rr, flrn Nw Vulwph, AIts ÀAw lud., Chistaus Prcels i. liut use wrpis pie 2. Pit taper te the profession. bouigitin la steu? Doeil be a Pcayr. rppckage Ii caifeenciaf. tise mailpaper, clatit . a pie.AMite, cepy taper. eluncinunc fuit, crepe taper. esc. ilraftsmc or esgiceer. citari pa- . . . . .1 . 101111, wa mantbep l a. Iaie lb au.n or i kad naet.duam estu aisi e at m ame DdtIxan d *ha r la ao hie ; nt. . 0 , "b. lits. liaotesx trena M peintu nid duan,ý MW"p Oen Plral 0 etan"pirtiel, îhex soeia-i an 5e naiUa MoWcrit Whou y«a bannao lit lisaaxi usd1es opb Iecrentm aa11117? au1 Wunall b«a the neauapra dian el ce ane then Chstasc texe lisba ceni es exreexn arseean g Main Srnees. W. omexalletue gal caiu curanecae au me galbe sresaxi fee &l eue beoadn. Ose trobsitn ixet axns tola n wey. Wa bey giOsa tee peen ala fr bciadya and aeicireaen lis lasa. bxt Ile cx lte sane. lailis ie bmaoiri m mes us. bettI apy. We tues mien bvy ele tippt thons woues ba. . tpt an. et l bubt Zan irnIsoax5 it:xpr' Mox cnes ap sso.Iabiathpy aia eskiit mnd itielana stoit tpue. an, m n iotlant o teen Wamhaid cneort ccd a quet eaîntetenen tedt yia doWiniced atywiteee elle. Titexei liI nsida. tee msetd mite lxx mmd ced, aSie, and teou aid saas and eby nmn fer eemnrnd. Titi meckeelca aille eiediee autm teoi eting a humasble tripe. lna clangxetge of tiel eme. Yeue laies migae baside peu ccdt axddeiy pouar cen te te ery iofyurtn. ltencxlxuxpou knm. ... teai yoe gelsd15. ... tee loue Chriatmas spirli. Wite oncey iteat ycu bacc teun aroiam xeacerenclonaeti 5M... o pihnw... Ga? Screc Gond. Yeu hiew i ail lta Once. Te Charistaspiart deencina franc Benne, axe dea Il cama e expa ma esarent. lx soese only mion init of ua, teougit me malyhae bexas cmions ce targnicut occfica eue laiSsa la Mn prises nid gxedcen cc ans irsi t.n eue hipea la hi wite Mmli laceer and lioee. Titen me hie the Chitas Oii. ltae muai wundeet Oeaig la te mield. MMeG, MUT, PAT AND RON ARG'SvP RESTAURANT 175 Main E. TI 8-6943 * lee Clirtalmia bay la 0meco mdbrigt. Mei of daligi MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE tir main 1I 4211 Millen per. Executive,are ofiso 6. Atwoys make ahow for pack- orcamenttfor nose;cut eesfront proeaioxal atatioxecy. News- age scparately. fter you htave whbite popor. Attach lire savr for paperman, lise patier bac worax pusoribbon on box and knotted t tiris". Cut huit tromn twc places on. Satestxan, order forma. of rod paper. cnte together. 3. Pind tkissgs to give package aecarely takle freah length of rit- I o itfr . i lm? a lle extra. In thte 3-and-l5 you boa. Loop bock axa fortb severai S. Gt a orni!fo can old fa mco co bey artifictat ftowera, inex- timos, keeping cellter piced in mattow, attacit ta top of pack- pensive jewettery, glass soy axim- tigbtty belmeen tkcsab and ring. age las, etc. ers of teft bond. Benni a short 9«Take anepty papr tooel 4. Usxe ribbox ta bigtnttgbf the piece of spoot wîre aroundicentre crr Fit a ornait or flexible tift cotor of paper. Malle sure ribiton et bow and twist ends oftire t. Famh. « ... octe i offera a pteasing contraat tnocotor gettaer. Attacit boal witb ends of gnerto -r hoscrtey netacies liorn- of paper, or brigbi pater and a rikbonon box. gerieg o gtttlotry strlta oon tex ctorutribnn WbîePater 7. Makte a Santa wrapping. li' end of lobe. Wrap paper aroond and anyribbec wittlook pretty. eait itha rond boxWrap tubebows aieacbrend.Covr 5.Doî't curer up paper with red paper araoxd box, tape in eact ccd witb pape. Recolver txe mark rIbbox. Pan ribbn an place. Cal mostache andi ber arts nid fàsbicxled earty cracker, axe end s0 il alemîcalex package, tramt whbite crnpe paper Tape os cas Pslt gift MI witb string. With desigx paper axe plain rit> ben. Buy, Don't Steal Tree Crime Doesn Pt Pay During te bnttday ceaxs thon. kWt Ill l1a ancis cf Chruistmas trelee witl bie pureitawen by individaul& toc heome deoratos xxx.dm Wbgde te. ll sale et trees à gSis as. thore au peuple wito deigbL inx deMls4eeut to u casan- t-y, and tlbo a chaane ef being p f caxaglan alixg oxe. iip .Wiy egni a Christmnas werýYs icg ibouitekso ix itxecig as axe deer? Darisa the.pasi fete yoars ses oïral peeople bave becs cawagt iv lthe oct et sleaiing troon. fIn cerne raies; atlen trocs bave been trac- cd se bernes wbere they bave becs fasend cempletely deorated. tises trxrn $25 te $100 bave hies ievied for surit ettencas. Cbniatmias xbeetd ke one of the muai glerioas limes et the year. M P A IE T I Let's keep il lthaI way by boy-& H I L T C icg. railler taon stealing. 66 Charles Se. Milton TR 8-9513 « ý - l-Im Holiday timne lix here once again, and me take thia happy occasion ta wish every Joy of the 898505 ta our good friexcis. li's altesys i pleasure ta serve you. and we thank yogi C AM PB EL L'S 0F MILTON 2M8 MAIN ST. MILTON î *~cot