Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 1954, p. 9

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ÇIE1JBSDAY. APRIL BIh. 1954 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE N$NR FOR SALE BY TENDER PARCEL 1 Lot C and NE Part Lot B, 1k.3, S. of Vctoria Street, Mlton. .This brick home contains entrance hall with cloak room, large living room, dining room, den, and parlor. Floor oak and pine, 2 piece bath on main floor. Five bedrooms with clothes closets andi bathroom on first floor. Large cellar. Hot air heatrng Garage for Iwo cars. PARCEL 2 Lot D, Bik. 3 - Adjacent to Parcel No. 1. PARCEL 3 Lot t0, Con. 7 Nassogamnya, 200 acres bush lanid, no bulildings. Tenders mill be accepted until noon Wednesdlay, April t4th and must be on a form oliîainable f rom the Com- pany together with a marked cheque for t0%. A further 15% of the tender price uilI be required mithin five days after accuptance and the balance 30 days after acceptance. High- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders may be made for parcels Nos, t and 2 jointly if desired. The property will be open for inspection April 8th and t0th, THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY GUELPH, ONTARIO On March 29 the Cub meut a weit ettendeul An innovation wa teeecssasne g sogstmu sprovdd b MrsEBClm- WayeTmbesan onl C pihu hîe aa i ueRaxes ciîthU%25 rach. The paevious mreting. bulh the White andl Red ines ted cith 24 ecrh. Raoy Moary i laepig soth rs curie snd tIis shoota esabte us to get the Cubs thrsigh their aiok as they are ready. On Maech 30, the Scouts met ai the tocs Sali. Bilt Rocnry assiste(] S. M. outer. 0ev oftihe gamea mur a race on knoLtying. Dariîg thL, curie perioul rame Saoutsapusard their testa or Seul tying. Othera different teaie. The Saou a Sud a very cusa meetiag t the toallioaieApi. 5. S. M. Fr-tee ;5 tut -ad tri' ItS assiltace ut butS Bitl Ruicry ad CiartevyMis. Artetihe5v p 'c îag. BilltotuuSchargveofthtevbSu-, 1-ariag lSe.r Tsiîdevfot ,,rkar. white Kenî Fiti'r ticS ,tSi-irîv advasaveulbuys. TSr She Secou-' Oadan ua salsseame. cS'ie ti1î leaer5 searnnd sla uvgani a4t'ci fte ie pr!ag period t Secutsa ii tîîîd ihat cutS CSuri e d BiltSetpieg KeaFouter. t15; aar wiiauvanevmore rat) 1* anidu-ýmorieiotivardoof euîaiîag itcîiSruecme more ntreîîîîgA sort periaul sftPTcai]Se gcrc eueS îgbt ad mare eamp taie wiii Se gîvas "OId'at 40y 5019?0 IM EN! Ta'emny if tet . d."stase 0 0.1sale40. 50 aS MILTON WELDING 1 Eleotrîc & Acetylese Weldîng Fabrication, Construction Repaira andi Maineauce Where weldisg is a busisess set a sidise MILL ST. PHODNE 348W (ýLarbut eIraiti 0 CEMETERY LETTERING IQuotatiairs Sp Appailalmeat Phase Miltan 158r32 GEM MILK COOLERS SPRAY TYPE POR TABLE LIROP-IN V00"i)îFREEZERSu Andrew Shea Phase 158-12 Miltas SPRING THE NEW SPRING SUITS ARE NOM IN STOCKTHEY ARE THE MOST OUTSTAND- ING SELECTION EVIR, OUT- STANDING IN APPEAR- EYE SUITD AIED V AER AND I VAIRETYE FROM PREMIUM QUA LITY F A B R t C S, CAREFULLY CHOSEN TO GIVE YOU UTMOST IH EVERY DETAIL. DROP IH AND SE FO;R YOURSELF ! Msses', Yaimen s andi hatf sizea, attracttvely pricesi. Shop Here and Save SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED MILTON DEPT. STORE PHONE 112 1ýiTiitexp'rlessionas