Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1966, p. 20

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The CanAdian Champion, Wednesday, March 30, 1966 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE CERTIFICATES mcme presesled le 13 people on Wednecday, Mar. 16 cn Union Hall, Mlton Shows inth1e ront row are cerlîficote receivers Mrs. N. Scheck, Mrs. Dorolhy Wilison, Mis. Helen Mller, Alec Peine. Gary Bell and Douglas Couolson. Showe lrom lef to rght te the bock rom are Jatmes Semith, Johtn Wrigglesworlh, Broce Nelson, Norman Kiervnr, Andrew Caves, Keith Hiltori and Haroey Petlîgrew. The cerîllicales wnre rnccîoed for coîîpletîng a St. Johin Amblanîce First Aid Course. Those who earnnd certifîcales bol wha mcme absent aite rîtie of the photo are Peler Sherraitl, Henry Vandenhnoceî, Rober Sn, Gloria Caluard, Kathryn Hoîter, Doit H.MrLean, Mrs. Sarah Straw. Mrs. Thelma Bosficld, Gordon Bell, Aies Arnoldl, Hontg Nit Mark, Bill Presse, Mary Gccch artd Mr,. Grace Pnno. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE WORKEI cesdoay. Marcs là, wtt6 th hlp ronk Lawsvn, Dice Miller, Larry Sugar and Spice ... <Coniinued l I ttri P, (t C) boss cn he vtctt Theres the vwdtent%iii, tie the hta-gccapprtach. Scaitiet yccr emv ,ît ti idelitv pu tht, and vcure bhtitotdiiili thing rtohlt. One such. i a e- cent histiri esam. tîettili John D. Rt)ckc-ellet i IIII. "le f) stas a Primc- Minî,tir iiil Eng - ]and and sets isp-iir it i trielit tabtîr mvmtin- Ihe roîntrîtif heard ai the ime tv-ts John ). b trsing to argue ht~îi, hic k [, i thi s \orld i e Ic ciiilditvtangle il the kid. 1 Sometimnesii', sut Ilînîîv fn ai reccctc-a,mjuntiotr ttdentlter asked Io pick t6e i it hi ici1) I itis this senti-sce: 'Tîethtîc licii*ti k. dranki allthe îieî%--ic tile londe g-ltintîîh tîî,cîleîlci v chocc cliank tec,te, a vi, pointet ont, .Ditnk i, nuta %ei1) ltv îzinî)tîtît -- 6e (ti 1cu r iit lr1, 1 , ,1 RS demonsro cd the proper mn hcd of resoscito on on Mcd- of "Resuscie-Ans. Shoneui front left Ic rîght in the photo are r Senlicar, Dog Colson and Dr. R. Edwards. wlerrîf cînulciîn, comes (lie DRIVINc. EXCUSES tîudilen tabhot pitre, r--revhicg Miss critîets lamfe cciulcnlsý cltJiht, the uicoers iii an or-.ivotitici either, butis thisrea- i,ittil.perceptive immd. tittnt Ii mke tieteotîtn i h-~ 11-ie IrelighwaasTrat At tv nee l', îke flntg as,îr tht a i ler thali have con- sîlîd picetil giiicd ir L6it ioi1 t car ait aill ine. Thi, vitoP aîît -01i tîttîlLtii ih,ie T ittesthacI iseathi r as %veil as cias an etri e'fo tr heinlaIe. c i ttI.l i m mt v ttii li the ti.c ati o i,, ila ti .it,* , ltt i i lt itti t u t tt h,- hîîîî.îîrtve uXîAnl j tttttdsalittiktcl Ileac ih,îhî,îîtî,îîtl i STAY AWAY Ifol vt ,îl u itîclvI.kec-p aica ioi it tihiic -t, pipe. cvpcc ittls iii vititti lcou îiîîig, ilic inuith1 vIoltid uit."