THECMNADW4 O ei ____ z. IR CLUtOF-Te Mr and Men. A. Eaj JOHN LANNIN euhbo.nt Milice Private Hec- gIe .FIdsy.Nev. 18th, o eina Johe Lecnnon of et he tfe a o. died Friaat ha haome in Gue Oalph. NtivenotMilton.he ccc McDONAD 1 inhcchn5th yca.Lansce cent ta oni ceFrlda rGulph ,nsbbecs, if. Oc 1949, Wc. Mettentd, husbaeti1I naccc laternctest etota attle ofthce ace Isabel Camcpbell , in Loais Relca pricsg. hi 85th ycsc The Ril t eterace ocled 55 neam Service oa letd io the -Mca- taorthe Gccttcs tacedry. cetrief 15 N*bandccISec Che pel MItae o Niov. lOch. tctecimn s in SI c am cga,. e sanOdd Feîce,, .tadec Cemneteen, Ocknlc Fececstca. inactec tireaeccinehic Sya cagn a dcc, ce ardent sport tac CAED 0F T-c1c:-als ha liteancd tteded Paisley Memonc.alieUsted Chccch. Meýc. DIos.Predicas and teoliT Scenînaca salade hEtc iow, wlh ttsoi takthi elecedac Iforte dcc esMs WlimHcîcc mmte. td expreecieca ef sycc- eieMc lt C thy esteidcdtethle ca heOIlda), ccd Mac erct Mcrcls (Edist leanveet ced elsa" tao ththatfToronto;e.eJoseph De Mqnskihtdnccec shtoa hby I dcc- Shiase (Emma). Mcc Hcccy Bard i.rcc. Prudheot clog Illnsc. Fectci, Mcm. CreeghtanShadeet iRtctc. cl at Gaelph; a bheac tîttee, acce granchitdccs cnd ccc- - B reviies - engetgadhlr. MR& JOHN BLIGHT -Christmccas in cl il25das Mitaa ma.t .rcaactad acclaca..a -vote a o ich atSacb,ccana cctiecnhannh waanckccnatheaaaddaa ta vote as Maada.catcaa aofMa. Magaact Jaca a ihaietTornatoGaenel HaspitaI -Tellte ts ur ccc narc il ctlant..Nai nanban aach.lRea J. L. hlccc frcaac cean saallatonabut tha aandaatad the srceîa tat lof-cea roa]aan ManaSI hcclata home n CharlestSt.the ccednt bc ddettaothenamcss. allacacg Wedacday atternaacc tn- tarmnnant tallaacd nd cEa'ng-na -Thceaeoae a iley Bridge Caacataaa at Mltona a becs rcm aaat aa Hghcay an ie Aalaa and aac thaeaad hecas , BraietCaladaa. cha c-s th. obstrcatioas twtaccAtan and daghcca af the Itc Mr. cnd Mec. Mtontc. Ncclllcacherna Hec hcsaad Jaa. W. Blight, tacacc aan cahuloh- -Mc.GM R. witingte ccacaaoftthe CaadiaChampcion pe- hec cchtaetptaa ta thc Chanîcci decaed he six cnacen cga. Tchîag gas, t.Weca. escan geciac thecanactiv netca inîahchcch r, newsof ataachomce caca ad look Mac Bight ccc oaoemb' aofSt. tceeccd t a ch caca athPal'c UnitedChaach hece,adtfor -An etimat $10 damge iet the Lcdie' Aid Sacety. She ccc As tedteatru$1111dccage e- d a c taea er fthe Weaen't Mis- Dadly Ects. utas chided e caccy Asciation. She l sac- Dudly Emn, Mlton skid d a vncd ha one tîtec. Mc. Florence the baclieccaandcacahedcscamellaofLaoaie. Pcllheccec' si dtctt haoueaie odeateide at.o1alded Charle Kerr, V. J. Naccie. ltasre. Tedch acc >Stanley Fan. Wta. Bect, Edcaed lsjuecd.Blapicd ccd J.Nichols. -Dsnagcsaotascg toabohat $M O ectcted ohencarcc, dcriventhy Maiti McCesttll, I1h..atoancd Neye.Csrk.'2.'etfMlten. olîded on Highosy 25, secte Mlton. Bth divea ecaed aaîclceed.GDamcge lis seiccc car aetcmated at $10. -Os Scoa t c speacilec- lc cnSt.Jon's ClicaitNacaga- oeyc tee cciit e c dedicatias et seac oemoaîcgiftstatathe ehuceh and the nec Bîchap otNia- goca Rcn. W. E. Bagocl ilcli ha le charge oat Se dadicttoeac tcee t 3.311 pot GEORGETOWN GergetowncasRides