice - $1.46 NO. 1 PRUNED SCOTCH PINE - 5 to 8 FEET APPLES MacINTOSH - SPY - DELICICUS - CORTLAND JONATHAN - RtJSSET and Other Varieties OPEN EVERY NIONT TIL 9 P.M. FISHER'S FARMS GUELPH LIN! SURLINOTON V2'/ Mlle South of ORE - NE 4.0973 CUT RATE PRICES ON TURKEYS G EE SE DU CK S ROASTING CHICKENS FOWL and FARM FRESH EGGS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HALTON POULTRY PRODUCIS Deme Gardon ton, off Mill St. TU 8-440 50 THAT THE STAFF MAY ENJOY THE COMIHO HOLIDAY SEASON WE WitL BE OPEN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 - ALL DAY AND WE Witt BE CLOSED MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 OUR BEST WISHES GO OUT TO YOU FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Maie St. TE 8.2355 LA&WRENCE FRUIT AND GROCERY STORE r9Wish to Take This Opportunify to Wish You Ali A Marty Christmas and Prosperolus New Year PRODUCE VALUES 2-Ibe Sweot Julcy Suokîi Picm Red pkg. -. ý 29 A GE 79 TOMATOES ......29c UIT AND VEGETABLES ARE ARRIVING DAILY FOR YOUR DAY MENUS - ALL AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES 1 GROCERY AND MEAT VALUES Mlocd If-cobil SlcooBcoat Instant 0-cc 3cr'Heico-Sace 7c Il- bcl. 2 for 49C COFFEE _......._7i9cý KETCHUP ..2 for 43c offrons CHRiiSTMA-S Chc-iotmas Cacdy lb. S ---lb. 49c Wrapping nd Ribbon CREAMS & GUMS 39c Clearincg a 0 ,11 off Reg. Prcko cycce Sllcod Ideal - Ptlus flcpoelt Walke- Oc-ho-tIc Col. I2 I'vs 33c Lime Rickey or APPLE CIDER ------ 89C dc 0o.~ Gingerale - 8 qts. $1. occbooCoc 0o.Ic ------23c BUBBLE BATH SOAP ES.... o 7 _ _ SOAKIE --------EAS-2-for-379 Pc-cec 2-lb. pk. The Fuc Bath - Suce 10e S Soo Cecp Pc-ocon 12-cc. boc S 45C oCada Paokero Riodlero SIDE BACON lb. 45c: CORN 19c mcadla Pcckoc-c- --- 43c i Mcple Lecf Mctcte Leof lb. acd op j WIENERS 45c ýSAUSAGE MEAT.. 39e 8-03R EST I VOS FREE DIUVIRY PLUMBIHO AND HEATINO WELi DRILLINO TILING