Mnny Cheitmse nmds aud nuetom ae Puet of the follore.£ ose eseestosiet parsof te old. Montraf Stom, Smn, ae-s mixotue cf ast Chretiatn asp pgC5 obsevances abieb thon and Chrietattsy heve glass smo raonat. gantts Clos. Or Paneetuen fisse nf gis, la Utile mnon olsewee In Ste mnetd. le Eseran SooSen Eureope, ill theSb Wise Mes sos aretve beasgtsg oPfta. In Hunegary tse gite coae feum thn ans. Sn Poted Bns Oe .0e..Se bene, Si. BaoeP Sa tbe gittsnus-log paton Pepulse traeon se t St the e caendis, ne glaen Ses undtows ai Chtaso te e euetn o nated by oas-tp Cbeitattee Su mor the colea reprsensted Ste ese ISsoS gsiddd the Wise Mes Su Ose etable eit Betlehsem. One Intereetig legeait Selles sesns- mo, sbssgh Pmn, ls plendeed cade in semindow etnig t t ude eev traeonîe.. Ced ne Ispagted She viattIa thet econ een atadoso once tatOed e lSglsOcd candle. Thse houpy bshls long ameelated solOs Chri-stms and ulOs mony teXende s nef mesPaed Ose hoty.noets. bcuese in ls natureol stase Ose beres etpen nS Chistemas urme. Mus Wasoaln now, sobSeh todSdso rse nts poncuteI i tot Suaven coinseto s frane seeent Saxsn . Wasseeumas asod of greng soltth meane; liteeSly, "WhIso Ruile?", ne -Hon gare yon?" AS Chrsltmas bome, traditios of Osae(bld Wos-ld Oaa nosain. Pinaillez. devezansd festne eseoso uhains fOun South Europeghat sbeavcleson. t-oee aed oeeand wSod fram Sao0freoleneonSec ennoe, stare. Cehoslovaldee belle and gold les-mon etars aos aII bits of Old Woetd aorna ehtsae-ee-ente lnomlomes. MRR CURIsIMM lMors contes Sant s mtlt a peck ni Chrsteas w ebes for evens-on. TRI-COUN TYr JL ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 181 Maie TU 84705 221 Main THOS. DEAR SHOES TR 8.6902 eltsIyflood of bele rin out our sleCere boni wis la ail ose frlends. for a veoy Merry Citmasl KN IGHTttS -DRY CLEANERS LTD. 300 Main Mime" TE 8-9941 Busist Postal Office Decorate Table ln Santa Claus, Indiana Spray "Snow" Santa Claus is the specia Many of to lettes reses-cil For the party-ttinded, acs-wt friend of the Young' whchlare an forcinon agrs, but.'sns'sao btse ln masing makes il ottty fitttnp thatshcpstntaterEbertEgenkcen tossoifSanta Clausssassamed 1 t..ststetdofmons anes-by not'el table decst-atotts frot such by eildren. Today, thostands of St. Meinrad Monaste-y and tf, simple matot-ists as pnectes, children frost aIl parts of the translate. Att-sers to foteign' btoghs and sprigs of hoits-. Color- mos-Id write ta Santa Claus, c/o letters, tIse posimaster explains, fut ceotet-pieces for cittdletligt San ta Clans, Indiana, and each are adapted ta tbe different s-'.%- suppets ca bse stade ssilb a short of tteon reces-es a eeturn ltter oms aod ideas that ebjîdren of legtb of bis-sh lo, dril]ed la hold fromtSanta Claus himself. otter lands may hav-eabottth- The stage mas set -for this holiday season. red candles attd then spray-d happy situation more than 100 Pron11py ihth nw yeors oa.a The ctizes ot tIbis zoa eîy sihth ow small Indiana toma more ga!ber- The Amerieao Legion aI Sanal With a litts- ingenails- antd cd ta select a nom ouste for Isete Çlat bandies the lette- ss-ii.- imagination the nametahes- s-il eosmoonity. Originotly, t, taon operatioo eachbChistma, senOd-use thtewhiteand oor-d snoste ealled Santa Fe, bat postal aoth- tap a persooa] repto tac casbsbis-t n 'spray painting' simple Chrit- orilies suppested seleeio of an- eh bas i-lded a returs ad mastdesigns on aisdotepanesaor otber name becoose tbere at- dress. ready wsas a Santa Fe in Nes Aduîts don't write ta Sant ssurae.C-otpe r MeSint. s-ardbaard mas ssan bs-madfrists Mexico. Claus, butman oftbem dothase s-as-b coltra-s- TImelp Aeeivai Ibeir Cbristmos cars-d matleri Commaity leadersssere co.from Saota Clos, Iod., so tbev Fur bs-st rstIs, the aerasat sideringoa mber ofomesafortoittbearlbno nusoat postmr.sno soud bo sps-avedtfront the tassa ssbn samneone drsesss-d ln al], tbe busy Sonta Claus post a distan-ce of about 24 os-bes os Santa Clous ecame in. Imme- office boodles mdl oser 3,000,0lt0 - tbe preater distance. tbe tfn- diatels-, tbe cbildreo in tbe o'td- pies-es of mail darinp tbe bolides lis-r the depsit af siioslatect i ens-e sbouted "Sana Claus'! sesn Il "Santa Claus"! The adaîts__________ ___________ Iboupbt tbe -name sounded fine, so the toma ut Sonta Claus tees bora - Business booms in tbe Sana Claus pont offie nos-b year as Cbristmas approa-bes. Lal year tbe pont offis-e bandled wetI oser 10,000 Inîters oddressed to - Iba old gentlemn mils tbe s-ed sait and swbite wbiobns-s - and oas-b cbild ssbo ens-losed a retuad- d-ess-nseiedoaper-sona]s-epls fromt Saota Claus bimself. Handy Wreath Asi-e s-oas bange-, a Pets sprigs of oeergreen and a tes- minte ofvor tme- t's aiYe need to fasbion a ds- orative s-terg-es-n ssreasb.? Leasing tbe book aI tbe top. simps- fanhion tbe baogos- ino a round rtng. t'asteo the e-es- gs-sens ta tbe s-top sslb beasy tlsread and a large needle. Spriolthe lboses-reon ssitb aersalsno belote haopinp tbe ssrealb. '144 odd o0 u noce thse couse... wisbtng ail nue gond trends a veeplllneep Chrismas! FROM AIL THE STAFF AT FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE 171 Main TU 8.933 - s -s' ~1 b 1111y ouI ri-lelnlrancel O/11L~ IriILay s-eaJon 4-inq JoSu TRAFALGAR MOTORS MANAGEMENT AND STAFF 409 Maie TU 8-2369