Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 1966, p. 3

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OBITUARY Pages of Past author, columnist M rs. Gwendolyn Clarke dies Fridav 1 1 Spurred bs a suggestion train counaitior lne Mactrtbur, SNas- sagasses ,îTownship Councit ba- an a niove o ln Motndasnigbi tvich is designed to cleanopt that tantastia mess" on tha Esquesing-Nassaiga\tes a Toutcn Lina soaîh ut Milton Heigbls. Toit nsblp Roati Soparintend- ahi Graînt McMiti,în and othîbr itemberi s u iuc il agraed un- aiovs it couitciliiir Mac- Arbur îîheu tht.'suggested. i'us a fatalîlic ihast hete ire mai- t ,bs itetarvtiing eaisec ,piead aiiingthe idcs ti haý roud - is l îine.u i t pc." Mr. MeMittan rcupotriad, 'Viin recatit stumped Las tu isliai od abotut ibis. accortiig tuoaui- bookserspent scierali bou. and dollars cdean ing luis op ha- turc, anti nuw is isorte than t er %%,as" Tue Poad Sapariniuîadanî sue- gesied, "Ithinis 75 per cent ut the garbage corntes trom oui-î ide tisa tusvnship." Haes,id ha vroaid like lu tee councit con- tact Equesing couiicil or em- puiser hlm to do su, su tisai "sie tan gai ibis eieaned up agtin." Hosserer, isc' tiarnad, "liii cosi a lot of mouev." "If we cleaned Iis unp i migisl nul ha 9011e su o t ing for cimpine -peuple dclit mind dumping garbaga îî be tiere aircads is some, but il lv diîiirnt bae hart.' yul in%," Dapuls -Rueta liî,inHocv vug- gustecd. Cîîîîîcîilor %'uLîAtilii-in i t cd "mtitlofitise dumîping ceiîns i! î,îke place in Sondas and Monday mornîngs" Sies aîd tisa Ontario Prosvincial poice sbould ha avkcd tu contc îeîîiousiv pa- irti tise area. Tise depuIs -recta vlalted. "if tic hi,îe th isea.t vlkcd oui,.i1 sltîuld hlp -- ipeuple ironi v, likels [o go dumping garisage il lise' knoî tise police sisîttiho ar'e, ollen'" Counell approvedi a mtioîn iii- vlraeling lise Road Suparinîend- col lu contacItisae Esqueving, SELLING OUT! EVERGREENS Yeu cansnîlîl transplant EVERGREENS and we still have a good election... t Savings up le 40% Off BLOOMING PEONIES Anyonc inerested in huying PEONY PLANTS in Bloom, pleane sec us between June lSîh and 258h... Peenies Are Our Spccialty Wynfield NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE MAPLE AVENUE GEORGETOWN /a Mile West of 7tis Lin on 17 Sidcuoad Phono 877-9952 Road Supariniedet regai'diitg clearing apthesarar,. Witie st u ile, taogic' ii gatisaga. Depts-Reese Hues> re-"It%,s nth ie Townsip dump ,and stila gund louis ,î it. Itis riiti escalienl shape.' ELrlier in tisa vcar cumpiainîs had heen retisi red ,about lite condition u utaleT o tiiriIli p d tîtp. Appro ve hy-Iuw t. huY Iihrury lit1La spcCial nmeeting t0i Miton cotincil ut asi stecis.menisers gave[%% reaing tua bh av tu parchase tha presan i Miton Lihrarv building on Main St. fur 528.000. Tise bylasu noted tise toi \%as presantît pasing Si1i800iii rentai annoals ,îand a urîter S600 renî,î isivderiscîl irtîntlita a pilmn.The puchLse ivhbu ing nmade lhum BS. !daint Stor'es Lld. Tise hî"lass bas heen stîhott- led fue deparîmeni approsat. Two readlngs \%creu,lso gît. en a bhizlt touiîaî c ie ecn struction and îci iic'iiîng ofthe Matin Oan, jSit it.'rscciliî i î an evtiimaicd %94,308.76. It îîz,salvie repoiut d I irtac/c(on ii iii iînîic lm liat e\pited ,îituale cdut a. -Wou kit ,îîrc paîîîîîg ite lînîshino luches un Ili' leati Huis îtai (iuieli itiit, sclîcdaicd o bha tiically optci. cd fttibis totîît. .. 