Champion, Thursday, Dec. 20th, 1962 e js try Pulet 0 0~ W-.11 tliet ft Boenne di&s.rtuh 94oej u If you ting if liemply puHasa osomçthlag iota il, "-u Iiiu- termediate rural suftball supr TNt NORNBY SENIOR SOPTBALL TEAM wec itucureti un Satuudey cuening or the Masunte classification. Hall, Hurnity. During rte 1962 seenn rte Iront beure Hollun Cuuunly anti Octrio Champton.___________ Bachro eber of the teatuuill reee ajukrt. Thecturury upper, prepcred bytite Hornby _________________ WlI., mas eruîuyedi iy ohl. FOOD3 FOR PUS Phot Cutu ast speuilt treutmeet THEMOS VLUALE LAER wa ms pose ei 1 B be duu'ing the- Christmas .ce in, KILS[DE HE OST ALUBLE LAYR awrd ws pesened c, Bake Frech sections cf Canudo. Se W i te L Ire Ingsae theHornhybal clubs'annual banquet Slown pe- ca odisefrtfrPu ýW inter C sec cig the tophy to Slite se tam poîdcent anti mareager sine ucurdicgtIo legrnd. if tise S unday School, Young People Fo h u s Jim Hemillen. The tropity mas donaeet by Tri-Coucly Athietic ttcttu ue n h bu ust o Annual Christmas Parties Dnn itriid r n Supplies uf Milton. flo. By im illam atsn 1Brue Coo-alci, paiet t 'hceveWhu.u tat. ct D n wa eoae o lcCrita'l'Iiu,%il himased l-i oen hrdutand bas et ne Dont Leave v..' iuren Alo-ne tmutyeauc." Iee u uto ssnu whu the Unuiteud Chttt Oe'* sovcveteluscrntadviiig hr sa ec Wumrn heid ateuuuuetsui buuau Mi.'tuud MuI-stJutnit Wutit-uu'l tutue u u l tut tho plun; hif Chiristmas unsa e d teioilitcg. aechld cuti~~~~~~~ Jr.uuttuuig otfu But iugtuntttu'uuluuu'ue use. M sa ec ed yl ru A cumber ut ladites Itunt cl 'tct it r.d Muu. Jutu' tîittuttltu utî h Titi ttuluiuy 'u.uuue tetrudue 189 uf thte Cruetoul Cudeofu Cun- ulurte "jui fur a mcinute," but il cummucitu, Lututtlue Uthu.Woifu rutitl Btrt uuit, i.u--,'tduu%,utuinu'tie mt nu nut tire huu'ttdu itt thu ,uda: Eueyuonemhouciufuly uulytales8seconds foruaChs'it- cuh und St. Geourgee's AnglicantuSund't. tutu,. ut% proitut Iluuut h %t Fit, Chttt A. E. Clonment abta.ndonstcuu'uxpusesaouhilduehu mac tro luiuofriuul churuis alîocdud. UtitlVtittttdy hsWe ifiil Kuihuttîtn Ali er uu'taned his u'eeb. White Christ- thtut nud Actint tuptait Ms,. Ru Lu, iil ni oîtdyThsW utit up idî'ed e , 1.ucd ouiu'ttlimoe frltiidreclhey ns under tht ugeofu tes ous, su If u must gu nul, the fie and Lieutonunt Mu, ue M. , ,tt u'hit rtuuu tel u uutua ltlC miglet feue grula d'tnger trous flue hclcif uu clbl nb he tnnc O eoi MotIon of the titut Kitbitrdu G01, t. Baillte anud Oullu Bai-ruot ut itu ut. if lhey use lofe ulurte andi un- unîtuneroti or ils houllis or us s huy siller for tho uhilduen anti Guide Cump'tcu'tttended theun .ttebutu'uthiu tii hiuitl'tuv Stutl aund ice sturmu cun 'tinu tteudoti cuon ftuthie churlosl libelu lu bo permuneutly lojureti. yuu wilI enjuy yuur purly moui ouul Chuitmut intutu 'ut tht Reut- Dtutuubtu 12. cuettuuluicale demegc by iuîoru'l. e guilly ut un indictahle uffenue mure. landiPuarktund Cetnt' CublTutu, Bituiltu a ,n,,,,n,,., andî bt't okiuu duttut hranches ,,tuti The hiuiflat'mmble Chrt.i igs. ht.uungttRteht 'ondrv o tea tucu îueu'rtunc ant ift tao teOce.C,.ted tt.tI utttituit H il' itu'td. vrpintnimutluil anumperatltu lu lhr ~ ~ I Queu uttuu ,itluet.ihtuut hue ý2 tu, Shawtu't ,le dutu ut 'ti] p'trets te