Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 1966, p. 17

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Ail act'es Cnatituliif cse municipal c-tinils ire licenu aihtnep il ltit liil u-iill.uiti ii catlenlTire Budtget. Altlîîîc lite v îîîmade tir t tutti auomhiîî.uîn i c tite hng like sers-es and vetîncis andi sireets. Tire Budiget hinvelli s an abstuccittig". le istEe The Deil. Yoîu cunt sec hiet or heur int or ceut tîell tînt, You oîîtrelh nesancl hit.i but vou nt uuurle i iteue: lnd. u.îia îui ntcreatare tît i nutbc cunirlti Yotiîu.îîu lieutittti in -etil blounlu note. . 'hitcarithaîener ai hm. uhivel ai hiet. chtop ai int and al s'uv et unec.a boken hanrt nen a nînîli diluandailc -une The huîictis lke airto , Hegn;orus hgger cvils rar. His nppeiîtuinuîe.îs. fuIis etcc mre strtnglittîgav lie gientus. Ang !ie nrtlttti. t-' esu iri ut hi back (fuirtenu mus * Do TRUCK DRI VERS île priil l- lu Ile tttui c tutti tet a d t e\\,u tutu-I lit ced, ailieuttg iler toîtuts uir1 iiluac icers onid m0lie îTit, .tul id i.ienpttmivteltutu ilc r use i n ec JIý'lu Iklle 111lite' loItgp-ittlite c alia t t.iuc- Iii iuhv. ic'itiucititt utcr C( iaul pe i ttu i, Ile ite lites arcie cilrind ctiilcil lic c ltte h cfinvt u uiî ic le l ntîtucilu% c'0 rii.îtuev i ill But i et p-tr liet Mtilu1 suce [lite Il Lckcîs sulit) i rtt i îhiîuk "'Inniliggen ilitait îuutuîui eonIlie rîu.î-l ot ici ihetît lus tangliti' i lInnie."' Dii uintlrhu\ t îg 25u.chtu usati Clîlutîi Tocurlas ccciin utc i tut, truc' t. i1 ts\ilutcuti ,tu suddeîiy h rîi jtu 10 luii îuan our. by uaîîuctîîî îî.îîieî ri- lue bîîsy lcoking ai ouirseves 10 e*lTO RECEIVE flice beneils 01 OMSIP, lIce nec-suiutars. guvrl tment eciminivîered medical cure plan. sou brise iv enruli. Ap- pareni svoteuconf'uion hrs.dc ueLcitc'i iniflic itîrîsofp n i - hic' cc and (liiIotIl ase.îThe ietriei toMll-Ihattul a il sîpiitIis ur'ek's issue tla lI-I It i ti us lihdicolt e WFIilA lu lîrl ci cccL SLîîîîîîe'. ict'tt-(blhs' rrothuuiie tneetiotiet tfli nPorl.tnee of urîile. Toîrissuriii bciletuitcg altpOt aii îclCen.rii.n high- lod uoitire set-tites and lirî t-cin . v s luit. Nrtiiîcg of flic anîî.ima lîrll,îs liait a ing. Bu' hulilil i tîut 'tu hikui cn .- -tu 'ces. T'rflice isi lori wu flcieetiilc eitte oîtîtîta tri BY BILL SmiflY gut culiitelî Re.rllu les, utt Onii li t tîi, il il.uuî -.1 -tbug ileu ciiuýi, i tut or it în ttc -uie u s uit uti.tttutir ciii te e Utcl piot .al utd tnow up ".Pîuîpuevs Culitrec cl lta- lion.uitui t lit vi nce il ppear v i.l h 'ic Bîtigut ilvllie rleneuicuelThe Deuil. 01; Ilý Wer had, le tuerieg ut. Andîibg tour ns toi. AndrIlli îeî-.