itrielme, Rd whmu ride gifi, t-bel suas plai at and, ai hlamt-o bet-usa lte Christas ceteitration. tihe 1840's. The evergreatte came Woe lightcd the fit-at Chrit-t men ont- etemai santatita muas trt-e? Tht- Romans may ,ave through Christ. The gifts sytu- strta ttaeawethy tam holize Godas great gif t te man. a fit- Itee with lit candîns at kinai, His Son. Chriat. th-lt anaal Satuatraia - wetek- Hymas at-a chtants in Latin long vainter festival dedicatei ta met-e t-ha msic of the- oarly the snn gad. They deaorated tht-jr Chistamas, and net catît th- t4tit hames saiti gree-tn baeghs anai century we-t carats ong. Tht-se exchanged pt-t-st. nt-s sattga fiatt-t ct'itt-Oi j etty Accounts pertiat that Marti.t-a Ea-opte -taeteaaaag, je festive tht-t introduceai thet-ree-t lt-î- ,e fa.iiat-*stye. salth canailea as a Christie h Taaiay Christmas is riait la at-avance. The Chitattn r cntoIe atd ht-lIt. caadtes and waa introduce inl Amal- DY gifla t-atr mtt-nc and fiat-c-aIl te German Letharan immigrante la'e gh-sshrh Narrative of That Firsi Christmas. .t- (Contiigd ft-amPage-T-nl ht-art te Chrit-ahild ineay Inethe notthesegr-sameah- ahtof gelai dant a jer et otha way Lest yeaes pecia t-t and fat-tht-r awny te miai-Dea- atkicensa and oe of mytrit, pt-egrt-e "Chitmas satit Mat-tan t-miter. Tht- pt-apte ht-Id feats andi -ici ftttad the manger saitit Andertson," was camaidereai tht- bajît great henfiran te itring th- atoetrfet apica smette. lOiti meet extensije single ht-eadceet an acit te lite. Tht- ida et th- Mantyas miahes that Ged t-aide et-t- made. nons rt-ttre in enrty witt-r vilas tht-m satt-y home, tht- Mngi att- PgnOl ue ihCrs' oiga parthai.Titnarnight ana e- came Jt--eOti-t teta ait oftt-et cemig a ta th- mu--tt thet-t net te r- Mny et rte aastoms t we htLitteth-e-l. at-t tht-lt fie at t-esa st-rvt- at Chi-stmas tima teday Tht- Dt-eids met-ahtppatt tht- otht- hing. Ht-tding thia meming camae troan pagen rites te the miattae-. gathet-ai itlinp-cial tat- tht-te men tut-ea tht-lt carnets sen. Anaitet panplas le Egypt, cet-t-meieu and hea t in l thei- eat te Pet-a etcaennîiag theit- Pt-t-a onai sethar Euroet att homt-s. Tht- Saons eed holty. tnpresens eot tht- lnfant Kit-g wsa-iippad tht- aln. Sinat- tht-je iey and hep. Theee astemstnt- n tht- manger ontil tht-y t-ach, lIean d lie-Ihena desendt-d an t-t claat-ted ameuna tht- at-lt-hta- -d ht-ma. its cnuet-t, tht-y halai eletot-ete tien et Cht-ists hit-thdny. t-ara- ot-t- D--~ at -t-tmaonies te their son t-t-a at lt-g tht- puel g tnt- Et-glanai andi Du mn e-taiata tht- t-eat date tht- wtt-a-t soltie. lgtstiag contttas ht-cama pat-t of ýf Clhrt-et~ - rth?*- Necemiter .. 27, Metmh 28, Mey 20 andi Aprt- 9 Weiln umothet das belleved Tipi on Trees apbe Lorhetlnc34 tht-daa taelnt-eý a ya loptas bat-t-ma ta- e ides- o-e-ne 20th. ake- -no Chances on Fires 't dut-ont metter if Chisltt WtA Ht-te ae- esati e t a naetiag etaid off. Itm et- Dtcembt-r lOti." tapa yner Christmas tet. 7. Den't tteve tht- te tigite un -Oswat Heffmnn speahet- n1 Cheeet- a ft-esh trat- - Scets oetnigit et- miile umay tramt ra-amet- Lon ttthea r rdta ptne tasts tangent - at-a leave home. At-range cte tigite sa thay Trofram "G un orn ocer ate e taieittstntit net-ata. A