PROGTRESS REPORT NO. 5 As 1962 draws to a close, aur Oakville Rellsrry projeet la enteriog its busiest constrtion phase. Thse process area is stili joot about ose-third compieted altlsoagh the luokage and generai ares are virtoally flnished. Earlier this montis we let the iast two major construction contracts for the quality control laboratory and the water tresting plant. tcam Isas becs aosemisled (sec pictrt above) and local recruitise has began for operatig per sonnel. Our nese operators, even experieoced ~ 55 sacs, will be givels an intensive training corse R.A-n, M.ý.a.' riglst here la thse rellnery coverise equipment and methodo completely nens te refisîng assywlsere in thse world. We've isad only one serions setbock so far-that bad storma that raked the Oaisville walerfront at the end of Septemiser did a lot of damage ta the oncompleted dock. As n resoît, o dock will sont be finshed ustil 1968. Tise open fait weothrr han enabîrd ns, however, to get ahead with a lot af tise othec wark such as the markrtinc terminal at lise north side ai tise rcllsery alose the Ton Lise. It's froan thin terminal tisat one top qssslity gasalinea and atiser proclacta wiii be snpplied tu your local Sheil service station. f. from your neighbours at Sheil Shahl OakvilIe Reflnery Staff, December 1962: 1. Sy Moro (Refinery Manager), 2. Erie Plunkett, 3. Frank Hersey, 4. Met Robinson, 5. Ken Mason, 6. Ron Dowie, 7. George Campbell, 8. Bill Neif, 9. Don Fleethans, 10. Manae Catterson, 11. Stan Henry, 12. Glen Merrifield, 13. Ken Ardili, 14. Frank Sweeney, 15. Ian Duckett, 16lugh Aird, 17. John Hutchison, 18. Lou Szeibert, 19. John Taylor, 20. Dale Johnson, 21. AI Ross, 22. Harold Kohimeier, 23. Lew Canmpbell, 24. Leiv Nielsen, 14 la25. Ron Pousette. 2 3 4 3We're neighbours in more ways than one. By now, most of us have moved our families into the area and this will be our first Christmas in Oakvi1e ... and there'1 be more of us in the New Year. On behaif of Sheil Oil, your neighbourhood Sheli dealer.. and from ail of us, we wish you a joyous, heart- warming Christmas and a Happy New Year. %I EI Sign of a better future for you É . . E'i.Q~ SHELL OIL COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED -'h