Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 1962, p. 6

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-~ ~e-¶c'e 'cp-ccc,~ World Series - Botter Up! Anyle -Con Cards of Thanks Fou sALI masIlid j OUsALI_'e@ 'u L HEU> WANTE C LASSI FIED t îEFOR SALE-rlnwrs for ait oc- Ro SALE - Used Huniu e LPWNEDPa 1 %vuldlik tu han ai m asins.lienry Gante-. Kilbrsde. annox coal anmood stove; oit EPWNTDPa i-ccd uccc-ttndc.d the u c-cs Phone TR 8-213, Milton o-tIt spoce heoleco; kIclchen suite; r0- stae-îirg Monday, Octçybert A V R I I G pari i cnmyhcourcaîhe humce -- cigcoes china cabinet and BousfieldTR 8-355 1 of Mc ros 1CLcscdy, Beil SI., FOR SALE - Used skctcs li ayIle-im. Pianos wanted. RATES and for the loccly gifîn sshich t ancd op; no-c skates a-c cool. Mil- MacLeod's Focoitue, hehind HELP WANTED-Expet cdc. toit Spe-ct- acd Cycle. c-21-4383 I 8-ehlmn Jcccllemc, Actont. walîccesnon waoled aiSu No citog for anosicement -22-4393 Mrs. A. Dochercy. bi1-8560 livarant, Miltn Plaia. Ap Of Bietu Mooriages, Deatho FOR SALE - Tccles, uesc -- pe-on orcuail 878-2401. and Engagemeonts. Artiodes for 1%lic-c cu ihcîk lhcce wihc lent-eIece-s. Wccke-cd -cyecil 35c. FOR SALE-Snge millers and c-te sale, cent etc. - 3c a word llc--c ce--c tl nd laci cc!nMilton Sportsad Cee.-214384 vcucum pocnps, balk tank be-si- Minimum cash 5kc. Bitird 75e-r- cm ce-e- ce- Melicc DSi-c-cI tc-ce-c- es, ecnees. soullc, sicinnco HFLP WANTED - Sa-lesc Box No. toi fibis office 25e ad" e-cl. A ci%-cc-eeei thaktuclu, FOR SALE CIe--e. pickc-cî seel poils. stle-one-e-e-aler bown. te 2I'-îecs of age. Write-B dttiona. Coming events- 75c rcigl-h.e-c-lo- [uite- cinî(illind- truc-.8l0. '54Poic iic cgccd Pipe and fillingeuand head. C a dian Chanipion, ou minimum fie-ni fine fines, eac t'el e-e-., Ille l'lo niv - lcîîe-î l -i ccnditicc 5250. TR "-300. Cd. Far ecmpIcle nilker serv-ice, cdua-oico and lobe-cdcs. additionai tine 19)c. Cot of ec. e-teelec and-- D,.* Hic. ___22-4344 call Hccrcc- Tamlinsoo, Bramsp- C thenku 75c for tbe firsi five c22-4480 Ecice-it Jac-. - Ian GL 1-1275. h-tf c bots, Fabadtoatlo 1.IOR SALE-Bac\s 3-piece- cour I. À ecl!aditinallire 0c.ccd Iegging sel, pe-i hloc, ge-ey FOR SALE-Tpessile, Royal, HELP WANTED-Housa fil Meteocialm 75c, plia Ille per lai- colla., siccc 3X. TE 8-9788. $30; ic.lcic Oladican, $25; large 10la e in. nighîs and me rendieted Mnndoy follownoig in- c-22-4507 cil spacc hualce, $30; 200 fallon Ofi il o-anied. Wclle Bon 52 0Coming Events tank, $15; e-chhil case, O tayer, ton ce- phane Milton 8 setia FOR SALE - 2 scnic builicc $5; cl-cc 1950 Hillcnan motoc, Sia caes espocted. c LATRST INSERTION TIMIE C.N.l. Blithz, M.accv lcotsie- cc r Mil 'tncc. Na dlowe- pc9- caineta e-I vi e tansmission and 12 OO WENEDAY 22630y cc.Kcy ce-c c,, mcent cccccessaccy. TE 8-4481 cilce- 6. c-cccsiicc. Milion Tire Serceo HELP WAFITED - 12 OO WDNEDA 630p.m KpIlc.