St. Stephen'1s Ha .rvest Service Begins 125th Anniversary By Mn. Edwaird flbR~saS Douglas Newton vient hy place sunoî hol b delegate te the area Actsseacon S. A. Kirk oflttca[illa la toc; o week riait ceevention le Guelpth. Guetph pceactsed tIhe sermon a sasi Mr. aud Mns Harry Nec- VIasos Heml the anual Harvest Srvice at5ti. ten Jr. Stelî o Anglican Csuchl oen rA eMge Mc. and Mcv. Stanley Leur- Sucsatreiofull tthîe Re. Wr fleito montof Brlicgton visitcd with F. Maxwi. eh rctsthcis ee'n Thenumber of s-ceisod acd Mr. andMrs. Geor'ge Lernunt on decaraied cilla fruit, graies, I miliflefacres ia grecs unifome lise weceed and attened the vegletaistes acd fîtaceca. The selling Apple Day sagal and giring sosivresaey service aI Horelsy Junior Farseer Quartes ang twoIapples ie tere on Saturday ie- Uted Churtis. acfilemas. Idicats tise grorosi of thts aca. Mss. Bit-die Neelaeds et Gais- This speciat Tsankgjving secr. Asvellastisepack staressîirst vilteccos a guost aith hiiomesof !cecos thse isegionicg or a sis ln Hoiroisy, gcaups have eow ises tar. and Mrs. Johson Neelanda week celeiscution ef the 125th a aded en Druosquis, wichisea on Sunday. aivecsary of Si. Stepisena 'angli- ist Guides and Oroscoies and Tise 5JCW cf Hes'asiy United van cisarts. Scoeting isas n0w iseec orgacied Cisarcs iseld tiseir cegutur monsis- Ger wetI roisases ure estesded te ie Asisgroce. Tise scacm receptios ly meeting in lise cisrcs os Wedl- Frank Cisiot whisi iaa patient and support giron te tisese yoacg- eday ereeieg, Getoiser 10. Tise ln tise Milton Diatrict Hlospitat. aterais ery much spprcciaîed. rrasident, Mcc. Sampsee, wsir ChamSsap cisargn of tise business part af Congratulasi ons iten tise Haro- Pehblc Rot-ations mas the tiseme tisoi meet icg. Memis sacre gives isy BaIli Cluis lwis won tise cap, of tise Octaiser meeting of tise their duties fer tise tacky cupper, saisc they slaieated Shetdac tact Horeisy Womeo'a tassitate hetd aIra tise hucuar le Noremiser. Mca. Wfdaeaday cigist as Hornisy saiti uthtie home of thseconvener, Mna. A. Maciment acd Mrs, J. Wsl' a soreof 4sit (ie Ontariouc M. J. aBoawn. Tise colt colt "A lbis vao -ce rm cosfroa Bibd al S.A. totermediote "C" Cisam- sucgesion for isetter puie ce. ihisy goi tise lorm ol a ust ploshp.laios" asanweedbytise 10 J. illwh ue tise new sludy and fassity sacre as tise plowlsg Tro poems eotitîrd "Wisat 10 Mca. S. Price and Mca, J, Snbso matois on Soturday and apcct ise Tisanisiat For" and "Hose For- '- e ie eras tise wockeod as Oweon Sound. lunete tee Are," wc re ad hy Mca weaeinMcare o h re e Sistccre sympaaisp is esteded Bmron 5se also gare a report ofayo Chreta n ad a dl5-s te Mr. and Mca. F. A, Anderson tise directoca' meeting. Mrs. A. pyetCisrch ia aradgfa ansdMr and Mn. FdHoffmoanDelis gare a moat icîoreaîîeg A 5~rhAsacras on thse douais et William Anderson accoues t oftise CBC cocteroaco colcortafli servicea wrooe beeli in Georgetown onOctobcr 9. "Tise Real Werid etomf n itHorosy Uoited CisuchoaSon- OrsI caisses lu Chorles Booksuha chs ase isat atîeeded, day, Oct, 14. Attse mareieg sera- whis celebratcd hibis 4h irthday A coolesa entitled "A tr'ip ire, tise cisures roas filled wits on ctober 15. ocouad Haltes Coscsy," roas wons momis aed maey ricîtuca, Tise Aum uem iy Mca, R. Wlson. Mca, MeCor- guetsapeaiser woas Rer, Bastor Congrastations te Mc, and con was in cisarge et tise business Wa i oiscvlle and tise choir Mca. Suoy Holl os Octoiser 13, part et tise smeeting. Somne final recdered two antises under tise aiseir weddlcg aeoiversary, lu Mc, arrangements cere madlé for ther direction ut Misa Marilyn Wrig- and Mca, Robsert Rosa on siseir Naremisor meeting ta ho beldie gleawrnocli wedding aanivrcay n Otoher tise