îî fotr Iii, tri il iat'Buduguet iis bi g, r.uentattageahc bhutle s ioilimpet clous iv lîiumn Iccling.telilvebru-.uneu cencal accideunt, \%htile .a ne ltntthîtig iîtokut, i tutu - nit al ulcul l1i Rîlu. .M, ot Li, knueulieu asCMi. ite s ii us iuuiepîtsvesv:itte tut lierluvbitmii. h ei 0 THE transformatlion iakîng place in-lUe Mulitons omîthall is imprersve. The modernized it- crirrucîli net ont-v hecoîccea mole efficient icunicipalicecntrc gattiering irgether ,lhe police. worktr. sseving andc eerk lune- ices. butil o il belîtpi essire ini ils rppe.tanee. lThe eniircseconttd loo uiti uiti ituttn tttt llt ittkc' t il ice adi i iiiie tuent. uT-eters cnuttciichattbets vuil ic hi- ucb lioe fn ioa Ibm ithe olil audiitoriumtcclis bet lor a gcod nicunsî>cars~. 0 NOTICED a signe lcerlluer dvin Toronto anounil a subir clv tricrcnalt bai rîlers the srtongest dteer'et tu il erpasciigt hai I 'e user noliced. The sign situpluv secs. "Dangeious. Tîecpasserv louy be eletrocuted'. 0eGETS TO the pittît e trite red lie internationtal inousru .titiuci' quirs a coresheti r pogî.îî on as.rrieiu oîcobes, îîîuuiîie-. and Rural Cutoimicrions. Clekes me uondut il ut el eîlt a lt uWN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS lit itylîn.u i uti&""Yîe'vRe îu î it put kinîg luit, us%iîuîi i i li lgî1t .îpîîcuîcd t 7.2()1pplut. - et tci u ttl, il knu %\rulue I 1 u ldhale kepi ponuup.iii itu tothie id lleiii tutti puil lui ilc "o ci o lu icte tnttil uil Ii . itttic h te ruuuluia -a bTLu its lit. l ie %mri i ký tutu Ilie ltu. l i 11 1 .,Ii illu clet' i ibbltici tit he t litc i 5. -ii ai I)iutîctttti oil i t lun t.i ih il li c tIiilici c'n i- p tr tti H dstit&is, iiuncu e u-it ivt& tt i h15 titii1ttiii ll eIl t inc à l i i ol thlai tutu 1 ur loP lie iciilMii tuti' iii u sli te 'c iiuit lio hic'vtîîi. o rtuuIus slu i ctuill uIt-. ut ý Lli litil ia e p il titc'.iit-,.hiii t suc' lice-ce, Ilite lptlle)l ham il t, cuil l tti .u i l, . tent f rl i i iiiilit t ut Ltic' 'Ilite Muit h. Iî.uî.lire palu suit. tutu. ltuuk rît nlu i a ol i . ut ew lu ilu n ill'rlnvirt a v',ttt i jeu i. ucl s iii h.lli u't,tit' .Il Il dc11v i ititit c il ti.luitIl l it1 'tus, 1- M Iuîîsluttev tht' cutia ut lites ut ,lllcil irvly "see 'A, ,ll1fjiitutti leu ccy, il r tut u' i i li u lt". . t i 111 ui IIP Il lici vtt ius ii ittu PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST - TH-E 164th DATTALION staged aparadn in Milon, bu eU la cbe ebout 1915 or 1916. Buildingsv o nbo s hnphoto ore nom Cattage Deictensen. Cleents Pcm dW,31apcrAdamslurniuo ,Park Fus iDe pBarand the Cleitls 8lock, aithte tc n Hfll ijil heu kj Ouutucpur nîglulatu lli Crb ot Iocre oaned i-pdurce. anrd indeed lthe country. lThe im- pression creeated seull me lung aller eny i ecovctiefce yclu cave been causeil. Tuurirm iv atnec i portant cotiîutitîr uthe nation- ai et-totcls vandf inithe enud, ceî s une beneiis. Renceinier asmile and a trietîcilis greetig. its a îcîetiv sntail ittu-sicefl. 