Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 1964, p. 6

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t Iota . r a . 'o..his CLASSFIED Ifl Mmorim ForSaleFOR SALE (ContIns.d> FOR SALE (Continued) FOR SALE <Continusd), Hep ane Fr FOR SALE-Gosisgs, Embden FOR SALE - Mails, Town tof FOR SALE - Gossd seed corn best ADVERTISING McCLURlEIn toimenfotrv FOR SALE... 54' contental Pii87isscross, B. S. Jeisek, R. Milles, Cut f Haltoe, aise pays for itseif, sO ibis year, wtSy HýELP WANTED-Maie or le FOR SEpNT-Portabe a'Ir csm-' Our of my dodr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e gelei liabe bMet iher .s TIRi maie4 c-3-424 Gr2,eenlseesepona,7-16.Haunan TEtui&presscînt ettrbstthr78-3508. cmae.-3iiy re-4298-' Peser 17835f andWf n RATES CILire wlshs ias.ed aseay May ŽLFRSE-Bc-c5-4-4011 Availihie at isel2sspn have a smal stspplp of extra P'it> 8-6438. c-3-4-4283FORRT-Pse frc- 3i, 1963. FOR lAE 15 eeo o-- ice, 191 MainlSi., Milieu. eer.lCalil or se uis now. Rayeer .-H FOR______Pastuefo__t Woneclai rireacries oi onee sa vertile. FIR 8-6609 --30 FR AE e 4'6" suiih c-41-3388 Bras., 878-3205.e c-3-4106 HELP WANTED -Pari-lime tle. BurHngon NE 44M8. *deju. ieadlsoard and box sprisgs and ____S___fo,_____inha.TI . >322 C TacdCII îîîîîcc. FOR SALE-23" 1962 Admirai malirese. goule as new. 878-2116 FOR SALE-New chesterfieldi FOR2 SAEalgtmii elpfr 8puiin in 3-427 FS R RE- ___ Racines,__ garnies BIRTHS, DEATI4S. MARRIAIi- TV, fisc es. 878-6844. c-34-176 c-3-4290 mnd .htir; eleciric stlecs; refri- ,equipment: siaisieus steel dairy mai____rd.T 8 W ES.ENGGEENT - a1I c tat.,ills vcg cl. FOR SALE-Signe ef ail kieds. -FOP - SALE --Addng machines, gaers'crmcsis dress- pails, siraisers, bars fans and 68L AF'a aie e rfre.F -3- 305 charge.~~~ ~~~ y ic dcl,,diaittgl Ray Gaay, FR 8-2150. c-32-3008-li typeerriterx, fer sale or reniai, nire,3 Mie l eSi., Macod' o-fr adae eac oln edieiakas re xpat 8 s Fiîat~L ad M rile Lele. Phne TIR 8-962, Harrim Sta'lneîc,3 Mi tAts son, R. R. 1, Itsleweod, No. 10 Halles Creamery, Millon. 'FRRENT-asiore lansd. Se- FOR SALE, FOR RENT, ETC.-321FRALSoirakfrNe. c-6tli Ib-48-339 Highway ai Victoria. Teleidione c-3-4281 p-Po 3,TeCndinCus parnc urisc 1ere15 er. Sa esDegeIrci. R -648 FOR SALE-956 Meteor 1959 H3-24 c-5-fHELP WA'NTE - setoc5Ol -3-4247 par esard ~ L clivaitor TLRNFRIc ndttchttidmii eleas1c-3-4311 FOR SALE-Briggs and Sirai.IV5esisaii Cresia. We aise isay __________ _ mauldars oniy faitl qoaiifisd FOR RIENT - 6-ruons spart-- Soheqru isrctes <s ay c Mas'J.Tctcc, eie FR AL-55Meco. on5 rotary puecer mtsser, 22" 31go d cars, erucks and t rac- peopie nced appy. Phone for ap- ment, nul far frun town. FRS8- Susqetisrin n ovýeM r . Iaps O AE eer oyh.p., 4 cy.ciic R8-9412. em.d938 ciscegesl - *75c mie, chc. or; cd .atî,t MIv 31, 1952. fair, mtscer excellent. TR 86563. cors Ope TE. aily xii 9 P. mAI poisn ei ad Chxia u 15 scords. 