Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1956, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TH CANADIAN CAMPIONMAMILON.nONTARI Victoria Day on Monday Vicoriu Day, shos firspoblrc holiday cf she eariy ssster, lu chrdsied fer obeervance au Modr', etc0t,jii orlctto î t itrrttitthic holiday rihe 24rh of May lei oser a geeecrteu sue houe the holrdup nase obururd ou the Moudap nearesshe 2dsh, sehich his pear bringu it on May 21u5. Perhapu if sitchiug holidape to wteek-ends finds generaf approual astd convenience, ste map ied osher holidapu ehaugrd tai the week-end or Mondap obueruance. Mary cf ucao reuailshru buinesustuc rnot badlp disupsed Sp a mid seeek holiday. TOus seau n the dupu of stail indusrial eutabliuhsetesu and sOlu coutry wsaua gcoop of ledicidulustore de- pendent ou the iand. lu thour duper toa, holidapu muant a dupes lecu puy lu rhe rucelope and shere wsau qote a divergence cf opinton ounsuhesher to stock or tay a omehaste Mi dn's houe the strucu of rapid trucel rither and a hoitdap joe5st eant a diay roud home or a trip to a neerby tream thus silI ad usoste troot iru Wr ued ta upeud qite a drai of tr c inthour dayc, too, te decerating shéexrterior of homsuand bustness placeusith flage, bontng, etc. The prouent tmee prosde and destaud a dtf- fereus type cf abservauce. We basent tsue fat hanse and bosinesse cecoraton. Wr hase te go cameplace, se uest ail get on the htghsuayc We cannot uap that a publtc haliday lustore enjeyubie or store reerfol le she presert trend bottsdf foreur and appuar ta sutt obseetvance ce a long weeek-end. Foc shose wsatit suant ocst a day af Iricore, sehas differencc oe rt ake sufether it te Mondap or Thoreday or Wrdinrsdla or Tsesdayc or Fridoy. Jur uo long as it tue t theSardyo Scniday, she dape that sue presectiy hase. Who Pays Your Pension The Ontarto trachers' pencton focdis cdownu $90 millitone belosu correct neede, acçoad ng ce the provinctilaodtrr Uniese rh.s testmade cp prostptiy, he adde, te 15 peuresucore stery suill be gotngotrhac is ccsecg isuThscearntnh cely trachere peneton fud ru Canada shas as bren ehosun tse buactoartaiip nonod, deciare The Fnauciai Peut ana soet othere, liktho eof the fuderaietii servite and fer cerraie grops cf muontctpal empiopres, have had ta Se hraoip eobctdtoed Sp the taopacrrc frare troee tste te kerp these afeoat. The plit fast te that te many of ther echese esccouerrng tracheru and other goseruseteursurk- erseiether cantributiens fresu the estpicyed hase nos bren btg enogh or penstone patd est te, the rrrred hase be ulrger thon the contributions utiftrd. A Great Achievement Ou Meuduy, Onsaria Hydre sturked 50 yeuru oct tue t taOntarrottttstttt.t1t irec jrwa Pstý y 4,i 9oi tiat fr let fliti i i1-1 ,,,j r accottel Kirchener recetueci royal asueut ta creuse the Ousario Hydro-Electrie Pcseer Comstioniu. Bot al she pioueeriug wsa nos ocer sehen the Comsesuicu wsauforsted. Muup of ureculilthe peurs