Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Dec 1962, p. 2

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4 T4. Canadian Champion, Tbursoy, Dec. 2Onh, 1962 Hit-and-Run.. _____ f Continod fromt Page One) Mr. Scods. "If thny mant o clcou T * conscience for Christmas the" sm mP" « &W hobal botter com. formad jnd ad, urrn rus I~O uw w W L mit it.' bie sood. odding Chat sau Dy Uns. Edmard Roeortson guess mhat thoN ronre andl whore pras ed fre oh wlotîm of lra Robeortson mill approclat e Mc c ocaod. Mn G. ohît1the frme police officers andl theit a ~ ~ ~ y caon fInal foe the recor ynoar the . . asistonce. He note> Cte spotd leeltaot Hltt r stle or e opo- *it h tol Octt5 wa '« nd cure mitb robioh Constahles dat eonta. fier eteph n atrght ThtaceC 1oC h avevs! te" l tchardlson and Bennett CocIs the number le TR 9-2289. ladsie î< ho~îîe CaIo Ceospitat, Cabine ime trots Teprosidool, Mr. cCorrosifon hi eua uixt s Mitton Lown BossCor hetd an- ras on charge for tht busines srmCorrgoo ais oîher euchre ot the Orange Holl pot' f the meeting. Sorerail ' luisi weok. Tht scinners more Mos. ChrisCmos donations wrc made. He aliae proised Sgt. Moreau Cames Hfamilton, oct> Mmc. Jobs Mcc. MoCoocco faot a report of for bis investigations tu dote, dor MMiiioo Cor the ladies, Cordon Guelph Acca Cofertoco crhicb tC i roa oyat i Robbnsonaonot Mos. Jomes Reid oho ba> attendltt in Novembet. coco wbo playcol for amat. The iacl.o The ladies score gicto Choir as- Hockey Ployer door droots woro wtt by Fred sigomeols for a banqueC boey Stocon is o grade niot studoot Robinson,.Ernieitll asd Mts. are cateriogCto.An schnortaotMiltonHig Sboo. Anooexcl Frank Peacock. Christmas gifto follotot>tho pro- lest hochet ptoytr. ho han conte Happy birthday It Jimmo Toi- grain ant> Cooch wcos cerot> lciCh cp Cbcoogh tht minci- coshs in lys on Decembot 23; Ce Howard Mcc. R. Wilsonat> Mos. Me- MiltCoo aod Chis yoor pCoyed right Bradley St. to Otoonthr 24; and Carroo oscisting tht hotttss. ocing for Che Rotary Midget ail- ci Doriont Ltolio to Dcombor White Gift Servce star tm. His parents doscriht 26. Hooby UniCt>dChocch Sonda- him as ooCogrot goa-scorer MtarkAndrew, infaton of Mc. schoci joined ocitb tht regoCor bot o toom-offoct pfoyer. Bot and Mrs. R. SsowcofGeorgtCownchrcbserviceonohootoy fora homarwonderisf howsanone wsbopCiet ho Roc,. J. E. Mos- special White <lift prfrom. Che ccilC bt abCetuC woor skatesn gain. welCa tht Socdov morciof sor- childoot giciog thit gifts t ho Althooghb hovCoos hockoeys viot on Dotombot Ct a St. snc fo eoon in soo t>C moch, Stooon rocently missed two Stophon's Anglican chocch. CehoisCmos.sono important gomtes andl o toom Wttneaa Intallation hi. Stelihoos Guiid met aC tht prootico. ta spesl Ch e etosins Os the briehi tooolight nti gbthomeofc Mr. aod Mcn. Rcssotb stdyisg for Christmas examina- of Docembor C2, nco. W. Thon- [lit on Tocsdoc ocoslisg. Dec- tions-bis oton idoo, nt at tht son, Bo. G. Brigt>oo, Brie. C. ember