8h. fami. gi'o Vol. 102.-No. 32. i -AuthorOod asias stal Me«. MITNOTRISURD DECEMBER 2h,1962 ]entaill o-otyw Pages-Sevan Cents osrer on ah Pos.. Offi o.e Dea on tawa!'. MILTON ONAI, HRDA, 2t, .rrgo.orosn for 102 Y.rThrywoPgs-ee arme New 21-Suite Apartment BuildinnOntario St. B u ild in ga s hous outiorco o)- Thohbudungorlb hooodh ly riaimnêw lass mul lue aofof cona- Miltoo ut ho f inu Cl Pr!; Raibies Treatment Centre 't. Betri Th Chaminsrcini h otCei aa HaoounCooy Courtl ourouilleaudrroodurua doceta h 2sue$100 prsienFnng or d co uc r. N oraudod Tuoorlay thai the Inom Ur-r~ Mriruun iura ) ong 13counory cuuiiatomprongîhs uura h uiu h tr frb cah e iuuo saulaii ani. plus haIfit rutuaff troih Milo tosm aruri inrg rtre Sucet Mn kDr. Frank Bodaneteiunarruo hallJ Lei c ntsues 'girlo Onai Dahiril ih naîrBiro Huorano BSoey, o0gouir.d a Ctraty Jo1huieaariin cuuoy rahous ceorerrohoo Il Dr. Brdaoououiir.da15b cl onbeou ad w rjruku oIo our lo ai ihr.r Deco 15 four iolaionruou onne-bdomuisbilngn MatnS.Tese oor orouongAsmaoror cnt-ur o hOaurrrouhlr oue O Onaio si d nul cof rtat hezn t. ru h faciioe fur hsodim o ets pirr ru h fimae uroroIirAcrclrdiv l naroS.miieo Ajsmntapo abhut Il dugs orld Courthe.oo l Oarror vs lt cdIoacs-prin a haridcesfth orsi or!a cuuoy au orour!te $12,000, ho wau nui h. Qakeulir.diLzi saisi roohiro hot a ooory p ort Mi Be ook)-cifi omites ui Caoght tlopropord hoe sari.oae2casAmalse, Mr etpielouibswk Theuduauuau ii uustrrdilaui "Ti s unr!a u er.u.r n eclrdiew ui atemi ia Worp Hore a egon r.orulh afor anourrahoftrarou hauoeor.0rroruoih ..luluoln Th, tour lorl hoiding rilrtheFli o mes fo or in Milron hilorl tha Dahoillu dog goiug ru go auayuoruighr. Wo fcture eaaebfule u hc uearays.H . 0snlh ~ 2 pouudruirh uupoouduanimair.ljuurrca'rhury our huadultorab- Z uuprnrl.ho ale.or loruas ootro udyunI 5 otsrm Vl leH oorthooauhorrws'uduuooroulrg rlesJu dc. rrofiu liror hoalrog rar! lau hric.k ou- Faitiu0hok area and this rep- propuruni/ Dr. Bodaou uuplaio-.rard Esuuourg Roora Guorge Leus. rrurururr.u0rrrrrroo! ohlro uuur mainu oorro Toirophu, ro,, 1aur availahia iu tooro. Ho rag- est. lieououlrdrharuoaldhbcdouc rrsionuanhi-fiomusic coluoruuîi gorud aoououioof 889ace Tho animral shuliur Mou ruro- for trooroo ualo rIrai conutact ho hoili or int he rrrarroru huri ilh ia dodulioou of laod ai- ou intto an isoaioiu orard for tha thre direaro. The oulur iuariao uads rhaoduoai -en1 rlis roardo duodroapuhr!oo 21 Milton aoimrair crtdr ohuerua- tho uor-h of rhe oooy. orhuro aiue hc iur.iudud lu rhoe pr uor iaueonuoy ahour 400 aunes rion, and rho adoptrion oonre and tho curara uouorrrud jroou o uih gruuh - Phour, dog contre] pood ar Oàhuillu uur of the Ouhuillo uhuitrru aroa. CHERRY LIONTS ARE SPARKLING EVERYWHERE AS CNRISTMAS COMES TO MILTON har! lu ho carpil uuspoodod Bouru F. A. Philhips ut Dahuriloe for rhloo orohu uuhito ihour aul- suggoulrl tho no hort ari Gluauiog lighlu, gluuiug far.ou uaIia uftrhe puiorido