Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 1955, p. 12

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PAGU TWBLVIE INELSON COUNCILLORS UP OWN PAY DEBATE SEPARATE PLANNING BOARD Naisn s rencliers, t a special lest merstisaitishe departmest mas meetîg Mudayagit te clean upnset an aeeord mtis thereqest te an avlatascise etfscris tisai sa fail- mithdram frun tise are. Tise tetter as ever frem tme preecles meetings aine edised tisat tise Dcpartmect gave tiseer readicgn te a by-iam te mas mitice te tise tiser tisese arra tncreaae their pay fer ceuseil and membres - Burlicgtec. East Flamn- cummittre meetings acd give tisen hure and Waterdums. an mlt as tise an etra ameunt fer car miteage. Area Board te acrti thair frai- Under tise bp-tam, rtruactive te legs isfure taiing asp acries. Jas. 1 , tisa reeve. deputy-reeve ansd "Wr mere dos in Toronto tasi aifivecrueiliersmwiiirrcetelie Friay acd tise Departmcnt duent ameusts. For attendacceeat regelear eautîîs targoffise deep end,"*said and sperîal coîncîfi meetnts eg0 Ha .rold Adbiii Tiiiii'iani aiîiiirtlu'laiiiiod froi $8 to ii 'ilidzt\,.tipoiii $10 a minclg. Cîîîuîiîtrcîîîî','igs ue \orin iiiiiîia oaupanning eiltu acere remetd traie $0 ta $8. Cor1«thc adalice gmanirapality. Tisey silage 's rad frum 7cents ta aernt currcedmitbisumwe do 1C recta a mile. it. Wr assured' Colonel Nasistisai Tise by-law aise iaed ese-tird was eue intention. ai tise daily remuneratien, fer in-.'"Fer aIt istenseand purpoer, me mome tas purpoesn te be "deemed ltwr noron"si h te bcexepenne incident te diseisarge mliiemaris unveupedc, aldotis e cf tiseir duties oet u'aU wtisdram but me de set mantil its- At tiesa me tame, ceuseil mcm- dieated vme arr ucfrîendly mush Bue- bers ocre asised te turc in tiseir io r East Flambera." persena epenses every ibresega menths esutisat tisry may bc paad Oc tise stresetis ut a petities, qaarteryasteadof onea emi-aii- elgsad by thernuired perrectage suai bais as irmeriy. ut ratepayers in tise Wrtlusd, Car- Attemints by Nelson tow'nship ta dîr. etc. nuraryn tueresaitary semer oitisdrao frum tise Burtingten ccd wnetr ela, l e arî a y-a Subsrba Planig Areaihave etesfs pclrd a sfumbig bloc at Que'sPark. ' Reports'serre recrîivedtrain tise A letter fram Cet. A. S. Nas, outhtie buildn ieaprctac. pain'cisîrt. as- Departmert of Panning and Devel' aeament cammîssiacer.e. rginers opulent îufarmed Nelso couricl andbaihsrootibard. END GEORGETOWN WATER DEBATE Unemployment Up Lack Qu WILL BILL ON WATER METER SYSTEM ln Brampton Area Arec Pli ILv rueslillalok P- a.- d ili A e r oni-ý's, incrîL.s O ckville Police I 1 It'e. clu iig fi. oi jl t n". î 'L i," v ru lat ratu e, crliehId t eg . la cff j,, t L -W 85, .. f ý is, iccui cicc iiilu leat iiitýe eKoc-urDeK A 1Il il i ný1h1,1 'd Ca Il',liiii""ocilI In iii lgs lia b u un i iiiiii lu n iii li . aiIcretlch',iee lded alvi b lio lii\ s h Iu:o liI.I li fI IIL tl ilayaî taris Arniiecic gaci lii., n a lI 4fifipollcI li.ili40iiii I',iii ci,ic q .. Ii, uni',, lii ia 'aeIefe u ad Il, c,, 'il,'>;î~ i l . ' e,%i. L Aiîl,'d r t îi bas a l ciici lla$ 'cii i.$200 . iIiIi jiAi op,a' luiiil ...i... iii iii lL1 jiIlil a fier fat rs a te h brniiil*ta S fIlisîîiieiLtii'Ilsuî,lit:cl'b LLuciîîii t Tise aychte nba errr hs T uPoiA sý otds e ul i I L, 1hci i i i"1 i. îîcplzîîrr d A t aî iioîh,îlsIlt >,, I ',- Iind i'ed il, lt'lloth -elî ' f il e'a 'i,I -11ront t o i cot Iiitrh , clrre pa i crit b l, b e ai K mut aliIi'i pci lu cel ah rtiltwf*, disc tt2hunî,'u , ..