Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 1954, p. 10

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PAGE 1W THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY, APSUL aIs, 1865 - BRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, ICARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS BORN HIOGINS-AI Englehert Sed Cross h lsnidl on Thuradeay, Mrris 25, .-4 oDr. ant Mn, J. . Hig- &h.. ea deugister. ILAISHALL-To Wilamine, mife i of F. P. Marshal, in Guelphi3 General issptai on Tuesay, Ap- il 6 1954, a son. SMITHf-Mr. ast Mrs. FPeetOmitis ore happyr ta ansounce the trth of tlier son, Fredericis Aflan, on Wedneadey, ,Marrt 31, 1954 aI Mount Hamilton tospîtlt A tes- ther for Billie. CASAHON - Mr. and Mes. Bruoso Csearin are happy In annousicet tht. bSrtIfteir son at Hilton t Privale hispital on Tueaday. Ap- il 6, 1954. Brother foc Ricty,1 Normani and Nancy. PATI'ERSON-Mr. ond Mrs Dune Patterson are happy ta annosode tise tieti of ttci tagister, Cher- YI Lytsne (8 11., on Ttocnday, April 1 1954. aI Hilton Privote kospital. A ister focEonnoie. BASE-Me, ont Mes. Trenor Bath tord Joan Trîmttel are happy ta annunce tth ict nI Ieir sais, Jeffrey Teevar, os Saturday. Ap- il 3, 1954, at tte Oakvitle-TruI- algar Memoiat tospital. Fict grandehint of Mr. ont Mc. R., H. Bott of Hamilton. Ont. IN MEMORIAMw SPSINOSTEEIN-In loing memocy of a dear mtter ont grandanot- er. Who pensent aay Apeil 7, 1953. Loving assnt int io ail ltee mays. Upright ont junt 10 te d nI ter Sincee andtrlur sn hem teart ont sint. Beautilul memories sht leIt hehiot. FoneBy rernmeeet y taagtte ont, oa-in-lom, Mr. ant Mes. E. Vision ont grantekildeen. SPRINGSTEEN - In losing mena- ncy oI a tear motter ont grand- motter, Jennie Spingtern, uta passet emay Aprîl 7, 1953. 1 Peacefully sleeping. retinf ai al, The morkida meary troutles ast trials aun pat; In silence ste nfferet, in patience sebore, TtU Gantcallent te homerta safîer Ever rcemoterent ty Het s ont Arthsur Erantztaant grandet td -A casîteran Hmilton hoavc atceaty naitdToronto foc a rade on the sutmoy. -The cnagh platerrîng iîo haîng tisse aI the Robertson Sert Boums on Main St. 1km mwent. -Tomn moctoten are resova ief tise office in the tous tati forer- ly ocespiet ty the toise ciech foc tte use of the townsaseosor. The clerto office tan tees movedta t t former consecil ctamtcr wkace the ien voult 0000 racsntly installent.1 Inome tan, excse tan, salvs tax. carpes tacts, rcbt tran- ah. me-any nI an douit go a bt sqirreiy at thi tilote; iioOt ofaI it osefrient Doug Attut mhen lhan 5prepaiof ttc budget. This ixS te eîgth ocoorcusîve ymlar tht M. Attoîn tus entent up wit a surplan. Quite a feat for anyone lu te prout ofI and .oken me consider shatte set pcr copîta tebtt nIthe country han hemn cetucet froot $1.039 10 $755 turing those eight years, me stousît e gant to tînktto "*Dotog" tas the intestinal fotit- ode lu stop with the pragram. If pou ihtol get ail the fig. uees Iroot the governoteet