Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jan 1965, p. 5

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M.M.H.A. Hoùs. Leiliue By Bob Watklns HOCKEY ROUNDUP Tbere bave been more thon the PEE WEE BANTAM P oeto il usti nom ber of shuloutlsin Ne. Milton Lumber look, over sole Afler spottisg Milton De- P..RoetnGil ice pta.v o foib, is scason, and Possession uf third place in thc part ment Store a 3-0 lead, Green January 14 the, foltowing is a breotdown un ec Wee standings, by upending Fuels roared back to snare Lde'bg ige i ae the shutout specialisîs. Fay Plumbing 4-I. Buddy Thomas a 5-3 in by the dawn's catit earty ycki 250; ladies' biga triple, Lit W. Bradbury, Rebetahs .....3 tripted for the Lumbermen, with light. Rirk Gooiding and Gary Kaszycki 660. D. Roberts, Ponliacs ..........3 Ricky McTrash addinig a single. Nayter led the Fuelers attack Other good triples, Lit Kasz S. Watkins, Firemen ..........3 Jimi Sales and Dave MeKeRr scie weith acpairgof goalsteach and ycki 660; Joan Smith 585; Betty G. Hranev, Firemen.......... 2 the plas-makrs. John Anl eMCuaig coped thdelitherý-rak 55;t Paters5465. il. Wriggtesssorth, Cresi . 2 dunked 'a relav from Phit Cotesmcanig, nayte andith Brig: Norma Kitben w546. or14 W. Bekir, Firemen............11an"ci Don Lcslie 10 putllise Plant m arneIigorel ibeanuelt coima o. NrmaKSchltz 7os 72;for 14ts G. Susnowssi. Mosshravs ......1Crson lie scOrehoel. Gre'MthlMaulLmaoc chte o 2 ieas WilîI ss iits e t ils e o Paruas sin* ianid tac k Fetcher cuîînted lui,.5c ki, 5 or 8; Yvonne Tetsdae Wtill ou minutes ofîla li Mitoiiar lionotasho iýhe Clofihiers, ssilh BorrY Bedon, 7 lui 7; Majrte Murrayv, Il lue7; Miartv Cark 10 attinM oraylis-et Irad it uito *have Itdunlciat D-inoyv Eans garnerin' the as- Bers-t Gatun, 0O or 4; Kath Maretyairt-t d aic nith Rbe- Cteing roar back Io caim a 5-2 s i,%t. Coates. 2 tut* 2; Witlie Wilson, 0 Fiesa11scdokwl ee ictory. Neit Bradbury front Biltlor 2. ka oe . AyBi-sntsn hd lv Pas111eCarke, and Ricky Low fmom Bob Milon Police îussled Local 4970 owigBs Lodgrs he ari' lad.Say Brdbuv srrethe Druggist' igtdoma 10 the finalîbuzzerbe Henry gelsers. Benv Ni]holttdoob-fore îhey coutld ctaim a close 3-2r 1 seonder il' Rrhekahs are playing pýIot s decîston. John Perry made the Jnay1 possoîn until this Novice secin c fr1e Caterers, and combin- psi- wasfo oas b le sI 3Lldi iehs'igbtripeli as ect;îancd ed sith Kim Moontain Io sel p olpasndlysric olb Ahtety L ;adies' hightle, Alicae is baancedoutKen Mercer for a geal. Johns Vol pe c nd kirk Cotbe9k Little Ponîlars droppcd hart, Whetlihan sotord and passed lt efor. torhe tel nsolers her good single, Alice Mos- int fourîh place hehind Rehe- John Sproat for tbe other markýoer. rt Fr. he.. -ore, 24 kahs, as Ltte Firemen bandesir.GeorgefrWîmkîGnsonecornneeted on tey 24 the Motornen a 6-0 sefeat. Waste Slare of FIent pse omGog rsniak and Needie s won 2115 pins for Bekar, Maurice Curtis and Slev- Canadion Tire Corporation re- Danny Evans. 