î 'n i iccîcs i, Iccîîd ,ai )b h ,i claeti ed te "i me vrk vttcs nboa lA ii tp li o Y-. i panuIiiiiii cc ,jngd sounne sevdisa*nvar a to iciciilîiiiî%,,--kclitt .i L i ia lIiiit , llo i,1 R Ctrurnd rrnîîta diiAtii'd tît Ihr i- ir aod hui,îs , rcn.icaincccc, , 4,300r aýxesite ra s 'or ; rna î1 Mi G t 1ar li f ii. ccciiiý e Plant auareaclaveersci Itcce c' .î~ haveTH mcd I Ccad ci lh flur 1r ît caie atiill eîrîl'îoîlc1î'd f.c' tse t ,ioK N taIT..k fon Iis noAwrrrrored rie a ites 2fiu)ilI'i h9ccii îîîî,dcc.e , ssc a andbil"vrît-Pcnts. l Brri h', ntr io c,îî,'ctae l Whilii " iîiai ici Ici haai ti',uta'd b'sîatîîîa'ao. i s i c a rs .îs" c.', cuistr iN ],I l , tisîiiratcuuirgieîîltist 1.îcîistilii ilici liiicuilti'iaf h. b , . 1, , ;t, pa th.dîîcndi ithcce. cli, piît v n uies hvi'illflo I l I h-(]tl' Iici a '. 3 0 1 is î î l . ' r d ' e t ono' r ic i l t cl I , ic cc ~ IL P H O NE- îîiubig iv tie îtîe uth. ai'cu Iciccrse I h.ilc'I 'r,,di e S P60lie îIneocemilîlaer TMeon tt I.cciîiii'IceIîî, ,ii,ith expasionh 43lrcIP ai i cdue't.is34li h t ie ii w ,îfutur, TheicIiii l il s lt f h a lc t 1 1 -i. i 'l il . ,,V u t hae Ic t t . o pr î ing i s 2 7 0 0 , î ' i îl 'i l """ il b a s i h a, i i ,- . , ( i - I - , ; l t a , L h t hiilic of il, i ngîl t i'. vth bo h i N i * t fi i, cî l " cc I L ,, s l , F'cae.Foed . mA hîn o Bic 1 anî,,d lîe file ce , i Pesic"ieî 211 0f'lIce G.Cii o Ts ise l epr. i..,'ee'iu is a ellad 1 ce 101I) liiii Stcl, il îii ,i li t ad TI lS f uc ris teedaoficee i ,O k LpIî l hic ii . uc uci 3,m P O .cri pn, vith 3,4e cedch oî'the UPc L TE IoG A BRAM(Jli f l N W-], ~ eaec ced for 4chan s, ie c cIt all, COMMERCl, i,,, nA i OMS TII ClhI rno d u ce«cent force lu r, til ti lrd cst lîsg Ye roptue totl f . )2 uit th I«ý-kun( pe iazse TVasscme san F ROdY s1 9 5 phrodctn c 'rull uktîoli u'ueerot La ;et iFreesý-tvithes cLijals. 4' IIer eOrfruit 64îcibocioti Dec Thr - futr (.fe l NewiAssoatin ENRA0RDI LPAR ran 1m Rec"-Okleis Caterc3,8 r2îutc cal n (2 i' u c i gtsai L r In tr n Auman P, i o .e idnlisui r l' f n 1h Os MI.T0N tais and Ac,845 f îr, i.r ri U H"eoa a RA D NE 1 5 tical1A m eu'i nut u if ,rucs ~ *- ARlokEs adcrnotw Ueld br Ishi. Gtîu u Beautafulsylng Y rfu do ay 'rcc ec V He ad! M NEw aNILn ka cdar cgiiinPuc tuu i s. ieuracL t, l L w C s reEtnae eec-t tem oa lî.aptiPhcd Qatf oneby App9 nîm e lft I yn 'ar ece tserChat'leurlem u or celets tise Wtelling utnint s socia-k Wiat, f@trai JOIN THE LEGION Hava you served thre cause of reedom, in the air, on land or sea? Home or Foreign, East or Westward, Holand, France or ltaly? We dont ask about religion, nor if yoa were in "the line", Comrade, for the sake of comrades, join the irgion; nom's the time! Do you shirk a bounden duty? Is i that you do flot care? Have you lost your pride of service? Is the burden bard to bear? You've a dlutyi then perform it ... Alil for one and one for al JOIN THE LEGION, ail pou vterans, for divideti me must feul. APPLY TO MILTON BRANCH 136 TODAY 1 Attractiiaely _ MODEL CCP I, liisciiiivu. h;iisr"tlrnaid. IonBoard - H i iii l îlZ, - îîî anîî .