ont ceckni up on these statements. me milIbe flot ta sest or selI pus an adding mchine lu epeet up the ort ant a typenritor 10 mate up pour finol report. Dont lorget, for business ma- chines and officespplids of al kins, te sure 15 00d Slatînneey. Office Supplies Main St. Phona 420 Hilton. Wanted WANTED - McDougall rouler pamp jack. Phonr 399112, Adtos. e WANED-Carpente m ort for 2 young mes. Appty PO. Bos 58o, Milton.c WANTED - Police tuf, must te foot motet tog. Henry Arnod. phase Hilton 157c14. c WANTED-Hoachcceper. capable mittiraged lady icho prefees o gond tome. J. A. Rush, phone 231. Milton. c >WANTED - 3 or 4 unfurnishet roomo or apartmenl, el-nontainet, in Hilton or near viinity. Voung cople ant haty. Teeror ant Joan Bath (focmecty Triottiet. Phonse Milton 523J aller t p.ot. c WANTED - Anynne turing o spore rsom or mains in Miton tao accommonte iiting firemen tur- ing convention Jsly 301 10 Asgusî 2. contrarl Iran Gumtert 470J or any meotter id Milton Fire Brigade as san asepossile. c-43-3 WAI0TED - LIve poulcy and fealhers, aso oit fealher icta. Higheal rices patd. We Cui. Phone Mat Wlon and Sos, Mlton Sf2 or Wm,- Dent. Milton 92r15 or write 'X.otea ner, 1f Croydon Rd.. 'anc Orehard 5133, Toronto. c-tf D'En ,tICCKSE-Ac Stis late residence, R. 2, Copelown, on Wednes- day, Harois 81 1994 Disidoro Locckeoe, un hia 801h'year. FuneraI service mas tent et his laIe residence on Satorday, April 3, Inteement in Hilton ceter WATSON - At his tome, Milton, L Ont. on Manday. April 5, 1954, Leooaent Watson, telovent hus- band of Wionifred Pegg end dear father of Douglas, Wilma and Diane, in tis 401h year. Restent at the McKersie-Thatchee Fuocrot Home. Hilton, untl Thur- sday nous. Funeral sernice in St. Pool's Unitet chsrck ai 3 p.m. In- terment Eneegreen cemntcry, Mit- HOAMILTON - At Miton Privale toopital on Monday, Aprîl 5, 1954. Robect Hamilton, telonent hustond of Sarah Jane Pearson and dear faîher of Rotert John and Meo. Edward Gooch RHelent oI Milton ond Hrs. John H. Groth iMaheli oI Toronto, in hio 091k yeor. Restrd aI the HeKer-o-Thotot. o Funeral Home, Miltoo, aolal Wed- î.esdiay, where lacerai service oas helnt. Inlerment Eveegrero crssd- ,ry. Hilton. CABII 0F THANKO I oint ta entend my mool nincer Ihonks o oIt my feiendn, relatives and neicktorn for lteir mnany cardn and giftn doring my recent ilîneno. Mrs. Sarah Holmes. 1 wishto thok oor many frend. and relatives for expressions nf sympalhy artsofo!kindneso and card'erece.ved durinc the sad h- reavemen inlthe lossaof a dear brnthee and also receicent ly my- self while Ill n the tospilal. Sin- cerely. Hon DaiFy Luerteeand bamilo. I'd likete li hankt he doclors. nurses and staff of Hilton Privale koa-pital. Mr. Porrilt. St. George's Choreh W.A:; also friendo. neigh- hors and relations for their kind gifîs and cet-oeIll aras doring my errent otay te the hospital. I mant Io thaok you al] very. very muet. Mrs. Edgar Stotes. W0 oi-h to extend our hiartîct thants and appreciation for the1 aclo of kindnesmessages of nom-1 pathy ond keautiful1 floral offerings1 reeeived froot ou r kind frrnols. seighkoen and rel atives doring or recentkbereasement in the loo..iof our dearhushand and futhvr. wilk 5pevial thank. 