q The Canadien Champion, Tho sdsy, Sept a3h 1962 NOINSYlff PRUMOUINGupiMaiH t D@ AskDus$erko 50 Par LJ.W.Uni Pans morgambor Car Damage $750 Stil ai«te Asv M is35 tPa k B a d abau . . Anati bosaum of Miss Qiadys Feqîpser-ý ose mon wieas trensed as iitlop F ~~District Hospitat, ood two ior.s cir Mis ina*ras Beverleieni Wadoesday allteraFI reveisad $750 doamoge Tondai' ai'- tie Fri finalyresn Sondai'flortos The Usat Cqpanesar . sssnos nacident co tia nom Osi lo rdFo s eFit oh iu H no H li ns D iy ue n a wesk's motos trip tu Nova Fea tritonsi col lad- Grph Unsr jast sonis s20 - as Tr deagttas a' ar oth Ge D S scotto. tes wero pressasn. Tisad 4anaia Ridroad ' th anqaleast bs oriates h GogtwDi .Ighoo B4 Jacqus Edl dtripeas mtB Nov ctawee Friands ai' Normas Larec as toises hi'rScnidr The onai .Htba'Nrl it t restdrebus sehrvitendd Hor la eceay o-e M Nl ras. torstar noms. tante tuai srampto tsard.u Cai'dsca.c s La' Hotal G.. saidhoardrhs mentaéh. saesintsaatisa bard meetingT- bu arptaedanatataott traitr dooith lineseratt torseh fIlîR , The T asday ecssnon Bas sarvice wrna h ik rhu Bo andelaraO Eravie ospaadvcome, ireei'asateai boeat hmesinMui an Do Edeslaati'b spndaaisveal eesrinlerthestudibok oussi'ewd b O5ELeo EýDt indceantth osisas~%er farie av tata JS 20l atîdl iS 5 tas District Hasiiat. Mss. W. Fard. Coasshelnitl a m ptttisg nat oSf slt Board soaembers sympathted Trasisled Parenta aias ith30arbavd bv Majy ltas ogratltin Lu Mr.adfi Homy nie h u MrandMss lbbNMainenfr.1 Drtathehbusiness pgriod il alaeay onttheGulph 'ise to with tisa parants bot tadtsaoed Gardas Home, R.R. 5 Milttn hcesbreudb ile' fMs a e non thais rrd- batardai', Septambar s andi tIsais bridgs- lu ta otsheis ocas deridod ta hase a ISargas- a pproashis sas drivent by A. aida bleyacosdsatafrcsaaani's-aînstsaaîasas. ct diagsanitearoyaun Sqatemhei Ms. and MsVeasArcher hame Sassarday essaisg. hard ta the sintarsl aset 15 a lenteal aio Qoelps sssssied iiial ra media sotatioa ta tha salera mas dcieaias rcqustine, het- taffrd Wsiggteassibt, Chatr. 13, tisa ta Mr. andi Mtis. Arthurair sasbatdai'ing os Kearasi' fas a Mis s aep GaîshCooter 2. A camailte was ta sirtedi cas n mp am tact~ as ca e A deleatian [sala NoathadEter traspoitraasastatosevce for h mans ai thic Park-s Basid ssslcoi Doalb s-ha ouil tic mrriad nix- icadavsnthinack. Mses tlt.iiWtisand Msrgari't poted tahecircarge. ioatsbicsaigl0sa nords-e ad hi' Joa bbarssvst aod anoiod- taogitr. Ha Latd the.board the col asarvana and intradoccdl the eu icosaîsaell Sapternahat 14. I Ma-. and Ms Glcnn Gitas anti Boit begis theis respactive tausa The meeting stassd wtth pr55 ige. unio s iatso isg Broca Nisan and Atbert Lacs- ahiid hld o taa rgent a distance ta-wh latsania smv a rbsa ttart. ee cilde S ntar oissal boeisitas daagb r. ai' Mstra i staiga thir l as cutsset haie La l isme n-od sd sa nov- A ir co drivas h RaipbJ.