-14-3952-i 191 Miii Si., TR 8-2711. c-22-4490 t9ccckepee - typisi. halO REAL ESTATE & CLASSIFtRD) c--ciccc21-3-4402 dcc ce-ek. Scntd ]citer i DISPLAY - 3 P.M. TI2SSDAY Kicccc ccc.iLgc a6 FOR SALE 40 ucci sc.haci 1 hcccdwciling ficing fsull Kin.,ili'n Arnual Lil iccl Ik, $1 ccclii Cocni 'L. Mà. Bel.,Bx10,Cnda PO ETR 8-2341 Blicc, Oe-eic 1.5 - C'oerc 10- * ce-ce- i Be-ce SI. ISe-li TR I4O W1AeRD S cc-c, ltoBn C L aad Hcic cueppcic Milcon Spocrts. pi65n2 Mi-22n48c ------------ c-.21-2-4320 8.32 -2-47 USED FURNITIURE -EL WNE- IThL.e-ecttiai. Krioc Chc-i The Cee-od.e- Champi-oa,» Rccoce-c.e- Scie-, t-ii,cc,, Occalie-* ThurdayOct.11, 96Î12, 49 y.ccc.. iic the Sucdc Se-hccc Theîsde-,Oct il, 196 .cccc. c-21-2-4451 e-cio: -cie, apiciccize -ecec gocci cocncditin. ceasconhle. TR 8-4742. c--21-4334 - A D- BARGAIN CENTRE ,cccc [ccLc le-e-t. 89 FOR SALE 800 cwhice Lugic FOR ITEMS OALORE Ilc Ee-e-cccc Cliuci e-e W e ,I % ot c c fc, o3. z ooi- uncd 4e- Born 0e-e-e-uc 17, .coe-tcincg - cc.c ls eiId Plc.c Victcr 5-0951. - N E W 8 e-lic. c;r Adroics $1.50. c--a-cc.212-4477 Dcilc i-c diioealec.d i c.-22-4501 FOR SALE - citaccye%-ce- ci iclcs hlacd tutccie e-cg dil-, dish- BO0Ze- Mc -ic 'cIe- Le-cc. c c.cjciccma;cidouble-icndciiccHc-ctiost is,ceaicciaicay Sad, (nec Me-iitccglilciii)e-i 142' e-hc-ccce- - le-cc-, cicccce- ccc l icdhtccicd ancd nntehioci chliccie-. eccr licds ccl, curlcing cers, gifis Oontarcc lic., Mil-ee-c, cie yi-ccccil bl tace-c Me-ce-îcce Heil., Caccpc TE 8-9230. c-22-4505 etc.,- chjliccnc dcre-cs-s ce-codas la~ Occ-te - lie-cn t e - e-irt 16ece h ieie-i- li-e., Oc- 13, 1.30 ccci. fale aie-c 4 chiirs 1ecc) ce-a ,c.cccc Le-ce-id, cccgitc 8 lIiîîe-cei lie Si. Gcc.ce W.A. FOR hALE-U-ed ficiciae, i hlis, 13 ozi., ae- lio ccce-c t cccc--e-22-4389 gcccc ece-deitce-n. Ee-qcie Miccce- U S E D Hosital on Oclice- 9, 1962. L.ccic- ei- Licet c Mi cecc Fccl- Ue-lii- c 358 Maicn Sc., Milice-. a vbuges hirchl' je-e-l-c e--t- le- ac Hciecc-tc R 8,9094. _ c-22-.tîî il 2 li1-lto iîaggieand choie--c cAidmo- Le-EN M . n]M ,V ce--r Enhl Dcyc. fl al nSau- _ _-.- I cii-ece d-s cl cîdi -ie-le-. ( ma l-) C Ipen - e n e -c- Me--c.) u tc FBe cl] ele c lc-iecclt FOR SALE-e-ele-. 75c 7e-e lie- oe- l- d aie-,, l ciece-ie- tane imcgo e 70e- ce-c Oe-e-enit e-i S I Se e-ici Guiihei 27, ei-ci t- Se1ý1,l i-I l ec-.1 P'ck die t e-cc c I eil. 1(-ecJ e-oh e-eeincilc iccic-ccelcc ce-e- e-ee-c l , ci--in i ce ,e-glie-te-cc 0. Lcccli, ce- 2 39 lee- c M lie-c Facîtm iC. He-pliaca, R.mel-c,,.y diec-. cie,2 k lie-ch 4 ai . lie--cicMgltonc i, e-cect ER.cîîcieeîc c. 34939~ , C:îîieliei. c 22-448I e-c Lord may alliee iteme-. H..