1 -.49 . - - - - ----g ACTON LIONS CLUB PRESENT ROUND UP '66 featurinq *THE RHYTHM PALS* Direct From the Tommy flunIer Show THIS SATURDAY NITE JINE il ACTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Plus S Cisucis Frrdand bis banjo 0 Lborallers 0 Actons 4Stnging NMayor ID Larpenter's Dancers 0 Actas Ctîcens' Band a Square Daneero S Vince Mouniord, MC. TICKETS $1.00 AT THE DOOR RESERVED $1.50 CHILDREN 75c Mrs. Gwendotyn Carkse, au- thor ut Halons Pages utfte Past and a sewvpaper columnits and. striter died ai NewTo'fit un Friday afiernoon. June 3. Tisa Funeral service and isierment Nucrein Milton un Monday, lune 6. Mrs. Carke turmarty rasidcd \vith bar taîîitIv un Higbssas.25 tisi itorti of Mtiltonîil ai-11ni itou cut b\iiHigliîtis401. In Atîtît 1929 sba initîiî.tdlaî sseataiy cutumo Cbronic'as utr Ginger Farmt at wLts publiib- cd in Tbe Actoti Free Press for 28 vears. 'Tbe cotumo tas iii- ated under tise pann lta Judy OC.ralv, but %vas later cbanged tu ber uîcn rame. In 1956 Mrs. Carke begana seriesout itsoricat ,articles titi %vere pubisbad iinTba CtnauiLn Cbanmpion and Tba Actun Frac Press. At tbe conclutsion iof tbe series thev stera pubtisbad in a book as iattns Patges ufthte Pas t. At tbe ima ior Mittuits Cen- tensiat in 1957 Mrs. Carke s\as cummissiuned tu ivrîl ite eas .it- able istorv ut Miltonn tîttiis materiat s%:as pubtisbed in flita tustOs cantennial isoskiai. For masn' yearn Mrs. Carke 1iso reporied thba utnbismeci- insuof te altîiîîîCountiColin- r ci1 -for Th7e Acian Free Press asd Tbe Canadian Chsampion. Sbe stas tor sonnelimie lise onty te- porter covering tise proceedings. In tbose carlier days lier irans- iturtation tram tbe farm ta tbe Cuunty buildings in Milton was by ýbicycie. Cbrunicles ut Ginger Farm, iîiiiiad in iba coutimofutTbe 5coîi Fe FiPres,, îî,s a 10 utd o ilsoit Pubit.iioni, antd Mis. Claîrke continîîed lu \te te couunfur tuai gruup aller sbe teil the farmi honteit 957 tu maie lu a oeiL bome at Erindate. Dnrlng ber years n nthbaMitoun area Mrs. Clarke mas active in tbe Womens Iistitute aitd sas at treqoatît speaker ai such -roupis. In tîritilîs the tures%,tird lu H1tiions Pages out he ast, Miss Eibai CbLpitan, Lt native iiil iii- ion sirote ut Mrs. Carke: 'Knust mg bier iiitegri iv1asu a - porter oteant sumetiiîg, tou. Wessvuoid ha vcrv iuucbv about il tl ansune stara tu baitile 'the short Lnd simnple annais'utfitur pionces, ,indiuvie kîtevisiat si-aaser Mrs. Caresseuta tioniti hc iritten ssiih ssinpzilbc andîîltiiderbtaLnding." Mrs. Clarke caîme lu the Mil- toit areaîin 1923. She %-sta SPECIAL SALE ON ALL FOUNDATION GARMENTS BRASSI¶RES 1021F 0 For a Limited Time Only! * * * *KAYSER DIAMOND TEXTURED NYLONS DIAMONDS AND DESIGNS 0F THE PRETTIEST SPATTERNS AND DESIGNS EVER. 0 GET SEVERAL PAIRS AT THE EXTRA SPECIAL SAVING SPEC UAL 9c 97A PAIR REGULAR $1.50 The continental(usOuals Are Here MEN,. Livin' s easy, comfortablel Sportswear madc for yeur case tn styles and celors fer ail fastes. FLEECE LINED SWEAT SHIRTS 0 Short or Long Sleeves 0 Variety of Colors, Burgundy, Powder Blue, Navy Blue, Grey, White N SIZES 5 - M - L SHORT SLEEVES LONG SLEEVES $2.50 $3.95 M1L'TO0N ' DEPARTMENT STORE Where You Shop in Air Coolod Comfort.........J 200 Main St. Phone 878-9261 REMEMBER ... FATHER'S DAY IS. JUNE 19 ..Wo have a 9moaI solec. lien of cvcrything Ded would like Ibis summer for vacation - for play - or for juil cool relaxing. Nassagaweyu seeks dean-up ulonrg garhage-scarred road LOVED BYTHE FAMILY 0F WHICH HE WAS HEAD NED'S ONLY FAULT WAS SMOKING IN BED Don'ttight up after 8lghts out" Caretess smoking caused more thon two out of three home fires in Ontario last year- 6,822 fires in ait. Many of the smokers, sonne men, some women, tost their lives. Don't be a careiess smoker. Above ail neyer smoke in bed-or on a chesterfieîd when you are ikety to fait asteep DONIT GIVE FIRE A CHANCE TO START bride trustthie tirst morld 1mur ltaving married Jack Clarke in Sudbury, Suffolk Engiand in 1917. Ater a period in the ment tbe coopte mused tu thse Million area mhere tbey tarmed until 1957. She was a native ut Sud. bars', Suffolk. Active in tisa cuminusits', Mrs. Carkeatts une outhie flustdais iii te Scii Blorcs Woiiei's tîîstitte anidSVLs atie ia i110 for'mation o uthIe Miton Gi Guida Group abouut 33 years agi,. She in survlved hv bar bus- baînd Lu.nceiot F. (Jak) Ctlrke, at daugbîer Doi'atbs. Mrs. G. Evans) Toronto and a son R. G. (Bob) Clarkseut Miltoun. Tba tunealitservicetivts colt- cuîcied bv the Ras. Dr. T. M. Dusilîn, ut Graca Anglicatn Chur-cb, Milton. tntarntenî Nvss in Cemettcr $59,000 taxes stili ourttuaiagy n a hi iiel ciai l Miltion Cutint.ii Mîîîîl,Depuiv ReýcaC. Mettaýis oejot sitandting taas ttu ttabot S.900. Ilta t.îti i peiatiiig v. col'[[, dii 'lo havean%-batik Ioau ad adiilon tîti ssssnent bhall iten g.ittaei11ts luitpar-. tel t l and. Tbe depulyreeve ld iii tire- port oit iaitltiiosig He saggc,,ee(j a jette,%. osai tbe igll.ltîtsllcî,îîî .b dîtait ed U)t deinqueiîi ias\iýtNis attg- i as, aritick a, s1902. 1 Tapes interview on Ottawa visit for CBC broadcast Mike Wood was inlerviewed by CBC prodocer George Alkins Musday os bis trip lu Ottawa, sponsored by the Rotary Club ut Milton. Tbe interview wsas taped ai Mike's Ontario St. bome and viii bc earried os bhe GBC larm broadcast ibis Saturday ai 12:30. Mika j, isteson ut Mr. and NIl,. ..Wlliani Wood, aiic iepar- tiipiteIad eccetî tls t qlliclelit.s rmaeross Canada in a visit ýlt Ottaîsa sliitinictsded muei- ilngs and discussionst wiib 'flie prime misistet and other top Canadian ottictats. WiII seed bank railway says The C.N.R. lias assut'cd Mit- "lt Courncit barc spot., on tise rail enmbankmient around tuwn %ili hc scaded thi, tait. flu a er luflie tio, tut'o lo gaimniticipal protevi aotulicappeainace uftihe batiks. li rilway diin l fi l ad iwes eesa. tndii., tzcdsnîuitii.'i'tflic nais' grass. Sprat-og for w cati uiki bacucmpicitot Il v ttil.s atnd ,-ectisngiofthe hait. spot, v tsttid hc undataken in "I futly appreelale saur cont cn about ita Lppearaitca ut ouiîsbankmnits and su ill en- deaavuir itubrigoui pioperis iii keepiiig si iblhis sîtrround- tbe lttur uoni.ludet. The Cmnadian Champion, Wednesdey, June 8, 1966 3 Ster iI.d treal mancue1 Akg~ujn, ville, wandered into lhe es- on ké ivoy bound lane of Highway 401 A 600 ?b. Holstein stcer val- about four miles wcvi of High- ucd ai $125 was struck and stay 25. 'Damage tu tbe car mas killed by a car divtru by a Mon. c5timated ai $800 SPRAY NOW... KILL OUT THOSE WEEDS 1 LFOR PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVI CE ='- CALL Rainbow Landscaping MILTON 878-2097 0 878-2741 OfltefnsA -Sisa firet.Oed il, pt. m a t fNTOA ID Gade "A" Ofîn. i.I Ob .-h ig..oOntndesidiss

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