Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 1962, p. 11

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The Canadion Champion, Thursdoy, Octoner 18th. 1962 If Ail Paeas . Il r., [ou bad th., the Lustint J I- aluxjoo&oo a, vlid excuse for Jigu tlio ohe humes tIrieds' gr sof folloos tu destrov Eil o moooyurode .,Ioi, in Ias Io. II et-, and break Parent cenils ha degeSa ted of t 'sol h,îiohý hi~ds novrallier 13Y MRS. LmL HOUSTON Paet and .,alowe en orohodgrîdoJ,,. nra duol roîh' Oul'F l. t hm , abhout rie p,,,it weloomed, Cali Mis. Houston art TR 8.9284. Polos at Hallowooro tinte in00 rnar- 0500 I,-i- "tMyfo Muii social nawswe alta irn the Naudioru a nda lisJ a oord oghr qoolo o w aros d iffemni fr,î o nt os We are sorry to report Brian Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Mne Momu nsnc oe! ' bc ithe codoy re m o wlcudios hozId a Thipeaiod 101, as- Ho loflim,,ah dsos.rso DT RubI R.R 3, Georgetown, la0 Bob Draper, Anne Btnl.. lévio celer- oglad when fii orI Tomm v n om aliil hos .sr y logrodi- jil[ abot Ille nt4hc)rs Pass CAL paoirntin Miltn-Distbict Hospl- brated Obeir wedding onnjnersary sai osd oy, "Wbs dos your Muni Keep Tirent Bosy ens and u enosiIý nilo n follh % sion: ,jq han ooo,, Bo t Bol t, worth- fai Brio bruire bis tlg in a fait. Wednesday, Oclob.-r 17. ba? John rrok hoorfd bao auso hlsonobrohpp sosOliso1othedectin ,,s Thori, vvoto ci knoko o. h.! Mrand Mrs.Lance Nesettof Congraulaisnlobir. and Mr. anooére fafosho "Ohi hrave hidrenossrihal istn msitgood asa psstlotoforIow maih 'oo boels,,. in d0,ssrosand lbt Mr. and birs Harold Maiget, 1 eroe ebl eiganvr o o-o Ho hslýys~stl~ lttop,.bslo.aaoo Son ury Enlo ele aTe i Tei, woerin Bt. ws Asas -ofu sob peet Shotof saso ondhlash Hal5pao ,,i,,,*,, 0a -ni tii our1 hote plus Hal- 5i Strray5 Ssnday, Ocisber 14. conso in sthe atmosphem in oa dhsard cas bsoescu o !n. pum- oi b-s t eneI Mms. Roy Csutter and daogbter Mn ho cos.wlindo put-oo bu iloes i Damo enlertoined seigbrs and a M. Emmerrson Fsrd, Oakvitte r. word. the end of Octoberi Wbott sor, ofddsigns orilhoutepak rapatcljk ovi patc in bh sredl sxhang friends of bath familles ai o Top- III Miss Estette Ford, Tsroto r is you atitd tesec days in ces. Large, sort wsax cons persoare bridail sower fsr Dona bathesndfnmamneflie calesdar lObe Hsttome'en? lt o'iîh a yaee coveringarf cs id Clemenîn osO 5oe. Tbe bride- trip îo the West csaot wbere fbep moLes aIl the differenor Os fomity for littie tisoors ou grasp n st st-be wao preseoled witb a large rttnded tbe Word. Fair In Seatle gssd limes if tbe parents, esfes' large shoots of wrapobog ae sceeefon of sefut Toppermare before gmng to Cotlifsra, Mexic, ialoOy moihers, lob ai the plas or pagles fromt as old salIIpPr Rd atils Salt Lobe City, Cbicago and Wind- and nsoncrsembicb are assooiat- saplobo a ieo S E l N R C 10 sgrbifin 5 atr hi