-yice- eon ThiiLe, 0e-e-ei-, M ieii Figue- liLeiicce- Clib ce- W N 4, 1962. e-ee-e- îî-~le-. e-cece- e-cil, le-eecc FOR SALE-Sitos cf ali kie-ds- AA E ci Pai-cecec 7cet, il île etet- e-e-e-ek le-l-eci-g, chocs ce-c-e- ce-i Fie-ost, e- oendition. DE7dNIS - M.ce-nde-Mr:. e-e-iie -cceell-ccl ieeeeci ee .ctei1eti.tice 7e-ice-c triningmoc li-ot Store Hce-ce De-nm t-cc e-c-ce- -k e-c le- Ilieecie e-e-i hi-c le-i. î;ciitc ii, 0ec- ig-ce TE 8-2150. e-5-t--SOl Me-a, le- Thace.. I la 6 pi.. R.1, Camcîe-îhcille. ,cce pecee- 331 Macrince li. 8.30 lc-- Me-e-ci Fcide-e-1. t î9y.m. le- cnooe ce-c-ce-lc liti eci lfrice-- Oct. 15. e-22-4343 FIS AkLE i- 10 cae 2 l- lit Se-laide-y e-il de-y. n 6Il -îlîe-h -ce cce- licte-i-ec deaugicre-.ccgii 8 liý,, 7 ce--.- RuiOce-teie.c- t-le- le-e 41e Ani ot-ei lice liec hl es ce- clcg Le- Phone ce- Mile-ce Oc,,teict He-c.cite- cee- e-e--Li ce-cih he-e---ie l icele Fi-eici ccl,, $150 cdi. EL 4-2513. TE 8-981 Ste-- TE 8-6064 Roc. 0etelice- S. 1902. St-ce-e-- ltc LtiI, 0----eee 19, 1.30 h 7e-te-. oci- e-22-4391 Linadee He-ilc acnd ormi-. ceeei cic-î-e-c ieiceec-cec-et caveli*,le- ,e--ei hl--e bikiLniîg FOR SALE - He-e-ce-oad, de-y.! Helen & Allen Howard FERRIER -M.andc'ct-.Don Cole- andt- hni--g e- itieci Aeil 12'eIci16"logicisingec-d $9- 171 Ma-inSeet Milton Fae-riee ci R. R. 2, L.t-icii cele-ece-ce-. e- 22-4346 2e-cecl- S5,3e-ecdoi $21, de-iieacd. fiee Fuie-ni Be-cocy Lacnge- e-ille.ear-e-e-ce-e-e ce-cocace- e-1Eareie--c-cFe-imc. 0ee-gelace-e-e-j acceleycey -clairaoce) flie- hi- h ii e-e-celici e-cL-cghcce- Be-e--de e-t Mltl-c-- Aceoî ci--- T 7-4501. Il94201 e--22 Ane Le- ine.ite. e-e M. eci tIe- Thiaît-c- etet-eee %ci i 85 ce-i ceici Hospe-li e-cc 0e-te-lice $800 ce-t e-e-e-ct. 20 gaes- aci $51 FOR SALE-You ne-ill le boy- 1962. aildiiiiiec e-iae-1e-1 $100.$53e-ii-ce-e-e- v ourbiling maoeics a e-soniclue-e- eccd-, to it cie Cnacfo-d. Campholie-iiie. Qucc For Rent GERVAli M ce-ee-i i-. 0-e-e rnces. Se-ceecd lic Mle--e Se,- -ce-ece-- iigh qocIity. PhoneCamp, E-e-l-e- e---cMr aee--e W .e--eee e-i ce-e- e-e- Le-gicît. c-1-i-85-il he-ilîile ULnice- 4-2232. o-Il FOR ENT-Ie-î-îe liot dolree Mil-ce- ,îee pe- eeil tee--i-e-ecee--e Sie. îl-eel- Pi,il iie-ee.e Chice-ii FOR SALE - l eal-c Rie-iele Mi-ce--cilton lice-- T -e-345e. Plie fl- ie- cirii ilthete e- Dieeleec - le-c c--,ce- Se -e---eec SundiIc1le-e-Se-iit andiîC ,i-le-iii.. R-c k îia H da E 824. ei ane Mie-lele, ce-iele- 16-c 0 id Oiel- id. Il e-ti. teic 73 e-ii [e -cl a v lec, e-iee-ec NEI-ati 4. FOR RENT-Oiiie -pceec acyy. ce--c, eil Me-liteon Oc-ce-te-- Seec-i- C-eci-t e-lec- Se-iiA. O. Ge-e-cc 13111. Se-g LCiclîoe- Bac nlogee-e 3iT x 30', pe-po,ite