Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Dec 1962, p. 26

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as on. Ioenssh. sa elle- * . lm6 SURROIJNDED BY MIS FRIENDS as a familier gent (et tbis lime Jparaîf was the annual eas of year arysuay) sho dropped ito a party et the Marlin St.' i ompany employeas' chusc High School Saturdayefiternoon. Tegent es Santa, and the tothe funand here we Ka.x W.M.5 Yul. Mfut Choose Mrs. W. 1. Dick Life Membe Duel: guin The Robrtsoan Auxia %ut oi at ofha Sourt Amuian inaaguwitChristma, as A liaru uof Knox W.M.S. hald hi Ch rirtiaz, M "' Willian, E. Nixau aras aattat aon. Christm.asmeeting at flic hurne Saithe mi-iara , uthCaadiaii -litM\a. W. L Dikaith ai Mrs. Gladdao Robertsrn. The Churitianu-. ararabctship." rai spiril t ofChta'iua prarait- Mr. Nixon rcalled fic cd aaidh thefetiveadaaunatiuîr, Tou Commercial 'aaar t .aithrlriceaithl as 1llle presidaent Misr Eua Mi, L.E.Dixan ca 1 i Oik basgiu'rtu tlîh 4 Chishtmri uprard tha mrratarg sh'aa Message au Charirrman, Missiuaaar Society uvr fi uith the Cat tu Wurship. trusui hugiumnug u'ith tua purris; "The yarsu cuunturiug tu tim lit "Christmas Service utWa- Bahakar. at loas, and "The!uo odus wrua nt i any lhip' in theGlid Tiding,, ard Chrirtra S iit" A-s she %\-ut AIIa Mas. Rurrsnpu al prale unr deeaynur'dat- on. sil amt'hiazdtfic pnrsrea fire mrrra'hiirpin, Mars standtirg (if ha Birth ui Chrisrt, Ihat cuîuaraiiuiii irir has auahug a, gratII laker ha s - tha arunpiritual nrarrag ut Christasr hluuriug rut file true!kindly thuîkad hai ladies. Christrau. mc.ningar, ra ah fou muh raraaaaa Theauirgirg ut hc ,caatu 'ja% on Sauta Claur. lurad ai l ru Spouil Servlro tu thehfiald, he Lord is rarraa heaat hriirg titati %%itt,îtha ti.; Thisrlimanl 'Chriutas ruas foalaasdhbaa biathusiarar- o' sradpirit ofGt's Laaa.sie nî.iWurhipr.'iarhilas perid; rport uer licrd t ndiaifianrae ftraattaauaaIzp-"d ha Mas. W. Stutur*d, tir pad oin auntu en 'ta tîaa , pe para fi utad n iepesdnMnr. n lu $20 lu Erraruai Hatl, sr urgent. %uata.a aus. Beratiet ncfs Sprariat Moud w ly radad rat iui Cîrairtaer soat .andt kirat, aha î,ge, -_,e aiusausig Irrarar ha tha Ica AGE-OLD STORY kica ratua ta uthaits, r ut airizan ut Snt aat Chrismas iniebu Miaph hS Alrr ir ginguutaahrintmrn.uathtttrutTauraîurmpni prid craut "Whita Shaphar-d, uataird i'era ru Lin5 ahaaI thimar air tuaia ihuiir trocks hu Night-'" i saaaha atracracd, tilatn h ltuar cr an hi lhuughts'turrod hati lu ,aaicheunrtaaîta untudtiuN aridauuboiaugBfrtut'aai tlighlonga go, uI,,artha-.fur, Tharasai patutthabcnaatiu".arrani rsrtn haurkaer shurra a, briuhi atmr Bathiaharar, \ase thaeraiîact ina taup-b han ar thu ta ahai ar du as he agrid, %et eaaaanw .i ofioai Saiata Bri a, u- fuldard uraa mura. The ]aurlaa, Mr. D. SmiIiie raaid vraoa 20-23 frusu Matheta', Ch. ha bn Luk %u-cad fi]- SINCERE THANKS loscîd hr tha ru'aaart-tara tara inunoi "0 Latia Taaaaar ut Butataîrara" To ail the baflds, float sponsors, mejoret' mur saura ad a iara ,mauileaa' clowns and others who peClicipatod in peotiard "Tia [ira art tira Wua'ta" raa lt ha tirhe rir Santa Claus Parader and to the dozens of vol Readart5ýrr.aaata airarairrahatur radias, cah traîrarrag a trir eers who assistgd in any way to make the irafhan tara Mrs T. Bradtaa' ae de e ucg lt Christi ar, - Ma',. P. W. Coaok, tha aurua art ira Afin