r~- -. * r le The Canadien Chaempin, Tbiatdlep, Dac. 2011, 1962 The Turning Pqint... Cntinuait frais Pteau fum Aed the feeling if fefltoship je agoin presilent as thuse ahi morb toilether att yeir entasd kWhk oser th1e teaceseof the diyneta 10 setehente toiletter le thele gey- Set pirty attire ..and min? ae sdtee ptgieintty enrpeised aidia suieni that th1e itilçe'e aient tfWUitfts _ot stishler fer datait. or th1e plant% 4 ~?e' ~ s:hartt.st-driing ftrn'a lisaen- 'ee a-~ 'bal dîonight seindergoîl Tihe 'iTOpif'r.bhis' oed girls' orgaeieatine re nul e"trsatedltspeil partiesetumnark thi Sîlîdey, and folk ahi hase nul scen euch other fie yeîee îraestgrîa istns futIo lie nets sld It'ienotthiPs. 2. Ageild traiti~tons are repeil' cd in irch and home gsiepn a1 tt.'p feelingo ,:11ejmarsvelou.s sineile il ail lit. De ni he -~mut tteligbtfol ýrad!itions nier N fîmily prestised msatlolept '7 plîmje bille aseilb Ihît adoro'ý & i " cd tise ftont dor 'il]th11e nasî J . ~'Christmas, sshsî a nea areath mas piîehasidand the old une put on tbe tirs se Christmas ve hy the yîoîgs boy in th1e [un- ity. Chldren lose repetitin and ____ sers'niny 1111e Ibis. Do yoî knout îny if Ihîse saret geaedmnthere aho ireel Ilseir grîndshitdree az SANTAS IEADY and risildren ire waiting fnr ii te begin hie anial trip ercnd tise mneld. the front duor if Ibeir homes n Tise isnme of Mr. and Mat. JoL.i Bell of Martie St. je nnly one ni lise mînp Miltone homet, Christmas mornieg aith a Sond aive ails tise glow ni saeablly p aesene and gltttarîg ligis. bise on eîs h check, andoeo pîpme th11e îeiddte nf 1the fnrehend? t did, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ssasu anmitse'sb'5SOs0*15i.t d resaIlt 111m aith t11e enete Onipihbout fine ont nf 100 foneiessand jiyof happyment- Big Trees Ablaze with Lights vttaîers retire roltmîocily wom ors as il il seis tndnyl rdiin thev cachthe ge o 65. lika ibis and an eedless sarie Adorning Parliament Buildings Christmas trois ebLutie sth e Qîssos Pick Chrita re hondedsof ni lîhîs grise Onliris's li cur - Tbsie rett'e oflTHIS SUNDAY'S Pîcnliameol Buildlings in Oneens iyi'drS hy tbe Tiahir Park je gcnetlng te thi yslslide Bs.tîîh Ihoto. sesin. Tsiî0ot'f achedtii'1 T selectltheltros-hoiie serie. Behind îbemn are 2f cialler These sire massred est o hesigb ht u c ae silieedtireesnithebalsiitsoel and diemetel' if hall; ecS s,,es _______________ 1the maie entrce.. The eniree pbsligsophed traia 100 lie: and idar iîself is tlanksd ht sitssrid tries tria the pblegrps theilies EMMANUEL. BAIS? CI4IICN NIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCN and lai more morkth11e islirsl masbid pairchsii. TrOikic tu Commercial Street,Milton A localnaseeahton and teester corners il 1the gre T ores o ecsiel perait bc-' Minister: Pieter Clayen Cotes TuE rEN-ErCrAL holng cess sf0vm ur cie' hyar Telephine Nn. TRiangle 8-4473 AneEMBLIEn OF CANADA e'corerid bs Prso,nsil Potes' ýePstr e. .Critn The smiller rtergceeos binh is 0 Hipbamc Pri Ni Pme te.M tcltn bie spraeid ct:lbi sserv cestlie tuAssise Rît slol tria SiNDSY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1962 Lord's Dîy ilsainia sprey te S.ilgStee ligbî thirs te ibi Parliinent Bud- refleilion. c55s 1v MitsspslitaiPs:c 9.45 î.a -Ssndey Sîhool Pic ail SUNSAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1961 Depaiet lob Theiuis, erigilî 0fe agen. 9.45 n.m.