cil pla in s see-teaot otîed Isteaaacdicta OEA A aed B gcccpicg tar the 1949 hckey sectso. Tnca t'c.d Oco tcaecoilothe theireteet eppecas titis aea, Brcamptan and Disxie, a nd Miltasncli agin cd ln aotpetitlat aller ca5ce', loy-cff. Georgetown,. Wetot cnd Oaile careco-etaien trot lesi year'c eagae. Te end oetacerac in sscred oidt thc pasg f Aa- tes. ttaditlesa.trivalt etGeorge- ton, frotthce ntemdiate hock- ey pictsrec and fansaince htcont cait calses thceet inataa ohmSh tEele cosses adosas esgandeaed. Georgeton ciii have ams o lce.ce.bureca. MH.Moacr asc netiled thie canektat 0e hsd iteo cappalseed lcence i.sur TEe techisg taffsfet httMil- tce ccd Gegtocn PaOicnShoels oe ncectetacsed lest Thcccdcy et- teescas ha PincialolG Meie and hie cstatt ot teacneet Act le secical hace The gt'aap gth- ecd le the eeo Sccut Hali threc, atdccjoyed muscla acntcad lunsh-Hecald. Washed Cravet Concrete S«nd & Plasering Snd CEMENT AND CINDER BLOCK . ALL SIZES FOR J. DOORE Bruce McKerr Notice to Creditors Pb MM X ATIm or Tm E015. TATEOSaOr u BlDuam « Zeti~Fm= . IDOcc.ed Ait pccsst hecte Mintts g- ainse t taenorciHUG1H DUN- BAR CAMPBELL , lte cf the Tac chtp oet Tsacgae. lnteE Ceacty ot Haltes, Fercacr, deces- ai.' che dled en or about the lsd doy et Neerne, 1949. sre r qeted ta cccd the cacae ta tEe codesicceti ctoraon ascefhace. the EeE dsy aIofaccee, 1949; otheme te estate ccil ta dis- trthcted otthect regardti tathete GEORGE E. ELLIOITT Milton, Ontario, Solcatoa ortheEsec- Miltan. Noneachec th, 1949. jSaturday Afternoon Hockey The HcntoaaInstciel Lecgae cacld lîhe toana- c oucee thele Sctcedcy attea- coas attaction. Thece cccl thcce gaotcc er at'1 Sîcden tcat'tcg as I a clac . sic f actstgitiai toa tEe cIght 10 entea the cita plan-elle ccd the PeaeTaaphy. TEe diam aeas tatlacc Dose-n Steel, Ecttaca Redotes. Wel- linton tccSleloten Cancdien -cliNichalsaa Laothca - ADMSIN501e NOTJFYI BOSS HOLMES CUSTOM KIILLING CATTLE - HOGS WHOLESALE I MEATS -AT- Mion-Abattoir RON HARRIS RespectfuiIy Solicits Your Vote for te office of Cooncillor on Eiection Day if elected 1 wil do tnp utetcst ta anche Mlton a better place in w'ch to ta Ue. Vote 'Harris' for Councillor ELMER C. FOSTER respectfflly solttts yose vote and support for his electiones REEVE FOR THE TOWNSHIP 0F NELSON FOR THE YEAR 1950 10 YEARS MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE Elecio Day, Mon. De.5 Pols Open From 8 a.n. to7 p.m. ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICItYD EY Hilton A. Long FOR HIS ELECTION AS Depoty-Reeve for Township of Neson FOR THE YEAR 1950 6 VEARS MUNICIFAL EXPERIENCE Onections Da9, Dec. 5 Folls open aE&.m. te 7 p.m. WHEWEL for Councillor 4 YEARS EXPERIENCE 111-- SENSIBLE, PROGRESSIVE, RCONOMIC ADMINISTRATION YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE KINDLY SOLICITED BY Ralph E. Sprague For Milton Council n the forthcominele ction on Monclay, December 5th, 1949 Pols opn from 9 7 p. Toronsto District Holstein Breeders' Club wish ta annouce the appaîntment of Murray O. Hayward 0F MILTON As thele officiai repreenotative and techntcian n Matas Ccuety Yconatinued patronage ic clicted aste inotncloacegacdingnourplana