Hi Crne sA APRflvAL. i The Carradian Champion, Wcdnetday, Jat. 2th, 1965 B5 HgConYelo Nowadaîs, au au'r arms and in aur homes we ore depeding ' Early PIa-nting is Effecive righttl cit at our dC a sh ,Fee e d r p Date af ptaetiag praoets car-j igher total dry mater content. cure taet orkeume i dSe d C op f.riris surettfyorne gvevot Ca ried u00 n ttheamsa roStIterme ofi uhisîets aigrata crrnprsrc.i aenegv o,~i h m Harris Mittaon RR. 6, and Pete prpr acre-, the eit plated iel- -ae apptinerefor- Chrismus that Soi Co ve to h m McCarthyv, Georgetown RR3,1ed 75, andth Ie taie plueting, 39 vIse titur tis CSAlag ontil aracd Il~ ilt~ala~ a cri- oiset, dr Ia.-e it isicccîd hs Pt e tiulra S Ogr h mcneei ioudP, planting iof corit.AI PeeMcCaîrivis, IeM lvIf)1hconvention dri. r i Ctap lmp m ' .h-lcds hi cisad I ParL Cernt s u ets c ac i o lne lami tt iitii etled 1.8 tua fsi tiil - Ii tuePaitk, Tom i) ativ2 %Vas pcîred at thr-ee dates fta ge, 5.8 louis dry inat ter, The Jliter ioii 29. eurty May ta early bue, 14 ptunig ielcîrd 18.8 tons situ f, ItIhetitre. Mteclrutriie l At rak aric, ur paee.1e Comart .ie shai s u gei ruleE ymtregrr yr 27, the ittemeis "Ca-lt, Feeit anil INSURANCE ae May 11yietdd t tnaiC10 r6i rohes ra ras -îea eecessits, ta eli et he ,c raps. ago . osctdry m'aiie cure wcre 104, and 72. riskof -nl b - iminaîr geltha e eC ar. Cor lne'o oi 1 Sevrl mer i lonan iOn hrly mitreing, Sîtil. o m (s rvmaterpe are.elj i.,,, ar r le ... ..... . ...E....iteliliotEo.R. R. FORD -UeCa pio iiitsllic i lelc tr!,MiltonOnt. TR 035.7 "TH4E CEREAI. SlELP" mas the topcdiscussed bv Ha!ton Couety 4-H Homemaking Club nicm- bers aI the 4-H achievement day on Saturday. Achînveinînrt amards mere presenled and handy hints for prcparîng delicîvus breakfasts mere g yen by te varices speakers. Six girl s receivcd County Honor Certificates. Girls mîro recetciA certîtîcates sera Doreen Fisher of Scotch Block, Diancie PelI of Palermo. Shomn standing are Lyrda Inglehart ni Palerîtîn, Mary Ander- soc af Scotch Block and rene Keir of Silvermosi. Susani Harringlon, mito also received a County certificate, mas absent aI the imc aofte phrtD. They are shoyas mith HaItons Home iconomist Mrs. K.Cossom, Drama Festival, Annual Meeting Plan ned by Halton Junior Farmers The Jluurs meting ut Hal- ton Jr. Farmers Cartels Boasrd sas hetd ensIe ODA. offise, Mittn onanuears . Ihere was a vers- goal ttenduece tram tIre foar local Jassos Fat mir claIrs AII-.CunuilmnRA wards ladcude Areu Cttie Four Hllue Holstei eeier, sure numed te the aneolsecemený ut AI-Caaiaeucarîs for Ho:- steies, reteasect thi s ceek. H. Craig Reid f ailStonllo girerecersi. A-Canadiias avss i te the proluie oaiclam ci,c rilh a clt tsom Pocsh EtmLrssli Grace. A. H. McKaee, Georgetownv hal the Al-Csessciaejunosr svari ieg hall, Emeraldle Citat in Cames, oneJoint ovceescsypwit Forest Le Faims Lt Honoriable mentions ccciii ii Tihotm Cita tissn P ssii, ir, hv Arnoldt Fish tsI Oikilsie.ii the twov-ear-utcI hall cs. Ast- Clairdale Citation Jake, su edîlbh Gardait R. Sitair out Brtinglii su-ar AIICariciae sn tIr encior sciartiets hall umpelisisir. A total ut 90 ueimaslc hue secee prieus, the U.S.A. Meia,, and Argetina. ssci e no- mnieted for Ati-Cue s.tian sosid, ratue, The iudyec iof the lad ieg Caeadiae shocws slcrt,,lci sii AICaadiae oeil a Rcervein. s vach ai the 14 regata arcýhstiiscc es as surît as asailisg 21 assimal, Honorahb7leetion. le Hzillotiti. l i ss the on' l, ofteventstot'lteSicî Ye.îî. Fit cionste rliithlIe Dtiae Fectiltlv irefieldcI sas ititt 24, in the Militis liii Schoo.l e-sc aj- ieelti.ttiîe 1550 t tlhic %er\hlst he iPlaimit andîAu- isnliteitit-,iti irccnlibthiing titre ectI. Thicylat.t iihigi.iiven- liii lI,ýt urte etîre laiuI New Offleers March 3li, thedais-cet fur thre cetcîons ut cccv office]-, forr196- 66 ai the aeuaul meeting in tIre As-s tit traI Dlfice. Miltcon. Att Juiorut are ivs tedtolitted S.varc, uicîl Ie pieenetu ouiititi ta ci, iienii- l iltI i t-l ing. TIre Ort,,c\vtl i eîle î curhiy I HALTON SUPPLIES MITO .....................PHONE TR 8-2391 GEORGETOWN. --.