Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 35

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Charge trickery, double-dealing over hall ciltwithant a quorumns'and thaaaonntithbrakaup a t1.30 p.m." The nax[ meeting an Dacembar 4 hingad an [he vu te af censure. "The anty business tha canait did scas ta sit gour bancs andeavaring [a pans [he minutais uft [ha [armer meeting. [n ibis [bey ut tength saceed aftar baxing ûc campans in regard ta [ha Market Hanse. A rasututian ta strike [ha vate af censura tramn [he minutas died withat a sconder and anathar matian [bat [ha praaecding af canait fattawing [ha dapartnrea [fbtrea members was ittegat, was dafeatad." There were few changea in [ha municipat ea'c [ian', af 1866 and thata were faw meetings af cauncit n [ha aarlv part ofuth[at yaar. By Ja[y af 1866 The Champion scas ýreparting tack af a quorum ut meet- ings, wi[b antv [brea caunicitturs appearing. A tint uf canniti wnrk tying uncamplttd was de[aitad, and [ha impartance af getting an with sidewatk [apairs was heing strsse~d. tn Augant The Champion descrihad a session as tivaty, "raminding ane ut« tha stirring lime% tast ratt", but the mattar ssas on areport at the Court ut Renisian and Cauncittar McCattum rvsignad in pra[ast tram [ha streats and sidawatks cammittea. Canait refusent t a acce Pt it. "It is na use tatking about [ha Market Hanse, i s built and mus( ha paid for, andt the antv sen- sible course is la accept il as n tinnct tact and make [ha hast af il". The Champion editar of thea ctav was urging. But tha nest nnaak tbare was stitt nu meet- ing ut [ha attuacit, wban nana ntf tha momtaars ap- pearantfoa, tha ragutar session. A ratepayer accuued the cnuinchl of trickars' and dttuhte'dating whan ha strate [bat, had ilt bsx'n tac [ha building af the Market Hanse, [ha rata fur tht. veacscantnt bava beau considerabtn tuscer. ".Has the Canait ctîutd pass a repart patming [ha i ncraased rata an [be Cnunty and Sahuat Tas, t is diftiaut to[ sa%, but quite possible ttt canceiva as [bas*' shawad tha:mnats as during [ha sebata af last saur aquat ta anytbing [bat can ha scared up in [rickarv and dounble deating". 7 The pra-Canfaderatian year %vas vvearing on. The [irsi tetagraph [ine t the tan nva compteted ntith aii uttita in 1-nttu' :tore ,ataoss tfront the tou hallt. ti %%as heing painteat oui tiat atants an public buildings amust wing autsnards and the anes un ttte nwtovri nhall won[d hase tu ha changed. The build- ing cnmmitîae neas auu[brized tu camptate [he tancer on [ha tawvn hatl but [his wan ta bc mnntbs in cam- ing, and ta tattans another cantrversiat period in tacat patitics. On November 26 Councl mat ini rmattc snhen the cantractar Joseph Martin, "nnished them ta oc- cupy the Canait raam as il nsas nnw readv for their receptian. The Canait, hanssicar, nsas af the apinion [ha[ ilwu[ nat enter untilt he cafltract scas cam- pit[ed." 'Tha re was na quarum as visitai at the last meeting ai tha Tawn Cauncit an Mandav fast", The Champian repar[ed an Decembar 6, [86M. "Il saut hc nnlcassarv ta batd a meeting hefnra the nomina- [ian day in ardar tn pass the atactian bv-taw'. This [he cannait diat un Decemher 10. Mayar W. D. Lyon "pasitivaty dectined" [a seck rt-etactian whita thara mas apparentty a feeling amang bis appanents [bat ha sbantd ha campettad ta serve untit the Market Hanse was paid far. The 1967 councl was elec[ed, baaded by Mayor George Smith wi[b Rceva James MeGuffin and Cauncitturs R. A. Lyan, S. Marna S. Centra, G. T. Basteda, S. F. Taylar, C. Niehaus, Robert Mathesan, J. P. Rtpar and J. B. Wittmatt. Threa cnuncittars, ncera etac[d fur [brea vears, [brea far twa and [bre uo ne. By Fehruarv M. Niebaus bad resigned and Mr. Dewar was ceta[d bavontef13 tu3.after Sherifg McKindsav refused the pasitin. ta Marah tha cîtuncit dismissad ils cterk R. Ttdd, daataring "[btat1 wbaraas dnring [ha yaur 1866 and part uf 1865 [he businass af tha tanan bas beau vary ineffician[ty parfarmad by [ha ctarb." The yaar %vare an, and in Aprilt[he caunicit ap- praved maving [he nId market haune Ia [he appasita <Cantinaad an Nznt Page) The crowning touch adds the note of dignity, comfort and fine acoustics to, Milton CounciI Chambers as it does in your own home. SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY 228 MAIN ST. MLO Local photographer E. Ross Poaren took thia picturo soverai yor ago, nhowing te Town Hall complet.e wlth tower and front snops. In the eaony 19505 dhm towor was romnovod and te stops woro moveal inslde the building. MILTON

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