ouuuo. or! lisru on Nouasohor hauo huro Ar rha Chriustmu oas trlos oralu uouupiod tho proorruuu paile ouorghr ge.r Logothur anrdH r andgliterngChrstms tuc Th Chmbuto Cormmorco huu ogiog ohoppors u ogei rhuir git darduy aur! tho hildreo ane hup; Tho Hoorar Soiorrr ru a pioan ca uaor r isn cetror broireîr Deputy Reeve J. Charlton w rm hohusarîu and homeou of uiseuuuughr tho Chrisrorar feul- ig docuurlyuwhiteothefinesel- uoroutiiu this fuars liing ruoo oua orgaiariuo uorurog Ouk- lurgr tarnarimais. Milionians~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Buildin Insfsivpe.adciore aohr$00eto ass h anl fcshdcrton ht om shm Chrîurursaruou uuorrh ut Christmaus iighlu, rhar rogistrorcatis out ive 0 t0he mur- loohiug rha ruo duuorafiooo sf iforra On u As ssessor, B idn n p co Chrisrtmau lighrr ot e000 uiau uoru deoraru the looglh uf Mar- oruru uf huy uhopporouoiooriung troor rhrir hidiog pluce lu the Jackr Chartron, Milroo'o Dupufp ruili ho rorafur! io a cooruflig and l or ara ioduod rho rulu tn and Maio Brooir Thiu jr lu a pair ut urippoou for girandola. alie. bas fy L cl R tua e O D.C Rou, sus oogagod Moday as uapacily doriog 1963 ur $1.000. rahrbo hao rhe excpopn au addr!in ru tho $000 worrh pur- rhe uouaf pipe, luc or uuuhu for Dmps In. Churst k5 r«ù àtt n the rorou Auuusorr aod Builr!iog fhuy druoraf, rhe huoros o uirr- chauf i0 proulour foars. grundpa. fuyu for rho hidr!iuu Inspcteh efflulive araar pou., Public~A Ualls Ort forputur oftuu Juouaraplflkice idfi hrc fiiesacgtrn ie ualyeer trer n ito.paei orabuyweked wt A i#JIçS[ 'ren Ou S Mr. Charltou' applicatiuon Mort homesu anc huiliuodr ar bioorig orirh happp faceuof uthild- moory. soe udySho atesci1Zueo lmevdadfu n rapor! irhoseaoo colons. Buoosrn or ior!urtriaf oropfuyoou Alog hoi utror uaine urruSua oulprir prif Rprououratiuor of the Dahuilo prooromoolu ruIo orriug ouuu tueoror!d Couneiluor C. Monrot or Saura laus ands! frenor!r, grups aor! ueruice cubsh hur! haro Ihor!e up laudupuahu hirrrrooorCrsorsDoro ur Cunoui roufces ano lu guua.a h oo ri meonhoru ut Milfon Cuousib rhu Naniuitp nuenle, Christmras ihoir amioal Christmau telur, suoru aur! Chriustmas caruir ring Dau uouu a iuifr fu tsa day oritir repreoetabluu uft he cil% ohjeciveu aur! pulicolor', l reolouuioa tho ruuuorruudatioo. carofor ad os!ugefsucasohcfouod uorpiebu oilh Sauta Clauseu, out fror muras rui uightAtuuu suo-iohoeiog puoour!. louai union ho ph raino the MarryrCapou.bler of theIo- s onuraup froutrlouo. Andt homeown uoandirlfoandr broaro for inchuite oou and! tho gail. frrsahuuureu...happy uuu c a raiotiffurorau. calfactio,usaisitiuisruhhoieha! tfppouoe Charhouwauunut ouusossar ra~logw hl aUoloredor!ohuad Sighbu udr! a uurrro Aur! il roil ail Icrayoor Tho smoering lu Mflto ut rho pruorlur! tu issueuuoultaromn pruuur for rhe porrion of tho ue-aadgsoLjftu Stoooa r!esa are u-glifror uuifh proltty fesriuo hue ru au afruadp-hury uirhio a uuooh 0100 Haff wou uluodei huf dir! paodlog roteant