-a abs ta tesr, ssked tas iranispaststion tas scati ta catch ha- bsand thc:sbe sssrinsaia a-Fac hiinsca sab î tta'atsM.sdM-natn osys ass itilm sae.7ssa iaa'Gap.Opa- Tea !a tta oS 19 chitîsan tbin oatc shae trsvaitadl sas asseli d Hoasdco jaroscaid Miss Mari- Puahieo ScisîsS dcas saiW]bciGnss MDModitett Gatathis liasAsanapqp iedsescs a'ta cidn ddsa at5hbashaad. Dosi' tha pie waiî b nasaesidti n tahIe anre an animithil a hbouqaet ot scoîa bcgao on Scpotsmha 4. Happyn histbdsv ta Mrs. Ethel MargasatIl iiehrtae. cacr b4,nnsiscvss'er isaarBsheevcesutbl basses tisa tap ofais sarby bill, and Fief roses vtaal mcetiang. the décatoa listheccstf-an'masl e cai' esfo gch-e as Ha - hv ase arr scd lW tars, Dikro h ilb 8Yascause aI l ac ais- aii Beibele fl th lic oma proscritand sabmittad theis se- T daiet asitad mii' vciid- ton Dain- Qsas-s. Boa Frstidgc,'Eigin Hats, Jamas sitt ta Scpîemher 13. Cats a al Tasai.r onto..y Septeraber lé. Tfli gotest laa $691l asdin toas ai'.9 qsat. AI iti iittisai acr l es lis-ti'g ast abase bis tassa bamsn Hsmiîîsn wsts gttan aFlias- Bîîhbs Poton, C sina GaBld Macle Sst 4nacaa laiey harr Ho eaned spteae Sas. tre Crsli' santie Pa g t ps i's car il fld a' h u nail tisi sil o cscvin a asý obvia pioks I' aad hsdatarsurprisa ,lisn Alfrecd Bsigdan tisa- Kîsta. Fîvddi' Osai'.y Cissis Nait. chbc StotpaaGid as a'a issenslsi' Setalaae 20 mu t Tsi s su I D ra rssis Hi r ha G si'p Car] abilass ta- GelpbI swe altas tha isansapataitas and s acuglshar ascraîsi. Hesass alsic"md heint sitb s pratt dlaia Ross Brigdsnasnd Janie Cran. hai home af Ms. and Mss. Il sn tise sécheur audilatriu. The sbarvh chais, ondes the direction unsi sd aisiu assos and Ils Mussan sosasite bd s ePcoOti t ska i ts bas cootd ha seroas a bîibdss oake frasa tha vola Nina iclbr.v n ad las visit- tia Bradleys on Toavsisi'ascnng Thetas chsa tasr ibis yea s tA of ai'In Fontes, lu aparen stdi' tise situation. W boaltie ta- ed ta aacorodaic these sas ,Isinits. Satordasv bcing lilas os aftesdad the fitvt meeting oS bai'tamhas 4.___ upporbda-ntth id, L h ve gsevc teI isera lassa iaoslaad bas sistal obîsa rnioito bi irtbdss. tas tha botittass ai tisa Haraba Mdath'iai issi m. A ieaeissriets 0.siisict visae ta ccalanodate the To ssoaotîttsels a top' the asasine. evryor United Cbasobh Wamao at the , st itiacteiai h cs aihssa Miss Georga Watt ai' St. Pools United --qatsflte sassacittrs basa da- sasrtes' s-arege ili'siba t ae to s tatue d.m s r- hdth potnvofscgtebreofM.dr.Poi s ca g of sg t ha meeting. Tise Densmiase scilibe tisa speaker. Chasreis Gaissilie miiihae tise jalesi caîed a glas ta haid mrectti cations f itdren ues smosbe h ortan a t ai' asasîd - atioilotna iaagtv hna tnd rsP at- il tais boaths sera dtsaasadi It laSi aili be "toast tise teach- minstas. Speviot rassis bi' fise osa ies l Moodai' and se- solapasi mas retarncd ta tha Toandai" sai' theabaasoiescbadaia. Hsb a' vmtlsPss ataTordtaaa. and reposts sours gises ai' the ers figit." 