-----------------PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN ------------. -------------------- PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES: Bouk wire fence requirements durung the month if January end save. On al wire finie and fece requrements bookid during January for delivîry in February and March a discount of 5% will hi îllowed. Steel products sh as wire fence and roofing bias eein inrîaied and th sve where possible w. hav.e arrangid fi rîcîlve our wire stocks îîrly and by sa doing we are paîsing this saving on te you. -sec tire meerberri frsomntaliors titcal itIrs u ,IIIl t lcir c hooI 10lie IrebeVIs ltr01 s v2(t Provincil tCoference Thre Mssclît.ti eIl Ille Prov iciattlîsuniorFatiner A-cus ii s ion % il Irliei l titi 'atls 95, 6, andî 7 uit tIe camtputstlsie Uit ciii tsi siilltl. AIt illotnt juiitiss,,arcssimite.ltu attenIis iti-ketLil (I le lissesC,risCL- ting- andi dancte, ansIa iss u srnout hum H.stue Cocintv c especied. TIis %eari, Hlloe Juisor Fret- isc sic planntingtgu hld a semi- lus nul clasce in Aprit. The date il Apit 23 ha,svheetsset lor the Fehîrtr iceeing l Csoets Bisasdil] ire IrelcIonste Ehrtîsa s 3, ,sî 8.30 in tlIe ilD.A. (lliie, miliin. 1 RDNOW1 PROVINCIAL 4-H CERTIFICATES were presenteJ Io sx young Halton County ladies at the 4-H Achievement Day in Milton on Saturday. Mor han 120 yousg ladies and 18 club leaders attesded the achievement day at the Williams Avenue high school. Shown after they receiv- ed their provincial certificates are, standing, Doris Moffat of Nassagaweya Club, Betty Anne Browas of Lmehouse Club and Mary Moffat of Dublin. Shosan standing are Laura Howden of the Scotch Block, ,ludy Neweli of Scotch Block, J-ay Ptersn ofI Liîîeitouse and Halton Counlys Homne Econonîist Mrs K. Cossovi. ~ ~ U E USRE;U> why woit? Don't get caught n the leUpl Maybe yoo c a ltl hr fcsC s <~% becase $4326in your poliet NOW ot you jyaao$174 i nersrp yus$15D0O 16macth far 3 macths.)Smer ecar?$2884 cuts Bi] only $1.16 Interest repay $10 a mac h far 3 mac hs. le s worth it ...no lie-up... no lit minute rush for plates! INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED OAKVILLE PORT CREDIT 103 George St. 361 Kerr S. 103À takesore Id. L. 845-3803 845-2888 242358 A. m . Mason R. M. Maon I1. G. (rosier Offies Opn. 940- 5:30, Frldoyi 'iii S-0 Ope. 9-00C. 530, Fridepi 'tii 7411 AND SAVE YOUR METAL 50/o DISCOUNT I20' TO 500 OFF ENTIRE STOCK 0F' tS-H-O-E-S WOMEN'S - MEN'S - CHILDREN'S ALL WELL KNOWN MAKES Menas and Women's Curling Boots BY KEN WATSON AND EBNIE RICHARDSON 0 McHALE 0 JARMAN 0 NATURALIZER 0 RED CARPET 0 WHITE CROSS 0 SAVAGE ETC., ETC. AND LUGGAGE BY *Travelgard Ob Skyway THE WHOLE FAMILY SAVES WHEN YOU BUY AT MILTON TR 8-3501 BRAMPTON 8 Queen St. W, Ph. 451-2306 ANNUAL MEETING o f the HALTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HE8W IN THE BOARD ROOM of the ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE 181 Main Sit, Milton ON FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1965 AT 2 P.M. MRS, G. E.READHEAD, Secrelary. ORDER NOWI 71tI4 i7ine .szo0j IFARM [FENCING NEEDSi ON YOUR AND ON ORDER DURING JANUARY FOR DELIVERY IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH AND EARN A ROOFING SUPPLY1 Steel products such as wire fonce and roof- ing have been increased and to save where pas- sible we have arranged ta receive aur wire stocks early and thus we pasi the saving an ta *ULNE FENCE GATES * POSTS *BARBED WIRE * STAPLES' * GALVANIZED WIRE SAVE ON ALL FENCING NEEDS METAL ROOFING STEEL ROOFING ALUMINUM *ROOFING $11 .00 PER SQUARE $1200 PER SQUARE 10 T025 LS 10 T025 SQUARES LES 5% SQUARES LESS 5% 25 OR OVER 25 OR OVER SQUARES I U/o10 SQUARES LESS 10% ira l