SURROUNDED BY HIS PRIENDS s o foniliar gent lat ibis tie 1 porty was tice anoual os- of yoe aeywayl s-dio droppedi etc s- port ai lice Martin St. compaey emplofees' chis- Htgh Schoot Saturday altoonoon. The gent oros Santa, and theo <o lice fun, and ticote ort Kaux WMA.S YwIe Meet Choose Mrs. W. 1. Dick Life Membefw Oece agaie The- Rcbtsona Anti- ts-cs s-ut the South Amti-te c, ailt Chrs-tmacs, as 1Cct lias-y of Kecc W.MS. icelld it, Chrittattc ,and Mtc. Williattt E. Nixor a c-.salled ce, Christmeas meestieg athe hum,s Ss-s-,t. :teice of lcts CttadiLsent Mdit. W. I. Dih <cilS of Ms-s Gladdec Raics-st-cc. TIcs Chita,. ns-mhs-hiy reai spis-it of Chr-istmas fs-ssait. Msc Nixo c s-sed the eld aosid <ha fs-tive dtscs-etioc,1 Tou Commerciat ver i taithiel service th- athe pracideet Mis% Ec,1 Mr,. L.E. Diceongta Di-hlas gisen te flis-W Chi-holse epees-d the meetingf cpss-sag Meage ce Chrs-itmas, Micciceere Sciety ces ch scith the Cil 1c Wcshsp, Is-an hs-cieeig mitic twa yces "Tht. frs. cac'tsiicolitg 1c <ici tics-Chrsita-. CS-tvice- cf Wcs- Bts-îltdt ni fuas"., and "The cio Gedcs cccsk eimn s-hip on tics Glad Tidlttgc, and l.hrsits Spis-t. As ste.a-tAis Msc Rolrsohs-lccf- a ps-s-es- r las tdccpur-s caidle- os-c.he efhcied hefts-ssctatcatsthe hs-,s-hifin, Ms cýteedieg cf tics Bs-stic of Chrst. Iha- ..ctmnes-t-licwn ics cn tcas-h fî-stlît lakeil tt si -t- thetruc,cpiritetl meacagout Chtiýttct.hlet-icgcot the s-t..uukndl-thtcd hlads. Chitstmasc. ttts-i,tc- -s-h fac, meoi at.-s-c Spetiot Serviee TtheWs-ldlltg t Ile ics-"ovunSan-ticats tClus. sl s-:l tfics-s T hi mh"hiia ccactttllecdhcvacilcucinss 1 ard sfis-it ot Goas Lata, stte 1- Ws-tiip,tltslcc ps-siad; repcstcr sts- r lts-,tsd, crds- i ctd tlts- c ss-- t- fu ltee -, t ai 'Li s-s-s-.pia i ,ti a motioc ltess-d tacs-adia tilt fadeut:s-tlh[ioltsc:-sad,,tcdic t t'stds-tt Moccs ands-t <o 120 ta Ecanegs- I-ati, ta urget- ttctib ics. Bc-patinct,- uefish Stit iscsal scoces--- si! Iv s--ded attibisChrtitas-su- atcs- kicds-lis-ss-- urgea - w s-s s-rci Ps-n et-s-s- icthicat AGn. -OLDl icî-css-twenm tcc-tt.cfs-s- Tics ns-s-iig s-!ss-- wi taEOL aîlt-tc kdtý tact s- pingie cf Cilsent Nifit, a A Tler bcsigcs-i*cs-ccj ac dvf M is-asBeedis-tite. AfW-tha i her a luah.s Cisicat tis- Tht s-us- daym et Tic thons- flass icy Ntgicî. ais-s-s-lt h,t:'lstcs- f11 s-ta s atlunth at scltslm thohts tsnedh a-k s-s-:sshatcs-as-tttfi s-tstad ja. ans-aa-lees-icts-fChs-icîne sifht lons-agattics-ttls-ttts- Tic s-e-t at ufttthe lsms-slt*cf"inn.teisatt booktt as theae-al- %ss-ta cirW %tir- of or Cas-icars Bis-tic mewa- - ______________________ folded oce- mas-s. Tie csl-ad-s- Ms. D.I Cwilit i --d ct.-ts- 20-23 fs-an Mats-hem, Cic. t. ticsn tes-s-t- Luuwr edrspnsvlfl SINCERE THANKS O0 Littis- Totttt aI Bs-tlicameni To ail thie bonds, fbot sponsors, mojoroli mec tacn, ands- -s- lar ts--,adile. t.