malle suti. uu enjeu'ed'i aluitut tut sint u'rtt, htu' tutii iuutui Dit giclueu.e. c oi theiuuthidti. c'tnuuutnutthu Christmuas'tt'utt. tnttit, 24. tutt Lu Atu Miltoen. tuupuouihiocupu.t'utctheuuas Aushurthuness meeting~ dit eteti-;utitg tutu- stecudbuthti,fth IhusNiipu The ire hihtquuti.d Section rectst bu Dictrit Curnutineutuetu Dcoui.uut ut 2h1 At eute tu s NaIte 1t. Mrs. G3ibne tte ti Ai uut ftutuu,,, 98tiuutu tutu Cae rWttVMIIU'.T i Capluin Mue. Cuti,, tutu putetet'ithirtdzn Dt,ttitt-2,'utul [uMu,. iuzhenarwlr to IýCudut't tut gg3 b'taich. m'tu cdnuithhlir pin'tani watu.uuu'ututi Donuutli.uut.. uDtt.tetib'26. ttnuhnwtuatasa nsjl, i.uitu hutp It't-ut) makininuiei'tptaiuoftuhekift Tiuu.utptnd.iu'tituuu Usesovf gfrpo 'tntIpteutdi.uhtdi.niuue bride tumpunuy. flttttttic e' li't t uti ndîteit inaartid utadsot duyu A nonuuempun sfeurbttiututuulu 'tu- i n r udc , 'urChruistta.___________________ lu i the B9url'ntint _______and_ tbrir tertificte utan pru-ot.'ttd tut Mrs. RuIth Btlack. F r u capriecocued[i Oe- apncéeea S co tclq -P n nc.Host Young People Cttiettt, tut 'utuui dutti Rot. und Mue. Wilison oct' n acopteho ists l th Kithu ilt luu Poupiru oWtdeudut ,ueing titi t tut1 t) 't ul t,, flic titi procit i John tIttuutu 'tnî tuto ~t etil tutti utt tutuu prouiduenu Lui Ruuntu t'et ut m" colee uuuutd iA, sThouuuu'uu teoioa etholue "A kot eut, ptutnttue ed s luotid a dut, tut Rue. 'tut Vit,, 1hi:l-gi.t, nudc GET ONE WHILE THEY LAST Wilkinson au tut pianou and 'ttio,,,uu , al - k tut hn- daceo p ci'n e tuu. tutti, tutu ut lo,'ltlloitu ttttt AT druiduti te go tut Ci isi, tetutu . tutu ni -:t eesnt itl utu DOHERTY'S SUNOCO STATION, MAIN ST. un "Mu' LiteA tîtîuti. 'Ci'tiuî. MOWBRAYCS ESSO FUELS, MAIN ST. Mue Wtitttteutt 't u iti.tut. fli USE A HOOP Lots Open ts 9.30 p.m. - Tiwsses Fr1., Mon. Peaceeful as a meetingutuuuu'd tutt1 i, ut'tut R,' TPt, 1tt.'tu t tuit te toutif t lwe iiis uci tttu ueut cicc b cd, u titi. b' . îu,,pt, -u" tuttiti.c t pnSâre cî ssnosy landscape, lively ao e playfsl fan thedbustueu ituut.tu tihu o-d tut * tut iIii, h.tttttiut 't tt the Chsristmas we wioh for you. We are aicnd u~ 'toia "t-ttd. bu Autu, ec Luut u t tu tuu tttuttttuu'tndttutt. ut at : o hl tui[ tr ma e n x KINSMEN CLUB 0F MILTON ' ves grut.eful to you fer your îhossghtful The 'tetual heluvýho '.i.ittui'tttuutit tuti ion tutuet,, connideration and gracious patronager. Chritm'teuuctu'tt .ý iel.iut al f ic tbut, du, i4eIp Kin Neip Wscehy Commsctty Pssîeets Kilbiie Uited Ci,,I,,, t, t', i' ______ ________________________PO evuningutith te%. Wtiktut,.tt ,i 1 n.FO nu as, maet tut ut.'i, ut,. CATTLF. SPEAK ________________________ Plavs' u sica nuethr'andu An 'tuti. G-rtu leec !tla We R. McDUFFE & SON, LTD. ut-ut ilt ntdi,11" .,. e at the Service Deparfment of Milton JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT runtiy andti tt.tttti a tut., l. ith titci. u tut 'pevcll. Oti.e, li.g- M r Sales Lîd., wish to fhunk ail our customers ________ ___ for the opportunity of serving you during the pasI yuar. ut .. ... of tihe waurust, old-fshiioued Itinda freIn ali of tui o ail *of yol FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC Ile hiles We hope our services have been 10 youf satisfaction and