SURROUINDED BY HIS FRIENDS la a familiar gent lut this limeiparty sous tht asîoui os of yoe aslip e-ho dropped ino a purty ut tht Martis St.ioompuvp emptoyets' chili. Hi1gh Schooi Sauordlay ultervoot. Tht gent wus Santa, und the 10 the fun, and there mort Kaux W.M.5 Yale Meemt Choose Mrs. W. 1. Dck Life Membei Once agaio Thte Rbtson Auxi- %iiiof ailh Sothl viii Chrisimis. as M [lu- -v of Knox il.S hoid lis Chrs is.and is. Wiiii, E. Nixon a. as itid on. Christmas ceeting ai hol hoil . thet %ice.i ci tic a.iizt.dit iset Mis.W. i. Di.kiath uf Mrs. Gloddet Roeison. ThetI Ciiîio isoshivisip.' iol spirit of Christamas pieail- Mis. Nixon eai ic cdoesidlhheiosi'tdoi.oatioos, Ton Commercial 1,,.,eislfiaistlseice t-h; as tht presidnt iss Esi Mi.LE. Dixon gaieain i Dic as ogiveotuihe W Chishoic opttod the coetiiot stiin Messageonts Chrisisl Missiolats Soietay asti il iith the Caou Io Worship, [rom bcglsoog oi h tis patIs; 'The, yors. cotribuiO la this the *Chrstvms erice'io iti Biri'iiiii.ofiJisus',i an'Th!iof I ork in tiiv ship' in tho Giad Tidings. and Ch ivil sSpi As siie iionIAiiut Mt,. Ei,,IItsao pic a piasor lit' ai tiitper osdiin,vhv'iip.s ie ilat lie oitaihip pin, Mis standig oifli I CofIl I bli îaiii.mmIiiv ha i s 't ihtîigi-catisiiito hsi - the truc, spiiitui niciasîii f aiChrîsiîo.i, hias'ssg toui fic, îltruisd ih.iiked hol lai.v Chtristmaos. me.40jg sîsîti îlot î.i uc Spatal or i.athe World ti.hLi I i,î ic t,v hoitg liiu vif, thei iht i Thsai Crita paiaS rteporit, -r, ai. ial -id i-s4ioi.itati0iiii. % ih1Il M Is W. S i iait1diii tu $20 tu Esasgei Hall, soi uret: i isih't vigr-a Sc paiua sels so ho,.Icc] cieutdli ly ntaded aiiisChtistima.s sea antdikitii.vitoipaii luig ive l h j i ~ ~ ~ m cither hitsvoi îvoî fi.ol Siiosi Nighi, a- AGE-OLD STORY ki siiiss t liii nul ius ai Mîoyih Bersodici.. Atir'b ihoving ioî aht..Christmasliîme.hbut c.h ~a o The usoa vvr pioi carvi "Whit Shtphtaîis îsîaiîaii Ille %>a. I I lsg hi.'stlh singv i %vsti1aiaala . ibtia~~~~~~~~~~ cloush hilunc 1iaoi.stilas li i h ofi Chrisiril lhaouhisiaaved hal, tokihuîsluriiiiîî h îîîîi.dja îvtiai.sSivotai nigt long ago.iihen Ill iai*, The novi pari oihi mein n t,.i, hcore 'ii short sa hil îghi st Bethlehem ta, f5lit iiithii.ii in K,,p. hi s,1 îî%tîî ha (Ioiid as tht ageoaii. it i-e ti af toi Soai"-s Birih aun foidad oince morei. Tht leader. Mas. D. hmili rotS itises 20-23 front Mhai Ci. t. ihnese Lull wce radCh.pnii.'îîîîo SI1N C ERE THANKS isosod ha [le t i-it - c "0 Ili Tours ai Btiliiini To ail the bands, float sponsors, majoreti was 'i.' an hg aiitlle> lu clowns and others who participated in yaasooîiag "Tht Liglii(I Illeii Worid" ai. lit hi the iead.ia' Santa Claus Parade, and toi the dozens of volt Readinf. îîtio illo giveii lis toii isdiai, Ic.ih iiglitirg iJlo feers who assistod in any way to make the p in hier itar. Mis. T. Bi .dii.' 't' paaseaied Ileice ct i ilia 0 il.- ado a SuCcesS. lai ChsisIiaos -Mivý P. W. CIlî the. viso cil the Aiii',i lh !ans Mia. Jaii McK.