PRACE ON EARTN ta oocdentn lelte expressin on tits f4ces. oi 4ereide Grs-ff. Kathis tiacit- laak and, itn' nîden stater Jeence as titey stand in fs-ont af rte Béiechoef hoirp on Bs-ente St. Meny Milton itomes ere keuîiially decoaed with 1lgtts lôr *4 CiÉà$MlUds Reutone PENT MUÇKLUE, ugno tour, recervnno e cnaplne esrîy prs- enta f ram Sente Claus ane the meakend mitenrite Indepen. ent Order nf Faresters held Chair annauel childeen s Christma paeti foe 500 kiddieai ethCie Legian Hall. Rat Sente penmisod tn retare Christmas non with mare. Sapreme Court District Depaty Jeck Montgomnry nf Milton, who nrgenized rte Party, said itows areal sacceas and each onenofthe children ws pleaed with their gifta. Say Dickens' Immortal "-Card" Led Britain's Return to Feast Histarlana aiten cedit Chat'- tc 'The Cricket' land the t'elatine ls Dickerat immartal 'Cbrc.tnîac papatarityoaf 'Citristman Caral,' Carol as being pcitapt te tis Dickens did nat iteiece rititer ta effective saingle force bcbind Ena- bc i areateat ttac-it. Hia per- land' retar la tite oitset'vance sanat facanrite mat 'The Citimes' ai Citriatmas. Yct., Dickens did tclicit itr atd ft'ienda 'maald nat cansider it iitîralttco'k knckitheCaroatautaoftiteied.' ni a ltlitab. I'tct'itt'tc Dcktrnof courserasamrng. ii tifetime. 'ýThe Chiie' and 'Tite Cricitet' Tite mace papalar af Diabrath.%" bcrach taitrn a itaciseanal ta, nta'ies in ii day ccaa 'ut Cric- Tire Chtticmat Canal,' tite ciete Set an tite Heartit.' tie tc nof ai fcl Chisitmas ntary ai Tiny Tim a fatitet' mita tres ta tild hic.ý andl i fricada. istind dangittet' framt thte t'alitiet j- of life. 'The Cricket' madn ils ap. le anei 1845 and mat .an im. !Poinsettia Blossom mediate caccean. It snld tacice a fast at tite now-familiar siort ofC Not Red But YeIIow Scraage and Tiav Tim. Lrtttiortn n-aera a mntta altet' 'Tite Cricket' A famke r aICiriatoa ta ceacited itnokttandt, dromatic to 'a-Cml rtred ii verasti fitmre playing int12 question'Wiat clris titeit.aa praminent London tratret tomn af tite painsettia plant?" Hia Favorite Chances arr tite onnaer tcail ite Deapite tite tomediate taccct "Rd, cf coarse.' Actaally. te med "itlnoamn" ni eaeteaanenaraa.ano'n'- 0tie poinsttlia are nat te flamet' PLATi IT SAPE of the platnt - thei are ev. Pire can jangle taon jingle Thte real ittostama are lte 'tay itnila ait Chistmaa. Se carefal and t-clloc fluscer, iecetaa oitserve a iem simple preaonn hec .. . suitascaaain a freit. Acomparatienneamertoi gre'rc ...rtting i tin tenter the trad*tî'anal Yole grennsy and maiting tare your trac tigit tropical pointettia mat diacaner- cairda arc fre front fray and cdi in Mexico an 1828 ittDr. Joel tshorts. And dan't go to ited and Roiterts Poinartt. firat U.S, minais. rcave titate tigitt n. Be careicî lac-to ' Mexica. He amnnsed in- and hane a htappy FIRESAFE em in it eaayand teplant Chitstmas.i namdifor kim ALFONSO FRUIT MARKET 176 MiII St. TR 8-2460 TOMATOIS - - - - 2 pkgs. 49c ITALIAN SAUSAGE - - - lb. 59c POTATOES - - - 10 lbs. - 29c TANGERINES - -Siz.150, doz. 49c LETTUCE - - -Size 24 - 2 for 35c PORK CHOPS -- ----lb. 57c PRIMO SALAMI -- - lb. 89c LEMONS -- ----6 large 25c CARROTS------2 pknup»19C BANANAS LOOSE --3 Ibs. 23% NO. 1 BANANAS - . lb. t oÇçZ U d Tise sactal convener and hec ý10 Nt m ,ÎW id commttee seste sandmicites and> Ina. Tise visitas frram Kitcit- encrwre a friesidty and jally D d g h S î C ti e greup and Siseir Mr. Baatihby. An vensigai ittrtaemet ft mreaanrlsds-eispem.ha reety etirer! sapin- An Mil an Selaar itera ai titemennd cipal ai tise Kitchener Bnard ai Cen>t~is fted Gse