5c pur erd thcr- A-.tilotoiisaag secret iaat. c-2-4194 _________ c-3-4268 Mfalt Moters Moitai, 854-2553. ,5ane daetL. 878-t4t Cmc-3-n.43". ALE-48p'shugsuv lir icra O SLLveDue akr WAN-4E% - Trsprio 10 HELPNED-Rural bouse- heaiteru v41h feusane-vice Phone atterles.ayficegea FOR SAL 48pg,7vek pamir, model No. 250. compinsa FOR SALE-Ysa milili ls boy. Brampston front, Milles and n:- wives! Avon Cosmeties offers ilton Hydr. TIR S2M4. e-tf 2,5c discount aiicsscd for cash 1 i t ia,ccsaltag aitld. William Real, IIL 4-2354 . milîs moar. Phono FR 8-2538. g yorbidn -. il.adlu al.88313 ---37 xeln ann potnt payrnient. Su el or c l. ii segk poarv c-s-d2ng ma3e427s "n osdiy 7-13 ---37 sele ass pot orvî c e ti lt --2 ~celai ai Craford's, Campb-ell. -ATDT U s,_ï-fryu okn n yu lv O RN - aet,1118tis FOR SALE - Ciras oheat FO AEMcKe barvester. ville. Ouick service. High qaa- WANg E TOi c Bhaira, ingn dit- for peay we iss Iou owsg Frg 'S'ceF3on, pt:eairse, COMINO EVENTS, CARS 0F Lasîttai i ieinî t -ecd lîs Lena siraer 40c bisae. TR 8-9326 afier euth pipes; Masee Fergusoxn 9- le.PhuCsphivii U Bioremxhiri141,osdi cm usl'.Wiue Misl.pehlre ichn Ointt.tace THANKS-.SI tac liras fle fin and Chli la nd graodeaoe 8 P m. c-50-2-3966 plaie i-way die, 3-peixi Ilich. 12232 c-36-171t-1 ion. Chapi TE 8-9145 weehends. c-3402 Bon 14.GepOt aat np S866,c3247 ex. t0c fcr each addlllcvalltin. Chtarles, Alîradl and Haoward. Ph R837 c.8 ~ FR SL c-3-4310 c--85 FOR SEINT - PFutuare fr2 tN MEMOEIAM-Si pies l0a pr -3-4291 FOR SALE -3 Colie pups, pihole 10ma 8-987 a3-2d4 WANFED-We- isoya boxd etdWPIead of gaucle, ruaalng wter. faeevre ila amd wite Phoane R 8- FOR SAL-8cor N.H.A. pMnepperdytavlamn fine of verse._____ 9361. c-3-4300 issngalotw, garage, rxtra plomb- Plavie. todividuai tomais plants cars, trucks and traclers. Opus Mseniay IavlaogT -78,MiadnadBn C SSFE IPAR AL-isg, plus mass' extras. $12,500 or 1n Jicf pos, entra earip. Henry dlaily until 9 p.m. Moift Motors, cesmr s Hats C sy.c46 ESAT-1.0pa cl mt. ars ofTFOR SALE-1962 Fairlase 500, isest aller. FR 8-2028. - c-52.4117 C'rr, Flerisi, KilbIside, TE S- Moffat, 854-2553. c-3-4297 Permanentlreseection welblarg CLASID IperclAS. RFch. L ad ofThns fpeiu we,200mie.-2-41 viD -Fr Mo Gl' manafacturer. gny elac HOUSE FOR RENT - nanis ipreiacetesr, 409 mils 613.c-22.421 WNFE - er Mllo Gils'hosier ros.idcred. Ser or w-rite TR 84481. c-3-4312 FOR SALE- Pyramid Travel-l lBcples 2yasadM.H .McoglCril.Lrebikhmi eteo BOX NUMEER le itis offi,ce Ni,,î, ilrank, il, frîcîltis Trailer, rqoipped'with totes- FURE SALE - Car, trucks asti Pp asd piee>1 er an d Mrf.W.MooualCri lare biric om, la ceairecut Z3c adidilicsai. ai ttc, titis,,, , sa' i ît krdee FOR SALE - '55 Char., V-8, Illih. Eeqnirr Aies Bara-nil iraclar