Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 3

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?ISUSDAY JUN 91b 105. TH CANDIANCHAMION.PALGNE OTARI DANMC E SATURDAY, JUNE l4th AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT LEGION HALL 9 P.M. STAN KNISLEYS ORCHESTRA $1.00 - PER COUPLE Consuit Us For... 5 YEAR G UA R A NTEE D I NV ESTM E N T $10() and up 0. Slliîaeaed yua oe- !a:d puru $1i01W) 'rm Wffl. , Ph-a O. E. Manning Manager IIALTON & P>EEL TRUST & S.AVINGS 97 Catbue S5,t. E Ouk-,,i. etI.4-32t6 Here's Style and Value...0 THE 1955 FORD v 8 A STAND-OUT BEAUTY THATS WORTH MORE WHEN YOU BUY IT - WORTH MORE WHEN YOU SELLL T NEWIN STYLING-NEW IN BODY Year afler yrar, FORD'S seccesses haver forced the wh toleauto- motive îndustry to charge ils idras about style, performaîrce and ride' Aqaîn FORD is far outi n front wîth swerpirg ,rrw changes FORD is now ir beaety wîth a completely froc body, crîsp, clean styling inspired hy the famoos THUNDERBIRD stylirg refiected i all 5 rrw modeis and roches ifs best in the brîlîtant FAIRLANE sries And don't forget, hen il cornes to performance, FORD ihrne o/erhed valve V-8 ergreand new baljoint super- onisunmatched! SEE IT- DRIVE IT - COMPARE IT TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1953 FORD FORDOR Sharp in .vey way. Sound mechanical condition. A-1 BARGAIN AT ONLY $1195.00 STONEHOUSE SALES LTD. M 409 Main St. MILTON Phone 5 19W a Look for the A-1 SIGN 0F VALUE when you buy a USED CAR Oppose Election Ask Re-Division A re-division of Burlingtou ito six instead of four wards was ap- proved by tomoouncil last week but in the neut Oreatti, voted against a more to eleet courciltors by marda. Bath measures wr n troduced by Cr. Frank Whittaker who informed couneil ho would immediately seek to lire up cîtiz- eson a petition cathing for a plebiscite on the question. - Ihave ,a lot etof wrk ehead o i t,, i îo- e pr ,fth etft," t.tCrhI ,t,î, l hl-td f eceor Y \,,. g, de,, t t detrat ,on a reorded rote. The Motion, detoatrd hy te', voe,.and oeoodrd hy Cr. Cordon ed Thet the solhcitor b, in , trucîrd teo rroare a hy-tuu' t, pervde tor thO elerlico of t he moyor. troc ,and deputy-rr or hi agenrral rote J tthr eleetor r heir T'townOfBI'lglrland sx o,0, cirs b r * howard,. 'uject te 1h, attirerai efthle 'Deprtmtent of Munictipal Attairs et thOrerrdtre,., Oft1he' T',ý,,t 13, ote, e l \\e red.'* YOU CAN SEW TO SAVE MONEY Want to Make Something? COTTON SKIRT SUN DRESSES OR SUN SUIT See our wonderful range of BROAD CLOTH, LOVELY PRINTSb Linen, Pon Green, Nylon, Dacron - The Finest Show of Materials Manufactured by the Best People ttPT VOUR MATERIAL - SIMPLICITY PATTERN COTTONS - THREAD - ZIPPERS BUTTONS, ETC. Croate th~e Latest in Fashions at a Cost to Suit Your Purs. HE ROSS STORS CO. Ii s e o . "OMRxmy wp/w 'Ewp" PONE 49 mîr 1 Halton's Pages of the Past Limestone Rock Stili Around Little Kelso Is a Ghostly Reminder of Pioneer Past d BDY WEN CLAIUKE . f.'