2822; is, 03 pins or 2 7677; Ste. Marie npliît he scoring choi-2 ineet a shareoftiri lac i silh Is-o markcî-s apiece, ansi Ciii.- he standlings h.' lanking Me- soîgSut,18 isfr235 li n aeAdro rwa-Csaig Innurance 3-0 and Haîtey G. A Pis. Ladies' Special sisîs. Steve Wakins earned bis Pickering sias Mr. Zero for Iis D.Mre- ........... 01 0Jnay1 third shuoto of the seassîn inth-, contes;. Kirhn' Munro, Roger A. Volpe- --.............13 5 18 Ladies' high single, Gladys Mc- Fireligh ters nets. Russies and Jack Robr-rtson ti- M. McGraîh .......... 12 6 18 Kersie 221; ladies' higb triple, Goalkeeping nias the ke fuctot lied tirr the Tirensen sith Roîvtes' D. Evans ...........7 5 12 Gtadns McKersie 605. inth Bec rolirsCetHad I0 lamig nasis. IiPP.MMart ........n..6..6 layso55 oIl: udev -in, th'cchBohesCosdoiîis li i mean assisi. TItis BGiddmsnsv.n.5.for.3...Aodrc7,i2 iaetilt, as Lar Strathiam -1051 night becs îOa im 1, omeît1 rdga . 47 or 30- Ethel, 2 lut- 25; Edes, 5 lor Howle Wrigglesssuî cm pJim Munrît for- 1he sas' hehai J. Pees'............ 4 7 18. 1BFeru ......6 419 siîb mans' fine ss'ss-ieIeitaken hold ut ibis club ansid eguon1.. . GI'îsvs îc;îm sinner of second trams hatîid 1 tt draw.Cee huuhtil fîîîm the ceclîr ifies; B 'Breton ........ 5 5 10 1 n.i' Fuit[- aggd te Bechcouite plce.G. Naser .......... 8 1 9 ,s-ss andi Graham Bratîshasiw incueSA.LeisI.......M.> .G.....'Jan9sOMisle the Creet score. G A Pt-, SCORING W. Emms.. 26 3 29 Knigbl's Mens Wear and Tri-. Ladies' higb single, Linda King G A P!;. B. Nijholtl......... 15 il 26 Count *v AIbtetie Supplies lradcd '293, ladies' higb triple, Linda W. Bekar.......18 3 21 B. Thomas 22 3 25 goals bock and forth untit taie King 609; mens, high single, Bill M. Ccrîis . 9 8 17 J. Arnold .........1 7 259in the lasi peeiud, sshen Murray' Deloresi 289; mens high triple, J. Kelman ....... 7 5 12 H. Meren.' .....15 7 22 Inglis complted a coination; Jack King 739. R.Hovcu 10 t Il P. Cohien ...... 13 22 [rom kirk Rowtcy and Ron Pal-; ie odsnln akKn M. Cairns...O.. 3 Il R. Rostes t.......1 7 19 iterson to give the Taitors a 54 269; Phit Cosîlson 260; Saeg Ber- S. Ste. Marie. 7 4 Il K. Manro . li........ 10 t ecision. Inglis hadt sel op Bob tasson 25h; Austin Hincuet, 254; S. Mackenzie 10 ( Io K Mountain .- 12 5 17 Cohlen for the fient goal of tbe Meevîn Defurest 236; Ceci] King H. Brvnkus . 6 3 9L.Wsn O 7 19gm and thbm Rowtey mode the 124;Reg Smith 228; Martene Mur- D. Robertson L. Wits8 n O.6....n......Tri-Coui caoe N.MwryD. Heîpel.........8 6 4 play for a bat trick '6-s PalIer- . Myossbs 2. 3 54 7 J ae J. Speuat ........ 7 7 4 sun. nteTiCut as, B.~~~~~~~~ Lon . 2 S 7JSae b 14 Gerrv Doncan bit from lobahn f 5 Kciîh Austin . 