suailIis *"alvee.t tharEaaioiso.rny ai choun TSîîr's aa oul resa i auaîaearSt e'il l foi>tala treth;'-sgoldenaa rodtdi aet alsefo w e ute,*ia, îaîî y rîa'o w ,5 atad hSs artit insaltou Th( fiast ;arva\l ,îs l is lta lsti- telles o sta but oteople here li îltl 11il ia-'allistSheSbutter- iahhbutter aith ,atthlended in, In- mlrinarat wltaitta thlotai hSd eOssd immigratn in recent yeasr tîi"iîparat oftha SataicaEeropeasiae' Ss putcmoeos'ert btter on store theaturattîcti 15theSelles paî thIe sheicee. the îtash or tîth atttoap discv Hiatei asrsIli(- Etîeyettîpcdua a) 'th'a -ai t ~tdaih of ta laastcsaialit cllietavers dade't pend ýjad ihlais SIa'ci iai'î i'uasiecngW'HITc HUNTER. BLACK HEART noie. .A issoS ,shsiimoving picturep s, - At tIraio uet'aittiîrin itl(,taUnited lupi i caad taîfiad euderuî. iuliiiitiiîî oeiailke ]kv I.îtlarcnt Of ousîce. White Hoantev. Biaek attlisa sîiila ltdiil;t'Statlaetsnat iin hetticttion sectionu ut ali"(1 a nilesaltaI bitaco. Saibt laiet Mittîsa tibease. tSûe eno fuaîtlaur l1i arilne thueBittîoliîtî'îVetîaaieuvrt nuaesta,-OHaywrth. Tracy or as ofila lts a Iitttcî Oct lirîa- îîblsaîae ne ik mvgpe i a llems.-usacvestnoociat. Hais se ou iee aîb oHuatiîtegaienc 15e Cialot ai hu , aa-aianot he esu gueenB.ace Sp c ed aimis-ceacat sapan Itualus Ctstarnis. t- eh tun amusirthuatand latcas Surte Oea sss se I daurng a lot h ue i tapmiedcet ss a S o Mr.ut e te s a sCreecntrihut wor1 qs sbeaosudaaccesesbeuNecoYorhrr. chu IvetS-ffaunoatu Heaeiceulumby olywodegpic Bewca ou e esJghareHpupletotouot he inaW hmh yo Cc scuiluenscmtos veridnofThSetp astsicQeedamaHe- selptIenan d s t ofry au.sti-T ue i fbuuton leu ok iPeter Wbe h1e eall u-caseutomieesIc Vrli, u le iCe Ilue aunlurunie tripsmYpicone alolohe.naeanul 15e director ounW ii T g a yuaac yun ut:a on He sltida la A in lpisc- (1)y lae Blepay rstcS yne aig tube e oplu l u e e Ast ofcaa guie. Ile age ptatheciin te ack ser oral "nulticlianal Cii infcthedboTklue ter ccer 15t ae cilbcmS stle er t aeril un ar e prsinîyouI ut hmtterso. ocma nd te oie-ts slamohn Wul- (2)1TFoc ealy urygcungtranra. Dihe clo Jnn ArWaisorncdis lake aiong their fuvorite toyu. Iftîe cuaeceel a passion tor big gante cluilulis uider,.ltl bu "navigale or iutiag.SHu Irseul la mInfil milS lieu beecp sacie of tee expease, maiing ut a manie. Hia determina- (4) Play games suce as spottiuug lion lorneul lu brutltdraperatiax. license plates trorn other provinces Metsited. seul eounlisgaimulu. or have s tumity sang test. The average Canadian of 70 yaare A 11111e tocetieougluî on luoni le ut se Sas senî 20 yeas afut lit ieeep your ciud front becoming Sur- tim sse leep.Inte elclani-mateluing ed msy save you maey a lueulacue tralernily tlIs leup tite un- on lieu rond. dnuhledly moulul le lulgler. ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS We Specialize in Modern Bungalows Miles st. Milton Phane 407J RED & WHITE Super Market Values Features for TI-ursday, Friday -and Saturday, April 8, 9, 10 SOCKEYE SALMON, Isis Fancy, Halvas 2 tins 61c FLOOR WAX, Red aad White, Paste. . pound tins 35c WAX BEANS, Garden Patch, Choice, 15 ounce ... 2 tins 21c STUFFED OLIVES, Rose Brand 8 ounce oar 39c JAVEX - Whitens - Cleans- Disînfects ......_ 32 oz. size 23c FRESH GREEN BEANS, Valentine Variety ... . 