Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1953, p. 2

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PAGE TW N R THE GOOD OLD DAYS EAT MAY HAVE SEEMED w .sT BETTER SOUTII Fify eus A o we tyYeus go Lat-r4issute Chanee township bas a nem volusteer ire Fify eas go Tw*it Y cis go We kowysu wmus e intereated brigade, mitb al plans sn carder ex- - in parts o a very lnng etter in lest cept a by law malssng il legul. Tbot E p n inServices Sk ln m rovemnen From tise Issue 'tfttse Chsampon Of Prom tise lue et thse Champion of weei's Georgetown Herald. Tbe lisexpected seaon. of n eer ton ad amlt o tis roinc ThrsayJun 2. 103 Tlursday, lune 29, 1933 etter mas tram Gmwnnetb McGem- Tbe tire trucksmas purebasea Tise expansion of services and extension o eeeytw n aito hspoic hrdy us 5~-an te lber parents in Georgetown, sane tisse ugo. and bas Seen stand- boundaries are important things to growing there ought to be one or more flags flying. t.ast Ther Miton Cbampion bus coin- Os Sunduy eveint lasi one of describing bier last minute cbance ing idie under a tarpaulin in tbr municipalities. Milton ix experiencing a fairly week me travelled in tise United States and in plird lils torty-tbird volume. Tis e itrcest Orange paroaies evor ltecgoltelbhe corosaton. A T.C.A. townsbip sbed. Champiosxscd toetbc a strog Oil iseldin tise district on x Sunday empixyro, sise fItetonxdon Mxn- Burlingtsn Bridge rapid stage of development and il seems a mise every centre Old Glory seemed to be visible in paper. but of lte years il bas bers was witxetued Sy bundreds ot sper- day aftersxxs, buntedtfor ascommxu- Tbe buge nom Buritatos rasai strsgl islisd tmar ine- utos. ebe meises e Mitandation Sy pbone Cr tma heurs and bridge may be started in tisetati]. mova migit be to numýber bousesin tihe tome omeplace. We know manly of the places we e rndese.yL. acaie oad"ne aos hnmmpa s fbyMiern gat a rosse at a reasanable piite. Hn ereO rt iitre new ome an ne inusty ho do stnds bu inthe ublc suars ter"You bhave na idea oethte tbaus- igbmays, bas aasaunced tbat tise Building of nwhmsadnu nuty btdgsansbtntepbi qae iea 'Mte bars raiisa at Oea. Botb's fromt Oakvilt Tarants. Brasse, ns fpeaple eamped aon tbe praperty fCar tise appracises, 39 naturally mneans a certain influx cf nem people. always seemed to be a fine f lag f loating in tisa as Sixtren es Sturday otersees Carlisle, Campielivilîr. Hxrnby streets if yeu didnt see t. In tact bouses, bas bren purrisased. paxîrd off nrry aucresstsilly. afly and Stemarttxwn ladgeu. assemed by midnigbt, Tratalgar Square, Plans are sean taeise inalized in ltits diffinul teo get your directions as "tisa tiird breeze. Mr. Moore Seving bort sigbtly On scun tise Bayse corser t 7 p.m.. mirb is a treseendaus ares, mas se Ottama.Oseetftise main points te brick bouse from tise corner afler you turc lefi Il's fot necessory to watt for a isoliday or a tise bra. and usden tise marsisalubip of Bros. tilrd, tise patine merexsurroundint be attled is misetiser pedestrians celbraioniciputup he lag. A vle azeabot Mss azele illofWelland ix L. J. Maude asd Jas. Galisraithils n e etn n oepol wl i lwd n ht h tmo blocks from bore." Tise directions given o eertont uaptifas s w aeaotheMiustHuenlier ouiii r.FrunksithmlsStewattonsbond beadisg tashottit s ar.epl iielmeadmeteris 54scan uhasre i uhmrsipe aitise mri of television 10mars misiciscluter Pnunes. Mill Stnent. procession, mrcbed ta tise Omaghin .. 