No Memberstip Fee and Choiceof Sires PHIONE MILTON 530 A. CAMERON HEAD OFFICE DR C. R. REEDS President Maple, Ont. Phone 95 Mgr. MILTON ARENA SCIIEDULE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2ND 0,H.A. INT. A. CAME WESTON Vs. MILTON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3RD Free Hackey Fan Al Boys f nacc 8 a et. ta 10 m. EVENING PulIic Skating MONDAY, DECEMEER 5TH O.H.A. INT. A. CAME Georgetown at Miton TUESDAY, DECEMBER ÔTH TH.L. WEDNESDAY, DRCEMBER 7TH TtIURSDAY, DECEMEER 8TH T. H. L. FRtDAY, DECEMBER 9TH O.H.A. INT. A. CAME OAKVILLE AT MILTON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10TH4 EVENING - PUBLIC SKATING ai cclc Ul ccl.cicacîcîca 1cà c ct, .Ili -C0 %% i P> c fi ujýý & lho1, 0; Rel{d Ccc. dehan .0 Pic 19r lccc,,koacd an 177J1 lMilai ad Co, dce a Mch20; Hereford h-21-3 Co, hcd Acg. 10. Tahane are cndition ccd shotng aceuncssel ________________________________ lai ce caltE production. j SHORTEORN VOUNO DA'tLE -- Steeco. 700-SM 1 le.; 4 Redi Farnworth 4iHelers 0-00Io;8 a te 1..oria antest elters. 500-600 b.1 4 Stecas cie. Helters, 300-400 lE,. As eccel- YORKSHIRE HOGS- 4 Sos, hced Is Septecahacl 2 Bacc,. hecd Ma.nrnenis nt0 adeemêe Nec.; 11 Shoots. 125-195 Its.; 9 shoata, 90 ta 11h Ibo.; 9 Prions. SIceat, 0-80 tht.; 115Ihoats. 60- 90 IM.; 12 Sioteac, 70-90hIbo.;11 CEMETERY LETTERING Yocrkshire Bear. IMris,, dt .0rotoey NOTE-If yoct ace lctaklsg tee isodttyliceecitdots ecerleels 01RLPU .ONT, chi e lt. Seleieo s -tise. IJINN & DARDE Auctieecel- L. W. MeMiiIect.Cleek 13 THE CLASSIFIED) SECTION Buy- SeIl-Exchange- Wanted Advertiserneccs ,asdee I t eadtag 35r, euh iwilts 05*15 ut tos25 mocda. Addllona woeds le arcewod. M casht doe. Dot ge- enWany tIse sdctrtieent, fi, notesmcheegi M and le par woed addlmlos forter c.woed oee 25. Scbcqcst clccaetieec 25c. FOR SAm WANTUD FOR SALE - Guelph cutiastan WANTED-Dreocahlsg scit woad rasge. Picote 189101. deesansti zctsoene. Ph. 513 FOR ALETureysforChrst- WANT'ED - ChIsie astd twl. FORis, Al-Tcc. heya tc Dlt- Hihetmarktl sce, Phoe toc, oil-te. hot ISei. oflesncc tnOe ,g Grads01 FOR SALE-I eon loti Motain, Berampton 53c1l4. Bre ltr 4Î-52 cotte. Heany dct iy oclag. Phone ________-______________@va FOR reaPaellryanatal FR SALE-Sosîll cch-stene, peti. Pihon. Sancll le M- .btite escoteltfrot and cheit. Ph. sen 143, sc Wca. Denti, liullieé2el 365J. oc scite Moes. Zencer 402 Dovre cuet Rd., Trct. 252 FOR OALE-9 scec-oeelt aId ____________ pige. J. Hachin. R. R. Na. 3. Ph. 251r5. LOSI AND POUND FOR SALE-I Volt ccicdchccgccr;d FOUNDE-A ycusg temale pclice Ai conitio. Chece. A. R. pacit odg. Ccntact, Bclgdcns Garage, Dsstpbclcitte. Hacshy, Phase 74r12, Milton. FOR SALE- Mascey Haccc STRAYED-Ycnciisg helteeteain, clelghs, $45.0. J.H. Galbraith, R.R. Leat 5, Coessialon 7, Trafalga. P. 4, Phase Shrh. O. Gcitnghcc, Phase 9hIdi, Milton. FOR RAL-ihite Dadge Sedan, LOST-1 Holstein yearling hel£- hlacahlao mlege,ccail acedtfor.e, vnae d. Fred McDCctney> $2100 Ph. 552l. phase 31h56 Waterdos. FOR SALEý-Mcla andbheah LOST-cA Blctetaa foxhaced as aaadacaad; deineed. A. Diaheaso., thea caisily af Mattet. Piecce cal- Mîlta. Pasc dac. îy, C J. Alexanoder', phase 1a61- FLOWERS ftrac l occasions.