d osil h e ese of Att Saint's Doy aroisi masy enjoyab0o al bol . S P C À L R C li Cngatlaios a aile Crm iih hind0y 0ye05* Co0sred sboob and a b1oash ,- si- Arnstd, B.R. 5, sobo celebraled brs A missettoseos ebower mowas ' so qo~oo, , ~on eyse arnd osd re secod blrtbdoy, October 18. held in Oakvile on Bepiember 19 l rpse ryn in barsor sf brIde-to-be Miss droming sheois are apyresiaosd ho CANADIAN STAR NYLON CoografIlotions t0 Mr. and Mrs. Donna Clemenîs. Gtoria Msrrlt Ma oduxI.unsha aosogsters for thror William Hltsso Jr.. Commersial osd Marilon Edmardn enteroin- PbiMbaogrDoosor ors ofar f'.h70510 prais. u asiomot X lKI E t, on the soasion of Ibeir 25eb ed fettsw emptoyees of Msnaan- ls aishrushand lrge sb of mefidinganonineroryo, Tuesdoy, t0, Oaksille. MR. AND MR& LORN! ARTHUR are shomo signing the regis- Planninlfg Paty 000 roi h be ri oftl!a d U d ro 10 sher 23rlTed Bsday Osto Oua n Octe .svnMto Is er following theor'marrige et Boston Preshyteeis Cbturch Tbhe October meeting of lic Hottome'eo is "dressing upn nd ra tu1 b eir frns .30 ay p.. s4.0 . Orlnd Ooe D3, eenitonrs, on September 15. Mos. Arthur os lise former Joann0 Fonn, Hotton Cestossial Monosr Assli timel Wise is tise mosbo ssho BY BARRYMORE ,37. d ben2 tbesing romta 7.30 p.m. befi eirbmes of sdnn C le Î cin dooghter of tise lite Ernest Fotto and Mos. Fons, of Miton or mas bield in the asditsriesm bas a truh or a large carton fol[t 10 9.00 p.M. large misseltonenus sooer ol sbe *laotmebm itboagondottesdasse. ed %illihioles of lolingobo.b Cogrtuoloo 1 M. od MMseonie Hait. Tbe girls mbs ent- Lon rh r J a e Fn ,/d Tbe foosidosO, Mos. Allen opesed sas ho used osni oot oob occa- REGULAR SPECIAL BonMratatins talM. and Mse erined in barrer of Donna more lbn rh rJ a n in e h meeting witb frayer. sionl AIt sorts of ihings tm.. in Bbla Mbir, moting Stn elr bier nsaid-nf-bnnsr feggy McfbPtal 1 *, a I I Abostripfurtbe rsidonts mas trandy - giovss sarvss pure, $ 7 . 0$ 3 . . Sraeler 2.wedn anie yad frienfis Jndy Houston, Faye un Ceremony a Boston i....nrc ptoused for Octsber 9 te enahle bits of lace and ribhoo. aroica Cborltsn, Veroo Brown, Bs Jeanne Adels Pion, dasghior otý sequin cron headdress beid atbem cos tokos ie beohsfini ot Idomdres ood Isoirs.s ond os Mrs. Altost ClementoOenterloin- Coltiez, Beile Borees dno elle MoTreiFnenrh li mmh osrsdea hsim tsdd 055000sis s aI le oo This nlAo eaiatosos1rotdyBriftîsn, Tbnett girls miîb seer- MsEretFnadth]aefgert'iflengt vei in placesndyear. This roiect tad bona hlrnavt pc adOheRuorDpryPcas Odtbr a3 trosrs be s osg Strai iey il n ie b Ernest Pinn of Milton soos mor- sbtotarried a bouqiuet of wbite mish oft he tresidenl for somnne do so 0poodm OO osso eo'tdaugbfer Dnnna. The opaîos gosoos o mssb meddieg, p . ried ta Lorse Robhert Arthoor, so gordenios andl lroilisg stephanolis. yoars, su îhrough the efforts oft hero