--j il i-i « ~.ii v THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT FEIniciil Distiict of ilalion SUMMARY 0F RETURN 0F ELECTION EXPENSES Thuis bc iîlnni sel ou,asqn ied bv Setito 3l(5)iof Men Cainadai Flenliî,n Ai, ai suninont, sig'nl ho ihnîîoliii on ,hniil ,l* HARRY C. HARLEY, uine nil th, nîndid.lil> 1 i eo luin i a tnmrmn l in on the Hînini ofi district , which ',.nd rnîen is on File a n v noffc n a, pnnna.nt of a lnn of iwetiOiyinitsh. l inîpectnn ,and o- tracts, inino thereinrm ni aiy n rvsonabhi limen. dorieio ihle six moihs nomialler line 291h nuit ni Angun-i, heng flen iav 'ni inhinh the -alid reiir wa cii l t e Ditini il Mllin (is 61i day ni Snpienhne 1962. RICHARD WEST, Rnloeoiieg Ollicoi. SUMMARY 0F RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES 0F HARRY C. HARLEY Rn'nijtis Rnnaiitý oil niloilin, s'1-fîllî Expert es- Candidatens' pncnnoal nopnies ................. 2032.06 Hire ofroises ...........-....... ......... 201.06 Services ........ .................. ................ 79.17 Tr-avelling epeiiseî' and[ficii e liinins ............ 15.011 Goodi sîîpplieîi ..... ...... 1,223.12 Advntiiig. . ................... 2366.0 2 D. B. CAMPBEËLL,- Ofiiani Agenti. y ~E LACKS, WEATERS. MART ELECTION 0F TYLES AT Suzanne Shoppe MILTON PLAZA Yon wo001 miss out on lte compiele selection, if pon cntme in ravie 3 WAYS TO BIJY CASH - LAY-AWAY - CHARGE TakeYour Camera Outtothe zoo Tihe 0001 li po reooklog leaoiog on the goord-rohls penn- naogh theexaotlinstant and thsels for SantéeidIf1ceoluè1r o ua oo Is.lg qoizainally i010 the nagesn. righioangle -mase a fie p'ie jeu ls wîîh lois of plçtoti1 appeul, Olhers noili be painting ocitedin iniig ioapshoî Snnme day. Pic- inkeyor cerneraîin ad andl.ai one animal or aotie. Sone1trsof tnais,o,have Oeel îisil the Mao. lil]ie tn noiig petnais tuth lntn p sibililles as suel. We cn assone yoa Ihal iliere elephani Aodiscomoé -ili hehiid- Ai Flic zoo, ask "What do yoo oregod pictlms -oandlotsoiinniherein .odemrinoi ihinkipeoplesioold do if lhe l hem - walllog for evene. 000r thein faces. as if the pagen ni 15001 ta gel beilen photos n thé16 The lirol obvioos pîclore pas- theii- sincy haoks had jus cnme zoo?" Sîhîlîly tirait wii catc yoon oye tii 11e. îWl, I doolt ihink lhey shoold as yno ari t ianoler amoog Anlmala an.Emay Fry tupFashithein camérasohmaugh [bc nages wlib he oesn ofI Am,'aile ofihos lînin c miglîl aie bars on the nages (if danger- nhiidreo and their insnioaiilmahena gnîipnlir. And sah n on, animais.' wli te1lel yaa. woth the animais, home wili bel photo mîghi insily il Yni"I*nn-nnnothemn îeyitsailh lion% an n sonnnemoflflicierncalond hnnins. Anid ilion', dntngerous. Na' ao scili permnit il if noo- ath1e nîIlinials sec' nich ihiogs. Sa, 1he lin>. ihiog I'd Say- is ihal ïery onenshold knepbnhiodithe gad rails and nui aeî daogemous ly-Z ier he cages. "The next îhiog I'd 'niggestiy 1h01 peopln laboe lois ai pleuores n -otiasiauneaor ino - base JUSY DUOPPWIN for a up of oifee aîibteBlue Skies Rns.