______ oactcer cas., Flacicta, Kîthelde. Phone, Miltan 263r11. tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE __arge dccsccd AVAILARLE -Aacccacadelio. atng ahînhean ctaicýhalascaetfo'tahcade'c. Mcm. Oea. Dcu- peine, W. Scatt, Miltas. Phase 222. sac, Qcaes St., Phase thlJ.- FOR SALE - Cetocos gcscci. HACR STYLINO -Permcanent. osne grave], hbrihck asd.cascete cacicg. Raccdsg ccd Sctccdasy. ahe. 911 acd top sal E Scade, Patay Tcagdael, ing St. (Opposite Phase 295.. if Regiasca Officc). Phone 441w. FOR SALE-Ch Meccceptcck, tNOTICE - Elleotts, Botaty hialltaco. Vcoc gaad codition. Ap- Shappe clases toanocce that cia, A. Lchac, Ph. 383r3, R.R.2 thclc telcphce scst'ec la 548 Ile Miltcn. ateai at 61J co 1n the telephoe FOR SA LE-Oit' s chite CDC.M. ok figcce skates, aie1. Almet ec, $10011 Bahee-Tcodc 1n goad cas- cdiaso, $1a0110 Phase 76r15. Notice to Creditors FOR SLALE -Madel A Fcrd AESOtiS coach ew tire, r'eetccctcc5lo, AN T fl co rdîcter, bodylin excellent- cliepe clangaod heacer. Reasconhle. INcTHEESTATE OF EDWABI> Phase 1 hM nte. WtLKINR0N, FOR SALE-i Flslay-Casdca ALL persaca havIs1 clalo, eg- rage,ostwarmig claet,7 gal.cccs- ansitheccstectofJ0cdwdlk caaie and isahkeshectcc, Iostalîcd. noas, ste et the Town atMilton. Peatect condition. 1 McClary clecc- ln the Ccatcty cf Holas. tcliec ictca hec5e, practiclaly sec. 1 deceeset, woadlcd e OtS dcy aof Tannes electrla fan, 2cycles. Mach, 1949, cce teqclced ta place Qucahmsae dcciced; mecang. Best theirt' aîcs In 1he handa cf the iittec, ocasle. J. Edccs, R. cderecsllaed cîlicîtaca helote R. 1, Muctasn 'phcne 52r5. the lOch at Decesahea, 1949, artea chîcE date the exeaatelta cf the FOR SALE-Yarkhireccsoc, ex- olîl af the scld dcccced, cccli cellet matheaicjutoecedceecond paed ta distachcte the ectcte iittea.l0 ohai,l10iceed.Pccclacchavîsg regard tocacimofechic iîfier 9 haas, 9 c'eac'cd.Pecteat she asît 1thea have had nccie. SecîtS, aeady Caca hccedicc cstsed- E-ted et Milton thie 22sd day at aitela. Gala It Ncncsahce.1949. disapi ofait lgcade stock. Prca 01CR & 1CR. Miltas, Ontario. $110. Aisea 3 cabSt Yorkhirle gcade Soliicios tar Excatc 111 ,eticsad 2 pccehaed ai $10 ____________ etch ftInTa Tylar, phase Miltas AUCTION SALE Niati i ght a the IN ACi'ON cght tuced up saaealee ON Fccitce ced ent Eent aesforaacaucil. Altagethea The Uaderscgned hae eceied ail cecta. inctaucticonsteaca This shocld gine atec'c c J05. Rsp-je gaad cacce ta pic-h ccc ta cc-dl hy.Publia Acticna+c'12 ahaase oSes they go ta 10e Vimay Rt., Aatas as polic s onisatias day. SA'ILIKJAY. ISECEOIBEB 11th, Nact yaces acolici ill he Consttaetaigt 2ccahthe ecaedcithtay gravne pah- fatîacclag lecs acicsg tect inte ceer 3 Docble Bcd, otEmatteesa etwtr hragec and spclns; 2 Geece; Otecte.