-Snndmy SehooL lii sseiph .tlist ii tic. ie 11.00 i.m.-Mocnieg Wneebip. Classes lie oti. The cee Siggcl trrec, liglited ecnd. en trencit, rsquiied 14 fiet îl.0t a.a.-Msttlieg Wîrsbip. îIlh 600 23-wOit holhs ech. were eidi clearanece se 1the hipghs% 705p. osearcr. 7.09 p..Eringelielir Service. hronght front Kieenonl. 40 ailis Monder. 6.35 pam-Pineer Girls. Widossdey, 8 pam-Bible Slody strct of tho Ontario Depirlacot Wednicday 8 .ýiI dy Froand Priyer Meeting. of Lînds and Feress bec vipplie.l BLi IIVe Clse ad Prayer Meeting. Frdy p..-on Pel,' To hrsi as Fridtv, 8.30 p.m.-Ynong Peeple'c A Cbîrîb Yo Con Make ToC rsm s Christiae Pellossship, nit 419 Yîîr Home Buine". lv tee w long hs'tîre George Si. All Wetsnted Noo"t N uidMs Critas.llos ilieu hesme drv and Y, imil c cil GRACE ANGLICAN CHIIECS Miàdstry C aUn ip the lae ai e S ilico MILTON GJOSPEL HALL Milton, Onaioe The Session if St. Pulls Ueit- eed She rectos ire mîkieg th1e 306 Ontario OS. fN., TR 8-20:22 anecor nec. S.* A. Poellti ed Chm'nb miii recosnend tu thirnnhes dongerusty flietinahî. Chrielais eisteed le 111e ame Staton Preehytery ihit St. 1117si i th11e trc s ohîîiîîd mire nif the Lord Jeene Christ. SUNSAY. DECEMER3d.92 yeeth leader Dasid Bsen.c Pan hn e snob heuore Christmas, (MaI11. ts: 20) 4[h Soidet lusli eeiced as n candidate fo tsbvee ithekîptifssibl,800i.-Hi ... tieitynof the United Chorihsofcesdsehsceilpsiî.-80 .-H sC t'oin Coaa l se esd thîis Kîip She braches aeisîeeed. LGSD'S DAY. SEC. 23rd. 1962 9.45 a.m.-Sîeday Scoo and eeh. WSen ut is Sceigist indiore. rit 10.30 a.m.-Breaking ni Bread. Bible Classes. off ellthI1e cmiii taigs eith11e 1215 pte.-Siedny Seboni. 11.00 .m.-Msrnieg Prîper. MtrBassnaseited RcrtJ.sLae hoiîsaof thel ekoandctand '7.00 pa-teCrsi and Cendctighl Graham as 111e morningeservice 11he sei-e,,i lcîtanee en ebsît 7.00 p.m.-Goepel Service. Sees ice. ni t.tPalsnSedy ltîonchecoil sntendcwte. Wdnesdi 8p.p.et- Prapeciand Bibl1e ceading. MGNSAY, SECEMSER 24, 1962 CHRISTMAS EVE ______________________________________ Yo ire beîrûily ceeleome 10 Il.I5 p.a.-Cboîii Ciamiunisn. tbesesercs. FoiuniuvouIUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1962 e c -, Sire Shic dis, 80 a-Hile Communion. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY aSerisur %slikh le Christ tIti 110 e..Csrt"aaiî AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE cae 2e-us; for H9e sSoil SaseCHRN0CRITOM H Hie people frea tSeir sies. SteC S F CH S OMie manflne Lobe 2, 11; Math. 1, 21. OTrafalgar DENTAL ACCOUNTINO USYDCMBR2r,16 KNOX PREtRYTORIAN CHURCHN DY 10.15 BE n..BiSl S 1oo 96lase SR. G. A. KING FA8L G. BL.ACK M10.15~io am.-ibl S. h .Clse Deen neaB . Comm., nIA.. C.A Rer. J. K. L. MsGon, B.A. 11.00 .m-Meroiag Woeship. arita St oyal Building. Mton Cbeeteed Amconelmin Mes. R. Wright, A.T.C.M. 8.00 pen.-Preaehieg il 111e Gos- Stmns a-e 163 Mmes Stcre Geganiel and Choir Mosser pel. SC-lOi Servine Tri. TR 8.762 Boxe 460 Milton, Gel. "G roeine les ne aoeship and TSursoiy. 