The Canadian Champion, Tiursday, June 6th, 1957 4 HALTON MANOR ESN L KILBRIDE JtEgn o e sue Rev. Snyder Conducts GudERSONALSrDspa D rig Cetnna Jocts Mointain ai Mitton iast-C ndc htwaa plervîe rthe reetd- in Nw or Cty e it tea nSunday Service Fo. Diply Dren g Con fr ae tntnnialo enis aosel1aabaci aothe Mari- Fiday. Jottc7,catd exes ootaibe An imitteaaaccsetvieco.aiccelllefis lnasr atiton. n, aftee cic absence f nee ci thc.acctii ce ot foutt days cenKilbtcde Uoted chiccliatcttSunt- Ettaittaccfccl for dtcîla dutr- nannths, Rev. B. F. Sayder, pcccor d ta oacncan aaded Oc thingitti ltotn Centenata'l, Clcca ct n b istfctia .rtcit,,t. cacitreal ai Ecmmancuel Baptitt chaecit, Ml- ___y_________ at abed Caiîn f liePacc eiote a,'eaaacccctat'cc ton. tehocame ta coadaci the er- FGist KGoide mpny of th Pacc'cdrc' cta'cta tlcce et'ctvee lcclcc t tice vos etc aie nthe ehapel an Staaday On ENAiM E TS A beootiful i lttate, The Hedo otfuiA Gids a i rst"tcla vnn.To CItV LInitý n pas\eoelsl- teennon. Jscee 2. M.. Saydee Oto iccalEbNHcAbGEMEacNTSccalrl cti1l1 icecacicc i accoopaedibytwooater avi 5 by ~45itFactce Johnsccacit lc picca'ai lct'ccl oittaeAa-tetl- roe rtatca c. Sacdee aed u itd Mec.Ccaeclern foet lirtactclto 'ctctcllttctac it'cictctccctla cc'ccca ,onee isticao .DccM iMr.cai , .ttctîe'lt 'cit'ttc t i.Ititecaa iellita' cccl "ctt , ttai, gccclis thirli lscccci a v ccld. at c c cta lc'."c ctir, ,gzlli ".t a ' acttt ct'ttttta"lt' id, t t' "t . c' a 'c.'i.t 'cdcý cieo iat theCa li t i.. taiaic'1 'ctc .î 1aaî 'l", a ' [sc undat. IctJ 'lta a'Pe ct c it Cacaat ata O'ilea. fc t aatOiti, e ap cl ci aa.ta c' tc a aatofi ti it fo e lie yrans and forc. o a A glica n 15 ct700. rdyg(it'laidthe', iitatiàcc l slgocy Me. Soydee, Hoc o et ac aopSco ri tio the Nameeof Jeats otads. Ma. an Mca. Albet Hiaet'lttt ýt' i ret.t'itî ttle,,tFanco, R-1 D iiretBraaIaat Novalaetatcee te engagetaai t otc cta i'ttacla'ayai, îîcîîacacacî ...... 'c.I ru)t tl i I litote daagitice. Eccen Albeta, ta, Gaid- l y.' tcaac DaccaccaAlla oaa-dfo : Smith, Stone Defeat tao taite istyeCtitelteoca tact of t-119 a solo. (GiteUc Tistay. 1 :,,orca o n th Xc oi . O ntario Steel 11-4 1Cttciloeccct'Militn 'Te Ittt.ct'etcge Utea' U, hisDcayoui. ait Brc cc;,l .1;Ma îlot i.. li' ttiec Smit ad Stone defealed Ot- ceislat-aec acaifltea.t.,,ataa atlîiat O lteieata lt a aria Steel P-.dcet l-an11 l-4 3cceloec lcite o aeat'al T'iacitilt a'dc'fî L if.Mcr neat bal ceea noed Oc lia ateateri teoh t ac a e plcia on thi't Gecageloceca pit Taedaeacaglitl. _________ O a nd cthe , i - a ,ati tacc ac it a itt cetaaa taa it ' dacceco leogate biti. i 'niend n rdem.LTh Jace Becitl n0eGcgle'Announ ce Resuits A cttacticl'ad"', teana ceredat otte hinaee ccn. aee titdo"tI t )11(; Palleaýot anad Weitster e t ite Inl Rurali League fct lice i *ttct, rio I St ainteeafpalelea . i li o t gataite ltati titat' i e ciuel' a con _________________________ ait" ccc tlo ic ltaltl alteu stll.ltctctccîli Ta.I.atcs 1311111P ME The Trend Is Hoeaitclit e ....0I 6~*-- CT To Chiropractic ~ t o iio cli' I hs" t'l.: 1 ';.