- the mare 1h06 shoat, the houter taurant on Highway 25 north of Milton Monday monnog, thea areithenchanes ihal ihey'il gel driner of the funis got a sarprise. fThe hingh boa of tle unît aicouple ofgnaniShois.' caoght croaerhti eelphoneanîes,wih opullnd the truck - . a itie Than Look beolimads and tpped ilover ina edith. Th6e drier, J. J T ito n sw ery peactiealene easoonhîeneieend$1 4e paoiers, here are a coupln of Mpno0 c. . ihlersuggestions.If yoau hisie, damage, $100 wot lof cable hua ta Inn rnplacnd, and l6eiin orsua, or makn sonne harp and eélphtonesin tho liait ena autof senvice serolhonns. sr geoise a jslheinsint - oue inado- ta snpy ouor pin- -tuce, mooyoniiaals iaillitari hnrC o r heads ~ 1 anpao aetl n Coun ty Building Inspection a. a ppealing pitueiire Finds O nly Few Serious Faults six, i payos t tacnanoeye On The GrandJur aithe Supreme CourtnHoascsilalo nd ursn- the direnlinof aihe iighi. If yoa, Coart Siîîiogs held ai t6e Han ti ois at he Basn IUne tit h anpleurenyiiir sahienswhenourtiHoae inMiltniosliaek eani ofMltn. i.e iigliiisnnominog iraonly fromt held thein semi-aooool inspeetion Thereiin.,e 23 nosncimeiîni on iii ioî'l penîlane photos ai lite caoîyhaildings, and iond ca-n,,san bue nlnnii. Four .1i l,, hnihe buterarerlilpoaeosrias efalis. ciil jury acion a'. Ito graiphin qaalitn han iWcen 6e On the inspecto of aih1e Jaloiai or ndfi lteswr ina cminlromdirelniifhe.îthe Jury ammnddhe Gae-en~i~i~%n~ -iui ni orpa-one shotien speed 1woth the préset failities. The Eighti ei3 divorcentnioinnsn, of nîil s1/50 secondieildaýbuilding are aid ndoot w ell iotne %vas lniOi-ît-ndî iiu lui lntalivniy quiet sahjecentoilated. o-el the iomates adoise ne seested non i il,thno Fi na lcndn. shep, ad cliehatithefood is geoenaliy gond court. ei li i lnti I ln anIfvur sohecti mac--, anod ihey areioeîli roted. The n n bot,ltonnevea ifemain- Jurf sid thepiralislaisayhe bc-__ ki ,antdnnnlspritnialh ao- ay een the hersi and second fluor ai.ýo'l prohahlv be safer if, ih exiremely doogenoas and A V#L oin ai lent-n 1/100 senond10 sholdhbeaitered. The wnmen's VVA Ch1 s top - moin eto s cean, anti venitlied Box Camera Fiee and the innililies anc gond. OUR Thi doint n tan n lofrer thai iteer teet Ssal goo pintiies cnnon be ohtained Thn Jury inspecled the oem 'tiod the nnilinian hos nomera Caoîny Building aind eepnnlod WINDOWS ilh ils nenshoilen spenni. Sh Finhe généralinaynisoas ex- crrers, on thenaveraige, have a celinni' encepi fan t6e doar lromn FOR nhier spenî ai about 1/50 sec- the jodgehs naam tathe court od and thi- s ver- acceptable rooni hhhich is founn ro *o '.Il gcenneal pincta iiing sit. Aller ioopeciog the Mannr the SPECIALS I H orticulturaliNotest tIhe zita. nhii1eJuryroaced 16he residents are Finalydon'r wrryallat fic hppyandpleased wt hi bas Offern ihey cat be ssannd homne.' The