Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1953, p. 4

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PAGE FOURS NO TSME FOR RUMORS Tht restaurast mus ccawded and the waiter rownrd us he stopped at a tante. tI lhinh there's a tly in my seat. "Welt muhe osayoumtnd. t haven't any tîme Sacramors. AUCTION SALE Of Farnîture Tht praprcly oS LEO CLOSE 196 MueDonald Blvd.. Actors War- lime Houajasi, on FEIDAX EVENING, JUNE 26t At 6.30 pm. a FRANK PET C H. *Aucianrer. FOR BETTER BUILDING" Sharpe & Busscher Co. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Estinates Given an Any Paojeci PHONE 1331- OAKVIE Box 318 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FURNACE OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Charles St. Phone 432J Miltan APPIIANCES and FIXTURES Yoar are înted ta attend the Re-d.dication of St. St.phen's Church Hornby, Ontario and the apening oi the NEW PARISH HALL by the Rght Reeerend W. E, Bagnail, D.D. Bishop of Niagara WEONESDAY, JULY THE FIRST nineteen hundred and fity-three at seven-th;rty p.m. Following the service in the church there wiii be a social hsar in the Parish Hall DURINO THE MONTH 0F J UL Y ?/46~â edt ~ FREE wiîh every $25.00 purehase or over MEVERS STUDIO COUPON - Value $4.50 entitling jtou or aayone in yaur family ta a BedUtilUl Portrait Blackt and white -sze 8ltO- unmaunted " Present this certificate ta any Meyers Studia, pay 29c far mailing and haadling and yau miii teceive yaar por- trait withaut iarther charge. " Yau are under na abligatian ta arder mare than this certif icate cails fat, but shauld mate be desired, any size may be abtained at a special price. IPECIAL-Wth wedding g rasps. a clartane portrait ai t he bride, apprapriately i ramed, wil I be presenied ta thjdding cuplefr e of charge. PIANO, VIOLIN PUPILS HOLD ANNUAL RECITAL Os tht rerning et Saturduy, Juast 13, je St. PauaIs Uotted church Son- day chool roose, tht aents and iedsofa Mias Mignon Trîgmunnas piano and vilie popils gulhered le heuaeisterutig andvaidtpro- grain ofîî siteThinsn-as tht assoal ,voitt1ilfliniTnuîtuttt.ius4c tass htiiuitrlidets'tt itîin piipiîo. Tht yaung perSermtts and Iheir leacher drocver much credit Soc tht high calihre oS tht music pren- rusîrd. The pragraun commeourd mith nuombers hy beginners andl enuîlisotd mith selertieno by stud- mtorercegoized hy tht Toronto RayaI Cossreaaty et Music as he- îeg on grade flest la10i. Att played Irum mrmory. Thuat luing part in tht prograir, serre Mildred Mactis. Chattes Mur- lits. Lîîuda Watson. Leroa Woodtey. aral Set Gallomat. Joseph Mr- Caro: Retîr Galomay. Joseph Mas- liie. RobertLuCcas. Diane Wriggtru- îsorlh, Belle Marsh. Morios Cleet ett. Susaai Sargent, Aers Clark. Nora Beatt. Margarrt Galhraith, Ratph Poster. Suae Gnmîad. Mac- ilyn Wriggtesmurlb.LCuorle Strate- so, Magarrt Puy, Caral Steven,- snand Syvia Stevenoe. r THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Mission Bond Gives .L uGP1j7J Discussed bt W.. Book to Mrs. Lake Mr and Ms. Il. Bradley af Tor- The June meeting of the Mouas- - ntow ee ntvsltos n Milton. tinUnion Wamena Instituteme The service in the 'United church Miss; Ada Turner ai Glamworth. uit Clembroak cettage, with Stra. B. on Sunday mnornlng mas in charge Ont, han reeently heen viiting in B. Clementa as hoatesn. The ment- of the miainter, Rev. Wmn. Lake, Milton and district. lng opened with the alngtng af the who preached hain sermon f rom the Mr. Windmor Bradley etfscen- ntitute Ode, followed by the test. 