~~AOPU~I~~ For service anot htaed*oâm I fims Um BRIAN -BEST David Lawrence Heads Y.P Sweilinge Roar DPafen One)tiç~ ée. .Ae E ~ E Group to HeIp Korean BoyWt- Crwdli atccourir.WHI a' 49~~~ud kauscfysnm eric. g r hch osue dxarubt trpipe. crsrc$3560attfrtbt O$~araoai6rnanS878-629ioz 2 By Mes.CeclPaîeson atendance, Mrs Ross Laurence Eah Sir i irqredtokrepa e a bup Yird jt mstudeafnhd by<rcduo (lie00cc rsO <ah- otr rHcart c.ogratultioncss an et ad Mrs Gordon Tasker tsere rerord book eq e ewpb esrasi udsoaruposiutd atre stcrowtt.pptogbui osttorcttrhrd i orrfr $.0 uvesrisrcbad lest. ~ o %visites ta Mr. and Mss. Jamers %vitrrs for the tadies, Gordons ket, attend 60% of the meeting", the drmaostratiao of the a <att. ]v «trm the. bt.tt tsbtt. aun side, nul bcro paud. $1040 692 Besa onthetr first wrdding atai Sinclair recissd travelling prize make asimehuseaadai-« guststWeil usGuodt ,'rttah d .caille.<butr.! Enamale ont v10,aw, on rotamer on14,cr, i ttt Mr. alsa foa high score and Warren tend Auttievemeot Day, Ferrarv Espictratiu ior iu.Tt ci c s b tgts tc s ut usu conrenenen, located, on Main and Mrs. Marris Turner an their Tauke- 0cr lots score. Anoutter is 2, 1963. lir b n, <arts ed Thf Grr e ll r Lat trc h Waigtet î,taisi a ctsys seenia oone Gerg ooii on' lot. Weil irrpi 40thsrddin anroilerrsar St., close ta nes Piea, je coin. Country ities wedn anvray, Orta. placoood for very, soute. Thse pro. Memb,,s' pamphlets and aor bc)' atire f our fief Equesa1, Anthsoy Gss cstd 0< Exploisc.3SieO basrst ou tnoataot e t Prpri e 4 atuMr. and Mrn. Hauta!tcucddlh tram <bue parttes arelotu friataresuas disîrihoîd at Atuy rna cAua<s<att.tut.a atslirrisrtbsatas crpaaiilt; $15.DN FULL PRICE - Modern 2. Ford 20 verc srd aos Outahes 17.~b adtalstt aos chimney meertiug ouille suas çanettd. rasupasy prsidret, spahe ta tire Hatîson aed Wullingto ca tes. i5 %cs atcitaha. "Ttireinformatiuon va 1 pogsibilities.hedrenm home,oî10acre lttWetsh thrse cuples mcoy andsns anad cphardsin he Adicsio onmtra t- arad about therrspany adýhe s<tpanytc a rtsmd int954. was risorcusasd thersttsut. 2tfMhn coosislis of large kituhen, liuing more happy yeara andt anss'rr- kîtchen. able for hoasecoats suase giuuss thr stuck atyrud. Ha e iIudc Mr. Set.ua. stss tbt.er srt % vif uts bohrr clase. The ctua t rat Ml on os 4-plece hath, fatt hase- suries. Lapsagia. Sunday and secerrat samptess sure <haute, hi s sucrtass.scrasaie, Mcs. Wa-, bas, a capacits ut 600,0.0 auhic t.,s, ,ta, rats ttircertimes tbu FOR RENT ment, oitheat.Taxes$lM00tsith Mr. and Mss. Catseraa Mar. Sonday0Oct. 21srithle osered A demonstration "taking mea. ter Pope ofGegetownu IrrI t ofgas ttcis, undr sut.h estimactu, bas thu arti sahmii $190 Per mnth, 8 rotos on 2 ferros. Cati Art Pearcbc, TR 8. <hait aad faoeity scucihipped on as Laytsan Saoday, suhen men aoretsenîo" suas gluen by Martee Clîmbs Op lllgglng higb prussure thrai tilt wuh atd <si d s. accotuiro ta, n tîsut t