Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Dec 1962, p. 4

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-~ ~a-~~aa- ~ s a PeasadMmntlals mmec unimpa tant ta yoane athleles, and ta aslany aider ones as Weil. Thon fait ta secagaize that bafata a pae-son ce? exce5qnasrte fieldhe mutnaste te trival, heaannflgly tuantmariant. Encan hacksey pianat- kaaas be ta aireka pa", sa 4F The Canadian Champiani brdp Dea. 20th,. 1962 wbp pnactice il? Eveabo adn t hMan a badv check, sa eeby prac- tie it? Tha anantera ta theta qaeatiana ama simple. Vince Loataadi, coachOf the GraeenBay Paakers football terrahas ttlaedsifandt-MIT N mentais becauseb a ys i o a otebsctig praperly M L O tise mia- camplicated aed difficllicameaatally." Hit clab bas yeat-t. Sa ilttct ilan-tliag Ia see lbe Milton Charlest etiia faatla- M inor H o c e N w s thal fellaîtieg îhtte îîakthal, banv won tir fiast gante af hlbIHUELAU 0 MiIoný Rtarymideiswil bc eaknedby te lss f p Bob Watkln and hyMartinclintased afineialh- * Mtan Ractneaigal îîllhnacknedha ha antaf Audrey Bruah laag daah, hy haatning a laa-faat- State Seci.. tbtt-ni.rtry rigkl aiagei. blet- as t-the vialinao a bit rps odnYug h and tan accideta o ntni St. Ftjdav alanlef. Ha e ispmsnan EXECUTEVE NOTES apnGtaYageaa recat-ciacltheaToroto Geaata Hospitlifrotlntal er cd ia- Dat ta Milton Minat Hocey cate-ad tha shoat aida af hi aain aia.Ngl algaa aaaa fatsî. Frt-a galmaatb scaanhît iesi arsos Regtîa, angrimes scauld Maua Staten Thaotsan tricbted haoma SaturdaFat- aeaaade 29,andMon *White ganciag taaîîgb lbe rilt thi.. ttah il wnt'neticad dci, Deca>hetb 3t, ull ha cian- îaaad ecn P aat . McCaaig fan. th, Miltan Mat-vhaats af ane vnraega had faat Miltan plat-att an valld titb tha exveptian oI thb, blPu Jahnsan an many ne- thai, ta. nvilb lb, taniig Il baing imparts. Aitbanugb lb, ions.Niat bua coll aldnlt fiad the hay ialteettag farthlb hanta ltta tant ta ntath tha haoma tane baya. pnt. Fat taine timea. Milfan Lambea Galet. han-an-a, bat-e aat haan taa latge bat ata cartai te a acant, Fatba la lb, gaia altatagaaaa aad Miltan Pharaay hane heen vith the att-nat af tb, acta yeat. ptapatecifarthebaannngaof Dec- anvbanging first place baak and atabat 20, and attad Miltan Mie- fatb. This ntnak, the Druaista sBt-anting ia the Miltoan atena aontinues, ii web aib the ato Hackey Nigbt. the tagua at t- faaghî an aphili hall-le hacktasý nf lb, ladacîriat taagaa. A hard faagbt ganta hatatan Speatata, aadav m ng and Manday a-ce- lb, tap spat, aastnting faar gals rafeteat banding aat rit, major penalties. Date Marray, a star bill af rare, a-iîb a Bananthati viase 5-3 niataay. The fin-t atan- lb, ncan fat bit part an lb, baIlta. Lent a-aah 25 pealatiesnvant coachbet higbtighting the rnightn aitb Chaja Thantas hsgging 2 tatîîad dîîaing ttc, Miltan ntidgat boe tcata gantat. ametis. This ateataha ha goanttuaaneitted, and Date Datie aaaotb the pt-la, af admiin 1, an c1 pasanm Riahia Calhagh. Il Bn-a, Haad ns taaaieg the U.S.A. in a Vaîbtîtagan. at part alait. ct tam Ioaiteîn Mitteet Ganty Knlat ettad the lana of bit jo a aatafataie tht Intenatianal hoakey taagaa. Otet ha-inesstymann engagae i hait tapît fa, Phearmnt-. Italfaa the pat eeed. Bruce