0 t t7Ii iiMUitit lu' ciidvii 01i .1 tuttiil inIi lit', s buit il srclic i oitei-cls friillrtt oi lerjlutopîtetesi lie ticket- ing t ss iv ngsicvrciucees cars pariteu l teguiiv ini anu parking zone. Wltetc police t-elurscrit ivn cei the tickets lie rr-rk siripped. The nuen hadu been parkel lue ail] .ring .anud torîhi lte itIgigi ut-tv1cîclu- v, iný1tiut ineilt. lic vit rra ýitkout iii3,500 luctul il prc-tlu ubiltite il olpr - stuciall-tiiie siuit. *9F.VESI ginnîicki truielirs I it. ,tr-.tttcii lit udtc.tvc ici l chinet phi, i i îeu ri e tri t- tu-i c \tiih im anîuiml uin tia. T' lltcnertticiitsei a siiYties; qularter. viiýiic \ %i tilîrîrt ic. \loonk,.îîm eami(A lte quiliir tir iti ti il i tctle -the leii litc'A the Ieie,. 1tîrîtiv l c tw 1ttti lctiitelcccIz itc> ckttt o gli i i R t r t c' e i l i g. i t ii lmlc'c t i .1 u til - liiibien aus lr fivii'. -le i ., ati itlr- 't' i. gidt i il i theItil. iiiri'. Ui r. -ltcl tilo e i t'. l ci tori, cili tiI ititti cii Ic it ritbch ie itittiue s cp liat lîî~ i eri, rîtîlettutti cdri, ttcictt il heiiicsc g lConîiîîred un Pttu,-c C3) À Weekly Wekcome- - Smo ltile nuerbers oc th1e fronît page cf each issue cf Thu Champion tîck awep the meebu and peurs. offentqoilte uunotîced. Tbis meeuh. tougb. me'd lîke 10 pointtîlIett oul for tie sîgnifîcarîce tlcey regirler. This issue iv th irut -No. 1 bof uhei07hpear -Vol. 107. Qouilesinîipyitîteaus The Chamtpion b'fas corr.1cietsd 106 puais oi coslîîîoous ser- vice lu lite tuait aîîd cauîît/ and is nom ciii- larkiig on a hiasd new pear. il e li 100 ypra ga colois osnor edîlor- tai page -cac itoducedi about a pler ago. iland il tells veek hp meuh flite le end hîstorp r'Of a co[l]Uîuî'lItytai fias rues dîemetuc eand .1sgitau ciasges n the cesiurp The Citatîpuit fias ici lecled riii tseif those cher- ges. lit Clip 1860 bic four page issue mas prouiccd iîy liousip acreutîhluîg everp vn duciuai citter bp battU Tuda's issue mas cproduced cît lite thon îodernî euîouîatuc euincfuutviaiabie in auîp aeekip sems- fi aeletircpruirs plant, ,h liuîg ueu the pigerscil pin issues. i mittttr Ihep mee st pear or 100 puars ago. cati becoutue ait absorbitîg pulsait. Hein s the frstmteston ofa evemunivcipal pro- ecnt, a new crgcrtzotiarr.- ~O&sw trend, e new public oifficiai, a sera snction aI the .k- un tutt i. lils deceiopîîuesl and gromîli ct si/ be lia cd i hrough flitu problunus anîd ralluui. ,, fletstriai and tilaionsaIo if us cî1lliior t, dalîouueîuiHure. fou, s atutatitul moudSIThe marld o> local bslorp pîe-eud util)ts test conîplete ftun, ntbu pages of i rî ,it aper puhlusIîvd ci Ihai par- lcia i iitei bai pîriclcir meuhitlit futcilai(Ldr aiti tsphu-tu aîd uufoîîuationî But iciuii ùAreadurs. The Chamcpion s the I neaird nov.IIis the eci.lp vurutor tirai rit flitu mek of Tse Saleatuctu Ant'i1 îeî uiur' ro fanfare cirittumes lubruîug o bthe lr- k titncri thu public arbat iuueiig detouho-b tu-. lialfof the riedy. îSIak Io0 clip ce mo UW iasecnlielie byilisc eduleclrîi cpluir - .1 oIt l recîly ip îîder5tcîud dtphep îcy rc titi d u lU it r glu '.teciuu lut, itwi reint lite jrlritîui, i Ped alitiit t.turfisuîtcucieima. Doriiionirare nitidc Pil front luocîa f rucr iuif .ud iiiduato ,,l clP o l r ui t e lia c oue îuvin uiîilpite iltc ifcî i/. 