e-ce-c.. Seece-i- eon 0e-le-le- 3,.1962. A i-ce lui' lie-ee- 7e-e-., h e-citr ci-- ii e-le e-22-4392 ille ce-ai- Flîae- TE 8-905. Dae-ca. 1Be-ie-ci e-t L,tig-Iieic,it c e--iij c-.22e-4482? AIte-tt. M-c ic b tile ,,I-iee--ee . , Et -FOR SALE -Ouitecy-cuiiocil MAtTO 550 - Fea-.ce-- e--i teeil --~iee e-e-e-e--ee- e-21-2-4325,-e---, iii-e- ccel c-ece FOR REliT - Mdî îen c-i -e--e-e Maeitland (nlc e , l-~tit e-or.e- 101, i- i ie-e1-%()it* lie-et-c-a te-e- e-te cit-. Me-- ci hltaiccd, 2 lie-e-tie-ti acy.ce icce- ace e-l-enee- t-e .-e e--i-e-,ee eii, L iite -tue Fiehtee- i e-e-e- E l , ,Ic Satite-e-c $25. 8782ý096ý Rcaonbe-t e- ce-t. TE 8-9083. lie-h of e-lie-je ,ce- K eeeelice -et,ý Sce-ci-ii, 0eteliec 14, 1962, ..---a ie-e e-0 e- 22-45091 1-12-4345 Te-telH ,pti, ILA. - Ec i , e-t e- ote ll lc le- c e- Fe OR-a- S 'dal-- 5-5 13 ýe- 21.4335 FOR SENT - 5dyci r c ote- ci. tt- D ie Dite-e-e e-le 1tce-ce-ee-i 258o r e-ce-cc.n IL II[t, W lh 1 ch l . R ce-Spp l b nS i Moldt c-25cd. ohclatie-. e-eec-eL-ti _ cileli- L42 dec eeee-ec- 3 iie e-d i<eeeec e-e-î ,(le iile-lit -lt FO RMcii - Tce-ece-d Se-dio- e- ~~ 16cîc-l<ehcie.i -8622t-itt FOR SALE-Cr Oie-ehclice-i le-ie- S1-otiiio 2G edroo lie-allie-i ' e-l -iliai e-telt-e Cie--ý I it.lete i ll- ce-tei e-ce--lt ie-ic i re ,n % an c te-i i]it.ciil\ rte UL ttc37 Mi-ea,, t t je- e-e-t l~i (;o,, g,-ec toe-hie- e- t 3il e-ee li-ec- Ie-c - n ila p .~ ces. t Me- te- TiL and04. Radia. eIc ie. ceel-- e-c-e- lihe-iîcce- -i illc l e-e--.1 e-le-ct, 191i lie- Sit, R E N T A L Sc-2-39 barc iil lie Aliel- ieee- te-le-ce- L -te-iciP.. Il______________ _ Cu e-l ceeel-ietii e-lic 854.2698. bo jr!h, if liEh, (M, -1 liii.I be ac , i St-c- t,";%L imcie- oppe4rlto FABRIC M CeINtE e-e- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lo tec-c--c--ef e--ee-e--e lite-tee-e-i- - -- i. ee-ie-t . I if 2-3854 1 11 e-chIl licl - L 4-t 30- . -t 22e-e- 5-ece th,43 t,,[ Leeti-en- - ie-l- e-cie-it iE T L - Fore- cal 22411 ionito, P N 8-14 e-l-cc78e61 SF557,iiil iii tet-et- aie--eeee --e ~ ieet te-cie 'ce-e-lie-e-tEI 854 -2 8 a te -e-il-e-c.[ -i195te-ie-e-jt 12 te-- 4.50 4 -224 li----cc le-iiin, TE5 02209. ci 22-4473 >ofsc acins the-he-ce-il ~ FO S,%[e le1---- c--i e-i , e-t-ct Nee- 11/1 e-- h ,1, i-_______ 32.icge Phon Mcuct TEIii,, 8-4 Icie M e-e-.-. e-ce-e-e e-ece i-et-- e-0 e-e-e bl-9-c ld-h-itci..iittii--eti-ttt- 959.-e 09 . ci-22li 451 h R alr7pm TBcERYeîeî-ee fi -e-t FliEiliu lheie e--e lci FA BeA - WATOlitct--i t e-2-48 Liio ittt-tiece.-tt--et-ti-îe.t-, ct-ec- -îjei--ec * * ,ahe-.iieicee-ccc-ceiec-.O -ee ol, ciii île-cc, scie-ck, Ilci te-i e-h. batl- -2233 O PN WANTEO-Illcn e-olt, Pr. pc.5-.e-il LIccoad 11e-îc i 9-c11 1 SSII, li.lî..t o..e.e e-ccdl d)u e-Ean [ e- e--. . Cilce te-eh- e-c- dottîi - e--o 776 Lice-g -, Tpli"'.c. i slo Ecîci. lit-e- lE 05435,l e-b44 2 TodcRe SALE---i-t-citic te-cie-i ilWATE -Tuhuv%4 faee- -e,~e-Sc ieiicic- --5ec n.a colT PU LI e-sicgs Hhdca h 3-00 -l- F ce-t u 13,ct-it1i-L iii t. ER e-lt2 E.