datv956nies enroeta acnesin Fort annoait cItetic joat tî tha ttaagbbhe finalpeid Kntle Wane, Indiana; Mtînbagae, Witsconsin aad Pat Haran, Michigan. It taish-wva îaee-onaaea teat cach. macde t 3-2, ced baen Phattaat iaîaaeîîieg ta nate bhel lbeatnatianal Lagaa ns ana af lbhetaet' as. Bah McCaaig a-lt ntent, eall ctvameatita tahn Mihe ptafanniaalcgebchveatatrtietite aeef attatie ntth ind the spansara a-bite Bab Aihaalîacd firad hante aab Sa- endaoft-agation linte. Kanatte ns ta hardite ttatag fo, bat-t paat. ta keat th e Coant. theacacahes. Watxpacttflintth Sabeyîbaln toaminuteaand SJeack Patte, Metchant sta, tast teinta,, ban fieottnestartad ta ilece af bhe naaaigbtad, Hetb achclttaoackhap the wineieg and bit bit atd toan vith t ha Gakville Oakn af lt Cetal Ganaio Higgn, aili tantaca bit eaea intatance Painlts, aaaiated an l-ttaev Laagae. Jactkhff ta atsowi at aiuteithae gaalseforndtefe-eeinhis ataaipat- thelaittrhvGer-t- Kaewles ' tbe Oea ina eekatt gantie. ici taea, Tickets aec pea- Dea, 22 - 7.00 naLhernas pet-tan, aed anata plat-at nedîl fcy '0 The Millt Min, Hackey eeaatiee bins aaatiaaed pt-apa-o hcave hant far tai,, And jant ta 8f0 .n..- Phttcntvs MaCuaig îiaee fa, thai, Mea, Hachat Nighî an Deaantber 28. Betla snieati iliai eaetlhing ns righi P W L T PI., th, mnor tthoceta s i n*acatia, paeent ilhbcablae t iates ad prape-. the Miltn Poliaefk3attitY - h 3 1208 aaeoakciganteheteeathe teantpnsorae ndthecaahesand Dapt. bat bean angageol1 ambnter -....... 6 3 21 7 manaege. Thtisatiletditede-p-aeidaîthe ant-at ta theaga hande thegae, (ti s iliFa ....-... 6 3 2 17 ald paitlatafawhoare thea-attt obhal lcaetsinMiltn. theafdkbctineaaat-ChieltfftPol. MaCuaig- -.. ....6 0 4 2 2 __________________________________ iae, Rit. Andntnn. in file campert- BANTAM enttteaue of M.M.H.A.). Loal 4970 prataalad n pee- NOVICE fuiatca, ced aeiy laak affiaish M ILTON In tke 7.00 c.m. nhlntink, the cattud 1h, nett bald thent dlon aavhataa-adt,,ice for-Littleafir- Itia 3-1 %vineeGreen Fuels. mnasRahakch.. daned ihent The Staalwahans taah a 2-t tend M inorb H o k y N w deile 3-0 court. Shoi i n taha lirt-n ftcne, as Bruce Pick- M ino H oc ey N w s h resliafaextra pravtiaa tinte, aing ced Paul Mantain nattad ha Rahehchn paattad hanta , t- passet t-tan John 1-atapean and TRI-COUNTY ENTRIES letient itich and anît- tte oita- Rita Danantant Pattibane fanta standing gaalendieg af hattena lIait,.. hapi t, Fialae la tb, Bp Bob WatkLna and kaîr stuifant Oppostiona ta date, Mîtltat hept iîe scoate ta a-c-. ganta atoiil atît- an the lhit-d pat- Audrep Bso astthenaeke ot a 4-3taiaai thetpetchabl e.Pa Dlie eard lad. a-he Dannmae veated NOVICE Amoni httem. hi e nhutou t a bcailed etalGrant Williantnaan pont fa, tha Miltan Trafalgar Matara, plat- Crcîg Saanb canîetadl a patsfn Fiaa rtenen taries. Richardt Mat- itiiuaec ntaher ingaan hante iv, tant Sat-rdat, fta Ttet-at Hautotit a opent-ay setap JohneCaattay forthe Iedantil Caîernegbad qaiîea eadad iheit- tva gatae tanin kantîltiien, it, ta hav.e Guîelph firs ntcd final galsn, tahite Cc- t,înnl, nahdaiag Milton Denat- oglia it aP. talb thsecondnesion,nie-,tn-dtehetia kmetaennhaghtnr nteak ky ltefaîig Henpein- 5-3 sle Jahane tatha îaaho temn Soe