Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 2

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Wednesday. Dec. 14, 1966 Mrs. lmMatDoald ergln 0yea OBITUARY James Bell A bonI of friends sore shock- ed ast soek by tht sudden dealh of James (Jim) Bel, a Milton businessman for 35 years and one wbo had ptayed an important part on the Fub ic Sebool Board of tht town. Il was during is service on tht Board belsocen 1953 end 195that Miltons tsoo new schools sote bulî - the fiet in nearty 100 years. Death came suddenly on Tuesday, December 6 aI is Martin St. home. A native of Milton, be was horn and edu. caîrdhbrrr. In lune 194f be marrird Mary Tost of George- towon, wbo sill a sot Ronald James survives hlm. leis also survived by is reother Mms. R. Bell of Milton; is broiber John ot Milton and sisters Mms. H. Fay lAgnesl of Orl an. do Florida and Mms. J. Holnes (Sarah) ot Oakvilte. Wile a parîner in Bell Bros. Limited for the past 35 seues, Jim also, served on Milion Council in 1962 and as Depoty Reeve in 1963. He was a menm- ber of St. Clair Lodge antd a Scottisb Rite Mason. He wsa also active in tht local Lilxral orgatizatiott. Rev. J. K. L. MtGowns con. ducled the funerat service Fri- day in the MacNala and San FaneraI Chapel. Palbeàtrers sorre Maurice Baty, Robert Brush, Ross Hamilton and Bus Knigbt of Miton, Wifrid Searleutf Burtinglori and Herb t Harlowe of Georgetown. Inter- ment tees tn tEergrern Cemne tery 41 accidents N. vembàer toli There eri. 41 motor veite, accide.ntsin the. North Halton area served bv Milton O.. duringNovember, month - end stalisties indicate. They causrd persona] inuries lu 16 persons and $18,760 in properlv dansa- ges. To date Iis ve,îr, [ive per. sons have died on North Hal- ons igbways andti ownship roads. Anolier 162 haîve heem injured in the 416 accidents and the property damage tol bas reached S258.496. 3IIUARY G. MacDonali One of 'Puslinch Townt pionter soomen, Mes. 0Ge MacDonald died on Mc December 5 at tht buo hcr sos Donald, R.R. i. N hirs. MacDonald was il Oinet year. StiRi njoying fair1 turing ber latter years, was able t10 be up anda eacla day. She had aleai ed readirsg and knitting was only a feso years ag her failing eyesitht prei her from enjoying her hc Des'oted 10 hier home a: family, she was alsoZ ready 10, heip friends or hors in need. Borts Georgina Fletch May 24, 1866 in Glasgow, land, she came 10, Canadý ber sister at tht sgt They lived in Puslinch she married John Mac[ and they farmed until hi band died in 1919. Son Donald tooit os homestead and singe hi band's death she bas with ber son and five ters. She mas stiit Or bomestead when she dic On ber illlth birthda May, she received a fM congratolatoiy message a golden centenary serol Milton Senior Citizens Greetings inctuded a tel fromn The Qocen's priva retary and a Provincial tary's scruil. Her famlly Inelodes1 aI R.R. t Moffat, Mt Guelph, Mms. Williamt lyre (Emity) of Actos, Simpson IGeorgisa) co fat, Mms. T. R. Pickard nie) of Guelph, and Mr liam May (Elizabeth) o fat. There are also 17 frac ren and 34 great-grandci on the familY. One da Mrs. Don Simepson (Ani Guelph predeceased ber Foneral service soas the Melntyre and Wilki endi Home in Guelph on day, Dec. t wilb Rev. V man ot Nassagaweya1 lerian Cborch officialîl terment was in Crown îery, Postincb. Palîbearers tere nc Doncan Buchananar, grondsons Calvin Mc Donaîld Simpson, John Donald, Douglas Simps( Donald May. 'af11 A-r Ratepayers Dec.nshrr6 Ladies' high single, Childs 277; ladies, higl Bellie Gwinn 626; men single, Eddie Dobie 257 high triple, Jack Chý 607. Bulldogssvon 4 for riers. 5 for 55; Pointer 41; Collies, 2 for 43; 3 lier 40; Grevhounds, 7 Hoskies, 2 for 31; Whil for 20. 