flairs, ait coorenieoces, ait 6447. OS. George ,s Aneglian Chuch, tramthe hcungrgasian suitl con- Carîts and Diana Dathy suith al Dcilr Lare MrKittap ctatshr utetu «r mtses r tac bu Os Io Mc. Littlec'caid. tare, heated incitadiog garage. NEAR MILTON - For sale, on Losucitte, an Orluhur' 14 <che dael thr servuice and campose the girls pacsicipating. cdi ap thr rigging ta tight suitb c tar frut thr Lusiu tarts ta lie sugestcit thr cddsîiunct he lightsay No. 2, 145 acres dairy thuic granddaaghter Debra Macry, choir. Fred Wright and Laman A shorthasinessmeigsa itorah a sitight <efuge of gos! usant te Toronto. <rus sucra c frsuv sprt.ttc items G uelph Are farm hothcoler, large daiy daughterof Mr. and Mr odn LaigoftOmah ad Stanley Wil co ted by thsidtent auadten stiddclownicgainttaac lorn MrSreuckhsca20 «cais vhst.h u ireqaust.d aser anc hu05FFAM ma h66c haase uid Ith act, H rs arrs is atue d shod n nd J. chrig oBstnwlmeig e <buth 420-pued pressura of taact cIo tasppv atrit gus iss abusa be oricial uaeit 1 cm j aste 6610b li qtal arisa atud o ndficiga atnmi The secand metn ul eThu flaires hittosurd inia the skyl distrihuttan ta Actue. Guucgestui tscigtiycat1 i, un 150 acres, asking puice $22.040, tn- relient mcl. Ashleg $0000 af Bacrie uisited <as a <uts days John Jarvis, son af Mca. Chas. in the wonurr ec2 i 6.3 gir ap bui ,age a.A a ircdMsîusibUeidOhr cssaoîsidr tss estimair bai ot leresird in aoy Itemi affer, 100 with hall dlown. Cati Bah Lait suith her parents. Ms. and Mro. jarvis, ]ri lasi Satorciay <au a pude omTtgctsttflaitessracred bue <ti <ramts e Gca Compans ai Hamiltons. buhuts sîs af tîer 'k shich 1 h acresolsler coliuatian, halasce <ng. C. Marshall. thceusurekvacation by masnuna lussiealunchsnauitashso s cur cu.aouusui hosis and pastare, gaaud ses of WimpEy SpECIAL-Nesu hunga. Toum Ottawsa Western Canada and Seattle onesstes, lbtan ilb 20.se le lea repauree 911 C ope " 00 bidigs uey oeccas u ic, un large 60 fil. las. ransins. A ry flac tinte antd a goadl Washingno., At the close the leaders Mus. New ConyRul items in the laso's sniesir n t rver- nicance. far0f 3 hedraams, tIiig ruat, holiday is reported isy ail cha Caauiinst Mra. Colin C Poîtersan and Mus. Marie Kier. cl'Yaidrd pcupcraîian of csutt hase and We have a largeerangeaof<aurm amiy a thn 4peesun ets otioehs Maruhail no ming the oornîtn served lunchMrsT.Bos-- mu o. ptaparste i sistang <ati hii atisuons, flt open banement trip to Ottasua- ai Thanksgatteg. pnie, an etuctria clark, ut the field assistant leader, suas __bl aus map cuasidrciaono ailtc nuait andamaltareae ssi tan it h tihF/A gas heat, exhaust an, The sighi sceina tnur ni the clip Trade Fair in Milton on Saturday hu atehi Clantp 1ow on Ix e d tue tus tatssuatias cninern y laceees sacms and creen suindasus. suas a hightight, aisa a tor ofeeniog. teapll Hayelde A em hytla gacurnsog îhr aummiîîuuc ta rpetidisaa op ta stodius aod prepacaiae ai' 30 Cat Fit rie aty$1506taon