tires. nom and used ovn act For 8.riser c-3-orma 84c, tiow hal eivn mto ente, reccp- e s , a". diltn ta tc-.v 'I" n ha-pt- cstndtcd, geet condition. Moet Mellat, one eeahasd. c-4246i 2.09 Kelly Spsringtfield tire inL cettiar FR 8.48 ,3248 Beaaty -lionr hll, iving lream ,pw dinin cicais, ail sizcs, iser prices; fiais WANFED -Rida tuec HEL -ea lsse rntand uches ierpse- P ;.,l A qitcsîti tlî,î l)cD. M,-self.i TE 8-9810. c-3-4289 FO A ECceemteda1ied 3; ebee bixeEuiîdVgeiaile Focs, Hureý yte fr aurs tmae opswsfoeocr DEADLINES .1,,,, madec drt- Il Etaiccet opndro ClssfedAvet,'gFOR SALE-"Nasv Ides' muer- paries. Samplac di'.plas'ed lein09 We 'have souffia-ru an hs' dails' ta leave Miltun 7.30 ieg furn matar l eromes y and baeh- Doube ara Feril i2NevWanavî.,c la, nori Hcpid, laclî c VA' Ma-cas' Ha vi 4-b r u hume. Frac etimates. Cail'bistries fer rest cars and cdrlri ..T 96 tcst'ls trl lriuy s ah obegeg.Ast cîsiidDlv&Ra ,,te 347 ere(ak vn.rkeA. 7-3313 . -3'4287 Jette Draperies 878-2513. . h sc. Milteon Tire asti Radialtor - c3.44Fesa.diiitiwr.N en s. d t 5istIe Dî.a & eai c.t 327 Uag 3ttk tttc ____ c-5244074 Service, 191 Mtll St., TR 8-2711. perieneeseedrd. WC erili trais foe roomers our large limalp, 1 pý,l se. Tesdty,,i l,sitî 1cltîtsl, FOR SALE--4-isuroer Iect-ic -ORSL -SigrSaean c-S0«5-tf WANTED-Live pout-y, gnnse s'eu le shouw Avun Cesmetice R -25 haiî,cî tl, S,. McCueir a n stltcacs; Thour aeumaiic la-oee; FO AE-Sse-Slsadand dock feathers, feaiher iicks. Wrilc bye. A. Colins, 41 Camp- R825 Phone TR 8-2341 \fi.l, i:i c ,,I lita tl , cc i 1951 Aue-io. 878-667. c-3-4272 Service, reoiai macines, service FO A EHigisesi prices. 96e cali. Write I. bell Dr. Brampto, Oet., or rail] C-3 R. XV t ' l 3ttIi p la c le t ail maire otf seteisg machin-I F RS L Zeser, 776 Collage Si., foreont, 459-2156 Irelleeti. c-3-4242 _____________ i, tl î,î lc. ntt ecdatîtîg tte FOR SALE - Asparagus at est. Cali Fared bille, FR 8-9541. nor phouse ceileci LEsttus 5-0724, -- lunpst,î Vî.t tic lt,,ttlc la Ras Ontario Trac Fruits, Limitedt,370 c-48-3378-lI an igsHUdsen 5-2030. c-51 6 Tise Cacaienc thisscn DI D0.ti. Chne Gîild, Edîhiac ITt25 -28 FOR SpALE -Allrac1ie A-hed Philips Tape Recorder- HELP WANTED SINGER N victîs.My28h 16ýCIlet iced FO ALE-Feuor c ddisg reem, bickc bungaleow, vanityl Mtaa29 l 50 acres, suitable fer a chtid- MALE OR FEMALE N for, Hallersi pnvc R ece iL aismisestrma , Mcrdo]e Fer cae permanent casopsite in SEWING MACHINE ~ c341' Vi lta ,îcc 69 King SI., TE 8-9579. c-52-2-4107 olcels' isodscaped yard, vaga- -.ciîitte ît, Hîltue. Recteite ample mater. C O" krlkTps BornMOiv itiin i taable gacdeo. 