Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 1966, p. 22

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C6 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, October 19, 1966 Warden Hinton reports On .4 ta4 tomat > ( Aller a thrce week governmet study tour in Europe, ations sarden Bert Hintun, county cterk Garfietd Brown and Burtingion depuiy-reeve Frank Rogers ar- rived back ai Maton on Sept. 29, just in flime for the retease of the Ptunkett ieport. Regionat goernment isas a sub- jtofi i-r paricutar conceru it Eng- lad lic Netheriansd, Gerian v iid Scaiîin,î avia înd theY opproached the nessI>-issued report with keen interesi. Rferring lu tthe Goldenborg report ssicb reduced 13 Toronto munielpali- tics to six, warden Hinton said this week ibati sein the U. S. and Europe he discovered Toronto is highly respeted ihrooghoui ihese other counrles for the frseeiîîg change. He feets slrongty that Hîtîun. fouo, 'si-lithas'e someihing that s the respect of the whote ssorid." Grealor London j usi recenty faced such simitar amalgamation (suhen Acion. Engi.înd, councit was aboished in favor of Eling, for instance) and the program s ssorking iselt. Mr. Embuo sav there tuai atiiough "smatt delaits" were bolh- ersome ai iri, "parochiat reaciions iill bc forgoiten." Thi s success in Engtand enhanced is inicresti n Tom Pionkets report. AI- ihlotigh Mr. Hinton feels it must be sto- died mosi thoroughts-, he ihinks the re- port i s an exceltent one. "Il wold be a reat break for the issp,îser. It mighi nul reduce the budget but ouait gel far more for your dollar." Ai the meeting Sept. 29, of officiais of Haton and Peel is reacion had been "%%sic shoutd be able lu get iwo good councits out of ihis group of exceletn uen hure lonighi.' To consoidate mass smail boards seems to hlm a good idea. Uts reeommendatlons:thte chanîge îîsîuid have ru bc implemented bv the prosiîîeîal gos-romeni ishicti aiter duc conideraiion orutihe reacions and cin- sirepu itis ivould make i mandators:; the councits mutbe etecied direety by the people. The ihrcee nen from Haiton ocere sent ascounîs represen tatives to the Onario Muînici pal Association goveroment siudy tour in conloclion uiib the British coon- cil, si hich bas a courses deparimeni and ltd otir sectioîn. The couuiv cotri- halCîl a pari of the cosi. Elgbly mon - ait Caîîadians - ait- Icitlok flic igEl schcdule which covered a maxaimum ot groîînd and topies. There sias scope f or spetial inierest andi iarden Hinton suughi ouitiselare pcograms. These artes of oflicial rcepiions for tbe groop began witih une ai Onarioî Hoise September 7: discussions and tours, or specitie prolecîs hegan ai once and ihere iras ltuile fne lor sigbiseeing or viting relatives. Tihe Greilcer Lndon Council - fi cruints ouncit our ail London - shuued flite foi eromneolstructure ihere. Jusi re- tentis the nomber or count ils was tlt and tht,is sebere the Canadians icarned anmalgamati on sîorks. "Nul thal everybody agrecd ai tbe s ars dded Mr. Hinion. He isent silh une groap lu visilthte Eou ugli ot Hamursmiih ishichbubasabout lise sanie population as the proposeti Mi,sisiauga cuunis. No emplosees kisi thecir jobs bccausc o ainalgainaiion lucere. Ailthtie elecled peuple serte switaut tay in Engtand. Even the boroughs