sthich fol loseud suhen Sir Adamn Beck carried ou the cusepaigu serrh hic folioseerusIo ges uccepsauce of she uese poster Sp Onsario stuicipalisies. Then au rose aid cotomsuandstethodu hugou seuacioulp. There ws tshe doobr lunstuuy sejuduthat electris t tp geuerarrd t Niagura Falls coold 5e carrred to cereteO prautuce. FolOs dtdu't lirO the fîreker cf 25 cycle poster that suas stade asailable by Hy- diro. Ifsuas anuophili casepatcjufor Adaur Beck aud fris assectateta caucsce Ontariota tessaucf sillages cf rhe feasabtirrp cf thre balci piurr rf suas sxpearu later before Hydre caste itrte rcsuusilc North Haîrcu and there serre suauy bitr r er argumretnts aicug euery crep. Ifsuas pethape thr btggesr acfsetecr cinte or bsidtsig cf te Protince cf Oura rc. Ffty yeuru lacer eeery rcsuu and ruralihsetenrjcyc the belle- fit ocf Hydre. Tte iacr itaif ceerory la st ria .,,dcrsrtaigrowucintehic prootuce trhar cerratiy ec nt ihave becs acf,,esed sutrhor Hydre. Muy 14, 1906, uarkcd a precd aci escuscet forOnrarte and 50 peats jurer onu Hycirc cti turgsrguiteaol dcseicptugfieritcrela aert.yccof te province and seukutg Ontriot a lustrr itce ei suici)lsie arnI surk. Embarrassing Tirte Geserucr-Gecerul cf Cottucla ls brc crrucrased loy che ubsilc aupeui forpsurrons cf tedcramauro bop a cerrtan ttc f ittisy Io ssit porrteuartscIrseeustcshuvetseetooubic kre ucils t ocever ciar te tditicertt "o t Iteittif ü fese tocsard lerrers sucre sentroco tr,bloocc t ttt$20,000 utncl$25,000to ce r O ats If sc lter e ere sen ustfor ralie cuspprtr dlccilerc and Irewlsr,seaep eore, patrotnc cf osry coctttiýciacctaisroeuds la ile ori cctfoutucei Tieruuarestmil ý-teprjî:ý bot ýr comuntrts attldrrooitrtcui LstIrc rry r ttc iprectje fry tfeir ilicrariat tc ýNetttcrgesct) ssutl aburtr tittilfi.,tt, orsic chueope, borutaoups te contributionscare or suuJ a wntcg public fuser. .i5Cg ng Sp tlhe crcp of atcctei.s se have tcuday ttte uspendroure cf kg susss raytticj cff tn rîthe saloaucmert of frt rcctcscof th ics i ricote industries ctstpiy cacuat eperucu their r j c1rs t j sea steotaOn a ifecte cttf e Ir t ite penctonschemetOus suay. If hetr fonds get bu j publcetteet 'at aghcecer pays rhe pipet cuits Oued therrr susd be no haudoot fres te nguneur ftc tstc St ston tt ebeckinejand esebarrustu g ai tapoyrr. htute h ay it shooid bu fer usttnc tc poblic le urus uItabosutwhar Onepe or othure, tan. Wr nued cstme practical as seuil as cltgre and ado.sucetmect aiued and shuorutcai appicatte n t or adstinistration af Mayhe r secsid Se oeil Itaminsute thelittoe poncton fonde PYos sans ger otsucre tha o pes stars teote ercpnuat.cnc te sehich sue ail bu- put ;n. lorgtrcmae s ure rhat wectcesutilnct be esbar.