'By His Grace ye are aaved.' more, N. ha bren visiting in Mary Stewart Colleat, with the The juniorechoir,oonderlthe leader- TointeoMitpresident in the chair. ship ofMrs. Howard('eolnandTrot dMlon. Tewminutes were read andad- oigaist r. . MabM.lirlavey. enod- Mr. BiltBox nd ithi, tianet, ' 'ri' tcd Thei, tsoic,il-iec- 'id eeîd a eletion thea eirled )the MisTerry oîuîît.'atofSeloilh ce....,piiiiegivenand, proage Sur their MissioneB-ted aisited ais Sanday mith Mr. msod 'ý"i eudeided tiiaend a donationi meeting. Meo. Mas Hadtield. tii the CAS. Ladieas ecte choses The wotship period was sn Mr. Daid Doe,soofoMr. andto attend CanadaDay at thecTri- charge oS Sogene Cooller. after Mrs. Cecil Dobie. leit tuaI week-end essial Coniereoce, mhlch ia being which the leaders look charge. with several Siends 15 nprnd his hetd io Maple Leaf Gardens, Tor- Mrs. H. Coolsoo headed the senior second sommer in the Yukon. onlo, in Aogust. The sick were ta giati n ad Miss Shirley Colline the Speediog Soeday wilh Mr. and bc rememhered by the commilter juninos At thteconclusion, Arlease Mrs. Ww, Bayley were Mra. Alhert te charge. MeArîhur, as hehaît ot QI] tht Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallon The peesident thaohed the pro- membeca, prescnled Mca Win. Lake ansd Mr. asd Mrs. Harvey Baldwin, grain commnilîre for the appearasca withlthe gftola hooh for lhecr loftBarrie. othe 153-54 program. Mrs. E B. untrigefotcs inoaid ofthe Mis- MrsMo hns Clemeols mode mention of the Cor- sio Baod. an heir daoghler, Mins ar l Commanion service milI he sh Badlelelat Ionday oMa mrly tieord books Ihat hadt bren on dis- seredinth Unte curh nxtto-BriplytSIVncu rs eyarmn-playyoneAchieement Day. The Imo Sooday, mheo 5ev. Win. Lake mili lohing Srmardtd iisceing the Cal- leacsMrth oy . w ertanhd gr deliver his faremell sermon hefore gai-e Stamiiede on their mamet .MAtu.wr hne o leaaiog tht charge lo go lo is n-t their splendid c-operalias and th- cridiner Mr.anti Mrs. A. G ShelI aod s lerest lhey had uhosen ie helingî Local Newsa daoghters, Judith and Joue. Ot th, girls. Mr. andttes. Fred Aucklanidiid PcnlilaB.Cm ho areaation- MnEfl.Clementsread an ar- Mr. aedMrn. Maurice Readheod ig mith Mr. and Mms. H. Parler- tietfront the IOD.E, taper one the atended the Ontario Piiontraymene ieldntfOahville. spest themceek- CncîiationisMrs Mauricet eadhead Association ehichre harhecue hela ed o-th Mr.Si-elly sisler. Mrs, gane tht- highlighte nI the districti t Auor nruunSaturday. MaxtoHadtlîld and Me. H-adtîeld. uttoui I, Mr.Jfladeilii Mo MrStewartMurraiyhas beviît MraAllitCeetnîa femi Velai oris jin îid the Campbeall- titailing thr ist 10 durs ij e --Ilaoaemrds. lhoeed Mes. ille Wumnoa lstlîtîe hraon etrtîtad tile thece oltended tht- Lkelforeheehelp andco-operatîni Iheir hon laipts ia îgara Fillesîordliaionifith er nieca-n husbnd, ued i li er loy iiithe enmmosity, tast Tiiesdiy oad report a fine Mr eyElia. ieo thtPieshyt ,,and .i.atikeintofapeeialîon pre- teme. ciiamiiiery. Mrs. Murray is entiid hec iaih a copnd saucer. The aaiipathy nS the enttre cîtîn- dîîi aîîcbuk te enid ot thin mrek Mis Lake theahî-d Ihe nemhern itinint ia enided tu Me. P. D lh Mî.A. .Fleming. ad mshed theheaeeke tvery suc- Ocelles - Mea E>M.Hedhrod and the ithter ti-uti-ftIthe tîînîla yb T(te mott.'O O Gard." mas i-. cri the diulh iof Mie .P. D. Hîrtc. eorgetown DOWS ,.oby Mrs. J, Hobertson. The ladiesI Mitnwoi, vera'.l yva'. iv,,i ,,,u e î rikeohdlaland and nigii* i u oide. uanfgrsjt vaersieuo 0Cana.This woas - - t V 8-3lIant . I lîed y thte eeading ot the. :)AHvers-,estmîhuaiitg the taell-given - - -"' ~ttltt he h,-itettbete .