ve hu h cr The bayt-n ataed thv fans toa toh Fobe ok pant fromntmiddle mat-be,, at 3-f. The latle, ieam aniett fine exkhiiin of neant plat-, an Brush ao fit-e Milton tha tend The Ceat Hardwtare - Little pla- fart ha majaity af the game thy nhatedhat-d and passedthe agate. Paatiecntiltaas aavielltchedcand inhartdandetndah- pacb neal,. Wilb fouasoaieg Hantater Guelph ganta baab allai, lht-aagbaut withbohth they nadaonnthetshotend points ta Mts vmdi, Nigel Fen-ga- tneit-n tha fast ft-aîne, gaino teata taeiag the hisît-ioniat fat- of the caoova, Andy Se-n- picki son tan ose of the ntadusatena d 32 otîhianiîirie minutesthe final ftame Creslpeadthe edaup Iwogalsane assiiedby of theagate. HaghMashall.n- Of Playn-ntainieg. Oneapwerancatig aaiy inthe lant pid David Smith. Barrye-gason fir tarn-igtuaer inaic-aerae t, iaîDog Heaittel ipped ina asn Micaelt Merrit aanet-d edaeay n-ptata illaen,tas a get a ta the drive fronmFas,andmmnsoamuhpsfrtRssAck.heialaiy a emnhp tenir. John Whaalihaa cIta dea Ite Ct-aig Braah fiad hante the Wiîh hat-av iveh minates tentait- gaiaad Allaat Fea- hie initiai ehat- th, applanse of the vaad fa, tainnet Gaalînh cppeav-d qaîta ing, John Haphie lied tl Op, asce t hin grecî gcnta on dafenca. ahipp-, and penalties led ta lhai, ha ttpped home a pant tant la the Mandot- nigbl fisa. Gat-y Young apaaed thie scoriag aadaiag Eict- Gi-mnd, At 19.31, Rage, Miltan Palice upst Caeadiae nxt fa, Milton Ia t ta inte UVN Ratalat palled the tt-iggea aa a hn cta up-isig S-1 avo,,. Na [roaa hfinptodep t A lahaof game reports fanhen keaaîifalplay-lt-am etlt-acqai- nntall pat of the nethovh taa fan ahMarsthall and Richn theteetite lai a lach fmnut ed Ki-ht Manra. ta pat Poaic e a ta the excelln oattending Mitaheli. Glea Hata, evead the ia kit vaane T of hanthion ia frontcand eatt tbam their fi,, of itJe Timbera. a-ha silenced ail courtihefae theptiadaendd. tttaighleaad outand ail futate vicIant af theneann af tha big guns of lb, Tin-men. Ia thensecond stanaa Nigel Fat- gane wil bc iýeut] no Dac. 22 - 1.20 a.m.-Petiac ecePt for David Reid. In tha ga..a et ap bath Miha Fcnta ha-.a Reheahh tirt-n Wat-ne Arnaid st p Dane and lita Mat-thail fo, Mihtneaclil- _______ 12.30 p.m. - Ct-att ne Fitetaa Mt-tey. -then Paul Keitt aaab ian Heeprt gt h.tb itt. th, a a a T pis Dan Gesioaldas talas. Paîoli - gaine ans Bah Peaca ncaad an ha114c a Rebehahî -h....... 4 f 2 f0 lcitad the attak throughnat the fiena i e. Clb Fit-me -.0......62 2 2 6final tanza, asGarry Andressas MitonataantîanitgalnOpc as W6ICiOie Sut. Sa#WW Paatiavn - 0......61 23 9istad Gsitntnd ta agoal.Miha Feaganan again tad Ft-ane, fat GI n Edten Ski Club, an the aný Ct - t....... 4 t McGath and Wayne Arnolda-rap- hItnasecad ntcba, Creil Bart-ia capimnt ta the Kelsa Dam Con. Th PEE WEE pad aop the aaaaing aanistiag eaa =ak cdiictaga tf aMilitan de- nanvattan et-a ecan oe d fer Ti section dispa-ad ft-t athe, an bak ta haab tailes. feetîe lapte lto ntat1he put-h nhlet-tfarthbafttntcenathe aîext oeyesr aantasanft Dea, 22 -9.15a.m.