TH AADA HMPOMLTN NAROT TINY 316 61.16 IMrs. Thos. Watson Auxiliary Hostess KMI Mrs Thomas Wason mas hostess wuma fr 1.01. coans,.mas, ne slone t2er sent tatiseCansadien Ite the Campielvilie Blair Evening Champion Office in Mitup IAuxilary an Wedneaday evenint -A new store window mas I- -Many urprised Milton esid- presiding. The meeting opetled uialed on Wedseday at Tolezkas' enta watched a short parade lest mitis the cal to worsiip. to epacoe ________________dy vei whp heLon iTh he resoidn ent.Mca.oesoin. f0ir ree on makd w e - Scosdmayhevenln Mherthe Lor ne heeotionalpreidt as in -Mr. and Mc. Chrin Grlmwood along Main. preceded loy the Milon Roger Maison. Mes. Wallace read are leaving the Milton Matn Street Junior Band and a number of higis- thse secreiscys rport and Mes. W. gter nearly eight yearn in town to steiipiflg maoretten. Mahon. treasurer reparted on the more ta lieir store I Brampton. -A glance tirsugl tise Canadien1 finaces. Mc. D. Inglis gave tise -Farmers in the district are Champisn files reveaird tisai whe's cieer report. Mes. R. Ellist, Mis. talisg advantage of the fine sis- choot closes ibis yesr, E W. F'os- R. Maoesad Mrs. J. Wallace wrcc mer eather fse their hsying snd ter wilsithavse compeird iis 20lOts P5 lsltld to s ceinve donations ffi bas s es 10be msrking sver- yesr os principsl of tise public the bissac. lime. scissst. Mr. Fssirrcame teMilton ,Mr. W. Mlinred acry int- in 133,repaci g . Sisseey. eestîsf ciapter frsm the Study -Waler mas aff is Milton fsr ai-T1933.raee csg o th bsok. Mes. Walace ss rcad an short time Mnday evening wisn -eenta actv ite isleresliag article frsm Glad Tid- tise mater mais rsmniolg is Martin Halton LiseraI Women's Associailgs, wmetes by Babaes Weir, s 8f. lrke beside tise Miltaon Hard- ion met Jonc 19 t Trafalgar Msl hoipilal viotise in London, Onario. ware store. and decided on a memieesiip Prayer mai lise word osed te -BrImera 25 and 30 smees ofdrive. Topico of vital intecet relat- tise roll cati. Tise ofleringg ss 4Grace Anglican Churcis attended isg 1telise activities of tise.ncwly dedicaird isy tise presideot. tise rally and picirisetd isy tise formed orgasiztion mre iocoos- Mns. Meazies cloîrd tise merlins deanecy laymea's asociations bat cd. wIs proyer Sunday atersoon in Acton pari. -lntise opesing games of tise -Tise men of Grace Anglican Hlton Rural Girls' softhali scse- Cisorcis tocrnd olt is roes, dote ietd Monday, Omagis defraledi a saades and toanmomers Frida o l i21-14 aI MoraI Gronwi evesing 1 toise pat in a cean-up, liomi led Compielîille to a 29-12 Ui~ fixpliee hetd toputtse csrcis in at tise Glen. and Palerme de- ~ grasads in rder. leotesi Hrsis 1-4 in the gomn -Tise caeadar finally caugisî upiscisi t Palermo. wilis tise eatiser miea sommer o- -On disptay at wers-end ia ficially reploord spcîag bost eci- Ros Harrio's store wladow ere 48 end. Ssaday, as mel as seing tise posters isy popils of tise MiloM I LTO NI tiret day of sommer. was tise long- poislie ocisool whisicis ere dane in îoShw Nitl ent day othtie year. coosection witi tise cleaa-up, w Sh sNity -More tison one-Ihird o Mil- paint-op campaiga sposooed by Continuous rom 7 p.m tons new 12-taris pipe lise fcom lise Chamiser of