Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 14

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DRUMOUIN B6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, November.16, 1966 Banquet, presentation fetes rural softball champions By Mes, Cccil Paterson The banquet ad presentatiais parts la honnir the Ontario Rur- at Sîlîb,îl Catiîpioii Sqiri tein felsd ie Beibet Sundav Scîtotl retis an Tbarsda.v, Nîtv- eiler 10 Thefe lc ilitasriwst cerdl le ti. tC..tandl eîe 70eit i, lieded Ilite ete teý itt etlti tC t spcecc ocogauain ote leDrtm qtiniti teii eîctheir coaches 6v Ceaneeillat e DtîîîGrdon anîd Geolires Drcîcbîook ,andcilI- llamî taieiin. lThe coatches la- (rosîte eth e base,.Rt vFoler. preieestîloIte [tilton leigue pî eceteesfliec R.S.A. 1îîepbv iýj.l tî in, tscsitctt hliv itch- et, Cteie Jacekson. ORS..tck- etet tt îsi -tilii et oIdtic iethtblack preetieel ethle 14 l,eî hi coacîhes e ,ilGr,îîeeandîîeXtrn Gotîstet -, alsee imiîlar tickets s-e.c tc-eit.coatchest. Cralg Jackson pîeseetdth1e D.E.S.A. Cîeet tee ReîFtuller (or lits tttttitt effotI o pi-cînle h neîl it DteîneqîîeetDiteoa flit eaîeeî, Detît iadslll itta> aPat- iie tl SckClillteîts CýJtteeill - 6urei tîAtiensi eceptec ni hic, plaîce. tAcs eîîuuîîîl g calli te ehepe otelare1ý,lýi \X ii a li-t eit5il i eî e ee ci Dsona.ldsl XIîill et\te'tmadhe IN Sirs. (lit teiteLN Xteicîîl tti et riîîîî uneedul.i Thsîwsîevte li cie iiniHospital. 56e ,rc peedtetreportI lie iscteoitg Tua filis n-ee shows, oite ton îhl, C.lgtî eSitîîeîîecLle ate 6 (t,:!eCIîon Canad,ee,îePart itee al its- ietes ati tc( chaiîîîeeîe eit tichiet eci e- d- cl is eittu JacksoeillBu (tuete. Tesl itaes. Ilite .etittiittX te, mettcte I l teefh- \eeî tlii ritg Cent nîcînjtChu tlitiorheir tetiitîc, dîeîîîîîe Ointet iil este et lot 1) 'tlt tiit tl itm ' ten) tî a hteci ttîklîctii 6 pe ici tRî tFitlet andîiti \il, flolit thiethelît ,agdt at I sitek. A banquîet was belîl ni i i C,,iiiiii .îîtîîetî tttI l teet il7 tIR. SA. teiphiht e eetePt seîud te IlIt en te %nîtîg Cub' 110t1t att aivec Onario, 6 (lie DOtaria Rural Salibaîl Association. Rep- reieatiîîg Dîtenîqoin sere Mr. aînd Mrs. Vera Gaoditîg, Mr. anîd Mr. J. MedilI, Mr. ad Mrs. Ras Falier and Mi.- andi Mn. Mot Detb.v. Ciiigratoleiions Ioi Hal- tait CotîttN niti eirseccevs ini I i i i l),, i -27 ttpee Scîîtis. Kite tele Pes- WVecs. Letti vilile isîveitile atdel litertiiectite t)aksille Parks Botardl has il- slalled a dam n the Sixteen Mile (teeck ai Petciv Merrrv Scîtîol. Flood lightv acore put op last uea.rYaangviers .are enicipcîi- inga e iners fiunon the tee. Mr. and Mrs. Rap Fuller isece guessi the baqaet helst in Letetvlle reeentls% tir1he OR. S.A. championteîae. Reptiesciting tt.îlttîaLea,igae. Mu t-iller pe sne[lie O.R.S.A. tîtîlv Iteflite Gltd t reperti batXliv. Brtuse Sîtet PC l., cutitlesciîîg,eai lier bonetalter , ea t i Oeksille ttt'ivtal. Deer lîanîing tineîis lîcee .ttetandi lecal bu\,sits-teeui Bert Fuller-iii Racletietutel te t,!lt ttsekcttýtl e eîtlies- Re Ftuller tatîtels andîîtleîîced tl,- Saeîtulîî taii Bo\,' hchet tan lIit i. att.tttIe lits trn'o Lee andctRîtes. etveî Matoice Cuit v,îndtEdice Fordt plascd otithe cCîe,îaî inTre ceni, ts-t taie ,tlea ttpic- Many froîn tillitijt a- 9 iredscl Itsn to etit ci III11 \o- iicereîTeî ,eîet ete itien Club (l iii Nin liedctiiit et c tII.andtîss-. le liail te Clii (ette ctshe, il ettet%51tit on iii ý14 -et BitetieCetie cait ,tîse Noi. 12. Flti giet ctit lite,- il\. -tn