melsvont tenait at-y t-t th- ht-nch. The Imptjanat tact it thtaï Hea ue ana. Geai stet Hia nnty Son ltt trat-i legts tihety te enat fire t-s. ht-met-lai ltai hy feitinj Hlm me la2. Cet off an lt-ah ahoe ;te t. Gel firapront aitcomatiens fer <Cohtea en age l ettr etnai salti a ate- cep la tht- 9. On t-tistmas an dispoe et f Cnn-ed front Puge Thraet hast-. at-p tht- cap fitteai mitit gift satapplet- as soue ne pes Thisnyet-u-he Letherun Hoar sattr -itait n-ee cmediy. HO- aa terlDyete «ill tai millitenst ht-ongitt tht- 3. Place tant- mal umuy tram IsatIti nîglit ut tht- att-ct att-tp ýet-lai tht- rtat, Christian mocan- firaptace. t-adiater, taiion set.' yeer trt-e nda aispeose et at A î .0n andesigniticanceofet ttChitrst- poettfetelecttictlighte ani ethe- aitedeeut trt-t-ts a serts hat-ard. mas to-y in tse saayc. Ae tht-p seot-ces et ht-ut. ______ do t-at-ty met-h. mare thad 1,t00 4. Wht-t ahonsieg e-s Christ- SUt-r a at- radioe stationt mitt curry tht- Laoth- mus tr-t tigite sae suet- yen u WU-3J IIS t-tan Het-a t-tgeler Christmsaa hae CSA (Caeudian Standards ,.C .i.i~ itreadat lu 40 tongeages te an Association) et- tL tJd--w.-î PaUIJU lt-ty rU Ny tetjsated 30 million pt-et-en jnertt-' Leiotortitet iesigniaetfap- Shjps arriva on Christmsaa 115 conrtiee. Ie additien, a epea- pt-eent. Thtet- mt-tt eafety stand- sacreieg ceryie lt-es.s Marîy !at Christa pragrara pradacedai tde. Cht-ak otai tinte et tigt-ta nda loeph, cave tht- Engieh by th- Luthet-un Heet-. salt t- fer defeats. frayt-d sait-te na caret. "I Saie Th-te Shipc Coe carrtie onmanyaytiojens nd net- itrehen seahate. itailng. This iseoet-f-rran le- norhs theteret-ermalyle e PIt-ion Circuiet at-nde iee-tp-a hv safarin- Goseasl ht-uudcastin-. P. If tues ittes, ptag inte an. pt-optaes te cont-ct Christmas le pant peut-a tht-st- Chirjtmas lath-t tegs oertead-d circuit. anda chipe. specante h ave t-et- ht-t- cnt-rit-a Avjid npticing. thie je a e-ty Sterjes et tht- tiret St. Niaitetan )e goeetme-t nt-arhs le nie aangerou p-actice. saat-carre-d frotAia Minor to Soviet sae-lite tends. Thtet- spt-a- 6 Remece defetiie suchets. Net-tht-t- Ermpe ity cailers nda ate have a tramet-deu petential They muy conne -e-tleadig at-a ahildr-n je Hottanai long ht-lit- audit-ne. it-eltdint- epprasmai t-hue terieon flg angr u-tet-. dtatS.Ncoasarvdb 'hitasb iidtebnCr youet tant- liéhts en for a long nitip tram Spain. le Gre-at- St. ýàin nd poplewha ilitr neer nca alan causte overtheating. Sesitin t-ome- an Janitary I to Titis con ha aceideai hy onint- on delict-t gift at-a t- taue jetrns adapter that makas lgt-h agt- ou pet-ad ity hp. MILTON SHOE REPAIR flle Maeaa 163 Main t. W. TRI 82674 146 Matn S.-Ae FAY AND SON$ LTD. Miltont TR 8.6533 ... t-et- btut mit-Je- for a joyoot Holiday Saumon lts our on-y loyal friands and ptrons. We extt-d our hetarit. fait Uantes and meromast miahes 80 t-fl of you. ANGUS MOWSRAY YOUR ONLY IMPERIAL E580 AGENT 436 Main Millin in ê21R Jt-lia 2l*Mt- hot-e t-i -Ueo geod friandul Waa unloetd t-sritq yau, t-Md wcmt la 1hmank yuu hatmlllot. Wlehseg yens cl smnad hisaal, oed di-te oeed t-vuty heppiteet- ltae Ht-Udty ta ns efs s - ï t-A Chiristmas Our- t-urantet wsshes et- ail eue gut-d lt-s-t-dil HOTEL CHARLIES TE 8-"i2