Commerce. Prizes thse sprinsi 10 lie lowa ias lies were awarded in earh grade of 1he THREE campleted. Work on tise ine waa scisool and tise posters as dusplay TH R . RI SA delayed iycecesaf heavy raina h'ut incladed lies is judged iigist Pi T U S -R .S la again praceedissf satisfactarity. racis dams. R IO DTA Campb. Midgets Score 14-2 Win Drop Milton 6-4 Oe aedw their sciedule sitis a 9-5 victory avec Isilton as Gary lField pitched Campisetîville retaîned lhier . osie it bial for lise wia wiile leagoe lesding position b isy of5 gfihmng out 1. TwosMilon hurt- o 14-2 rîctory over Waerdown. esattsmed egisl iits and srcsSolorday. osut elgis. Waerdomn npeaed tise scoring For Campiettrille, Dave MeMl- a ise 'second iainiag mien soccesa- len had two singles; Purcetta, Par- ire singles isy Rakisis, Tinidaîtsand dy and Field had doubles and El- Finanoce prodoced a esa. This liat, Piillipi and Homewosd eacs 10 tead ied sp usolthtie laol hall It igls iloon got Mitons o lise fuist, whsen Lakisio opeard only hisi, a douiset 1 lefI f ied. thi inigmils a iomer and ties an ereor isy Day. o single isy Ken -Moore, a walis and a single by Hugli Barlow, mode lise score 3-t NASSAGAWEYA S.S. No. 7 for Campiselîvilte. la tise serraIs, a iit iatsman. Sever l Reu ings 1-0oIls. a single isy Dowing and an eror isy Waerdom' sec- £ond liasemnan, Ridgeway. pradured As Busy Bees M "t 'Our more ruan od l is e eigisli, t Imo aths, ao isil htter and an er- llstended for lat eehl or. singles liy Jacks Lakisg and Tise Bosy Beeo Institate ietd Bois Farlow. and douisles isy Eart their Jane meeting in tiseiome of Coirnsad Hogis Barlow. resoltîd Mes. S. Coxe. Presideat Mes. S. in serra more for Campisetîvilte. Roabinson opeaed tise meeting isy Waerdloma scored their second siogiag tise opening Ode. Tise salicon sunlise sintis mies Cairns- isont. ral was asowered witis iygone e- sqoeeced home Raissi. clections, whcisprored very in- San Hendrroosrntlthe route tereatisO Tie InstitOte rord 10 for Campbertîvîlte in hîss tie end liree dollars 10 tise Federat- tory of tieseaosoon and gave op 10 ian pici nstead of makisgifipes. hists and i tie motisomisîe striint Cosîderahîr discussion mas gir- out 515e. e on planig aibstrip in Aog- For Walerdown, Fînnomore and ust toToronto. It was decided ti aYay nd Forthsoilowed Il iits, have a course on orea mealo tantise ine mathsan it oiusr iatero. near future. Tisey also decded t0 ocisle trikisîg sut sx. send 1t.M la ,tise Saitors Fosd. Tise mollo, *We treasuce lis past and face tise futur," mas gir- en isy Ms, S. Cose. A report nf tise district annoal was tisen giron - by Mc. A. Allen, miicis prored , very isteeesting. Tise program coarener mas Mrs. P. McLeaa for lhiso monts Sise LL gare a rery interestiag paper. Ms. ri.GYW O R AL Jacks Dredge gare a reading, ohîcis tNOWS A LOT ABOUT was mach ejoyed by att. Mrs. W MN I O M R Locher read a porm entclird, I W M N I Know Somethiag Good ahbo TO ADMIT IT You. - A paper as liea gives isy M o. Stan Robisno entiled, "Empres o af Scottand, Her Lifetime Dreo Come Truc,'miici mas rery mscis ejoyed. Tiey nest isod a eostet won isy MsW. Kennedy. Z '. et meeting is oocheled a tises home of Ms E. Dredgr MMs. Jark Dredoe gare a