Ceaseenial Manrier Tise gtteat speaker aI tise eve- 20 and ta Mc, and Mca, Keccets Tise ladieu aecepted the offer te nin s rc a Rer, Kelin C. Rita wise sal ho maca'led 21 years have tise isouffi and canches aienBl ocectoro aed Fd.coi on Ortoher 22. tise ptowieg match, Mca, MeCar' s Oui Locieritd t ilse cîsi Sciscyder ai Octlc g are short organ reludesaprier ta otsserv- KILIIID ires, Tise ciareis ros adain filled Young People Start Season ftac aievegsrie 15 Present Plan Hayride Sp Mca. WIllam Watsona tt ai tise Milton District Hos- Tise Kîliscide Young Feopies pilai, Friend ss _iser aspcdy un onais fietd for tise fin rtlime 1recaery tais asea on Wednsday ove- Tise c.ammuelîy s-Irames Mc. nlog ln the Sueday acisol coorm aed Mca,ý Willia Murray saho 0 5 waiîi15 presee. Preideel John rcceetirisaiit aresahomeaonWe Hepisuc waa in cisarge. Flana Cedor Sprinsrcoad, foc future meetinga saece dia- Mc, and Mca. Robsert MeMulcen cussedl and il roat decided taeadShirley andandra Caate of mmle orory Wedoeaday orraiog. Miltoe Heigis wrone dlinse u A iscyrida la achodaird for Satar' saiti Mir, aed Mca. Williamn t daoy, Oct, 27. sas on tise occaion of Bill JrS u W Rtacbce Bingo fao' rtis' hicthday Sacduy, e es D Thse Ladies' Clubs met Tuesday T ce h m a selaersWH evenng e thehom of r. ad T eaxculire ai Kiliscido' MrJckI55ga5s. hre was en- homed and achool aasociation joyod foilorord saIsh a fesa cames hvo pianned a 'mmlt ya oucher cf inio. Lunchs cas art-ced aI nîgisl' Octoher lis. Its ispd tisai tise conclusion ai tise ereesef. ail paraIts roi taise adutg ofiisa appactaaity auh ati Sabena Aaeambty liseir cisildcee'u rache aod ce The reguiac Fciday moroing a. jy aasocial eesicg amhily al Kiliscide scisool opeood Birtisday grortiagsanud hest saisis Margaret Sytsa as chair- saiiseago taDiane egclttcat mas, Tise Scripture ceadieg litg hecr ciels hicîisduy )î Oct, 25. Psalm 100 wuu giaee isr Carriei Mcv Cavale Wetherelî, Mca, Y o Wieiisowroe Mc, Eaaîî's cass Maggie MeLean and Mitchell cf O Grades 6and 7 preseted achy- Duchasa roere gacaîr o Suday tismie choral reaiig, Cascylsaitis Mc, and Mes, James We- Junes, Tise selectios oaa infrao îhrreiî, ducedisy Marsisa Syma. Mr. and Mca, Haold Jackso, A place accardian sala hy ueverly and Bill apet Tsaois- Tise papils roio isad wons prizes ieg relativea. in iliag and art atMiltoneFair Mr and McaAlrey Luaans Sucecaion, Wiiiselmîoa Vue Dec arday ails Mc, and Mca, OBi Le- C A N A D A Vooct, Bciae Smith, Siseily Neul pard. son, Racdy Nyhacais, Diane Syta- Gsides' Owa ma and Diane Dicisace, Thi sta Kiliid Grlide Mcer aed Mcv, Robert MeMuilea campaey a leee tie Badin- 5A V I N G S alddtieHla -rgent vd-tas Wat division Guides'Go diog le St, Paal'a United Csucciýs, Say aî lise Baclioglon Logias Mloon Fcrcnig hall,.O N GeorgeeandRasoitcoc Mca, Bradford Clomeetu, Mca, B O N Sica Mounlais afi MItas arcied Joseps Odarica and Mca, William homo aiter apeodiog a rcekIisitoo altended tise home and - mooseisaetieg at HaoodtLake. schsool csefereece aI Trucis' Mca, Fced Hacdvaad iv a pa JCaIlcae, Hamilton an Solurdoy. A Announcement TUE ALLIANCE MUTUAI. LIFE INSURANCI COMPANY 0S FLEASED 10 ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT 0F MR. RUDOLPH ""RUDY" ARSER AS OUR EXCLUSIVE REPESEIATIVE IN TUE MILTON, ACTON, OAKVILLE AND BURLINGOON ARA Mr. Arbeiter wiII 1 elcome enqoiries ln respect te- tnvestmenî Retiremmnt Plans, Martgage Plans, Ltfe Insurance Protection Plaes, Annuities ansd Group Inatarance. TR 8-6593 BUT TOURS FOR CASH OR BT INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT 0F 5%- $2,50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCEIN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OF MONTREAL e4dUa"a qôM0 