Il tcith 12 morobtos pro- orgise of bis parents. Brooks ast> Bro. L. Sampos, sent for the Christmas metingf. Docing bis sporetimo, hoe belCi foot mombers of the Hornby L- The gis toc the Christmos Isco smaît job s t aro spos ding OL.C165jocsoytdoabout 53 miles nedv iîmilv -trscctppttand mosto. Two afternoonssaowee tr init Mety L.OL. 1185 t0 soit- a bot scith the Christmoc tiooor htcctol oloto Brion Sestos ReaC tooss tho tooliton ood installotion osas tlt pachot>. Mcc. Ello show- EsCats office lochec bis foîte of officors of thot lotie. Thev oti stides tf their trip t Netw stocks osct soles representalice) tt-rt rciotceio dwlomctstith Bruncswickltast [al]. Tht mcm- and onFi>yshot>elired t>ggs a. worm hant> of friocdohip. bers extitotfot Christmtcs gifts. in the sotst seton cf toron for To'octy membors of L.OL. 1185 The Goilt proseote> Mms. Hoîtte Pooltry Prodoots. lHt rts <sots prescrit, tînt toto monthers George Prestittge Jr. with bcoooh jutCreisf front bis Fridot ont> Bro. Street. Bro. Strettwac iamiic have rccestiy moce> t et> asnbct flbo tht chair Iootooct Sttctsciio._______ andt>iostailfli ofiiets of the AsaChristmas troatthe r i- iotg.Bco. Streetlckot>Bco. L.hbers wîtotthLioResoorsC 95St Somptos tu ot os morchol dur- in Mitont for a Chiorco tioser . isg Che notloit o>oIe. n Recîtal - Mcs. Assit Looclo Smtith otit- Lot>ge cioso> sn proytr ttcm. A Miss Peggy Le loch port in tht brtot> bier 95th hirtbt>ay Solor- nittlunchbws src> Christmac piaoceciîal onsSatr-t>oyDecembtî16.A residettof W. 1. Meetin <lac elcorite aires by btc <rocher tho Hoasfv Cessa Msor fort A Cip tu the SC. Larenoce Sto- Mrs. Dotvid Philiips. thpotftyoc.M.Smh nos att> tpper Caotada Village cn Tht' Christmoas mail aitht roos hor in Scarborougb. piotocts os cojoye> by the Horn- Horchy Post Office is btacier Mrs. Smith bas tractîtot> entes- ho Wtmtt's Isitote at tbeir <bac etor seore. Tht mail truck siooly ant> liet> sn Cotifocclo for regatmeeting unDceecrl12., hadtIonake althe posttanunbr of yersh oe rttr- Miss Gttt>ys l<otbrcst.e scbo Office toI Mttsday noroisg. Mr. ing t0 bot homo in Btocisgton. tagt stcoral timescshacet>soine carriers lok rout Iwcondtreant>is an onorary memhcaof, excoittnt piolocen ont> t>tcrihcdt>lrse> lot route tone tho Buclisgtoo Anglican W.A. Sbc oacb one. Sboows inodactlbs The CoteprotiaîOrt>er of For- ilstitt iogont>heatth. tht educatios coner, Mms. C.I1 resterroombers antllîicfamillest m sm c moc Paîtecoon, aI sîhose homo <he Iran ibis distric.t attot>e t Ieir meeting mon boIt>. asnoal Christmas porîy aI <he au tho Cet>trstie cchooil for girls Acontest sos boit> in rohiocgit c. bst>ay olecoto. in Georfeton. piethotes moto thoron of plaots in hicrro Chr-istmoas oa ait roat>- U.C.W. Meeting Ontario and Che ladies bat> Io, vis. Tht Zinnormon Unite> Choroh o teo-ssoî,co ,, ~ Won fitlt> thoîr meeting last Wet>scty aIL tht home of Mnc. LIN J. Corotît. Mrs. S. Porlob roas in charge of tht