1 t6h 7 D.13.slie .......... 5 10 Ervin, and then pas cd to Doug VVIOINP P gviiie Navior for a goal. Jobn Agneif nuSo sSee passed lu Revin for a markcr.! OU COe Sffi ýadAlanvWatker tattied Iromý Milton Legion Bontams ssraek-: Ju lo . R s agh h p Dnd Ruovts-v. 'cd up the muni lup.sided svins ut IHarems Se tiones- rame out in- the nemsun shen tIbm truunce-d ssî%% th a lin, îeam cîtort tu Oî.îngevitte 18-0 un Satorday esc-' Dow n H anover H uriricanes liii a v Il varned sictuen rom; ing i la o.Tpsori h Bac o a 5Vitr c r Hanoser on thecsse.knd pespelied top pt.îced Lcdsith Food Maîrk- imre %%a% Dunnie H cacasns 'ho teMilonMerhntJnir i the ctghtb and I s; play s'ot jets. Maurice Cansidy tipped la a blintrd the lgb t nesc limes lue, n OHA. Central Junior 'C' standings. The Merchants entered I bc passosit [rom Gcrrv Devlila lui'Milton. Ted Huod, Rickv Cule, sseek'n pay lied toruencoînd tant placc lu the Il îcam c.îgue. bu t aopen the scuring siliisone min- and Mike McGratb eacb cuunted 5- in over Hantver un Friday and 5-tsictory over the samne club cte ut ptav, and troiben on the h,ît iricks. Jack Suîee' round- on Satueday hoosird the lbraIs gant Brantford and Hanover mbt Stationers coustdn't be denied. P.cdoItecunglrbew- the ighîb 'spot. According 10 t eague pîayoff sysîem, the top Cassidy and Bob Hetberinglon1 nees cii l a pair of markers. cighîtrams ai th, endi of the ergota r seanon, %vili compete in te popped a pair apiece with Des-1 Miton assisisnt o P aut, leagvîe plaviosens. The Enlo Sclisizzi soavhed toais bave tl gamn lin, and Tom and Grant Gooding, Mountain 141, Danid Gales 141, lefti n their 32 game schedute anti are presentliv nvo points ahc'îd a 5f ige. sit ettoTdHu 2, ik oe( ninth plc Hanoser. ' Destin (3). Hetheringion,' 121 Mike c' Gralh (2), Ken Porion Huwesee, the Mechants are unis threce points bock utfsen tIiAies Finnie. Maurice Ca',sidv, 121).tnd Dave Mortev, Rus Me- place Oirangesille anti unis ise pois hehind sinlb place GeorLL- Brion Cote and Rîîss Moutais.I1 Kernie and Bîîb Rîîbnn hait o tusse. Filîh place Dondon is olso sithin rcacb, an; thev bave îînîv, Andy Berry' and Rope Coflen con-,single annint cacb. 22 poinssîn ix mure îh,în Miltoîn. Statis tiCs an simpileci hv Mcrrav nerted for the Supser Savrsuon Whistler ire .î, f0isiois:Y passes from Siens B rown anti * * *Grant Wiliamsos. CENTRAL OU.,A. jUNIOR "-C", Senrng TELEPHONE ilneludtng gantes of Jan, 17) G A Pis. W L T F A Pis.A* Berry ..............878-99621- Simce ..........- 16 5 O 143 61 52 R. Ctemcnts ......... Il 3 14' 8 8 9 6 Nes ahîg-l 2 9 32 R' Cotes ......10 3 13 Hespeler ........... 14 7 0 114 84 2 R L More 7OS TAX Preston .13..9. .. 142...134...286 Mchil............9 2 Il RIGO S T X D13n . l 9 12 1310 2 M'. Mijoîe. 7 3 10 Georgetsîn.............. . 1 9 0 8 1 1098 22 G. Duncan . ..... 