125 Rohisweed' ASKINO2 $125.00. parîly mmsded. hydru, iettisad. CORRESPONEN pa-y,~Lt~ ALS-SRVC c FOR SALE-OaaeiiIv ef radar Cree., Milles, phoe 878-9919. Rcply tu Box 175. Burlîsties. Oslarie -wvsdo ewe ervice ru- asti pacle, 4" ttt41V diamater. WilII c-2-4229 I Cati 878-3624 b-48.2-318 qlaires part-lfimie perus for RE T I es C LTeR Co r t(tec MtD- C--49 daIîs'r 6ie Pau. s-64teady merh. Duliee include ah-la Ls'ssof Cttelcll Alca. 15, i Cmn EVet taisien istgal information frem PHONE TE "MI6 fric pleasedti ses. teceetire bttI , , Oil FOR, SAEMnaoi- bel- 1CAMPING TRAILERS ' ____-tdn3 JbWne Registry Office.18 ileî tît'tattrand tsattsled 2-lur- Camîping, lugsage and bosat'SuetJbW ne o had, sert-hi 9 li r h as, niPt i, Stý Pati' Ch arcs. Uake 1r oî%v plu. $575. FR 8-9873. trailere tar sala- asd et. Sever-, BOATS SDETDBFri -Write Milton Fabric Centre DrutiaSe AFspitcîli,î,'.l'ta c-135 ai 3.42d rampa to le . NeîversiIv stttdesl, 18 cars, seks BOX 82 Services and Ilgleso Drsmsrlr eetaiî 29, ct.îîîî,tg If p il u.. ,3 9 aa I n a pacr 0s holiday renît SPECIALS ON RUJNABOUTS cspe'eîa otat culait malies at serclag maschines. 15.196. i c caîtsitId l,, A IAN li. 5'plpseoed eti 35 . $6855. lits pasels), ttar lis French)l, Canadian Champion l Mr. acd bts. A. Rus' Ctaitcc.i Vili,, ,an ý ltî Ett-cc ,t S. . Cttthcii. 'i. i,î 3 A titrBSîtta, ArkeIi Road Marine 11 lua eti a 0 aiesgiri, rareptiosiet, erailsese c-3 Co 1 '3, .0 a.. ý13' lywodiwithMar 20.$49.Ic. Lîsda Pellallarlit, TE 9.193. KING-Dr. tîtt Mdi, Iý Ký MeîaS,î,1, It li 13 î U NT R At Lait Ed., ear No. 6 Hep,1o are peaed tr oui e iltt ,,t, c. 3-4306, 2 milaes eaillt of Guelph. 14' îosrrgrîs stiti 18 Josieon. r348 Â a l hirîls tf tIîct ralttXi tî, VLI ,, î'i, ,Il Mili FI- Now in 2 Locations TA 4-$27 95. Exeincdvafaed to Ren 181 t t isaJts'.tt Ic2 c tt it it.tcCIh,11 pît.3,,c QUALITY FI.RNITUEE Il(Jb 83 ,,,,lll Open esings 13' picsaîi teiti 15 li.11. P$495.ep W ntdW N ED T E T os Wrai, riiîîtIî Mc-3-4,t02' rit titi.,;c *7,,. Liin Ruent,, b-3 FAB6A isi , stad. 195. erpW ntd 0 2-hedreoom apartment, by T ICla. ýli Grîctciss \u; it, itic, 1,ct,I cl 34202 S lati t ii *n tg o em 114 filii ot vt 1 '. PERSONAL-Cestomn hisr stpi' for Jasie 1. TS 8-2587. e-3-4351 iTRICHLrVI .tl R I. VR t 2. -I i (t,,,,, tce tratn thie *atoy L4E $285.ti iat-tt tI s. g, permanent svrisg, seauts' LOCAL APPLIANCE STORE W NE OSN mi letrtir n- Ail2l,0, 2.ttt,îl,1 li,rî.î scîcîto Lî s OîtstcgRuum FOR SAL hos o285.ornaatiet tie iîci oI ilti-, 'e.,,,, ... Ifl offlu ,,,,, , ,0, Adm p* ca Q d t a tisalstsp DRAIN TILES m ai iîcu otî aic and ti Ir . lic 878-91d . s 3pt301I QUALIFIED SERVICEMAN 878-e3r3r c--dr3-oap 27m 5 piir Lît MI, itti V7-3687-Î * Btt,,îiliiat and Caspctîtig aed Ocaicl ir Mcrcuî Illr oiMili,,. Al ins f uritreFITI GS Dele fr erur otîeliaîîs, Bals. 452 Locîlet SI.. Blîrlise- c <t-t 'ith ail typas cf WANTED TO SENT-Seqair cher~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~,n cn ladieslt,.,tr ,,s,, *A îîee aîtecFTIG au tîas riOat.10 u ancd gent. (Sauna appîlascas. cd hv Jels' I, 3-hedrount hou lit i al , S Fabian Furnituro 4"ca -uý Sed ar d e i Cresilicr, iSprinigbokî halaîs. tIrn. lc ai 9.5 acth - aIea - Plasaadasrps ecap Enggemnts~ itt . t, 3îîitc,,.iîetMdnfac ' Hces das'- AS.F. gatie assagie. 