51nem bridge iS Sle separote tram "54 surs and uchGa sreot" amurs oremsimle. attheiadte erailmay bridge oanset. Nem ciames ie over tise telepisone in e- tise skyline we monder if a good old Union Jack Local tanmnnxsuity tht tiserecent Prenbytenion Cisancis. miene tiset said tiny serre cllînt people at 4 Fis Stury gSenrins buse cetit' impnxvnd tis e mce eicmnd by tise choir. misiri am me compromsedonam. porting f i?és and emergencies are oflan veef coni- could not be attacisad 10 eacis of tise long pipes Suy cnop. It iii bn o ittnue titermanda rndernd speciot' musie easarng stcinseunti vilemas mscis st a rarout senlOak fusing and if a location descibed by o bouse tisaI bold lise aerial mitisout any inteference mithis iutsuai. Sut tiiyScavy. Rev. Bru. Jones ut Campbeîîv!lîîc." Se ceuids't lift tt.and tînally test lt. Tise .T.R. istesd enctIsg u nem deiivrd a vene isterestisa arr- iHer seat mas in Buriscnnt"s reatHutvortlissg pn? Te number could be given valuable ime migist oas- reception os tise set. Wa thisnk suris a fine lot of station in Miton. Opentions iii mus. Ater tiese urvice tise panade estsblishsment and îscluded luncS Sixs aMuie Ceris.igsot h ily be saved. It il difficuit for anyone te know ail flags mould enisanra lise skylina and misen visit- commence about tise ansi uf seat muncised ta tise bonme xf Me. D. itisbinmchisires and trifies. Sh isteenMile _______ tis pepl n om an mser tseylie. rs om 10Catad tseymold no miotmontS Tise cnidstation milube Douglas, misere short addresaeu mtcised tetevision and isod a mes- the peopl in town nd wherethey live ors com to Conad tSuckwuuddktsnsndt iotver-iaacren citesdSytoOrs. Dr.ivR. K.BrAsd-rdr.nK.lAn aais attisek a coahcisashes. OBBTUARY Nodoubt tise cot cf an effective numbering country tisoy are touring. reigst sed and gruin lenutii. eresus. M.. Csusty Mater Broc. 'We isad seats tisat sldfCen$120. Noaahs' eal nuhfas ndsly uTSe.usnuut excursion nf the Hat' Putnnsons.Brunle. and oiler prom- Sut at tise atminute tisny bad ose system mould be cheaper nom tisan it migist be Caaainntnaryeog lg o ipa.tsFuemen' Institute tu tise Os- usent members ufthtie under. mîftand Cunnie and I sisared ose Native of England inafem years misen tise area and population in- Tiey add colon tatise land and proclaim t0 ail a tario Agicuturul Cotiege, Guelphs, Pritnipul Sisuney und bis usit- tiscre mas oudins ut ruuml and me creases. In setting up a plan for numbering. or- prid in lise land of our cisoice. pcamiedf n Aiuut 2.and ut Huinptu uelie RMinsn etdt hePuli Sisuli"4 ah n f a uew :W d nDe commodatioc il mode for extension of streets. - esidents touS advantaeote t e tis cerum yesterduy.iSise mecst tise Palace tu sec tise A native ut Esgiasd, cmmîng tici New dwelist anisesared lisarnare uppotnty te visit iis educatiosai Junior Pluiet Matcesr. During Royal Famîly us tise Sainonse.i"Al îtisucountryslt.TimsWa- Many tomns iave adopled tiis important facilily renentu rassise 52 par cent iaiser tisas lie centre. Tise day mut a litIle tise pusl mecS tise Agicutural Ibis miile St, mou raiit Sut you ter Eden diaItise Hamiltose and significant gromtis seems 10 marrant tise sys- saina perlod iast y5aan.accoediss ta Tise Fis- sissmery. Sut tisaI dîd sut eem tu Rnpnestuise nunducird tmu Jus- rsslds't gtt et except xn tise top Oeneral s[spita1. an Pritay, Jase- tom being icaugurated in Miton. anial Past, intentera ilS the determisotios et un Pluaint Matchses t FredDenstus ofyour isead Secause me mena jam- g.i niuthtbyeair. Me