îî ii MILTON AND DISTRICT Il -I . SANTA CLAUS COMMITTEI Dandy Dusterst Party COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON TO EVtRYONE Features Show Trip Tht sixîh sooaiog of suic 'Hotu ____________________ hy Danda Doviats'iedahtSi theo homeofiMiss vda Lcaaaiiii1 Datoishos t as 9.30 a.m. Si.'saa ser th hil sal]..i 'Showî a saiopit tif thi. slip :liîiih ani dis g,îo ai c i s i liii. lisi t itt ie ili Uts u le las ' Pi lins. mio etiii"- 14 o ohe h l. 0 , Doi f i .i i sot li huiîîîi a itai andîîî hall I l rl îîîîî 14 ai i M I , . ,, - l i' I l halcla M_. i itM îîîou'it son Io ciliii iaiîîtheîio ,ii.ii 1 Soasn hallot it l iii ýu., il i litihovGree lm, d ng-l liadAanr.1daton Lu idhs-, îîîîîî of. TubetSeso tJ hasgur anifl.otî.iî sIîi fYu arng hINCffI .- Wbu 2ilhai oehrWt MENRRY HISMA HAP anda LAUNDRE-EASEi APP NEW YEAR Ridg.way H«sting MILON etl and Jaccai Wter Psansp "Merry Christmas"-tIie WhoIe World Over Have you ever Itouglst ofiliehîs Ip at Christmastitoe. On ers put out a slseat of whesat mas 22 days altead of lime, seltI Yearas Dyfor Ilergifa x speodiog Christmas ashere il ait Chtristmas Eve, goides assist visi- stock on a pole, and Il daso' dIl Masses. carolling aod fast!- changes. a thr . began? Its far casier for today's tors in fioding tIl way about lers ]cave ctonhoi on window vals. The climax of the ceebra- Vatimi Arrivais wortd traveiler tu joarey tu Sel and Ibis yonr at 9 pcm. loading sitis. Here alsu is the land of dloos comte on Christmsoa Eve In Plerl Rico, Sassa Clama bhlchema, hirthplace of the Christ clergymen and tosco officiais will home-mode decorutions aod eshen the Iraditianal "Panonulo-. rides throVgs the sarmats of ld cIl thao it scas for the Wisc welcome lourists at a receptiao Christmas trees ltdnt with rcal yan" il lseld. This pagleatnt fea son Joan t th e Plaza de Acmas Meo of old for wttom it l oo ithe commooity centre. candies. turcs acoupledressedas oseph for the traditimtal breaklng or dass. Jet aiccraft britsg the hl Gsiety ln Euroepe Torch on Siigth and Mary, re-enactlng the Christ- the "pisata.' a hoge bag hasgssg cal city scithis a day's jourooy Europe, lâchera esay of the O the morsliog of the 2Sth mas Evc soarch for shelter. overhead and fitllae itl caody af North Acerica. wettern worid's cat cherished everyose cites cily for chorch SizradsCrsmsEeh-adgfs n hlroarm Duriog the Christmas seson, Christmas customs origioatld evcs NoIailmyma Switzrianh thrigis s Ev fb r a he gifts n the sili s sitmbe Bethlehem fl alîve wilhi the color ut li; goyest dsring the Christ. rowing accola - thoe fjord tu helo tu urco the fait tuPaa and pagcaolry of the alysecta mas seson. In London, Paris, charch. Particularly Iotureqot midghsrie.Ttstam Dittercot climates throoghoot mho travt lhcre tu orlebrato and Rome and pillcr oarge cilles, the ar th prdm s rcies e tht thth servced ati lirtstmaslime worship. Chtristmas trocs arm holiday seasion is a whirt of con- Swedists coontryside, whert vit- cayimrsvenZoih hrecause Santa tu Vary bis mode of hrightty decoraled ulong tht crîs, fairs and markets, Ontietltagors ride tu church in horst. the hello are highly harmonlloon. arrivai. In Puerto Rico, he r sîroots (they are rarities in rites and hrilliantly deooaîa drawo stoighs wiîh torches 10In the mouotaio canton of Valais, rives hy helicopler. At olher homcs - thc crache is tht contre shops. Thoro are imposing ser- light Ihoir way. On Ch rnma scil i cac competition is held. places ho comai by oatrlggtr ta. of ctvit -em) tnyshos ice i Eraps ril caie Il Fiish"Sar- by"mi teahvillage trying to out- nue doohoy, sampan. pedicab - aon ihrtligioos ohîets drals. the ouaîryside