docotiosot port of !1. h, meeting. Carol snig rots en- Giff fo M enal ospials oyedbyChe ladies ýoCtoroe hy GiftsMm for M e tarHvptail by th omttss. Donated by St. Luke's Women 7h~51 bt t ypM lieOogo Pellettorla tot Sost>y OC Zimmrmnn Unit- cigbî c-bts relativres gothere> OC Unr. Pelatiteo tt O appreclait. tt> cbuc. Eoc,.h porson toIses o ber bon, for o snrprise storb a oel, tOat du mayrecord yotur giftscvropo in white, tlobe sont shoscot. diel evouts. fier telophona sember ta TE "19I. ý The Eocoing Branob of St. Lohens Wtrnttss Aoniiiaty boit> their neeting Thurotay stabi i Che Retorv. Gits wr t<aheoto ho distribaledt> C patients n Mental Hospiiols. Mrs. G. PolIci- tria shorord clides of1I lo te tests, fcllowed by luncb sorte> by tht bctttess Am. J. Biolhy. Mc. ont> Mrc. G. Peiietio iwere aocng the gets ai a party ai tho home of Mr>. ast> Mcc. Docg. Ltssitss of Becliogian ladt Wtt>- ntcdey sight. Thiecon brob ot the lb, me homt of Mc. ted Mcs. Charles Simpsoosîohast eidtîccknosî of ths foroilece ont> belotfic s. and di> extensiedamage tctht. bouse. Most of lbe focciioro bas h ton rococoro>. asnd tht toiptito <dili spondt> ibir Christmas cn Dtonoe Guesta Mr. ont> Mr. William MeFad- des ant> Mc. tttd Mc. Stoart Mc->t> oct> Scott, crc ditoot guost cn Scst>yo f Mr. acd Mrs.hBrocktHowardanSthatron ofl Hariiots Corners. Myitlit Sttk badt>he sois- forune lt breok hec right atm last rocobtot. bhr josi bat> tht trst romooot>ims wths o fronti ber toit amit thai hut boc brohos predtnusi>. White gîft service will h ot WE WISH TO EXTEND TO EVERYONE A CHRISTMAS WISIl FOR GOOD CHEERO AND HOPE THAT UT WILL LAST THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 04ILTON ILUNBEPO;- - & COAL CO. LIMITED PlEE OIUVERY 159 Mill si, MiII.. Trust Company Speomker Communlty. ClubOes By lir. A. Bon1 Sympo hy Os OO Ondool10 Mrs. Mes. Bail mill approchit Cltronce,,, in bc 5 the400 of a aoeil, tirait.hmay reaord your hoe brothorau Woodnlck onSoir hatîday vlaîtore. visits, or spo- urt>oy. cial oeels. fier telepbono Amosg Ch on, cetobrting hirtb- annsner la TR 8.9198. taystibis woek arc Mrs.L.Cham- t Tht Nortb Trafalgar Coimu- berlain Mms. J. Williamson, Al- oity Clob beldtt>Ibir Christmas Buiîey.l oo a slGe meetorting ai fle borne af Mm-. E. Getl i msbes arcexotendnd Bell Wt>ostacoveoîsg Drero- oa Jobs Hilton mbo lit confiner! tu <bot 12. Ligbloon mombrs ond Cro taspitol fotînoini on appendcc- tovsor eepresont. comy t Tht pcosit>nt Mcc. Foot> Noor procitotI. Tht meeting Icos opes- Chriatmas Progrma et> wîtb tht club "Ode." Stooral Tht Grade 7 piopits ni Percy -shut- ns aot> sick Icirdo score to Merty Sobool prntnted "Christ- hoe rementbtrt with gitta foc wat in Canada" in the sohoot -Christmot.. autitorium Fridoy mormog ndor ostoa t>ecit>edt> 1 oit> o bonte- <ho direction of thoir teachor fil otobro for tho Chatios Lest- Fre> Hoymnr>. Il rons metl pire- or tan> in tht Percy Motry centtdtand enjoyedhbyoalprescrit. Srbaci