48 Alley Rocki December 12 Laidies' high single, McLelland 325; ladies'1 pie. Muriel R.vd-er 693. (316cr goo.l single% Dsck 299, Muriel Rvc lune Gottld 252. Dîher good triples Gould 685 Jessie Mc 674, Chris Dveb 630. Drillers %%on 2 lier4 Kals. 5 for 46: King Fir 43; Four Fins. 5Itor 43; hums, 2 tir 4l; Head lier 39; Hot Shois, 5 fo Hed,2 for 37. Id nshipas .orgina londay, )me of aoffat. n ber sshe around and il o that vented ebbies. od ber utmays 7neigla- V, Scot- a wilb of t2. sohere :Donald ker bus. e tht te bus- lived daugla' )n tht ied. sy iasl lood of s and i front ;Club. clegram atI stc- 1Serre. Danatd ry of Mcln- Mes. J. )f 310f. 1(Brat- Ir.Wil-' Copies of the letters received this week L -- by Miton Councif indicating no action wiIl be taken on the town's annexation application "unless and until" the government "has reached some decision on the basic recommendlations- of the Plunkett Report. $428,OOO project Approve 1O-room Stewarttown addition room addition 10 Sîesartîown idcb;id- Public School sos given Tues' bildrro day afiernoon wben Esquesing augîter Public Seboot Board and Es inie) of qursint Council met in tht S Township hall. from The estimaîrd amount to be Lie Fun- ehlaincd througb dehentures iThurs- is $390.000. Tht school board W. Leh- bus a conservatively estimard Fresby' surplus of 127.000 soich. rom. ing. In lined siib tht debrture sait 1Cer- should cover tht actual build- ing cost of S40,000. Tht $28,- eigbbor 000 wiul inciade fursisbings d five and rquipmest. :tntyt, The tom for tIse furnilure iMac- and equipmrol is rebatable in son and the follosiog yrar's grant. $4.000 tf th architerî's fees sî'icb are non-rtbatabie. silI bc paid fromt tht sehoot hourd surplus, Il mas rsptctd mil rae% in Esqutsing wilI be f fetdby tht addition. c Council member Fat Patter- sonstsated he sous sympathetir oilb bolh tht seboot board in ils desir for tht addition, and cJoan the luspayer for aving Io ah- i triple., orh the cosi. 's igh Ht questioned thse estimaîrd 7mens ,.isi ut $20 per square foot, iapous no ting a good bouse cao be recîrd aI a cost of $13 per 57; Ter- squart foot. s, 5 for Sehoot hourd truster William Bosers, Lasson replird tht Ontario Or- lieor 39; parîmeol of Educulion rtcom- ippels. 0 nîends thal prier, as dots tht .rcilect. Mr Pallrrson esemmenrd :ers the township s isnerd of tit. %Jessie ilies and buildings too. but be high tri- 'dr 275, Dakvtîle resîdent Gordon . une Blake was appoînird returoîog ý:llanIe oflicer for Halton EanI, a nese :Llan lecloral district, il mas an- 48; Kool nouncd last sorti. os. 5 for No appoitmrnl bas yet ; ctl-bers made for Hllun Wst. ScuPinse- Richard West ut Burlioglon 'r 39); in bandîrd thtestire old riding uf Hallon io tht last elections. woutd 001 crilicizetthtere. lion of tht building if il wsu necessa tp. Cosnillor Patterson asked sohy tht Township of Nassagu. sopa sous able 10 eret their ineroom addition 10 Brook- ville Public Seboot aI a rost of $16.80 per square foot. Itî sos foond tht square foot. age of construction of Iis na- ture dors sot necrssuriiv ep. resnt the aClaul rru. Tht figure is douhled for service areas, etg., corridors, beting, etc. Nassagawrya did 001 have Ihese uddilional cosis added 010o their construction. Mr Lusson sid il sooutd bc foolish for the sehoot huard 10 come lu couneil requestiof a certain umouni of monev. ibmn fiod aI tht inspection of tenders more fonds sooutd he needed. Ht empbasiced Ibal n ait prohahititv lise $380.000 figure sas liberut. Il was felt tIse installation of a gymnusiom seoutd bc moebeneficial in a scbool coolaining grades seven and eigbt. and the gym sould like- y he used