are on flict iss- partsiýseOt, as are local ocnijt int fibcUS. Gerîîany ansd Siedets sîbere Jiu fiass isted. "I ihnb is ,undeirabie iistl~cummeuicd Mr. Hinion. WARDLN Il. Il. IIINTON OnIy 2 trees sold by town %heil iiigii lseiîsî u iina,sll 11,c sites tsisigrai. Uivi f- lus ic ii ts s li l iseca c sisi ii puitciaissg aîîd psisg lic s, ujctIo iC pîî fc îisti. Scei ditîtciii tigNes ut trv, s-i-sîc esicied li a lishe sale lias hceîî leld tlic ctir easr reic pasi lise icri. l'lire bhe-tasuveriiiig Ile sut s 005v ou-dalted and il a sissîîar lrgiaru s tithbcoumin- ocd. a tiis hý-law sil lialItas u bc pasuedl. Aton planned subdivision mas tour- cd. and the eompiately neso towo of Harloaw, pianned luo relieve the congestion and poît-soar housing shoriage of Lon- don. He was particuiarty impressed by the pathoshich take pedesîrians saicty under or over the sireets. Septenîbser 13 tEes' îlitîeî i tos, adtihe Nsarilco mess tisil sect Ili ccoui- tand ciiy of Bristol, the coîniv utf Glou- cesiershire and the couity tuon, Gloua- cester, for ihree days. Bristol is the moit advanced area ln Britain for the comprehensive systeun of educaion-and there is mach oppo- sition ihere due to tradition. Streamiîîg is Elgbtv eonlenlious. Here airain ibev noticect ssbsîIlle Pionkeit report recommends for the sortis a ueo-uer gueromeni ssîh ftire counisecounicil ciecled separaiel vandî hasing the reai poweri. the boroiigbs leciing Ihir oins councit tur Qarticular needs. Mondas the l9ih the groop disideil ln two, one section iff lu Hamburg tind Stockholm, the other ro the Netheriandi and Denmark. Mr. Hinlon isas in tbe irsi ial, isho oesc iniroduced ai osnce btu cal gosersinseni and tEe raie ol central gos- éinent. Thev visited a sahurban osas- icipalir outside Hambarg. Planning ha proîtaced roads libe the spuke of a seheel. sith raitoays. sah- iassi satellite biens and green helis Mr. Hinton loured suhsidized lîoîsing for the aged here. as be had dune in Eîîg- land. Alier an inspection by fied glaises of the eass-îest German uine wi iiblis harren ssa lb of lanîd and pilihosesý. the groop les to taSockholm Sepleosher 22. The roIe of central gui-cru sîcîsiis rlto olocal ,îulburils canme issi bue again. Housing ws il aparticutas prîsiiens. uh osusi of tbe prîspeis binbe cits oîsned hs tbe gosersnren . Cost oft humus s prohibitive. Tberc ,are many hope apas i. is lbat tildnot ppcaltlu Catiaiian ol c, ifpîsale tromnes. The cusi ut living is high. Prohlem ofi anslganîiiiun s coisi- lounîlcîl hs the tact Sockhoulmnr il Liczicentre ut population. Thse men were inspîessed hv Skases sîsaseasîî.Upspsal,îiithte îîîseîsstossii, Dg Hanitiaisklds pgave ils theisse ils plot. Stocbbolm harbur and Sigtiîîî, Siiedens ulîesi loisi. Thes sere stosss scieril pssanîids sîhese is beiicîdIse Vikings ssed lu mee-ut nu uoie hass e ser excssaled lu prose the tale. Taesday, Soplember 27flie floui titis hatk tu London, and siarde n Hîs,- ion put ack on Iis hc,îd the houles lied houglisi îo socs brfore. IThecîuni- brettalse carried tic souk %s iib Ion s home. These si as a gsîop ses iw ad Ile tous members nl hnd lu reports tsi se cunsuidated. Pesh,îps recssiine:iiîi.s- lus ibr te Ontaiounîicipal Associa- sioin \011iiome hum i. Social occasions indcpencsstsssls e lesý, b ustssrden Hinlon