SThCanadien Champion, Thurnday, Ochiber lt, 1962 AM8 ......wIia ------- --.'~PsN4w m~b cntloo a~ Mrs. Wilson Hostess faiait the teamo playc evt wo rae lthe iqbu tw 10«fI We are aise teyflg tu fores- Brandi St. Luke's W.A 1600 AAts away. b thie &caos d0t coins, we i l a bit erybclnn ojmore te report on ihis seon.av YThe Evnng Brooch of St.________________________________________ Luhen W.A hetId theireeting hoe t Mrc. Hirry Wfitnt of Paterme. Winter acticitite hav srtedtuc Mr. and Mre. Rebb Johnon et the Legien. Tho eocr legu Dar c et Commercial ancd fanilceof Sunderltnd cere e'itt.suefur, sette lttre am lg ti erwh10fnsmetomplet- En- Seedav viciterc ef Mr. and Mrs. IMeto sepopti aepe e in..Lse r trere osy L wec rs o W., McFaddun tact anether teule lie p rcihlete se t foull lkoiter- Mr. ane Mtc Stttt MuFadden Ihis weck'esscioe. An geti«eti ai nte upgrade. an cttepent Sunday v cith Dr. t rted itc p.l c aeso T dtxitcg.are g n rtaot W EA SO PO R a t Ms.eog Forci and lav,cecîî pal tzc Pýiite- esa tigro e fs th 18 poits OYA S0FPO RS of Kng i' . i.f 'eac, Widcas hve 4, Boppers, I Vtiibes Htem Se ltr. tht ilccpy Gan a]ei Rebl n Ha & Halfs are c ed Litili ftihp Craddctk of Of. ccc ceit ornt peinte.Cndena 2 O.S. n Shefttnrs lied on urino tccc.cis stcccngccwitthjcceeat an ie and Arf are scn wst i6 n h Frme aretrailing racl. Mr. and MrsB. Oaesand eight points ceh.Tieran Ki-'thfu fcits These tact glsie hie parents Cept. and brd hecýý'f cccpeintI' Ol ProI"se th i-Ight, se the DNJ N OSLWEC Mrc. Oct! Cradck are accsccct^ reav . ct nev cpl"i.0soeant iniaieofthetr pc Recs andu Dentil Lawence, R.R t Miton, are the.kind of dait-ymen vrlla are talays SlCle AcvCegcc ficilt.eeedbac treegfrtur'pet They have stnnd wel up ie D.H.1.A. fer many yoars, bot te bin Tornto ctt cae ne deciso e n Anourioy reaout has c Octoer 1960, decided teetfPoiaedngctdipceherrectn d Mr nd Msc. JeDc.Micand un thetr etatus. This cel be be eforied. Tthe ecen rtprt profite.osci uiaFeigcudipoeterpouto n lam fEteciceke sp.tcSeede ccaghc.ncttouttnthetttea fur- sntedare:Mitn eAutnterge- ccchM.cccdccO.oltcactîe, .mevmmceeec ~ tnmemeetuccmeDeing their first year on Purina, they mad ahbatnced 16tsrtionf thir on girsin eith 34%h Cece Checr and fed this aecerdieg te individuel cece production. Thnir M cc ad i. Erest Daie CAMPBELLVILLE dry cecet wnre fnd D&F Specia and grain. tamil of iMph nd M andD.H.1.A. recerds and thoir ewcrCnt and profit figuresecncinced the hrnthrsrui Aet 4tîcrin Rtcd Ccpp Oede 196 nos t rw rh r up averagig 24 ]a.ntmre ctilk and $8.49 mure1 dio nnrc'h ecccce tei Se o Mr.