PAGE FOUIE IRE CANADIAN CHAMPiON, MILTON, ONT. THUIESDAY, APRIL Oth, 1954 Schools OULD STRETCH 2,000 TB GERMS OSITUARY Skit 'Just Women'k Churc, ScoolPuslinch Cemetery in Victorian Dress In News This Week AC SSHA 0FAPNRTRYTL Last Resting Place tuiteJhMiontate Dr. J.W. MeCutchcon reviewed colosia is in the lungs. Wben a sus- .Mre o.hG. Miton Caa te usD A large number from titis district seof the main points about tu- ceptible peroon breatites in active Rev. J. D. Gordon, asalsted by E. on te evening uf March 26. One enjoyesi th Music Festival on Tuas. berculonia t the meeting o Milton bacitti, they grt toto the tissue Rev. Findtay Stewart, Kitchener, new member was welcomed inzo day aI lite borne Skuce choot. Tak- Rotary club Tuesday. He salidttat through a breakt in te lining mem- conductedl the tuneral service for te chaptier.I ing part trom the tocaocitoolomwere the bonet and joints ofthtie ancient brane and prubops by citemical tite late Mary S. Campbell Mactio Tite ways andI means commilîe. lte foUowing puplas singing solus, kingsofu Egypt and te otdest writ- meant altracl anderingoscavenger ut RR. t Mottat, on Tueoday, Marcit cd by Mes. Citarles Andersan. ce- and titeir teaciers-Omagi tleacher mngo about diseuse prove titat tuber- colio ofthtislsuses and fromtlite 30. Mro. Mactin. widow ofthùe lte purîrd. taIttee card partiesnhuad Msls Cbiaitolm, Maditit Featber- closotobas bren iîn un toc a ceep bood. Titus is tormedth lite 11eAngus Martin. mas laid tlu resI in brun rld in voriouhomes and aote. Linda Watson. F rancis long tuime itob or lubercî rnt, mwbicb in de- Ceuwn cemetrry, Pustinci. thauit a ma twu more wold fol- Feallseralone, Brian Marsitall, Jam- Descriptions ut il are in te woek rd tite namte outhlie disease. Deatit occurrerd a i te bome ut ber' M es McKee, Nra Braty. Henry Dru- ut Hippocralen ubo liurd about 300 AI Iispoi ite activily of te daucitter, Ms. Titumas Robinonu,l A bal-houer sitlentillesI JusI lin, Marion Marshaull.The iet yas efoitelreChriot. An Italian bacilliimur bu uvereume aods r Kîithener-. ,ruMaent 27 ifle a ' Wseuu rus h.higittigitothelr titree rcor- ligble fi le uflil- ý phiurauîofilîtheii].-th li -colt aie i -îstivl acc l 1 fh1; - rlc e I -cIlcî'îlî,îc, îîIî-Il ci a, laudcinuhý Siu.h iîl-lî-reice. 7sliC. Cuole Il theii I uI îii.iuias cri-'tl ofuthc ,III ll 1, \uhlîl MýMcIiIii cii mur uui In . îlich -icdî encî ni d te oh- luis, Kencui -ludu rurt e huwituedisras s ucqcuired, Lhis . icpîr-us lo cetulf u'ndithuonle Iosue addgral Pracucit. Biiiy Speit.AberITe-by bietrulisogouin or llusuing inier ridrurrulIfîuuiîu Iliadilutri n iii17(. sloghtîruof fi,. lut(,M. ;nd lcleejumt tlieem tra. Juy Muy, Donald FralIher-stone, tiue naterial. He o-as also correct ebliord lie inlrrting iilird boilli Mir'sNrîl Campitell. Site vau nia-- Theraul uoniiicoid l orurîlmnt Anoa Peacucit Tuefrl leoin beliec itaI te inlutie iur 010the ohm il ite tisOrin m Titin ed in 1894; heliusitcid perd-, hr,,of the uhapule underte lei- go othetfinals. iiaeriuiuuas eîîîîpoued ci living a respotiîiiallrd aposiivueltuir- croi-it-iu 13. ie oaldc11o1Mijhoa Boyne. leacheri. Miss Backi. MaIi-1organisnîowhiihcoutid quicitly in- cinicîeaecioni uipeaisu îfroi-afuir redue'rasrd by a eun Ai-ic-c A dulieou lunch mou ueerd c colmn Phillips. Davd lîlio 5li-c'aein nOinbiierioe ihoy ecuOle dayn. 1i2. i d îout lleu rucoing. Lamna Woodiey. Sîcaîî Sargent, iudged inbodteisue.