mnagcti lismtii tîncies anîd asînis los the lu i nie.Ili, tiscuscied une, huom Louusiii. lîssîs, 89 aind h,îs becs, a councît senîher aissu isilce 'il(lise peace lfor over 3 ii'. le ha,ssncscrseceiieilass pis. Dse, (A ~'cIltle fliil uti Noii bcsiila sranssin Luotdonslos ouk flIfato g~.rsup Isu ýisiestIutd iuiicr astftise lasîed Savus Huici. Mr Huhbes t. al Cîunphelleilie native, siaricîl ]ils baîîk- incareer lu iis district. Aioîlser lurin- esOnstaro banker, Mr. Fi-censan, sias sîlistht-lim. lalloni namne ,îîîd ilicsse scad usilsi utls p1puls, ltte pis aîsd Cuosily broclsoî us. f0t tosissitsots lues sais tir bu ihes ,steîsied ia perfuormanîsce ofiii fî-îr IV Pari Tîvu ,i Siratlurd, si-uiiiiurugli Ciiiisclîuîch cialege and isîîu a cosuple iii shîort bus Isîrs. Dise sseckcîsd Mr. litis- ton Ilic-sIo iPris îî sut- Mr. Broi-lis su edtils bcoîlisd anid Ms. Rogersissu Esg- Mr., lîltoî'stcîct sossîsîs ssii " "lsisl uo.s-ssc litotse iii]L c lises sigcice sic flaîe fou Il a is msiirsonteshu 1I iîik tiour csîîîîis sic have alaithies hase, anîd a lot sîut'- lie iticecilaparsiîueîii s rsenior ciii- . i here sait lasors lis tur our lt,,t iitinicipili es. Mucli Informationsand itelcalure c selsg iuileî latalcs ll t iasetirs.iThun tiîcy woltbave tictis ai Ilcir I iugerips: aisecady theu hase il valuahie batckg roud of esperieuce and itndersiantiiig sviich stanids ut lt-ti ils parlscualî goud sie,îî al' s flite Plutîkeli discass"ioîîs gel ais- derssay. Com pare et 2 for Sic 15.oz. TINS Libby's Deep Browned BEANS 5-'93c Compare et 2 for 47c - E.D. Smth's TOMTOWE DON'T GIVE YOU KETCHUP OR EPNIEPIE ..JUST il-or. A F 0 fu BOTTLES 4'89C LOW PRICES COMPARE AT 4 FOR 55c - HEINZ STRAINED1 BABY FOODS COMPARE AT $1.21 - CHOC PULL O' NUTS - 14lb. TIN COFFEE 4 0R49C 99C COMPARE AT 87c - 64-ca .JG FLEECY Fabric Softener 6.5c COMPARE AT $1.29 - 3-lb. PACKAGE - MAKES 12 QUARTS NUMILK 79c COMPARE AT Surjar Sweef Cereal - il -oz. Pkgs. 4'9c CAPTAIN CRUNCH 2 .79c COMPARE AT 2 OR41c COMPARE AT -69c COMPARE AT 2'45c Heinz - Crearn of. Mushroom - i1-oz. Tins soUP_ Giant Tube C .REST Tooth Paste Culverhouse - Choice - Crean Style - 20-oz. Tins CORN 4'77c Compare et 45c 5 -LB. BAG GRANULATED SUGAR 37 c FANCY CHIQUITA 9 c! SPECIALLY SELECTEO - CI4OICE PLUMP Leg O' Lamb 691b MILàDCURtED - FULLY- COOKED Smoked Picnics 597, IDHEÀM FOR SROIUING - CHOIC - JUICY - THICK CUTr Loin Lamb Chops -79'l TNIREE MEALS IN ONE - ROAST- FRY- STEW Lamb-In-A-Basket ,33' GOLDEN VALLEY - RINDLESS - IRAN - 1lb* PKG Sliced Bacon -- 891b TWIN PACK< - PKG. 0F 2 Elliott Steak Pies 29' HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " At SurgIcal Operalona Individual or Emptnyece Groupa " Dectrs' Cali& Pald Ironi nîay ocrai at any Urne of the Fisi Vîst 5e *Confinements REVISEI)RAIS *Ananthellat' Services Monthly.- $3.73 Single *X.nays Monthly- $1130 Couple *Alan Major Medcal Monthly - 113.25 Famlly Yearly Plan, Drugs Payable Quarterly or Yearly SIALTON CO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES 143 main Street Please end me information. (No obligation). Namc ............................... Addrcss.............................. lBox 474, Mlin - Dia! 878-9712 '~69c 59C ormsAv"iablefor Dr, Ballard's Lee cture Offe, 1 Part

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