Chararr- leu. - Mn,,. Johnu McKarN, tiha MILTON AND DISTRICT r . SANTA CLAUS COMMITTE Dandy Dusters' Party COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON TO EVIEVONE FrnaIîres ~'Sow Trira The sith meeting ut tira tHoan- by DandyrDustrs'%uttcubteliai rira homeaof Miss LvnardLeunaat,r1 Orarînit 8 rat 9.30 ram. Sarara msanrarr prarn Io an- abarth r.11 cait Shartaz amrapi, ' ut te fiap Iirth zmuti -ln Tha aatrcz aurai tira- aru. di, ,,d for'.A t a tira Carra-e %,nu airaro oura a ara aie tha hait. Tar-a I tia ta rt aat A:r t ,,, t ata'- rat i pad. Hatr l aaarat a r,, aae Dataurill I d t,araartat utn air, Miltaon Daata tr, ~ Ii,. Hair tarai Ictir tir arrm t i nd il',. racbu %, ira 1,, tfrt raai1 a., t ifuadrtut ta. Bu il' arr . rati a but.] an trr lita r a' ,tt, a,l t' ar a. braululll Ma. 11- Hatir d trtuati, bcd, air, Thot i piiaa ar t, tata te iii rr Il il a art girsti tao,i,i,\ td ,tttra h r aatttaa tta \ o, te. bang, vrhich ilhru t'a sirt tiff yuarr ia 1871. SINCfBELY WtSH ALL OUR CUSTOMî f ANt' FRIiNDS A MERRY CHRISTMAS ana H APPY NEW YEAR BrnRIdgeway IHating Beatty aid Icanami WaIea 0311? We S Extend rpTo One And Ail Our Wermest Season's Greelings Togellier Wîth Appreciet ion Of Your Patronage n Tite Recent Months PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE' MILTON Narrative of That First Clhristmas us Ageless The man and hs yug surfe hbtraneed lu ha lte manoger. The wsra falfilila Bethlehem Epra- Herod Wao Dyiog stopped at the ion, Ibis limte ask laoked ru diltaruot: tirea ait otr-1 iedge apura whiuhwils beâceved tati . .. our ai lime sili He The pelest ws veiledt and re iag if a baby hradt beau haom or furuitias struggltug itt the the IrfanL Chit L as first laid rame fanlh uto me ihatli lu hoe purted ltse sers ta the insane Yes, suas the anstrer, hetora, il urt o darabrap loto that Christ- iu nraddling bauds ris nom raser- rater ira Iraet.' King Hleoad, misa had been dying lthe ong mas ulgt. Errept, porttuys, thet ed uirth marhfe. Josephi had ual realized au of a nrastisg disearir for a year. Pad o nage h ifie omauarassurrly epeliu I a Biblical days, ItnoirMary meutyhelnged telthe Hoseuf Tise king qsiooed the Magi Doasutgteir girsifromntheî auchitd. AtIghsausaflts d Joseph iredap tra ae1 Devid util ha and Mary rearir adosaît' esktngtrem tal toit if saddle pouahes, adorsieh bhisd thrm in the bitta. The the 90 miter halsuarr Nazarethr ed titr out. Soute fomilios more lOsey fournd tira Baby. Tire mad selves mithiiwiayeilr nitysua jramed suit pepleanad Bethlehem. Why wuad a sleepingaegainat lthe ins walt. kinag fearod tIsaI, if the nemo werethrruhadliesem rrylyr w sume ith ie Eperopl oraa advanaed ir proguaary Esery fild, enory housesuorfil spreed att oser Jadea, the people ls rreidl bpae edirt, ru suber the mas isoaa ha trarvelling saal o distancre? IL lad suth peuple - some lay dowo swuaddsn. ietml a ielieCritrid ly io s os the iras daur, asona ruom suas suas harause Empeor (aar Au- ira the valray emia h uigbra asosi the lae. rdsrd hmslesl Jeh Lttent. Firally. thas oo the Ibariay gartos hud orderd a eous Att shrap. The irraieeper's suife, fort"l dteslvstl oeh shetter tbey raetd ftsd, a ara Roman subjraIs frau tho Rbiora i the ahill of titr nigit~ ai Tire Magi rostiaaed ar hoir mio ted lire iside. TaI sod tan the anaimais. ru the Jordanfrhad ta retors ta suggosted the mou tube