6 4 10 Courteous - ReliabIe Service 13 retm ..... ...... 1 0 1 0 8 2 B' McTranh ....... 55 9 0 ' Day or NishI Orangesilie 9 il I 99 90 19 Hmsn 5 Miînvr. ........ _ - 8 O1 0 108 1 22 lb 'E. Ferrv ...........54 i91320 WOODWARD MILTON Hoantorr ..... ....... 7 15 o 85 36 1 4 J.Agncwn ...'...t.... O 89 ___________ BPa fri s i..... .h......6 159 ( 97 115 12 P.îris. . . . . .9 5 1.5 O 61 124 10 ____________________________ MILTON MERCEOANTS t Inetudlng gantes of Jan. 16) GP G A Pis. PISM Diet, MarsboIl 21 17 1- 20 29 Roger WiIsiiing ........ 20 12 15 27 10 Leon Stickle ...... 17 10 15 25 37 Jim Keune ........... 18 8 lb 24 20 Brion Bond ............ 16 til 7 18 8 Dase Fien ice 18 7 il 19 4 FauI Legî'ec e . 21 5 12 17 32 Joc Hore. . . 21 5 il 16 27 Bruce MeDotte ........ 16 8 6 14 34 Aloan Reid ..- . .. .... 21 8 S 13 25 Alois Boushard...... 17 6 7 13 46 Craig Brush - ........ 7 b 4 10 lb Merv Fietchvr -...... 18 3 7 10 116 John Foches...... ............ 13 0O 59 5 359 kmn Berioli. . . 20 0 4 4 90 Bill Andeessîn 3 1 3 4 h Steve Gervais a . 2 0 0O 0O Pele Stemmans. . Il 0 O 0 21 Front, Maesbluri 10 O il O 2 'Misiget Ployer - "Javenile Ployer SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL NOW RENT PAY OFF 1ITO NEl ALL YOURT1 MOST peaple need etra cash ai Ibis tînt. a> year. Man>. people prefer la RENT the cash lb.>. need front Crescent. When you RIENT mas.>. frmntCreenent you con combine atl youe bis into oae *any ntonthly payesent - suited ta your budget. How do yen RENT ntoney? - Phono. write ae woîk int any Creenent office and tell the Manager yau want la cent enough mon.>. to pa>. off ail your bis. Thon yau witt have ont>. one easy ntonthty paymeont. RENT mone>.? Yen, t's the ntadern way Io eseet your mono>. needs, Wben you cent, there's no need ta foot opotogetit becoune we respect 00e custonters and their roanons for rening . . . with most of 001' custantors, wec don't oves ask why tho>. are retisg mosoyt There'snona ed tape, jusI aci sple crédit requirOeet. CAN you thisk of an mster, or safor, wO>. t0 puy off «Il youe bilts? tUse the bond>. "Money-Rentor" coupon belose and salve your mono>. protatens the modern way. t~7 12at 11. tetes> -10'w * Add o. , .................................... titi65 B2 assitus 6iti -:~.,,,1.01~j4.07 ta 555113 42.00 ffurcant Lunancff D. V. MACDONALD, Manager, 181 Main St. E. Phono 878-2171 Pro-Arn Action Features> The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay an. 2Otb 1965 - 5 Close Garnes, Hat Tricks PWKce crsro Alin Claremont and Bill Bar-,- George Cbintîotm and Gary Milton Rotary Midgeîs loppled Jim Cole belped up one. Cralg boîtrecc manai bat tricks tu Bsînch eoch scored once and as- 1fr-ont russisg Brampton 4-2 ta Brusits% goalt'from Gary Mounlain top tbe scorers in Pi-Am aielitn sisin- went ini Buck Gervais, Gaory it exciing