92.50. 657-091 1. r-3-4295 le sBe Fhaxk pa. Champ.0 tuinnCgangBemenCts FcisgEts PEESONAL-Vi. Pick itaouep AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN c32, MILTON PL'AZA asîd Higisebt Oualiîs Arkoll Road Marine v3p.,Jea3 urSrlr-0 FrMie niOsrs. _______________ c71FACTORY & SHOWROOMS F.B McFarren Limited' Acelis 1.0.0.E. 'Sauts Parilir Stp- 6 Mr.ts and M atittitirtsa R t.t tti c i, ,,î, t diitia T TE 8-2091 Eti.. ocar Ne. 6 tics'e.. par cnd Party" aI Glaspes' P o e 8 8 32 5D a tc te, 2thrcetiî il.w a ll 15CmacilS. Mlu hma i lrcs 2 milas S. et O.A.C., Gacipi. Fahones B78llai tiiser Stock ______________ melaIItt .icîtt i.t .tî 91 ita ii hîlcîdît, Wa arr Open Evaoiîsgs, Toit. 277-4111 FA 4-0427 Open Evcainge tan davrars' asti danring tliuriteviw Ethel la t , r lettttc lit l 2 tttt-t b-3-2 ltt. t., erl $5. tii. t-,471 ci lîtitsLove Marrsh, canî i, M .tttItltM,,t, I, 1_ tî ttt. 0 1Ir?,h3aî.Aiîl$.ri. r3-16s A O IL Macesh Wi Vît,î Vtdtt i.,,,,,î, . i. ,ii tt lý R. i tahe place halittîli lutta 27,.......~______________ L5MITRD 1964, ai 4p.itt, , Si. li ,1itt,;, ,,, Highcst Cash Pelces fee desd or hid Ciscat Viili,. A tittt. b 5. C hiauplph. Lost dicahieti cmos anti bores. fini.,i lii, t ii. Ali (* 4 C C < %« au ..f Olti Horses, Se lih. _______________ s2_ titi rit 52i tt C IJTWotipe0 o Licence No. 30tC64 - 165P64 Died litttitta " l ta, tutu CLEANERS DECORATING 'GENERAI. CONTRACTORS ORNAMENTAL IRON Iregta îmS.Ptl d- PoeZnt -50.t ______ Vii 1,,, c,,.î, altitn Ceste lollescieg te"Lu-eSI HOM S J,,,i,11 4 11 ckp Luecheste' os May 27, pleasa ______________ Hut~~i 'ad.t1 %i. Opiii.ttt, ta.,I KNIGHT'S INTERIOR A, C. CANNON MILTON coat bre. Watson 878-6865. c-3-4355 Fdi Hi,Imcc, I1ev V,,t, S! i.ts t,I)iti, ti Cltii DRY CLEANERS LTD. &O N Orns U VAlUalion Ast,.ll3ac"t ii I, .îîi la .ti alîllsidr EVCS GNiA OTATR AWNINGS & IEON RAILINGS isclee ]cailler etelt, rostaiefisg Cipped and Diabtt Cas MAct'. Ma oniit i \Il..t Il ., .k Saiiti c tltat c isfactiong BILLnee KELLYA FR89927OR mooey and valuahie patpers. Se- at oe mi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cîc HaVte Rapir 4esa-fnirdHilri1- r lann EVCS ILKLY TR892 Phonea Campelvill 854- adHre anti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ovein isîîii,5 tilb ioVn,,,ii', 1, ,, ,îi~75 Idc4i 9888 ac mail t0 Lloyd Paiser R. Gulh or 1 5ý -8237aSii .nuigAlteraiae udr pors R. 2, Camprbclvifls. c-44 24 Heur Servise so, Its enn ,I,., AIIi,, fitItattt San tiate f. il ys ria ce if a-equired'.aCuioe stade drapestI (Jen),,il, VrI. N.,I1 1,l1tit., V,,a , Vitav.lic OReadys smade drapas Paeat rociaa, _______________________ i.Ns 3-P 8-O (Jean) If 8,,,, tiic,, ' Ctil.,uk ti, Fai'v,t a Aîlaratiîîs atîd Repairs s Carpactico Nate ni' epatiescýe. TV sud RADIO SERVICE Tedr 'atd Waterdown MU 9-1044 eticg ai iii. atiitit, ils. ilt'aitd Daps aspuîtp *U 1tetaitItg ___________ olMîîtt, i~iiIttiitr iIla al p TR 8-4424 __________1-a maker Fi,'ai iltit aSsit il i., siaît 1: Veniax islis ohrfn Fra.