Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1956, p. 5

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ti COLOR Siarrsîg RAY MILLAND and MARY MURPHY Sspported by Short and Cola-r Caria-on HI KIDS1-Ya-ur Bg Matin.. SATURDAY at 1.30 Sunday Midnite Show Two Big H s MAY 20th AT 1205-Adminsios 60c THE MAD IN VISIBLE SCIENTIST GHOST BELLA LUGOSI BORIS KARLOFF MONDAY-TUESDAY MAY 21-22 Big CINEMASCOPE Attraction Many Rivers to Cross ti TECHNICOLOR îiaoeîng ROBERT TAYLOR AND ELEANOR PARKER Suppoeted by: MEXICAN POLICE ON PARADE in Technicolor FALL GUY SINGLE and COLOR CARTOON WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY MAY 23-24 Anoîher Big Hit-Two Days OnIy DOCTOR AT SEA DICK BOGARDE BRIGETTE BARDOT Support isy Short: ITALIAN HOLIDAY in Cola-r Coming 28-29-PETE KELLY'S BLUES in Cola-e and Cineinascope Lt-, c tini lit- .iiing ttiictl ts J. ., l_ tsoarn titday, Th- i ti rasve asd hardy amalstitIat thry moro. h n vlis(n Ibeîr tinday drines. and they îlot tarsiers s-er heir iarticusîse ea-im, athosgk lOrre mers loIs nifliianfiiîk uho d eeipplin I mn saseio. The dual fairlyobsîli-als-d te he os enback country ros andsullises w.. the old suspiiomn tat thsnartng auts nined thsesîlk eteswns A, ;iii: si-i Liii tts oaugbt (us ahost natss,î-mîdo mwas tu bul d l, - babi-i l-o-an. Ir heîp us en roas-cnt tii i tit ' ý tht-odid adanidyltiiiîof.îtashing tires. o.îîîî.iîîîîî fiîîîo-d The tittt-t Ait-Attttititio-Ass-oitioniof ii t-îîîsasîoîpîshisoti ti--tii l itttisstin 94to pltith(t.ttioas on Siridayntinnl tht-mst-s uî,îitî "ii o , i riit shooiid ttît tti- i f ni-sî-.o-a j itncaslurha ni. Obis. Ihat had the aw about s.utiitiiiln ii-Lt titi-st t il-ithitîr uîstýoflan itto-lcrtiton.If thecra )niis- idttl fiIh bt tt iial to- gonsai-tor-tainbo musit havi- Thesc arc th.- klsd ni ully 1111e sories tisaI yss pisi up frelia-1)ucnarund atomobes, loto thhslnstick tu vsttan ils inon ta iare tONthe uoeuland thse ueless. ti-ti' ftcsmisa-l asitttnd tainigiioo-iani--a-hitieto hiais mntohi ltti i t oand -re hî-oe toishare sheso rîsîowdge mitis StE OUR' SPRING SPECIALS IN 0000 WILL USED CARS ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE. cOPY8500f r956 Gpssghi Cheil iType. Combinaton 0reezer and tetîigcralor BULK MILK COOLER Drop in Seaied Unit Mîtk Cooler, 0cm spray type- BARN VENTILATORS - OAT ROLLERS GRAIN GRINDERS Robert Cooper, Box 67, Brampton (Adîoining Brampton Golf Course) TeI.pha-n. Bampton 1311 WOAS 50R FATMER- WeN iFL LOul-10 SE 1 DON STORY Hf. WONOERFUL VALUS AT MANVEtOTs ANOTI4ER <ONÇN CA RAê3 FOR BETTER USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong ut Yoaa'U EnjeU Angwlaere " NO DRIVING WORRIES " NO PARKING TROUBLES " FARES ARE LOW CHARTER A BUS with a Professional Driver for your Nlext Group Outing FOR COMPIETE INFORMATION Pleasure Piunned Tours Ail Sus Travel Service 'ee your Loca Agentf Traynor's Store Phone TR. 8-5582 COMING MAY 25-26-Bîg Attraction at Regular Prices THE GREAT ADVENTURE-also fa-e Fa-s added pîsasue AT GUN POINT in Cala-e and Cinsmascope THUMDAY, MAY 17th, 19M THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAr.P. IPTVM 9 THTJRDAY, AY R hT 198HTHECANADAN CHMPION MIL OONAI a _ _ _ __ Careless Driver 0 TELE VISION Calis Champion Link Rev. H. Currie ~ LEGION W.A., W.M.S. Ladies to Clean -Gets $85 Fine rn AND @M With Years in Town BaOnhe h rh Pri.