Tri-Countv Midgeî rry in lte f1naI period put the Ibis secet. E,îch uftheloet mir Esiicli, Oise Piltlips, Teet Ton- gome' in Miltounun Sunday aller- gaine oui of reoch for the visit' conlesîs playerd mas ctotriy eciiasnd George CbisboIm. G ord nos Ara MeOsffes font skating ors, but Msîsds- ncored ai 12.13 to fougbî and the wicsî goal Gree asd Bilt Hamiton scored Rotiass eer neyer bebind in make the final roulai 4-2. Offic, spread was Brush's 6-2 sinaover for the tuners and assissment ibe conîrsi as' tbcy dominaird mzils catîrd 16 penalties tn theb Turner. In other action, Ca-nt'al Jackn Dumio nmd Gtice the play and cieorty earncd the gamne, nine su Milton. lopped McTeach 5-2, Hitîz dowss- Grer. siciory. Multon's fiotlhome of tbe reg- cd. Fus 6-4 and McTrsîch derîs 'rlreu Goalns High scuring Jim Cote hongcd ularse nhestute is iaird for Sus- o 53 sicision univ-r Kmsnerviî. 1Bilt B;î'bours ' thcee gols ansi -n a FPaul Kitehen pans-oui ai thesaV aiteenîsn mut 2.30in Milton, Aln Caremn' harîtrickta:sitiiglcýtrhum Tees Tîînei' j c 45secondtmark othe fisntpr'i sitetilire locsal, 11-1 Preston !one sispis'sI Clin' k, it t iN,tttsndlitte' Nichlîison î m-c ii iiit.ui iillilitin nuil, fini Ililiz .1 64 s%%.tluts e t'tsn 'is urMoeny e lilIe scssrc luerBrantît- Dssîtmssn t(2) andtsiTçei Tsîneili 1011heloe thecendsîlfte periosi. 'St, do,'tthts, t , 0111%sisnt ton 229; Bilt Pegg 223; Haoîîdj-drew ssnt 1fouer te wi nners.ilisflite second traîme PFul Ktsh-issild 1t1: ' lic i al'iititt3 Morion 222; Don Wilson 217; Mci -Te're-Bmîerrdoîshd ic t d John en tatird lîvice su put the ocals PUIts-iltîtrier 40 vears ofi 00e die Dae.ies 216; Stutart King 211; HarB an s-ir lre cacb la front 10 niay. Marty Seedn tf iiotku. ['seis ciildiet bas-e old Goselsnd 204; Gîrdoîn Ha-crin, hiinkcd ibe ight ontce for the! iigcred in iîsîi scîîring pîa vs and Iteeîî kiitîisîii ve sul-ohme. 203. 1 lonecs. Steve Kijanha drew a, Dîher good triples, Bilt Drior- pair of' sîsiss ansi Wuvne Fusx est 712; Sarg Berimîsson 666; Ceeul heipesi oeilioce. King 653; Mervin Detorent 640; Single billet Iron At eln- ton ~ ~ ,v e11.s.. .I I RE C Austin Hincock 620, Hareold Mur- son, Ted Kennedy, RickMeDeýS 3. L WE C ton 61 trier mnci Hup Emms and ai Aust!in Hiscork swon 5 for 60; dubtuc F GR CERY STOR Glen Leeming, 2 for 58; Ceciil s ta a res- An >clie gase rý F UIT and R C Y ST E Ring, 5 for 58; Reg Smith, 2 toc, Bill Brîush eiried [lire assts 58; Jack Ring, 5 foe 56; Me]l1 lue bis teans and Haîrold Tim- Dasies, 2 for 55; Stuamrt King, 0' brn, Rik Desnlami er, Ast Mci-' FInn is Ip Large Julcy luer 52; Bilt Dci sîesi, 7 use 9 1. nissn mînsd Ted Kennesis smus une. LETTUCE SWEET ORANGES eoels. John Wuiliîîuîî ,aîd Bruce, Holy Rosary Bell çoîedmifsr the îsîsîng Tas- 2 Lge. Heads 35e 49c Doz. Juisuar% 14 uer sqsuad snd Bsrvce Bell. John i Ladies' bigh