th Frtimes uititgs hu Ms an Mx. aronRuther- Miss Herîha Broahes and 23 <armaion, apusait and rogue. S300. Fac any tucgr epcenditat'us copirs îf<theurport. No N.H.A. mnctgageracrries lac Fearu Tusurr, a chance ta louk ford andtMrs.uand Mcs. Win Ross feiendn memisurs nf the Nuorses' dttucuaofthe aius caaia'i t1ituysautd have tusuit <<srt- Cotuittar N. Puarca ubstai af Tom Bradley $103*peu moeh finrtading taxes. clp tamtes an tise memaiai book ac siing suth Ms. and Mes. Christian FutIasuship of the To- anard ocgurizaîias s be g ai- tau'request. ta bu paacad bv «liu <i-tics sialuciirtsîs ofhu piane, Ou ALBERT PEARSON OPEN HOUSE - As 463 Kings- ai thoe galians saidirrs suho diud Harold Ruthserford as Omags raia Gunura Hospitat suith shuir <urrd aîfu siody hy mumbers courre c.iui.il. , ucalting caasi 's teut for 'il- teigs Court ihy appoinîmiens) in the Firol Wostd Was, a vinit store. Bush couples plan ta ]cave asaoctsuojoyud a isaycide on Sut. tof the Hatat Caueîy Custetti. rIrv t' t. Esckabat ssf But' tenttues luaxits, tha bisa TR 8.9543 BM 8.4121 ihis Saeaurday, tisis immarotate ta bue Maakenzie King EssuIe uad shurîty for Fiarida suhure Ihey ut-day esentng along thu local Taasday, cuaî u riiltars lîccla . cuipcîutlta bs',it% slip cîsd u<hcsitems. c, ~~~~~~~~~c-23 3.isedrodm isangalow os it h tisraagh the agriraltrai gronds sutti upuod tishue u. ancwod it ci atr ar<u<ri adn astmna<tattauiilr tîs<î C,<tittr3 ai setct 6.doahle garage and fininhed at Ottawa. A stop nfl ai Uppur 4HEeto o stercafer ae ity ylwainda otolnsiiIi vudcrbetecuI ,i rddil rocu n S rer. socit rat e haporciased ci Canada Village and a ttsaotifut Th H Eir teegofe son the ts chaufeur.i Las aoI the aytaoso airlustraig ct i b(o tua «I usatu<b , itt, pitonnfratn tCocilo su rtssttu te Steamer Group Sees teos tisas rosi prire. 5V½% N. <renia drive a rer mileuand mites bSthe 4-Hs memo h ak s. slub Ftternya nghoe thnd ss miaiceu aat cia c< a it ndin .a an grîîp aopmahe sgt.tsr [arain. ofcuaea ýu s Moie f enin H.h.tsactgagut.artes fus Onr ai highsuay mcnd mîsh trars ru-,. hySeltd un Ocobr 13 iteseric mu rdaningsg freArsprr dis. shciatceeeoiytuntd <cil tc'sas'uitaiiis i tatu ixee.mi.icume itsu tteescttice "uts. Moves f Runon 79.1tnrtodtng taxes. cuit spiendans aian aut oos. claubwrkroom aitheteader's tsieoeraasthsaought the eening ait financaa assistance Suecd"Wehp troeitttt<îgrectct.tun< «cd altbugb b bchd a'cierd io Movies of the 1962 resseton 10 Butan Brot'. Thanu atteoding tramt this dis. home suith 14 girls attunding. The ta u atose. and shird madttegs% suit*bu gisus fa htggut deca ofi< cnurti 5,cri «<id iih aith us <cig <bu mork Milton surre sisesn Tharsday MAIN ST. BUSINESS & AFAET. trias sucre ists Etien Chuposan, girls sucre metaamed ta the nesu Wcuare sorr n report that Iter, cllus mua dliscuson t [hi. hudcd aeubad.ied as. puas tîusty praparcd Ntît <ci o vd suien theOntarioStemand An- MENT-Put'iamu' iie t okMrs Godï Roisn Miss G. unit Being Weil Dreaxed and Mr. Orviite Stnott ofMeadouuae LlmllIn$3S... 