10 Rer. J. Blair. Dr. CE K.Sleensn and MaNaikand Son Fuseral Home. Mrs Tom Henryoand fumily' The of the tata Mcs aM,îy Hart.o Mottai, Ont-o'.nh 1o thano k rx f rîtnds and celat:ses for theîr ai-a f ktodeno .sexvres..ova of cympalhy. floral tniiutcý. the Red Cross. Kitchener for the une of loas raphoard. Haonie 1,odgo Bravrh 509. Kitchenr for ih t1 of aheel rhair: nprr;at thochs *a Dr. Sulherland, Frrr[tiin and Dr Wren, Kitcener. during iiuerr-citý bereavemnent. Theoe deds ulatt Wr a'oild 1the lo fie our0 te t hanho .înd appreciation h, 1hoansi hi,,helprd in ony oay 10 pal on 'kv besefat dose and ttoce oho made tnueh aueso and o thant Na-oqagaweya. Basy Brisý DohI v and Bannockburn Womrcos lsstitii'ro for the.e donations oîf klashau. lolhisg, grierevand monoy. This olu lîc.ys bctem Mr. ana Mec .Clarence Doîdds t aindfam.l,. Coming Events This office esissof be regpomsalel for essflictng dates of eenta. Adoasce Notes Reseeve, Fciday. May 7tk for I.O.D.E. Vareey Nighit iTownHall. Hilton. C Milton Basetaîl cdut assal meeting, Wednesday. Aprîl 14 aI Canadian Letton Hall. 80ptmý Everyhody ucîcome. c Home and Sehool Heeting, Hon- day. Apeil 19, 0.15 p.m. at Hiltoo Public ochool. Mes. C. HcArlhuc icili sprat on"Heolth.' e. The Cat and Scout Hotheen' Aasîliaey arc holding trie second annual talsîng and eandy sale on Salardoy. May I at Hilton Depaiel- ment Store. Crokinole party. Omnagh sehool, Friday. Aprîl 9, 0.50 ose. Adamis- nosn 50e. Lunch peonîdcd. Sponsor- vd hy Omuagk Orosp Bethel ehurch. Pleose trînt toards. c Knox Choret Aflernoon W.M.S. Tuesduy. April 13 at 2.45. Easter peogease iih sperial munie and Hrs, W. 1I Diet on speatr. Visit- ors coedaally welcome. c Euchre and dose. Hall. Frîday, Aprîl 9. 0.30 pot. Do- rsHull's orcestra. Admission 50C. Lu nch provident. Sponsorent ty Hornky Girls' Boîl Club. c-42-3 On Tucsday cvcnsng, April 13 at 8 p.m. in Knox ekuret. the choir milI prescnitJ. Stoiner's 'Ttc Crs- cifixion." The choir will c aiset ky guest soloinîn. Eceryone teel- Sm. Dr. W. A. Caneron. Hîsder. 1Otor of ttc Prcstyterian Cksrch ie >Canada. milI preact in Boston ekoret at 1h a.m. ond in Omoot churct,. 2.30 pam. nn Sanday cr01. Apeil il. c Eactre ont Dance, Trafalgar tMemorial Hall. Fciday, April 9tt. rEsetre 8.30 pot. Dancing 9 p. ýAI- eways orchestra. Lunch provided. 3Admission 75c. Auspices Holton- -Peel Gueensey Clut. r 9. Retetat Annuel Blrtttay Bs- e ar andt Aflernoos Tee in 1.O.O.7. 2Hall, Main St., Hilton. Setucdoy eApril 24. 2 tilt 5 p.m. Cendies, tome balrlng, apron. variety asnd touch asnd 055e tseths. c-41-6 lix ___________________________________ OPENING ANNOUNCED Of CEDARLANE FLORIST 56 Coiborne St. W. OAKVILLE CUT FLOWERS - POT PLANTS - CORSAGES Visif Oakville or Phone RICHARD COURSE - MILTON 93R33 _________________________ For Sale CORDARO'S Why YOU should buy Easter Eggs at Cordaro's - 1I Because they are LIGHT, PURE 5011K CHOCOLATE. 