Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 19

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Outstanding 4-H leader trip to Israel winner John McGge, Narval, bas the gratitude ot the 4-H club ini Canada, baen oficatly camait as Cao- movement in Canada for the op- Tîtos Je adas recipient ofth1e Pioneer purtunity ta participate in ibhis sent nul Women Centental truvel unique Centannial yauth travel Hallun. ht atoard. prograto. The axard, ha slatcd, iienîber-, Selected by the Canadian svas trots in keeping %ith the iuith pk Council on 4-H Clubs trominu- edocational objectives ut 4-H suinter. minutions submittad by the _____ provinces. John wilt ýtruveltet lsrael inte seommer af 1967 ta stuity the custams, agriculture, aducaton and govertiment ut the coanirs. Daring the saine period, t girl Icatît lsrael il visil Canadi ac asirnla po gram ot traI land sludy. x it att exp anses for t6e twO as- change detegates assumed by Pioneer Waman ut Canada. Jobn, who resldes sith is parents on t6e home furîn, has a record of autstaniting sce- tastia, 4-H and commonity uchievament. Ha has campteted 14 4-H Clubs and lusi year alang sxith Lais Hunier suas a mem-. bar ufth1e Ontar ia 4-H inter- club Chumpionxhip Field Crop leum. This eaur John %sas Pres- ident ufth1e East Haltun 4-H Cati Club, uni th1e Hattun 4-H Conservation Club; and Vice- President of the Hallan 4-H Grain Club. He is presen ly cn- colledaitutYork tUniversity. Aside trom bis achievements n 4-H., John obîained higîtest standing in Grade 11, unit suan severat iterary and athletie ' awvards inctoding the Re4l Cross Bronze lite savîng metat.. in music, John bas is grade vighl crliticale in piano tram the Royal Consraorv ai Mu- HOWARD TARZWEU. ut Georgetown shn, sic, unit is assistant church ar- pion Hostein cow ai Milton Fair and dlaim, gani. owards in the Hostein romipetitiovs an Se Ie a leter lu Pioneer Wumcn, left, ix shown wiib the winvar, Arme Spîni. 4-H Cauncil presîdent L. J. Lndsay is t the hulair. Murphy ut Hamilton expressed aand abroud." thî MeGe wtt rapta- [only the County af but 16e 75,000 4-H Club i in Canada, for a to period in Ixcuet cent - wins farmstead improvement contest Bruce McClture, Georgetown, s Ilte xi nner ai Halians Cen- tenitiat Farmstead 1w prave- metutuUitesi, sliuisiireil 6v the Onioît ,DepatitiîiaiAgriuiti titre antdlthe Hal liii!Fedetatiait ut Agriculture. His lati wsill 6c judged oit a Provincial levaI ario Caunties. The Provincial pies are as folIotes; firsi pze$50 second prize $400, tidpie$300, lourlh price $200. it price $100, sixtît pr 7,svcîtîh price $50 andi eihhpie$25. ,Te copetlllon icas is A neicdb 1N6te Departînent Soiti î Bach outlhe Ontario Datmena i Agriculture, as a th ttocountrysiie ifor cen- TefatnCountlsDepari- wýed ffie grand rhum. ncl sevani aer major Sept. 24. Mr. Torzeli, a Assette, and Lameli Plan marketing forum at fedleration meeting JOHN McGE Sheep club has achievement day On Saturdas, Otuher . [lite Hattox 4-H Shcep Club heid lis Achiceriini O as ai the Geurge- laown Fir, xx lb nine oi 16e 10 members campietiig their pio- Jcci by cnibitiîg one l.tnib .t the Fair. In 16e sbuxiiuiistitip iass, Doag Gardhousc pt.