-1c-lt. 15 OM ERIALR ST. te-e-e-i Murllo.-ce-e-93 e-le-e-e e---- .i ît I T NW N T E Dn Voc e l--ae.eee eci-ec ee 19 -le- Hig i a 2F . 2 nide- tdcck citn rs lice-ce- dc lc -liee S-ee-ie- d Yoscainîlue- he-ail i ncin iee eeb- lnd osrd oao-- nA R Oah- r Sica Coene HSi,-Tornt r Tu f cilice-e- d e, FOR SALE- e-e-1a eIntacl cilE- O P BI onHd.o -00 -8 anid e-a-nlîbc. 2-2d7 fi-d . .31iîh.l-02-38c2-d -2î -ccacnn la do day cocrtece- wîccking mclhe. Curc fs -hild frosm 10 in the mccc 5i n cn.cniîca. Sopyy pacllion. Phone 878-6212. IIELe- WANTED - Ch- shopcping - I olr len ohleilt he Avo n Rae-. rive ecils. Tha-ce-ece-ning Iccle ce-ce cf i-oc Chci.sme 7peg 10o ! Foc interews-is, Milc Zicglec, Bas 141, Gae HELP WANTED-Ladie ei-cc. Goad cpocianily c c tu lafikc mcnay suffi M diyieeie.Fiie. Na capitl nacded.i peeie-cc nccsccy. Wci proanple. Rcccle-igh's De 2844-132, 4005 Richeliea. Mo lu]Ht WIth D WANIU fCmImut tickets, WANTED IMMEDIATELY A lady for allecclions. $be 2268 aibc er eo seming ma- chine and conne eopee-ieoce on ha- ienced sic allee-alions. fI se pe-eferred i ec- ibai elle lice close toi Main St. ittly in Apply -4120-if Milton Department Store girl 18 Oc coui Mcc. Boiohe-idge ait osc 129, TR 8&926t timnina c-22 22-4410 keepar ,Miscellaneous ekends 2, Muil DtPLICATF4O and phoiocepy 78-588.1 secvice. Har-is Staine-y, TIR 8-I 24386982. c-20-4247-tfc 'emala. KITCHENER Upbnisltery e-t îayc., 5 cecI re-opbolcing, re-fieistit c wnsc andlcopaiin of al types of fori- ce-dca- tort. Pot fr-ee estimat atnd Cham- promp service, cal]tS. B.Po- 22-4399 fer. TR 8-2633, Milion. c-Ml-tf FURNITURE cefinished epae-, t agod îaach-op ec, chrome e-baie-c te- e-k foc caceced. Oabville Focoilace T. ce ona Bcoadheol, TE 8-9531 or VI 5- iOf 10 0241. c-19-4267-tf Ecn REM R Upholtery - ce-af- 22.4476 lialsieriogf. oenitotecefinishing mogcleaning. Promptervice, bet qoaily malecials int mock- ""at't manohip. Bailey Be-oc.. TR 8-9741. pcchý c-35-2272tf s chop- MODERN NEW STYLE 2-4407 BARBER SHOP Open c, men f at.-. 9 p.m. cffecd Saiacday 7 c.m. . 6 p.m. agocr Spee-iaieing in Be-ssh Coin Noc- a baircol" noml MILTON PLAZA c-22 c-te-If C losifS Lost anid Found LOST - Beagte fricoss, blaok, white and tan, lacs 'an Spepside. If formol, phooe VI 5-5730, Oa- otitle. c-22M489 LOST - Mtoicao Chihuahua, btowon or ieu er Gto-ge Si. An- swrst the sanie "Lady'. TR 8-2018 afte- 5 c-22-4485 LOST-Smali bice tricycle, vic- inity King St. on Pc-tday or Oct- crdoy Octohtr 5-6. feitden plase cat TR 8-9907 cfliter 5 part. c-22-440 LOOT - Ladios be-on crepe hand bail, wtb considetobie anmaont of monoy on i sae-ed in pay taxeaiselcoyeglassesfluetae cadiy noodcd. Rcmae-d. TR 8-9527. C-22-4475 Cars for Sale or Vour Next Car... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. e-1tf THE CARS WE SEIL ARE BACKED BY SERVICE MILTON MOTOR SALES ,EASY TERMS 388 Mals TE 8-2355 C.14-lt Employment Want.d EMPLOYMSNT WANTED - Steiogcapbtc psition. Ropte-ten- ed, TE &-2458. c-22,4397 Deadstock PACONI 'Dead Stock Removal Zett 97950 24-Noce- Service Pree cetova of dirait er disabi- td fai-m animas. Otd -hoeses, 5c- a lb. Lic. 169C62 - 109RP62 Rtemovai Service, tiile art lic- tensed te removd yocc deado ccippled fane ceimalu for sent- tey disposai tn an inspecferd rtndecmng plant. Free rteonei. Phone, ne charge, t0 Zeelils f8f540. Gotdon Yoong Ltmited To- monto - Barrie - Slitela Ucene No. 14 cnd 15R82 - 143 and 144-C- 62. c-37-if PACONI Deadstock Remofrfal Zenitti 9790 24-Natte Service Fee rtesovai of dead or dsabt td farn animas. Otd borses, Sc c lb. Lic. 169C62 - 109RP62 Walnut Ranch*- Ltd. Crippted ced Disebted Conis and Horsts 24 Noce- Se-e-tae Lie. Nos. 3-SP, 28fC-2 Watee-down MU 9-1044 b-il-tf -e4##~ve ~adt<C44 9a~r~rte- CLEAN EUS KN IG HT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Saisfcft-ion Goaraoteed " Dry Cleaoing " Shie-I Lauudeing Samc dayevcee-iftrequired * ide-lions and Rcpoits * Ragn ccd Diapos os perlly -leanod O Fie Fie-k-ce- e-cd De-lieoy " e-Hl ne-or dont on prcimie- CALL TR 8-9,41 ELECTRICAL SERVICE NAIRDRESSINO McPHAIL ELECTRIC VOGUE * tNDUSTRtAL BEAUTY SALON * COMMERCtAL Specializing le Poecmanoot Waves. 0 DOMSTICHait Styting * DOMSTtCHait Tifiting * ELECTRtC HEATINO 192 MAIN STREET -' -TS 8-2481 c-1-tl Lomple EleCtriC Mousa 66 Cliarlcc SI. Miltn TE 8-9513 FLOOR COVERINOS RUGS AND CARPETS DRAPERIES Ooe-idy Scoadionte os Roani Sies a Wall do Wall CUJSTOM MADE "Eclimtee Fec' D>RAPEbS lit De-lieed do yoor home, ttady to hancgin 2 eek. " Eipe-itiy mode ond finichcd. * Wid e-eo sira ofpatterns frote wcl do -hose. CAMPBELL'S DEPSSTMENT STORE 229 Main TR 8-021 Miltn c-If e- PRINTINO TOP QUALITY :OMMERCIAL PRINTING WCe des-igo ccd e-eici distioctivo, offie-e and cse. otbeme-. Oircte- mail ad- e-e-ido0., hallelice- - in fe-e-I ai- t aeny pe-lolin of 50tey bacc. 0e-w us0 qociccon yca- se-cek. he Canadian Champion IILLS FRi INON & PU.BLtSH- tNO CO. LTD. t91 Me-io Si.. Milton DIRECTORY AOVESIDNG 10 AVAILABLE IN THIS SECTION AT ECON- OMICAL RATES. PHONE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION TR 8-2341 DPARTMENT STORE TR 8-6021 228 Main St. E. C-49-11 GENERAL CONTUACT< A. C. CANNO & SON GENERAL CONTRACTI Cuslom Homoes Rc Aitaons Modemi Cap Planse and