ý r ..I ite spcn ijîtte lrteci on anher actvties. r... aa.. î. t ae e uieafrcct(Itelscrtaecshosc Soreedy 100 ivany rons? t .tcu,' ito ett mre elte-r-, ct-ciut est aag fer A fus epa rs ago t he Caenadian N attana 1il- tg rsrt seop onderreck te botd a hoe nt the city cf Montreai. About thartsume tOen nec opnratteg raioay urions cocceudud itexepandtng shnr senobershtp to inriodu tOn umpicyce cf ail hor-is oerarrd bp raisuap compantus.Theunseotes' eue step suas te persuade the poseurs rhut bu ta roir thttheO emplopunu cf raisuap oprrared harets are taiseap rmpicpec and must bu patd raiseapseages, sehich are stoch htghnr thon cempettng hareis hase ta puy. Thisseoas ao bitsheOCNR0had ucr napncted. ns operci Orecempunys epus ta the focs Ihat horel Orep ng and raîlsuy cperrotug an sri and thot the feseur hotulu rt oprtehber tur seil Se fcr the roisuop. Irdrcided not tc aperaru uny store barrIs thon it lrnadp Oud au tc huedu, and it mode o deol Sp subich tOen nus hotel lu Montruol secuid bu cperatrd Sp a haret ccmpanp thorte snot inth5e rraisuap busnst.utalec bugan ta loaboos for oppartonitru to dtspose cf camu of ire other barri propurtie.7Te Orai Scene. SOME FiSH BITE and some fish( ers seem te care as sheý waters cf Pont Wolf Ruver, te Brunswick, ArIeast the scener sn't Photo froc fihe Cariadiar The Bible f ROI (G. P PARSON, Distric rtNetar> q tl, i, il ,,-n - ,, ia ,tks s,hi,,o, g j,.,,, c pl-, 'L- cIItv j.i t t -M KNOX PRESBYTERîAN CHLIRCH nov. E.ORSIBORN, tiliCler Brief Comment 1,Z.i, ' akM ,L Late rt.rriti.ecctlcvircinccofcspttug 1 O,*M. s sat- t ittosMaster tesetta1jya pc ecomu Tht. oprtn-g fiesers, the,,.,, t, r sddttttj t ees, tee nesu grass antI the sueutiter t.. it, ...1t«trt' 10ott25 thar peretts re ccto e Su-ocf clears arc aiseape i - 17 iAYc ti, 170 St t e; II, S. t il tt t e eujuriy anttstpatud.1I Tin Poasucoewsls ius agekentereerils cf , ,j,,II, v.. t-rf, peur cf pubtitccaon tilitise fcsecfer ofîi athbehe-I o pa ,J BS Lakn, srit gstng crrng.CoUgrarsi. 1)" i'CIItas- Irret Ttc tcec auonranotablie scutoursary p turh c, 0, rc o ceO CaHing all bocbauds limesteradeanuop. 1W M S Oist r ucai Mcc(tar "r Mupite pos seii end lcp sush aa rubock fras2u a Ti-trac , r-csIrs pear efforts, bot pooiî bu sttghtp pieusnd sesh t1r;w 231;tl2 pru the trrst air or p rcpurtp suill ucqouire..A litstu sains ratO ta the surfe seillconiceeberth"ot o fes booresuththeOuraku stop meon a Setter arrange- ment of ber paundogu but bu dipl ostatc Gren- fr11 (Sask.f Son, QIauatzbîan ($4amptn1 Pobllnhed lu the Heart out 11dm. % -110 ~Pubibhd euy ThuduyuaMain St. Miutn.Ont Member * * cof the Acdtt Bureau cf Cireulatiuns, the C WN.A.and tire Onturru-Q urber Dieision C.W.NA. Adurrtintng rates un rrtja<st. Sttrtcer 1trtrr payatle in adeaste, $300 as Canada, $4.W in tbrU.S.A. Autorzed as Secnd CtoscMai, Pot Ofi ce Depuelmnent, Ottawta. GA.Dis, Editur-in-Chief David R. Oite, Production Manager Publlabcd by the DiII. PrIutiug auj PublIsbiug Ce. LfimIted SU SIN E SS A ND E DIlORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TP 8-2341 LOWVILI.E and S-T. JOIINS ('lIitE(IIr NAS5(AGAWEYA Evror:TbcEe R.edtPE. Jr-tt.rcs, BHA. LTO. SUNiiAY tMAY 20tht1956t WHIT iSUSSA Y stt. , gs ru1.00 ar.i CttttCol,tttrtrnan Sercro,tii trr,,cISchor,, st. J,,Irrr 5cr cmon ,andr (O rcO Schorr EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 215 CommerecilStret Pasicr, Beuereed Bobs. F. Scedasr SEtSDAY. MAY' 20sh. 1956 000 at..HaBbie Secu5o. in.0u are-Mreisg Wurubip. Soln- icI. Me. Borace Osbocne. 