\--u. îtii i ai, di inkiie -pletit iii îrilk, iîe And then s lnd il t t) t11L u iilient geaft (aôte#* Ieau tè. Permanent Wasl, & Set Coloring Cut, Styled Top off your Easter oufit wtt an ecit ing new hairdo. Get ready for spring and summer with a carefre., soft permanent. The House of Professional Hair Styling F s h io n D e u ty l o u e At 171 Main'St. Phone 878-9533 so 273,Reg lraY 116, hfri -nM G i >u çvIl 267, Len Mason 257.e i rl t* n Dilher good trip]est IVene Mc- N~~ NI ~Kerr 630, Jonc Goild 658, Avidrey ,J . ,.x , ~ 'iÀMason 591, Reg Gray 715, ýDean FIosiess Thneme Gray 689, Len Mason 678, Ivan The fifth meeting of the Scotch 17elinM67r6. o fr 9 Block Lassies scas held ai the Ladis' pecal 8 AleyRocers Hannah's team finished on top Ede Cr vderrn, 5 for 17; Hilda hm IMr.Rbert Iving on ith 95, tIenes was second with Ri-go, 2 for7;LrnMah,3 ach2.Tediusonw d îMarch 15 March 21 91, and Elsies and Ermas botS for 12; Joan Waters, 2 for i1; the theme of Party Ideas. The Ladies' high single, Audrey Ma- Ladies' high single,. Onu Willev ended sitin 89. Normna Hardy, 2 for 8. girls gave their views on diffeit 1'0tt 280: ladie'hliyh triple, Aîîdrey .133; ladies' high triple, Aone Oould ideat for parties. Afler a short Mason 732. 749 (313, 229, 207). Early irds P. L. Robertson Girls snack, notes were giveit on Belng Ote oasingles, Freda Law- Othcr gond singles. Jane Oould MSe 5Ldis ihsnee om il a Happy Hosîcss, The Dalles o! ence 256, Jean McDuffe 252-245, 313, Roth Twiss 253, Rose Sharont Ladies'5hiadieingle, Joan Wat-chen 286;tladies' lsinh triple, Nor Ciad MKersie 2218_)8203, Doris 249.Lde'hg 9nlJa a-chn26 ais ihtilNr Smnillie 211, Ris' Shietils 203. Josce Oittr gond riptes, Cail WilIev ers, lene McKerr 245; ladies' high mn Kitchen 753. Meti kies 7201. hMi 7pr7v9,;Mrîî io~ Joan Waters 712;: nos 016cr gond triples, Norma Kit- Gladn MeKersie won 2 for 14; 634 (244, 206. 184); Hiazled) (601l Iigh single, Frank McKerr 286- chen 753, Betty Seenev 634, Mit -1foi 19: Brtth, 7 for 15; Audrev Mason. 3 for 27; Ethel1210 11, 2021; fhelen Ridciell 6i0 mens high triple. Jack Could 73Ï. Heipel 613, Raby Captîto 60;) 5 for 14; L'oatus, 2 toi- 14; Hieipri, Arnld 5fo 1; asSield, et23, 44' 231 Other gond singles, Jonc Ooild Marge Setisiezi 595. 'uot 14; C,.puo, 5 our Il,;(irenke. or 15. Drftrs-on 2 for 49; Hot Shot s, 231, Kay Shields 226, Auidrey Ma- Wilsto won 2 for 21: Mtrras',0 for 4. Mareh 22 4 for 44; Scutllebums, 5 far 43; _______________________________________________ Ladies' high single, lnd Me- Headi Pins, 2 for 42; Pin Head-,5 Kersie 263; Ladies' hightrpe for 42; Kool Rats, 3 for 40; Fnur f~ *. ~ lnd McKersie triple Pins, 5 for 39; ing Pins, 2 or 37.R E O N u Oîher good single,, JeanRae yrs - u - Ethel Arnod 231-211, Audrev Ma- March 22 ton 203. Ladies' high single, Normna Mc CM MA KA E VWU1 MWUVM Clad Mert«ie swon -i for 9 Murphy 231; ladies' high tripIe,11~ WI V Atcdres Mason. (,fo1r 27; Ethuil Alice Moslev 567; nens hgh sr- Arnrold, 7 tir 21; Ras Shields, 2 gle, Mike Belvedere 313; n " O B B H SS R ' E C R (tir 17. high triple, Mike Belvedlere 796. T BO A S R ' M E C Y Pointers wite59for 59; Buscr P. L. Robertson Girls 2 ir 58 ; Huskies. 