1 eh ,i orlii ictilu klic t toic ic rieltîtîl 1,-lr dI Iitilt à i ii'. îe 1ierll Ite,0 i0Ilclsil e uf îuuî'efiiîg flicteend locllp. îniri ilitc esicit- iumniîîf uflite Suîsine Scîtool. andtul iti flicte rabliîshmîent of HOPE. wlîsîu pouttg tîdulir iap [ccratiten uselul shilu and cui tiibie t cliic tomarcir t productive future. records in pîcluurr mad snores the actîvîties of a wnek. Ili s udîtorual opitnion eupressed îfrough the corieurtiotial edioruals or coi- aitis. or et ir ruader opinioti eaprevsed hragb leters t0the udîlor. Il is ail largelp local, kcepirîg tegbbor ini îoucb witt neîgh- borctd rdiund wtitfifrieitd. Il s îlot a inuit- al uc cuiter alndiîvestigctions,. scanîdais in b1gb pliceus. wtt iniVin NatuinIl s ihe au- îtp ityceutçur iior c faeorite Icreel.the suc- ms of a local îag ap or a meueting bp a cliurc r goup. White fere miii cotntiue ta be changes il- Tire Chatu pion. the philosopbp of preenot- iîîg local îewr accur alp reported cannaI sgirfîuccttiip chtange. Tppograpbp sîap chanîge, icture technicues carrebu aiered, theuforat c 0.1 e prnseniud uin frushur fbrui cnd îuecfî,îîucai chanîges for te ieluartfer oI te arittietcrîk tu tue pîîîîtud word cein he rarîtalue anrd fastur. but th e cornier stane -urt conltiuet ii fielici resenttuituuof local newc hand fe'itrrer. Il should. hur-ce-er. l ie îî1alîcsuaud it the isard iccai dosnsl it an that activiip or tua-s is coniittd to the hausdarev of a rItncaiiiy. Local s idword thliappears to bc a.ou.pîruugr rder au--wI udur cruie. atd Sire Chauîupuaîî s canti îu.îîg ta enpand ils covrane ofl hic mider cand mider cercle iliouutJi liait Ciiil ffilicoii Pct)i-tu t i. Wei ltItarinîuulip eticari. lui elel 0or, thelo cal tltccspaper. As ut eliter' us 10/th puai mc hope Io sechranrges and -cc hntoie10uîtîod.uueiu pîoveeîens, brui ,Iloee,11 e fcryt' te Lciiu.tiiuu'. roeuduîîeg thîs covrge tai cutis for lTe Ciripion a -ýcruli/ -weclolie i vrat u mîe. arc pliiug a wortlimilrcai. A t ilt p mhucftlorIt irshaote -a rtoii luoktîsq feu r wawîucrrd scari ait acafralu tv.illp stur1îerupî fie lîgisifor dîguîîtp .-.- tuii lu--tii p thers havue'fousd The Sal- v.atAiui ryiculpandiwilliîtg to aliliuu tuu i'. lcl ucu n d wlucuueuur passile.u 'lotît doutotuoti îî up bu leit ai o atilieu lituit1PCidtuliat littî11)CcrIal Batik orai iiiiterct tuituai. tlii '. i C ill cri ,i turf if t u i t tli ca gjiteut îi.uti IIofit iiiIliafie sceir. le ait cl ul u i idmuctu .llp tut Ilie piogratlil int i- i s tutU raw t atîdcu aidautatiat rIt C eftettd[ CICIilcilri's Assocuctuotu ailer. iltway .