cliilIs-nti. lt% n Ilcid ete e cl andc- lite lîtttî stttie. \Xpte1te11111i1 tes Xe 1XI',1/ltt Mr,.XlN.,1111îee lette Sisteeti young ladies, titeti ee s tl 1,t DeîeîîeqîîeîîAXetFltglt,Ccttl tCeeîstee(tl tttiaeLt ,isIeujnPaTIied h li tieti i,. D1.ciieti MI,. CeeceîStetitietand ct zittteMi,. W.tîil eîli F . Jeosan, (ail by clîartered bas an Friday, NavenîberIl , for a il-ceCday visil MIsi ell ctasSeun- ior Girl Scouts in Meetîville, Penn., U.S.A. The Canadian girls îsere ot ed 6v the American girls inIiir beorne.,tir Frichti antI Satnîîl,î itgbtv l'le AieriuatIclattet s c11ititititi.e [li e ail eil the Cîrl trd Catitîts- Aclîîîeî isiietion Buildings and Court Ha tse in Meadville. A Salitente Ceunty Jtdgccanied te pretîp anid speke ta the gallier- îîîg. [e tldotîtetis vsrk iti jenlsand tsommei dp a court caseosing a Caniaiitgirl i te persan iii troublle. Asa souvienir uolibeir tiip eich olthe Can,îdiaîî gi-antireceised i on eîigrcîed iith "Tîehesit % ai cliîîîbing igherî s Iotîstai tot televel. This culainiieti te îeîîîg peuple intecuti U.S. t eirîniliume li ilies aîre ait probaliit. lThe Ctaia.ns stete vert pletsed ta icciie tiis taken - A tour of an early Antieiicin hionee î h it ta beide latte aciueunt proedcl iti e-es ttig. S.î tîtîclîseeiiiýtiag lies a titi. Ciii Scetit iisoi tiiinu teiclthe -t- 4 i.tit i %ice l xelititi le 7ceiliilt (luitcli an ît 12.301 isere gisenti ru \%ci lulchmiallr %hici thes lelt lu e ltcitihoe inIonl This touîtr \%;i plaiicd te Ill t 1< ee ue \uit caci o.e adttidi-r A ii i tei Gir!s , iii I llt e te-ketts ltip \eu ttci R,1iiettsuii -ilits 13 eiit t ele ii Jo-Xt.tgcttet Sîllie >Dîtl s-ttc Weei, Shaittie l> iad lccieiuig, Lîi.t MsC.illiieiiDen- ne Kuieteg, (artelsi titîsît t;ýc cutitRiledge. Sittiti Rm- tielieîe. Susan McDtîgaliLm-ît et Drtittitiitd, tLeuiese PiiceIIt. Siclinissed isete iiteruni- bei-, Katet i Wlle,îiisîî. a. F Sittîsandiel heis Billl TIIREE MURT ti1i1c'. tei dte ee i îllc d 'i' tOi i eiiis i ct lieti tit the Citelph iî (ue vuille tl Caeîp- e l s tleîer e ciiitigi, i i laisisîek, tuteittPP. sd th tti,\c-te drelîlethi Titi (miiteî.tiulliligi itetiit Xee eutlite cisscupai ti ts stcre iiUel7 iti îîed. Set Esquesini nominations for Nov. 28 Rutepoyers wiII go to polis Dec. 5 Esqaesing ratepayers witl se- lect candidates ai their chaice foir reeve, depulv reeve, council and mnembers ot' the schoat aiea baard during a naminatiaol nmeeting Monday. Navember 28 ai tlie Stessartlasdn cammuniiv hall. In te event an electian is necessarv il will be field Mon- da,vDceniher 5. Tiieve dates %Ne- e i v Esquesiiig caincil ai ils legulai imeeting Wedncs- titi, Neîseitiîbei 2. alsa agreed ta (amer the grade aI the intersection oi ihe Erin- Esquesiig townîship boucnaries on the second fine at Na. 25 highway noi-th. A leader for a happer and ipreacler aI a cost ni $2,435.38 friim Brantfordi Trciller aînd Bocdy Liii. ssas ac- cep test. 19 was also agreed ltu asvei- t-e for tendiers fotr tiseain I et t, % iil m o Make Provincial grant to aid hospital building George A. Kerr, M.P.P., an- aeîînced tclaiv (bai the firsl an- tltnent ilaflite anlunt ai $24732 ai the Provincial cpitail irn i-clttlng It flite baspiteil construtîioen tîrtîtitam oeth(e Milton Distict Hospital bas bneca mailed (o the hospiteil tIis sceek ranithe Provincial Trea- sury. A 40-bcd acditilonîtuothe 5Mil- ton Hospitalis t i Iprescti undles ATTENDS CONFERENCE Depuis .Reeve Wiliamt ueotf li e NXcioiletî to(itl retîce of