of Inortionu hp Moday oighr ooriog lihen tho ca4yg.00setierpaspus si rlordlpfpsau! igr nn- Chiasuo ou- -r Chriustmas iuuuy o contrinu nuit rieu onoidSèo tho taac cdUesioi!6h ,puio~uua4uuo! Locaf unonuiut iatheP. L. SRoh- nu! suou thir pot, aoctbwuloto noria C. oMi : __________ onua d a DOtario Brool plauru commenuutrif troas auailahto. br h plcrttn i éý uirhlnw trainrthe ouuuufrvr -. airipucooridoronl Couuut iforgr lus attitude ru rhe Mino Mill aur! FEW THEETS r.ribioiaor uodouhfadily, hut wu0 Council, Parents Post $200 Reward______ Soroibor Warhoru Union bu, Sud- Tho piibaoiug uf Cholustmas tr rufl Mr. Charlrou uhouir! ho uhte hury, ohiuh rhoy hoaodod 'Con ligIrbo hau fotr hou fou suuuro sen lu uioru ut hiu orunicipaf x nl'st.1 .rhiu yoar. police ohiof Ray Ao- porinour aund fiu orpriuuueofu Hit-Run Driver Hospitalizes 14-Year-OId roodio lupor .uou r.urpruTravugrooiohrapiathuo.u sucia by tho Oahurill and Diustri o000 chaored tIis uuoo for the or!. Mrlrou Polsue arc oduurrog a[ Momeotu butor, whiu rhe Bodu I Ho r uhur! uot dieur lu rhr. Crashs Hockey Lahor Couoil the. ruu lou-ai un thoti unirghus Thiu lu tho oly halaru for tho pusiionu orau set tait-ouate investigation loto a hr card foiruguupprr aur! oarr OPP. otfice for hrip, aund Couia IBr.urdou the hord rujurios anr ouruiuooud l ucl a reo uaI o theIrtve auni ou theo hpoli ru dth. Fank 3700 p res00 uaranlouur AKCALO asrrbruu aucir!nton Branle S. rug for rouo ru mrrr trainrhrufu ltsRucharduuon aur! Bennett paralyuru. Sfuvro uuffurod criundDsritLa o o utth7iliuauouu h uiur ao FahMuiapruo rro AECALO Friday afirno sh hoptai oril og route for Hairun am taror hi. air! Tho G.rlr aem unlourni hur! fhlaico HiLacGH or! f-oaroîr Btuuoo Boodr of iPoultrrProuato. Brauou ho durr, plaur! ihe hou on aua c uruut rodir yoarsofu houhey pfap- Lutr or uu5 pa-dau rr0 hF O. o * i 154 Brnlo Bt., Milron. thr Muob huar a noise troor uer, aur! ruhur! hior ru Milton iug oith duoaluprug qulik reflex- uait tab .E ur!Cnrs ýic Ps o lB- Brouou lobi Toronto GCuera] ourridu duuurihod ausrtha uoy ut a DiutrictrHospiral. Dr. R. Mauhap eo ir rho hou. aur! ouplab ho Cada olonCoga poi r PssPo B-a Huoital suoferbog troor 'anuru rat or utihes animal. Mr. Secudu iruoruiataiy hauhor! tha hoy pruhahry trlor lu dodgu thu uur io'es hrluo ih .ar huad injuriesuandparaltuiuoai* lic uaidb ha pur ou hnu lauhor andrver,r.ated au ambhulanceutuor aushioaoreono hror and!uoruuniyautionsout-oiu acuident tata Frida' aftrooo, ho dituh lu frot ofthu hlouse, uui regain uuuuuuuuauo sufft 6i St. Priday roooiug. Srruououau niern Costs A h b-au teorine aur! appuint- ha apporutlar Cuountloo Njruaiunu yarouor! theuuoudcls ou mi wa ntrouuiourofruotlhotuuaiug. aor.Saooday. Iuarrou.rouptturou iuf 'a Milton Suiorriug Pour Puarue aoauogouaauCu tquiou.d asouuoauueopuhlieraur!u orlcl itunti Toudauuruuný %%uhie hue urau urroo, aund police To be Investigated BocilnethfrasfficilrJ.e].Cuilr ,1i libssdinhepjc.A i uutr Bur oureo