elUinow. WOsiiné lisse. MOofs lon, SURROUNDEO BT NiS FRIENDS is o lornilios gent lot Ibis finie poesy was the avouai w- ni yeae anywoyl afin denppod in o aponîy os tise Martin St.;- cnmpaoy empînooes' chili I-iais Scisoni Saedoy olsernoon. Tise gent moi Sanoa, andi tise 10 tate fan, and Ibero mer Kaex WMS Yul. Meet Choose Mrs. W. 1. Dick Life Membe Once again Thetobersn Asi- iic (AIse Soutb Aoseiiciii 1v in, ili Chrcistmas, as? liar" nf Koxs W.MS. IbId ils (hi isti.cî- and Mis. Williaic, E. Nixon lins callnd on. Cbristomas meeting ai lise horie! Seuil. thi. %ice o] tlii Ciiiiliz,i 1-sent Miv. W. 1. Dich ciii- nI bics. Gladiten Rcbert-son. Thse Clitiia ,sî. 1 mtsmbc-rsltip." mol spirit cf Chtristuas fierai]- 1Mis. Nixn, realleit lt cd nuidtihe fesîtive decralioni. Tun Commoercil i usu athu ciet as holi presîdeni Miss Er,î Ms L.E. Dscn gias an Diekha.,gire tuthIsNl Chisholos opeord tbc meetin, syiiii Messafeoun Chisltnas.l Mirsioarr Socientycrver t' iill the CaIl oe Wcrship frcsv isegiîing -iib lido fo-,s "Tise ynors. coolcibuliog te ib the Cbristmas Seriie f Wi Biiilid,,sc1 Jecsandi "The rGcd s o k in say siip" le flic Glait Tilicgv. and!Cliriii cas iSpirit". Ai she ieonIAlîci MItîs. hî,lîi-.c pr- aprer fcr aileeyer onhon, iiileciphsizedlflicpessure [lise uembleislîiypinMn,. .standing cf tbe Oirih cf Chru ise il i ciiiciziilisnt ias on iisciigb gicatl iiken by s, - tbe lic. sphili lieaiiif o] Chriismas, blurric4ou cili lIrusc hîntir îhaoked tbe laies. Chistmas. ineaoing, îî 1h LOO McliCI acni, pnaSeee Thn singiig ofthue ccrl *Jus 'u Santaî Clacs. tcsîead cI cciia T Ssrlins t0e Wc]t hiLrdice . isî,iis iseiiig lillediit fli ihe f oisrtil Cvlicisiosis îos f,,licced b% a hie] business Waîîld spiit of Gee], Loc she ,lcssiiiilic peicd.creports îîeîe licarl,iand -.aidilîe rici liciisiiy. edisiMis. Wh iiiici.il a moticr passid c rend a fi yeîicpîîîiis Ilecciîxvrad thîie Ilidicali Mocsrclca d tu S2f 0 Esaogel Hall, su crgent i i-ib-e -5gils. BC yatientlcîselfiîhSrdcl cnldd Ii aed tallisCsistmas sc andilkinii.ss.-ccae-d - i aelosingfprayer is ile lea Insu iiessel iris-i The cI etic ciio w:i sonîîîh lîes c %îelîs ou cr -ign ofhileot Nigisî, n AGE-OLD STORY kidest ilrntjs iMizpali Bndcin Afic'ibosingingol, as-cîlîci Chiristmcas lime siu. iso eaais oa f The usou l rceii cacol "White Shephecds iiaiilel lic cc,îc Liiglisese linssin- mI.,siv vscijyd heuci fickc hi Nigisi.' ail icicli. siecsr,,s.d. lfisls, i sv 'j. lu lcc rCh vsie thongbisiccntd biik lui Ilteur scaih uiild ic lii islsm Io 1, and ooin. Bfoce lai oigtilongaga.iiicn thisviai Tiesnesi ar f.iiitise icliil-iiiniicisi isok as shîîne No brîgisilvo uni Beiisleisu-i. %%as lise ingsili,.c kcp- isîaîsîî lic îîîsseî i. uic as flise age-olul. sce i Zi.ltvic ofccurhcaiic i liili iiav un lolteit one more. Tise leatCi, Mss. Di. hSeillie recîd %cives 20-23 frcmn Mallisevi Ci. 1. bley cuewr edisosvlli- SI1N CE RE THANKS in uis i is cel. ui e ,. Little Touli of BOi-ilelîio- To nIl fhe bonds, floaf sponsors, molorof vitev sîîo aild i I,,,L nic, r,- clowns and olliers who parfîcîpafod in udfenin "'lii Lieli il lie Wnlil' il.