Mcîtiits ,ad electect officiailsa flite Ca iliiEnîci geaci Meces utîtesCellege la Atîpîr tttir Octîler 3I lit Stiettiber 3. lTe tocti etce lv fieldt tice annael- Iv to selet tiiinicipeliiess-ilth tritains and tespît aibili ies iii ttIlitîs teluleîcr anditct caatîacliia ancd i.c estimited iii eus t 5250000. The addititon ichiîdes 20 acive tîcalmneni bety cantd 20 chranie patet beds. and 1tiotird ltd cithe con- sitîclioa tests vilIIIb6epaiet 6v the prosince, incîiingag cilspur ceai Federcil grant. Caastrctctian i sexpecied ta bc coîiplelesi by nevi sammer. CALL CROWE TAXI SE R VIC E 878-2992 RADIO CONTROLLED ship roads irom December 15, 1966 ta March 15, 1967. Ralepayers living on a strçtch ot unpaved road on Na. 5 sîste- raid requesied councilsconsid- eralian for paving Iis area tu camply with the paved area aI cadi end presenlly under the coanly rnad system. Tbis wi(( bc relerre tulieconty counicil frils cansideralian. Council agreerd te sriie Dr. liiteBiesti ,îandel Icrhb ile,î ti ti t i i i tei heir platcest(A icicnedunitcniîly wili tlie buiijlingby-lciic. t-illaicitîg etreiiev oi but pi tperlies jit %vas agreedt) hal Dr., B rîîvn's building did sol (Ceci te reqaireti are,î clause andcl ihitMr. Lîinan.s building vîcs leing ucislfor ciller Ilion tbe pai pave (or wbich a build- in, permîit lied been issned. Accoitia s lnlatling $451982 viert apprai cclfor payineili. EARLY PLAG A taie cltectrs item, a Cao- iian ftag believed ta have been ruade same tiie between tt73 aod 1905 when Canada had jast seven provinces, was fond last wcek wben Burlingions Gten- wood Scttoot caretaker John FORGET 'EM Have Ail Your Summer Clothes Protected in CoId Storage FREE Puy For CLEANING ONLY when you-'re ready to use eem FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY 0 Steadman cleaned out sonne jnnk siored beneath the school stage. The insignia inctuded B.C. and Manitoba whicti joined Canada in 1873, but the symbois of the (ast lhrce provinces that came ino confederation in 1905 (Newfoundtand, Saskatchewan and Alberti) veere missing. UNTIL SPRING THEYRE HERE!t New inside, New outside, New performance, New dollar for dollar Television and Stereo Value! Golden Touch Tuning, New instant Sight, Pre-tested, Pre-proved TV picture tubes! 1- 1 Ob ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS*0 THE NEW ONES FROM SPARTON DU RNAN' S TV KEITH DURNAN -- YOUR SPARTON DEALER SEE THEM & j 222 MAIN S AT: _ _ _ _ _ LAYAWAY NW FOR A&PPLIAN CES EAS ST. MILTON 878-4445 BDE EM I I HALTON CO.-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " AlilSurgiea] Operations IndividuaI ne Ensployee Croup, " Doctor%' Cells Paid Irons may enrol at any lrne of the First Visii year. " Confinements REVISED RATES * Anaeoihetiots' Services Monthiy - $3.73 Singe " X-eays Monthiy - 111.0 Couple " Aiso Major Medicai Monthly - $1325 Famiy Yeariy Plan, Irugs Payable Quarterly or Yearly HALTON CO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Box 474, Milton - Dial 878-9712 Please scnd me information. (No obligation). Name..................... Address......................... D ECORATING? i We carry Glidden Quality CARAVELLE PAINT in White and Pastel Colors LATEX SEMI.GLOSS $2.25 Quart S HIGH.GLOSS $6.25 Gallon (nade HARDWARE 136 Main S. Mlon 87".011 ALL CLOTHING INSURED WHILE IN STORAGE KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANING 300 MAIN ST. E. 878-9941 ITS SO NICE TO DRIVE IN

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