Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Service fc stili shroi Pollowng te reguler meeting of te Hltan Region Conserva- ion Authority Thursday ev- ning, a closeti meeting was hetd hy te six-man esecalive. Tirougioul te regular mteet- ing, questions pertaining tate Autitarlys proposai ta boy te A. R. Service properly hordering Kelsa Conservatiotn Area, aere mnt by Ciairman Ralpit Sher- wood catit te stalement tat he %aoîîtd diseusa il a ntte cioseti meeting. When Autitorty tctîther At- i,în Masssun utf0,tkvitte te,îî.ît tdiLtaknoosashy te ai ratfsecre- cy was being maintaineti. hc a tuldttliIe asoulti findt ltiouI tante aller-meetingesiona as %el. Il seas tarneýt lt a smaii pîcce ai prop.,riv aas pîtreas' cd on betaif ai te Autitority tramt C. E. Haitla toacililale aaork on te Indian Creek pro' ject. lTe creek adapta an irreg' ular course near te Hali'Snaaa uine fence. on Bell SctoatLine, Burlinglon. A letter wao receiseti ram W. Bateman, business manager ai te Oakvilie Boarti of Parks, compining of te "tepiorabie condition of te towaer reachea anti haritar areas of thc 16-Mile Creci." He suggealeti contrai of te maintenance aifte area shaulibc he iangeti. Authorita memiters agrecdtulainvite te Oabvilte Parka Boardtiutatht, neat regutar HRCA mîeetng. Correspantience t rom te On' tario Municipal Boarti informeti tle Atitoriiv taI November 3 bas been selt as te date for herta gs côncerning exspropria- ion of lantsinathe Toawn ai Oukvilte. Anoiber Icter ram te 0MB tormatiy dismisset te appcai of Watertiown i n conaece ion wttit te appartianment aifte Autiorilvas budget andthie Hil- Schooll bus, car collide A totat al i.00i prapett danakte -s a.tsc talla Tucs a ntorning acien an Oa kilic B,îarci ot Ecicat ion choat bus tiriaca ha Braie Brittain aas struck ta tht, rear b,- a car dri,.- en its Deumner Boyke oi R.R. 2 Camphcllvit le. The, bua stappei totapick op passengersathen te mishap ai- curred ti t8.05 a.m., an Higtayt 25 south uf Milton, Damage to a c cshi,.ie S500 anti nu injorie sac re- porteti. Reprint lisi at convention Tapeetters mseia ille ut caps in Laalaacck a ncasatutv an te United Senior Citize,,s ai Ontario, tac. anouat conten- tion in Ottawaandi the, resait appeatet in te palpet an a con- tusýing manner. The staraahautti bute saut. "ThetwottaMlton telegale.s ace Mr. anti Mr,, F. W. Harbaitte. Migitl isitars from Mtlon scre Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Laking. Mr. anti Mr,. Theron MDnougit. Mr. anti Mr. CGuyton May. Mi. Daisv McLan anti Mra. Emity Taylor." Sdii swimmiag in pool uyt Kelso lTe aaimming pool ai Kelso Conservation Area waut remain apento tastairmmt,,.oOstt,.'itntis ontitlte cati aiSeptemiter. Hal- tn Regitta Contservation Au- ttîarity aiticia s atnaaunce i tiis ,teck .... illte %stather bouta ,tat- Authoitrililtiîen Dave Mui- t.ty saiti lifeguartis araulti bc on dts S.a'Iiratvsand Sunt,tts tîttti the ncati utSepenîher. sacu- ter permitting. Not liiegoîais tai bc pîoaidcdat ,thelt akc ,%Iinoing arca. ELECTRICITY S OUR BUSINESS Donit be a Tinkerer wit Eiectricity. Cai an expert fr *HIATINO *WIRING *NE4W CIRCUITS *ADITIONAL OUTLETS *OUTD0OR UGHTS For a F rer Esttmate C.ttt FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 8786378 arm purchase uded in secrecy tan Pattas-Dam prajecl share. saryaditi'nal dritling aI the Field Officer Dace Murray re- Scotch Block Reaervoir pro- parieti Dr. Harry Harley, 'Hal- gr'am. ton's M.P. hadt ld bia i tai pasfor lte Qaka iliefloaod con- A citter taom Mrs. Maîjorie trot1program hati heen approved D aiofFcreus, expresacti ber bh ii:r1 nryac ai teleaianti ieligit a inte acil- Resoarces. J. R. Simmoteti, anti "les acaiab le,,ai Kelso Coaser- are noawt inthe bands aoflthe pro- vatioîttArea antisoppesîti ta vincit cabnet.advtctrising ai lthe recreation lThe miniaier aiso approve'a a sýpot t ite Gueliph anal Fergas grant or $562.50torilte acces- .lret5. $55,300 sewer estimute te serve 29 lot urea An cttîttate oai$55,300 la in- tait sewersin te sectiono Ontario S. anti Fatest i C,,,e not presen lia serviceti. %aas soit' nittetilu ttt MîîqaCotîttei Mont- du vs btv R. V. Antierso,,n ndAs' sociales. tuaattengineers. Councittar B. Besi. eiî,ir,îî.