os esîhing ssbisl masy of______ rsrl sm ma dsnale mfo10 heopninoflb obme por of Mr. ondl brs. Robert Artbsr Blater Attends the assiliory. oaod tbe kisolsess of hem snos more fbs acinin frnrael b-mn tbeasdeoaîten wtg ate pngohe o e star of Summerside PEt. o Sepiem- Tbe marron of bosse., Mes. Jan- Maurhce ferle ho soppyiog buos a play. Sometimes Haltoweo Cuore ro, 9y-the gaenfaer We are sorry lu report' Walter ber, 15 aI Bostlon reobyterian sce Syso of Welland, sisoor of tbe and driver, tis Os bliig acoosom costumes sori oeen os a scre sid.. Ob bid-l-b.d gm 001ereto sf Mutlo Helgb , a Chorsis. Tbe double-ring celle- hride, soore a paie btse brod- ptisbed. The residesîs ssilt densve of Salsrdoy aflons dramaM P B L L ' large arrangementobirse.l. Wemwiobbimewelt. boigt isy Ros. B. A. Nesin. Miss beaddress,oaootit l gOsses and ibis trip. sbol "gong.'Ltdoest C Ae snro e ti f lrosne s n ofMs.JckVren Audrey seole osas sotoosi, ond ,torroed top ted roses. A Dresdes plate qilt, dotaleoismte if o shoun o b DEPARTMENT STORE M is thsel Cl e, ilo ace FnbsI ofî be sosr Jac eon, sang Tbe Wrdding frayer and îam, Nadolin, a triood ot tise by a biod Milton citizen In the asdiesot Os v'r to - shat eah Mms. Russel Sleenn, Miltnt andl jb n oi. polelil on t Disîr O Pertesi Love, aocompainied by groom mos the groomsman and spriog, m'as lofti n the capable shild mants to do is o hoe on tho 228 Main St. Milton T 8-6021 Mr. use SxtnTroto bt stel apaletinMito isritMrs. Hoo'ry Sîsi a tie argos. Jomes Fies and Ronoid Pin. bru- hando tof Mrs. W. Haymoed Os be stap for sonne part. long or sbt! __________________ grent-oaonts of tbo bride-O-be. Hlospitlt. We wlnb lier o speedp T-be bride oa ie nmr thors of tise bride, more sbers. qoitted. A drw %viil bc behd ai al Mms. Beg Repnotds, Lnndsn, Mms. rectiverp. .ig yle oce a h me ail woe white jacees lttor dato. Smocks ore 1u b..or Boy Cosriter. Cosnpbettnttle and terg bp .. -oo Mos. Neol Mefboit pnsred tea in 1 MssnMaieHenry of Robert S. wstrd. Siso moro a gown of whitean hlitb trotosors. dored, a rose sbade mas the pe tho evening Tre= more125guesîs is enjoying onesoselo o holodas in faille rfafola, ststed is poissess Hold Beceptios fseooed solon. froscrnt from L Tdo Trento Bermsda. Mrs imer zimmo- inssitislaceslocsoand btdis !Ai ili rostoptioo ai lise Sso- A Hallosseoe porty osill i Hamilton, Guelfph, Barie, Oab- mas of Robert St. sfont the meb-1 ssloodiog toto a -front Paneol, ooflsd tiv oral bail. the brido's mo- f0500 fle residssts on Toeda sotte. Georgetowon and Miltn. eod vsstong on Tsoroto. la tati boastlic on lte b. Hso Ille IIo rot-ss csaring a pale grten evning, Ociober 30 otî 7.30ih boittsd osl dteosmith bsromsoaaditorium. Tisore isas bst ____________________________________________________ and golsl acsossories and bronze committee shosen t0 jsdge theO roe.Gue.ts ailesdod frotm