îse Itii; clusely toluinud 6v Lots Hutter ln second place; aitd Jant i lon- ter in iird. Of the thece nirues in the maîrket lamb clas, Duug Gtarit- bouse placeit irsl; tollaîx cd by Vernu Thompsoîî in sccond; andt Elizabeth Norringian nn ibird place. Oi those cxtttbitiig ix the brccdiig eu- clcass, Lis Hunier placeit irsi; si-titiDavid Cation i n secuoit place; Janet Huntar third; Don Hart is laurlb; Lyte Stokes 1111; auu4 Bob Harris sixtb. Dwilng the year club nîcînbcrs liera reqairei tot care lut, a tock aiftiot lass tha i ticcisc, nit eshibit oneof Illie laltts j. the Achicvexi Day. The jaitpe fur 16e H.utlîîîî4-Il Stîcap Club Achiexencti as tuas Ray Ctarksauu tain Bcuiip- Trri-county "corn cday"f A Corn Day forr uItlarmers in the cauxties ai Hatan, Pst. unit Yack s platinaitlar Thut s day, Octabar 6, at the farm ofi Aubrrv Livingîtittu, Briitp- tan. This Corn Dus, utuier the spiinsorsbip ut Suit andxit-up lm prudentes t Assoationus t each Cçuanty, , sta scommece ai. 10.30 amit., ix it a tout ai flite corn plats. This 5îtii 6eciîîitîîsxrit 6v i lotir outh1e 200-cittuHlstetîn lird of Mir. Livi-îgslwitcs, andt spcechies bs Di. Simîi Yojuiîg iof Crops Sciecese cp,îctxîenît, O. e..,ux The Latasi in Ciups"; Ross Milite ai Otntario Iîdut,, uni tlormerîs tlic ti- uiteuritig Exlenbîîîîî Specialist lut Hla- Inn, on "Silos for Sitage,; unit C. H. Kingshurv, Sits & Crnps Speciaist an "Waei Controf'. Luncht IilI 6c servecd on the arounits, Corn ylelds IbIs pear îîill ha belao nannal becaiuseuof wcattt er undit icuquatae it con- IraI. Plan lu attend Iis niutiiug. tu mdka plats taurcra titi> ducîco2n 196b7. Ai il, SL-1ttiiilîtiii sithe it HaItunît leisiti aiAgiut 1 turc made panilurii , tii it- ixgtutiîtu1.bc îeldt7siieiiher 4 ai 8.15 li..inii LmîS Ositîil. tI irc ri udain lits ta tie l-IIiei pi ai espeLed la Frank Hall, H,,iiilîîtie pitv an îlciLneil a Nsgiîiiai Develtipient iiteciittp .u Tortn- tu. The pinit % i ris li t tuat i s.-, iiuUIil iiiis ta cu uptI uas or etsslinsi ,ibc .îea. Mi.Hallîidsîîîi (I shautit pas lai i lzices I pcople, anîd tîlad ttî oidpis% ser rvicesl Iol. lsslig ge-icoiis sie,,ti ix ilu bute lat laNaion. 'lits ch ir lit-lut,îtbe nis-ettng s,îîiiiltsotiethiiaiit, oiith Iuoking, iiiu Thc Onaria Dep.îiiii-ii ut Esuttîi tss îand Dexeuiîîtetiý currcîîIlx tn.tuiilg ip usiîîex iaýi li tl) bO e tits t l c cii 1ai.hiSont itiiiitt i- ta cl ll,t, ,îî hatil i iet %i l] he maî,de l ttîttlit30 tu, 41tai ci ti, il tslilpl tuIr\ ici me tin [ i lCa iiLil ilii tu 1980.Thie F'eii utti ii Sti salttîît topes tause.uneu tse ili oirti uit iiil luttuue usetul pragrËlalti t luleip laili i crs in iiiîîtiî t The A'nnteal Convention aitir OFA. %ilitibc lieut ai ticeNîîî,lI York [Iolin 1iii ji îîî, Noietii ber 7, 8,9 Sessuiîtii ii 6im the Cnin ilii îttîi ,îi] î iI ati9,,îîî Ailii,îiîtîe tc lii jje u tils-i. l. 11 iati 'l s io titi ci l tirl t* 1 ai l l.îîîîîîss. Mîîî i juil ien- lu Flini .bc appîiiid. -Siit iles tai, George Pelletic titi, llîiliitgt(iii. (hestet ab \îii:VtilaAloeisiiiOak i he andon liitiJunio The Annual Meeting (iilih lialion oul A rc l titisiiill bc -lil a l iD c cîtîbcr . uA t. tinittt e %%a% loriiii itîstude Win. Malîtît, Camp-î1 1 iii 1 i Ii , B l tu i an Fla ic-.luîiîîîî.îo Mrs. Denzil Lawrence ipiîi cdi titiaîrs,îî Wîteîs Vitîti- .5 lIt'.1 ., Chu.,1 tri %I li tslle l ,itii eit hii Thrd Huter wutch winner In41L 1.iietil i tut t- the l i5 P,îî B Itili, Iiiio tue se itrsia l-ltt iit p,,st iI s ti-C iss l înt, lieti lie lita' iiitîis I'ts %ed i tl îtsi d \% [ l io i.tis ceh t., li ic -il; iii tusIl e uitotplace Mr's aiter sister, Maniri, ' it , h thi s tc-s iii iti 411 I tîiîesiîi ent i n ui-- Rebate Ontariuot%%tinter %xictpoh- crs bise r-eccivect Ibeir 1965 crap rebutletttxey totatling $1,167,- M0. Tue Onîi-o Whcta Produssrs, M:ti kcixg Board axxauxcet.