î, oi te se%ers ,tttisaîittîloî cammitîe. pintetioual litin tailatton ander ftte Localtfinî- pros-entent Ac t oatilplace te lttans sitare ait $22.8000andthie bouse' sitre ,at $32.500. Aitouat citIta a hoîîî',,,îer vas stimttet i a 80 cents a tout lronlagecper vetr plats Oi5 tn- ttualty for telaiteterat onc lion. He, notes a 10to totti aaoutti cosl $800for Ilite scta,.r annoativ plus $15 lor the atetxît. oser flitc 20 car flie utfte tic itenlare. Pait in cash flite etst aoltiiteSt,030on a1totalt.t Il %,as ntedth l atet.ttmul hc ticpenoogi tutapick Li),cttar drains anti sacaîtc ,oiltntc c-t titratt0tt ai)estenstttl t,,,Partk- %av Dr. tu a pitmp hue ie , ettdls in iIlte s.înitiNladl area. Approxtniiiteis l21)1(tt, taouîtt e serecti ha lite prjecl. Co,,ittalr C. Juhnsn ex cptess- cd surtprtise.'at i tesizeut te to\n'a sitîre i te coat. He tht, totalt costaol e rintla lihait ieen borne ha tht, de- teloper andti\tas tsbs citaîgeti attainst te praperta. Counciltur Bet expat.tttccon- (Ic te Ltcalt tîtîptoacatent Act the- Itoun inît t earIllie cas tut thiretn, tcîatci te pr,,pcrts t,-onî.,gc. About 1000 lete, the connec tocait ptcte hatîse on littta-î.ndi. Meniters agîeat tIo chteck ut,,.'tet,,, aolitr ate titui-a ,,ssîîttother ta,,te Loal. littptas nenti Ac.t. catîttietcri plased otn te pîttect betate tthc ,,,, 1.1 ct i thevt\,stctttlu ,tîai ttonc'llt pan- .,Ni lîîtîacutca,, to Police warn Watch for home repairmen Be antflite takout t t,',a, tatkitg. nat-ut owi t, t epirn,t, uttertng tao tio t cpta aihomîe, Miltan Pticc c,tti, ahi,.'incidents utîtocal httt, ic-t, Police saiti seter homes iate itet appt ttlc I att-ai-tatan rept*eseittttiacs%%h Titev sualitsfi-\- t,,cati on edr lv reitienta saba s,,metms endi op ta it a ittit act t et- bitlliî.n esyccctid Sbop taor sur or Te Redi Crusnistatafl jachet un t chilits tai, pt - cauotion, but t a\,tt-ns t hat il its o a usltittc lot patentailatpet- ,iu t it a i a siLit 1 t ' il taa,,k. ,,, h -c ltca'tu a. Concrete, Cindero, Siag & Silo BLOCKS J. COOKE IConcrete Blocks) LTD. EVENINGS CALL JACK HALL MILTON 8786365 NE 4-7763 Wuter le vol drps lar pool as look evndes detection A. Irak in the Milton Com- munity Swimming Pool is st hein, studieti, Wurks Saperin- tendent Bruce èMoKerr tlid memiters of the Mil-on Parks Boardi turing a regular meeting ast week. Mr. McKerr noteti the water level inte pool hati dropped about 16 taches ince the equip- ment and water supply hati [een abat off. This places te ta-ater reflibeow the akimmers tirscl tc ee iltaght tu b flc ' Iet ro ,ublie. 'Tlie watclted tuta ternine it ceaches at particutar levet or drains comptetelv before rem- edial action can ýbc taken. The Board autttorizect the tn sarkmen tu, remeee the ptttttps at te pool for overttauti ing dît, ng ttteainterrinontbs tuttstibseqatent discuoansaittt flic Rectrcation Committee, wmho ttîertte ttic poot anti havc catr- ctt our t. A retedy totathe, ieak probiem will be duscusseti be- Imeen lthe cammibtees when some solution 'ta founti. A btid for lte constructlion of' an igit fot asphaît -walk titr- augit Victoria Park waa recetv- ei tram -Milton 'Pavtng Co. The cigbt lout walk waa estimateti ai $1,850 anti membera noteti uniy $750 ot 'Buard fonda hati bencrmre for ibis pro- ect. The importanceaof Ibis sasrit aas empbasized when il ttttnoel eassino .tntiotiter tttk becomes