7.30 pse -Ercegelietie Mrr etrsgn Scîcaut, Misn Deeelby Butice Friau, Mcy 18-72.30. Ycctb cboir; 8.IS, Younsg Pearpicu emeeting. Twenty Year g Fifty Years Ago Tairru frem thr nun ie1 Can- Taen fenm thisseue ut thre (an- adIna Chrampion, May 14, 136 adîan Champion, May 17, 1906. A. Restrue bhas ehouged50.aseme rcRy esues bas crcpieied bru t ofbirs lt,1(ortItSttt cro,,s,,oi aoc..,,udsrer- Te, rct t.rýtttg trtilc Ota.koiisct.,e,,C,,oi eril p intbe Actu distritforsctsercoi pl ra tetsesofstheeuad geader osis. ad uew stuse eruber wben Net- J., prcpritrrcfbhe Mail- utnruduneseitsbiber,. tcn Daaey, bac bad tbe ateriar cf Me. Cumpbels fine euadeere at bau daien building ceniMartn St. Muetun, Tbe Wcodiandu, ws bures greatty iarpeed. Feack Muaoreun Tuesduy. Ciutbing und u 11111e did tbe job. furuiture utere euued. 7,. Cenup Wees" wacs erti cb- Te bandbuas beenseectererd eeed inMiton. Eueeyafuerncce dueng te pst fewacentsnbysthe and cectuigucres ofbhomecweer eaiofileudiscg piuyr,partie- stere su bce ceeu elearing rubbisb uriy tbct cf Siepbeu Censeuy, nlu ferm tawsand buebycedu, and euebcntus,butsbandmstnrrGollins 50 thete preseutu a greatly bac gel as antu a sure cf effiieey. iesirceed uppearance. Tbe laet copeu aircoenceret cf tbe Seeerad cf thc eaeiy birds bancveseast au beid ou Saturduy emm- beeuserrusutgtinMactansupond. rg. Ou tbeprcgcastwre eerl Annui exursin ceceticcu piayed au publitcfer tbe Anca eecstsuQueenutcu frcr sue. Tbey seere greetly adi- Hegbtcandigara Falls, Sccdoy csoiedoundthcgeeraicoptnionseuu Jue7, $1.75 eeetunTiebetsuou cale, tatbe baud piayedaut aus erti os MeKeuateu Deug Stoee. a vr stbie seoted ru tbe rudgeceltharc< Anesecegas bac been pluced ara br t theourtrbusecsnTesday, reaelsofthets ceurecesundersbhe lStccbn o d auairrcseescapseecgeof ie. S.O. Wudecusmeiy ttrstwaut sttgbt houe beeu a cee- St.Oeerges. Luseurlie, and St. doo't, bot shese tsuc loue angl- 1taikdrmbscart h ohruero h irttm atSn ,y frift iaiy ouer the quiet ecd cf the rscst and jct altetr Ou stOe the Heu. F. A. Banks prreb- Fudy Natonal Park, Nesestcecd, the Platsregaue aseay cne ec. Mr. Banbuseat lceeduet tbe cyi ostethier fl the frshiug ithe etireg aoetep uc hr ervieseofuthie ituebourebes uguin teh bardberuursrutigsfuIitgriarge urst Sudayrinthe absenceofsbhe ti Goserumeur Trasel Bureau. pecescusuo the eboirrTbe stcue cffaicombect. The Heu, cG. S. Waie is the rcdsc uacta uery iceby une, seuerg eeergerreaiiy au Lcwville f r t cr sttodsbtrltba adhe parre adhe vdencof ira- csr rîit ttesptcsr bucusavboe priceeeciare eueuueuging. Tbe tn u t. Bisbcp cf Niagara sitî be te tbiu I~flfritrcOL eccu osurii doublrd parshreb oncfirmtioncc crt Suc- cu rantOr s .