pakr Education. in thanking titi Mit- ren. bandiheir fins GautSekr tan Ctab fat' their hnspitatity e Manda p enentng. Decemiser 10 in-nm.. aemrii huhflo Knox Cisureis Scisant Ron misen T. A. tfutcisa. OC.gtemra tms te-y tagsla 40 merehers nf tite Kitcisiner samne readiogs fronm Tony Won'c Miltoan tai ha sucit lnnely Chit-t Senior Citizens' Claub came hy Scrapisank antd altm spoke ca tise mas decnraitinns greet tiser an bus to, niait and antertain tise 6uitjnct nf Renias- Citireos argani- titeir fist niait. Milton Club.s . wdtians and wistt they hune heen Bnfnnn tise Kitchener greap so 'hepe iart imnd. Hegrop many gond tnftuafemtsquare dancesmwitisa Paranis Tisampan tiepeadtt ingits an Seetnr Citienship lady memiter frnt Kitchener ms citairman- Tise mbeetintg and tcf t tise cais mitis the remin- "cailing nff" ancre enjnycd. Tise npaned wils tise snis ai 0 der titat "Ses-vice and cnntriitu- enning clased minis tise sisging Caîtaqaand prayerity Mrs. Zim' tianmwitl meke aur arfaniation of "Gndh emwith ynu ili wemet reerman, Mr. Thampaan met' active and iatereating ior 1963." anain" and Aatd Lang Sape. coacd the-rciitra andirlenda _________________ A shoart periad ai itatiness mas Rithm Rond fram Kitceert, DUDV uAown Are Issuis&id mith Mrs. Roth candncting. de- tightnd the audience mth a nom- II~L U ia~. ~ i.~ ber ai papalar anlectin. AtI te VVIRI IVEUIEURD5C i-rit WIINIg btand memiteramwereanver 70yenrs Geerally speaing.ifarmers are more faemeraaeald attend parm of aile. Torhythmand enithu- nt atifs-d wtiprescritme- Forum meetngaand lîaîeeo tte siasm dltplaýyed ityltesbadmere titada ai marketing thiat sr- roeadcatc lts-y mnttld hc itîetc aachalleneeand inpir-ation to a doctnoir are-titey satiîfedmtith tniormed." ia attendance. A piana, tiotin 'thr mcy firm pricet are tl. Tttete At ilcurcrit ai ti diocussioa and moutbnrgaa trio.armaiing deciinsmwere mademiteaFParmi a pecialtgroap meeting in Simcar and a salo "0 Camne Att Te Faits- Forums and apecial intereat Conaty bacc aaked lthe Coonty nopa met an December t0Oto Fedieratian ai Agricaltare ta or- 1discuss "Witicis may ta mariset?" ganîre a canierence an peodacar {t Boîtgreapsmwere eqaalin tsr marketing and tise prcentngnof pra ;acif lts- preset metid of rmprdcn. lan itugs and in lteir dissatis- l'faction in lthe may ltae agg market fis manipalated. "Wit lthe sadcae drop in efg prient" and "Witt aitdstld 10 per cent of ngg salers MERRY ýdcermiae lthe tatal palan" mat r tatcdity many g-opn. StrngBoad@ CHRISTMAS Wban atkad ta-a farctaer stpa inaad 10 ite takan Io ensore rtbal. TO ALL prodacert receivra fair'price foi tait' pradual., tAc g-opa mecam- PROM mrndad atc-nng peodacer market- in-g boar-ds. tcilit powerto nagati- aprice. grade aaad olcn adnice JACK~ HALL on prodoction and impact con- Cuens-ete, Cisdi'r, Riag ansd Silo Son grusraLinfvý,? BLO CKS -farmrc-pc-ceing patsand ci- cd FAME as a aIea in lte rigit cl di ceccIan. Qualily prodoction ana J. COOliE (Cenîs-ele Rblocks) advartiting aamtnaigct mare sag- LTD. gestîd asmecbadt of incatn sales.EVENINGS jOLLY SANTA decasîs the front lames nf many Milot homes daring thre festine Christenas semonr. His age'ald ep- peul seems ta fainete Sazanne Ptnlemy. daaghter af Mr. and Ms-s. D. Ptnlemy ni Halton Avennae. Student on Youth Pilgrimage Reports to Sponsoring Lodge EveniogStar Sebeisai Lndge vias very itîrsting and edaca- betd ira annuel Chrilstmas party tianal. Site enjayrd rcery minaus- Tharsttity. December l3cs. Te ni tite ceek's tanur. Ladge apnned-i Initial fortin, itit Sis. Haael Waadley. J.P.N.G., Nallie Grand Ris. Jean Rrid preaanted Satan mtth a cna liflc.ttc preniding. 