bad Seesa tise visilose I$ue and Sean boa arse in Trafalgar and as tise torm med su tigis." At lise induma. i' txortiree mastis. ibis edocutusat munis is earried us uf Huais Warmisgtonsin Nssaga- tieir las utlemeis as tisey dram A frmer res,'dent uCfIHamilton. Se tise staff oC prutessurs Tise vis- anita Thesr pice inscru s isn S aristise urlains 1 teeSookaut mas Mn. Edesnisad bers a resident A't "htw edmssnt oMcte N tTIirough Hg w y tors werr e n umnnuus tisaitisey Traalgar match mmre: Senior lossu aisoîuteiy lisdisg." Mitresmet of bis Lite. and anx Tealine tise ideal ase Caidealiza lise aL- We mare glad 10 isear tise announicement cf cxssumnd 90 hases anud breaf, etc. Claude Picheli. Hrsby; Brxcn îLucisily se guI s fllght isame ,empixyceaoftise P. L. Robertasn pruportion. Tishelus rr x cenn. Milton; Orval Sinclair. rigtî oay.t "But lit mas mortS il Copany.Mts herelha maris- Hedre a offcia ol iseHigimay Deprtmnt tsatex-Miton ythlie C.PR mes madipet Frerman.lInbe Junior cias-Roy and mould have hees eves iCfîIsad c saMaist'ili ecoamm was made ree e ck ber xt liser Cisureb' CaC Efnglandl press iigisuays wmeanet going te ba cluttered up ubout 7 p. mbhnntise 300 misu intIMeicaite. Oubvîin: Gordos Sinriatr be n ituribeovtr thela oon a mnsth in tise munint mode thesn amots4eFnns Stanley Fuller. Hornisy. m-wisirisas quite possie." Mn. Eden i n uurvived Sy bis Beyond Their Depth mitis roadside stands and otiser attractions. tînctit axais. ail reemint saisared'tean MeCurdit. Hornby; Arnuld Decurum sud Smuisr aidua. lise tormer Orisarai A- Candin ciods remanerngto fr utcf We are simply tiroing money amay misen sulwis te mens* picoie. PichtiFrnnmas In Nstagameitu Tells the Buringlxs Gazette, Kennei;t; Imebrotiers. Edgar Eden Tise guides aeddîsg ut Mer. ts cetuboru anre ail in thne"Burlinglon sua bae a smobe by- xt Hamilton and Harry Eden of tisirterior. ay D. . B Krkatic o MGil e buy expensive rigit-of-usay and bud roads Mes. Jxhsn Harreisunma cnt-Junior ciaxo. chics meeapiaced: am-un ai leasl miii bave once a Wtnsor; and a sisten. Mra. Joseeph thei teritrysaysDr.J. . tekptcis of ci cfcapable of iandling iigi-speed trahfir safely and etretnate lst vejyuts atndua- ydm.Ait ok, Campeile;m come Aî mai. a sbeeinpoelxAston LuMe. Edesomashieson tt University. Tiey are atlempting t ec o f tisen altoming tisem 10 be iopelessly cluttered nbnued20.usiute oJsy tsu dt loyds.Eamlenbroxh. CmBevlack-tbas enhsatitebasn averdn- lateM.insM MltasLuyetxnthi e.n- tiings not diectly associated mils formaI educa- mtis local trahfir and local business. Tiere is not Courut Vira, nuis the r'sidietcerofulock . J. Campbelisiii. te the by-iam. prosecutisss may (Srah Nomelli. lion, and as a rasîltare n danger of fallun lw n snei ning liosomn yinc t Rober t E. Munisu.. hc llt Robert W. Fo, ahubau bcns Cutix anosexecessofuCsmohe sebelber Tise tumerai service mas betd n liein regular work, ha tiinbs. A great many aysne pnin ilon fmne u-ye.ues .ufuu.thse nosa ernbire upst- 1the Tas Cuuinctun otoihe Tuasntf l"-mmnactory smubke-stscbs, home Mxnday a ternoos ai Orace Ang- tisI citiis:~s wiI e:tinl a ree mil tng cdo n grades.,iilis and cursas if trahir s go- le settieutdoit a ysutbtul mut nefýMilon forcuivecu yceas, Sus ten- chun ees or even isxstines' iras Chancis.Mitoxs, nnducîrd by' pepl isgen"uuta5tiers tofS tthefurpioncer, Couasculingaite iC the Tuas Faîhers dos'tinEvergnees Cameiery. thtcrtcim ay heFnac Ps.'w fuse tise oustanding examples of bad igis- tomilie. 