. .' ed Eu provide electritat power tue a In loubaru orer tbe istury uof the boyuue and barn. Haltun. lbeclaure ut D. D. Cbristie 01111 Ru.. Equlpasent ý cusqutîte requenîly, particulur- Witb unending patience, and au t ti rotarrctt,,r crtbMiltou, Aon tbe resuIt cf suoty erteriments, at,,iNarg,a Th liseis o,t str- Adamn tnallylbad lbherraler piped Il iin ý1 e-tot,1hhe eccd horn and wtroctbe u ec1, t lM . Ch i, aonofbl ht 10set c a tmain distributing t'tli'ctost ati eratd entrpris- centretforbiumacbinery. Witb tbe 9 ng citizeuo bhetpofuthIe necessurysaatu, pslteya, S Daid Darling Christie tracborn muturu and drire-het. Adam suc- n 8140 lu tbe district nom Enowu au ceeded in providing puwer tu ope- 0Kresionothe ,-Ffttb Lia,. Nasuagu- rate, umung tber tbingu, a muuing , trryl. Hic ufthîer trasCharles , .macbine, circulue aaw, emery tubeel, yChristi. ie, rcumete this saine ,tmeut cbopper und1 a perpetual muter ttrmicbip about t83t, approuuouately ,. uantua for tbe trunt tutu. Water hc saine titre as Andrtr Ellitt ., "wma on tup upsairs and domu in tbe ansd Adamo Alexander. Ellott and fine otd cat-stan,, bouae and borne Chi îte rime tronc Kelso in Scot- .' ,generuted electricity uupplied lgbt latndttnd ter recec'ing rantcct for tbe bouse.teemseer in Crlown Land ti c s derstanduhle At tbe haro bremrs vrykn wclrîvth ltbllr Ottroîrsî mus girru ,jýotlubour-saringrconvenience-und tbrttain e et lsc,,Arrordiag te tbat ut a time wben sucb thingu fi-d nt,,tkei bt Ruen her- ee unbeardoton teaverage Woor, rd. ittecînî' reryor, thetoTaritarm. Adam, Alexander died lu 1941 Kiî i'tl'.lstt,c"to,ttryunerr hut bis son DoIt stilruns tbe uld W ,tt rtt aities and aoser- tare, andcntinues to mabe use ut picti t'erc, oningtttthcetii th tbc ulI tbe toter-driren eqaipmnent lu- flats",rrnted by bis ingenioas ftîer. Pruly ut Rork and lManre " Adam Alexanders duys emust :'«12band si,,cthch tu thricc- ,,,r t ing and e fuîmet for e as ý o. sellierr%%,sra.itulsadciutage. btIalao tbe firs1 posteruster mben Kelsu tl, CharlettCh Lit, i. ,htd bren mus grantrd a post office utter the 1,,,,,t t th',tqcalti,,,i, trci tellr 4rittray lItro mnstbrougb. Coltti -,v, 1 h,'te'rrainthrtd promice Fora umher ofyeara mot oftbe c lac,, iir nature. Tbistfaitbitrou cildrensrut Ketua attended Liguy îlotifietl tn' out c',rs tler mhrn bis sebeol, mlbing a distance outhtree ,o Davcid o,,ttcst'ri)îîtbr Christir mîtes or mu,,. But erentuutty, lu,' Linestn, uaile -i da whchDAVID DARLING CHRISTIE, con of Charles Christi,, opened the 1886,. a arbool bouse mas built and Chairles did not itu e1, , e'bcChristie Limestone Ouarres and owned stores te Campbeillille, berume buomu as "Ricbmond 'Davidtca , i,c11, hictu aher crac Mlton and Actor as treli as opeeaîing a prîrat, bank te Aclon. D.Sbct Acodn10uadauy t, ghowfoi tn, i is,-Base Chrsti,'s log housr near Kelso stili stands. mha hoco s here bad been a Ltat, Tht,-ra ail ci rttctgb hr, mucrboutronersy over tbetucatiun I ,cttirii'ti lhccr ic ,drrof the sbool. Mes. Alexander said ih' i1i, onttopeoCbrîa, T s t-,1 lc ,îh ,:hrc,,etcthpeet - et totiIhe polts, tmond" - ultetre Butte of Ricb- Lt t,,l dt,îst'fo,tChie s l ettî,1 l,,,altcC,'d Vth toey tviteay Chris1ticd Hetiderrsnsbared tbe troud' A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~nl ta, tttttedy tbttt l i ,,,th,,,,gi, Ntecaea a ti,' horsecndhitggy-tein turu' A Milland Tavern tht,',dcit a'î c, tttt tîîttttt'tt. H H iît,,iDitttstc's rtc ClsectteKels thretaa large 'ra etie î,ch 1, ettor thut il t ct,, e ir vote! rtmi he' ,tta eh Ili t... ,teftl'lithicstlu.t r' elnoldeseithe op-s cditrr l-brrdey' itla eaînlobe tt t,'tttlt, the ,rb,,,,,,d, htIitttttoeett',c .