'puadîuri.s.ofsour sactaîs huardls: zu,î Ia d provscisso. tque Associatinselds month- andiseephleriappysut ie ethrtn Mrs Da Peirc.WueilGmumd.. is apatient in SothFeelHsp Oneaint inteauthlac1ecandscomitti.teds,tî<ttd lpt- Nu Need ce ymeetn ogu Aisre all.tGar- oun pin mnney. Salaitait Mis unPrr Mrç Charleo Afttr repeutiog the 4-H pedge tai. old «imît thusu huards aneci cattiaiaii.fclcawrk, ba sait CaatiailaC. Johnson sug.s. don Lamh oftherleyastpptied hasiness inrtuding aitocî ndsî vS Mr N. La rene Ms. anutrectiaesuaaisid andîtheîfoi M. N. Clark shoxtesx on ' la idalteiacilbe uoored mnuiexofmonny ofthe eqxipmet forcsale at anmiT.S an Mrs W. uirsan. lusuing are nffiarnahosen: Friday esuningtIotheMthers'us a .'attttt.,tt<cd.sttttiutttc har e is events during the threeday re- nal prtre.Store reuîs fr$5 Fieet Rhra Frusidunt, Muclene Bull; sire of thenoalBrounius. LOWVILLE btudci.ît,,stfast. tsd anion that 4o ed thousnds tu monsbly. 1-hedrotsn uparmn os isieceo h seaxun prusidrot, Mastunu Curtis; serre- The Yong Feopteas Societyt ni rM LiituIIîîîcî< el a Milton Fair Grounds, Lahur Duy run bh enîed lac $50 mts l.ws di Bon Cmmssety lary, Berlesty Huey; treasorer, Omnagh Presisyterian tract their ndIs.., Hepont : 2 mrekead. G-i eteo ctbr5vÉ auod Diaana Dulhy. - iraI meeting fou thesuintur serta CW. H s VisiiIii Groups eu 'a irrr ncainc no on n Sonday eceningsuith 13 mi teeuiu<tbuuuin existene o prexenit. Rev. B. A. Neuin ltpened Se uu ý urccl< a A; t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hmeetingtsitispriver andpre- Te uwilU nitdCuceneryasanolreta h'co l a ol. h nd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~sidud lur lise ciection ni afiiars: Th Lrutt tia hch 1 rseuea bs<ialucs oii bard." Tha ««t Ci presidete,ý1 Dust;d Laurunae; sire Waosen ss'ar hasts lu grups<humac «<<buth N«tutsbc'tne-at cîsîcîcîha-s iumap showsing the nd ~ rsdn.ugtCire ulr; sucre ru. Si. George's AoilicaaeiugswuktciiuTttttîsghittîWîîk- aeineg susiaas ithe ha n tary. Agnes Fecua; Iceauorr, Churrh, Kithridu. Zimmusmac.sassua.uauac tt is "hitiats gui goad salua o i unShiorly Green. Carlisle, Watacdasrt, and Miii' plaus made lac <be ul ca ar : mor, ,enî if <«a «tîntilk on CLEANERS ' ELECTRICAL SERVICE HAIRDRESSING PLASTERINO ua aunsunur., Bos Laurecu. groîr abouchas ote Thîsdav ai* hi ttr. tucummciia,rs;tiu plne .yracmmitîce. Jimsmy Galhraith, trniron. The faiches wacu tabas, Mus. 0. W. Halmus liat i.harsgeucîiud. K TCýMcHIaLCRC VOUlO AKN Murlene Co lis, Joycu Marchait, on a mutas salir [o airl' tha bcciu- ai <bu sî<chsp seacac ii p<c Approaa fau pasmaci ci thr ýit- N IG T'S cPHAI ELECRIC OGUE OB WAKINS David Laurence; devatiacalauon-ts.tiatusrscunrv and Io sit 1 granct.and saparie nth exct.accc'ititc%%as dulttîc'ciac4-3 ag PR CLANR AT S IN TRA BEUT SAO LA ERNOG ariftue, John Hall. Jran Marshall. the Nuln t,,,s-uto