sintgle, M. Emmer- Wittînsîîî,snst AI Titinec gîiîed Fn No, I sua 232; lmadies' bigh tripler.' uninînlue the lutrins. GREEN CABBAGE SPY APPLES Emmerson .599; mens higb single., In the clissent eun test lo Ite 20C HEAD 79c BASKET P. Vaawan Rousv 303; mens bhigh cîetk,. Gleus Dance, Doit Wilson,1 triple, C. Vsndi't Broictk 75 1. osîuit Mecîseheun. Bob Soirýs 016cr flood singles, A. Windmoi- and Johns White eush sred GRADE "A" MED. EGGS 3 doz. for $ tee 231; J. McPhie 223; M. Beive-stusse ausMeTtîcîs s pped Kmîîee-' uere 284; P. Vmnsenbeus-et 281. susl 53. Bent Aisserehet,. Doug Iod SuaI /211.Ibt in 016cr gfi triples, M. Belîrc McCsîîulcin Mike Bîssghtsn sînsi RED SOCKEYE SALMON---- .....------------ 49C titre 704; H. Vanndenhesisct655. GtmeiBlech he-iptcsout un Blusserns won 5 for 74; Bemîles. 7 tise MclýeTui imul îsPedsied A LN'c'M A av O - 9 i for 67; Bumbeen. 2 litr 58; Jokers, Was sueMeConneli însd Vie Augeer K MLN HONM A ae1Oc--- 9 i 5 lue 58; Sun-ut-z-Gunn. 2 tue 54; coeu"d lite Kanesvs ansd Vis Jets. 5 tuc 4h. Sîs,tteîn. Ol'us 3'lAuges.-fiiPeuile- sandRa% Kun- FIRST QUALITY NYLONS ------- - ----39C pair What Nuis, 2 foc 30. et-t leusisliitisse IT'S F WILD BIRD SEED FOR THE BIRDS! - 5-lbs. 55C 50-ibs. $5.25 SUNFLOWER SEED 3.lbs. 49c (,ltHARDWARE TR 8-6011 MýION Parisienne Ctstaom.qport Coupa the inew Iook orsf e s ,..'5PONTIAC Pontiac 10 exitingly nuw and différent tItis yeur. And more luxurious tItan user, With ita strîking news tyl. ing, steeker, toweur profile asd majestic nese griBle, Canada'a kommean Car han nutulone itseîf Itrautifoît>. for 1965. And khem'aso murh more than gond looks to Pontiac'a auccusa etory. j[Ve the buot Itandling, smootheat eiding, enomient and moat enofortable Pontiac yet, A suw uxtra-strength purimueter frame, sue wider tract,, nese suspension and ateeeing are juot a few of the things that make this the greatnst Pontiac evur, Mer induud ta the nuw look of auccuan for 1965! Be sur@e osmatch "'Teleacupe" and "fhe Raniis," ns-n n,nwinq on teienision. Check ltaa listings far turne and chusse>, AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN MILTON: Milton Motor Sales Limited 388 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. TR 8-2355 Ese rMaple Leaf Lean Poek WIENERS SPARE RIBLETS 43c IL 4-lb. for 99c Peanteal Lean Bull BACK BACON PORK CHOPS 69c IL 43c lb. MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 3 lb. for $1 .00 PHONE FREE TR 8-6043 RESTIVO'S DRLIVERY CRFAM 0F TOMATO SOUP CHEF SALAD FRENCH DRESSING $10 TURKEY WITH CRANBfRRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRE MIXED VEGETABinE PLUM PUDDING FOR RISERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 LI1DO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONEO Milton --------------- 1 1 5 $1.00 FRIES

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