consl.untty if il mus tht unly ont in tht township systet. ho September." Mr. Lawsnn sid. "Portable classrooms ,.osl approsimalelv $1,000 each and cunniel attract as bigh a calibre ufteIceer Tbey would have to bureplaced esentually, buildings." il wus also noîrd the board uould request a poli of public opinion ut councils epn îvicb would be$11.000. lConlinued on Page 11) 01 Assoeih,, ferrtMwd President R. A. Kanerva of R. A. anerva and Iboa IL Milton seas meelected for bis Isham, bulletin; R. Banner, second termn as bead oftbe pubiicity and public relations; North Halton Association for -H. tsbam, adule progrssn; Mrs. the Mentailly Retarded on Mon- A. KICngdom, bomne care; B. day evening, December 5, when Cannon, fund-ralslng; R. Ross, the Association met lu revitw recceation; Dr. C. Hil, ce- the year's work, hold Iheir an- search; Edna D3ance, strap- nual meeting, and elect officers book; and Mms. May Mlater, for the 1967 ocason. residentlal tare. Representatives trom 1heC Discussion perlods were beld committes gave reports on foloawing tht swearing- In of activities during 1966. and Mrs. the officers and the subject, H. tsham presented a cheque "should provisions he made for $1,000 from tht Milton f)o tht rare of a retarded Ladies' Auxitiary 10 tht Assoc. ehild?" was debated. iation. Other offitere slected in- Tbe genrai tresnd of thoughl cluded first vice-president Har- showed that most Association ry Isham, second vice -presi- members favored having def- dent Jack Barton. recording mnite clauses ln oses seul for secretary ýMrs. J. Coutighan, tht rare of s eetarded cblld, corresponding secretary Mrs. in tht event of death ne lncap- G. Wood and treasurer Mrs. t. aritation of tht parent. Riechia. Committet chairmen A lght lunch was strved for tht coming year inctude fottowtng the meeting, aI 'Mrs. R. A. Kanerva, member- whtch ime members seere ln- ship; Bob Kanerva. program; vited to gel acquaiseed with Fred Bickers, propetv; Mrs. one asother. PRE-CHRISTMAS SAVINOS TI4URS. - FRI. - SAT. Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 0 FRE-E DELIVERY* T4bONE SIRLOIN STAKc5 ROUND STAS 951 CH ICKENS - - - IL 39c Swrtt, 5X CANNED HAM - 11/2-1b. Tin.........$1 .69 Itallen ROMANO CHEESE ...............$1 .40 lb. Canada Dry GINGER ALE, Large Boftles ........ 2 for 39c TANGERINES, Smali------------- 3 doz. 99c SUNKIST ORANGES, Good Six .... 59c doz. GRAPEFRUIT .........-...........6 for 29c POTATOES ..........-..50-lb. - $1.50 CHESTNUTS ...-. -------3-lbs. 99c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1-lb. bag- ...89C EGGS - Grade 'A' Smal ........ 45c doz. Distinctive Men y s Gift s HandeomeI e£1ceiew TRAVEL KIT ths veu.gae lm" lme"twkaaP a mon Ne. 3203 P N U' Lotion, ..l- leI distinctive mens toiletries OeLleSPICE ellf eedWmeNa«1almr aMr nlet m d * MeaPe.ClaWK * PHARMACYf MILTON 878-2343 26 MAIN ST. ESQUESING RATPAYERS SINCERE THANKS FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE N RETURNING ME TO OFFICE AS VOUR R EýyE SEASONS GREETINOS TO AUL GEORGE LESLIE IUfME 110W... To Order Your Christmas Flowers KARENS FI.OWER SHOP in the Milton Pluzs has a wonderful selection of colorful flow.- ers to brighten your home, or for easy gitting this Chrismas. FRESH FLOWERS . . . roses, poms. glads ARTIICIAL and decorative arrangementls, and carnations. foliage plants. and a large selectlon oa'f POTTED PLANTS . . . poinsettia, aralea, Christmas arrangements and centrepleces cheysanthemnums and cyclamens. KAMEN'S FI.OWER SHOP ... Mlleon Plz ... Open te 9 p.m. eveninge untll Chrîsamme etigapfSaturdays) . . . Ose. dellvey . . . 878-2881 et 878-3654 ater heure.

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