ai <bu Kcti riv meig fild hi.n< Churchtillth vbo'ta. N; DYCENR T. 0IDSRA EUYSLN Luthîog * Stacra Marion Marshall; ransunur. dam lecupartu. pccsiacs itruk. Mus. S. T. Cî.t Se iro arned OMRIL Seuee emnn ue * Repaîra Bsre Galisaith. On Ihuir reuto t he aburch sua, Mcs. N. Lacngtoneand Mss., PHYSICAL FITNESS X_ Saisatin uaated D OMMERTIL Hpc a rOn in raetWv Cui TE 6-581 fosrfraee stimate& Anrrening servire ix planned shevr s rc i udtu and uruîts F. O.Cutlittgauactt.-tasbitshaf A onma wstelga )r- DMESTC Har Stling189 Branle SL., Mlton. fo<arry in Noemisrtshn theudrithedisplav ofurts andraItslrstrsd gond citiuelsbip aedý gruafbsinsuen lata <tis * lou Cîeaieg OELECTIC HETINO Hair Tintiag cIg rongregaîton suil ise inuited t0 Many bisrui paietiangs <aîber Mcs. Sun Masue ructi a pipecc r ue buinssac 19.2 MAINI STREETG attend. Flans mare made for tise mark, and artiae afssigbdTuRat Hii iui' r. aîu hsavetudsu, gc-aplemsenpu 5km Sir Lasînde ng Tf426 r2fuile Kareun by Ihey have prom- heen toued bu <bu miasu tairai- parud hit Mcc. S. L. Cass h atîu."l i' pa g, Semae day servce if reqatred Complete EIecfric House T8-41 c2tf PLUMI1NO AND MUATINS ioed ta hutp. e rsninteaa.A sale ai' Ai tbu cal aImosear meingof ýý tring zînd rua caaîîdà et Aleain and Repairs 66 Chartes St. Milton suas sumil sapposrd.ri bcutess an<d ier c<smm <.<îý ciaîI1a. du bhat" a. o Eugs and Drapes enpertty TE 8-9513 FASHION BEAUTY OI UNES(lt Me.Gn îas AanVaeae Seenigea 'asai ci s h mau. o. -t The Gatubur meetiing of thul Thuru i act e u rh servic"uaîmt. rid<ums n. cteaned rt ~ IîCJIM MALLON a f uflumotuoitaof tha Lususliithe Uitead cihur.h un Soenda%' '"YL lî a guI.<b dcliiig r; Pine Pick-ap and Detivery PLOOR COVERINOS *Cteaniteg *Repaire IW. otc hcbWmesa uc ubî t<i iurgta smt.îîî * Goaltird uir atlisîs* lestaltaîlon AI the Octaher meeting ni Hul- cie hom oser aiMss. Nîsmc<led <ha siste cii .a asc -titr k- aAil orkdoneun pemies U...led lairstylsts24 Hour Service tan Conîy Cunai Tuedayloucesrec îîih Ms.Gunau onuît lire i.casonaofthrAn- k- *Mosrdueapemae Indiridatstying Ailtoork gaantnudadinaured metshers: hy randaai<th busiuess. îtu servtsist . re. 0.0R. Sun- h- A ITR894 RUGS *Corktail shumpona 0 Learned, J. L. Blair, Boeting. utc iWtu umca eîî 4 r- CA L TR -9941AND Huis condiîianisg TR 8-6797 tua's Indostriel Cammissioner, iChwciîh al Surt <s. gctt 840 b -l APES* Cotd suuuiog ca2741 isad heen chuxeauchairman ai the OBITUARY itr autheb macnsag servsice, sup.' hN-f CA P aton tadastriat Cammitîce. put lacd hihv bdr' ctî ut FATALITY FREE Wer Woldby Couanado ____________siîh Depaty-Reuru W. F. Hanter ' Â I bs ihatî h. G W. Hîîtîrsc. Oualisy Buoadloom tramt Crest Hardwaore f d.oSRIE a Georgetosun, riamuchairman. Iv..-.