- ecc.otrhenge. ted Bed; 2 Extension Tables; Kct- Flcclsg the 51100 cîtEcut ahea Chaiec; Ritahes Cabicet; El- c'atsisg oactax wc 0111ie dît- aacia Wcshlsg Mareaan td otian tîccît it ccc imposiblte, dsi REAL ESTATE-As the saie lactayttccpyece finieand plactheecctlhaeto- get a ndcaotetaorthe men tecedtfor mie schect toa cceceaae yacfee aestcapable and hîd the tattaclsg dclisg hocsec tccstccaethy ta bondie yaar slitccted as Vimya St..Aateo tI tcas dollastdcesg 19W1. la quiet staeel 1Inite SachÈh pa at Aatat, cecalthe octea tacea. A Vote cs yae lîhe hut voe! geai plsace tacaet cedpeople. Attee naca talc ta cte pai- PARCEL 1t-The c'ccgh cccl lang heath ohy nstamlet bouse end gccdeo ai 16 Vtsty Rit. oc tn sec the gaee, dalla. Titis doetlligsag clc aithettloyc, decascs, etc. at aadaerthetaoin dcelIlcg. Tleac ae ouroaa sdaconctcact l'Saac hedaooata ccd bath omcnt p Otalas. The tacs oclea pipes are ccady ta oR. Md#aumO hie aaaccted,- erthDum» Teron asPoacel t-10% et the th aaDsBal pcachacc paîae as day et SaIe. Bal- B MN WIEWT ILTON ace chanos cetsionscgivn, or aa RM TOiTO NOVELTM 5017 taay lhe eftonas s ceegca______________ heaaisg ilerest nI 5% peransîte ta ha fiand sntaocthly ltItaet tctNBEMtVhln of $5000 pec coasth till the ttal c pcid.If 0e pucasec le te ha-,e C I N S L the caicilege eot pan nyts o c ySM camoesc canoe the ald cschly GF CHOICE LIVESTOCR payccsct o aa cy tahe c ttaltpci'- odee instructions tacot men ct a y tiece. E. E.ASTEEDROOK PARCEL II-TOhe sect scxcea-c ta seIlhy Public Actioea i Lot aacghncstat tcgectd gades at 21, Cas. 3, Rastngnceyc. oc thce 12 Vita S. 'ritehtahe stai e EdesMIlle and Cecophelîcilîerod Mcchcctea rtaantd hotccttccedj"ictag Ecenee Chucani tacnsoae incladedl in biaeean. SATITEDAT ECMBER 8 cr'elin ontaParcaelIeathe Atl1p.m.tcsadad Tce GO DAL PURPORIE SHORT- as a.aPi'elc it the ecep'-H tion chat tSeacoccn Icilanla E HONS-Red Co, ftehcit alt sic c c nîan1c'ncnncc cîcccl-idcnit1ï,tc-n ad Volune 9go Suri Dele re»e a.d S Report te Sien As& bath Dits rigade pot end TEe t-ecai Cecceilisas ine ocith Co, octhB. C. F.L. Cwc Theoeans lacpepeslded. Mec. Stece dasce,, citE gactes. She img intfoma scecalias eqa pceaest 35 j acheal tht'cc t Mec. Stene, mission tac t uethe case gactes sac t wacs ganted, A lietter ce cartoest oatt the canctage c cacdent calice Thit caticy c ta get the lt Fîce Cott ceci smeeting. Fuccthec sef ahtalscd ter t the police dcc gc'ast. ThecCaanaît tnittee oetIh. cillcrMacatgc Yarh Tep. ce T.Titus.,cat, Caasty ct HaIt V. Hall, garag Tcn Hait, Pa, Pacctiiigh&Con Slac'atcsand W. Fiaa, Lc ght. Pa Pîs' ecac.. d Di Orat Ralctta Thc capai t of 1,a t. DCou Cccacacl, ccced ccatioa ta th bhaceeda tac'the hrigade acaccte ha achliched ne: Ma. M.E. Nia tha edgenoftoa dcc bhatanettc a cillacct the ci The Pcaacata Cc g,îtcd ta ditacts aîng Decccttccc inganed then, i toc cas c anne A lattcc cccasr E. Elliatt tetetint the Muncical lac 1the lartonasua ai lhave ta he lac tac' thîs aaes Gacaty Reene i Of as intervciew Sit'cie egard l1.y at the tons tactero . Theya;c cicactleeereyt1 tacisgotiocasw ha K. Y. Dich. a. Baoldtcacth ccd Mescrs. Gaie ccd Rdled tccccvea.- cnd Icate nccs and Staccie lettet' àlanian cccrrlc aietewilcl acceane the Nocth Tcai oard. Ceesecil dicacc Iceîat te the lacet lithesi Board. M. S. A. Psy cci llen seon txs onc Dtraesed rcectly lte bitlding. Cet tic. a ceitor elt bttllting itcd ees t DCeitso lie D)epadtcscst et quatl Ilat tthe hgh VA lthe Qeeo EIE, ktOting te MXtes geciotclalsie, .aitc leCosli.tcapinii COUMUildicuta. be ttia. toi tht