2. Because you boy at Maufaclurers' prîces and SAVE. 3. Because ONLY CORDAROS con give yos that mîde range of oariety and new designs to delighî the heart of YOUR CHILD. BUY THE BEST - WE HAVE IT at 45 Mâ~n St. Georgetown MIT N PIOE 448 2 Shows Nightly. Matinees Set. and Holidays et 1.30 p.m. -u LAST TIMES TONIGNT--- SCANDAL AT SCOURUE" * StarringM * GREER GARSON WALTER PIDGEON DONT FORGET ynar Euster flomeco et Jack MouLntains acharer1 Stop. c-43-3 FLOWEHS focaI oreins.Gcir- ter Brna., Flnrists, Hiltrite, phone 498rl 1. c-tf FOR SALH-Beattp a maotng ma- chine, lite sem. $60 . A. Barton, ' Main St. c FOR SALE--Gond qaality halent minet top, W. J. Nocrington. phonse 623r2.c FOR SALE - A fem neent peas. Kes Pemtccs. RH,. 4, Hiltsn, phone Milton tOOrIS. b-43-2 FOR SALE-Weanting pilas. C. A. Woreall, Guelphkl le, Mount Nemo. phone NE 4-2898. c FOR SALE-2 building loto, 78*x 400'. Apply Wm. E. Clacsoos, R.R. 3, Hilton. phoe 451-2. c« FOR SALE-1948 3-Ian MHcury romhssaîîon dsmnp. 7n12 ptotfocm. ilso. Bandy, Hilton 313. c FOR SALE-Heany daly 2-tacs- cre crIe range. in gond condit- os. Phone Hilton 620r4. e -FOR SALE-S usit HeCormiet Deering mittint machine. H. Ramn- stan, phone H ilton 3Oîr5. c FOR SALE- Sert dciii, Mas8ey Harris, is excellent condition. A. Rý Ne ehl. phose Hilton 299r6. c-42-3 FOR SALE-Large antiquema togany looing gloa on a pivot stand. Appiy Hen. Hacac. 329w. Hlton.c FOR SALE-Usent maskang mu- rhines, targuins-,usent ccfcîgerators, $49. Herciot Hardwsaee, phoine 499. Milton.c FOR SALE-Seent ota. Cartier. 437800; Loraîn, 437799: Eeton 436- 824; germination 99 per cent. Colin Braty, Miltos 282-12. c-43-2 ILLUSTRATED CHICE cals- oea'. Do sot tny unlil you se'r tý Write or phone te FisherOect- _______________________________________a_- 00. soeuritgos. ont,- c3-8S -O FRI.-SAT.9-10 -FOR SALE-A maple tablr ont 3,0. *4 etaî.ro and buffet. Sdiel hrup. otd *CaI ai L. Secordo. Ithiet mcn, Oat- .i *ville or phone Brant leIr3. -c md 0 FOR SALE-Premier steaoteri'y tro Uplantsoalnolscrnipo andecaroantrer M1000 sia trot-. Jos. Piceet El- qoire *bride. phone 627e21. Hilton. c toohil t ~ *iWetI FRSA.E. Tait reondîlîoned et in rs'leîgeratrae- Thorodt waotrî. mrri1 iTaîthipe atîgette. ilhero -oîlr contema * ~ ~ hRDY * HcClure Home Fueisitîî,tilo FOR SALE H-îMxrd and alflfa * hay-regiteret Holstin eon. tue COR INE inîîArpl tbay mare, 8 ycaeo old. c Howar d Gialant. phooe Hîltos 121 k OLID BRICK BUNGALOWS LIMITI MON-T ES.1213 aiOnSydne, S.,n 0w serecon - TorOi a * -truot i,Ordere yooeofor ariso Ouhi * tîosorn. MIio * M Phione Toronto BE 1-8947 c-44-2 *--lFOR SALE Bavrriat-.. $1.15 94.500.