~~ ~ ~ tadMs ae ign HoId M onthly M eetings hcer adeotg t9he dchacaraion t Tetcoy ihue cute a toeruenra rduto and altccl ocl Keceptcillec'ccictd Bp Mmn. R. C. Menela ftet the - rem nct.c gicen te ef beth mith and fat, and hopt tho ecws ie better condition. ttcaviith Mr. tnd Mr. A. Mr. J.W. Roberteen wac he tb.nbythie grs Mr. L. Wat- MR AD MR. BYAN . HMILTN ae piturd in te tbe Ladites Aid ef St. Du- son gace the treacurer' e pert D.H.t.A. recordt ie May .chewed Ress' bord acverg fer 1961 as t3,0t98 nitk, 481 fat, Mlirwddn A o n S BIPAN r a. AMtT arem picc.ched fbriee Mr* andcrttt Mrs R. Peltett.'cicc cnd c cdc Cbercb fer Tbcok cdPmt abyttcer cc tJact6 b.reetceyet 90Dniebr aeee 229mt,48ft * cecctedccgecheptcchntacachamnc Tiebrde Dccnn ft3ttctciecccpetty- etlccring meeting. tcpertthinD..IA sepCtndItyecort Onro.Ttmeedogtrck etthd ce tbe forcmec Nanccy Bceecer ccf Kencecli, N.S. Thny are ce. erdziccc ccccb the Pellecrice. Mrc. Roebertcson, bhe pretidet Tht «neco meeting whicb witt Doi 2ht DH1A tnigcfratOtve Rynecces Iccttute ofi Tecchnoetccy. epeed tbce meeting ccitbi a penm bt b bnefngmoigu tteeth otrya t h eig e.Productieon per cec, je ruoning Fs Oety e Tbcskfet Htart. Tîco Ncccc.mbnr ,1. PN ci! . 2.00 ad et tact yoar ment menthe. For exempe, compare Stptemhor 62 te Soptembor 61. oiJI1IW, 011ie tleteticcceert tahee by Mm. E. ccltk n theaftnc. Denzite boerd cs cp 10 this. mith per cnet; Rese eh 191. Higher productin moes high- Chryantemum Decratons Wod., Caine ed Mce . K Mahn. tnd Grnp: tud rofits and the profit ecer met fred ceet te up $2.46 Per cecei fer Deneit; 57.21 fer Chrsanhem m ecoatins ur Wad« hesec'c'y Mies K. Mefho. Mrc. P. Marron and Mrc. T. Wat. County Cenilrs have set ItranLiter gccinglec r.perc, reclad nhu c.harge th td Deeeit and Rose Lacerenece are gltid For Hamilton-Brister VVeduing Therscday. Nttvessher 29 as the cette "thank feu" noetec. atse grîep. Tht hysn - "AI] Thiccge ttcytmad thtdecistutry Purina.lbas A prc. ettc.cidt8 cf il,- ,tht Iccieît tthc.t ltt andttl dote fer th culW re s sri nitatincs ccc attend etfilr Brigt and Btautifet"r a cnu gicen tlitm higber and moto prafilabte pro. - tc.rec sclote plc.c ai St. Phtfllttccceut clut roslesc. Dteer. Ttcankccttct cg mceetincgs. Ptane Mary Etta ctoetd thtwa 'Ltisg dectien. They haet saime pmmicieg helfere WALTER B. JOB LTD. Lharch M.etktti.îtt .t2 ccSep-c Lc..tttttg ccc etcectttcct This year Warden C. A. Mer, lIer a cde t'or a quittieg in tht ciîth prayer. Parm Hamhtey sadd centing uteng tue, raictd ue Nursieg Chctce 729 Plains Rd. E., RR. S, Bsvllngion tc.nh.ctecc.Necccgtcttcttcctccchtc.tcî, tte Mlton celîtb ho heered rceur ftuctre, atcccaeccep adecod. Gttee alter chic a dtticieue CefSatn nI&.To r akng Krcea.S bccai flitec.ctt e tîtîtt Ilet rid e 0 tic, eernh lunchr Ctnh lejye Rer. Thre bun Po en cccut ren eoer thggc profit e te 40w andAI ST. N.Mie4 c..cttlc cal nt Ce fs hi oe br ecrlie so ui al octcte.caecte btr.c t cttî itet tccetlecreictcc' h and ttriltdetsas netecin. tct'eccthercniemSerc Secteurw MillefePoiacdy Rv. R. Brwcnc petttctceci lice 'Toronct,.tttere the grecîcc hc )e.J ingoaddin a danceethetp.e Orean cceveninght.eecing was urmn.JamtceiJohnscut Mi[- cttoc'tib ittttic ilRecsu 1t il rain,snseetheoitsof the mea eueg. The meeting Icce ctoed