-- li hi (lise leadcr. Santa Clous Parade, and f0 fhe dozons of vo: Readinîg, ,c îcli deii b, o ladies, ciuli ligliliii a ".vdl, feers who assisted in any way to make the in hecier- t cMs. T. Bî,îdlcî c de osccs prosrclei elle iie et ci l ric n aîlc a -ce ilI Cisriiianv - Mcv. P. W. Cî,îk> ihe voice ii the Alunasn Christ- lai Mr,. Johln 'diKz,i i uc MILTON AND DISTRICT e' 4 SANTA CLAUS COMMITTF Dandy Dusters' Party COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO EVIRYONE Features Show Trip Tbe vitin îeîg ci flise tH-u __________________ by Dandv Duste.scis iii islt Ile homue-si Miss Lvda Lecarrnon Decoeises h ai 9.30 a-vs- hcieo usueriiNec prescit te an tuer tise cii] e.ill *hiow a saussyle nS lise sliy stithsand dîîiî Tise scc rsee.id lie iisîî ies ci lise fativ - pCil laPieis wý1di saîisvd fcr lie Chi, ua, part ..Deeuiser 14. Noies lise hase. Tiu uti fi iiinii pcîîs. Hurlîe 'agiîeii i -c Oiil ueeeiierliisiiie iiiihes ci lise Dzssîdi Dassers viei il M-.e Hisan issu ilcehý laîhesi li Mis Hi]]isî ndise. SSil- xt 'O . Milicîî i., lie 'l Wcîdef lciîu fe Younîîg. î ,io Os Ad I iras esio-Cil !ii e%,iiuîiie. iliciT OeAn hatelitc Mr. His' ,heî, ilw ici Our 1usd an ciii ssiiiein-, i- Loci s,-sercl c,,iiirgsii of Warmest Soason's haihcis sn o clopilis iîlii iss îleî,îîeviiiac. îî.ld hi Greefings (lie gils flenîle.lie pai,î lias îîe a uui 12 ,iil. 1 i] ie Togeiher Wîîh gils ii cîcit piiit, îîih lic li, cecci-li.______ i Appreciafion Nsiciavs oldt tl cis, Tousî, hertz, wiiil.s eesîî lis lht s Of Your Patronage 1,000ielis 10 i21In Thte Recent Months Wl SINCEiELY WISH AN fFIND PLAZA M ERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR LUDEES fietRidgowey Hafting MILTON Beatty aad Zaccuzi mater pun4m Cranb.rri.s Traditional Gay WelCOMe Favorite Hobby As Holiday Dining Treat -For Front Door Camnera Gft Sure to "Click" Ceueberiesss ucia par oil and cnstre] liecîn; sand is plenli- Yeu dosit need a vey O50it Ig you bavisa s piot iam-itemifs ta chauymP C ielmai ov holiday dioing tradition, were fui, necossary to slowevapoa- tins and espansive front s--Cillusgf s hmi, nr 'bitter herry 10 te In- lion, and provides a gond med- torealli t0 achieve a leey Chrcist-i ndet ytare u frsnt gaa ecaue plesyre pAcke wit dians, ocho pninded the feuit lore for- mnot grnoith, and keepi mas pictuce. A simple hat artliisrty o ai u rn aa eccnd laue b willi meut loto a poste called dowo weedu. dslmlelnii loor-yacioeapoosahedt pemmoican; used ccuolieoi pnult- ld r elcm iioil one is ail lha's necessa3s te c00 pli'fvrthob - oog yo dhos ha ptogeaphme gifle Bird ar wecomevisfor tavey a message nf cheer, gnnd mii WehrisfrDd oschvtlsaite swa i ikns on srounds asd used ilie ccanlieccy liogi. Some baoga are aid ovartu selcome. - bthror listr focDad, Hu, orulv vit starystis s, ora oint jue ai a red ive. lined wltli bicdhouses - homes For instance, jos branch e nOrseOlmrao