-l- dl.î bhai ditribulian ut chteques l'epr.esenting 11.87 cents per bbel ab. ex cumplcîed iii (j et 20,200 prouacrs xx huo sld %i ieidurin thet1965ci-upscar. Thecrob.îe rcpicseiiis 16e uil iise iiolîîîîau .119ceat pel- titîhel siabiicalion lciv%-leduci- c l ii thIe prise proîlusers te. CedliiiIlicr %%em Ilielbuardl ,tiviseùi îî.t 19t, stup upvratiiuiisaretbu. nrn l 111isiii. llite sCap i CoLait6e tisce il5îatd 16îmillionî busiiels and lu utile the boarid bis bes-itreuiuireol lu iuritîse -a iffino il iît,î att 22 mitlonmi %hj cisu lite l.îigui t.i p. ment ut Agriculture took ap t16e projeci and contactad 16e 'Hat-1 ion Cauntv officiais suho deci- ledIo i,îve .1selieiintil tree latliiii iuect or flite Cotin- lv. The Departittoni ut Agricut- tille alsît sunlacicî lliteHattan Fecitration ut Agriculture suhu slarted the Hatton Caunly Cen- tennial Farmxteud Itmpravs- nient Cantest. The farms licre visiled ix Atîgusi 1965 and i osînested aîîd scarcd. Thes sucre visitaîl ii Atîgusi 1966 anti scureit again. The prices wecre ascartled accai - ding tluflite guinti tde tîti Augîut 1965 tu Augusi 1966. Tîtere sucre 25 tarns in the cuinl- peliliail.l'Tie Halloît Fcearalitîn ut Agriculture îutatched the lîrize mones utfered 6v the Ont- aîriu De partieni ut Agriculture 6v aditing $150. Att contestanIs Will receutaiees! $7.50. The conîtestants ix aider ut finisht and Iihir prize .rcasolws Btr uc e McClure, R. R. 3, (icurgeluxu-n, $50; Geurge Rcad- head, RN. 2, Milton. $40; Russ Lawîrenîcc, R.. Mltoîn, $30; Kcnncîb EII.î, R..t, Hu nîts, $20; Cecsi] P,îliesr, RR. 4, Muit, $10; Thomas Albi sali, RR. 1, Harxbxv, $750; T. E. Haves, Burlinglax, $7350; Llasit Cbîslîulm. R:R. 3, Mltoîn. 750; Frecd Nur-se, R.R. 2, Geur-gtuiiî $7.511; lHeriiei-%ilo Fns, RR. 6, Milton, .50(; etid Gatîl- botise, .N .Mîluni . 50; W. J. Narji îgioli, .R. ,Miliîtît $7.,50; Futiis îîo i l., R. 1,t. (Xîksit7. 511 . SP. A.lRedl giaseu, R.. t. Cantpfibctlils, S730; Franîk NRobertsuon, .N 5, Mutit.n$7_511; AihcîiA. Scbaîi en,.RN. 1. Siijletcle 7390: Si.îîlcsWatecrs, .RN 2, Gcoigc- tîlîlît, S7.50: Liaici liscetR. 1. But lînglîtît. $7.911; Dtîcîti 7 LiicR..t, Muiti.570, GordontîiS. Ilîiiiie. R. 5>Mil- t, 79.50NR.L.Vincsent,(eag itll,$7.50;. Juhn M. ,tso, 699 Cumîberland Aie., But intiiguii W. take special cars of your OId Favorites Yeu dont have te discard Dd's favorite chair because it sage more thon a litle! We'l repu r UPHOLSTrERINGI OUR 1 l th ANNUAL SALE US NOW ON Ses Us About Our Special PRICES ON - DOORS - WINDOWS - MIRRORS, ETC. You Have Been Asking For it for Vears IT'S 'HERE NOW ... LATEX ENAMEL BY PITTSBURGH Our lntroductory Price 25% Off BUY A GALLON AND GET A QUART FREE ! O.PW. MOBIL PAINTS 10 We have been selling O.P.W. Mobil Paints for quite a few menthe and cutomer reaction le very favorable, W. Je KOSKI LIMITED South Side Paints & Supplies - 878-9452 - No. 10 Sideroad - R.R. 2, Mltotn $750; C. F. Pattersax, RNR. 2, Narval, $7,50; Murray Cotes, N. N. 2, Aclux, $7.50; Leslic Bisbup, NER 1, (leti Williamns. 57.50. 'h> tîe,îîîiiVi' oircîîîîrssîdc i, a wouilvsctit.l projesl andiahse ishu put loihl eltîtri in ibis cuntetsarc lu bc con- graiulated un ibeir achieve- mcxii. To tube pride in une's prupel s îatd its .ppe.