7 for 57; B I SA E S T March 17 ilofs, 5 for 57; Collies, 2 [or 96; Ladies' high single, Joan De- Ciieshitiiotîs, 5 lîîr 54; Terres lonei 347; ladies' hieh triple, Joanlioi 54; Whippetî, 2 lîîr 53. Ielîrest 725.~a Other guiad triples, Joan Defor-I Club 24 1e1i661, Lit Kaqzviki 629, tutu l1 aîlies' liglr single', Yv once Ilteiteniic623. Te;î,i lit03, Lidiv,' IilI ii pl Wlsonflwsouc7 for 1f i: n~.Fileen Diiiciî, 661. .5lirl17; Coales.,3tior 12 Kas- Iligh as.eiu,igYviiiiflTeade ,ski. 2lfur 9: Heipel lt, c il, 196:,higli triplPink Brt iih, 2 tir 8; Captitto. Il tîr 6; 1 ettîel 767; s ii, iilii ngle Ci eiike. 4 liii 4. Pîîllt Cinniic341. 1965 METEOR Rideau 500 4-Door Sedan lires, 2-speed elecitewtpera. Thir in the lani or the hrand new 1965s. PRICED TO SELL 1965 Mercury Parklane Convertible Demonstralor, complelely equtpped, Lie. H419702. 1965 Anglia Super Lie, 19701 - Demonstralur. 1964 Ford Galaxie XL Convertible Ail Powered - Lte. H419513. 1964 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan 6-cyl. Automatte -Radino-Lic. 600773. _ ___________ 1963 Mercury 1-Ton Pickup Lic. H1l9514. 1963 Mercury Monterey 4-Door Sedan Full Power - Lie. H419314 1962 Pontiac Parisienne 4-Door Haedlup - 8-cyl. - Full Power - Lie,.1H19324. 1962 Mercury Monterey 4-Dune Sedain - 8-cyl. - Fuît Puwer - Lie. 644350. 1962 Mercury Monterey 2-Duneli4ardlop - V-8 Auto. - Radio -Lie,.1H17191. 1961 Vauxhaul Station Wagon Cîsmptetely Reeondilluîîed - Li.eX21568. __________ 1961 Vauxhaul Velox - ,- 6-cyli - Lie. _19528. 1960 Ford Country Sedan V8 Auto - Lie,.2X1567.________________ 1959 Ford Sedan AT VS R Lîne, 1H19099.__________ PROGRESS REPORT No. 1 ON BOB HASSARD MERCURY SALES LTD. NEW HOME FOR OUR SALES AND SERVICE CENTRE FOOTINGS ARE IN AND NOW STARTING ON THE WALLS I.q- PHONE 878-2815 BOB HASSARD 1MIRCURY SALIS LIMITED Main St. East Milton Next f0 Canadien Tire Merclurv - Meteor - Cornet - British Ford - Cars & Trucks NEED SOME CASH -FOR EASTER ? 0 Cati us for friendly and confidentiel assistance ATLANTIC 0 FINANCE CORPORATION UMITED 208 Main St. Milton 878-2855 C4Jet Roui Od LfFushiooed Service!]J WE SPECIALIZE ~~ SCARBURETION 0 & ELECTRIC SERVICE VARCOI'S AUTO ELECTRIC Associated With Motorcade Stores Ltd. 32 BRONTE ST.- 878-3661 Le vuitlf owesrmn orlvdoc i MVIL TON GREENHOUSES 429 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 878-9501 r jt~ ---- - - - ---- -- ----------- - - - ----- -- - -- - - - - - ------------- - -------------- ------------ ................ m lqumw ý ý

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