Wei- cstumes of the residents,an landol Stoottoet, roi-gus, Lotndon, prho tili hoe gisoo. Thr issr Lasgion, Crosmoro, Elora andbc a getdoatsfPlanntingan Millton. anticipation omsog thn rosidet For tho ssdding t, p oa Stm- for ibis, for- ibis Oson at A ~ I k ~meridofPE.. to seootheogroom'sbaris almoys lobed forsord RIGHT ,AIR .UND HOM E patents, tbohe bide chose o frOp Mes. Allen f0v0 a fine roporto wosuitmwitbt'ed acsssorioosand thes'oonvention hetd in Simscci 10 oite , orlosios. Os tiroir returo Soptomber. Tise AssitiaryII DpS IL Yths toohotp esideosooon Sarab ingsoarebfeldounthe firsO Wed Si., Milton. .nslday ofoeismon th a loc Tbanbsgosng, Hahtoen, foot- 10 mnutes, Iben isosen orouodj t teasfpoon rated anion I , o- 1 l1 " I balltgames eanessbhasgisg collerodgeoand ter.niota ata 3 cops seitobe mtnod cooh kttt' fes in tbe air, mootîs freos ed chsp Pile; itl centre wotis ed segotabios ltsd oar- H ITon testai the mst'bbatts, tbe trunb tbe fottoming Vegelobies in Masli rots, gren peos, green isas, os tc lu a rp S e reluctanty closed on serie omm Sauce. bIorn , toto ai o s clrfes - as aty Caadiabnom, Veretabe In MasrenaSoaue stupseler, tc.)~m u . ibis costolsi possibty deserlise Yld - about 6 servngn Tors moobt osm soof osto top O ttaw a, r istoric V illag buoi tobs Ostober. t son toppos. lit actrices) ot diooble. huiertlod int o ream . Oertobngerissaotto Orasmoboo sot omgsgtdsooss G osarday Ostsbtristh, a modern homso and the. sIti sisstd chalenoge the imaginotion o4 cup croiai sOflalsIs Cooer ond hoto50 ossldsetbtigtns los~ssles. oossnlemosndffreleob Pogroios gtedototmne tbormos5otr botîg saîer. ttstllturtot lloironiisrsanoal A short vistssas paid Iolhe of venth mot ndiferntcou. lre dohobs trp.Ms[ tsth OtawaokspomtatFarm it - Wiîb amide arrap ofscotsrfstfruit fm55am 5,fO'SOOq 1inie soas strt in Ottawao berspecilst'tenotons pias.d os the and segelaisies on tise marketl nie- Ioevecmn neetn roeot hr vr ido t re.stg monos sossd bceaOOy t0a J a ~ jJ~Ilj rn tbtogstu 'do n se. ires os gtowto pa.Sster Je n ei Noble Gran Sms of flic bolid 'srs vstd See Gatinea Hithn Osto reason tbe Frencb and ' n IL il h. f t lts. buildtngs bhers Net hTaieaoii rv Cbinose are sasb fine stmbs, is Of vening1 Star lRebekaF LoUge g5odtootis otore tîII ai ot- e t b Gn atosso Httise Tes tiscir taleot for tùrniog omoit dds 1,l doontt e tii I- Fro Illde hs otiopd.Te n and ends of food ilte a mogoiti- Esonisg Star Rehebais Lsdge bort;, Stotet Tbslma 'a snueal tOps eomh is cetmeat. Man aossic disbes met Tisrsday esoinf in tise1.0.