411 goarens are isvited Si, Posta, chois, sasted =tasr-st meetings. ruent lai oigbt meeting. f o is Seslat - bSaiont asd s-ta the gaaain 1119 he fadiae ln ieau airunlwd thay atiassot cotadssshaavn-hle afesdtbisisîmeetinga tféc-hé valis "Tissa ta es ctHm"n5att a ia Win Tans iCams qaitttg and disoasstag s-sassai ,LroadMrs. Johnissasiasskicid thesass schast yeas. -bT Spisaoaaasbaeop M r IM saîttaîsia ri an avoer- Haasbs Safiait tram pisyrd tait actisitias ébai araeaas bhson tasesig aatesisai op.asas ie Toru Sho-inl aasd prit ato iraos- i t eale tacsso thiîdrval.l 15sas tîlli b fast Mondas. Thcs ais Wioli scstcd rasch. Mt s * Wi ni Rohinson bord tha Congratulations ta Mr. and Ms. thapoati ihu sbaiaripatis.1Husae obiddsibai-s Gr-and Valley 5-0 the second Mr.asnd[Mis.i'hbcisd u il ta so-sss . a tas bagîa bdn bIs foslaifb addn aWieolreaautdaMystasiiauxnt- a attisai ibis sassae solai, and etathasco sa aîrî(bvTorontoatbcs abutîtîca sais rvsorsviiitiivs Misa. Sa-sa Brashat assisesory Septambes19. For J icaasbi'aas.d-M H .ssdatdttiisis Loat . . flic tastbat trouéeamaoo scmtMr.and M. Roest The aterrasos Unit ni' fIe! Je cided tl sas tiras ta oiekadsaaosîantsbigaa5tb 1br1acrsab 1îst MMissatads Jeuisrtasmssth sagfa staervice s as pi'ltsdangeca staionsesaaasaoemd- Fies Girasdehild ict~ F A LL P H Y SI1C AÀL? liMai0 tac." led. Hc asW t hal fl c bard va 'Congratuai ons ta Ms. asd 1aito Tratas Bitl Loasal ctirmai aoadi vitia ctild baisg caaaiad 'iJ A; Ms Lie Simpsnon asfalitic fi Milton.ah as rnpratr omt- bsa aalacosc taut el TerrItJ .Y Ile I«ubi sasn, Saptoîshr b. tîtTieraI5!Ift~ ICK THIS CfHECK ulIT Mitnd soidth abb gats t e psad is iassa i te Brasa" sa-htl i, r adfl ée r ntogtas I pi tara tai baLItra Ssascbii lit Mi.w odd MiampLon. Miltas Coaitelbled Mondai' se CHANT AND Oai Fait Poot îd s spai fu Parbiils b oot sa the'a ra osl 1aa ain selea Iii- Mi haho Oai apss sdad 54 comploais bad beue se brde tac- r s-i e'-ao lwsn t as>g cis Arhr abo Womsss 'cI- 5a i vîsd and tîasssigatad dastsg ~U IF YQUSR APPSARANCS ...... - -- --- --- oas-iti, Yu as e sa raiaad oas ta-a ta r ta- bilason ou -.I tsvu b gs CAR I$lîs IES ............ -- i'rosvids transporsatouid i- aas -Tbisv iras aaoaah hal l fe f a i mlteod Mil me a uukb ail ,1tuileaad Mss. lobs Hill, raprsù Gasng hai month tisa Maltas MGIVI TaRn bas bheure c-tased." ragttcd Ms-'. an ad pat ii' cilet ta sassa iii'Oi.ic ipo ilOsaa o, do s ia sot kote tomaisl lav parkidng taias CBid Ca S-N ..... - - -PR THN -CHM -. - ---i tassaill.kadMH aeid Io the HaiansaMuasem1ig ddaotheib boaulet tolite 7le"'he Rea Wod Wrs g at The board sas istasraad isael The- tiaso-i n Hhlr i t.ar Iidve ai514001Wghn tillm o el ii eiglIlaiH r l une ý cAian sud2 wanigs PIACK-UP _. ait...... --- -- ahtldrso ta queoîtaon tiad baos aid hal pistasýn pln fo-bsigi funu mi t ha Kals dami Eivisii g iai'aiad ha thaý I the 9.Fnsassdttle 44 ECQNOMY5 POWPR ...... - ---- -- --- - aa tak it drives ta sc bas h eb pareas'i t sd issan maadeantd hae cutidn'i cascittias ara pais Mondasl ic s'acia hahouco tsîid. ______________________________ .~TO wîgESg --------- - - - t ablonsil tard picksd ap aftiasachuot las-sa eo tausapalua rv ha sîtaatiniatso ha Mumoassa tatdiaa ts- o* sI'lar - A1ES- - - - - lt at the setars trip'home.Wbe ss-ýGactisS us halaidc sd s Majoa Hal Nasvmas Pan b ita- f ias hii'g cquoi'racsî (wobS s u rBANTLOS ERN ......... - -------- cie le sdbs a- aabira ar assasiosa Tchdsl s-cvagarIs- diavroanad ada5settroioldaga MILTON MTON r BSKW - fored o alk M. Serszel e- oi't c lloe .arasasastd 1g ieu ,l istsaiigaiv l Oica bit ini su eh paschassd. MITO BAKSt........V--ai--ta-- tass e d thsamiles-. j hasic bo las tnd ale ov ppaussîls Ibis us [lie odasi Thîs bats sutl I,. ba sad to "ue K l ist tus a8i69iteabcRdsoaied .aartcidsoil yenihootssa s r m i il, Gaei sith aqoipisasi svaicu gardc-sa and i'as , bedaTH ..........tnat arse r.S ilyAr srn,,M . i tus e %%s hicti vase ttiltho -ut bicslai istoîatad traitad it er Tisas. Fa. Sas. Sape. 13-14-15 LIGHIS . --------- is Lit tM t ax darte go f sihadii- OssWssSsaa aa.s st 5li u s taatia "THE HQRIZQNTAL LIEUTENANT'0 TIIG ......... - t -h o tathe Ms-s. Sbtrts Asmas-s lamao .__b__sent tFgl the tasw part Wl5isihesos rc malabars sais oud v I Ss iams-sBarre I Fisasoisd report s,,,,cd tha: WitbdflitZasspauisraWs-iaas fro TMNG sunu c as-saisi wti5O Irapies. tcane ibri muo-haîrd Fulminez saîthis tus budget. PAULA PRENTîSS ltJM HUTTGN ¶N<cff tol veIt as asrgtI abaaer enu îruasbad tcabn COMPLET! AUTO SERVICE Desover Whssear asaue bossas irasattias :hcvantitd ot bate starr short- sradme t arte boad Einisio sh ur bade soiba JI hasoU -JCCATRT. nom?' Attra-restal oS hai bus iags uti Lumatisosa ctit The Psn- dsassas artl \icitv[ doal dd o actaine suis. b sss STOOGES COMEDY PEATUREflE -COLO CRON1ATtboleît RJ.camant areitoMo.-Tes Sept. 17-15 MITO aaTR iamli qais-ed it the detegas ssaald hal itosate saZtar sappit. tiaceansd abisassi' fico vae liing oatstiu d, taggaed and sa-i satisfid ta tisa esant anc-avs Sliscitar Tom VasStatur as- oa oaice andieacFow ia- lt haesîi TECHNIhasOR feuaiN.ONle cita ai sroosgrttiasliglb arrssti' rascatOtedscosîbth sale iof siianraasstbidtta. Mue in mehes L 1 4 SALES u ho, co.gShebt z stte wewa SALESno sho osa tas-fo tisafitia Seing psé-0 Bahurs as discussais pissa Tiot ut u n as d as ha[ bas athe\,el fotspa ls a cnitduche t ColaRs CA T oo e-se Masagar EASY r zMB t ho fil t b oard paraaued possihi- j hatusao Cunningham sipaîoa b 0is tem iaa i 00 lesmar musa hi acm o tin Cre CronJO K EG 38Main t R1111IS mse ta~~~ ~~ anhssstebadsttatiso. ailos stu40. Bmard nsvmbare li ior e lasas isa ata ha sll W.rvic Diasaepr 080 NID"S ofri Wtriepo fillesofah ort ato Io atonda jsaîa station th ilar aiu goile Brocs Oison saggestsd tl .as asatadasio hanero patiti ten tw asatatias lacee ee nstto.Iia e ssoptinsoth apasmmrsposo-ad ha trastaa Stale nitrash-goiv-ctisersionsbad bsbowom ans 'nI bsadstrab irsp55t5 Oi Lassos las prasancwto dlbc di sud tîsidauspot lo brisad aida haeurid ha os-os Cniam r saandc ho' td-sau is ad sellatc Tia spacraisatheidau dr won rhsyase tre coasas M. Brow Castsgbssa. Ma. assas ",e dica is casa aiso ha aoés stioisgs,,toGeorgetonaîsoscaS f S Ms.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laasssa ib asaa s.B-a aprii s îus u osa tha labojvo- uý ta siceui. ha ashihi Doit and Bull Ai-ms m * * Masss-so Il FatRas muss- but tis ila ha lutin liaiv WveMnW Atut oua su lt aS the passais suSh cbilds-an 1Arstsrong and M- Stat. tig budin0 bas basae atioiiia a id dlie. ilpaaaon Cod 'iid and a su, as-oipvomade. ais i- o asreanls mhara iras-ostaltian pro-, Harold hissas- atiandasca ai'- Wtalc safhhadat h dts Lsut osria GspsU l M " lessan oavarred. lari or sqeatanits-Ponscrt'ibsmoib adutheiarea.utblesLiaisîtîuiao, i bok inousu- wmsm mp is sha ibel Hie Saoo tesi ossda Stmriai'bllbsbs05rsaa ta Oatt As-scodara la- coutar-lia' uhaihita-Wht flu a ptemoiadsisiicabadsod.rpsss-aso ipa a aa iahoi5stai'rr ila T O W Nk 7 pi proat theO HgI acstud t ia s sid e odihcadsthiaats laa-îossslsarttavar'go baissa.u AU caasOTaWia areapictisdaupoiaiel- doarsand; trat siih Enqsisgaacru 1tis shclinstosodlilr.aJgalsoi'aasaraigaseaatn- Sn i SratdbmpbsOO'Odsa ota ronda o tshauto bard baiids gylaa ta praaantsegratationsst ibtensdance hoardsocs-rv dssousasd. tis-aittacha-go-laidigafissi hal b1ic hmu hsclyadvlofcris gaOd bcaaosaut 1aad Tm Mhia Wns-i Gar-mont Coasris- dosaL. os %j¾'t -obaso u theulc-ou f n s shali l;. lrlpil.t h or. lfot rEntlMi" o1 r Aai uhi, she pbto scooi" Mr.osoa SetssaI t-. býr s as m saua ibu s il iiiyuh isttnts Ma ut- s u sti mas CunnighamrIocontactitheacr, prass a ici. dure tit oa Uaew You Co Savoeu li, Wear s as asai- gaod puisitut tus sappis pootîrs and sua Mii u il Icol, lave uSa . t urene Declining Morais Discussed dOiur aiioiinia uSan sdc oS rs ua adu a a- a sappiv theadsmoud for oeiore, dota Mria Au.r Ehassoas U.C.W. bdrd tlic Svp- îbsorwecappoisOed ta bosd ibis dan Lana ait Mutl Si., cîih l ' l 1atin-Irsa paouais. tsombertmeetigsin thaasvsingsaicoai. The i'oaia s sdrs-ssd and theosggs arc gradad alle pas. the Otyta salas. Mss. M. Hai' Allcr