'ut tht' inity. HueeuosII _Ct ttit ElasrerPhisupst astI rturu nt ti0tve isai reading te -______ At present farlcieomany students are getting uatesugaet efsn nOtrou u tstt.Bouses osad C.ates. tiii Miss^ Agnru Maephaut M.P. werc the by-a! At last mee's meeting REST IN PEACE ut uuh.uuuaruto bereundeitOntdro a' Br-ut lbt e upoi u ét.F enit bcrusas se much cross-table taiS meeyasmattering of thissand a smattering o ig ec n t unsd nrno of l r ele i ,to o- I .F neigand lac e _____tht ouei meet alugln oui ad t unysdeunT ronts. , cl ts (if threist utus isl.t ini thi e a i ] Mn. hexlldeeoarfmnetisat exuseil tisat. Wisen tbey ara tiseougis tiey are neitisar Amusement parks are located os botis sides cf a - 5 *55' wjs i uu,auoulcd C.C.F.csmpintety Crgxt ta gîve tise by h'ars a lris ldhis hupmisse. good cooks nor goed spellers; tisey ranI pst up a higismay rarrying four lîns cf tfîic. E mINN , lON-At Gi e iel rupait 'u llut Cii'intssa a lleisrd adoion t asd ti-ut ynaOt eit bimthbent eut Miltn. n Weineclay Jue 2th. Il'xt ed"al eecton.of a doomed mxntd, tessîsg on Sais. kice hlnradu rdesoe ekedaddrn h umrmonths ushen 1903. Altred-tWtt,,sad M. s MARRIED fc a ee asdbed at midnigbl. lhaaghi bchieard Vr e paethaetetannortm oA luette s tutus et u.scln.TAItZWEL-GIIFcNLEES - 0vn Nrew ire Brigade tnLr at O xnep ibp Vayfespret bv is rann o im e motor raffîr uis eôiett tise greatest nombereof TsdWî.î ultuui Tiseod a: Got sepBshp teah teirchidre tFe treer's Tis obver 1 h-,eiliist'ndoI 1 y.Jase 21, 1933. n tlis e souillerna tat xl Nelson isit ue liserestl ettise nigt." leais hei ciilrenliethne rs.Thu jo. vrt peuple smarm these places cdoms bit tisemuter- WIý)I HAWItN5 -At tSihe ost. C.ulisl.' United CisurS. Fîhîl___________________________ misely.mie bave tuined over te properly tained front. We thisnk tiseitbase a perfect rgisi o be ilf .ttise Suid."., tirent.'i .t th-is.tne, dauuutee ut Mer. and ______________________________ Buttier i oisr eanig tsa cs isra Te ueu7t'l(. (inWr-duuit-.ýdiJxselMi- G.S Gren irs.l.Emntr professisnals. Btteei te riigta a hr.Tebearss mre in use and built sp long 124,1. ~Ahi 'il Wali e tMultin Ali. ntdere Tirseti. suitout Mes only be prevded in tise home and if oist yosng before express higiwsusit mre in use. andtt MisMutida i A wk itnt T:s' andth, lise loirM uSPOiS I N LD.E T R peolanaretio in o att tsee isa tse Nom traffir piles sp at botis ends of he tise GTRUCK DIED misoe naionusil ssher.beacises for miles and crawls at a snail's para 5STARIn utEsuatu'cngin tsTsi'sd.u AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE lut' 'tut t q, iaknutt i i u ît'tuu tît s J. u il tS27 133 W lirueaki ______ l~~otis uotonsîs and pleasura snekars ara made u 'n'ttuil t, ,i'tutiSuct uitut uu17 v:. uahtsu Laul noS thesa naîbanims tont; thens isppyl by tisesituation. A frst item on tise igh is'juu.Iul.auii ttti c tiitruitt 1tull.d 1u1,. -____DENTAL il 'au lus, hot; but as tisa oid ont adl usdt ait prograus shosld Se to clean up thesc tIwo ltu ti' i t.'tut d uur.'ilutTiis LOADEIS LIGHTER _______________ _______________ g n'On on x ar ntbn 'ntsu badly planncd express iigisuays in Ontario and, tiue tp, lut cIt h,' uttît s tut The-t, sets ututisut rucuiette THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING remoux tiseu trous tisesummer pisygeound area luttitutthentu -id tiIututts'i , v. lioet tuelr'd us'th tun tus ridge. Phones: DENTAL StURGEON tu'', . 