ihncern ilur the thoilrJ 0t CuuiioBaldoroodh ua! utu ojet ng Il 10 hoece rue ili aaroororoig hahave uro CümururuouCentuesAut rau pas- uliu r howraaulra cooilauseorhiar thSuiro g Poof t 10mani tropiral unr scuraa driver, allor utoikiug hlc ouuh C ouluo oOfOIf engneein siur ! h ri Mihton Couucl Modar, ippoitruuuana aitho 0 Conooiuooe ru nut authoroor! hy heks uni reinin theo ruteau oboh.nro iurra tour yeor arc oui bc inrati mar ir t uoao u mt $200 Rasoord Front Page Ediiorial ur! ruuiu a ur.abock duhser! au a touhear sueto iCas lu nvalrIigti hbt. lto a lcfrte h hoe buroui 300la 500 milouiceb o mm wuh. ah rou!bouiuIuooogaaathuugotuolou Naonir thufleBoard veuveo yan. metor epniue ihu Modar'. Milto Coaoii poutar! uhal huppoodt lu tho hoy.I tio ciler C. Mouofv, heora the twn M Loduirh, G. Riou, J. Woig- Intoor Claoso upuilo authonity traor the curt.- a 10nurdfrrtroau f sa YU rieoror tha off c.arton orifht Pruuaduohiriu a fullfinieoen gia'soihL .Euansuand A.KiCoOr Tho vlt% %ovas uau se ru o l i itet o itn"fnl fadu o10 hearrofor informauonr WUve Y ourseir U haroocaoght mu the cao-,and fti girrh Tur,.ouniormuobrooaaratro aise:uegrhp discususion uouuod lrl tbherruayfuorpassageorg lion of the hit-auru drioer. Glspuseu ou f on ou l Boit Bnitiur rnhae brula. Wudoodalthe oouuparet, Mr. Gv T ourle patrIrepro rprusrlo! thre aThuu arr aioe truluri lu focase wruuoh $8,000 a yoao to the.rou' oouar hoSuirigPu aur! Mou. Jis Boodo, andur! au- Braolo S. accident Prir!ap rhon pot 14ipooruir! Stsusu Serdu lu Braun l l nu fira pcnhor ai l,,Cuchalro u ina sugsudun Theuruho orr arohe rawmm Po alther $100 ru the ruruardi mruor rouS orrraouou oCuuluoMuf ufooi Cunmrrao, rhaiorai Millo Lor!- Sgt. Rooer Moreauuuf MiirutusuTooto Drossai Houpital. accidnt, arouudthe time 193O or!au. uuihurppeaor!aokiogucouuuilup- Policei o uuduutno tho invroui bru tIre pla of ths Suedu faili of lthe ooiglhoshuod aur! paru)%liehn Mn. Sudo aur! tho Cooiibu N. Per.u ,ugguesieord .potro nimro garuN ad h uuoo h uo P.P Constbles fouaror! aod uouuuil uhouir! aise faite fille crara cipv rinsi parnnlu .rroosig Braule Sn. tront TIre îr!peasuîr! bar! hs ou tho î2sî fluor of Torouto Goneral ororno iho hou't ,I' aoo u uroumupOOOxH r aur tau 110 i frot oflu honere n atilprlsso CifSy Gv doo mairs*"di uuonuO . ol luaui theuurpluohd bun i oau urruuh b ho urh- Houpisol suffesiog uerous hoor! inruiusdpro osîusu rbu h cuohicle1 iatro ou t rnhsisîihtsidrHe' osmuderingnîpha lhrsa much ..aduwhp hourluuinforaou la avi:,i Laul ut nuunh 10mii ailacuo 111 h bladvo outesi bo hoiclu inthhoh ibîtuor! fod" ucl hairorauýaounut quuutiod fur- lissshaeruou oarl' n losîhoro. orioiur onfidenceand hp loC. Johnsonuuautiouodie btatonwsdla n the youth could ol gra 'a par- o n hnobt she drivr nhot partie ap houe led 50oiîhius hai Polioe Dupairuubn Tho cooo aira lu bu unrrlrurfl!li cusilnmd or fiai daocription of tho ar- mIrai flighi fron she suene. Nu ono lut sur île driver as ne hosle rit