îianc s lus t gise inicasure ad pr-ide Exhibit corn at fali fair Ian 4-H Cuiri Club ssbîbili.d 10 vt r s-1cin traini teir 4-H Plais. a1t ibeit A, iiîtiect Dis belol .tte Geoirgetowxn Fair recenilY. In flrst place sitb bis United 108 cuin îîîs KecîtAldersîtît; lollîîîsd bsArtiLaýsou in sec- ond place, David Austini, tbiîd; Jantl Nurse, tuurib; Dan lle.iibcringiun, itub; and John Nutrse, sistb. AIt Iltcse members cshbiîlUniteo l l4s'rid 108 coîrn. The judg tir Ilite sx.îs Haras Laidiais 'ftram Brampton. Durixg ilhe sc.r 4H Coîrn Clu iinembers %tic rqilicd lu sais apprus inatliunaxlre ut a i Ilite llluing variclies; Uînitedl 108, and Piunccr 388, aînd x ii 10cutis .11Ilice(Geurge- townîli tîi. Ail lb tîtembet s cuîîîpletcd thc prujesi iii tIis club. 878-2097 878-2741 ls truc! Lilse muny other mn anîd uomcxn, j-ucao hbcnalpant- 1cr in your ottît co-opctutiîc titi ail cultpatiy. As sucb, you isili cnioy cqîual say in ils îîpcrution. YoulIl hclp sel 16e stndurlfor, .-op 51 tuti, service and fuel cîîality. Vituliliaso enjîtlit e heietits îtf Comlpctitîse puces, excelletît ail- IlElamtpîoi Bruce McClure's Georgetown farm CALL CR0 E HAL TAXIW IOI. 878-2992 RADIO CONRLD L round prodita:t performnan.ce, Change to frea 24-bout emergency sersvtce, autîomatia materait delivery.uand 0 n choice of easy equal paymcnt - plans. Plus une c.îirayou gel ently mtlbSIGLO CO-OF bONDI O Fuel Oit . . . the- big udrutîtage of oii-îtiiitg a suc- uu..IiIbusics. . .uattarepJ lte caîrniiîgt! I FUEL OIL The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Oclober 5, 1966 C Elizab~eth Norringt.on wins caif for judging Elizabeth Norringlon, Milton three and four year old clas t R.R .6, a memnber of the Hatton the Regional Show. 4 -H Jersey-Guernsey«Ayrshire Elizaheth is a mcmher of the Caîf Club, won a calf at 1he Provincial 4-H lIer-Club Teaum Kitchener Exhibition. Sha WOs along with Rosemary Bizth the high scaring 4-H Clubh Mett- tram their Cluh, ta comnpetia her in the Judging Competi- againsi ather ieams t rom acrass tiax hcld at the 'Regionat Ayr- Ontario, ai the Ontario Agri. sbire Show ut Kitchener Fuir, cultural Cottage an Octuber 21. on Thursday cvcxtng, Septem -______ ber 29. THE TRUSTING SOUL The contestants hbt ii hutîse Saniepeuplec aie rcal tut lle topi)lice .tîijit, in the tisaiii uuls. Thes lever social ilicîr chiange or rejet contracs to th commnityheture lhey sign ihem. Most of ta hacumuntyand aur ihe tinte ihcy comc oui atrigbt, country. The apparanc ofaur but uccasianatly ibey gel ia praparty is 16e mirrar by wbich scriouos ifcles ea o strangers andaurisis sac Can- 1Ibis rsig nte.W n ada," a Fedcat ion ut Agricut- tourustring nature.arhor tur ofiialnoesayur, replace saur Thc prizes sxitt bc preseted trustiaf nature sith detansive zit the Halicin Fctteratiun ut driving. Especi 1he anexpccted Agricatture's annîtal meeting and dant trust yuur tile ta sutcie imc in carty Dccember. luck. INTEREST PAID ON GUARANTEED ;STMENT CERTIFICATES AMOUNTS $100 te, $100,000 TERM 1 t. 5 YEARS ENQUIRIES INVJTED .TON & PEEL TRUST &SAVINGS COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: OAKVILLE amept. Icrlingle siffe«e Ceekevilla milie« .1 Georgetown Tine Now for P LA NTIlNGI CL E AN UP INSURE COMPETENT FAMI PREPARATION AND PiANTING IN VOUR GARDEN OR F YARD. 0 Fertilizer 0 Shrubs 0Evergreens 0 Trees 0 Stone Work FOR PROMPT PR0FUS6IONAL SERVICE CALL RAINBOW LANDSCAPING HOME HEATING US A FAMILY BUSINESS! Home heating with the big plus factor. .. ownership! U.CO. HALTON BRANCH SMilton Georgetown Ein 878-391 877-2271 833-2222 - - -------------------------------------------------- - - -------- -- l ..............

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