- its, Bcd Cloc(r navd, $14 tus. 10 Villa * *f MutantVernon ilimranid ertii- VIa * ar preur, ut IlteIcodition. W. $16000. lEzeE*Faîrd and Son.ewoone Hilton en2 **98r31. c-44-2 Actor -and * hmotefehissg, EASTER PLANTS -- Eneellent $600 * ~ ~ ~~~~ , scestn oaneM ialty Eoter lîlien. tytrangeas. daeî *planirdi pues; aino rut loween. Han * ever! g, cegantalt types rffloral ar- *rangcimmmt. Richard Courar, phone $28.000. W 93r33. Hilton. c cs a mite * ,i . * FOR SALE-R.C.A. Victor con- gond sol *eî ratio ont resetd ployer comt- $5900W * 1 1 1 1 ' .> * ination, vhoct more. recondiseo- facma a e d: sailit noat tuffet, $10: large tee a Princeps Pot kitchen range, nese Hit *d houtt tI ater front. cerootenamel. Moti * ____________________EDDIE ALBERT 1j o i r 'tbox: 2aelectrin hroodee;: Th M fmnceta onte0Strerlnniiie, phone 20.33. e-43-2 potîl : * Th dre pefmeo ep urwn tescar for -pMot Auay ebunU SEEDS-AiaIf. Ont. . aria Md 0 fatet and Western grimman. Sent$20.000 * DONT MISS THIS WONDERFUL 5FLM4 a clonre. single ont double est. Tise- 1001 * ntky. Common. Climax and Me- toni d on. AiitaPeet trant pastare Loca WED.-THIRDC 14-15 W mixture. Ladino luere.atur *grasses inlntîng Brome. Headowe $4.000. FecieîîPeenial Rye andGras. Site ReeasCanry Grant. Oretard $16.00 .4Grass.1sr! Abeyswyc nd arn8rocy * /MG' ~ 1UU UImron L imnitent. $25S.00 repAsille.phone18. Open Salur- teau days.t-39-6 tonc ___ This cTHOMPSON CIlICES ape UR.0PrdWhite Leghoen andtton. Oaam. irmnu MIeftor e Lgtornn xNet. Wtirmwiti VANLLKD :S ain Rhode:Islndd edllfine V NJOHN"" U J51lL Iouhe very top n neout- F1 LOUIS IJAULfR *ast eggn LOgtiSusnex, Red n self-e *q 4. Sex. rsnsýxx Hampshie omaceaaaàe5*Hampshire x Red ont R.OP. iret FOR Barret Roch and R.O.P. iret Newe caotas ALSO -Hamtphire day-nids and tarird Appiy * eicto arailahîr meetly. Write _____________________________ * b-day. Thompeons Poubten Farot F0R Thot Wonderful Man a nt Hnbekery, phone Georgetomn fluor1 MTE 7-2121. t-tf ronser Alec Gui ness I M CNhCEKS. BR-AY CHICKS. D os as* yon mont 'dual parpose' tiedo for Milton as *Grade A Lorge mrts-gond :~ KAHRYN NO "HE PR MOTER I :ratoe-or heftey irdo forte = *modiste etipotent. Day-oit. stant- L et. Conodion opproved'. Breets- *____________________________________lite Brret Sorts. Cluottion LOS a Bocts. Lickt Sussex. Black Auss- .apanis: * -COMINO NEXT WEEK - rabocp, N.H. se 5.H. cronnesý. Manyphpone Sdt-rnboon. Hem nrice l tOarts a STARRING AHY GRAYSONAN GORDON MacRAE : otl ot$691 e s uI Yu th a toevery moment t1M Boy Petc tance liât sons, Fret W. Vooli BrrayILIt., 120 John N.. Ham.1lten. * M Ont. (IfIpou tno o foond otan " THE DESERT SONG" M uta mult arl in tkis loralitînasonCRE M uc. acent, tend usohisn nooe. Gnod relief, *cootmission, mtt advertsing to Csllo MUMMMUMMUUMMMUUUMMMMNUUMUM. hck tiot spt. r FOR pappiro. Tfliangle pisso Gi Ont. FORs top; qus ed or f Lot 11,c Calîsot. FOR ferlîlizen gsod shi ry Arno FOR di-sc dni ferlîlator tram of Its. Gor lington, $2,000& hot kitcl $9.,c Mrs. $2,750.- villai, -pricer 99.100.