paper va ited, "Mfy Grandmotiser's Hoseisepafg and Mine" Tise meetingacloorî thmithie Mary Stewart Cotet. A lovty lunch ms giren isy thec iosî her asistants, wiicis a vr mocis enjoyrd. Congralations 10 Ecîcra Alen, A car that ruas as quely as s.nd mhois a sorecent bOide. theougis anhoue glass ia a aure Mr. andl Mrs. . Locise hacd o.'ign h tisI lsow-ner han visited their gocsls on Faliseros Day, Mr.aUr gaag: fr1 check-up. Were and Mes. Gorne Redman Kareno g and Donnie of Orlon. reasonable and friendly to deal Worismen arc hooy groding lis. with. coud t preseal, miicis ads o 1the appearance o same. 1952 Chic hedan M. and Ms Locir MeLean vis- 1911 Dodor Srdas ited t hic home on Falisero Do2 1950 Chrr Cosacis 1949 Ford Cub Coope 1049 Cher. iSedan 1941 Mrcory Coachs Anti-Arne.r:.:.-.... 1947 Ford Sedan I~IiIIlsJuwIiL iiIiii 1947 PontiacCoases __ 942 Ford Coachs InCanada Query 1940 Pontiac Coupe 190HudsonSea b tiere mach anti-Amerrcanism 1940 Cher 3-lus Staise in Canada? Tise Financiat Pot asoi- 1941 Fargo Rj-tus cd a grosp of Casadiaus. 1946 Ford 3-ton ils holsl Att of tises agree tissî certain and body diffecesces af opinion cult he- 1946 Mecucy .-Ion Pick-up tweeatanteests inthselwo cout- 2Used Ford Tractos ries hut pt tisese sis a etaos of Model H Internatisnal Tracter "discussos, evalsationsanad cnit- ils Coca Plantere andi Cul- icise," ralier tison as erideace of tivrq asy sotemortisy 'asti.Amecicanism' Open Monday. Wednenday. Frida in Canada. Most of tiscm say lise and Satoeday eveainga, 7 Imo counes hure fao mach in 9 p.m. for car saleus nly. common andi 10 mues I oai ste for thisinag Canadiam 10 iarbor sucis an attitude. Thees also a good deal af os- aniity osmiere - for Canadas part - diffeceaces of opinion are 10 lie foonsi igit noms tise St. Lawreesce Seaway; US. taiff pot- Poo 59 icy; apparent US. tloerance niV 59 McCartisim. MLO, ONTi. TAMWTHE moacIisI MON.-TUES. WED.-THURS. ELECTROLUX Birriages BAbA US SALES, SERVICE & REPAIR0 ets Etc. À Claser. ige Pllgser TRE« FOR INSERTION - S FIL WBE1201r 1 nD-METIC R ereer HASSELFELDT-George and Jean RAT Basselieldl ara happy la an-RAE Si Baris iDXv, OakvIIS nouance lise SrIscsf thelesn on Ns charge foc annoanicemenla of Bietlsa, Meriages, Deatisa PHONE OAKVILLE 2PA7 Taesay, Jane 16, 1993,. aI St. anad Engagements Jasephus Hosptal, Mamilton. In Memoriama 50c plus 10e par Unie for verses. Articles for Dm1... JOHNSTON - Mr. and Mc. Dea RanI, eai-2a a mord. Minimum Cash 35c tIf nof paou unfil afier _____________________ Joiseston are happy ta anasunce insertion, 50c). Box Mo. la Ibis office 15c adliinal. Comting tisa litlIofaitieir son, John Eventa-iSe pareriat ie; 50e mcniSimues. Carda of Thanka-4»a. Douglas, on Wedineuday. June 24 DANC ING 1953, aI Milton Prirate hospital. HANNON-Me and Mes. Mac H-rn- For Sale Wanted HUTTONVILLE PARK non ofcilicciy Oareihappy Lb an-1-- EVERY SATURDAY soosce tise birtis of tisir sona FOR SALE- Baby carniage, in. WANTED-Immedistly, proullbo- Bsndy Gerstd, on Tissrsday, June foud condition. PisonMlIon nurse, ire la. Phone Milton 285. SnSog - 01M005 10 193 a Miîsn rîal hs-FOR SAL-Siagle doue mard- WAMTED - A iosaekeapee misai Sîng on plal.rolin. C. Gimwnod, phone Milton prafera a gosd