-hnld aor Marsiiolis Observe iceit- *1is' r,;l,, ntod-d c:5~ nt t tIn G-ti1C'tge- r-jetc site tofMet i inlaier irihî lt Se aîMi tîhîîtbtc \tAî,t-,i lst . ftll.tieii( i-,ytnoîha~tiîîîtii', td u ]ie r chIeat,c riîîîi .tiiîî iîî'l ,,tii týf n i nil tt iittiti ielit r itt i th!g i ntîi- l i . hern ieoy os-av ersry inIa1s to Rev J.N ad fi lin ,,thefin, t asMilon ý(1 tiip titi. therettît C Otit discun'.- Me. titithoite 25h urde i l itl - niitiite S . -4,i-ca aeiaersayon lntie15.i 19eoriigiiineintfr George- At-rr vucia iii the ditttrtnl, Biclhday grertîtue thia o'eeh r.hrt i.a itththil ahnsJenneic r 'tiaun ia cteladiesau estedrd toLuie Peaok ho tahniiKirehtiitidaetredonohits wilh ered tethe-r md hetisdn. mas iex-leursnId uns Fiday, ind illone makitîî irtitri.n1rratTte alan In Misa BrttlyMay,. nhahd aîiiîîralemttieittghlthe scoretoan n'e tglive.The eapre h irthdayono Wedneeday. ire*e lettîti mlh Miltas leadîsc tht potîtîreit sdthrleroae detirded Communion seraijets o-litbheheetd hiiecluh 0-3 hut tht net t nning ptc nad pt th as ttor eýi aI -riwagh aditon encorage the tercsl ofNewmCan- eel Saath. tîmnît aiînîrîd îedlrî dîîna cimnkhog ttrid Tht tint nem homermhîeh Mr. itinssanda final ortertintheslxh adian n oktruhtecid and MsHarry Pticearethailding whie Fa a scored lot his stcond rts at hometasd aochool. os tht siohlh t is a pragresrieg tinir Mm. Langton, as courtsy con- well Cotly rr -us mere ftalIfot tht amner. lhanhtd tht hostesn, lats.1 Mrs. Snmwaed Eart ioîr ;in"egclimsrew ith ih rdit-SimsMrs. Boothmwhiialsoolhai vstiined la thai cliibenstrastt.dmîith tseichtargt of a graap and att others - Hamiltoe lat Soeday mith Me. and toe Mltoneaed a smoolh double havnn a part ie maing the meet- -Mrs. Harry Stiput asd Mr. aed Mrs play sn thteasecond tam .î a saceoo. Mrs. Mastite Bead- Gere roidaerasoon.e on frMitnheud presîrtd thetwIo ladies wilh, 0llio'ei-ighlu ilt. an smodn a giftI Tht hranch had tht pleas- MisJean Rat. Shwhoot marîjage alh oîl- at rs and Timltire oin hucig soeoS tht ladiesl 10 Mr. Gîe Sringet milIl ahi-vlswil at ro ibieasget. t padîîîsg thetGo-trge-toun karting. al-m tbid sgmo.Mr.Mt pce os Salorday is Belhtl chur-h, a wd s% ht. adisscul tsar Hotard tkanhrd the branch r a. mahonertdnsTusdayevsn .ng .ahksiielcdrid groapto join when Mrs. Gearge Rue elteraie J Montaîe Unonosin tht mteting, aboutt0frensdfthebrietd- ! MrsWHumradtthe hosorof paelrynshîîmrr Many prett sad _________ eig invied ta heth asnivers socilgîtts wmrrtrececînîd and Jean ara t,! Maidonald Insoitale, Gutlph. tepr .,,ed hr, apîtrerialite [ Stucgîte the grop aIfew nfthe Ellen Chapwae tad a delcos lunch ma.a a-rrad. Aass'inge ' FA hosteas mccc Miss Shireîy DOwsMF and Mttiss aIcliePi.rtrThvi wesy ftind mîuh the brid e d croo il11)ig nd app maieiNassagaweya W .. lîîîg r odenhittit es 0.