fio otoatin5 hysaa asd aosadi tal osa plireu ai haloi or. This silow5u i) car- a cliss wa.d, p555siaptofcscditioenol-tpayultiotsashai.osooai.esssid pluce rangecof poais-psoduaos;taady-iasî,uoksciskeosoo - utJ & d îng %vileagprior,bfiosanduthe1 the uhhoisssand cmio kaýs, and docks insh %vsa-si'btsorcaasaaandsegs loadd Iloitanai raeetingoseer tuadasotiaaalIadp MisaionaBand Piaaie PaeWs tsxtr Lag4acniiabe ar,.Mrs. R. McLa. The Mission Band ponts ssas, tIsasithtskis0 of ssockasgsaot-asa hoee ors astn li,- "Fraise luc theLordtfiHat tl nIl laofdflcbaomcdÀaciWocsapdaaaisadstssaat Lsisrsohty ssthedctoasaMr.ad Mrs.WascOaDubarand otls cnspivIl univ n ull ot l.I l botas. WisasJass,ithe arpaslcu a good co-toa mombous i.- iesir facas and ,as s bossu liasd baul.Lee.I1 Mil ii soi i V'L,- n I comass. hae boulodt m The bisasoi mi au biaisas- lo taghttIleum.tadtblem, adfin- tisri atiotbas baainutheLaw-' ais diad for Sala - tas- os. s1o tarait' lor as foura tisasouty r du Jesaso aareth andthealab bus buco soid ti Masuas- Evada passas, Hs bas fots chasgad. cotur._________________ I I Tiseaagh hSm bodi'. shio iý us cDOSI ouu th roi ad ewiderd pu-If YOU Want YO R Town Hall pieofthestaodsid cdIUf ptsastsessuddaa lia a < - .i'DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS -a vn f5~MLINdhr shgsrosta Lai oa ca Ms~ILTON PLAZA FMiii ayacs c i esqet O TRAN4SPORTATIONI prayar also W-sasaci ro ihnes ccs f01rlie tr o batrhe s t srm baer -TAKS PISASURE IN ANNGUNCîNG THt RECENT ADDITION - iocated on a 27½/ acre purkland site MOMIAT F14014 tiser iss Anitta. vaot t- $- "~ ARREES - with ample frace porkîwu for ail TE 8.46i7 siasasi ta orgtell MISS BRENDA ROBERTSON - wîîh ail municipai fuqcflpns unltod te oprate smoothly and efflcîeptiy VA 732334 bis. S. Troandata gase tha oad stadi' book abaples un"eig MR YVAPDLA- sci situated as te stimul@te ordoriy area development VI 5-4094 Yui mrast ada-ds sllit buuuriluubSYVIasDUL - capable cf expansion without casîly land acquusiti-n or_______a_ sol gai by .Thc Mral. usauhi-, la f fric thsuniaedCau tasas dqirc (balho ts rrpeseuîssatlaffy toasaMadaît firn unh aspersas flt Itousis ha trosi- Casai Mao asdittyIi Leosmoas, ors oatabte la gîtve pipes b,,fU~f W fui, bc chate tnrala uboosa yousamast horssples insa salosa desi'nsd for your sonisseae V O T EV U WID flU BE T 7slnc and direct ta rspegct and stand byandsaomSsrL oas feaBos man as a beasiser. la -aadlag iseodîtoails of 005 POP THE émrsnts ani big hasissas vas FEAT wau fh rd gavaeu De'Athi Noir StyllstsSENTLUEaî pis.. For apposalmffieas. phono Et Bursin sthe Rosinss session sisPEPAKNaE VNH UE i.'i nsalaeismrs rsssiedd af ts 878-250 uU yWr n ses osai boisa sale saassbg up isn O~6.AL-W AI Wt AS TUBE., TisYJM5 ANS BEI. UYUuIil. - mss.- -- Dagaberas-so a corasiltea ai'