îr Dctie ti uinicsie, îli(nterîr bilriiing 1are tbudatîgitis. e ____ Dovid Lawvrence. Thu icol Ileier re Titene organisonîusictcrîn iwre Sisiuiiiinc ftheIîbodly ie, ite, i,- T.Il. Roiîinsoin iJi-uie of Kitii- eligihie fte itefnals. pcuituhly irtiio c en ite Dult huluc, le isu ci ur iVîllthino i andMyofî F i laîîltian;o în, -PROCEEDS TO ASSIST Conne. Mirî R. Binr*idge. Lard pioncrufuthlie mieroscocpe Leuwen- eiiîli1 iile riiiircilnNii rfnd îltun. trierof Dîîîaiînd Keitit. Jarlsoim Dennig. Jeannete bok. reho anumedtem tluo he lnoci cruluuiinof fic luelîuîd îîîy lhe 'ut- î tMî udBUYING CHOIR GOWNS Barnapl. Fred Ainiare. Warren raîlusatie ofldîrrîeas Hescvascîigiti cîît fandlîderuîîctionîofîtheîîr- riseuMugrce1. îfuflad Milne. Patay Leec.Coterine îsî.iil ieirlio ulualiî n -i at ir.MrKailireinu Carktout iersun. Tccci ie-cel plays. Thte Lcgrnd. ]Risan bu th prof asnotivalabe u- "v Aila ce.iru Mary Banîere.Raymond Druonsc icfilte Frencht ehemnis Patur At - of - res-lihnruonsisieiiry.Maisiislia. Sine hs itu îx uandcbild- preeeied ity Mlton Junior Facm- Th irstlnonil ietin thtefinals. situa-d taI germs cause chemical i 10e(ieieuellîiîdad nussnuausdiidu etmd The Pa, unir Wa.prs We eten cograulaionsto hanesýhiteued udp wmitIopeninto o Siewsuairibî-r of Duffîn eled by NoulMJuton Fuemusco pupln and touchernonlhitre uccenn Froi tipiioitit niiouch a bruchî~ilite. iîThis ovshic m urcPulirrîn-DualM un auditorium on Friday evenirg, Ap- and beemany iii bie top inners hb ir e luproueotaI geronscause cîu tieicmtu lnodsad ilimMch cudSimpsn, ii 2. Muoical enleelaiomeul moi. ini tecouny fcnivainexî moisîl- disrane and tbîoan done in 1862 trlish the waisofaitblond vrele. RT. Ams.Wiiam A. Mooreand auseue i t rga We uslweitavenot mimsedany ityaeaompalriot ofPastercnnamed Tuiecle bacilii iinumb letfuid Pluiai.Te eeni ms on onerd by Who toub partlon Tucnday. Mr. C. Dusaine. Under te microscope b- intenspoîum eiter ity stainin lak.Huenity United citurch it. -lbte Cunlelon ut ixth lune and Mm ais germ niite blond ot an ani- dicecîly on a microscope slide. hy piscedi îî aid in buying choir Ingleiarî werrîtheaccompaninîn. imalnsuffeinrum anthraxnanditec culture.or alteuiniecting itiniuua More unifrm graoinnof pauluru Eaehre Party rau abe lu tranufer te dissae t10 ciineu pic lThe flecî n u te body land ucaio b baleed ity povidint Anuter ucersfsl and enoyabir anutre animai.Tirer yrarn later, inciîdtu nîgit. psîlsîrperba psu-air.Sl, or snitrinluocatuionsu Neutîssirdicd aun id Labrador pari.n-lan heldin te Sintit lise Wiiirmio. usioti r FrensoicirnîtIitîsîrd ntiîns-d. fter ingitî swraîn taItave pi srd lcrut Imeulai mit I-hare ume 20.000 uit eruin oItulyý schul o Wednedy eeuriiig litii prurd tai uberculmsin may ite andsI)"iofa-rîgitl livsuorit. ds1ieudent -i te(>sea for a living. terucitueclub met. Puszeemnneun liannîcitd itasiiig isial slelns Complelesin asanaoriumiiiiban nee rcobiiîeCampbtelliand Mis ahuais -reand pianing ilun. ilongiuitennpisisiil testrraîmn Mariyc Muy. Anold Huisden a d dertheîsitn of arabl miiilii oi-te prsun nloitanthe dis- CaYlon May. Tea ituteni for te In 1882 RobeteKoMch, a Geeman raseanid for te prrleuirnuftlhrsu cîront o-wan Mrs.ArturPeucocit pitusan.disoer--d tht rlei shuhave no.New druti and lthec In Kenra îeglo itueilsn .id puior il ii lusbite milhiosoul,(- re ceint rocour- it~ u it i t Mr Muueay Sincla iris huhancauise utfte disreuse.