-1 Do You Know? Ta~ac 4 31 10) ataclaalac6DISON Whia s tenna t y te ternm Locacile 50 1a-a () 2 ti, 1 'O cfci ca iSape s?' Tite datse eieeed tb 1Haltocaclie a I a O c w c lealta. s lieteeaeeteal diccaofitea-Reos'i C'cccoci ti f racî vcaicei nls oaad ed t een'i Wcied ac. Ma 29t-Occacoit9,1'Oindit'Ir't.tcott acta tac o eel teoe. This srcettere i talu catît 7 is nilc mprtn aa s tei Fiîda.'itttt 31 Tic.'ce ceai celghtt etn art ofaithP.a a1:ccic'tccttlt4Oat.i1,3. notIce Bt ceg cart dage. i attoce a Tn. ley 9,Lotea lie 4 moe ecacaand cititatodc'cone Tced..ittaecl Ttî4 c eoci tct ad toio. vhet cs l'tcti2.:fli tc ý 2. Haticctc fibitocaatcturece esac'aaccaagiteens, ;Tatta e 12. Pailetta ta Il and at egtit Thespialatnecci PFuaure Gaanr elt cfOm lite Fca.yJunce 7- Octatoî c T' att pi d ecl icc;clîtt.cctcii. ac l' Oi.t hO dîn, Horin i. ".c. 'l: Ilict, .1 andd saco on- T'lacett. Jittat' Il tc a I> antio ed i. oib ctt iur o ee n tottte T rafalga' r.iclcî -' Dccs' Eptuec-d t cc bte lchitcila cc as ho it 1 n 'l il. tc c11 c 1- '1 Il DC ciaIt e leca' Vof tîtîlaîT 'ite xc cta dîtla t W. R nde aie.C.tatptai.ydtm.ttsIe î.t Sac criý t not stact or n e li tta ci tr actioncotapuatoîte "17 IS EVIDENT THAT ec i GREAT AND USEFUL Tb, cccecn lmclelt OBJECTS CAN BE Of ta. tc, tz,; 1 1, 'Ccc c îttBTAINED BY Ciatt pc. inatal id t ccc c î'e CO-OPERATION" edaca' - . c11Y 'cliche act e *.Authnr'a Bacon Belate- etc ltill..i l acaal , ictM rccittth ds fo lie i t ilatti cta t ta. aco at Oci t reaM Eci o f ex-ed fn il,,. '. t, III aecip i ai ctie cpei oe- i q c cl iccac th, ncr'cac - tha eecis i1ts c'r atie lie ccc tactac cite cicLoi houe Il iclt, N-1- i' catchai e'occ'cedtoe dag- ccc .ti.i.ttt t ' clu ,a id en t cc'lavci. Oct ri SPECIAL RELIGIGUS RADIO and TV BROADCASTS loai tceet Bania I Chrchonithel a'.CHWO Otte0 e eek 0e day, .31.0 la8f30 p. D. Balle Gieahamnceante ta,.CFRBB Teccta Sacdanl3M0it 4 pea Havil'ai lcso a n TV national iltact(ABC)iforaoee Ooa lettillt8o 9p.o. EDT forcfaue Soatl tacactigJuen1 CHUNI iteadaata CioptitChaceca icacete Avcenue Bood ciucei Be, Tlct'oictcEplaontIn la1c, con CKPHL Bec Oct lolhtîccraon TV Iciac Ilf;,cmi trac Chacac Il ecara So- tic 4,30i taSpt- 'tth, ccclcccl pil cl rice le'ac ' Tac O C tad c1i,,c 'tc'> Bi i.i 1c h; p .! c 'c 'ta i J'lin, c". cia . at 'ac.' t r amiteJ to at It m irdc V;C ci' ccc O ia snow carry li al a ,3n ai lciett't t citediccît OC incour prescrip- in depoccccîeec YOUR PHYSîCIAN' CAN PHONO TRitangin 85571 or TR 8-4475 aler 6 WVHEN cou NEED A MEDICINE Pic0 op ynar pîeceip- ion f shopping Oar tus, ar iet Uas dclicoeepromptiy cetihoal extra charge. A gîcal cany people enîlost us wid0 the reaponscbitay ai filiaeg ter prescriptionc. May weeecopond yursl N. L. PICKETT Phm B. CH EMIST DRUGGIST '72 Main St., Milen TR 8-5571 SALESMAN WANTED iF YOIJ ARE a logh ceas aalrsane i'wccn cge 25 and 45 and ae dsaalcafidacichyourpesent doas, ertc e Boa 270 Canadcar.1lChampionc giinog fu details. AIL information sirictly confidential. Our ecoployeca have been ntitfied of this dartiasa- ment. District is Milton Area 'OI. Caccie ac tai iceocîcccci tac ciSc .1 'ceitt .ad 'Mc",. Mic ccd 'OieMat tîcclcc h.,'a ccilOit c'.-ialachaca t 'cit' t. S 'ic'cc.a ctl Elai -ila 'LtA, a TR.&78239It VETERANS AIL VETERANS ARE INVITED TO REGISTER WITH MILTON BRANCH 136 CANADIAN LEGION B.E.S.L. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING REGIS- TRATION FORM AND MAIL TO 21 CHARLES ST., MILTON (Club Roomn Open Noon fo Midnight Daily) DIRECT DIVE Thea', a Becaty Panp fnaone lias, cm ,ned, oiaieounn ,an aa'eifrointn ane source. Ejiaeth 1beneftioînineg naein ynaaHoue nd B an. Aeatty Wraer Sonien ciiipanid. ite, for bahana dkitactitn nthe hnain, for natr baia ad miiiannnliaii he arn. BayPums patle hynelit naI,, hepumacknt, itt.-inlpiaii engin.fiTe. e icilsbaclîn tadep ad sahîlin-11cmi del,. BeitIe Direct Dine Panpn, ane pannwer case he baien e Oil, ne slip and brak. Al enaing paltsane île cle nd and mdef iaiticninenrice. Yu'iiiae saapaand aa hia Ina cana tan. Cali Milton Milling Co. Ltd. TR 8-2311 for Sales, Parts and Service _______________________________________________________________________ il 7 eed for distribution of te lisi o: Oakacille Centennial Con'mttee the beeo madie for former papila and ioarkng of the site. stage'l ielwagnd fie teucerte oneet at tihe Bruce Th ctie ageed ta ook trc'k, ochen Milton ls finislced Steeti tehoat on July t1cohen the toto thcoeota lte plant judging maittthen. Home and Schoel meuld mork the of tte beard in the cotaet spon-Enlerlalomont eeganioed h0 ccntenniaoof thtîohoolby serIv sored byLaol 067 ut OataeaVae Motfodaapoved fora eehents Steeli Peodoolo Official 'snoted lthe Saturday ofleeao,, ,a acacaco. IIIIIIIIIMcccS. E. Wood nf Miltoa co licr eoe aot1tt2ts in T'he ciaala eptaced this diviso commissionerfor theo In. lt' por cntesl. sa'cnc(lui eont ad iteemobtoot- 1 I Gui ccdesancd Breowntes, toak Loaunta Oakniille ed ltoa cstof$200;,locl cadusl tIhe Idle Sitacday at a paraode af Chaic'an aîcPc'acccnotdoarange- wo'c'planning disettys of thtcae500 girls teiloBurlhgtoa and ',etC ho.d litaco coleto laad the iI*,doct.'cnd aaanceotý ad Ittal Nc Ison distrit. WONDERFUL VALUE ON DRESSES Womnen's half sizes. A beautiful range of caftan dresses in floral ai prints, short sieeves, buttoned bodice, and slightly fiared skirt. v A A ovely dress for the haif sizes - in assorted Colors. Sire 141/2 f0 241? DUS TER S EDUSTERS, SQ COOL AND YET 50 COMFORTABLE. EMBOSSED q. BABY DOLL STYLE. ALL SIZES AVAILIABLE. FOR THE MEN -- SUMMER BROADCLOTH 98c -$1.65 Pr. 1 Flannel Worsted Type Trousers The ri-nqt pant for- finn appear. ance. Vac'Il lake the qcmlty and lains ef tinse smai-rt trusers. O essa far any ocasaon. Blnes. cliarcnal, qi-ny, lugt g rey ar brawn. From $695 .DEPARTMENT CA PBLLSTORE PROPRIETOR, ALEX. CAMPBELL 228 MAIN ST. TR 8-6021 BIRTHDAY HERE AT I Ï ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON BRONTE 5;T. S. M 1 L T O N TR 8-6402 GEORGE AND ALLAN WISH, ON THE OCCASION 0F THEIR SECOND BIRTHDAY, TO THANK AIL THEIR FRIENDS FOR THE FAITHFUL PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS. WE PROMISE TO CONTINUE TO SERVE YOU WITH THE SAME MEASURE 0F COURTESY IN THE FUTURE. t SPORT SHIRTS t o c Assaited shades and il 1"~~ desins. Sians 14 IYOUR CREDIT Il GOOD HERE SHOP ON OUR BUDGET PLAN ca.tL f - 'aC 'a' ' t - Allan Clements, righf, hands Mr. Jack Sauit of Oakviîîe (formerîy of Milton) the keys ta bis 14th NASH car.