2 pounds 33c ROLLED VEAL, Fronts . .......... Pound 49c SWIFTS FRESH PORK SAUSAGES ........ ----- Pound 45c APPLES, B.C., Winesaps, size t138 -----.......ý6 for 25c CARNATION MILK, TaIl Tins ............Each 14c W. bring you thes» bonus items .ach week-end in addition ie, our LOW EVIRY DAY PRICES-Shop th. RED & WHITE and Save 1 Phone 30 FREE DELIVERY Phone 30 Sheet Metal Work PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT. QI an Bros. BUILDERS 38ITUARY s, , Funeral Service In United Church Thoemas Alvin Henry, ofFouter St.. Miltoa. died l alis home on MarcS 31 after sa illnuas oft us mees. Mr. Henry, of Tam andul A Hearysseareice stallos at lte cr- auer af No. 25 Stghway and Mata Bt.. rame ta Miltas la 1942. Me mas tn his 70th year. X, Bure in Appin, Ont., in 1884. Me. Henry mas merried in 1911 ta At- sanie, Sakatcewean. Mis icthetformer Ednu'Gcet- ude W aon urviveas ia He was S S allr fMervyr. Niaga Falls; MrsGordon Lucy (Stella): Mrs. Lame Eticood- iDurotbyî; Mes. George Fileer (Jeanf; Mea. Bruce Ervina Brîtyf and Eldua. att ut MilIon. Tcu ululersa atmremai. Mes. trese Ruylee ut Grand Brai seul Mes Ada Lumtey ut Windlsor. Rev. Blair eondacted the tane- 1954 OILOSMOBILE SUPER "88" FOUR-DOOR SEDANaut seraice ut St. Paul. Unileal ehurclu on Aprit 2. Inturment fol- Raad-hagging beaaly and a smoolb ride are clarsteristir ufthIis lowust ut Oldsmaluales, the 1954 modtel, toced ta Evergreen ceonelery, Mil.- with rosul helgie sf960.5 inclues as exemplilBed in Ibis Super -ff toae-door sedan. The craslom-slyled pari- i tus. PaIliharers ceve Dace Bruub, aramie mindaluielul greatly increases torward alisonsnd beits arcent theetow contour baud sand resu I ieS Clemeet. Clarence Ridalel, derk. The wraparotsnd mladsblelul graceulty mergus mithte ie sc eystane-sbsped wmmd vent. Tbe rami- EneZet lT sadFna ide auntilator mitb ulainlesu stuel lnase grilte improees lieu busting seul tresb sir ventilaion syaleeu. Eoyce.Zct ITec n ms wbirlu ta incorporaled in a compact unit aIlieu rueofthleu enganucoumparîmual. Istecior appoielmenselasc Jye luxorioas. ilb ibrue apblstery raIne eboires ia Imu types ut nylun cltl. Pucerisg lieu Spere-us-as s mare pumrfal 185 hbp. "Rocieul engine willu 8.25 lu i compressiun ratio. Sstrty pocer teesat .powcre brks ydaMtcDrive. Autruele Eye. lmo-lsne paut, rac nibel tender tansels and chituecuitiret rnof$,0 'Mode by Halton AUCTION SALE R me b r h n HatuaCounty Sus smadea 154 _____sue t o92 100 ta the Casudise OF HOUSE55OLD FURNITITRR e m e b e 5 50 n.av n ta t tute te Blind,ite ETC. Wauiîiir-ta)k ,tîaaat aeuiasndtSieiiuîatdariaSacahaireasttinguwest- case no.Ceiztodsy Sy L. D. - ilara aourîîsa'i,90idi îab.uSassineVis taor the passe.beeigSted Soath Maxcell, couusy eSairmun ofte The uideiaigtîed Shavelc(icVa d ;tadeu ld utS uaS uauppe or'Ati-oai biaulens; aoc secspartes atlseaBidgFn. îîîteuetîana Ceuni v.,iinilud raliMotISe Hiabiard; tue gauier aceuler. i aSieS tceedlTSe $3,150.000 Building Fond ditl CHARLES LEWINGTON illco'tiîevo gassii hit o uniiiatr'y Sat anedpouatsandseul eu-soleul Seau- tinance a recSubiitstaon centre tue Tas sit Sy pubie ation ut lisclb oui caa oure trc i W troiniaaus lias iSsu er leaisanstryl u sthler mare tSun 20010 lieupersans ausîdoavce. Maie