- Green; oustsoao. Soster Ioabel Peace Touet matis soîst a fooseilow mangsetnd t O.P Hli Mtio, ii Ss. azl iios;sose5oror Sott oli,, iofte otpad theOttawao beo5ht ysloo osss do I more onose tise renaît of a boasemF. Hl itn ihSs HzlWlo;clroarr itrRt,ý'wro a sigisi log ts ho eemembse noiSes~~~ igndyibafeoeg Woiypresiding. Aie;RSNGSitorIse l (lotis sctoos os d. The rooodsd tops tof the holis tables. oddo ansd ens oS oftoseo Bis. Anoe Collins, 0,0fP., Sotf Cottisstrtsss: L.S.N.G., Sistic i I hsre'spetit'chercshets "s'th masp stohors isteemingtod Congratulations to the winners of our Merchands Vo hrs ran I maoadosotdhoyeoo-atiwOt oseSsf o Gladys Crozier; R.S.V.G., bist, - Gntdedl Tno ' ssttd ho seoir ci fontes tOt The Trade Fair - ings. and Sis. Baby Johnson, secretary Tfearl Mvaset; L.s.V.G. Sîsîtia Dotn w O dvorvca or ee S RZ $00 OCE s aidTs--of the L.A.P.M. more asked iO0'ta oti ss; sogrl - iî btts otriste tooitis n boGtiooo Today's redire id taole Tue motoohot Mary Otîtootge Hoid Ltto Cib daobs s Vtr llagoesm- iPRZ-$20VUCR dayos Moat Rinog iseoouso its joostl tire for foemai inteodoustion. Sis. Sisterv Motscr Bttseiee gru ootsods emaCvrdiR..N.3,Cmbel absool~~~~~~~~~~ IbslmatrebOa ieCtisesnn i.Joe mo~godioo, Sisoer Doris -Tonellt-i;St.ooî,to lt 50 o at sperta tipore pCada ViaeMsaeaCn oaR a3Ctpei i bout this fnie of wee tirerWoodley osrtso andlSis. enashss e otesoroosdzl Wobereyioteeguidesfoieatbustourî-iemn Ssndoy roaso lookbo sscb a on the inttrtoduetion cosmOittoo' stffN.G., Sisr He Jones ilo t.ooO rt ala heoto odi tissponod isthe of f N RIE-$50 CE obomblen. i t rosi ossibly bise srs' Tise offisers for 1962.53 cresat ati Siser elos . Jmsoou itoluMs.W .Wlac,7 an tMlo histerG. Li heai dix sst v sis tOil asio b eacde peqo i spl a hofc. pils Mas. W.Z A 1. VOUCER 9MnS a cd asii. Ofsourse, sing lefi- instotted on a nery imfrosoivsocialO 00005050 liars,lto%%cts re" ctlot noffoer ),crs. Mans ot ths avrtOn o moat boat Os nos a onannor isy Sis. Anne Collins Hopkins;o press reporter, Sisioo bhoit .oOoosî hotosîs toools buildinigs h .ad isees moî'od Io0 3RD PRIZE - $5000o VOUCHER nes ieabs m îhabpoti 0f otCetr DitrsiNo. 1 l Giodys Crotier. olio shoroeod canol, Oboir proscrit site. ieolm the flood- Mr. Alfed emsa RR No. 2, Pnsi nb Ont. ogree ibol JoIo' rooiiso Os dif- Thep ore: Noble Grand, Sisser SOs. Helon Jones htd [lie buos area On Lake St. Lawronce. terent in boih appoao'anso and jeae Reid: vise Grand, Sistoe sf fi00tttg on Sis. Hoosi Wood- Mosis seodit Os due Io Moýs, Do torSadie Thsomas; re..ordisg seeret-' tops f.N.G. Jemol. A gft w es bont Dowssos sho Teor ie oItNPA T E T T R Mie. cokdmo dfOOjop Sisier Margserite Teasdel; preoented Os SOs. Anne Collins Bie Hortisotitot aI trOp. TOt tircd, but Mof epd boo mat a bn fisoosa secn'y Sisier Mac 0.. hY, the Nole Grond Sis. Pt0i lo o ot 11 itr oto Lot too bappy possosgors sotre soilisien MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-9261 tsofoppmlbaton arie oline flo'Rsioastoreral, Sitr Dorethy Jean Reid IrII the ottisrs teold Jtio, Je Fino 0005 hono osidenofosliers _________________________________________ orh inrediof intuding flav0 Hodicp, mordes. Sioter Rap Jobn- mombers si