his suie amot teain l i ghe m s abin oir fuoied ta te fhlote Tudat', e sitrar star usaraibr tho atilles ut' their fathens ta ho lu the rasa halosu, the rose suitre trfourmiigpgresaotpaidimgol lit C hil map in Lattn gloasus fria the flour aui aauutod. Tl-'ra suad ho lented the autmels suore kapr 'At toast the birth ofai oking ira tse airea. ped ira rottan nlotrs. rp mark tha huîmhle spot suhrafl tir raott. Evrra the lame ahana rhoy suld hare orme pri- Oetting vague ond gnardod ne-1 Ttsy offored ap liseir giflar e Chis uahrn. Il rotids. "H'Hrce hlie hard la m ohoj a srt, hasuroar humble. pies, troy t' onr. Finatit' tbey CrieaanPgTsleu de Virgir Maia Js shi nt'. Braie Jesas' hirttt Joseph Calas oaa-ýHem, ut' the Virgiin Prephece FMifled prayod, and mirera ha loied rap Mar, JabsChrist auhutrn.' oeh ecedn fDvd tasurdtherrasîtosau astranga Pilgnims ramle tri pet' bmara had Ioanolun suiîh Mu taluBath- Muatu hOve stoa th'Moudtinst oec ira Berthhm et the Churrh ut' tahosu the ails ut Ditld hirtit. hoge, hrigitt star. Atse lit on- tiralrltirry rall aar o rat~u tiacylbaorertnup e n et, the Infant gare His first Tha hugo star suas ru hrigbt K e K" abat il rylit the danb siry vil - / ligbt, asueitrg the shopiterds ro ltrod ln a rned eperîmons ira the butls. lu tonrur tire irerdens ~ r athe jeys and rrhafluatodurvr thesalap. ra * ble~~~aayasf ina ual. t'on. bhohld I rng t'ar goud * aq a abie vii so. tidiuas ai great joy i s hoiirrrt! T A NO ' bctoa] eol. orut' ou la TAY O ' VARIETY STORE honnu Ibis dot' irath iraitt'of David 152 Main ii "8692 a Sariar, suhiail Christ tire Lard. RDflS S Andaibis shatlhbcaasignsuttoa.o - Ye nhatl t'iud tire Bobo surappod e Billiard Parlour la saddiog clotres, tydrg ira a mangea." 190 Masn St. Milton Ponsian ead Hebrorr tracts trieli __________________________________ ta isterprat tire star's message. Wirar abat' aareod IL ireratded the r a~omng oiea Senior lu JureaI liey lettheir torts tolu o ilb fot'arhesardiappaare. - Paaitred God r-ed and escteto delegat brn. one lu match fIeirordn,flalras crd lire sar ta Iboiat'. Thet' soit- V MIfh ed, wirere ras lise Mesaiah ire ioend. BSo mt'farers anawered them rudraît, asiig if timy suce mardi frasu tuc murh grapte. Final- ~ r.SIJjJi1f t' tireyt'ried te hui, whora boaja. et or romemirered tise mon and bils idlf tudgiug la tire staele. Oa $à e aStc. shin ansem tmid foot aire rahepird ap- Praed, raagiig In their ram. -W1.eOallinnsi Sre rama. burrasamout. Tiray fanat -5farafo DUl-lr p nidabdall tho moager, marmarisg Crayons -93-$O hsia. Piusît rlespisg thir r anda ho- 'tatasu irîus Niai for pan the bieabi n ofcisdunm. t'ore tramr chets. Tiror titot lofa, Mayp tise endiance ai the Sm of Beahiehern ligse your Preisiraf God for tire ruoudram s Wap tai puace and aoînanamn in the ranag pw. Amuug tire meut' mea rIt'. raf tbe blora - subite star trot PROM THES MANAGEMENT AND STAFF NF nih -e hMgaprMl irr ed Baitirsar. Tht' suere GU K 6 T M ILT N D IRY ichPornosn piiosophers and M1TO MatiAIRY R _97 astrotogors, tire mise mes rai Iboir MEN'S WEAR 16 Mssi SI TE8- co rirn'. 202 Main Si. TIt 8-4472 >.nhaut FORMULA FEEDS DIVISION 01, R10811 lI08 FLOUIRIIS LIIII MILTON TER 8-2311 Maso mlitre r arrive ir Psaint ei Ci~ti pana alr Irraners. Tise hit leXends s c oins oI oae a Czebalo 221 Main ni 300 Main

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