8.30 pin.-Bible Slndp. DR .F ALWYTOtengle 8-8042 Ssa docce; lt os baeet hafere Ray L. Milicer, Eongeliet Denta ureo PthLGA ___________ e Lord ouc Mahar." 878-2060 15 ant Sion ettie LEGAL - Ve Are Atwap Weleome Heers 9 ce e pam. Sitordur, Ssci-aber 22, 3,90 p. X-Rnr Servuce KENNETH Y. DICK - Junier Cbursh Sehie t BOSTON AND OMAGN Toi. Otaic TO 8-9201 eneehstec. SoSici, Notncp Pubhie Christmes Prepra. Patrent, PRRSBYTBRIAN CHURCHEt 1ttMaieStreet end friiods% ieeitsd. Mnee:Rr l .Nce A DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT Telephene TO 8a-«91 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY Miite:Rv.E.A.NvnBA Senties DECEMBER 23rd, 1962 SJJNSAY DECEMBER 23rd, 1962 t7 Merbin Si T. A. HUTCH-INSSN, QGO. 9.45 e.m.-Seniir CS,îrrh Srbout. 10.00 on-S-om aigh: Weors h ip Phone 878-2491 Oneitee. Solieitoc, Ete. 11.00 mm.-Mereieg Wnrship. Sersise and Nursery. For Appoietteent 131 Themas Strert 'Is Christmas Enogh?" 11.15 s.m-S m aIlh: Soundcio y Mdilton Spesiol asc hy Junior Oshool. ____________________ Telepbnne TO t-S55I Choir.osîe-uîn:Sue OPTostEcTRene 11.00 î.m.-Joniir ChoruS Srhuuii. 10-5 -su-ol. n Sna SHRP mdNII-OIS 7.00 p.-CSt'ismas Choral 11.30 a.m.-Beositeon: Wecship ARTHUR A. JOHNSON W. S. SHASPE Series "The Mangec Ring", Servise and Nursery and 184 Maie OS Msleun A. J. NICHSLS e Christmas Choir Cactale îdrotnCiss (Lloyd DacistàJelt'ly Barcisters, Solieitors and lue celeisi. crus and or ndgat Cse. ltoaa TO 8-n9ît On. TO 8-9678 Netîries Publicu gon prececîrd hy 111e Seniore Msedîy. Sesaber 24 (Cbrist- Turernind Pcy aurninien 207 Mary St., Miltn Chi.Tbe Cbristmas Susuvy" te lteiet p iesainnt Tcicphoe TR 8-2339 ______________ modern frics, toîf en scrîp. __________________ PARISROFS tuac, vues end pantomime. CfliEOPSAtiTOce F. DAVID THSMPSON St. Geerntes Cbcrch, Lomillo T AL NTDCUC Onecise md Solicitor St. Jehn Chonch, NneînooeneyO MT. PA md' UNIED Stete Dosîne of Chlreprîrelo 189 Mane Strent Main Antldo Jamesetonde Strdeo MM. G. RISSELL, D.C. nR e-mes1 octm: Minitter: Smv . ILime Gmaham, 38 iglig or esittenre TO t-O6U Its. a. e. n. Jaefacee B-A, B.., Cfl. 381 KAmieig Ct Caimpsellilîe. Onaio Sp Apniemee _________________ Telentiona Ste. Ulcien 4-Z5?7 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY PHONE TR 8.923 PUBLIC LISRARY I-MURS -SERVICES, SECEMSER 23, 1962 - SUNSAY. DECEMISER 23rd. 1962 9.30 u.m.-AIi boys und girls 9 DntoreofChicnpriooic Mueday.......12ooe -35p.m. Adrenl IV .yercofoage and oser ori A. P. KENT, D.C. Tmesdoy ....1.30 - 5, 7 - 9 p.m. St Ces4e'e Cinoal, Lamevlle ascelin the Chrisiaen Educe- 237 Kiegt Coau Crescent Waneo .1oe.1.000-Crsme îm c loi Cr.ma una Corner Martin St. Tbursdoy. 1.30 -,7 -9 p.m. vice.1.0eiu-rstsSos Fridey ........ 1.30-5, 7-9 p.m MeusSuit. Seuamon cuiîsi, Moedap, Wedncedmy. Thorsday Seîou.dey ........ 9 30-_ 12; 1 - 5 St. lobe's Cheeeh, Nioogaaaya Net Se; Eastleri Wiedite% I p.m. te9 p.n. - 2.00t CriiCi.1Se,- Geils" Chevie. nii, ld Toecday and Pridop vcc. bi. teei'r e.: edao - 9 am. toi6 pam. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE IMSNSAY. DECEMOER 24, 1962 Siiîee (Soirs. Sasu:iîeci..