îpeflualttudvc ofi t lctr oa)>truiily ur ocile. Te$, becOliiiuttivec i i dill cuiet- c. ryipeifl irc confirmuationîofIflitc ork. Picy pour pfti utc mk up rcurittg paur eou velufir p 'The Caèîa4ioit Chamnph'» Publisheil by the 1)111e Printing and Piubliilng Co. Ltd. M.Ieaigeig lâine - Jîic A.Dillis Si ctîîuîî Etî.î-î RoytîtEittit l- fît ,]tliretîl.îruWnî(kisNrt.pisA c.îîîîîSulit-.. îplîîuuuc payableIrIadl uacicu S400 n ir 'Caaa; 1>0 ti al cou îles vlhur Iran Catnda. Ai.iucttiiiptsri, elu ' 11utuilir lu'eiutlioitî tut ii.nuin lcc%'1 i l aiuîrcu iapiul I-till limi piuuionul lite auristing spiu-etc f litdlus ilite Ir uuîltil. tegeiher mli titteîîuuîl lloitu 11e ltee inattirer %0u1 it utci hargtore, bhui thehalanteC ii thue aciulutueeiseil hec pd 1cr aI lue applicable raie. "n luitueeseut of a ispogeaphicl e ceuead- sucit htviig giuttiv u rs rvcet aI a wrueg pi icee gonds or services nias eut bc sold. Adreit îbiiig -tmcreipv ae cier 10 seli and map bucsihdraain aI any ime'" 9ù,âJQTTINGS- 6By Im D 1L LSà stne couit o utsaer. aherusi su t ulîvt Inihi. keep duss teiîli; buit cer-tain iti'. ial coesideî'abie qutantilies are 'becuglit p le the "vend puelp'. alung wit'h the tiler- andtintudtut it men lnom tîcuýjea(jt Pcuuia expeess no lîtrlîl huit lbaigencinecul -t tour(]. ant in sulicient quaetiie-t n te veel ut cil nctbebing ch- tiuned. in luths pavuing quntibies, heu' s ilcontinue boeing bu f00 or 900 lcee. AIready the ubing and pueîpieg aparalus are oedereil, andtlinalteuedayss ae hope bu be able lu anîrcace aurveile inte Ceunt'nof Peel equait ine any in EnîîiskilienurtanOit Sprinîgs. LETS PLAY BRIDGE By DiiiCoats Ilui t-. îîsî . itt i hirge pairie. Iotut tiuUuitlitts v otuuIItlu tutti andttrl 05e niuhkuer't inil lii C-ti.ýtthlie Oppoltentis' irump. f)urividît.ll tluutul dOutlinii ut li, lu ti i cce s v uet eud. 1 licetitiy'huis beut iuei thue aite u*(t îuuuîuuuu' eue sai". Delarer milsl lit Ilishend ni usoes dumitys i ltu lake Ouitiruimp. Phiilg ai lIre Erun Bridge Clubl ti vsek. suchrl irand id utueci'.. 1Ias tt-t viîtg Northrandi tutu lraeuiiucîi in tlite Southliposi' lins' trNile iIuî'nluiilttt s iii tsal luaglit honte il-u li Norilt - ceci. iiab 11-J 9 7 I D-A K Q C-O 10 S iJi85 Sh-1014 il-A8 5 2 1t-K Q1014 -7 h4 2 i-10t3 C-4c 5 c- AiJ8 42 h -A K 9 3 1) - .1 -i f 5 b' -K 9173 'Ilite birining: Eîast Southr West Northr Pasu s IS PtuSs 4S Sout luhu.,i liil ili o vtl huit suelu batd tu îrcshebiri ai bu guiet utu vriîliul-I ul', bau. i1riiditi tv.îut In uîesvu'bîcr ma- our tut iuil. aî1i nuperueed sîiîb Utie dnltîtotni. Wireu Souti huho- edaloinit card spatde- suit,.1 îîuil vtraigttu gante. Wuth ii tutuaU but ae heurt. dcc- tues tlafiitueludeveiup len trick,, lcrtduatruonils and a suinteeuhl. A-til.tuas. tbough, Wesi gnu off un a lirari leaU. Deei.iure utlied lie recoud round. NuwitsniSouthrdruustnump. she cotir( i îviv iut stumrut eearts an lic ae tf chtiis. su-lich \\ulueutu iiilotwss ulul stîtîi honui(jroi iiile.sceconîd letI tttul i-toslii a u tlli re- uctsî.A uli.raîuul dtir litiirtty erand allilii-licrt s ed nrotuufcd. Nits% lie truc igh irîuîup ai-c ta- kent .