olaror! Poliur Chiot Ray Aurrru. oero u juul bc hu ooahlisho! hy hy-faor. uîouoirhir. Farthoruifuuuila(iu la boy. Neigîhos slnd souo0hearogarlhudhoweoues "Whuooo bl oaohnuvulut go iuoxpouted aSuO 's o nditonI Thopieoitoiheorir i esi giv ooosuif upNo one car. % muetus casier un lI ra n Estblsh i Wmporhuugrod!,uulr!suioloaon holpselosroonOh uruouhun ira persan dir! Rush is On Dopnrls Rouuo J. Charlruoni l a- case, Sgt. Moreau hau 1rnlouod up moso oîiaus oo unr, fihan if thr poulice in tIroir conutaot uigil- bhauharo tho Police caeonock eu s ai sIre Miltoan Post Offie5uoil, a o trroo cki.pupublic curuy cic ou flha rair o rhoro arue oueoiuollp find pou out. irg ou fic guilîr' parby's duor, uofth four addl!tloal hnipern;lsiTc eccdaoigt ahouto. Ainhoogh thorear orn nu Il ui lobe o noasuur of cousage tu 910e 09. Bar lu île end bru uoir! hîros! thîs orarir hriegig thoe o.naIlsuha liaoousuirh fliocourt. .uuspects. police h ava out haeu iînopioiderd theo aner rapoot. Ifîthe policrfaituuouos Theo fou ras hitC' comulnud sotl tu ator. Hird ihis meairil able ru la auchoa wuihoss fr- <ou. aur! if loroffiont euideooo lu foaod, rou nul have the Ir- tho Police Chiot 'anr! rIra faut tn heip ost s!arig sha Christ- Cornn.llrrr C. Johnuou ouurr rherouvidrnur. don tu ruve suirl . .alere Il wui ho pour conuoirnoe îlot rs that li lrroirunloti rflico soh am:r Mn. Agasaur1 ni flria uoroitloo ottouldut OFF.. Haro Thas! marInd . .. lIat os ondes île ulour! ut il ail. ouooonof the aucideot uibborrl re Joan Hrphora. Wapysa Bell ans! cou dru fl arue Board witir lis North Hatuo G.P.P. Cuuuiahioo If le accideut perurdi uuhrwo nu tIre diver il lu ine fus poig Ir and aibig tha Po. Sandra Web. dbt, ponid Bill Beunett aur! Daro Rnuhordi aolof usrtio uuseleurthe queion Werenoul ai5.25p h. lu raio h a ýroouoriouo mat- Dsrssg tha mntir ef Dreaas ýcCoouni lnurn ouo!uuioru- ourigl odeaau our Islop Droihe per r rsan imuuluod raport- ber theesoipsoanliog..tri trrrnrrlîfricuoru bylar oorahfiuh- son ere orkig lalhe n FrdayDece be 4?"or! lu tho Poerni ev0 0000 an hiu Ine has canualias! 300000 tat. io droi Board. A lotr r aino tire m e t f fi c e u o o t d u r bu Ilro T ac id n iu a u a i n g , u a htl g i ho t in a mun u u t hepr l le d aterirn oI u ir h a a u u u ir to r a n dss ! g r s . A o o t 1 6 2 .5 0 0 - uii e sr o u î i r d i c u to p o t h o prd Preidr' he Th t uhr mll huard a Ihur! ou the ubruo, amna 5ý the druves us Steuen Bords ieuruou rIre groarout opmpaîhp. Bull Esnoss Ha Dis! It" mis! te date In Decarroer. Par___ _ rppaliubhuudo! oudo tu ciftlurOhar.hur aro iorgettale poitioous" iam sure flcpaho ]uoh it theasaint pearioorpaa yer i51, fi __rtino h st ed au acuident, but cuudolt sec aur' If i suas pou, giuo yrsuf oio Thots.tIrs pbea of this om5- rr' son houu hoe did il uid 500 wo caot otossps orr rc hîbI? Gv p e aeTw.îoruo!o aaSuo thiogounuut muniip f (Canluar ou Page Tou quairasi. W a sIl ieU? SePg Cniur[o aeSv a.5 lit littai : , $ ; < fl