we look forwerd to seèing you n the new year. To one and ail, we sincerely extend our BEST WISHES for CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. JOE KOROI. usd Sereice Seuaff y~\<lîeîardiy AT MILTON MOse SoqAIs SI SERVICE DEPABMNTm 10E KOEGL 38 Mai. Bt. TE 8.23 Service MEup 55 Davis' Jewellers M "ËFIRIT I'IRST" LIFE INSURANCE UNDERWRITER foINC rUUA S ALLIANCE MA PN resentedti C club presidentJi he trophy is emblematic ofI- TE8-9 emacy ir Ontero ic the "C" Mikei BELL LUNES by Arnold Blochford your telephone manager OUR CHRISTMAS TRIBUTO At liais uie of the yeec aelike te tblsk lu homos terms- theloe ofma for is feflsse mess.. the ebletb of boite ssd the se seal of stan'$ falli luen self. We bae meei the a-, chine ugo grow snd develop to ths point seee Somn bave ssggeâtn tisai mach Ins bue ecome osr m ters * thât smachins nota seeýrve muebtod hotter thon mas hfimueif. Isdeed, thblego0f science hanem l vascea o fus and s0 fast thut sune cas ncuscely kme abrest of It. :.yke We, le the talepbonsom pasy, use ey rochi swa of tills. We hase msude tre meas steriden le peret lug sehuf we libe lu cuit the telephoso ast. Bot. I qte uf ail osa u-.l-dsts teemfllssiugy e caant sas the happys facti Ébat the fstendly heipfsi opeestos lu an Indiopesble s oves. Tisere are masy limen whes asty bimssast usdestssdlg moi synsistlsy cent prselde tise ser. vice you ssgestiy steed. A ssdden emtesgescy - the tsoed for s doctour lu the nigist - swlft beip frima tise police or fb-e depustmesi - lucsisg a tslesd lu a distant elty - thce use the tîmes sehes an os- basses, bot fslesdiy volces eun lisi yos mssss. No mettes hose mussy comtptes devens the yeuss msy brcbg 10 lmpsoe teiepbooe sevie ftuece sell uiseayn ho opecstoes t0 give tac une servtce ihut no machinse cas pcovids - humaun sudes. standing. Speabicu ut Christmuas, ue o uculi te tu tube tisis oppor- tunitu to retunt eutubudu about uuri.'tc drivng doricg tise Fes"t've Suu'.uu. We. ut the Bull, tutu a cut uf phitosupby of i. erud thut tuu uy tIo encurage ur drivers tu fottow. We cutil tiufuunsitu du t jeu. A dutensiue drivert utuitis drivice uuuutttutim tt -is tlutuys aut tuthe bebaviuur ofthe crs ut'uundlttunanduututluuumpontensttuufurtu.tti'ad we'te conditiuon, ie utrdo, tu suat .tlit'u. At tbiu fimie utr thc year, tuhun dritiug cotedittotnsuc bu bueurdocu, eu tiio tisis ic a wurfhlntlu pttiluuuphy tu buve. I t muuttint, on buhuit ut utur vunu hure ut tise Beli, I wuuid lis,, to untend yuoeut tuile foruaner MERRY CHRISTMAS aed tic bel te HEALTH ancd HAPPINESS i 1963. Arthur A. Johnson, Optomnetrist 184 MAIN ST., MILTON MAI Setu dent of III Burn Tise Chisi heatiol comînl coudei Open Anti il find ce troablit HOR pluce ise oils plaeed hrucch In go Fur the yu yuoce s tison o tiays. Ass ant i e thuom the OC ablte, h glel bu anti hi log. A tir ccii Chri in Bell Thec id a Çun Smith,. of mec isis tai wrapp sugare Lalor, sec t-de Chi Thec qolîr tors tb ieg Tise vcisu The toe c "oraîbu Afcet I anti lb seits b circula In the tisc ai Soppe O For olutisti enoye ley Po voilar t Af le, maci girls-i, cloîbes cati s muas." aucepu boas lthe te Teat Tise Santa Tise ws masrie job ut uf tut racket biles - tcuhlisd cisc le Eteci fuelss lut a1I ssoitid 1~