t D~fSch @I Co pener 'F IL oN COU CI BREF yKilbride United Church Scene The Canadien Champio, Thusd.y, Sept. 13th, 1962 3 ;0 Stili Seekinig Controct Milto unc Moitday: O Received a letter front the Patterson-Hiscock Ceremony P ep e T wns S o c e Mitn Stettetg careeîîkt cln urttat ti at local bahofthLeinot-Diane Marie Hiscock, daaghter goret Cecerdae and BeveryR j r d F i S tr th rdConstrctiofil etthje lle ofite. . thnîerk' fice gati sépraion fer ipg e of icouil t at-o r n r.A .Hsoko hrcuiso h rd;B, r urS tf rO t 111ef oecw Ontario Sc n TheIl cfltratoe, hoeeer, lsth.ir sOfc a a otntip in-he an eDcoration CdrSrnsRiKlrdwscI atro, sse f te W r sCfjiý)l!i i lilto rail fr [i un Ili Octe t r t h ie k r ep dt i licn ,i a o t exceed $125. Frod J. Becueil, Day service September 23 are au Rd.. Killimridu t groom and P Nte ac y isr o hi[ to hrc arif -n ,otz 1 i of2 nOtarîciopci. i th diaee Il eareaatubcî, tîllcebhccccwstcrryout thework *Fled a letter fronoin HaroldSRy atceîombnl wcd crC lic ated [lelon d hnde Ff( oteeie l[i- heii tttfari.e oel eedleci cegreemçth thog aeu *Peitiaucd'the Depirloiuctof Heed Fleur Mitîs ceticg Rubto haeand MRay PlaîtcaR. auuut,,MO.n ci,, utb athtnuda, clore . ilec Moad f.h to% drce Tli e Cci ptnio lseoca,uli réla wruthcToon Highu'ays foîr an intértim pymeoi cdupted certaie changesai the id cRR Mi Alu . Pattrierc utl cta Th tteaiac R. Th. Ter.n.Cp,,s oa The uciecs liasic dem'oid cf of gracie on rod eupeoditurca sycteci Pcltu-iog co e inir Rf ChRc ta Milc Kted Clie et'n eddues d a i,ýa Lice.buridictuoctanefucdh alicueeliaiue ofaceirpllutiuon.The ltt.r uggest- o heduhlo.î-inucereoipe- Baccara r'oues. A p n an r e iiralitiuîed lestuc $ih 5ler u n S. t h e liiggec t i lt year. ld11 irm fuît împrulecieoîc fcotcd by Rev. Wtlliam Wilhie- ic h%, 9 ol, odm f outyA ofali coeo eudchouuhMlhaeulecdey wcere. 1 Bob Gcyecti lMi. Hope h c ne. in fi aar tidi lcke fi te firiof $251 aig h i geitycif to Rssed r tiqu t th Mi- .d su te n euuenye - son.gummn n erej, tann.c r- U,, hnpo o 1 yA. jrscitonldPt. n, cn ernelamr vte oclito tnR cra nCommiee for Sti ig o pe fi10n everrae wli cf CTha bride, l caihed il ice toi0îîi i .~ tia ccii- alîtIîeL Othera are third shiti a lii Ilccu"l, thoirr pela e.a iow by bcide f zrtih of cui go ti C haie of c('thl f, 5 " n, giu f r et ferî 192.1oiplai dil nxtileka i t,- (if l) faille w c la fiitih tjtctjl 41union jislivrs.Ltr!