(» HeId at Amos Home 111ii to E -riUniedFl , ,oTht Nieosgawcy. Wnmen taI- Titi.tI;yiiîuit'tt .ic-M 1ftiir*1 R 1tit. hutlheî eîîeting il tht .tîrîîîît- , Ir a. S tSi1 mAoe-ghi iii ofIMrs Tutti Atit., epotrts eiimeiitith, aittndpe..ud f,ît 1tlîîdiîîîll tîtittel met-C givrî the prliaii, tuarge erg,.ttiti ljad ia lI t.e C. Peibtiht-it to, atid tahit, 'tiutîti'. i ni G elh attractivirieîe , 1 :;OisMitMaOt:ltil Mauroice BHe.tY. ueutltse r.sMe.ttmiliio JMtîyadMraGl. Lîlom Al MORE ,îodM r mtr oich eelita'.IMjýI..;Irle Em MO Ead rsW.Bck dîllhl-s te ott-a t! Me.,;nid Mis. J. Pecry nf Gueph elitiuitîositi-ca Mes . i FÂRMERS m,re Suîîday gacats mith Mc. aîsd Tht goant speaerhîr. (3orgMca G. Hîteelt. Cri-h. gace aspîcîeg tlthon THAN Missh',bronrssifeScdt tif Miltoîn cotd minieg..cqtreg the faeth,-,is hlidiyisg mîlh hec aust. Mcos raah jediaidool hias gîtldeo qua-îitita F. Hatlhamay. prospect aed di-aeliiifur petcer . odMrnds.Lro ydCaephil pensl loec idies aid ehieity tI fr1 AREan rVn Cmblspt lsm me. Mrs.EMy thanehld ti alhcauo ttc. and mhs castribted olr lthi- prîgram, U IG[cySostrMea h et.Fri.o after hich al adjorneil SINCITht Daeaven fan y theîdmthr allenhash oIt adjase-u h t tatueont tht hnme oS tht r mother osdy tachual srsnm. mCO-OP aMm C. Doavnon Sssduy. _____ BSINDER_ _ _ jEngagementsI TWN Tht eegagemeentb s anti-d ofst Cy Joa Martha, daaghlcr et Mr. * EXCELLINT Harold Trimbîr aed tht tale Mes. Timhtr oS Miltone. tn Treva QUALITy Douglas Bahh. sosnSfMr. and Stre.ST D. 1H. BabatfSHamilone Tht mat-S R cloue itI tahe place ons Salarduy. REASONABLI Joly 4, 1953, t 3 p.m. je O ace Aagican chutch, Miltos. FRICS SMART ST Thisi MILTON ORDIR 1 4W WELDING HALTONTE i Electrie and Acetytene Co op rt eD ' Repaît Wrlding of Att Types o;p rtv Welding Supiplies 1 VINE RIPENEMD CANTELOUPES 2 for 29c CHELEAU MILO FLAVORED Spanish Onions 3 for 25c roD1SCOUNT INTRODUCING MDER SHOES FOR MEN' TYLING - LONG WEARING soffer good onîy June 25-26-27-29-30 SAVE MONEY BY BUYING NOW AVOOD SHOES MI1L TO0N 20% DISCOUNT THXYESDAY, JUStE SOUs. 1M0 North Halton High Scool District Tender for School Construction TENDERS WILL SE RICEIVED BY THE NORTH HALTON HIGI4 SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD FOR CONSTRUCTION 0F THE FOLLOWING SCHOOLS: New High School, Acton, Ont. Addition to High School, Georgetown, Ont. Addition to High School,- Milton, Ont. Drawings and specifications by Barnett and Rieder, archi- tects, will be available at the Architects Offices, Toronfo and Kitchener; the Toronto Builders' exchange; and the office of the Schaol Board Secretary, Col. G. 0. Brown, Georgetown, on and after Monday, June 29th, 1953. Cîosing date for tenders shaîl b. poslnarked by Regiatesed Mail flot later than 5.00 p.m. Monday, July Saih, 1953, and addreused for NORTH HALTON HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD c/o BARNETT & RIIDER, ARCHITICTS 644 Bayview Avenu., Toronto The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. $25.00 depasit cheque required for drawings and specifications. TERRIFIC VALUE-HEINZ 1N TOMATO SAUCE t5 oz. tins COOKED SPAGHETTI - 2 for 29e OUTSTANDING VALUE--CROSSED FISH -. lb. tins NORWEGIAN SARDINES 2 for 45c REAL VALU-SPREADS EASILY MONARCH MARGARINE - lb. 33c EXCEPTIONAL VALUE--STRAWBERRY OR MAPLE 30 biscuat pcg. WAFFLE BISCUITS -- - 33c REAL SAVING-STANDARD QUALITY SIZE 4-5 15 as. tin LYNN VALLEY PEAS - 2 for 25c DUCHESS - CONTASPSS A TREAT FOR KIDDIES FORES, SPOONS, PLATES. FOR PICNIC BASKETS SERV ETS BEAVER PICNIC KITS Peanuts in Sheli 8 oz' plag. 25c Each 21 c .SFRVE APPETIZING SALADS O'T-EN î'AS{AMOUNT H C. FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON - 1/2 IL tin 39c ICIISIELtO ADOS REAL ZEST TO SACAOS 8 on. jac t9e SALAD DRESSING - 16 oz. jar 35c AYLMER TOMATO SAUCE WITH PGRK 20 on. tin BOSTON BROWN BEANS 2 for 33e 1 - JUICY CALIFORNIA Sunkist Lemons Large Siar 6 for 25c ONTARIO FRESH GREEN TOP NEW BEETS 2 Bunches 19C

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