îd S" iiiibani il t i il us tl'un d ils ciiîii'Ii toa' YOIJRE AS PRETTY 'î,,îî îîc,îîîîui AS ADISH OF GOOD MILTON r'IZY~ ha I, pannng CE CREAM i il is, lri iil in il . h, board RON IERSTONE ýctrician 1160 MAIN ST. T SERVES YOU RIGHT MILTON PHONE 2 I!HURSDAY, MAROH lOth. l1M 84 PHONE i 58R1 3 MILTON TED STOVER R.R. 1, Milton NEW HOMES, ALTERATIONS - CUPSOARDS Fr.. Estimat.. Prompt Service 11* CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Burlington Mayor Suggests On. Bd. Riing education resta breught un isp the expansaon ut Barlinglun and Nelson townships mare gicen by IBurlisgtun Mayor E. W. Smiths as tthe reasos mhrn ha advurated a W sangle sebeet huard fer the ectire erea. Tise suegesiu tinfoued tise /4/CI WAY.. - duratius report ut Ce. Franks Dur- es tus la mhirh he repurted tiesa shant e4 huard frît September ceerrecmdicg /.2 wuld bcoasedisy rrntal oetwtm ~ ceums insSt. Juins uSeperate uciseel ad an arrangrement mîth Nelson Schîîîl Ai'i'a No. t ta taise rare et "A isgle bîoardfac tisc high and 'a cpubtir csaetn for tiseetire aea # orewîld nuire many preistems isclad- éaringschuul sites," hisn mrsisip flt. gowmo"O * .1 , & ise cest ut educatien in rising saris PO SSyear and tiscre scarma t e nise nd *1 te t. is tise iiggest item is eue C-4fax rate. Couecler Harry C. Wade, cisair- c,; man afti teratien cummitter set ~~f et cee tatiens trum Nelson, E. Famisuroaad Waterdemc, said his MrN cmite "saould study thia ltalimmediatrty. Wr sheuld BURLINGTON SKYWAY plans mare announcesi recentip bp tise fier't aur fient renîderatian ccd ministre of higbmays mho incliaated misen the construction on that cMayarSitisa ermtientare sn- projear was mcii entier way a nem controlird accent iigismay sec-he.utftudeeta mise liver earer tion fo be bnomn perhaps as flhc Freemnan caf off, iiiastratrd here, Miltas, bat because thsc, arce netf- moald be commenceci.csonrmust mabc tisc lacetrip te Ber- ___________________________________________________licgoii*"Net lon n tîein afgrcat- allie,' fisariBuîlîepoan beeaîinc onum F r la e iia iii iter l-- Hase yoa tried the smooth, rich gooelness of Mitas Dairy Homogenized MiIk ? MLON 158r22 ýPT SERVICE 's, M ialton Dairy Prodllcts Ltd. ýD IES 25 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON PHONE 58 And Your )Id Washer -, 5 Fae Rolling Casiers f2 Year Rebuiding Guarantie Detase Louait Wringer Lifetime Transmission Powerful Wringcr Action A CANADIAN CITYHA E Daring the past 20 pears, automebile accidents have taken the lves of 37,000 Caeadians the antire pepulation et a fair.sized eity. A haIt-millien moe hane been înjered. To marI the stegqeraeg cent oft raI lic accidents, the automobile insusanca, business thîs yeer wmdl puy out more tisan $80000000. Beyend this, insurance cemparues miii doeerything possible te stem the rasing tati et automobilie accidents by ettcring the sale driinsg incactive et lamer insurance pramiuma for accadant-trea car emners and tireugh sataty mork and public educatian aimed at makisg drivera mcrec araet the pente etf mudern-day mtarisg. ALL CaNA ALL CANADA INSURANCE FPEDERATION F eaie n . se.s iand ne.5.y ou,,,.s.i.,irj i17 HERE'S REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNES VALUE -- CANADA'S FINEST WASHER -- SELLING REGULARLY AT $209.50 FOR A LIMITED TîME ONLY WE WILL $60.oo FOR YOUR ALLOW YOU OLD WASHER Act NowI This is Too Good To Pass Up McKim Hardware X aIurally you prfer butter! lis a saturai daiay food, made of rich wisolesome crcamn, delivercd ta your rreamery woblie if e ceuctry-frrsis. Butter's flavar is ail is oc., mild, delicata, crgamny. For good eaticg, gaod living, tisere's ruuti ikg buttet! -- -- q 1 --- "-"««- --«* - rnpgmc £0 ýl -1

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