îîld chI îuîrcv i v eutieî'ed again \n li a iiaîiiord. Luvîv'vquueui l ospades sent- vs Io laIte oui flelami iciflte op- l)lu' u* r-îîrîîc shcihe declaer petsu ii ofcaltb. Ditirs ii's lest diiodi., s ersreland deciarer t c-elitui'v tru-r lir.ud su ir ruaclub. to tlakr'flicte Icîri i nuE silii lIe A riumtinît- r-versali tris u-ted liceefi.utîrui dtp ig lirec 'huarts, tu i ni, i ire ued It eduve- lu Iicks. iilicti dîrumuv hua-tlong ti-qarup. îlîîîîk about ursirg yaur ititoti p u it l andr riuiî's lunli to t.kc voiit ermp. L.isluuu'ek's tri iru s sun-te: tlid hut reiitt.Miv ýKiltieriuie Cours tuttiGui ns R ut urnîls, suillt Bill liaittiltorit muid 'lotirWarncs; iluirut. Bull Baitb-oi ur d Gloria Couiv. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK "ln the edocational, cultural cnd aesthetic area, nature reserues are as essential for under- standing our historp and culture as arectruseunîs. ard iivecu lilriries and art galiciies [Eecrv un foui led, wild alc lItI dt lc aved rpees lo tuiloiiows tetietatiuliir aliving uIIIuem thet s a lîîîk witlî Candar' part. A virgiti fotebt cen fell fartimote daut ploiteer charaster and perce. yul aICCu than ad ituseuici full of spiening wheels ad ifliîtîlock niîuskets. We rave a Moral oblige. fionIo ta pss ont represeritarive samiples of aur heritage of wiid nature la future generations ... -From Fred Bodsworfhs address tolIhe annual meeting of the Fedieration of Ontlario Naturalists. April 2, t1966. 1Authorized as Second Class Mail by tihe Post lOffic Dcpartmcnt, Ollawa "Y AWATERFALL on a teps ram nearGeogeonovaelad/ enop awak 1'oh tfat oris pa of deiBruce Tai.Phe phoo crus aken an er h ........ . - ... . THE GOOD OLD DAYS GLANCING BACK TO 20 VEARS AGO Taken from the files of Thre Can- The honme cf Mrs. Flcvd Downs adian Champion, May 9, 1946. ssas the selcieg [or the May meet- The nmber of cars travelling ing of the Horeby UnilcU Churele nu Wovn'sAssociaion on Thcrsday the 12 sideroad ruening fron t Wmue s tr. Dcriegftire hast- Speyside tu lte Gulph Lice are eusa rietelde ckdo noticcably grealer silice garrat- articlessithe slremdie cr lioe icnieg is part. Trout fishieg is e- uoing shaerae qit o sponsible fcr the greater iraf c. t gtulcc r luaned ba Ai citîhusiastit metingon Fni- Tiom Billur rus displayed andl ctv ul IMriiil.i creitgs ai, lu sut r i tutu tapptcicird.A report cterirlrttc Baýcltrll Club ira- r ivcptetrit arisi u vthe Tam- lurmer ivn(Geor getowneand a tuait tli ei-rvic Unit in Toronto. eteteut in chu Hulton Cccety Coînîttti ces rrere formuil for vhe Lcegce. Floeorary presidelt - Larve Social. The anniversuey Jack McGibbon andl Ray Keruhur, date tuas 1lixei fcr Otober 6. Mrs. president Jack Arnold. sr-retary- Stanlev Learmuel hail charge cf I rcasurer iim Ritchie. execuotive the devttunals and the mrinister Claurde Knteer. Clarence King, gave a brief Bible sludy. Dclic- Wltcldun Emmersun, G. MuGit- i ccv ru-resbmenis sucre sered by urus, Mrs Robb, irai S[amtl, the Ilotess. There suas e large Peru Blackburn. nutonber presriet. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Taken fuominhe files of Tire Can- Brave Descrue lIce Fair. Proceeds adias Champion, May i1, 1916. iii aid ufthli public libreîy. Watcir The lest edjcurnmcîît of the ]or poster s. coni v cuanu il was Ic Tuescday, [lie Ligeyscshotil purpils gave 231d insl.. hut as the folloving S2.51 tu the Decghtc-rs of the Ent- dus ,,il[ be Empire Day ,flite Wer- pirc for thc month uf April. clcn huis uhenged the date cu A stablc helcttging to Edward Tucusv 30h inst.. suhcn e hy-tusr Cure in the molli c orner oftcf ba ttircgalate the width of wagon lochkflire front some unknovun irv ilhc inlroducccd and proît- cause lin Tuesdey elternuon. ly's ,îbls tîrrîtîer tc issuc dehenicrcs ruhole inicrior seas ablaze hefure loi [lie bcilding ennd cqcipment of il waes nuticcil by Mrs. Yocng. lic ncîr, Rcgisiey Office. Thc ecehrigade 'uer culled out, Cornmc luthe torsn hlaItnexi bai 100 aie iv do anvihing uncept Weincdv even ing. Mev 17. lu irrvent lic lire from s.prcad- tut e il be e concert given hvi- ng. BesidcsIlite building Mr. Ccte lic bcsi tlent in loilt- Aso lest a thr*ee-vear-uild colt vshicir uîîuuîîg piclures - Cliarlie Cbap- st-ev in il aînd cculd eut be rescu- lit and a t\%sorcel druaia The cd. GLANCING BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO Tallen from the files or The Can o- Toley pas for pomriti. ailian Champion. May 17, 1866. The ncurs causved the mort in- Wc aie happv' lu ennuncc- ial îc usc uxuittment in the neigbbor- le Counis ci Peet Peirciecînflîod, and hundreds areflicckieg Presýpectiig Comatpny hbas ai lt-cm al parts of the cvunly tu length struck "[le"etaireliir uselisec ftue su d tttsaline Vtlrenselvcv un titi nher ire. Fiiib Conces- of the realitv. Frora the indice- ittitEast, Clinguacvcsy. This ienrs of uit alrecady toueid, il ap- reva suîîk as al est useil bu- a pearr ccrtlaie ihatit i vsis in ibis lerlancers an t ther in tue Countvisni houe large quantifics eglitlîcrtîioui. andlil upe.îks ucl ut. tic seti inahie Io decide. lb ior iliei z cel andlier r . sit-tutîtl lie a timulus for us Cc liai flics tare expeîîuied uretittioceculcinceieoping the laient litee ttivtýznut dollars iii the 1tre.tsuttcs lu be c fuîîdin car underleking. Oit n s ctilicik at iilti Saiurda v ai auepit I(80cilt ccIlt Ilisflitc intention oi che coin- i% impossible Io %avlulitit tic lu a patt>,, ut-e leuet-t.Iosink the wcll 10 -';ýl-,h-- - t- im Ile d enho c ene umnde.d

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