~r~ t M e"' 0e local 17-year-old youth was *U Minneapolis, Minnesota, i zesMeeting> fined $85 and $15 court caolanasd RADIO SERVICE la a ~~~~May 9, 1956. Sunday School and church sec- frtremnh nMgsrt' SEVC M The Canadian Champion, vices wcre meli attended on Sun- eri member an Omagh Pcrenbyt c dyMm J eToler o th urt bad e his desienenupede § Miton, Ontaro. dy aflernoon. Threcbb ee babies were timîîllt*îîI*Iî*IIîtelPlrtained uit the home of Mes. Cal- Mro. Fred Amme returned homecotheeTedyhnhepa- by e- Gentlemen: haptiard by the Rev. Harold Cul-nMroalo h Ira etn.btme abreea e'ed gfily l a charge of carelesa R. W. GRANT am enctosing my cheque la ce- rie, Ronald John Charles, son of Biggosl noms of the moment is the Mos. Finnîr melcomned the aisvaainb e o elad Sl driving. ne y subscripin-Monday ev- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harbotlî; Kirk Annoal Santo Clans Fond Drive and'prcsided for the W.A. business. tond. According la evidence of Police R. W. RANT coing moldnt socm qaite igbt Eos. son oi Mr. anid Mes. Warren mhîo-h il sponsorod hy the Canadian The sriptorrcading and themne Mr. and Mes. Douglas Green .ils Constahle Ray Andes, the youlh ro M ithoot my Champion. Il usually MoNivenad Ganet David. son of Lîgionand theoMiltonsFiromen, on more givcs by Mo. MoFaul, thc Valooria visd lastmween~cdmiîv WOsOOdiOtglsoffh *Maroives Ihot day. Mo. asd Mos. William Rouît. Mus- hi-hall oft tiro-ebtîidoon af Milton dis- mssago in booping ilh Motheo's tho-i-nt othe-i- Moo Lithoe Campbeltl tomnstrstol Thusdayonosniig I l Lo a lIa(> ld ossp this itiktsih niî tsn fo- the s-riet-s- tsi- uoopltlsd by, tLti- Agatothis .;I-sleoit -attoto-1ttt Dot M hhS tht-o ttth hs ht o uthi tt. mas ohasocdfor ns..lNt,, 'u ý1' 1e jnou . >Lnd i i, l a hI h n s fr f - ,. a toieFad aies hou t n WATSON'S ~ ~ ~~ 9,tto lhil, jfMr, Btti t2ttcrdItItii tt h, î J. Miss ib.aiodoettsi iidl-iiiMs~ 0 Mre utiss enîioyid the thenowBonte Shilf dth e oht [Stht o s fi(;llnis Tco-s ai eTorieds nr. ecI av e id od 10 h s t r i h sohoo tgae Niaara uata orfnomlsa MUSIC STORE * pdv.Tati ysars amay-and 1 of Rockmoodnvisildwith her mo. this anon. aItea in the church in Jane Il mas sFaltsasfthewek-ndSa lie rd ryihrt isee.Tedie MUSC TO E areayfeelthat Iam a stcager. IhooMrs.Wis.Smalon SundaY. Naessmiimoentossilthe noslsugesled and caroied tâ spo end st eymokdRobhec nBs L n sahdthe cL ol -Thaab yosî foc ioailsng the papoo M dMeMload1rh sdl nladies fong Io e meebw s o tsdoo îsd. MayLL S th e af ld mse hecot f PHONE ACTON 594 Calied su ooglioly. ilmîofaMoutn Dessin visiled Eîschro Tooonamost i Acton Salue- andIrai the <o.'hob,wthe membresof Gabvitte. cbl5 30 îUtîîîtt.tttMtîîitttYtîourt ~tya l av00etîso moo-sd mith lhec par- day and oamnohomo mith the Geoap laisc loess i the msrk. DndLmec asaptetu ALTON MANOR iMiss> Anse M. Rli.otîts. Me. and Mos. Malt Homard. Troiphy asd 12 îsdinîdoal lesphirs. Mos. C. Marshall poesided foc Miltotn hospitol Ibis meeb for a________ Slsomer In Hall ntýt ttimtnsion tho dam prisco To the W.MS meeting. Mos. Chartes tonssîtsperation. We hoellhle is Lagom llso h Ise stc ieti ioiiemhoo. "If Acton Jaonis gave the obapler fesm the scion feeling bettIr. H l np A large_______a_____ Hotdeinspering otlasooti sîîmoon thehall nc-ioh hadn't boonnileddcomn, me slsdy bookb and penyes mo In_____________ Wedssdsyoevnisg iahosoc of co-itd haveohoiisghllhat home, too'os yMo.Ssmennon c Mr and Mrs. Wm. Walson, ncmly- Theoiesîss-w t-ooe Ken Schbaltz, Jîm Faut- 20 ladios ai oo terî ENGAGEMENTS Church Services wdMorleiy Soty Ross FrodJohnson, o-ol. RosdisgtworogIlebyMevs.