- ing uisîllis,'eiidi exuaminations by J. Stainer ber sesistant uper.sL-re visilthl- Theitelîeîeie tcuieîo a 5 mul ad rnîssu X-î,îe.îîîuiruîrr iteliet A MEDITATION ON THE SACRED PASSION 0F THE HOLY Depselmentof ulHgitoans flu On- d iapeidgerîr -iloîslltat IlUniral.isofii i-sicl s ils lasi rfor te puni vearutaiLodon. îîsîeld tlait ouitfoi,îî trc iuîsnd of iiriiiuiiii i: htulilill REDEEMER, A CANTATA FOR SOLO VOICES AND CHORUS On t an brenassgnrd te posiion thom end tluecr0 lu erelthsur.- iiitnelicivîîent ueî-î111 îiculois Preseulod by memrborsofoltlie chorrooft he Anglican, .o aiîanen ance slips-ri.uuin its liet lis sd oila ineus sXlluc insug c-ill-tu - esOiîikato.Prbtra idUcîdCter tAte Higitiari Departîrenltfocr t -e iili-dccor sili it % ssi-iulîs ituirrin ndUitd hucs f ct Menur e ccc 'li Meand Mislin- insu thicdsic suorin lu iii hItfiion, GOOD FRIDAY - 8 P.M. clarelliplireeitliiuit ted c. litriritimay e NoBrBo poito. l iay rins ih an IIý oi hýýcs l g iO TIses N Bg low alraîiI Knox Presbyterian Church - Acton filetemail uccesîn;i, uie uinl Is diying and WI SILVER COLLECTIC7Nnoo Te Her Mderatoîsetfi dîc ,in r i mari' mînlts tuE Mirhigan-haron-londs o as OLETO Sondayscbool services commencer iîîîlîuht kitllu ras docîhuircane farce soald sîriket,m t Ici-il eninx Sbat l 1 aý1ara ofWester Ontaroadid o Omatb Presbtlerian citirch. Mu. laitlSil Icîcd tai cutIk t i-t 1g il e.Rpot otso Williamsltaynrius suprioînde. Ir()c oi 3n0 micî,cîcucssotîî- fie mad ltevident thatrsid- Co'In Marshall and Sam Fînnîr te irient as 10 olîcîlîu hifir ociscii Cola as f te Geargelassoi. Aias utr olticecro Frllonning bandar !ýI 1crn i isI* ci ir-di-cIas a nuud, aod Mltan dsrictsn esilerîrd scoburthe congrrgatn illbhavi liIimccl e u'11 lceui-uciccina, i ayttsng frna galeto a tom-R te itnomutfieacsog te, Modrratcîî, esu lI ucllccrtlri l toftePI-cd aailY A L ut tte Pcesbriecian riturchitn aie cr1n1 ciicecîîlrîrccîus n Altsugthlie bigilow did noR O A T X Canda. Dr. WA.Canierun ofTii- tfie raîciliti, risl"' peopiile %%'1" c serr. muorceresrssrr ronlo i,,rui nd , hoI\h,, ine )vecr- dreshd withtseavy ralnae-LOG RSH TTIP _____________ ccclidî-d. il usy du tli cI-i ciii- epaied ity hig It omdi.lit OG O HR RP morîe hlîls ici lîrl itlie diase sane arma hai ll fl. Titepat s CUTEUS SRVC Fife, Drum Band ilan il ie vho are-sic- schiy undîtIhe lsssrrane n-an nuarned tlatiteORT SSEVC ,-Il îcccrcstcîlosf Bramptonand aodcssiIof Planned by L.O.L. Ti-cimcitIiuccicIcte- alt. PHONE 272 MILTONc A,.Ihe at meetincg out Scîni -- - ______________________________ toîl LO..0 agoouudhiino* ** ** ** * m .. .mm meumbrs elcmed visiting dee ahinnsfcsm Atuti, headed by Cror Mouler JacitFoxan ad W. Br. A. Mor. Mouler uf LDOL. 467. and Mlton. headrd bh i- D Master Erir Wilson. Member teom Deorcetocn îr .L vereal pessenst. W. Bru Fox cilulesItha h euunty had made cucul tc.desls ye.anusd t lt a roldge r te rcit memberegel aior an rmbu 0 iers a. 680bitpes o hure a dfiifpl-.a col bg Plans ace alrudy nnderruy fluin tallss.g eleclricty in te, hall and for reotrcrrating the rterior of t buildisg. TihIr o itil-a saoa rcr- Manning$s .uple16ozcel bu ulird Cturchill, Man. toc gcaoin ucagres in 1953. Ta 9 .ia-i- Oppotumity forcou te Siome a Nurse lfyoa waaafasciaîscee aadabacksground to ehasce pose whole lite, narsinsg