- clowns and others who parlicipated nr prewts-cgs 'Thes Lis-ht ni-th Wes-td s-at lit î:t tics leas-l. Santa Clous Parade, and 10 the dozens of vol: Bs-sdits-t s-tss-s Its-t gits-c ht, t ladscst.h lis-itiis- ti lans-ti bers who assisled in ony woy f0 moke the Ir le hurs tes-e. Mss T. ts-,ds-sI ts- od osu es psrs-ts-d tht.- tai-s s-t flis O:mi :s-: a -uce tl Chsi:iac: Ms-. fW. Cos-k tics- t-aie s-s I, it.- i-ian Chit- focs Msc Jettn Ms-Ks-c ita MILTON AND DISTRICT <c s- -SANTA CLAUS COMMITTEI Dandy Dusterse Party COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO EVERYON! Features Show Tnp L Tht sixtts :sstlg att[ie 'Hor- _______________ home ti Mist Lycda Ls-as-cs,sî Dessillrsi8-s-at 9.30 c.m. 5t-S-tt sme s-t--i -ail Cres:i tuan-! u of tic s lip cttt.c ans- c--s d:.ct-:cd tas- ilita ChIts-s-: <ces-. gis- s- s-s- tflos- as-t s-sa s-s- tic hais- Ts-,.-s- s-I s-icscs-s it, , - p.: t- s-H st-- ..t.. c I usccs- t-ttlth, s-a-I is-s-:t its--. tics-c s-s-s- s-ie " ta , Mu-a-s s---ils-s ias-s M l s-s-ten Was:ds-slit s-Y--st-& ---sitl To One And Ail Sas-k ta Ms-. I-itis :,las-s ils-a: tead att al is- ,ýis-s-,ss-P. Luc-l t:.s s-ss-:-s- s-ss-ss it -s-i Warmesî Season's ics s-a-s undsss ss,--- a adc s-:,s--s Greetings w.s-hsabot 12 s-,it ailt s-ls-s- Togeîher WiIh gis-lt, it s-ccd c l --- tt-lt (1.glits ms-s-s-sd._____ Appreciof ion hors-. ctic-h s-sls-ic::s-sd is fssc Of Your Patronage t,ge e-tacs-c1871. In The Recenf Monîl-s SINCERELs- WISH A ORCUSTOMI-ISP AZ AND FIINOS A L Z MERRY CHRISTMAS and aLUDEES HAPPY NIEW YEAR LUDEES Iidgway Heuting MILTON Deols>- aad Zaooaazf Water PMapo s fi moshroom watts, with greos yL fiemly pîantlns &ie oitiodhois pinks ond hins in ophofstery iiiey Love 'I soods they do ot eat. C om p lem enti ng R oom ond rog. This wootd ho sct off Boys are fond of nidstletoe ho- Th tap rou<t fhe SedBDJ By Christmas Lights coei i euiu pastel f for. onotetiklae n r Feel like tryiog soosrthiog 00w moct unosool aod hoaotifot cf- cdt off, thcY instantf hecm h ht-oro latsre ______ andI differeot <hi s Christmos? Ts-y forts coo ho achiecod ery rosi- whi te os sosealts - a Iovely do- as winter food for moctsfog hirdes, DEC»ICIG TUE IMItA decos-otiog yoos-tree seitsssrof ]y hy cttoosfg tho rfght color coratito light eveo wheo «et rohios andwaccfogs. Thes aoallt Docoratssg cclth red and ren the octo colors and stylos of for yoor troce, togethor scith col- boroioe. hfrds are tresttoosihie for the traditios1at a Christmsas, tae Christmas llghtst Bot doo't Joot osrd ffghts srlccted to compte- Mlways Attrsetie spread of s-tcdmoeiog Porasitle- hock t nthe earty osa oft med choose ooy cotors ont off - <o ment the room drcor. As o geocrat rote of rhomb, After catfeg tho hors, the hfrds horrfed -rc ol a'ok the get a roafly hoaotffof effoct ft's Te>- GoId Tree hosecer, the gond old roaurfi cean thef r heaks on the treos, haffs. hest <o stady <ho decor of fhe For fostaoce, if your livfng greeo