î id, lIt, '1', 1, of An Bell Si dont na t lla ici, îi atd, t a"euh, trtlime abcuegu oi .er Bel clin bu o c it 0ai lite Uie d Ge G i i ie apu liqu l ace cktjti Trie lit At ilteicejIi.ilet î l big.hc -dad oiaeh- boardccklhut it' cmpty anttd aIud s rp, copenao n frCoua illr J. elt. h n uvsttr aGneGf 'H îtelirtoiied i hre tranShoîî atittîiîitethe hi pýoo foj i cnd,ý hl cîpli J. in the eltercîtl fitîrle ci iuoauic nighlo. and lieplî iiic oui uti utl j -aijtec rime CI fie adh n gtertipacttcaI ah.tîiui thentci , liantiiir c1) elia upe îipprc-a Tleîneîcî ect te i he mtaagî. îufn elucwtung the euîli a*Agreud il& cioidcr 00t pac b alilatae ad peroitesail i k alcc-roc iiii .ttî îîdicjîti0tîtlll, tttBe The duol e sni neu cteîi Tuctdiave Msewads a. tOg ohr ai Alec F-ol tilpnacluad "ý, iilLl .] l-ietMawieacag a s u îe .cr p rubi idet Cu in:l-cjekfic u-acn tu iiclaShei.oiiteilîiecouicu theîToronto egc.tttpî were proh ltled.îCohlaltSîîîcaîîiied %vuittoîîticisi ai.tî .tttotî.tîuroses.j-tît.hea att tE1 oeil rit rateanculinceentu t tche bv C.G.HEevanprésidentof the nikfrwtrt a ie o da iruerspuîîpra on orfl itttcîtantîdic Ilîck t ch ) iepaco ita. Fî erirOkihicdDcrc L u C o 1r C. Jîoniin repcnted i hIi lut uutajdu e h e t iieta Mr.li. Recepticeria.ini -,u-ln k ccch c1be hut uift hure once fur that Peciiich puinrd out bue crca BrdsAtsdas The frluuic ciciher ieccied _____________________________ hZ naa rllcg.it.l h e licp it, finit Frid e-au ucicoae cousindof' Ille LVtand locatofthe ,tîpcuierabliuieg ciiTeîur at a laer baec rate a oceMrj niinliudrbhyuoiîeo uuCîrocucuu aucario ahbeige dnuaccwiilibnecu ird ii tho Militon .tI lav cithie the oft pay. H. D. Frid. preaiieetto ictrfmiîe îui uPem chedheîr oo bio oaiadtbci.M o u tt c.icaiaioac c euh en- Guelphdtîi the cuepaiy.Csaldithe factihave nev iiigthehîtcawtookc-tt accy paea bhe prupiî The > _îuaa j abra- Milic ton ,î,,j, jobs wcl tie. diselicî suoilt h tah îl PP apicable- t thuce cuîtide the wir ceu iei afrecil ii brnogo r Fur thcicttdog trip ttîru.h .tpporcctîtîtt 11 uetoîieiO.teeoi 10110 ucief toe coter. inua reummaendatiuu. Urbo, Sourd Aors fic Wesaternt Uni CIa htatec. h.î Tornt ci ActoNr Sawage Plet beige andoi na accesscisamu toc de- 1,eolunu' 1.- i:p ed cîî t i eu tîi local caapcoter. are trt 01 WfSl OBITUARY Th cu al-r-iictc l . - oo C l . eiiciiî TiIh, weohty catione fi îiî , t-' b heture theIliilidhe," hc sald. 'Whe ahuld ThShowrsewrosad .i oilrcd a RR i !- md n- cipalia l llli . -cceu- 1île hire itri outside th1e xvillorO eu c yclvco ce- touirt eild- coîî cî cd iR ýelioge. Zec Il ilh C.îîetIplî îfiit. i.oeiittit? We undeooeitheciî- IW WoL9 ýFne Tue a edayceeieg cf alt ceek hv han hé crenticr< olîlîlîas eeiiecedileiciilOt.,daiOedPforteempicy S 1ro chu tena. proceuiaic,-r meohura cf lie North Halotiein~- - thieToronoulocalitubhavejuis-uuuiuapui. "Feimoîeîoaonîlor David Elliott ItrbaubodAtuyeJc e ~ flit Mn. ced Mr-.. Harold Pallet-, Talico il] suddcoly aahite dii- Lamebrt repneaeeig 1the tîlleas one(DiaeeMarie