- prope f ru il taker $675- MlscellaneoUs DRADBTOCR removed from y0t4e farm promptly for saniery dia- posal. Telephone 'Coilect., Mitomn 210 or Toronto EU M1. GORDON YOUJNG LItSUT» t PLEASE NOTE change of phonae, nuhber. Hoace Toninsoo, O8=re: Mutker dealer, f iset line wet Bramptn Phonse 1872. Pasea- ellatetot* filton Hardware. c-4«-& POSITION VACANT-Men he- tween te ages of 21 and 41 yeare tor guard doty ai Milton jail. Ast- plications wiii te received loy W, J. Robertson, sherjîf or E. G. Ryd- F OR SALE FARMERS SPÉLL1 Har SALE--Puetred Cocker spring esastea. Gay Ho dgo r e s.Parti and SoIf. Phone Georgetown Eteetrir WeSdlasL Sssy- ge7-3292, Walter Rigg Ep- der Tranaport B114g., 4 Young St., .InKennels, Glen Williams, Georgetown, TH 7-2951. r-e.o.w. c-44-3 ARTHRITIC PAINS SALE-20 ton halent ixied Are ynousuffering fesot arllncutir uantity nI seet tocley, clean- painsn If an. . write at once to from km; SRet Clover serti. Pickwsood Pharinocol Cn. Ltd.. Mit- con. 4, Esqusing, Dan Me- ton. Ont., for particulors of Iseir c garanteed lreoment. Hnney re- fandet if pains are flot relieved. SALE - Sent drill grain r ont groon needer 13 dise, tape; Ford Fertanon power N tc 77 fI.; large tond nom. Hen- nIld phone 157,r14. Hilton. ec Pisse Creni Troni Club SALE- eCçormiek Dcerînc Hereky fine notice thal the ar- Irill 15 rus. traclor titoh. ras leosed ty lhem n the J. Hi- roand new grass necdrchardson and Agnvw fores ore )fgond Percheron mures,3300 laclsen t the publie for fiohitsg. ordon Sinclair. R.R. 1, Bue- There itll te prnseestînn for Dres- NE 4-4905. e lanonint. Memters nsly. __________________c-44-5 A. COON. Premitent. PCC. REAL ESTATE MILTON 6 MILES Modern Plumbing dnmn - 6 enotm, mdll nept COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEAT- nen týaocres, largc living ING SYSTE FOR A FIVE- ot watt toedwood, omodern ROOM BOXE ,ten and btlteoot, tocd td unît mater, htt ater teat- $525 full tasement, tnt air focs- elarge barn. Full prier AND SAVE n7 s.Vera Cudmnore, T 61w S.V61w WNSON Repesentusg 4,l MniNGSeess LLOYD F. UTTER JTUVU.o Reultor, Surlingtos c e Open Wcdneday ont Frîdayenesn- ~EAL STATE ingsaond aIl day Sotsetay. ,-moli dcean hbsilding i te of Kiltride, suialtor Il tome. Cash nly at thîo WooI Growers, Orgenizetion -23 acees kalfwoy nptt nrly n mondeefal. 5 acres nf[ W Q O L tand tma nmall rotins withl1 amoant af mater. Omeer wî;î SHIP COLLECT TO reassustîr doms lsaymenl. Our Regittered Warehouse No. T -Lot in Hilton os Pine SI. WESTON, ONTARIO 132'. Thisa o a tond lot tor mnney. Reliable Greding .-100 acres nI excellent dlay; Direct Settiement natout 5 miles frnm Hilton., Stîppers may ottain srts and td rick 1lit storey home, 1 t winemwittost carge from esn connenienen including1 ers. tond wells. entra laghtiegl R. A. Brownrîdge, Miltons ,uhout tors, mater towli, Meidrurn Stark, R.R. 6, Miltons rthing the mndeen ifaemr I 'ns. This properîy sart John E. Turner, R.R. 3, Milton engolt. .rby writing direct to, h ave neyeraI dlies nrent- CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE khuyint farots and require WOOL GROWERS LINIMD .iliinsut 1km tîme. If yuZ7BySreTrno aa mplate seîîing rail usns5o. 17BySre, oai.Cnd W. Goldstraw Real Futaie Broker Main St., Milton. Phone 349 ne 592r3l A. E. LePAGE TED REALTORS' 60554t104N4 55ltRa %14 nto EH 35661. CL 1-2861 hltL95 551b pçROOPut 50 (vle21 1Il DTP51tl6, ton ....... . ý. 418j OFFERS FOR SALE .