'and United Natiant pin in tr-, Sis.Caartney, P.P., Sis. Clarkse, cagnitian af iter tantr. F.. Sis. Carr, .P,. and t'o lira- Pot lack napper vias enjayed titern rirmTorontoamet'etel-ity aliand he eening closed camed. Abut 60memiterstmere ciit witsfraMerry Chrit- prntent ta excitange gits taitit mac and Happy Nrec Year. titeir onknnn ft'ieadn. Spealia un U.N. Satan Bronn a grade Il stn- Pollock and dent Îrtmm Mlilton Distriat Higit C m bl Scitool mita Was citanen.ta ga ta C m b l tite United Nations Pikgtimtage fat' Manufaatns-ers ai yati spamored bp Evening scat' RbkIl Lodg Na. 9Mlt-n HIGH GRADE MEMORIAIS prseone bertal und ptgtm MEMORIAL ENGRAVING different plae titp vinied TeIphore 621-7380 Titere tere t60 stdents In iter SD5N REIO grnap an tite taot'. Satanas tais SAONSGEEIG NEI (SI&CI CAh Ti EL RRAS BY KODAK 6.95 to $44.95 MEX WATCHES 7.95 ID $1 8.95 ECTRIC SHAVERS Special Prices The graaps admitted tierr was odequttae infomation availaitîr Onthe aperation of mnaketing plasbtinemny cae it is na usc. Thea mmbers oft Lacaarill Frm Fort-m in Lamitan Caanty ccmmentec "Inftomation o marketing plant iscaried o ratio and is eastly availakleie csh a., t NE 4-7763 .The Canadien Champion, Tharsday, Dec. 2Oth, 1962 Il KNOWN TO AUL Franc, tite santons play m àm% In sontiteen France, "santons" partant part. are better knoccn titan Santa. "Santons" are dlay replicas Otf There ancre 12 different Insdien members ofthte Hnty Fantily.tlanguage grnupas inwtsatlitnow manger animais and tacot.I Canada and in some cases, thse Since thtecrecte,, rallier titttt languagrtaere as differean frnn the energeen tnce etch- ccnt-el frctn ana anotitr as Ruglishis of Chestmashome decuataon infrom Ctn. To ai our customers and .e frtends from Rainbow Gardon Stone Prodiucts Glen Ritel MURet FROM TH-E STAFF 0F THE PAlM IGUIPMENT DIVISION 0F ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITE Main1 St. Mihen 9108.9m CLOSED ROXING DAY, DICEMBER 26 COTTAGE DELICATESSEN 193 Main St. TR "-530 YOUR PARTY-TIME HEAPQUARTERS FOR HOME BAKED PIES AND TARTS (OUR MINCE TARTS ARE REALLY SOMETHING) *FANCY TARYS AND SANDWICHES? .................... YEPI * DO W E CATER? ............................... YEPI * SALADS? ...- --_ ........ .. 1....... ......... YENI *HOME COOKED MEATS? ----. ..... ... .... YEP! * ASSORTED CHEESES? ........._............_.... YEPI * B-8- CHICKENS? ----_..._.................. YEPN * SPECIAL PARTY ITEMS? ---------- ----............. YEPI F ERAT U RI1NG: MAMMY'S Complote LUne ~'CHRISTMAS CAKES * PUDDINGS * SHORTBREADS, ETC. ORDIR NOW - WR WILL NOLD UNTIL CHRISTMAS Fre. Lucky Draw - 3-1b. box of Laura Secords SKI EQUIPMENT At Budget Prices for the Whde Faiy lie SKIS --For Adults a *STEEL EDGES Froms$22..0R *MADE IN EUROPE *LAMINATED CONSTRUCTION *PLASTIC OVERLAYS AND PLASTIC lACQUER BASE CHILDREN'S SKI OUTFITS *INCLUDES SKIS, HARNERS AND POLES rom $6.95 BOOTS - Domestîc and Import.d ----------* ADULTS' .................. PROM $13.95 PAIR - --------* CHILDIENS' P................. ROM $6.95 PAIR S STRETCH SKI SLACKS * MAIES'........... ....... PROM $1 1.95 PAIR tllî> 0iii.* MINI. .... PR--------------- lOM $1 3.95 PAIR -Y* CNIWDRENS ......... PROM $9.95 PAIR ALL NYLON SKI JACKETS. CeIu-Cîoud Lin.d * LADIES'----- ............... $1 2.95 * MEN'S ...... ....------- $14.95 Complet. Line of Accessories, Safety Marnes., Polos, Mitts, Goggles. Scks, Waxes, Et. Y, BUD CORBETff fo,321 Kerr St. N. SPORTING 00005 OdkuEb .- Oc R" KERRS REXALL PHARMACY K. H. ELS&EY, B&c. Pitr. PRESCIPTIOI - RIE DILIVERY ~ 11Mllion Te &.4492