Hiacehl)pr in iniu CeahatawoDavid Eiit e-arhdcpcrîmeecandeococîitura i HoId Trousseau Tea Board Plans ... nonbtc-irîodcding un Scptehuer eh t5 Mitl Si., Actue, diedîthue, Bort Wood aed Lea Dîbc- relire-j i./ ceihiie.o Soîîndoy. Sepîtrcher 8.Heuariii theacoute t. couducei the F or Jean McDoweII îCueîioaod truie Page One) Slcutersainctcdoî a mcîlanc. mode hia home iu Aete ciîh grmapt truie the aile ufth ibruigi Srussit, li. iu houor ai of c tw îcehitdrnoattendîthe -iacashcuer by-the brtiecicins hiahhasitrMr. Perry Wcatsonria prig toflic-sand pipeon miss J il M, ums fi by W' . DiCkpublicschool SiteJoan ad Marglic Cpaaialalec fuetheaprHonihadi ho He cmoiorhyce bet.y bil, and he eia r r M al ci Miobert i cc hid yw- tio iel publia hé gioei muret Augut ,a bthrolont ahîter liba, eAtet fe thee yuanî. noolcreaimCerchpln.cd ie tiendraio andhe Miiere Riler Mcilc ached if Efhor ieind Ccîr. a I M' î urna TAKE THE FAMILY OUT TO DINNER Miic. i ttaifie rie lc posaile la crodit againtcthe Bacecvunc Acgcci1 mi [ aae- 1lamilv tiua le Nelson towenship Fitîlit he b tour Gert i - lai,- ted gîuîî. .Mia. McDoweiil it c cis pouce cen her Milton lanousii o-.tiîiic-î h 1e briileî lei 1890, aoc ut' Thîomac Etlln son, prescl or tihe Nut-th Hal- R TE T O 'car .înd Mra. ln itiiCileao .i ti aîo v the $20 c ieuat h e is aci Mrc. Cdgar Cadaucofî Bar- anti Marc Aoc Siiieera-iie. tîtu Asscaio n rReianded Far the pruoeîct cf yoî 19 CHILDREN'S MENU Itrdl ci tii lel pintufl Ioi ceed her etîldi ee tlî*ci lioglîl ce Scgaîcî 10, a perot-ceci Foirerai aerice ai tho Ruîiee- ChîJd roc oîiîîeuaeîitle huard. ln th, ve fltue yu Priicci%- te.. ,iîle ueacî Miltoîchrala. chutcr h0 the iuit i tecr Bc% Shcemaco-ifaeracihome, AL. Tiî 1cî oelcpiicît doutai's precriptions wih Payo rn x i i tteSrbR sa rn lucre (le tutu, ancdmuihor 1 Allc- glien lier apperti aonid- c Fa- icaiiiis un Sogaci 1, aud. on Tucac Sepitlice 11 cils Qetijai icoicipatitia cula, ucp-ý pafessuca pieC icîco Aec-î ornxfBrho tte ufR surn Mr.Jueteuikle ii'relaiione hohard dniidliaaiaht~o o we~ic1r hY 1li'i Ilcc.vctatche ev. A. H. Mc- pcîtiag ootacioî chiiireeîooecmeîei-hl Mca. Chait e, hciJoceeli. moi iilc caldeot inean ayecareiiltmnialîoiiCociKezeladilierme a iEah.î tu ppeaottotfic goteota- aeoe -- inooia Mi- i li-l W gros 11 tir irevilua riiiu li te lîcete iii lii .and Moc. Go rL -i cil-c Million. Pati- meut tir hifbo grîat tir- i-i-ard-E C K wtoui alii et, M îîîîîcri Tcruoi nil Sctîui irîîîoîoeît or Lircacai îiîîîî Sniclir lic Auguti 29. ioateis cree Gorc- Musetie. ol chilîtrne Mr. Adisosu bmitiit-i FREEPtepi oce ta d oear peti ail ce Ochîlle. 'te .