__________ MosH1yGaE LasosDsssBohbH.ti-ito, Roy McDomott.RBill Ssom and Mes. Finsso. At the close, ovl nprigcurhsr ls .MHenryîoolî s o TbsdCs ti-sisv, Illi Ptith l'oin, Veen tsftheomeetn a salemwasbheld fsr iM.and Mos. RobetR. Foed of vieshavetakn placeatbte Mari * illithe n. Msst eeta R Tusdoad o to.Cbi- a-ibo o-tho itomor.fond. alembîo-b al Milton mîsb teonnoasce the os- or recestly. ato rnaliîîMiis Ne OfldB iss îîaîî titLnk t) railo.Gdshom. oîsoyod o solat bahhooo over gagrmeoti r dasgblec, Do- On Sunday aftersson, May 6, Fls rom Miltosgane a00 ybos!-the te-- o-ps d the lnobaeved resAnettelo Stsart Hesryson Re. J. L.RBlairmasunabe tabe S E E D S ielt sîoHsyb-rey tttHtTtotio.ih oMrs. JamesPeacokMos. R. itEMs.Raph andthe lmte Harey presctto condut theserice but 0 TIMOTHY i-lsîîîate i-s-t tuitis mo-olhaSo- dy retns oMyrna mîltab place Jolie9, 1956 at 3 mho are memboos ai bis chaech, SI. SE DS REDîsî-Roneî-novîî'-liht- totsîcoat froirn tho Marohîent Bronce Pewtorsn, Mon pm.snthe United oho ch. Druon- Pont's United chuecb, Milton, ts E D .L,oîIrlrit a sSauday night E.Prît, Dosald Prît. Mms. C. Pro- (jois. Ostaeio. lobe the service. Those ladies mece 0 AFFACernent Blocks îdanceou- iî.tia snnlb aira. Isf Mrio T o-~ti o- itio't o ersco. arnce,. MHaymadued 0 ASSORTED liti isi d --anCmaiand Mos.T. Stoneo. mha provîded GRASSES WELIESPIrANS at tt-ttîtu-miibcm. Instructions, Games, Competition atied atepiano Ms Sovr BULOIG-TRENCHING Tli.tsi-t lfoit sis-. The Attend- sn bsl, yoMutOeth VARIOUS TYPES 0F FERTILIZERS FOR anoe-o- arl ntands t $3 as Pan e Dose. mhîch mas enjayed and adl- FAM N GRENcaa fO aOl doua-s ils hsîc ad br as1 mnn dfr e k ndC m orerird voy mo-h by the residents. FAR AN GADENEdg r Hde d1hn o-î- iiaynigtho aiblclh . Siluoday. Sunday and Monday ted poists hased on Scouting rates Mes. Lamrence oead as ber scip- Ph. TR 86258 R.R. 3o Milton ibis et)îumn fus somne important wIl ho-big dsys for the Boy aînd anc Camporre patrol utl be Itr tesson part oi chopter five a! vitin sthe niai futuir. Scostocm EIlî.Adtos. Hîtîshuef selro-ted as thhe bs patrol. Each the Fiost Episte ai John and then Geortiotîmand Milton mb o tbey boy mîlI bc la-oinng samctbing on dolioeed a vler oesl and con- R. S. Ada DisS tores Ld ed Nt MUUh ort alolfiSo-ating Scoating iieinings. Ib o tis lennon. 264 Main St. MILTON TR 84484 de-t n No 25 high oninToo.sp nntrd parents, brobos tecnreo tu inesmutb ioni, gaules andst-paeut coimp-j ho-Id oao-b îgitt cfthe Campore ut owbeif ngood marks or the ,Ci*~ . ieîîîîîîa-ti ntîs-ttiodu- .3oi0-pm .andnmyo nîsitoies mont stouggte for matersul aecurîîy tb 15MatnS.eiinvl]mk ia dcto-have asytroîuhlo-fîsdîsg thespot- comr aheadsofîhisîfaîîh mn God. I G RWO D &PEAE FRNAES l tandtiteresiii weeo- men.sTheust tlsnfoie the nuise af voices. ,This faîtb mn God bas becs esemp- ...... G