- Loal 4970 andkbeainlalitac.heatieg il iî a d. Plian erlecama McCuaigIn- t-e Depî.Stare Saaa..aaiihcagonad -lii tiel Altkîî,gk thaatîcent mîîb uracv2- finet fit ilt. Bb- i0.15 a.n,- Green FelnsvsCan. hs bclpped in a pant fran officiai put the tas ntopea Stat Robhîýn lio, apeed ap the club haane PEE WEE and lIta rcthop. The Kinme Pee Watt 111111. NeeI Snow a 9-Oahiiah nleGulph With more ct, iiongt- apponont, fasta cek, t.. Dtt, Bann Hateblat, the hill eili bc Hcat. hadcta large tag, poi perfcct for nkîieothinnvar. Ment. fing four Gtt nal,, betrs hia madea lit tif itaproat singeld, and aiso a tctahe pla.s atets and added a tatska M fo thrc of Hirns't goatl s David ibissommet, and theafoe- cI-adb Gae etate aît pair,cnasiw kv hait, has haen madie inthi pro Pete M,Cuac, at t Sch Rî,bsn ,a o an îd snack bir. with <anc- t<iaht Ciiie and Kin Pa.tttadd- Walker i arîge. A ahi, club dcri oe cack t litotal, han-e bas bena en-aiad, and i wahite Tatît Colea ct,va aditonaldtttc ta' has hee acdad. Ta cie Glea Eden as cigae. BANTAM .tnd aan tadanîtsWiih mr Qateiia tif Btîampitt Guelp îttt i ciîî,bha husv pt e proidaîi tha 1-0t' ,iaîît-t h th, camng klidatt. GARBAGE COLLECTION REGULAR PICK-UP WILL BE MADE MdONDAY, DEC. 24 PICK-UIPS NORMALLY MADE ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY WILL BE MADE ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY DICEMBER 27 AND 28 BRUCE McKERR. Town Foissri, MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB FIGURE SKATING CLASSES CANCELLED CHRISTMAS DAY and NEW YEAR'S DAY REGULAR CLASSES WILL BE HRWD ON THURSAY DEC. 27 AND TI4URSDAY JAN. 3 SKATES 250/o Off MEN'S AND BOYS' CCM HOCKEY SKATES SIZES 6 te 12 - 12 t. à thair fin-it eiaory of the aeasa i ticketa la the nin hîn. saura shent aIý .20 n thse tksad D isn 4 3 71 Pt-idap evning, dnntning tht In the second period thse Charli. Pertitd aslp la bane Stian Ma- Mefluffe - I........ 6 1 "Rocks" of Elora 7-I ai the an-Ina. ns aspînded fo- toar goals ta lens Daffe pot Smo fat ounes ai 10.30 taies-.............4 2 6 i Sean MaDaffe, reakie tel i than rive meinutes ta ntashn-amn and 19.53, su #tve Charles' Iheir Melansos I....... S 6 4 ntingra-lththsee.and vte-an ihei, iead la S-0 and put the 7-ltialo-y. 13I11 Barhauî assisted SBau ........ 6 0 SinoHannanlttwth ta-a, led bse came an ie. Bah Sales saan-d on bolhgoals. 1. Keartey, GlennG. ell...-I.. 5 6 14 Chas-les altack. le amnîs-asl ta the explosioh y acringat 9.02 Daneand E. Block of Eiaa. Gey I.........1 2 3 t0 earlbtt- gantas, the Chan-ln- dia- ofthe tevond fn-ame on paasses ntes-asaassed thiad peaiod pena- phiiiips.YZ S 3 3t plgand teattsadharp pans front Gordon Saiand Jack lias. igadhadl it att ave, ihan- op- Rabatl. fan-s et-an seconds laI- OVE1tTIE~ TL . Ente GATehIPGoasA pananin s- or m neos h at ihe gane. at-e Sîn H annlant oaeted a Pas' SclisizziChls'asa sistantacoachGantes 12a 7.20 Maufapna anaain Ifn-m As-t Meaaal moa the bOd betau 'wos-ing on pang nMcIntosh l........ 11/ 3 2 19.30 -f 1h. fi. tanltr, cashin acount stand ai 3.0. Roberts made plaps îhraagk the nteaks nto-- Grnny .. 2/. ..2. 72 - n-rlots froentGltenn Dca,, il 4-f Ite minutes laIe, oe a ousad ilare sha cd ..DonCa ...... 