WAT CH to a ioet. Teciceccitta Inttueo rentai of the datnce hall ecitb praer hy Itle prc.ccdent GIron hy Father ftcttrtc thctcccct.ct ,, c' ' dahd iaeitb Alter' cîneieb Grae adacecc OUR lane., h,,,e« hld I'r t,ý erve. Caadias wo wat bigerprofits tomorrow, feed PU RINACHOWS today! Gi- iîcc ce tccc.tgc'b, lier l- bidîe hN ýMec Eti Canaian whoan biggeropCm eril ad et ther Chate,,ccrlister t til[, full. petit. -'iec alt llc",it:~.: Thi HesopCom eri M isiBonad , ee WINDOWS f thaerde crutc.t'cih .tete parict, tc'iiect h, c I ,1%u1iWater Main Planned ethtlcccc.e Micciel înt CC* U U.Uuue um u .u . m.u u 9 Lt cte,, .c.ceRrecand Milt Cecîccil Meedcvac cOctuSb'erccmeetincg in[liechrcc FOR ~*eame teccetî cii. Iter tliitctttt'c ctts r chc'i.ccca thet- sclittettt'utlatt0 'ctec.hSater- ,thilectephartltoii',tc.ctcîic.c , a n wi ,tlsll'cutctiunte ci anc icht davccceiffctl he precidcnt Marc PCIL mav chidHcf t'ac't of.t hoire ILee AstinBrary Ncc.ttctercmacnttct\.'ccee Hcciep Dc.'ecccccpeecd the mneetingmwith SEIL vsCccccce Lcupeid oci NettîSetT MdcaSt- Roucd cad Comerecialct reet, ci pe. "*Oetc tht Theebtut ccce.ttetc.fttiteTc't Tiedia tudent altit fccýk%\tycDic.'luOetcrioHeut Ccn Keec%". Tht cnnEC tes e egw . cad fite hi cctc'cîcccc, T He c a ccl Ccc oe'rctcce Medc- St. "Golft Sec Ille Little Speercîc flicegroomeccte crnatiotctn pict Mectccci Occ.cthii \ilbcfc ette'chlcefottrIlle detc. Theie gactheepcin praecrcand VE peud-ue gcccsc. Secte dette lefieecb\ flitec Ce-jcýitie M.eti Depa.tttCcitftPubic Werbetcd Mccc Dc.'îîcî' rentd thc. Scripture ite.tcccc'cadse cu c..cieceFecic.ccnuttaiccOecicrttteycfhfalltec.ll e tt iesscctTectffrting tcs eciced .et ah h hb , l ic oitc iett -, eces i .î cececi I locc Il i c'l ac.t,phted . '% a vls eic cdw hpry muni ttftttt.ettt Tee qecefee ic'iî' n"re c hleeccî he s ich dait- ieg thIe raed h ray W EST END tin c t o tl'r l*,,,. a ililiel or d paim ntof LI a d ll cih i cm in e qtcuiee 5 lIce tcei'ttt Reger fIlet et Milton ulc c ite i otthcftacteicci c.ccccterectîc. Dehostare ber Teown cc Ktiy MA.cen atnd Beeît WetoeatureRed BansdBeetfa treeecccccnt 1c K-t tetiet of arif eceec icee c. ete Iic' icc pc. CcccttrIettttt ofi Itle line Cciteg Open Thur. ond Poiday dit 9 Hcamcilton cec ugi cit Fuetete. tiie.ttctinig. ccii te S4,187, ttttb the cet-t tee Na eSceayWeSrv h atEd the. bridecusceine trult Mcc kfecîlii t e iTtt t ofttci cci 0Ût te tele Detrccett cît pctilic FetsielorenyW ev T.1. id Te6 1 f tecules f i cît ti- cet ef ttci tutl c50 in t a 2.444. Tfcecî'c, ,e ofi ftc' tttthc.tcetc le We huec.t ft.'bide'c, ccttt, MecS cftc C& etui' c.eetcieite ccii forte ,ecesc.i cectct thetthicteIichcuttcct w teccete uce ecc R8.6501a na atitcn.c lThe heiclee Tfth, bitt,tcfet\cri, îdfc LieMNc.Lacn nctreicse ________ e sv Beaitece eL c.'oi t teui b-c.ttcte TRcfIN citeN Ot. etet'tc. IttSccttrc te replace GîtîenaE rec.c.ceed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~elt ctcte e cîeete, TAN~GGO~D Rcttce ctttcccecS'eeM cr \ehe Icc >c c.CI tuci11.1he THE FICTION 0F M add dre, -Ii mcette - I L1 Ltttei1 htittett'ttt etetîccet gi feic l ite i% ifs e llec titci lice Aeemie ahb.te ou ntee N- sc 'c cette1 tioeap, icfsf ettktLo i Ir ciit eec oid die c. oecec i ng roccbtcc ec.