mecreatinnal i l es. E C Prepeged by lte Miices and District Ilorticuliaral Society nia thi cotmpoition ai the plic- fonîd hausekeepiog and cane e, turc niwnnt pi vaanslo aardigtaihenesidents "ex- WEEK atual. Boa-n the keepen aite]cli, Dntiindils con be planled mach, dao nde agrent deali. te 6esil don't mo- ta gel ap close Aisa iospecied nonol the Court sonin oup' antuiso hynîninIlis - 0. Dake ai Wind'sor ns ana and shoot ihogh the hans i a-e eihCu eii'D sboin-.Th bahhîrm aîaît hit pre shtipuai aiîtn aiir lnt aim ifnh aiHond, eai Unit be agin W ESt EN D fur ini doaitano pneiod is: thenchintnst i-iei-lies lpendannus hts-tgo.idailaukenp oaiice, and Chidren Aidoiey ai 1bc la-ite thih o-non bai ina-ni largo faiang Yentiniai-t ai'fige 1 nnao he doogens. lits hciier la cramped and inadequate qaters. MEA? MARKET' 2fih dealiers shna id htre file up. In additioîn [liei e nnin' ile' isnapiturcihan la loke 006 Lest ln sulttte We Featune Bise Brnd Beef stonk uîmplee iihio 1he netinont rielightlnlvro lci.id nhancens on being hacmnd. Toocsinspecion inas ai Open Thur, and Fttday fl[ 9 two orîhreiieeks. Mstgaîien- Plantithe,eintrg-nppndiaintpTto'thy'Sp Cut sit___ erîis cv thei nia Ociheo, a-n e% nsiparn hn deepli, pand la sigxel lotih- inei. Il sens plie We Serve The East End, Tee ion da fiol f i00o- an ~~-ese p di Tie bapth- tu plta for' SOOTS ME hahîvtihe lasi ossice court la hb' ROSS HOLMES, Prop. A Doi o-nn iie .ar johb held in the préent Coort Hoosi.! TI ".501 l'Onnn.h'tcigiaitinn'siîietnhintt IO nîg a l anes? îahinh hasnsersed the local ncourt, _________ la plant yoao halbi itn inow 00 hlh. noo aesedaciacneo- Mee John Bedsset ohikD6"O, sue, il sols mne 92wynnns. niter ihis vnntml nt liitore duing thenueek. Thisi u oalahartioltrlSociety limie ai the venthe son is siîiih- line buo latniane ain îce ____________________ i ' isarîoerand more ofapinittee John Beadh.shaoisiteaed ta bc aaekiug in the saif. iboosanda nier stain CEES. Mail gandens in the Sp g nr Toranla. Milton humgdeîî en" higbenedaup wiih len pfi ihnssis illdérive agretdei C a F e entf ill King Alfred. This ai informoation icom his tli on has beco on ali siandby fan. at Fait Ptanting in the Miltn Hidi Delivered for Your Fal and Winter Comifort %crs bal ilucre ariesame beline- hehool. Mactio Si. Mnndntyve laitutins hiant Fibis. c unîld ring ii afi86. lIn-idns lbis it file DIAL FOR SERVICE git n a~ grent dent af pleasane Io 0111 bc tlmselneu aec pla0int enweuesl-anfd ipiPa, prnneials and ntinci., TR 8-4484 'lic unritins ofeiis ranin. jov theancipaeine htîoug tincahel , tian iethih. G A ' U l f lIlE netSpring. and a Fumwer Shows wish il GRAYS FUE CO., OAKRWLLh Beaty fo pit nilecvr sî ile chn nc hn tun feton SERVINO FORMER R. S. ADAM CUSTOMRS The linrg -cupped ciasi olu athein gandon. ut lin 6e-ni for bringin oa heItin Tht' penoiss lit bceafull prit_______________________ tu thegadon in hencio-ySpng. griot, and il is hopani lie