- 1-Buys 15 acres iof narden -b J wth eautîfol troal sii'eum ge of Pers u. " i.Handîrs 100 acres locatîd 25 Hîghway, one mile froot n, goont buldinga. electeîeiîy 1 ater tteoagkosî. 1.For 24 aeres mîthisthe à toration nI Toms of Adtos. ;tnany ponsitiliLes. '-Pesents o yu mitk100 es tht îina reol huegaîn. ose eIrose Kîltride. locoîrd on , deoad, closte 0sekonl. '.-For 1kms 19B"/2 acre t aîey ff you've been tuffening ins siI,ý ineal tread minner. 185 u en- Il dpedai escllînatîsn. 1314 bta n 25 ocef deCC" ckof dpnib îway near village nI Palermo. family transporttions thessos rn convne es theonctont. needta, At EARLY MOTORS W* 0. Dive ysu 150 Innelace ry Iorm near Honny. No ie- have a used car to fit every Prim rs, ntep in and go 10 mort. brechet, Hero are tomne dendtess dentheouctont. )0.-f-ies ou pssesio of 1953 Cten. Coach -Gin aes pu ofei on nIro- 1952 Ford Custom Fordor lerellaadea of real tunod et 1 952 Dodge Seden lted near Omagk. 195 Ford Sedan Milton 1950 Ford Coach )Bays 4 acres, gcod building 1950 Austin Sedas on Ontario St. 1949 Austin Sedan i -For solîd tbrick dmellîng, 1949 Meteor Cnach oos.eol valuîeforthas mon-. 1947 Ford Coach 0.-Permits pou taoown a 1947 MHuonCac iltiful entate. 12 roomn, nolid 197HdoCac e. in immarsîlat e condition. 1946 Hudson Sedan ipropry pneoee se many 1946 Ford Coach îîlaîîne ponoibiitien.e 1939 Dndte Sedan ns. possession and arrange- 1938 Dndge Coact catIMe radly 401. it- You can cdeel with confidience- For Rent R RENT-3 erootapoetmdst, onbainet. Phase 365j, Adtos.t ,I SENT - Tkree unfornistet scdntroliy bocotet in Hoeety. yMrs. A. Cavanugt, Hornty. tR SENT - Hanse. nese. ose- plan, 5-coomet tome. att enidostes nil teat. on loreiy t. fotoediate tsenoion. Close coot, shopping. Pone 267r2 Lost and Found T Black ontdiwtite Cocker I.l speetiet lare. A. Mist, e r, Milton. c Personal ESS CORN SALVE for store t. our Drugglsi sella Cran ou Salve. ina, celtevez qulctly c-1-tl et EARLY MOTORS USED TRUCKS AND TRACTOR& 1950 Ford 3-ton Dump 1949 Ford 1 -ton Pick-up 1948 Ford 00e-ton Express 1946 Mercrror14O-ton Pick-up 1.fse Fardtrrtr fom14219 WANT *A&DS LATEIT TIME FOR INBERTION-i P.ML WEDNESDAT - RA TEmS- No charge for announcementa of Birtho, Merages, Deathsa and Engagements In Memoriam 5fe plus 10e per 1Une for verses. Articles for sale, rent, ec.-2r a mord. Miaimumo cash 80e. Box No. tsi lisa office l5C additional. Comiog eensss-19c per count lisse; 50e mlssflsum. Cordo of tisants 50c. Billing charge of l5e added to ail arcouots if flot paid ontul after insertion aod odded for each bill rendered. -11 If 1 li - .1 ik. 1 1 . 1 ý 1 PAdic Tm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY, APRIL 8th, là»

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