%. Anîd t, Ki],..s oe of Flt,,,, stnafltdist orict. Tbeeu'asnerer a regulur .ctl'tt At dittcat, tctge hîl. Qzryril liub-bti etanyhscu n the cesumuulty but ' 1t t;ot i,,ii tteg Ctttio neftealttttoit,,ttvitinHrîs,trittthoefIDltttAlxcande. This tor undrneminational Sunday scbuul I, ttî,anti Acl,,n ri ActonsoniitL t.....,and Atii,i,,ttit C mtttas e ',,Cs -Lardi itttotî. corigisal- rtasses te be hetd rani Sunduy. And l' I,' t eittttcttatth!t.ii" 'ttttitttiinttotd hc v Aexander oficourse, durtuuîthetreek tberbuU fusd Firsit'unoksture s822. Ilt rcîo sld h y totaie'lays aauitahle tu, commun- iTh, 1- 'ttt,,te t'i1HEtChf itetCampbethllt i Wtt, tttirint18t9, ity ascial actirilîes. Poloc an e k.1 t'tn tIl Otos A ,ttiad tic Peiictr etoAdam excander- Thrre as osty one laverain tbe Il"blc'î,rrd o'th C,,,,,ta hccatitýcitltithitooqaaint Concrssion, nem tbe Oumble pro- Campbell hip-1-tardtdttg.T te ssuîrtundied ,t,,,î,o.thich t cîtîll presers'ed trrty. ttci more than lîbely this lt',itttt grothîlatuns do, b\ditthe ttntttcantd wcra aertly tavrts mosrotîd 'Tbe Be, Hire" Mtttuaturrrs otI i, ti,.utnte'rome t.Mt.attdMi,. hitt'n saiteturciby tbercrofutascocer the itnlrothbefront entry HIGH GRADE MEMORtALS 5W. lM Dît,, ie ttt H ueltph - Mr., tî, pr,h tutîhe drpartlng Adanm. there trc bteth emoing ioucrîp- MEMRIL NGAVNG Christtc 'c r,,,,glîe, ,and scnitt-.acc Tt i ,edtcl thus: "Thol thr bearser, tion- MEMOIAL NGRAING ari (t tt ttte Iidlerttoisobace Adam,,Atxandrrvtlh htoorttrand -"anthis Bee Hîoomoarealluarie 62 Water St.,North GALT t.î'î tut-e.rced antd int, c e rtîmtala,f -t thtu Iutrisb treutf Dtod wbisky mubeausaunny. Telephone 2048 Ch tt se theidilegs. The ChîtociCe'nsuirrend Publîe icondal If yeu ofe dry, cme in and tey h ite mht,,'I,,, ist tnuthe 'e ttecîrd il Cttlaitod lhu îotb lTherttacur ofourbhoney!" ditîtrct 1, ticai a,,,,hol,,te instead da, ot JoIe 1026. iignrd, F. E. Wîs- And teday .. . mbat îs thece left 4 h( uoa can rve n open î,,,îe - et the Ketsii cettlemeut? The i. 1het- t- C,îsodou1Pacifie No ut ,,1Mr. Alrcoander cisao a Dmhieresidence, tbe grey alune CRaiN BLOCKS k ts, t efom tetrpt,Ll hrdwrtbtg Scrot- a srboot bouse, te lb,, dr ow CM N BL C S Ci'l-,the cmpnany a,îî,,ofr,, ftuure rquîpprd taem and tbe Elliott ttl iteis Anl, grand.s,,, îisoscmed Adîeo. Adame bmeatrad, nom oooned hy W. L. WELL TILE- SEPTIC TANKS a,î) stationthel,-carme ot'Cbristie" th, Thrd cns tîtti,- short et un Jeoston. Tbe post office bus van- I~~~~~~ DULO G TECIO i Chtrtstie cmasc teil bocnns s rîtrt ernginrering grnts. Young ,sbed and Cbristie ruilmuy sattion la BULOOZNG TRNCHNG oliica cicle-asa Lîberul. Bis Adam wtolhbd the steudy traclte utftnulonger oren eatrhistte-sop, But Davi-,it~e'd Hctidtrset,,,ta suitt soring coming tram tbe tbelimestofl,,rocia still tlere, a Edgar nowaen Irt',tirwaa Ctins.cnr emembe t rcks btrt. and a 1,11e beyosd. tbe tbctttlc remînde, ut Ketso's piuneer PhaneI5R32 R.R 2, Miloftaltitietitttl"tefo - r t-varc. and etd hitrtctteud, Dradually b, b,,- COsI Phonp 55R32t.tttiMtttn tal ,,tt endi eratt, .tenasetirutttehbtesseduritlbtbridra tbat Rpoeîui. igtuhuaeu, , \ otb"ime ît-Mi itet. DrOt tiiI,,'ttIle ottem mtght he h arreso- o i ilsrîtîtiog & ractoshisu Çusanv * Foundation and Roof Coatings * Lock Sets and Hinges * Joist Hangers * Overhead Garage Door Hardware * Wiring Supplies * Pipe and Fittings for thie ""Do-it-Yourself " Man *Screen Combination Doors *Fencing Supplies McKIM Hardware "IT SERVES YOU RIGHT' PHONE 28 MILTON IIRIPMAY, JUNE Oth, 1955. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO IpArlr mmWE m

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