~ee rtee. etc, \icett Tci .. cete i cit, tecîieccg. read tiMtMs. Mrcand Gceec AUTOMOBILE CREDIT R - odW. Sceccef tel hîiicette -t tt.etttttt"eeeccec t tei tlic 'ttc-ct' About 64 per' s c h in ec a iitet cites.hiIb it ttc tc.cic i.t. in ac r-c cent of wc ar Stîlli n Hospital -Cuci .hc te te.te i f e'n NO IA IOc ars en finsente Following Accident NOMINATtIONie. e - CON EN IO fron elrs Tîte cc eiceeet il. cet Oce mi_____________ rates antris ccc lia plin l, m lo De- bey heegie etc ocre ceitahe treet cril dealers 1 i, a11 lgand Silo Friduy, Octoher 26th wh-eacecbeur eayvu let tc.k . IlcBtLetO CK TOWN HALL, MILTON, ONT. ing etherecice. e w t u MaoSt ,-cu]-I la cetesa finance termeo are e cc h i. 7ic J.i COOKE (Contras Slass ue0PM sed as advertlainn hait tilat LT.tepublicnete sgm pl toacas e'e..eA FfDfRAC CANDIDATE WItet Bf SfLECTfD FOR ds ipl to c h ccc1 hec Cet t t Hececil N -76 THf P. C. PARTY AT THAT TIME.tNee ecce ert 'ice~. e~ t MILTON IRS36 REFRESHMENTS - EVERYONE WELCOME eacctac.iymc ht icîdtc icce ece huse car ut cpy- good tokeepn enet.lIfceebcccct't ethec a ueali clin unt eccriccus cernes fromc il separa.teloeeccctpanc ccn ucectty bu crrctged. TWO ceper,îîc pcymence millii ec bc e due cach cccccth teu G O O D0N E W S An sp,Olaily lent Intereet pay43,%interetfoebofthe io payablo uenualiy hycopn Feor a ose the ment titres ye-aend 5j/2% by choqlue, if desfred. s ým Ipl ecae for onch of the fitnal eight yas Yucan ehyour Canada huoed on the TOTAL nnpaid -an avelgo ieterest te mate- Savings Bonds at any te, ut FOR LU C Y R E N TA A S VER SI balonce fthe e moIe tere of rty in 14 yerarr of 5.11% per amy bank, at full fncg value plus the cstrot. Addltlenat flot ya.I olr n et vr anditnt chares annatt acces poste enx- ~ ~ t e~ ~ne4L Svig ce.. LUCKY GREEN STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN spacisl conditieo ef credlt ral- accumuaed eeto $172.50 Bondsatoday-beatalvr 1 WITH YOUR PURCHASE FROM ANY le. atmnaturity. Nec c cars, tan ofet he fer- Yen tan buy a $100.00 bond chaccît en 48-mntth termes PRO- for aslittle au29 a day,through VIDtNG the puchacer bac es-th neietaroSin Iyet ccein t credit cacd lias meade a hcevnen arl avnsI e M i to P a a er h a tsulstantiatdclown payment. Plan wlmre yen work. Canada CANADA of AN gt'eter the eeert cage. atatybatik, Investirent deler, shepoe Ifynportherie yeerecar stotk brkr rs rloue BONDS Orsc froin us Ilcala bcfnaed aoy soe Yorkce's Esso Service Station and confidenec. I ery case Thyeavable iamoutsn ec BEGINNING AT ONCE tInd attywbore. a limt ci 10,000.00~ L p- osn WATCHI FOR NEXT WEEK'S FREE STAMP ADVcERTISEMENT TRFLA MO- ere'