Janoaty 7. Tht meting Dcumquis Womnen Instiltuto ciace> clb tho besediclios. net aI Che home ni Mos. Rolpb Mmc. M. Wiliimsoo inirodootol Fctterslnne os Detomber Il mitb tht goost spotaber Mc. Beatty, 10 membors prenent. For this train tht Ookoitio brosoh cf tht Christmas moeting, each ment- Haitlon oct> Pool Trust Co. He bot contdibuteid 10 the pogros., gace acery iformaive tau os bytreadlng a sory orpentcon- scelt soswriog the mny qus. t>ccing a conent. or singing o tionc oshe>. soog. An tochongecof Chrisîtmas guIfs Througblthegeneronity oftsne loch place ocdt>icch rots sorce> of tht members , SI)1 whibt by tht bostest. wst 10 h sent t the 'Sose the The nscolmeeting roi bc a[ Chiit>ts Foot> cas roisedta 1 the ornerofMrs. F. Noar. Jaso- $30. Whnmwe reagout irom our acy 9. pIeoty Ca cbldren roho casool 170 far Dlanor toto imagine the joys of Chrit- Tht annoal Btbl cotscrtgatits, nos Day. porhaps w, con mako ai ast> Sont>y Scîtool Christmas Christmas the symbot of pouce. dititir rots boit> as December I. Mmc. Wolloc ont> Mms. Balley Ose host>ret>ant>seîostcecnjoy. osscite> tht bonbons tu serveta edt>ho ti propot-e hy tbe lad- deliciots ont> hoursilutnch. Films os-re shows foitoroing -Chiidtto stacî o long Chist- thr neti. hSto Claus arrive> nos holiday front srbool fumoir- ast> distribotot> tht gifis froom toc-. Christmas portion roll rlose tst>tr tht Cbristmac trot, out tht ficcl termi. SUN LIFE a progfressve progressive à1ditstry WALLACE GRAY -107 Court St TR 8-2421 S ISASSURANCE COUPANS or CANAA i TO HUM FROM TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. PUSH BUTTON RADIO - AIl transistor poro -i ttt.>for tnta cous cpeoton and superb performosto Separ- oie fort tontret. Pacb tions. Finsciceceptios ast> highetc qoolity yoa cas boy. SAFETY SEAT BELTS Fo gcte nsft * ced 000 esl srrghadS.AE BACK.UP LIONTS For oasier. sofer hothisg up OC sigbl. Wben car headligbis arc on ast> car is shif t- edt> orevrset, thtse lîghts go on uoa ticaiiy. Ots Rearview High gra Surface" gla toucletar, vsion. Qoai in gltamin tu onhanco boaoty. ide Mirrt de "F lity-crot your ol WUNDSHUELD WASHERS The -eriottry o 1t Iseop the cîct>chtit cer- roîsier "andi sum erfo s1for olsi f bilu <lotî <hoot tîrîcg . c Toc Cas Oot Thont Por Hlm At TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. 409 Mals Si. E. MiOne Tl 8.2 rst irt tsot Oies 1369 Ffr9,ft W . à WB"1 DIk Chostnu day onoadouble ope- mItI hc hotd an tho homoe of Mr. ciol for Mir. andl Mre. W. T. Bani- and Mns. Edonor Moyms front, I oocf 33 Donidon St. Donàdo., for n tbf o festive doy ttneY Witt ontoboste thefr Ctth meohfng on- W hot lu lt. otversory. Mr. and Mrs Baroard 1emselu were married in G__oAngtcau rgen temsetu Church, Mitton, n Decemherc25le au III 1912 by Roc. Oncar Fergunen 1i a olgbt-tho. photo of al Coohe. Milton,$' Mata st., Mr. Barnard mone o onorilor Chritmas ligta tInt bav. and a fronten on the Milton Hp rm ooet fpus Scboot Board for o numbor