Esooisf Stor Loties L d .0 o oitl proscotOtiton i.,tiiOy iuiee mbic keeo usering OSO on oooor 00. ister trone Gil1 Sis. Coîlisorston prosenls'd tOto Wel'landt Itosob o trMo ondit,ndichkes trdoing a nie O 'n~ ~ o Jf.P.G. .eittt a gift troon bs-r ol'ý Eno Ssor. Miselseisoosshooî andbc tises an iigbl cetramaTs, tior toi the foot ssar. otoiergon bvCaolSargent al hioîsriesîa is e xtre.orn The.j Lsdgsstsss-d sn Olic, osol ltolno lhe homs 0,1 Fo0g Mfhoit atndo îmtrelies tefosel i rsing use .D.E.i %va Ifsve dtf r n t i ' B IG I v r.Gorefnon pan vena -toppng o frsh IO.DE. C aptr moiitssore t s d iit.s IolhsMt G Iot'0F0r 5as ienopts d ff r n ppaesie. eoesingfth.h m one is.sosisttsr H lopkný"'.ts'rsàkýFn.hotts'roos iteoh centre is 1fiitedt mits a segetobte Plans TreeD a and2 ibe ommn c . is linHpitos Mes. Jao Pion b-ho bsid e moîtI., medlop conked in mnsbreom sen f~~ahroittGeVoeton T, moro a otil homrsda f.oe..rsfu sauce- The Octoobor Il meetg ufthOe lireo [loie ber.eosTrnVride.oosnhldosotc o Taesday'a ideat Bine Sarah Morin Chopior was boetd o and Milton.libro. Yied -about 6serlitta aI thoe home of Mos, Bruer t asorage-oized firmn red te- Fratre. mao on Septomber 21 the meoras lcfs ined bacoe ot S ar M atio n Chap rr s dT RATE PRICES 4 cois mnd acooe mutJohe Mil o i C apic er o (frnont mebend rast) tu 50New Caoadiassa tbescour ON H ireonpoonsoatt bosse. TbOy oetn wotcomed and ýtasosupppr i enID ds. Rfehen t AD 2 tabepoosgraied anion girse Ocrv do. Rerebm R~M FRESH POULTRY & EGGS liat e cbnffed parstey This Haliome'en, the Saroh Mor 2 csps cnaroe solt bed tin Chafloo mili os osual partii ML crumbs paie in prnsiding UN1CP postMers 2 Offo oa the J. M. Denyes and Holy 1/ eV p lUS omate 11Ie Rosary Scooo.BI BO Prceato nvrtio Io 325 def. P. tra- Open tinse Mlo bher slntw). Genorooostp grose a Membors nS the John M rallier thick lices; eut cah s1iceagreed tu ici as liosts alt he 2 5 BOIRML B E D in isaît ond arrange obon in botý spo bose of tOto sevot tom nifropom pan. bouseons Nosombor 17. Esorys inc Cu linp bacsn and irp a issooi on.RAD OCO enisf. Add boono anod drippiof t0 Membore base bSas sbd RtDYTuCO minced meal: sfrinkle seibh nat. oid the Jobo Milton Chaptor in peppcr. gratied anion and parstoy; the erovso for tire istind. ligbtly noloi oamse soit breod Tbe Christmas Tren Dr% wîi crambs, Beat eggs sligblly and ho field regain ibis ycar The oree OOVERNMENT INSPECTED ieD_ o Lr sio i somofo juoice odd tImilI asousnal bcdeoraledmllbh meat mixture ond combine. Tore 50 one doloar bills. Ticket pro- ÀLO P U TR P OD C Sd o ev da -H NE AKIE int prepored pan and pack tigbt- coodn are fnr furniohnsg aroli t1 6M minutes. Blond mesi ring hblîdren, Tickets are oolbe Down Garonl. Lh., off MilI St. tg 8-4 in Ils para in a worm Pl-s foc frais aUi meutrbers._____________________

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