î s,l, tî,t,,,, cii, hi Fier Fîrkîî1 ui dielitsecy eWtsdvc shaiec s-lt DURNAN COUNTY OF HALTON ai Faîrvîca Ceacîataî1. Act.,,ý , h Al v4vor Ick (lucn n prelnsss e Focres SALem fao& SEa-RVICYOLA TENDER TRUCKS Miscellaneous SHORTREPI) At Vii.,, li ,a.,ctaaurhome f . étn iivb' RYOA SAiLS Tap SRICorEus Sae edr.po ak Mas Iv 194, eaicit ttvi . latuie R 8-994, ieanet un reasnahl illîscihie cd. atidraeet te Mc. GarfieldJ soe fiîlc,,d . îîî isci ,, t îai, a If Iems AB bu rpa.UILDING * 5(6. Siee TV, AtpPitaxa rsoass, Causîtv Clark Admieles BRICK, blckL and stalne wea-. poca-, dauitr tif flia Li, IAul li',~ l", itit îtiitft ______________ a uitîtm ocîasîs , CONTRACTORS LTD. * îgî aclaT rlr itaOî aFao ia s . Jlce eo t, Pi-s lacaotiHcîctihhittct'rit iitt'l'lt' bîcolationsl pal IHIeIccrmat SpaînTV aed S'îas îaaiatIl orp le 12.09 e'ciockttncs.eds-ak.JhnPi, tefn eeiM .Cmbl.H m -p-c Caicpivitll 854-2672 Fu9iala t, XI\.î,I of l , t,' tait, SERVICE cA arn, e- i *Rîts.îîîe222 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 -4--39 i9 ,t.I 3 tI ' , -1 '. '.,"8VIr ELL'S * IV (1)51 sîlAX, J15hE If),8-19o7 McPHAIL *LCRC OFMLO Adittin ittîsis attîl_ t lîon Ptshs'ts Etobicoke Construction YATFS~~~ ~~~ Aitîtcbctc,,Iatt1 ' l\fINSTRI3L 1 R15021 228 Mas'il *c laCmmercial ar tîstital Trucrks. _____________ on___________23__IlOMMECIA UL 4-2263 WELL ORILLING îc~~ sifrhrin- ASPHAIT rPAVIsos. 1964,~~~_4 nfhormatcaciConn as' heoebtaincti fa-em 1964, Mnfer' sctivea ot(ha a DOMESTIC PRINTUNO -4iftise CeunIs' Engiscea-. Adminis- es, anti dear eralier et George e ELECTRIC HEATINO ____________ ton a-ri xiig BaeLne O roc estay, O Saascomu- of Teronto, Freîîk. eo erge- Wedding Invitations WELL DRILLING teOtae, Dterau Ssoa tesrssaeditreick IdetasasJ4b1 Complete Eîectric Home JADVEIRFISE YOUR BUINESS 0Fcois 9PrigLt Ponara s6-tr.etmts6 Cbaeic bhat are seciahlp cea-reci SEVCE 1N THI1S HANDY J. B. RUPTAN isc Ismeet, er ansteder ne-2F64e5 Prkn Li Fuerl evie asfomth lsSI. Miltun asti pricieti disisclicnly Dt'RECTURY RATES CAS ES. 2, Milton, Ont. tPhoene-ls 8s5pod MaNand MSn 23, p, eiislelr TR 19 --- 9, , LOW AS 11.8. YOD CAN ROY F. SMtITH, P, E hoe85-24 Maaba, a Ses Cisapa itr- T8913 ITHE LoflodIan champion SEACH 05/96 13,80 I554EIPS Phone Borîlugtan NElsea 4-023ý Cuntp Enagieer, S.q R, t., Campbelivlle. ment in Evea-ga-ee Cemelees'. I -tf 1191 MainsSi. Miltans Wn9Y. e-Il -8 J

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