porsraying the rings tecisa Afe mdng o ahoond ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as ssl o ohr Agelrechsso h oi ieMo fttEs n ig hir facites gLa thIle r on din tht north, of course. by carved in olive woad an ohr Agetrepai nterl-Ws e fteEs n i round il tables tu ett Ringli thecdloa lib ot peai iodigctîous produs ofu glouas aspet of Christmas is tito lng Chrlstmas songs. Du-it n osnssrex ay, thd enlday the aloutilsd the hif cilles. Pasants A charmiog featonre of Swe' dristhd Downnt Me-c aay, Ibdhlia Mailing SbIh in ntia l costuames carrying deo's holiday seson, lat Santa Lo-, lie. "Postada parties - rt-toast- Froc cidday uotil midtighl on ligbîed tombhes and shephords cia Day on Doc. 13. Tht eldoat France stars ber Chitmcas monts of the Holy Pamily's Christmus Est, thetîown is fillodl ollh sheir lamba mcad their way daughters in hoasoholds lhroogh. sessonn on SI. Nichotas Day, Dec. search for libelter - hego in raid vsilh processionuts, chanting. nos throagb the countryside in pro' cat tht country alvtn tht h. Children coceive gifla of caud Decembor. The 'potada -both. ing lighls, and shifling collors as cession to tht chorches. facilies foc breakfast in hall on thal day froc, Ptre Noel - coco a stries of sangs and pro. one colohrasiog tedt succeeds an. Each of tht Scondinavian l0c offre, Lucia boss aod cakes - "Papa Christmas." Tht Christmas cessions, climaned by tht break- othor in tht churches, ctWlts and tries bas ls Ilv Christetas tra* ab Ihl sioga "Sata Locia". Tht trot il becoclng a coco and tng ut tht "botta" a Clay and frottas. A special il is dition:s, thoogh lhey share casl Christmsas tret stays aroosd in more paputar decoration in jug stuffod viil glfts for al,. botd in tho facoos Church of tht coccon soructicos. Fiolaod has Semden util Jan. 13, whos the Fronco, hut tht croche, or na- Throsgboat Latin Acerica Ihere Nalivils at Manger Square, tas "Little Christmas," tho last ornoconts are ssripped off hy thetlisity scono, iîll is priedocinant. are fiestas galore and tolorfal pa- thooabt la bo the oldcst Chris- Sonday in Novochor. ahn broolîdren. As far as gifts arte voncoroied, gtoolry sarroonding religieux il an structuro in tht wortd. Christmas ires first uppoar atd Acrttss tht world, tht music- Christmas itacîf la for tho chil' cvccocoraions of tht hirth of Prohahty tht esoîs cosiog part the parties hcgio. Frocn tht ho. loving Fijians atart Christmas dren. Tho adlolis mail ontil Hem Christ. of o Christmas visit lu Bthle- gionine of Decemher in Norvéay, Dayol- oftnt 2a.. -by______________________ hem is ai midnighl Christmas noarmal coals gise way lu tho singing crel Their bolidas Est ohes Il oharch ht'lv ringf Jloboard (Yulo tahle) - dinoors menu lat n1 ral chichon and - fo iesao nd as-hoad hohbgoi ai.fttroon and duespîlaga. but socklisg pig oii siofisg tarots ait Shop. lasî for bours. coe nptoes bards' Field. Froc Scandinavia tctms thtoe d epIors Nazareth, mher Jea cpo harmitte cotIses of sitari Th Laýngflnttdben Crit grla deal sof Ms s.idod ls hiîa ith tht hirds. Fores TtPiipne ei hit <I K.e Dui A saf son ala ins urgs de actff The fi Cautions 1. Ket billt fr tlces. 1 peoplel Ilangeroi 2. Be 3. Disi matersal gouda ai bockro eieared aIiy. 4. Smc In specit S. Sofa et, clert ahould 1 wbat t0 ployees 40OMil Mill St Main Si L..î, _- . _ 1 1 ci