ira", saeWsLORcIN WT AîaDAtSas the Great big choice! The Falcon wagon is pours for the fun of it-economy foc! The Fairlane wagon iv trim and terrific-lean and lithe outoide; loadsocf cargo room inside. The Galaxie is a big, bold beaoly of a wagon-wilh Thunderbird power and fine car lovury. ln ail, there are 15 new Ford wagons, and orle wsill be joot right for yoo. Because of Fordos outslanding qoalily ail Ihene wagons have Fard's farrîos service convenience features, and carry a foul warranfy for 24,000 miles or 24 rnonfhs, whichever cornes firof. For fhe beol in wagons see the wagon opecialist-your Ford Dealer. à" FAIRLANE SQUIRE... wits distinctive walnct grain metal aide paneelig ...Ilong Ileor Ieogth of more than 8tfeet, wth taigate closed the world's Iongest and Iiveliest line of wagons TRAFALGAR MOTORS M0 MAIN ST.l TR 8-2369 I ~~~~~~~~~~O cvgçcsreetgse-Iems odt Thse Canadien Champion, Tisarsday, Octeiser laIth, 1962 1 Si. Geargea saison tise 13laoit ** children sacre hapaioed 1s Rr Aflernean Bronchaof St, George's-tledie mo iegrih pcag'cr Rummage,IBaking Sale HeId R, E.oefacea tise reelar: met ai tise borne et Mca, G. Gaueý ao Mcri nd tse base an aThoamamnl Mr and Tue meeting apeor-t rois lise isavltti 1tiiis iasarsedsy te Ls, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mn .Â7n Eclae Lo:Dic MîsioWi, :1 Fri-seil WI- Hae c '-sasatc in charge and tise isr Saturday by St. G5.eorge s W . . agiser ai Mc. aod Mca, Go,- lei Jesas," aod vrcai h1 h iest-cr tv ihatkId hv Mv. Dalisel Sp Mes. Harry Richardassa aS uatday, Getoher 13 us tise don Hurris; Daeny Russell, verntcIt. Mis, Rasas-v. Tise Bible, ______ 'Ts Eren caha t aaocascapsitil a Mc, and Mca, Russell Dates;'rcacitog s titi hy Cathstsine Gg'aTe held Bac of s. CieHadlen Caplle Jarice*Marie, clugister ai Mc, and 1Ca-rci. HOLLYWOOD STAR rcesi cummoge ao sion On Saoduy, Gclaisr 14, a Mca, Cecii Kiag, Robert Wayoe,j Reports sacre gice ha tisa cli tise u __________________________vsn ai Mi.- a,,d Mca. Cisarles la tsi ftstor v lvic if c'- v t Herer ansd Judiths Astne, diughtc rs is-c i ,c-ne, 00d a s ti.ise- ',oScsta tayji of .- Mr. nd Ms.Ralphsisor Dcattrvttmeetin rcrttii, icdsvn ahi-daraid ta a Hall aaod I Mtodav, OcIrier t, tise GA Gakiste tiVr a ictemsrof ui. ['sa star" I reaP Od Si. Gieorge's met ai tise l5cr "r, acsse d as, test- lirai mteeting risc tise girls er-, hast vair 1 ta ielhd Ociaisrr 24 îtvcdla viritoa t. ,i t îrcis all AOaeraoaflraeeh Ms DebIsc gavar porttioi ofER Ce Wedoevday, Geloher il, the tht actio Istak. Re% t S ti O F TNU HAMPERS OF ROBIN 14000 PRODUCTS SPECIAL WLLRLFIU Drawn af the Trade Fair RATE 5.25 DAVID TURNER pao pcaosOaaamassGAIL EVANS Yoa'l esloayekendIn Toronto mois sales eau sa e Itis theLrd simo roaa taes LUCILLi VERRALL . 5.25 pet O esn Stua co. free ovacs MS, T, W. COOKE nsghsoatstde parking fr egisteaed nanata «*taniiîyplan, chais dare llr felwen cocupytng a roomo ihas adutafteria. eNR O H rsarn,[icges.ster triendrviera-WNRS0TH an cny plan to atal as Ira Lard LIVE TURKEYS SiceHtel-coevcions la tinamos, sotcnrs and asofs. t DRAWN AT MILTON PAIR - - ROERT MARTIN ALEX BORSELY TOTAL WRECK: A car oronad isy Allast Dioon et Milten ros L JT R N OS ~ R D rorerised heyond cepeir wisen t collided saisis a veiilo omned isy Lleyd Roddisk of tiingsten. Tise accident rohich tais plae on the corner of Branle St. and 10 Stdesaad en Frsdsy aSfter-FOML ED non e ws ineestigated isy Constaisle Tisorpson et tise Gais- THNE LORD SIMCOE HOTEL Rai c. EWraaae GTcîusTco, cEEAca oAAG anoas obsNod Flear MilI Lsd. etille Police Gepactroant Tisera wore no injuries. Damaea 10 nae,îy & King u. ne36 1o48, MloOt tise Reddickisr was aisout $600. T.Isnaaaacl. osecu,. cas vý sAatagentMlaOt