'and stuliu.e'u t-nu îuertsdouft sueorlts ils ubr2 Office un uoyal Buitding, Miltone ut. t.Otutttttionfo heVoer'oi ""k.utt't ittti l.ud, it'utus l,, itet'uuusuilPîtt. Dr. C. K. Stevenson Heurt 9-5 cui,.ruttnttrttlote' irîu ,le leDr. Pred Melis vsngyyApenmn Sch ol'iOunGuussmuEetuun.aesnutvl irua muinle vngsbApotmt Thi wek llscoolchlden tat he on sr, iaieis i il lit n p, vt;Dr. R. S. McCulluugis X-Ruy Service Tetephose 197 sumervaaton Sme*cf he hae lrad -- -- -- -- AM -By appsuntmnt oxtit. DR. F. E. BABCOCK started. Most oh us ras remember tise toi ttiera ..I4 79 mas mises tiseeinaldbellarangandhbookshmme alOTflIrCSUaeEIMILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Office un Formera' Building takas home and forgotten and eneritone soted Weluer ageaonealabut iseisgisuitas Hurrah for holidaits. We dont boursve tise esube- cdents and tseit are deplorable. But sovsudnrung1,Crn, .R adiulSgen Ennsbypontet ronce of itosti bas ciasged mursdlousn tiseougi tise number of motor vunicles on tise ouds and KNO-PRSBYSRerviceCIE ST.eALSoffiEceI-URC tise years misas t comas te summer holudaits. tise spend oh tranel ut s a maruel that tisere are not REV. E. ORSBORN. Mlustrr Mlnslslr-REV J. L. BLAIR, BA. DR. G. E. SYER le.2 Tiera uera almaits tise sumusmer risores to be more accidents. Ourung tis een d use matIe a Mis. R. WruihtAT.C.M.. Oucuisisi rgeanst.tMr. Robiert K. Carr Ptsysîeîsn sud Surgeon dose but tisera usas a free and nasit uait oh doing moter trip of saseral hsndred miles. We didn't 1SUNDAY, tUNE 28th. 1tata Ofic-Jamnt Sîreet MISCELLAItEOUS tisese ielping tasiss. Tiestisane came tise age even ses a scratcisnd feyder or ender bumped- 5UNiAY. tUNE Cusith, 195: 1000 ; Sestuisututi Pisone No. 38 il t0,i;'tua1 Min ittu miesbiuh i tîx i sseOffî uesp iuer Huons: 9 arm.; 1-3 LEVER & NOSKIN misna asummen job mut ooked formurd te and altisougis truffur moved lmost bumper te bumper hi,' . 5u gîtiml'utS t tuttul , J1100 .c Sebuttul tf Nuerut7t30pmhCsrerdAcenal cf course tise oppertsnity toerm tome moneit of ntscetinaogSslstvbuhatts Corxner Sucresseru ta -oron h nyeape eswo ordiigi Tuesdait. Juise 30. O.15 pus.-Tbr JENKINS & HARDY you Om. Tseonlt eausieme ausof oo drvun nw.A. xiii miii tt tise Sitrnetut1305 Metroplilan Btdg., Tisa jobs bave ciasged mtb the limes but tis a fuel ms ose cisup on a dividied iigisuait et four ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA Mir. e.nEuosture DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON 4ci Victoria St., Toronto same tunamestal decisions and daits et play laness mis insistad os keepung in tise centre lane and OfiCce Moars-I a.m; 1-4, 7-9 p.m. Em. 4-0131 come to the scisool childrrn Iodait as îisnithase avd baing faster cors posu hum on tise usosc ST. GEORGES, LOWVILLE GRACE CMURCH Fucuxrrs' Buiding, Mais Street dose cdoms tirosgh tiseiears tht a nitof us cas sds. He usas sntoiynde oe.Sucr. tAs IlR otit RANGLICAN Teiplssce395W ramember. Sy a motorust usho cousu dangeously close behund SîNîA. 'N, irtit Geen BAtuirCIRPAC Otiser tings iave changed. tee. Increased hum and atter repestsd Sors blomung persuacind STDY UEl tU I, LEGAL NESN-TeCiorco trahfic and the motor cars hauneuade thes streets hum 10 grt us bus rgit lne. .