î Satsmrday Il a.m. tu 3 fIat. CHRISTMAS EVE Beplicm. Plie 878-2831 CANADIAN PACIPIC RAILWAY w.GegnCa,~ 7.00 pam. - Anemol Christmas - Standard Tfime S.Gm ' hrb vi e CaodIclighneg Servie lsd hy PVP4EAL ptarCORsa GigEn-.9angsp 9.00 p.m.-Cindeighs C hr i st- Canadian Girls le Training Coig Est9.3 a..,excpt mon Ese Holy Cometunion and Girl eptoree. Siedîpe, Ptag; 2.48 p.. Gag; Service. 18 mPres Sigpî HeKERSIE 8.17 pint., ftmg. 1TURODAY, DECBMEER 25, 18821.0 . Paetbigyu PUNERAL HOGME Goleg West - 9.25 ar.. gin5 CHRISTMAS DAY infas Nadtry r Daparment Statare Coetenn Srata 6.5 pe, tng cttSt. Geerges Chîoeeb, Lamellia Registered nurse in attend- PIHONE TU 84452 NIGIIT or DAT Tt 8-4471 10.00 aen.-Stoty Coemunion. ane eeer Sunay, of envtennmanîe tend te enît us le diseimilie molde, bel the batic renIe nf al] ofnus ae etteefint- ly aed heîrt-lnnehiegty Ihe sime. And o iei Christmie, ne n eîeey Cheistmas, aul eteengers all hesimne geestiti eeeibtle euyna. tthîiek o ai l tienne diggeree membere Wf ner teetti cme aho sreoine the epirit if Chrintmas agie and ine bease lhey at-e feieedly, and tnvneg. and spger t0 hna one iothee i b lime il bippineet. Ynhhave gied anthee tri- ieg point le hippy living ahen you hase eirbeeded le eheddieg voir yeaistetg crepplige if "tia prized-reseese" le irder la bleed an comman, geaand witb %omne dee :nyta a juil Pied the watt, nf the other meinhers of Our le7tflF~ eaà tbt S in t 811e sic. great bomn famitp. jut -an Hte dcr, th=e shah up 04 did ahen hie lined îmong ne ta Iakmiler a S etiey yenre agi. "Merry Christ- à ~ kw" aKue ee if ynere 4b mas" In allesy eiders. andî tu ldn eklp iee tle ehn eeetan ed tatt. eserynne eeeyhere. Gond Che l etia bonne tht yein p te nte tadme heîlîh, gond friands and hippyChitabou isyr? pa Wh e yoyar ekillinj The The pelte rne f ret U tnfUS "The Heart of Christmas la Hope, Champion's "Kiddie Kselpe" cone othe af vitette maerchandtse The Gtidoees if Chrislmas istest ch ippears eîsh week je veishere, gond st the store ai tise, the piper? Il's simpletle ele îd îey mueecheel'particie8tInZ ta tht The Spitit of Chrietmae je Pelîna' the meeshiedne vouchere yo content. If pou çnçinte a eglen, etoip and Pense." rie aie eure camee le hndy ai slip Promn iny ni tlheee memhalsgqU Apilhefilm - This je ne t thie lime ni yeer. yon belter yone ctances et wa soiaed lnpîîhy and filmn). The rotes ire simple. Hidden le nieg the tnje prime ni $25. the meeshiete' ldnerlisemealo[ Look it tpe no .. sel lei on China hie Ihe largeel popula- 1aroundethe baby pistore ire ehe thIe fot and scia yoer oas Christ. lion in tbe aorld. anrsdofîa eenee 1the baby is ies bonne. KUDDIE KWIPS CONTIST FMi WIIKLY MMCHANDISI CIRTIFI111CATUS YOU CAN WIN sS TO s25 WMEKLY o RACH WEEK filde feetore well tontoin o diféert eepan onv type ef Bohy Pietore Tht titta, or enhet Sahehy le oy- tag ta thleiine eci ho mt- tened thrmegheU th Saedeeeln sente iy oeetlng n nture enerd ta nameofth Safl. Rend ted mien Saey one pnoperaty magem theSy Mil terni the tila. * NOW, ses. if yo eau mallte * etcter ne, then tend bath Ksight's MEN'S WEAR m0 MAIN ST. MILTON FEATURING Warren K. Cook Clothes NOW US