lv alMaymus rsl The ilgimstimng te br. fr sallos, hichestdestuc-riveof i itorsuc coni fo pliotogr-aphie aceso-y liai an in- ber Coulin Pui pioet-o plaid ns Ile lirio niig l ive orninses, whol eoîst deessone tonnIpie O scae co o cles were a favonte food nf tiethi le bouis lor a fcugcuit swag for iling "Opens Me Plt'msaesldno ics. cranes, calied themn craseberries, And soili lte hirds, are the the frnt donc,. for Cristmsas moning. Il's a glîl Rememliecing thaïs: a carnaes n and ihis nrnnntly ohonged 10 liens, seho oa perfocus an imt- Sprayiog tlie îmag witli gnld 'ri estercpetsv hi&acsoywl rli Y«ar cranberries. porions service. Cconliecny pol- or siveorcgtvisg ituasnwdcift met unsn ue asar n hita"thsya na Crunliorries wece tsacvesied lensis tnoheavy tne ccaeied by dift effect witbiurfs sný,,oOil oy tlnougot he yer. thc same lime, salve nuny o frai sild svines uii 116, wlin wiod, sn liens are vereusary to add ta ils atlcactieess. Th's Youl id t tcaea are yooe laît-itite S111 preutmo Henry Hall, a veten of tlie eo- pnllinaie thie finueci. rcommanddid for a donr pans aodtalei a Pee ane li r tsentgl tua ~ ~ ~ ~ e icapaidwid nso dn i dock bue lu t fit any budget. The box caina iswaopy site noe DennisMas, GIVING GIFTS Natcai greeey with redcrih- a ae ml a ndes-o uacbasetts. He baid observed iliat i Peui ofail, Chrcistmas Siftn lions and liecties is ail iliat i iba iny siler, eyasu 's saI uat einr o tint clicoît witd lierries toore Wece gold, feankincense ad needed agalust a donc painted chuld, cao laboe Sacs! pictores selt osonylfound in sody aiai,sa msyrrte vi ise mees gift tothe whlite ora veryiigit colnc. thora. A sepsop in peice arc du lie sprestd sand nvoc -lits fields Infant Josas. <lut drving ai thie asi Tk poular manvie anid 33 mms. casis and prnduced an excellent ccOP. sessions of tbe yeac os celebrat- And Oceost ibose acranol-sypo cirs. Saune raineras, for lise jos Many otiior plaifii faited, lu ed as Chistmas cars al.n lie paint sprays morvlmusil How o lur mviel anme expeiesc ansd Massachusetts and Now Jeeuey, t-aed barli ta pe - Chrcistmsas mu-b casier ihcy bave mado eise ofnlsiasm fer pinburc-iuklssg. before gcowoeu Iarlied ibot cran- liants. The ancieni Romans es- happy' tuili of hoiday dececailugf bave a hoit or contrats and ad baeries wanid tbrfve only tundfec changeol glfts dsiig their Sotnc- Braarche%, Ousoonents aod eea juaiscsit, atsers ua complessil, cretmn cnditions. Cranbceery mafia, a fesival bannclng Sot- imait treeu aob Illnekd oasi auaoailg -fields today at-o lnocatd in hog satia, lie pasteu gnd nf agimal and heautifity Ia puurehaiing a causera, tise.m, ameas wirli peut soit, tbe filds tare, Hanging gifîs on trcs fig- Vacl-cntnced effeets at-e sirisple aoeuisouy points Io soosider-spât- are well-drained and cn b le oo- usd lu Deuid tcee wat-alip la renuglitsodo. fieaprice. Onel therpatuloa cd t0 protect vines Irnom raid cunly Bthum, Pleut, speuy on a sntid bise *f tse mnanufactacer, sobiel le catt Thon scuiler on sprays