house. Phsone 232 a mtus HALL-Me. and Mes. FranksBal ______________c1 Milton, J. A. Rush, c-If EVERY SUNDAY ansoasce tise acival sofliseir FLOWERS for all occasions. Goe. WAMTE-Bay on lise field,.bla- NINTdougister, Elizabeth Anse, 010er tee Bisa Floritl, Killiride. Plisois ed se standing. Wmn. McFadden, NIGHTfor Jane and Catisorise, aI Peet 490r11 c-fs phone 288r22 Milton. c Memoriot Hospital on Saturdsy, Phone Brampton 357J113 Joar t, 1953. FOR SALE - 13 meanîjut pigi. WANTEO - Bigla cosol studaisl. 9 ~Meryn Maceod, phon 311e*21, girl, desires morS for summuer BERTOLI-Me Mca. Secunds Miton. h montha. Avaitabta immediatliy. Betoti arceihappy t nonluhn ito 4r3 the ieIh of lhier daugiter oa FOR SALE - White coomet irePoaMils54r3 e Sunday, Jane 21, 1953, at Mittosihox,.50tILb.copucity, cheop. Phsone WAMTEO - Slramherry piekero. Prsvte hospilal. Sister fsr Boa- Mlton 176. e about Jane 21. Sîeady plekiaf. Con- siF nNn cy.__________ t_ act W. D. Shaw, 71h lina, Hornbis aI ndMac.FOR SALE-Foure yosng som. or pione Milton 71r4. --i KOVACHIK Vi ad Omen Koco- dur soui. Emerson Laver, phonsar thisiisare lhappy tub onuce lis-c 9r21 Miltoa.,5c WANTED TO ItEMT-ApscLocnl, 15 hofthieceson oa Sunay, FRSAE-Jesycsg o r 5'Moce aafurnised roonisa or lice 2,15,a Mloisvt FRSL ese O,90 ouse ia Miton, Sept. 1, iy scisaul milker with: or wistesuho cFOR.SALEtcn- sacy racaW i chr, isone Ml Josse2,153 tMloaPîuemihrmlso iholeH iIo rc A raoller for Omen- 289 afler 7 p..cetan 142. FsaiisrMt N POE48Anne, Crotyn ad Paui.. e ________________ FOR SAL-50 White Rock put- -WAMTED - Lire poullcy and Mgingg Saturday BIlDts, 6 muatis olod. Fraak Robr feathees, aisa old fealiser ficha. s and Holidays et 2 p.m. ______________ sona. R.R. 5, Milton. b igisalprices isaisi, Wc alao osai EDAYS pitat on Fiday, Juar 19, 1953. bine 52R; lssu mowisg maciearDo Randell & Son. Milton 143. or W=s Thma Wltr de, elv B oey, R.R. 1, Bornliy. c Dent, Milton 92r15 or write Mossis JUNE 2-26-27 hisbassd of Deimeais A. Eenny, lu Zoner, la Croydion Rd., phonse Or- JU E 5-6-7 is67h ea.FOR SALE-Brus areordion. Bolciard 5133, Toronto. e-tf Service mass iebs ln Grace Anc-. iss. Paul Scisurîke, rare of WVe ___________ ~~liras Chorcis. Milton, on Monday, BeFasiden, phoar 28r22, Milon. c _______________ rîery, Mlo.goosi coadition.$0.aono selLost LILLYCROP - Saddeaty ai sus ansi rocs, $25. Pisoae Milton 594n13. ______________ home, . R. B.,t.Moffat. Ont., Sat -_____________________________ uduy. Juae 20, 1953, Ernest A FOR SALE-Choira top soil, $1.50 ilhstrap, near post office, Tues- tale Bemi, eloedstiusiansiof tise par yard; 1111. 85eC1pr yard; deliver- dY, Jane 16, midaigisl. Leaving fac laie Bssi Det (ormrlyOf cd. G. Learmont, phone 76r21 Mit - uerses-gfft from Moîhor. Fred A IA filP Pulu COUlMo AtwMuer)aI nd ftra-ofoR AL-. r i c-mae2- oSOEphWesltlieron iss.c _____________________ of__ uags itto Wsrin h. M8t ar es FOR SALE - rusmesi fesm51,erRdi, plaerusam. c Serv ce i edTma islutMitt2oa Aeesua1,000milesI,. isen 511w.i niauto erh. lisedo eteai ry. ai- MxcelencellanPhoeeMlto à JR Iifl poùti ICrOoPaNo 3 pm baeonrmesBu- FOR SAL-Se uprifist pandt drrclccme23 153 MyNaeo f .escca ntheondtia.;Cuaes seAi. TLNWudteprowh HARTLE Al hr