TII! TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, Vu MR100 FUGELAN HARDWARE TE B-6011 Milton RAYTNEON 2-WAY RADIO ARR FOR A mREss DEMONSTRATION tee BAILEY BROS. A PPLIANC ES 178 Mata Miltan nR 8-9741 BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP SPCCIALISTS 1H AIL TYPES OF REPtNISING BODY REFAIRt GLASS INSTALJLATION TR e2721 1. W, Philltn Prnp. VOGE PEAUTY SALON Speciottete le PERMANENT WAVE and HAIR STYLtNG NEW LOCATION 192 Mainl nR tI-tn HALTON CO-OPERATIVE .SUPPLIES Havie Vor Paceese Servteed nom and gat tise meet fcone pnur beoting dollar. Par im nervice and bornace cil, phoe TR 8-2391 uitles te tie Ceoat Miller, Wtismar ef et Isena P8M0 ta met, Conodien Champien, 191 Mole eheondie celfigaes. flot If St. Miltone halersn Mendey, ye hive ettaeeha ae s slIp nm.Yse tente eotâtho 1the ce jereet cf n poeenso frem tTOR MILTON TIRE AND RADIA NEW ANS USES TIRES - AIL SIZE Flots Ptxed 7te COMPLETS RASIATOR SERVICE Hew and Ueed Rodîntere TRS8.2711 LAIT WIIICS WINNING TITLI: "Coeld I help it li tmblod eonte thone presente?" Snbmtttetl hp Matrice Caeetdp, 23B Dell St. HIDEN TITLE - "Shoes cufttng me eut." For that Special Gift. . SI-bP AT Davis Jewvellers 184 MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-9972 THOSO dîd DEAR SHOES 221 MAIN Mibeon TR 04902 ony ef tht liron portilputln ta tMe belonr, ced pst coali le th1e botumi tant 111 * eta, yen cm entae nît lm thon $81 and -» eppeetoetty ce sein op te SUIS101 ta strl cotte. Se the tegleol lheg te de ta tee 11101 yen etteci e noiezslinp te -eveontey yoo snd In. Dont put Il off. poblised onder Sae platue eueh motk. Centa e aenm 191 mIL ST. fer yeux, peine. Ladiéis1 Wear GIFT CERTIFICATES THE GtPT THAT ALWAVS 71 PLEASES 12 Martni. Ta 0.448 A VERY MIRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU Promn HARRIS STATIONERY 182 Moto TOR 09*5 MILTON LUMIER AND COAL CO. LTC. hem BOILSStS' SUPPLIES LUMBER PI.YWOGDS TO e.2337 159 MIIN ot. Milten THE COTTAGE DELICATESSEN FINI ANC CMIP SALAS HOM0E BAIOINO FAST Ta" Ou' TR 8.6530 193 Main St. AMilt MILTON GREENHOUSES Bab and Manne Brewn Flieon For Ail On8a"oo Wied Aeyenhere 431 Main il. Miloo MILTON PHARMACY 00E STOCK VIOBIN VETERINARY PRGDUCTS PREE MOTORIZIC DSLIOY Daiiy 9-6 Phoe TR 8.2343 14 MirtitelSt. SRLF-SIRVICE LAUNDROMAT WASH 25c DRY 1Oc 191 MiI St. MILTON SRR BoB CROSS NOM AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. FOR TOUR NBXT CAR Pontierc Acadien - Vauthalt GStC Eoteck - CadRerc - Bedford Vanes Truceks GSSDWILL 1255D CARS Tit 8-2»15 MILTON, ONT. 51501 t7t&2327 MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE AUTHORIZOD AGRNCY THERE Il NO CHARGE FOM OUI SERVICE * AIRLINCS O STEAMSHIPS *CRUISES-TGURS S RRSERVATIONS *PASSPGRT APPLICATION F00005 SLLSN CASSON t prop.) BAILEY FUEL AND SERVICE SERVICE STATION WIV AS - OIL - LURRICATION Bf~ A Pool 011 Detiereol Wen Yen Need if TE ~ ~ ~ Jm -83 1ellaey, Peeîs. MILTON PLUMBING & HEATING PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS If. Por Qoatins on Ait Yaac Nnedn GAR WOOC Au»ooott Moeting Cali CRANOE Plnmis thon Motel Met THI CANADIAN CHAMPION loi BirecWig TR ef900 191 Mole tt. TO 8-2341 Mib 878-9211