~ vrce tru eoia iýt ahIg ai <haei.viceiaîn DAS NML N ,r. DRAPERIES 0 RoulmtSzes * Wallto Wall Specal stadent rates __________ coReeap uitomh than esuet stei Ms. Lato .,EstimaTe Fre protectionsuitthle providedncitie S o inDe CUSTOM MADE '" 8-53 STEWART'S TV CFR roasng on the Buse Line A Wustd Was 2 suturun and cm. CAMPBELL'S Open Tacs. and Thaux. Erenings. mrul reet eat of Milton. plapea ai Haltun Cuaopur «su D R APES5 DEFAETMENT STORE 171 Mata Street Militai oral reet Asuaredd runtraut 10 D.C.B. Supplies, Sydeu Rohin, 62 (lieA TE 8-6021 1963 ENIT Graver tac $9.250 suucth ai graret in Gorgestw Hospital as Oc *Delveedto yoaeihome, ready 228 Main OI.E, 93ZNT fus lise Truialgar-Burmngtan Tosun tuber 3. Haec haut te i fait nî ta kang, in 2 meeka. c-49-tf And * FLEETWOOD * Linu' and one ta Haimun Canaî. beuti store sai<esiga tei a iEAT TV a HI-FI o OTEEEO Ltd. 'for $3,690 fur crauhed gearut yuas ag. TRA VEL LING? *Enpertly made and finished. DEA HSales - Service fos the same raid. Mr. Rubie i 'aateu ai tlî Sen yur ORNERAS CONTRACTOIS HAIR STYLISTS 348 Iingcteigs Ct. TE 8-24.52 a Asuasded tenders ta Rubauti Guertie Islands andî rit. Iu *Wida aesay ai patterns fron0109t Ca Ca. ai Bartingîn for stokerCadawl iprethe]e wisicis 10 chaise. MILTON a19-it Ccoud al $1.5 e tn adtoBllNADIAN PACIFIC A.C. CANNON * Modemn Air Conditioned Salon Bras., Miltoe. fer fuul ait aI 14.5 Nf. aned Mcs. Thomcas Soi CAIPBUL1 DEPARTMRNT * Tinttng * Advanced Styling DURNAN cents puer galton. ' hee husus fisc paus ai Hi.eG N SOE&S N*Aieaconditianed d cers TV AND APPLIANE e Appuinted N M. Boyd la tish îe h etuce tis vle sas. Camp AGt. 228 IR MSla OnMiltanr se N permanent jait ataft. te muckud us a farmner. Afier TR8 M -602 GEESLCOTACORonoa SALES & SERVICE 0 Eencsuud îtembrship in tbr ,rvn forsusla i Mue. W0d1 9-6RA pie. * ECA. Virtar Asocataion oOntario Cauntiro ste dume railet forîiueent r-f CttumHmsMeae ous. Thrs &., 9 - p. * R.C.A. Vistrp ana detegaîud the Wurdeo aa suilh the acm< bu s'as ampiasuci Sei on altae smomeshes s aten Ih cnd us Oubsille sutth Caisudta Na. Alterallanx Moden Caphoards Sas., 9 - 3 p.m. Fcuoaisad Dealer vention. <aa clsss u ups lAlicatfae(<tdcuas nt n ii ITNOPasadieesmte, AMPLE PARKING 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-.4445 o Reriesuad final plana tacr yeaux hc hudi sued crtb Huitan rudicntfle Plans anrreoaimts ci ouy csoai katn< a ak apuatisu Sapirs cn Miltont. iiyicala ______________________ Genegsonri atO upReeldeel Ttrtn-Attanîc slnamîbîp seraice - Yuars ni esparienre. TR 8-2501 utille DepolySReese Herb Merrs T luv e ars neta bu macridGetLksadAak rie riS tf cottages in Victoria Harhor Gai- Violw Cbishuosm Ring cnd bailfdlLkaadAah tle TRENCHINO cher 19 and 20. licrd te Georetown<uîcete H otelsand tflutltuctusa Canada TO ULT R842 Endacsud a tasun of Oakville bus uep i H cve i TOrULIYe8-44 rltB C HOlO uîtuon i.aîîsng fau parents <o utf and Galp Srte n luose bisn evc crs aaa-i kn cni c-t JANTe SEVCEK ield cespassihîn for miltul suifl'te a bruibA. aae visAi. tertiueucarusthe utann stnieî COMMAERCIAL PRINTING JNTRSVIEdamugede uphtbuligHdiuedMsALaut A <lcrsslhntrWsrts s p~&< (xi Ad ______________________ Trenchina and Weeping Beda hy childecen.nuitBmcle RA LN ad-hivi tn jýHucwssuamc-ýbuc ai Knoss l9ndtrranuan and Grfuli utut l9b3 cite Saed~ ~ ~ ~~~0 H uvtSoe e Hard a cepoart onitecale Imb .ciehebea u 90e design and peint distinctive BUILDING Expert and Saf isfactory r URRIE - TE 021 o$1.0900900 in duhunlurx, hal s anv a lin ebr CONTRACTsR LTD.ony ofieadCAENCE CATION TE 8-9313 on tha Canudian market and hall o 'teadaernh I ervice Me ih hasixeas format. Direct mail ad- *Ho-me Improcemnenîs CLEANING r-a teIron tau.tibm Luon halOa vevnc tanRit vertisiag, hatletins - le fart, ai- * Runoaaiona POSEIGWONESI Noran oungavunataucaedRth tost aep prioting pots mep have. *Alteratians OFFICES ANID STORES TheNOLSTlimeNG WHe NEED aT Nerice thu uex cr o su l - The store, re se <re teanxuriýnemIrj t nttuu e- Ailoo s 151 qaaîe on yaur mork. *Additionn Watts and Ail Types of Flones Mitnrhltrn n fed sokdre corsd lb mu Inîmmuv t i'c t armers wca *Commercint er Indastrial MiEnUhltnn n i h tre. rrcisa ha rles <ai , oa Falîbamus s TeCnda Cam on22Fou Irete estimates rai Brightoer Home Cîeaning E.nîlh,"lerpic,"n hulesoe Harisu Nosemas McDohi TheCandin Camion UL -263 -tRe-tpholsterng,rnru - tyting. an t nu rail] foc il, uctîbur. Jîts Augr anA Jack Wcill umctî DILLS PRINTINO & PUSLISH- r-fCostas-haitt furntur. Aato Milton____________ Sevi ead truck seits repaired. 90e a'ss Information anet <d reuerauat rtin INO CG. LTD. HAIE SIYLISTS MitnJntrSrie can shumpan pasîr ugsaund 191 Main St.. Miltn. _______________ TE 8-6388 unîtaca i n suruo bats i7e7 -Cid ri7h r is Jài c--f Cal] us flu frec'usti'suctus ai P re t hd- eu er 5 Tpi VANO and PAUL 358 MAIN ST. TE 8-9094 . W A SO ___________ c-18-1, 0f Oukville Principuls speech T W C SO Beauty Salon 'The J. M, Dcoyas Hume and' toudiced bue gîsest spe.aker Ai x DIETOY9 Mi S iIsa ORNAMENTAL IRON WELL DRILLINO Orhnntl Assorsatont oan Mon- 1Butinas, B.A., M.EdL, Principal aI- MILTON, ONT. TEL. TR 8-4471 on TR 8.2527 DIRETOR 95 ainsi. Miconday for the second meeting ut Gakcuood Public Ochaul Gukailît. AOVERTISING IS AVAIIABLE *Espért Stylisg *Tînting aie s teano. Hic sabjr suas parent-cild Atter tise generat buasiness suas tuacher, ot practicat interest ta SMOSETIN A SoN *Permanent Wavng M'iltîon VVELL DRILLING dt mu h rxdnMs .ait prescrnt. OPMCAL RATES. PHONE POR Sait mater alwapa used, J.aena Brn . RUTTAN Sprant and sir pruiden E. E. W. Fontes gave an explana- Ora etlIo itrhfield gave a issief ..naine ni tinof the nrsu systeos aif repart-teaeunma. ,COMPLETS INFORMATION Pour ppoistient rai R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. leadership cournes îisey had aI- ing te parents, hegieeing ibtsuRDSMS CMLTETXSPRA'USSE TR 8 9931 ALUMINUM and IRON RAILINOS tended in Bartinglon. peu TR - 931 BILL RBLLY TE 8-9821 Phsone BarUnglon NElson 4-602 Pri.zsde Speaker Coffre max sered as the con- TE 8-2341 o.31-tt c-th c-tri Musl vld bnompson Men lacltIn af lise meeting.