Street E..'swnu eaeter,. liits andsahiot put aacp interpar recdsatierlin aiHllon,.Ontario, Peel. Simoun ,i1ve tuaîapnts.asiolfcub- and everybsdy seproS- seulYorke coueties seul tSe district SATRiRDAT, APRXL 115h aisir tte fsto tte t. 0fetMusSoies. Ai 2otueie. the tulluîaang "Piisae Wuntsa iCoanes"' cas a TSere are 33 bSimd residense les Cvosaiy cuaiet radiai; rad'.is ailtgacniar uvevsaatvsand gavv AtStbroiroreeeatasct'iuite lacp. i3a'nd tS tallit aacneat eose aaiui2 putteio.arîdanSyus itoovretdS rvieutcf oe'reaiett chairs; oak dinissge r' con ute;;Iu_-naO saaavaubl rciela id nbl ri itecrcee ýesent hnwrhblt otuaîr anvîlauntuhr Ieiiiir ~ peertday stit insippanc îcîaîi ue V ee'ive ul suie-d onCv eceThe centre, ta Se te and buffet; 4 rvu,ýesru'2 larse -'vd 1srolSlee Mostenficenteeubesdlsyil maroratvfet.u.rieirrisanumborllsaleude eioinsîastriestIl i pivand a teis. i suc sof u Ilca Yorktetwcire.itleSun- ast tret-wacelapictuvo tesme-. sare' ,LsIIii inont Of i-us wiii a >Iiîlvodiuteyokin . vi>ýitia- aNriSY hsoS tualS. .eaS ceof asiee; o lîitllipuiills I ,lt eilu'-npodV aauu.ulas.I H'tl ciinsysgeevaueaup- dera. 3 2tîrsiovvpostaestamp. saavliiieaits '11sOftheBu.dia Fued is cari tia SLîîîîs. square esat liuata.i IST e peiipaual raaeleis tlaeugb ,iltîd pells. liait perîlît],iatebalaaS'v1 eie v o dîolie '1aut tSe people cf îuitiai îacins oad târleeî îvetiaîitanasialiiidîltita ciari mnit as ahettuuituatvo.pep: 1h'raatrsac be u u.iiiliiacai'l.iv.liSslil tad l'tii;aiîslisllalittaaiiaeaaa iiauaijnsiîitiîîiiandigliiv Sasb .k mpeed geerat servicestoc the ett-1 ud.i'prigitianmdt'i ddtîl i t lr il taaaadtaaîr liv.iis.paisatrdîl'Mr.Maxellctsaid. îîî'î eha iii iti.iiiîa. iiii'tiîisvsoilio, isol f usaii TO' vsuciy ehuirmue uddei, ..ihi.pîraaiîaiateibutant irîbaîîvainisoatas îîîl.oasaîs oith,,"Te $2100grat il set a igs asS 2 sat ie ,e t , v ii' tiliaîî'iiîîiî'aliiesiiilog a, sasaî iaîa i ng "es:îaaî' a ndteard uîy-îang or he" luit )I, lt aIsla liaili lampu Ii ziaiaata' t' litaiatl, il plî iris t 2 ial aes: iila ge i( iiit-tili.alSî.lsii latir'andaultaIlai saîcaîa taîatil vaoaunay Seter tedîe S ' l i s i ' i 'a e îa ai u i l . S aa l t t a. a l a a ii't"i ia u 'at aofiala s i t ai a esn ii m o d a e t e -c 1 3a-litai !,, V ;bu5t ne linntafl pc t a:rtts a G cae ir 1' t, ". irb Se :I rîtaa, l i allita.siîl I n îilato I oo i v1( lr abanh ui w ic azst î sep ng p b, at sls ici tila,' k' iaS lia tolialapr'otnuii, Saait ai a atili-11 il' o - iloavs se nan agr ut , eh aiy stsuie i-i 96.t o riut ai lfob n ps FN . N Li OTI a Io IrStiicttSsit Id W orld Butter M aking I-ailei at a 4 s (1llte,. a is hiaa-iîar iditsa bailaty to amue Suter ta the New Ehi aa- i, isiîatIimairtep-;In lleavald clyo. paseblyhbelovu S. Ilir - i sent bN3 orderrti! a, outrableaid tri S. . A Y an S N Saditon h%,be eatih asd ts liSe ISeir butter Fa l, ( Il nlil itiaait.ttr- av iysteoed. NiaetSer tastebuas Ia'l' il,( ine va 1 Sainge led d tlitis t have a ltIle i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I th, IlU flIHetigst hscta eaid Itue I: .a ti o paîsohi tîumigbl be due are >t.11taiIbe intiieece us 1 %ý PADE NXU "MSDAY, APRIL 8th. 1954 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT.

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