RW OD&PESEFU N C tboiîgth Noirth Halbi Sus M.Young addsoinoe mure pince tîfîrd ia the tînos o! Noah, Abra- *together su thio-c-lsotIilmofladnitotili-isiting pareots rc. ham, Pultandmany other Bibliî- OFo-ilhr 'dTIf"'îs te mibe.ctoamp. boys become oOaO-otbsfihnî- SHEET METAL~~~ ~~ 50utiîgîo~l cIt oao-sf ho-t t rsisa puro-nts had btter hetprd Ihem ta fmsd their may ont 01,caia rop wllbcr îshmer the Scoout mollo: Boe of diffîcalt situations. OTELLO SCLISLZZI j craeparCed'uîeo On Ssaday afternoon, May 13, Residence 389 Broadway St. Phose TR 8.9258 c tteC.iioplo -imaist uToSoutise~up5~~0Rnel FStsydo iltonfE. 0,îoo-îsîh-o-.sores.doup of patrl-us 1îîld o-oloebut nonoothetes sanRatîcbarcb.Mltn trooT'~pi Ec aro:sieharoib epce cthrcm e h anrt odc h Qp)) - .therompanmossanmnsfo h FOR 84 nri wihslepae them 'Milton Lads 8-4 aroased the marm admiration o D o c I A ANEXTR £HWR The Milttin soccor t ,im ptoycd thoecoeidosîs. DG TG SCanadian National Institute INl yDUR LAC E hait lis Ihe Hasmillas Westinghose Aller ooadîng the osith chapter WILLrAI<EIlP limsri Geto-getownt îîoh Sanday. ai Ganiel us lhts sorîpture leusan, fo nVE-Y LITTLE lý iiitrîchi goals lii loue. The' Me. Snyderbasod bis interenling ARE NOW DUE fr the Bld - SPACE exhhbtion g-larn aîcnjayod hy siron -Ouithîs ible siay Beface .îtiidoioi-ilii- coîsîd îstîl liveîag hssermonhameneok e iv rotheekendbirdgosngtheoseiihri rita ie ocsa Matheen AND MYBE PURCHASED AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE, MY2ltT MY21h 96 itiýs ho- sscgaridhcoin twhepaîdonlthohasion Mother's y ~, nedri-ol-lnu tiioduiias far as Duo TOWN HALL, MILTON. 1 -o-to-etgOs-. htut tocalt lads potl Mr. Snsvde bgon bis serman by fJIead~~~e la F, ies.i l-io-nothers pass on,î mc Miiihave a Al Ilasot bhe properly icensed ander- th. Flic- ifrlo-sdmsdrasnpilnionmnGoidmbo iCi) LLAID l REHABILLTAyE THOSE 1 F ho ist lit-t Hatiti tonîc G eri e hos onu. This is lta i l t ana taintho Saurdy i Ha -1Iod in the si\th ohaplor a! Daniel. - iSHO WALK IN THE DARK îîîîat-sttt t.tsdyîHm oitisvd Daielfotfoi a terrible lion it tii.ittiitt îo.îts-ontsn- doI hand He-c:în ei rusot f ii- iio -t-t t1wt-atitin sae lanp- d d f i iut o s o-or usoaos plvr irc tut Oif t(ilt loir dall'c'sisb îso n io o i and foilamshîpîoo otooDy ~~ ~ Phono TO s-n 025 TIME lt îî tt itsibr b t5~oCake. Roses ~* ~ ~ V - V ~ - PAYMET Lt il ; t i- îîîîtc.-Isîîd d SBis Ma.-. Moi:L.tise rosidoso os- N~~ b *~~ ~ PLAMN ititi,, iil, iîiatebisto yed rt vers dît îioîîs and bouati- lu wth tht- l i.ttd t--hoi of the iRrout tt t-oantd Girt Guides uf Easnt ____________________ -Oakihilte Do-trio-t. Those goodmwisk. MILONGi de ndosî imsostI rs G Two Shows Nightly 7 pm. - 9 p.m.-Matinee Sot. 1.30 p.m. ~t B'/ IVAN SLESSOR S I'f~C~~TI'IHoa~dho-. as.Eit Dabvillo District FRIDAY-SATURDAY MAY 18-19 1t- -o- Lt.-h tiil- ;I f - Aithbreakifati tmeonosMothers dDov. o.;ilIl ad 1 foicV lGsi-.ý l a,,ch mool,,amng the resid- Ths i Seca Atrcio-ToDays Oî o ;:fkýiigigil -l tii54aiFil rQU~IPIvium rotsofoittise iMansr roceived a îovely This Bq Speial Asra1t. 1Tw'l yi i r ht-tiiitcrsecton i-olui-o oie n hanor nf the day. titi huit iii i-o-it its bat llio HO E F EEZE Siogîiftfoso h e Stperinendent and

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