îîeîtu Sn IsuI d t-liini utit -LEN-Te hrprc tutu m. Miin lau ueilutst SUNîCAY uINE 28t,51h 3tS tm Druglrss Tiseraplut unsuto places for bail gumss or tise heur or so of Tisa motor car Iodayits aesarvel iof mecisanucal ti:Fouteit Sîîoiuuii uttie Tinlit DICK & DICK3uberxiraic fus. Tisa summer bouidait period means 10e tisat manocuserabiluit.Censudeeung tise gusat numbar 1il00titi ttuMittituuiti l'issu tuti soit) tîtulitComtuttioittutiW. . DI('K. Q.C. 3thYerofiictc motSuits bu't tisittoel ilseluts cheidri'e10s00 iui ' Shtuti K. Y. DICK # - Lady Atendant motriss mstmath mredosit s hei drve of drises of al degrees oh baumiedge about thiisulit tJiis 2 .3sit0utAulcs' . ,u 'ut1.s0tti0 Iuuy Vst' Puuncstera. SoiciIons Mo.Tues,- Fn. 2-5 pj.s ail tise streets and hisghmuys mseres littis groupa drusung tisere sasms a minimum aumiser et mach- tt o ti titi 5mo-t Il'ttt ;Il.i 5 t. r'îandpî'r.uiu'e . M Stanleyt Brou-s SIreeoîposite Arena Wed. Sol.. 2-t and 8-9 pin mait be statusg oui 1or a duits ouiag. ises on tise eoud isaong mucisanucal dufcultur AlAr ecni .0iit tut Luisite Os'nr-Teepon D oinon ture. eogeac Tise dits n ushicis "Scisool is Out" should bs Evnatisa trouble doas net seem as teequent as "Al ulturDominion ttate, susd tunut "ii teuiîLo-od tuiati tee dx"TuAnHTIISNo .Phone 150W happy osas. A goodressolue for ail oh us migist tsed1t eSe. il usait Sa that motorists hase eamra. d Rivlliaersdo." Ti ArrinlC. tolîlu . c. moul be toeandeuvor te keep theus isppit and ha ts bstmy te hase enjoyabîs traeol s to ALL SAINTS' CHURCI4 bave themalal returs te sciools ra openivg re_ bave the mecisanicai dsfocts ttesded te, befere tr Mlton Ileigisîs Ottice-Ncot Dour Chiampion WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Ou uGrifintoumîsuui L.TS. CALVARY TABERNACLE Offuce-Main St.. Mlton Duclur ut Chisropractie tresbed and tise bettar for tisa fine summar duits starting on tise roud. Garages issue sppaeen eî,ue Penteastal Blluets Teispisxe 54 Brxntr St.. Milles of leisura. s cid thir services sffectivelit. SUlsiAYu' UNE osuis, 19.)3 BRONTE ST. By Appoisîment ilut iti ta Mttus ýFit-Fuent Att Rcs. . Woodsso. aurEREE LIT PHONE 102J X-RAY nvsay(fthe dedicait.GEOGE E.51 -- Ait SSaints Cbtunoh. Ren. N. Barrsttr, Solicitar, Notary Pubiîe _____________ Grecs. B.A. L.TS. ut Orne - Friday. Jun26,1.01p.m. Pnaync Ofice-Is Parmoro' Building Chunch. and Buste stuidit. Mi tet ua RVLES U SUNDAV. JURE 2StiS. 13 Mi tetiltoxse 70 - GID r____________Q1___aipiil_ 10.005 sm.-Suiodait Scissuteepon 7 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BOWES BAPTIST CI4URCII 11.00 a.m.-Wrbîp Service. Stadard Tîme In then 100OF. Hall 7.00 p.m.-Evageiie Service. Osisiised s is e Beant et Hatton Coonti Pastur. BRa. R. F. Ssyden Txctday. Juusr 30 -g8p.m. Praiten dLI IRAYH on e; 2 Toromndte; .20 pi. Psbliused every Thursdae at Main St.. Milton, Ont. Mais- meeting. FOR ADULTS daiiy exeept Susday; 8.57 Bus- be fteCWNA n h nau-Quebnc Divisionset SURDAY. JURE 2uih. 1953 Werusduy. Jutit i - t p.. Wu- Munduy ................. 130 ta 5 p.m. day Oly. the C.W.N.A. Adsnnliis no tes os retist. Subteristioss tuesu sm.-Susday Sebout and Ad- esAolai.Tedy.. 05pm s - m Coming ross Toronto - .04 o.. paabn avacn $50s anda sx nnis $,1: uit Biblc Ciass. tAit servicceus ieid t bSnh Wnenday .........30 .m.-12 stee daiiy; 16.31 doue; 1.00 daily astinlercpiesi6c; 350 in theUnitbed StatIes. Aulisoricef as 7.00 p.m.-Esesisu Service.sri.l Tbxrsduy .. i.30-5 p.m. ad7-9O . nocept Salurday. SnadC-stMou. Post OCfiae Dnparbmcst. Otawa. TLIuu-duy. Junr30 a is15-PruyeneFrîday......................... 1.30-5 p.m THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, IDU TWF CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO

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