mandtsctest rians cross on grtsseti areas ta avoidtihie -mati, thus wideitnng the patit. Membero agreedto t,îtk,, te prohiem ta 'Milton Cotncil ta tieratine if atiditianaitfondis cottiti e avaitabie ta comPlitt tttis ptaject andi 'pave" the waY lor lutrt park improvements itte spring. The Boarti agreec taulte re' -- SEE -- MILTON FAIR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 23 and 24 OFFICIAL OPENING - 2 P.M. MASTER 0F CEREMONI-ES -- VINCE MOUNTFORD SEE OUTSTANDING EXHIBITS 0F 0 LIVESTOCK See lb FARM PRODUCTS Agriculture *b 4-H CLUB EXHIBITS on lb WOMEN'S WORK Parade Ob SCHOOL WORK __ Many Other lnteresting Displays Se. Exhibits of New Models »- Ob Farm Machinery * Cars, Etc., Etc. The Secretary's Office et the. Agricultural Grounds will be open from Wednesdlay, Sept. 21 moval of four dead élira treosln TI Victoria Park andth ie removal - ai lte nearly 20 stumps on te property. The Senior Cîtizea express. eti their appreciation for lte construction of the shuffle hoard court in Victoria 'Park anti arrangements carre matie ta aupply lthe wax la lte graup) for ftntahing aiflthe surface, as meti as for tandseaptng. il mas reportedth ie Milton Venlorera Scout gruup was trimatino itrusit along the, Roi- ary 'Park strcam bank anti re- mnoving deati trees. Arrange' ments were matie wit thlie works superintendent fa re move lte debris to acentral pitlor horning. Members praitsect the initiative, of tht, t,,u lr pertartîtng titsapro- Lite jackets stuffeti untier lthe itac or under lte scat of a pow- er hoat can't httlp ta save lices. INSURANCE R.R.FORD Milton, Ont. 878-4357 "MAN 200 Main St. Tha Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, September 14, 1966 WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT.- SEPT. 14-15-16-17 Thoy rive and love tram s inout to cracku 1 mAVAON*JmUCELO FAR!AN-mLLS Plus "Tarzan and tihe Valley of Gold" Ail Action - Ail li Color Show 1 SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY SEPT. 18-19-20 The Pirst yau havaenavauaan ayfhing flke Intimats Film of L1ove Rituel! Remote and Secret Places. (Thio Program Oniy - NO CHILDREN UNDER 18) Plus "TO BED OR NOT TO BED" "Dev'Ilh and Darling! A Glem ot aFilm! -New York Times THIE DRIE-IN Show Starto ac Dusk .,, ý, L,ýLs.ýE5T1 of Iow0. 51ILE Phone 921 2453 or 84"4272 - WE'RE MOD"! Open Friday Until 9 p.m 878-9216 0 Use Our Budget or Charge Account Social Evening and Dance AT TH4E MOST MODERN CENTRE IN NALTON Friday and Saturday SEPT. 16 SEPT. 17 AT 8 P.M.% , In Local 1067 UAW Centre MARTIN ST. - MILTON REFRESHMENTS - LUNCH PARKING AT THE REAR RENTALS 0F 1THE CENTRE NOW AVAILABLE For Reservations Phtone 8704877 or 878460 .7hiffakb sf a 0 ta the members and friends, suppliers and coflIfaclors who made our Open Hause Weekend such a success. Your co-aperatton was greaily apprnciated. "The Curnhy Look" -MOD- MOD Pants by *RIVIERA *WESTWOOD *CARHARTT MOD Sweaters *REN-DALE *JAY BURMA MOD Shirts in Hi-Boy Colars Plain Paisîsys and Polka Dots by Forsyth BI uestone Anson MOD Beits- Sox- Ties WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE That W. Now Feature.. QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN 0 FITTINGS GUARANTEED By Bob Newman, Matnager of ouf Shoe Departmett Milton Department Store MILTON GIRLS' PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE HALL EXHIBITS OPEN FRIDAY 7.30 P.M. to 10 P.M. Hot Meals and Lunches Served on Grounds HORSE RACING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 $700 IN PRIZES (NON WINNERS $400.00) TROT OR PACE -- $200. NON WINNERS $100000) TROT OR PACE - $250. (CLASSIFIED) TROT OR PACE - $250. MIDWAY RIDES FUN FOR THE FAMILY Dy KING SHOWS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71---7

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