troce coesed wf 1h mmced ______________________ room. your'trocs wilI ho fio, the room hos whffe wafts aod furtif- Gfow figts wfi ofwoys ho a<- crf or schooto of <ho sealf s furoif- err ophofstery and rogs in horst tracecve, os any monm, and in any tore and rug, hoforo yoo even oraogo ood heige shaden wf th decoratfog sehemne. ae e porchase tho troc dos-k woodwork, try a gold prant- A word ahoot gotd aod sffvr An teecoori Smeoft c d troc decoroted with med trocs: Use ilhoot carefuffy, for 5~ Aod roccotrs! orn of<hoSparkfc fights oof y. These arc a lttey can he a very strolne feo- hoaolifflmgnta rd wtfctar trof aroom. Theyarcrah - glass, thaï roally do sparhtc. They or sophistfcarcd and auit atarg- - h tt a are on the market <hi s year for or lfviog rernî dono in more for- the first tifmc. I'd snggost yoo mal style or a hatlway. They are pors-hase the string and socket tovely as a ornalt troc, particol- .Mro sepst-ately, theo select <ho orly in o smnatl aparsieno whero med Sparkle lighîs to fil1 the they. wfil stand out seithoat ho- gte wsedd sockets. comiof <ou domioan. A licing room withhblle wals Try your handoltfit,and yootl ecinintt ond forsttro and s-ce in hloes, diseover that deeoratfisg theVU m greens and mwhito, would look Chefstmas troo can ho roalfeeas s-oolly attras-tico with a Christ- wrtl as lots of fan, osprrfally hy ma rIne paistod white, aod de- hleoding the osoy oew colosn thappi*of scrotcd wiîh torqoise and greeo aod styles of Christmnas lights Ose strosses Light Ieligh<s. These are also sow as-allahle. ne bsyear - o large globe n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aed ho Sphl chis. f ft thaf" yoaahiorl svri.Weo lit ardy ctro atwy gaty Yappfad for beuiu itry lota ï qil tifhl d e ratihsAilves sew csis. M.yh thaï Ctheese spirit aof A ion l firm e aod in thoyl bar m apr ForIF~ a he ad itoa lvn rOte CIumrustas disrvneu on hogee mas <n hien fo : <ho gsol cwti tema.BinB s e ltr&G n ri nuc firthr im ohnlkete alusth phudf 0fevold ifan S n~aeo<rlr necotooso wih ant icot or nalu d ha hsn as- aymxt opp f <od goren telo o romant. wih an isted ofay srehal hoid forh Iuihns r -.l -free grain th rs a f lo Le adefiort co.4r< <* ohied with hodadwie-too or oto lhl pod- lighte ic hogts li hsen seos Mayate coe add-tmmofjkn O ~ lghs cdidnaly aaiien maohoe pensysm R- GUA noe s-hopped cnet, etc. thy r sd first <hoin pl d p o nt * 1. Trdte oa c ai heia nsis I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~qracoles placeshote ofr fraien- ed<atesf lpcstedn ie ~~ aed hitste of cet bo mes ni te eW otra ;L gr~~sc<~ -ainop, us hirds ate fots. MLTONPL 263 Mats BILL DON ERTY SUNOCO SERVICE ______IT 8.9725 222 Mats DURNANRTAD TE 8 94448 For The ho sny ne% home. Wl for childts danger fr ase soi ftho short The hig nias troc wrPplog. duty of a thoir titiS responsihi Section Code of seho uns paies a c loi yo M do MILi RADI K TR 8.44 M -J