2 73 and StaHannaai. Tha fint pet- paeiag playynth GordBail, and lasn on Cthse Chre 22t 733y ilent than a teinute Hannat ed a sn-ng gante ..Chelteohantm q% e onttn tte-anlttn-nsaded ha bat-rage witb assist n e s ca Ia o Milan Fniday a ghtb Tira bis lalît- goiag la Melansan ted Tht ruge h hrls82t Dea. 24 -6.00 p.nt. -ed. Cal. Thea Chas-laon. The on e t h e Chr - 2 in vs Polie. The afficiais ealted tharee pena- t OPi fast meCet in Caiaing -.........42 0 26 T. Eegiand and 0.,Sbkhof G A PisP.M. M ILT O Can. Tir-e-.........4 2I1t 1 , a a d D onWilsnf Miltn Hannant.......S.. 5 5 t0 0 ~ u Police.............4 2 i i 5 gaîtiagtihe gale. Roberts -S......... 2 7 2 K I A I GreenFuels.......4 t 30 2 Dept. Store . 4 f 3 i t 1 MEDGET Faet. atiîg hockey aathbe corder ofteaeveing in thinat-ies ibit nvnth. as lbe tam mn agedi la haep fait cranta an the ic, fa, lbe majnr por-tio oaf eac h ganta. Riabtantg dathan halaI the gal- ata n their lacsas Ledth Food MCrketn batlled Tt-i-Caatv Aiblaîla Sappliet thaaagh aco_ lana firt paiad. HCtfoaa inia the second, Atian Janes pal Lada-ilhs aa a p. an a pass feant Lean Get-- vait. The gant as ain doa-. anlil the fieal faew minuten, a-han Allen Gilbert st ep lita Ettia, and than Jonest nnleed. ta gis, the Man-haeaes a 3-0 tain. Aithoagb nal top la the fiant ýgame fa, enaitement. plenit- ai action pppntd the tecoed fix- t-rc of the daahlahaade, an Knightts Men Wat tabduad Mil- toa Sport & Ct-cte 6-0. The Rehaîn taffaaed hy nat finitbing offi Ikai, plnya inaside the appaneîts bitt- lina. Hantevet. Warren ChCltae lanked gnad in gainn the thal- ouat. Ten-ty Barber frain Jint Bates. Bnies faimt Saga, John- tan. Gat-y Cat-p frnt J. Witaon, and Steve Dan-ait front BaiesneO- caaniad fa, the teatiaf la the itial t-tant,. Lee MaPhail round- ed aff tha iaily theel i te haat periad. an bt pappad la a pant ftant Barbe, and net ap Ge-vait fa, be final mat-bet. Day. 24 - 7.00 p.m. - Spot & Ct-cla an Lada-iîbn 8.00 p.m. - Tat-Citani- n Kaigbtn P W L T Pln Knigbî's - k-h fOIS' Ledntiths . 51221 il Tt-i-Cauny -. .....5 2 2 t 5 Cycl .......... 5 f S f f MILTON MINOR HOCKEY NIORT FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 1962 Coatinuans Action Front 5.00 ta 11.00 pam. MILTON ARENA TICKETS S0. mACH HALTON'S LARG EST TURKEY SHOOT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22' 12 NOON 'TILL DARK GORD LEE FARM, HORNBY Trap and Target 12 Gaug. Shot Guns Sponsored by Haiton Spertsmen Association THURSDAY, DIEC. 20 d.30-7.30 Pigare Skating B.00-t 1 .00-Indastrial Lg. PIIDAY, DEC. 21 9.00 Gante Tinte, Intermediote Hockey Chelenhat v-s. Milton SATURDAY, DEC. 22 7-1.30 Miner Hockey 2-4 p.m.-Puklic Skating - 25c 4.30-7.30 Tri-Coanty Hockey Georgetana . Trafalgar Min. (Novice) 8-10 Public Skating - 50c SUNDAY DEC. 23 2-3 Paamlit Hoar Skating This ia an hou, for fauni lies ta skate nî. Na tisil dm-n atianted tiont a parent. Conte and enjoy a fantity apart. 8-9 Couples Skating Club MONDAT, DEC. 24 d.30-9 Miner Hockey TUESDAY, DEC. 25 CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26 2-4.f0 Publia Skating - Aduils 25c-Childran 1E B-lt Trî-Coanty Honckey Onketile ns. Rottary (Mtdget) Oaktille ns. Milton Maîna Sales (Juvenailes) PLAZA MOTORS MILTON PLAZA TR 8-2962 Authorized Dealer for VOLKSWAGEN WILL BE O PE N FOR SALES AND SERVICE FROM WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26

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