nI ilr gsoarantee af socbusasbfp ontrusling otit. Along weili indivlduai cameras, Anythiless toiin n smailtree tht-o are attractive ýbut lase-ea casb ho iag sap mils a sting pelnod Chirisimas bits uosslu TC) WISH and easity iprapei slilte itli ofn a narrera and noie, alang wilS TE SIOMvy spisniog. flash unit, haileries, flasl ah bblod, no lisp YOU ALL T E Foc un effective place la sbow atnd comptete intructions foi JOYS 0F off linliday decoraions, tey ui- tubing pictaces in calot- or blocis- oetOPoO 'ai .4iag ftonc-to-ceiiing dcaperies as and-wrhite, day and aiglit. Tlieîe Oi Ibis boppo .- THE a biase. Cliains nf boily mill ar- bits are hecoming more -popalar rad CHRISTMASie ad in velvet ever yenc. oun SIASON fective. îaom si a canes ooro lc. od BarucS wrlite film la almapi sceicoue. FRED MILLS A large pintare ?rameto, non Otbec gi11 posisibillities include Mae'a, lpa' mol secv s- o backgrond foc a bit lenes, filteco, peujectori, pt-alec- E W " Mon'$ Illest, ad etdeecaion. Ootliae il mvili a lion screens, and doveiaping on. TEiOO ' Ladie' Wear lifbiseeigbt rope of cool or acîlfi- fils Ynac cnmera store cao add TU 8-9541 Milton eil greener presîily tbceaded mny other suggestins. S R wilb ibbon, the gactand fild ai You non count on photogeupie 188 Main TR 8-6771 eucli cocner by cellophane tape fasîeoed honeunli a linot nf hec- Ocoament the front nr liook- case or secetary shels-us if iliere lmot- offetnlis spaecan lie moite b1- joint pnsbing lock the books. hSmail corner tablns mohe nice spot, foc a smail, orsamnal con - or asolfier glass filleud siib or- namenis and wroabnd ai the base cith gceenncy. The main tbing is nit te oer do. A large euom, ainrliy cao r stand plnnty nf decoratiro ni- ledt. The smait t-nom, bnoe-nr, ustbconsideed ccefuiiy and ail decoclinons mail lie acnongnd s0 îlot a cluitered offecti s as-nid- erous nil nfu ai 8U of1 nru, la gratitude oMd MYY HITA deep appeeciatin for yonî coninaed foiendsbip, MILTON PLAZA BE LIICE A CANI.E . Smok cmdGiftOLD FASHIONED BUT BAILEY FUELS Smoe EndGit BRIGHT BASE UINE MILTON Tt 8-4821 S O HNN IHAGA SINCERELY WISHES YOU l-T MFONDESTWSE MERRY CHRISTMAS V O G U El FOR ERYOpe ta 0 pm. ncl.SunaysMAUTY SALON TU 8-2461 IIALI...N PATRO WN^Ç H. iiaySeoama od a Peca "ihauk y«n" Io Our rccany gond friandest mope v. coninueIo saere youi POm unI sTAff OF FARMEQUIPMEN REED-REDFERN LTRa RAL 1,ilton FAR EUIMET R 7f4 Rf.~IIn milion Nar (Con"is aninen -hidh ille1 noaecfa Mat-ps wl iblems safle partid. Th to them w art their o the km0i tire tbre n asst ta Pt impression on the Ina ed home. Do we ci if Chrisi' 27, Ma-eh 9 oen iL 9 c orte 'ope 'Lilie epted os 1 "It doanan sous on 2 0 Oswald rogram - lie lot=d, * ihi: have <£on"in (Coullous This yeae yoId th. mg and îlot mas sioey do ei'ecy V radio siaio eran Heur broolicoil i esiimated 115 coLosîcis !li Chcistis b5' the Lai carciod on i ivoclis hal. Gospel li ln puni 'speciasb le guceenis ais have a iodience, liritiaus i siasi and po I1 Our ueo go ail o IH CH i