nîtdi- Tin -Lisîtaodîog intnielies arctrieiai sildwt necu D.ko ai* Windsor and Missouri. n itaens. If ynuar note ni lîndvi In Missouri non have n magnili- inninher utl ihe tonal -onci ce nt îinffîîdl inhinh is abie la nîtîn anA jît 16e -minheeih s ,i the hall scether in Apnil. Fihal, nniuing. Tle Inu tif i a sneE T M E peeiaoîh oin sanner as golden o-el- lniagn oi gniioo plants, liu]ilis, tutu andithenup potion iilerusecitlwcs.ScNu ilntî-ei-natbrighl-nnidnredtrhih 1on hic 171h. i GASOLINE STOVE OIL FURNACE FUEL MOTOR OILS DIESEL FUEL YOUR TR 8-2381 ANGUS MOWBRAY LWAYS LOOK TO0 IM PERIAL FO0R 436 MAIN THE BEST This car wiII go 100 miles for a dollar. On lte higinniy, ai highwioo speedi, lie of watle. Thene's nuihino ta rosi, leuh, or doini hae t replaee fioui the isodp foe Voiksoogen 12011 delinors aînînd forty replace. Aid no aniifeeee la bo6.) the sake of o nene fender A loin belle, a miIola gaon of os.i(Theuaage for Dpernling aucar meons maiep for fewuminulte,oandlthe jobisdore.) îiîp andacontryls 38 mpg.) opkeep. Visiî yoînVW dealersoon and liethse If pont lire nihene ont is fnniy renie o (A VW neoda lest maitennie and Volkssoogen. Aid don'lise ageaid le Bloc gaion, poor fll eopense isn ol d ta l feme epioslthn noyucareio issnas. i a gnodlesluit. fguore out. A penny a mile. Our fnilonyeplo s 5,000 fuiilimeitispec' Il np nosis os a penny a mile. Btl lten ltenes tle nil. tons wseoe lu il Flt eoeop Voiksuooen (A Vaikswagno neyer tends ait itwean is buiii tnuat chnita.o,l Aid ..eyf for tiîtîgi un deîîlnd Aid tho rnuling ipsinor. lendensa MO? AFPOR EXPORTE (A Voikîugio0s inuled wnith nie iîleod (The Voîbsinagen iî o senstible non. Yon BOB CROSS MOTORS RAR 1, MILTON TIL-;TR 86201 C.N.R. Project To Begin Laying Track Solon mslisatofctruion nne ail- lanig operniios iilibccarred j w y Cews Lclti]Uc i) UNlill' O ; oIl nîîn-l].Wîîîk on a el. th nsiedain work prg'am uor ai yard rieur Matn wili begin Cajian Nain.iol*, înoinnnîin nid-Sepîéern. Temnal Proienî. Fi includes a 3- Consîdenable instaullation fl n l cc,'ine ardc I.2011-adn ignals lias Ilén malde aii George- nlih lasisii.,ii,nn vatA sialcind li anod tina wînrk scniu opi ntian eiarI n 1965 p, ai Dnnîltt atn t ho New- In ihle osi, iH te aon hie., iartan Ch suhdeîsin Burieu and iic W odbic l titi ca lne o b laîid ibis hftaiun [li ttcnh velcn ii l tl il- aî n d ,îîîl re liîtîl leotd Jon i. tînt,pîii 'r-o.Crewe Heme Sen DN Î O dîgnlîînî'nnieitît , 1' orv i-,. ncs tnhhjol Iroa Mîllon i l i îe 'ds110- . to- f hga n. Bntîn i angnnl frin 601. t, 1 1 .,golai a îk tN iO io t ' oBikli i ghit' gatln p .l Pltitntau * g ltire n ii, c'int mrl Il. fu aîîî1 ahd Milttn a~n 'it fo ai i oli i TWO METERED j TRUCKS FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE WE OFFER A BUDGETr PLAN OUR BUDGET PLAN ALLOWS VIRY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. IF YOU ACT NOW Y0UR HEATING COSTS CAN BE FINANCED OVER A 10 MONTH PERIOD.