pee- sent$ a greal oppoelaaîsy. Classes foc three-earonursing courses as Ontario Hospital Schools are ses foming foe Sepemite. ts,.ssR.aî.sss.cAg-17 e Dipîsi.. Gsnd Htislt. AT ONTAIO HOSPITAL ICHOOLA O itosinQ YOti RECEItE MAlLE TRAINING: " FREE oom and Board " FREt Uiorms and lauadep *"I4ONORARIUM While Trin- 59g-$30 a moaîh driog t year $2a month during 2sd yar (while on affiliaion in a General Hospital); $50 a motdaisg 3rd year. " VACATION - Titree ,reeks each year, plus al saaloeyi holidapa. " RECREATION - Exscellent taciliies aeacit Scitool forc afset-dutp social and sportsI acisisies. Fe fncsb, se n,,aflss areita SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSING rsknls Kings, Wtdlby. ONTARIO DEPARTIMENT 0.0.. g..a.sallm LCream Biscuits Gardon Patch Choice 31C 15 oz. fin Cut W ax Beans 2 for 2lcl York Choice CORN David and Frere 20 oz. tins 2 for 29c 16 oz. cello bag Chocolate Mallows Dole Fancy Fruit Cocktail 35ec 20 oz. fin 32c Aylmer - Choice Ungraded 20 oz. tin PEAS -20c Mexican Firm Red Cello pkg. Ripe Tomatoes 2 tor 35v Your Dominion Stores Values in Milton Effective April 8, 9, 10 Our local storea arc the display rooms and ware- s housea for tise world's finet products. Efficient banking, insurance, rosi etute aîud othcr business services are alun uvailable to the people in our community. Tihe readera of thin neicopaper flnd our advertising columnu a dependable guide tri the pint of al-a nocful source for upta-dutr newu uand informations about tiiene goudsanaîd services. In order that advcrtising expenditures may be mode with us on the baaia of knowsî values, an required for any sound business investment, this ncwupaper lu o menober of thse Audit Bureasu of Circulations. Every advertiser ahould know about A.B.C. The Bureau lu a cooperative, non-profit asso- ciation of 3,450 publiahers, advertisers and ad- vertising agencies. Working together, these buy- ara and sellera of advertising sstablish standardm *îuli..uuamf.tiu. lUt Carlon PLASTIC PIPE f rom 131/c ft. 20" Extension LADDERS $14.95* MERRITT HARDWARE 0Phono 499 Milton He aHe ELECTRICIANS Maintenance end Contractlng T.V. and Appliances STAN HUNDIRSON CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT. ~-. Phone Milton 382R3 Ail Weather Coat A Iovely collection of the popular Ail Weather Coat OUTSTANDING SMARTNESS AND VALUE -~Beautifully tailored in mont idooired materials, fitted and bouji styles, many with match- ing hais. A grand choice to please your taste. tShop Here lj î Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded MLTON DEPT. STORE PHIONE 112 MILTON foc paid circuslation, cules and mnethoda for audit- itig and reporting the circulationa of newapapers and periodicala. At regular intervals une of thse Bureau'a large staff of experienced circulation auditors visita us ho mnake a thorougis audit of our circulation records. Thse FACTS etablished by his audit are published by the Bureau in A.B.C. reports which are avoulable to you, our advertisera. These re- porta tell you how mnucis circulation we have, where it goes, how it lu sold and other FACTS essential to thse profitable use of newsaper adver- tisimg Asic us for a copy of our A.B.C. report. A1 O z: anabian (cDbampioni PHONE 220 MILTON, ONTARIO0 A Guide t. the Point of Sale (mE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PA(M TOUR Tm. MDAY, APRIL ath, leu