îîî îi î h eit a lo f l. i,1,07 io 51 traie ladt veer.c a enir ao Thiomasî Watcou, Georfe McPhji, Pldaane ilaulupii bait poliinrorséca ar -- tecraleit 1;.llîîi and file le-1 iîîîc c rctd. iA gtc 2.Ma. , tite.Wtu. MîiddIciîîî, Cee CoîcîIl tint le c ci îîeuia get l aIligite Moeriad Delivery in aou beailfal dicieR ceaie. Phone B7B-240I tcibilti-n , i itik and Ailfil lilairay' c ie r fic n glltfiii0ciiici ltc le id uji lltl Duug Ilejtiig. giii Iiii itocetiitiî. i14în.ie . ier gîallonefor ftîeand 1110î11Me techers oi Killîrîîe Utîlîcîl __for__________n il ttoii heW..Dih adtirce, Ctiineithtiaecoiipeelei iiiocesctacoijrioteliia- Dip.6frseeea Fninedori Asate îucaccptnd. ii- ici MILTaptiONi-itiatile ~ w Pinioîl rit flic. hnilato-he M .M.rý,Pwl$5Wjjra av' itender caa lrît .hhu eîaco Foieoîl andt ecighibiirc .rW e~vIDIrMLN YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT THE î-iîlOil in an fi iîîivclichehbardi. athamicj-ea.ateibelI1 Ub S endacms Mi , iclyli McKayTctoeiotodeecu jf autehae uiacetertiri.h it KVl iW 5Rwp lic-lie ncc ted gel vcoli tt'y PHARMACY -- MicsLs t tl îai and M,i ', ii, itiue-.iigote c cciemitloc-(if0 e Bioce Cummiit Ceuiro I Misc Donita Powell. R.R. 2, Mil. l t he Champion cflice hi nua 14 Martin S. Moittit. The eioiea cari Il mail- SURFi RESTLÀA 1 RA NT Tbee it i- mentr 1 Th. M.ile moiMs .$5wrho ecads et- cil ai the front du. Rumochbel.' - TR 8.2343 MILTON PLAZA Thre huel ilfoinea Ile J M.DcneîcaR. ic,,çk niiCeLiat Spi icg- Rd.., a i letttCaeodian Chaiepionaeî c Éa peut ut purehase het.i e. tilt Kithnlîle il-as. blsIcilou ctheîtrus-.jKiddie Kcwip Coteci receeîî iv c o _ _ Daceici.iiieo.e Ali.,crcai theDîtîlce the mueili tluli rcord itseau tea unhpcti--i iaciii iopic Sepebr1 mn,1wt ea tion ic aer oui-ipriiaio.ue oci _____________ __________________________ homecî lete andii MiigaiiiipIaicoc bcd hcurt pitrchiccil iiirethe macci icleibesan c inl , . tîeeli tapîiccuheomaximumtly ion the maxcimumi prie. Rboeteittl ,111icîlIiit itoheBrac Sian, .Iihyeaîaatiîltctthfiecaablcce IiO"a. ,îihcîîî.îîîîe ie ieaudltieuiia.,, Di c i,., eiicti ilaaa ilte file ciaed M aoc cînîoc tiare rcieicc Mît. Bette i..îe ti Miiint Clillaz î.îeîîîjro ofii lictt i e a nij , uitoom, iv1cl huom Milice andthesur it t he leî 1, Mi.rikCi eilOJ oi ail accotns Mnc. Robent Citiericle ci Ce don j ocîîdle ruac district, Campel bali c []il ilý liloia ti eîîîîî,îîîlin $3,150.70 wer - - prîîîed Springs acni S-. R. Dit le-. ilîle. Kithoido, Zioîîeman n Coutins iýi ir .e iGoiaeiMçKCelo liii nt Haitonii. 'Htochby. Oue cot eeî n came 'r iiiel il, ,rt.