fr e-etimai Yeacs ofcsteeinc TR 8-4424 RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS L * Haine tmpre-e-eteeal lit, Rcce-lan * Alceaiicoc *i Ade-itîicons *Commcial e- cendu- UL 4-2263ý HAIE STYLISTS VeANO anod PAUL Beauty Salon 95 Me-to Si. - Milton xFieret Siyding *it * P ere-ntcoi 0elo Soft I aler ai eays use For- appointment cal TR B - 9931 CRS- N ORS pairs barcds rD. FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE w Gse-lified boir tlists *i tedie-idoal siyliug *Cocktail chompos *Hai- condidiocng * Clde-e-ing Wence aircoed by Canon-do frcot Cec Harde-en Speccal stodeot e-odes TR 8-9533 Opcn Ttias. and Thae-c. Ee-ennge- 171 Main Street MilIce c-35-11 DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS MILTON PLAZA *i Me-dee-c Aie- Cccnciccsncdl Shalo *Tioîie-g * Adi-e-c-d liiylici8 *Aie-e-ondilico dces *Oniy soit se-ec- ced Mec. Wee-., 9- - oie- TcTi cs;..& Fe., 9 -e-o.m se-i. 9 - 3 po.. AMPLE PARKING TR 8-2501 e- 1811i JANITOR SERVICE Expert and SatisfaCtGry CLEANING BOB WATKINS PLAST EStN G li Lalhing * Sdocca * Repaies Cai TS 8-6581 fur free ettmctes 189 Broote SIL. Miltoo. PLUMISINO AND HIATINO OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Claoing * Repaie 24 Houre Serve-e- e-bl orkc gue-entleand insured. TR 8-6797 TV and RADIO SEUVICE STEWART'S TV Pe-ccdly Pceecîi 1963 ZENITH e-nl * FLEETWOOD ti e-V si HI-Fl a STERRO Se-le - Servcec 348 Kingcicigh Cl. TE 8-2452 e-1-tif DURNAN TV AND APPLtANCES SALES & SERVICE " Se-C.A. Victor " R-C.A. Whicipcct F-.chiecd Dealer 222 MAtN ST. TE 8-4445 TUENCHINO BACKHOE WORK Tiencchiez and Weepleg Bedn band -Grae- Sone leIN CURRtE - TE 8-6211 CLARENCE CATION TS &-9313 UPHOLSTERING cie-e-i Woilc aod Ai le Type seofi aFloors Miltuon oUpholstering and For0ee-eoclmîcucot righoer Home Cleaning Milton Janitor Service and uckeul TR 8-6388 lartuoc in yoon oden home. cl-tf Ccaii ce- de-cec e-siimae e-I 358 MAIN ST. TE 1-9094 t ________________________c-18-if ORNAMENTAL MEON WELL DEILLINO Tinlicg Milton WELL DRILLING 1 Ornamental Iron J. S. SUlTAN S. S. 2, Mittion, Ont- SLUMINUM and tRON RAILINGS c-3t-ff BILL KELLY TS 8-9827 Phone. Burliogton NElsoo 4-6W2 L ___________ 4ý c0 For Pets Indu MILTOP w Aclon i 6 reom Asking SYD REAL 8 mi Ca Sf. WAL ML REAL oed OE $650 for Aclon. So 5 aoc, Farms Cal MI $8,0 3-bedcoom Thin e-ha close i 03n11 MRS. Best boy 3 gage. Loi e-ao-ying $ 10.500 S19.800 - $12900 - Cali TR 8-1 A. E, USAI Memhtc-a ol aod Oak Es 49 Ytats' $10,509. 6 tao Main Si. c 70' n 132» for scie- , e-y. Easy must be n F AIle-active 8- e-iodes fac; Cam 4 $9,000 foul p-; pecly 34 a lion of e-ha once hosh for mciekon Wo moald 1 many clioni acepac] Tom Or ALBI TR 8-9543

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