%rcaru tOthe ircu ndoav Uptaer Canada Bible Soiety.C ssrts Foir A-l't, useir- Thr snucoi seeting cf tbe W.M. lrs.oiirrito. rccercgrtutcsuesy S oftheMehudust ebreb ws War sttocs est ois anictise Ita hetd ci u0ndost Therreportsseere aié)aca geat sducctsuai criue. su rueretste au bush stesbeesbip efi), ttsdifrttr tur bur cscrii, sebo sud finac,r$25 ccusticutectife ihan le r...oSeto , hlý( iiiau, inttbcr .trrttrnpa tttbcniebrepandrtheAuctilicyseun had I,, (,il le tul Cct r urboarrd. Peelt tssurrtrhrs errbcsco ec lerf te iYtt;;:k¶trc.,Gazee.Hramtrn,u ttc scMrc W.B. Cieetsand cSss.ttrtuttgrutrtcg s trtocos.r uccacrunMe 9F0C.Wistr,stabicg tee 144 I'i5 Mn-theWoldtod;etu, ftrsc rparccotg mstci.tOrreyort. 'soti,,tri, ltof se;trtttcrttRctte .H Onauuetoftcfhesccue faine rit T,, ,, . hapstothe, Outarcor T cotsr- inr\crt,tOc Be.srdstcComcpany ir 1e4-, 1t2:S Col- Fcdrcra rsltoturgtcttc htrclaid out strrcte erestedualarge At itrt tt t5tt Drtckrgctcaus90perccur. costbrrofscdrtdeiirge forais F'ý i vrtý_ prcceutttfrti,t orrtcrs.sud v lerireet mauy St ~il si,... r, uOjii ucnd'0prcen ttteo stýrone. asilssffseiiisccatd, be i~ný"' ut .. u. ¶ t ~stt ticcccuud Ostore iung stoost e 9< PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Il. M. cS. VISSi S M IîfA Il B lis Ntiir Mr an1 -.. trLb. i», -d. III II, , THE STEVENSON CLINIC h t..,,. 't r A I '1 s 1- lN 1hit.,,, b-et.. , r. t 'fflt..III D N ttK. teve a I ,ctttfitrgin rat st Dr. R. Fitz-Geraid dis 'I :,IlDr. %.J3.iianncir sr St ctDle,. A T.lirere r1 II)i , e, Of ice ,,orr. Oy aspoIrut cIy ocuu Oain 1,11,ocsrecos ASt O9-ta tcM.i14; 7-9 taLa ttc ttc hp 1 t,,,,, co;toy, 2-4 pest, Baby Clirre1 wat t) ises .a,,, r. o t cnd suad Wcdeuduy ceerigu,: IIb.It-t.t', IltM K -s Ecerenccu ;nv t J tuti t, rttttttt, ettetit etftth, etsrrcaT 'itiVATE HOSPITAL A rtu-,,rrt aga,,, tjck o theOuXEHAY bcraod(ecks.tca andtRoeitucSurgeon .i I 1, r s,, [, tg utc e arat- t..1- k 'T f rsd o, r,, , itj , DR. G. E. SYER Il Piian anutregeon 1 No TE s-5c3r 4 7-i8.3ttp m. DR. J. WMcCUTCHEON ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Ci ttttcTHi t-922 Ministr-RI.5 IJ i. BLAIR.,B.A. i t rdacien tsi'R-9298 Otguu..t,,rolt MugcceeIRORCO ATCM CIORCO tItNit.\Y StAY 2rcttc1t9nti WM. G. RIDDELLr D.C. 94, tttSo toest Dortireof C(irrparrir 1i 'S .e Wurt Sto Jre BtsOde St- Milton i.. l,,tI 1 suad Netrts Clstus. BsAppcsutace,, Nso .,. ts M:,,21 7 n CG . t, ar 1-1110tNE 'cT -at XtOAY tut, tu,12 30î,1.. r rrand, ru,,t ,.sr c,,,A(f(OtNTING t n IdÏ 1 e1 1,tttt, 511 frcs 'v I LEVER & HOSKIN tr ,S IIurt,, St Al it ctrs (irere- c . rantn in 11IUM ZrùIr I- chnu:2478 EM 4-9131 C ccS1tainS(,N 4OVictoria St Oru la, 257 pat 5tga C 1t. 1 suces, Torcon boys; 7'trit .Jcnscbhoir: 745 pin , Sctrmmcort.r HORNE & BOOTH (irtered Aereuuitautn GRACE CHURCH W, EP BotreCA.H . HBoth, C.A., ANGLICAN TA S S.5erestn,BHA. C.A. Mltes,O tioer11 ruýt t, rttilrirgtrr,SE 4-5851 retor: Heu OD A. o l t.5 l, iir n ouSt.. Hamciton. JA 7-784P SItSOAV.