hom MîttNew9101 rs.Phoe Wmasîter CSTR AIM. ptyGrn LharolesoW. hetpaesimteof3et-3- ticcUSTfOR BAthM. rivey oI-J re DacsiRobrtlry pansiofmosrof- ORSAL& -Hosten om, .lo arsonspanSt.7e21 iin O ~ing Ms .WarwickaMsriiary M heuFRSALE - fresisca Jty 20; Rd., _________________saine. ___ 5<.,~ ~ ~ ~ 3.E Mn.Rawell)oand Jyaa sMesEbralle puiMaiSt.,rbJhn, ts. MTC -D.F.E.arc M eod sersicsetta s eu t Mut. Mitoa. r.rmses1 nsas tsIh abc J N 293 enoniteo A BMcCntrmesdy i- aMiis fcelagun rus , c liouuuisftrcNal. aic l FOR SAL-URilc a ot, W510 5 crirelacS pace rcis hctlc cash Phone 79D MitOs. c 12siCS'OMhn.LIda frm aply o da Wrucod22, Jonc,24aI 2 i s r~~~Lu brm h et E egrwieaf et- FOR SALE -Bayolsen atop hIors CES AVEfrsr M îllo ner (en ), ass . i plty Io moura. lurS iou e s . o ar Drc a i seIta bCee M.cones. Phone Mofuilto.csi 38offie1.gic. c-3-3f Cian t Dof T 0 Foto i n hrA M E S I i . O d e e o r . . h r - N O T I C iE - J a c u n g e f i h otBa r year.dJU oTrRdeiveO A isipmrnl oh ber Shome isarpbnesi d reaoe- »hevc okpaefohb atoe Dua trehia maisacou yieC sat'a lachafrmitisShop M1. reieneWens user24 aussi2 R. satipon. Brll lon.Coac W.t. -6S p.m. ntermnt Evrus n Paeser- FORassarsi. RR ar, utgblock SCR SLEfrsr G r-eswegr n pci42 DA ETOe r, emvesi fo csar oRsposai.eTMitopisone Coieclslitfe houssOi. HNK mIrc sS the tS saunaiuad ivitîg myarrm Ifas drive eacrlstlyean s of21ar TmowrntarpEMI-andMIS. 1rol lk orîfe llt tahoeDonde.gsinlies maire. $975theFor GORadON TOUNO LRUth So il %vho ent e c my. o aer i-nd s..msttioa. railt377. Clonc . tr h6_ 'Doas umi lAiiHtiAS saluasa Toma W ite 5m.I o. osaniIee esosiCnda Peopyfr snayds puciilymis Ic thois iseBerFApRAE-po 1947 I isgisedpnro ____________________________ Inrefucrhiooif my orsiosIfudi v m erS obsi WisileaLein-e21 OLDTnt M-6. MN~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ws Ioa IN S 'crîSRT REA hexpbu r.ess ensshatetankssi Btuch ires.u aWteL$g5isor. ODOuN rcYOUNG50, ?" tON Ih and arre atinsit10 Mytmiss elnormiîcLon, nxBar377 editoril huadappya hctive.fuiefurl sffnd fa anbosi for uluon hl eise 8 srxTnt asrapp MarNis an Sicafoctsirhs.wn- 039.95 e 46 te mr s o wlsi gosic akn rn rrad J UR Tat LYR1-2 iocche mosgseloftiierrid bs i 04u6.95; M ssoauy.ker Q avsd eeln oFmu.mmni [YN)NSMU -DARY ICNU- TI U[ b nd ho as WB tru TEd usen. $46;es- tra Pd t r ofit uis 9200 Sp- stî." Mc e l arqala d" az ______________________the_______ riai B uf. asii1.0 l brain da icesoay6e Ildacs Aep - s r tvnsnadsaf Blcklo.$4,5.xpriWh iehrn beaT tERNflonalo'ig anmoty Beace uscys ise JaWiytesaehrn, 0AUCte.TION beSAe a u -2 fdemanmfademenaoltesrAtuo sney46 Muser Qoolity, 75e; nta ,eligmn mnwe a kr Thatrss isspomayîso Proft1.00Etrca Profit Msi$g.00;53e A- I. e "e -uine"s 26. 1944. n~plls ianîtteos aIbmrim. fBecbedEfaa s Feir TisePAy1INîMarR aIcyA $27.g5Calsh on thehigs ricoyoo mei Thsso ssi e av seet efturh$4.9. metia micnI Ts aesgeihr errs ffa Fisr ia the isaratisaIto.v her. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES instruclions iroin, YLI VEN BRY i"f Her ms'mcry iniger, ycl. LIMITED luSE. BANNANT E MILE OFt THEWAYI Absrayorermemisornît yho bisiauss Fergui. ODao Tourll b y pubiîe aurtion aI her and famiy. reîidrsce. Qarca St., Billon, on 1 SATUEDAT, JUNE t2.,1951 STt)VER-Ib oisifmcmory of o AI 1.30 orclons, lise iollomisg: dror mthcrr.Olina Slovrr. oii For Retel Settre ansi 4 chairs ta match. pasood omay Jonc 21, 1941.L w______________ alaul; missînot; hal rcr; corner ~ ccc fir asî or ls ight eo ris. COTTAGE FOR REliT-Wosagoaccupisoard aand cabineat; bridge Bu bucs toIcifatforfor thaiughl lis rescis. ffcah. Araicihts'Juar 27 Ici Julytylsr ad 4 chairs; large mcher IIÇUI1eu< isîrI o l'rsucbu'r Lirr oho mir Il and Augst 22 Ici 29. Quiet. setter asît choira 10 match; amaI Assmoerrr. coomy. Mnq. H. F. Wiscmelt, phoiasneler. ,talsranît chair, Srsis' eye Ut AiU.AMmss. hîsouasenoct, iO tuot Billon 239mwrCmaple; Bain ens qooe piano; oral ___________________________andtables; itrrplacensencen unît brasa; w th nh«Fsîmsty. coul boa' end aîtles; large Mission ot SONO(S wen fO ie ha Put IERRY -bInloiriafemor oofEen utae, isuffet ansi 6 his isae s. flW$yJtsJus.'" Iduar dassghtcs andsiteor. 'Ioabel. tchairs lu masch;ris;aall mli gasa a9 au- Soallac I oho passocîtamoy Jîîsc 26. 1952. Walris for Hsrnny Mooter Oas- icabinet; dnner wagsn; seeral easy Hom mr missi the melcoce otoslolposien Party, Tiuruîtuy. Joty 9, de- chairs; 2 mwhite oirs; cabinet radis; lOfthe suae mc lîcad ro deor; tailcît adrerlisemeet n neal meeh'îtrop Iruf itchen table; ilcisen ..lirkalssueayiacOft mc istenro le isc cumg.if, saur. h cabiset; hieh gluss top hilehen ..bcitogyasFît lisr thtshis near. ubad eayelecînie refigar- misea Romanoe ode itaThuyat 0 e u nifogttn S.Georges W.A. wmut sree tor' elecrie alore; annc;releelnie aa orse'sand-ugy O Frecos or love wmutî erelhe, ' treisir.caSe unît efres- masiiing machine; eectrie hîteisen aasiuivaiscgmute Fo ustus asthee ' mens t uasbaIl gutain Lomriite ctsch; 3 nieumner Ironisa; saS ses- andsAsivetytaavied Foritaslnmsothuae s t tts punis.Tursîtsî. Jonc 30. O crose'soute Inluding iscî, dresser Eve'rmessrd te Famil.Enromtsare nomieingaee-und soale adraisesteel bsi si ieRsobinson Business spriag ansi ealtresa, P4 idIs: tmê, - g M Ionforfait terniacomn- camp couches ilhsapriaf mattress- me ig Tuessay. Septemiser bt. ru; amati cist ai drumero; secret- MY.LUALMc-t-3 acF ansi dens chair; vaniîy ansi chair tu match; lipper ehair; batS- uff - ARO£ bME»AuomiI» DngAgricllaral Bull, Billon rasons scabes; sanroonam wcher sal- FaGsi FttyJn 2 ,tee ansi round taisle f0 match; very' 1 m. Wa1 ns Orchestra oi'Fer- arge gaslosM iisad ecti gus.BugisBannas, MC. Admission racuom lener; eretrie fiosor :bié50.c2-3 lampo ansitalase bamps; step adîter; ilarge ans Iseal mirrors liners; ga.. aVacation Bible Sehoot, Monîtay, lanisets; fannry mach:sivermara; O l 6Frît y. July 10. Houes 930 glass; senter rato; large collection sesto1.3 .. Pre-achool ansi of fanry diohes ansi norcîties; gar- Horac Toinnson garenchisitren in Presyt- sen toobo; ansi alisamatI hoase- ernncuI . ScIsool riilîten q i s:iî eeClash tlmet w iwaiT .aamvî -,"ILLMer.. aoe F a West ya sindudre, in Uited ehurch leesdy s; ahle. bmnîml NE AT THO FAIR" BRAMPTON 1650R Chîtîtren 9 yrara 10 12 yrurain N eber asointeporer a I ~~~Anglican churis. Regloiteataon' o M oseeantepspilsssa THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THMSDAY, JUNE 25th, 19M mArlip q9m m