-.eî-iietieeticioc1 ThMrni , Mi.ae.fstFoii[rmieeroouh S E E TrH E S E S IX if fle h.lih actoui ict îa -Mato tcreaetce t guitr 0111 Mîlloî. Cniriaiitctl fileriicdinp it ici h hidilc otou dsarag Gcmo.ticit, ..eecîlCeec actioniaiuowehaahene emp- Parilic 101,ichcarcol pull- ccii ibrm ieie ancappupictuetteI il ai 111,. iit.t.t.e î dieij eritiitciipped lu lie 50's bufclet actile un Sepietulicor 7. oul lepcue hn i Lat haceSEPT. 13, 14, 15 ,ai, nn îe eIli, t,itr, teel LDE'WITRC A Aii'tttl La Aba ADES IN CA FOR BIG SAVINGS -THEY i ch Ille tilt le ci iltii lii igantitio aef ci made ippi,,iii.% The lekuete k.ziling club iii.o Suaia ielie eeeî club nd l et htet.. aie a 1t AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE catiy t e itiir ire tille. Mr. Ahibi, 'Lot' ift*eI.Se houam 011 ecofas Plai hancd fu rmmud Cal iiittl- e.ý .ttiahofietetîaî,, woul Affaits AP Charnus Iied. Sze ail model 15 tliic I-lait al lte, 1il t O sui el oiue Hal sieb jnor ies 0U2ù ancdMSB E au Mil tîte _ $29.95-s$59.95 -Mi ettet. t jili ilriieoif ~o/ ~'f ME S A V E ho cilicet h.iir2 and 29. 10%o REDUCINS S V h an O. tei- atte oint in During Our 3-Day Layaway Sale 1 Miltue i GIRLS'WOOL LAMINATE 0____ _ SA VEa TECARS WE SELi ARE BACRED BP SERVICE ai MILTON *MOOR SALESf DOIS It WORK IN COMPLETE -SILENCE? yauil ier ce. ioo a cohisper or at sut frto yaaî elec- flia h,,:,i yste0m No molo j,ýOaci Nu pipc ie T iii IIiilip. it FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC Rit. I. Mitio TB 8-6378 COAT laier tIcluse oilîi let hurN fal ne wool ani c i inr cl l ti alet le i.cariîce illt îeady ici coite scet lîîî SPECIALS OF THE WEEC BOYS' OXFORDS .......... $3.97 Girls' 2-Strap Sandaffle Black. Size 9- 3 Rug. $ 114.98 397 COAT AND HAT .. BOYS, b tieeîea$79 100% Nylon JACKETS FLANNELETTE ilr til uitter ~ J lîilc. SioCe 8il 3o,- voirle 59 yd. Rec.$3.5 l ite , CORDUROY $9.97 ilcît Blili. Bitte 3ii 91$1.19 yd. BackaoShaI 14 SPORT SHIRTS SEE OUR ~ ' I W, tt.ic Ilie cL r ï i l î-î îîîîî inIll Reduction Rack tl , ica. Ail aIvlc. bit- and Tablenodepai Miltont Depi. Store $1.98 & $2.98 OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET NO MONEY DOWN. INQcIRE PROM OUR CLERES I00 MAIN ST.TE196 lits The Hearî of Halte.» 1962 GALAXIE Tcc Dci Haîcliup, Wheto cli icilhieto. V8tiiuicdalcorange itoeiiiotransmissiona, raio, whie ccaii powier lciig, pu- eu hîakeu, e-ashuia. Dricen hp J5. Jaheesian 1962 FAIRLANE Fouri Ccir Sedani. Whie e-itti ced elle, V-8 standarod trai11 Drices LitE. Hfsey 1962 GALAXIE Four Door Sedano, Brown-ti c îl kicc im 1e, V-8 culai, l range acumoter, radiou, clite cvairs, puea iîuoi.tg, pccvei Drie hp C. Eeetn 1962 FALCON Four Dcci Sedano, Otackit reii rim 6 ryleidet, staendard fla- omission, radito, wie ccli r Deican by G. Stewart 1962 GALAXIE Deîeeîî y J. Wîegreen 1962 FORD T R AF AL GAR MO0TO0R S C.L 409 MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-~ 2369 -I