iCf trous uwMhl..t. ocivtptr-" yoato. mOil te hi b. o nfecftion- Staff Phbtq.wter y Devine ory stora e I Mlton. Mesi. Barnard puopoey abat tIs. pintue oct mas a -meoshr nf the Wcmenas of focu., stritsa the double. Auxillory nf <toto Church baale affect. The lonag wOite A veteran ,of Wortd Wgc I, Mr. lbear hIn t omer Portion of Barnard retlred recentty fron the th plins la a car movlns Hngts Walhor Hardware Store In 40505 tOn etreat dueot the. 1O. Druides. seond expoisr. In onlebretion n hlr810 mndding onniver.ry ftho coupleI wdît ho nntertobned hy thelti MIONrm fomity et tIhe Ploinoman Resaur. ont on Decembor 23. A reception HOMJEICONOMIcs STUDENTSI cma Preusi- Tour U uju t Fttat.CriI MILTON wdl DIPARTMENT STORE :10 mata HELtII STRAIN, DISTRICT GU IDE COMtMISSIONR, StNDS HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO AIL CONNECTED WITH GUIDING IN MILTON AREA. A donatio has Oea. mode ta th. District Guide Fund. Fronua Ail oi Us at PARK FARM DAIRY a ntece, live ot 31 Coss Sl4,.Dîuqo des. -The Christmoas lights n Mi]4 ton homes and 9treets bore dntwri praise and comment front rieur. aed for.i INSU RE TODAY CAMMUlM Mm»s Uit. 44W1 > -yv II ThumrsPr-Sa. Dic 2024ff ' WiNd->Screen TýEchnlcolnorE JOHN WAYNE - MAUREEN O'HARA - DAN DAILSY WARD BOND Coter Cartoc - 2 Snom - ?.S pin. MATINZE SAIttIAT - à PL STARTINS WIDNISOAY DIC. 26 - Ml WILL U OPI IVIIY IVMNNO Wed.Thus.-Fol. flac. 1l2740 ""JACK THE GIANT KILLIR" In Color mtth Kermen Mothomo Pull Length Cartoon Plituretta "The Rond Ruouer 2 Shows - 7-9 ps. WITH "1GIRLS!1 GIRLS!I GIRLS!"81 LPM/LSP-2621 Here's the Original Saundtrack album tram the big new Presley picture. thora are 13 sangs by Elvis including wonderful ballads and exciting beat tunes. Hurry ta get this collection af hits right nawl RCA VICTOR AVAULABLE FOR CHRUSTMAS GUVUNO AT MUSIC HALL MILTON 8 Martin Street TR 8.97a I out out sory waruas Tuistide grosflngt ta ou. and pars. .. wllh a silicae lhank yoo.' SOMT SIDE PAINTS AND SUPPLES R. R. 2, Mlaon IR 84482 -'w Marat? four ai Gariiel morin years , longer' Two Belt of ter ni the. me ings pt Jontoar discu so e TI resolutt 10 lega a Tt forre> 1962 di eMi olsonrie pleae> tint fit Indasîr e Rn ed o 1' la wogt * Ct riol Cc %62 but il ba> i budget. e Nui assistast The con mosîb applicai astinlos emptoyi isspeott e Fn int th, mas fcl hy-iaw comminit roait 0] front IL, any oct e Eo Roud., A rttts. 1 ovicoe ino el Coi ais, pro ites os Sit>aroai Lino Ec e Nt, to ho t Lincoln Cour Ha e Tht 1ome REWARD $100 The Town of Milton ha. authorized payment of a $100 reward for information Ieading tf0 the arrest and conviction of the driver of a car lnvolved in an accident on Bronte St., Milton, on Friday evening, December 14, 1962, at approximately 5.25 p.m., in which Steven Sentis was injurcd. Information should ha given f0 Milton Police Deparfment as noon as possible. R. ANDRESS ChIa or poilui b.AI a

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