* MAY' 20rh1,. col 511 1 TSUNDAY 9,45 anc, Sarb;, scSelr. Il15 a ru Bibletirse lIS rtc, s-Ecucro 1'PToect rr1ea- cîwre. ru. Ctrr.seA. Il.Davis, tu.D,.,ofM.S.CC. Torsno WFEFKOAY SERVICES o.15 arn Mucuns and Iterce 6.45 etEvecsro.g Tues, tnd, ard Tîtrn.)t CALVARY TABERNACLE Pentenniaî Balluefu. 132 BRONTE ST. Paet,,c, Heu. SPetC. Scale SONDAS', MAS' 2010. 19516 0.00)auseSuedan Sebaci. li00aS useMceeaeg Wcrsbrp. 700 a.SEvangrlictie Service. Teesdcc, May 22, 8 pru .-Pecuer ced Bible Stedy. Faiday, May 18, 8 p..S'cYung Pcarple smereting. SItEVEVINGa ENGINEERING JAMES & WANDABENSE SURtE ORS (Ontarin Land Sureepnrn POR5lT CiOEDIT - Cresccrur 0-2034 Miltr,rt c1iar te st suer OD.sctîdabcuu-, .OLOS ttacbs,, - TAylor 2-0544 W. H. CARR Peefeeînnat Engin rer and Ontarin Lan u rer Georgtowne, Ontaric Guelph St. Pharar TRaegie 7-3300 PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Mcsrdap . 1«130,>c.Sp,-m Trncuday i.30-S pru cend 7-S pm Wedneduy .-930 ac.-t2 erran Tburuduay . t.30-S pet and 7-9 prn Friday .,30-S pet. aed 7-9 pet Sutueday. . .1.30-S p.m Puiîe Bnlîdayn mat Inelaini Sebeci ebildre baer erparate iorcut DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUiRGEON OferrnuRueoralBuilrding. Miton R'tr c 9-S ESt set s by Apprntetst X-Bts Sýr rs te Tri. TE 8-9782 DR. H. F. GALLOWAY 15, etai Surgeon 1.5.1Muse St. on streetfliste Heourst uo 6pst FsEteugc Oy oppuieterent X-Huc Sereire Tel.Otfie TE8-9201 LEGAL DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS W, t. DICK. Q.C. K. Y. DinE P. K. i5%IrWILLIAMS B.rr.stre. Sciors ttaeSteet, rtpsetrArmna Tri, pbone TE S-449t T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q-C. Bareister, Snlicitnr, Etc. 131 TbcrusSteet Milton Trieýpbttue TE 8-6551 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT O.C. Bureistr.Soltiirrr, Nntcry Puie Ottce-Ita, CreseBuilding Maine Street, Milton Tctrpbuuc TE 8-92t2 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Baretstr, Solicitorn, etc. tOi Marc St., Milton 1t110NE TE 0-9772 HENRY R. HOWITT tSarrester, Solicitcr, etc. 225 Marc St. ceer Mitcn Hacrdsare TE 8-9523 OPTOMETRIST ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Mare St., Miltce (Lloycd Davir' Jrstrieeyt Pbonc TE 0-9972 Res. TE 1-9678 Tccrduyuand Ferduyruurniegs Eseutegs Oc oppurert FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME l'rneratlIBonne, Ambualauce Servie PHOSE TE 8-4452 N5OHT or DAY Ssterc, CstrtcuService TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CASADtAN PACtFtC RAILWAY Standard TVice Gcreg anc.; 2.04 p.m.; 8.12 p ru, datty eerept Saeday; Sue- due eety 9.on pr. GOetg Wert-9.04; 6.36 p.m.; 1.10 utcn Daiycueept Sueday. CANADtAN NATIONAL RAIL WAY oing Ncetb 7.98 ce. Goreg Sectb-7.10 pr.. PAGE TWO THURSDAY. MAY 17th. 19W THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO

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