(Avrieet Milton Victorlous 130 JUNIORS COMPEE SATURDAYM te CHRISTIANS, WAKE UP Mlo (.ed1Co. 15 3; ph.5: 14;1 In Close Cont est IN FIELD DAY DESPITE DULL SKIES Hg 'l?'A Yo nevrcenanconvert the world out a close session on Saturday dampeo the sprits of more than 130 - Schoo B I14IlI Fo he Lord lu combof soon. wben Milton came out of the nine- Hallon Juniors on Saturday,, Jusedob n io Easy 12 to 4 Winf Wake ra, ye oid United church, score. Fleld Day ai Las'ville park. coust- F or Caimpbel lviii ss o imfdTîeOI And begin la pra se and about; Miisoiatrethe tpelo the 5-4 13, whent Hroled thoir Cnty Ansd eau sinsers 'b repestascel Mlasn ndHipl cre celyn residnt aalo ycefs's____$66________ To br aved tram baresand do b. iraI îs'o cousîcro for tbe home cara fthe pragramt. Capelies'nenay12t Bueoe gto$6.0T d-nAlwnc toam an un ercor and lait by a The boys' soft5salt tournameol 4 gmo oRvie wogeon ned 1 o s-rg - lsh.0Trd-nAlo Wake up. Unted Churcbmen. pttched bail. Campbellvilierec- wao the first arroI os the pragram d a, Junr e ,bodetow aids-t frodwbaelnlyr Foyorodlct ahofaercoiio As you baste ta mia ail creeds, lopedwilb rousain tbe second and sitb Palerme dcfeutiog Actos unddapiîctsn 0 bhr Hibnhe s -he iret Itecisnyubv i To build a grealer Babylon Iird frame by E, Ciros, wbo Miltos'ionisa sut sver Norral. nthn fHryHmitna1h0ie 'th ounyuhv i Wibail lier pasl misdeeds. baoged otlals'o base it uon te final rsodsofte tooament Yog rigt-bndrrwoohisusecond eens'ailîng for-thelasî One. Be- onthe Beatty StainlesSteel Washer Wak a. v dffrinDopts 'lDolin osasinleinglebtmo etan.deeaedMilondggneofthesesoingint ood-oorerengin meaofIheofth Wabe.ap ye iffrîngBipastabibpast 10 monîbo (as is tbe cus'. And rau Ib e Gospel leur. ýCampieiltaitt-"le aîd the leadit t he'gir ls' s'talîll'aaîpetitiasî. Georetownt h, lowle araa e ~toîid. s'e bave arcoupie 'af E Jusst as tlbay did ut Pentest in tEe fluth la ameir e n bsM'bal 'Miiltonîa eas'ag. a iiaaa.i 555e i the'secondl ini ienah's hey etnel items t disposeo f. Whesosn es're seizedaaitb fesr. crasard tbe piste. Tbe lead waa' tb e Actonand aaPlerno clb. a cos a walkî, a sites lasa and OnS daJ e 21 th w slresgteed iotbeserenth frame Nexl onthse prgrams'ere boabhOniSuodvbJsee er.abe ts'sJack__ _____ '1'hey crird ta Peter oshen hot.s'hen K. Moore s'aibed and sored by'sdgrstgo-'r itnsebool busses are taking anumber prs'anegrlched.fwa. itnbut tibus'was soart lived as Camp.- 188) Of tudenlu on the anosal trp A aid od,"Wbat shal me do?" Milton lied the game in th, bysaroNdiaegasrraglFablas-aettill stscbfaolir rsstheb Ho said. ~Repent and ho baptized, ereitb mith runsaby itelpel and puliiog bolh the Norrul and Pule- Iird on tbree bits, un error. nde ftahiaara olo tacer alh For the promise lu ba you." Melansan and added the single ros mro clubs, s'biie tbe Patermo girls s bait balmas, and anoiber indtf The obotA. A. FAedth iead jin the nintb when Heipel orere tbe viclors arer Milton and fsselb on s double, s grosod oui, sîber day Ibat they bad flislye re- WalOe op, ye saints of erery race, banged ast s single base it. Actas. anad aogflty five more 's tbe' eived the rugby crecssaland lurge S .F YS N Wit a yor orm ad ceea:Marshals'as on the mound for Anoîber feauaeeof the doys 0-tlaosfaeba.s's errs sa "M'a." Tbe "M'a" ore for oultund- PON25WMLN And tel poor aluners of Goda Miltans'itb Headerson daing the ivitirs s'as the boys' tbree'mil, il ala'nsd o final rso in theo istinathei chegetsadw gace- onbietisbebierendnanand s'er Enosgb for oail ernords. honling for the oeigbboring team. cros-cOountry roa. The Paierini . is s 'Ti' gises tb Rosld Ellis, Esol Csirns _______________________________ Miltas riaimed tap hbosesnta club, s'bicb bad the gresîrat nues- Tommy Dss'tiaîg ld tbe Caisaîs ',tBilt Eltisît. Wahe up. il la the midnight boue. re.piay s'itb Wsîeedomn an Tues- ber of cotestant.s fiisoing la top 'selîville attaeb s'iib a double and OFeiday, the 101h day of Jonc. Lot your lampa be buratng brigbî day nigbt .%,ben lbry lok the ta oiis.sa elediesin teson psgtios. Bash MePhaîl bit ts'5 . 3tbc asat brais-soro students will _______________________________ And satiog for the trump ta a-5. Tbe fume s'as originally play- The firot aixo rosureras'rere as toi- aigles s'bilJietckLuiof bita bosace bsppily loto freedoso drof- Tc8ound. . ed May 15 and caed ai bbecend of bOwssRlpb LÉogford, Acion; Ed- boss r rosad Eaal Cairnsa doubhle; giog Ibrir s'ritiog arma bebind Ttsse the ups'scd fltgh. si iooigssithibhescor aa 5-5s'in Tyrrrll, Pabermo Jac PrendHeadrrso. Bah Barbas'. Bil Ibes' and lranog anotber scbol O:niy ts'o classes. the suved aaad lie. By mtuas rossent, the game Puermo; BibI Somnervalle, Adtos;Cin n aito i otiit yMr in tbe pai. Gacing barh, e iinsaved. wss repbayed in Waierdos'n. Barry Archrr, Norval' Cbsre Ricb. eu singles..For Geregtaas's.Glles biog la mind tbe rarios aciiere-' Ohs'hicb of the tbo oshah il tbe' Waedaas'spibed up f ose runsaradson, Pslrrmo. Sotla nd ars b l and rsondeBrecimlet roatrsro o iil Only is'p classes the Sviose sar nfo isoIefiatfoesib A oe-ba ameiis rdPsbadCapb o n we. , i orfisintefrtfaewih A neSll cmeiin ed cuiti.pitobluf for Georgetomn. The inter-fors' and isier-sebolACTON .na-us 'Wben busgisg oIson the treo Tbomson, Jaesb. Tandail and .1 previous o 1the field day, Ns val aSsao 2blaAbe 'sb adfil aslagniesyeNe o AI tbe dose of ysur beet He a bsao sifIe pse.'is lb a'Ieb ssin bolb bbestaIueb onr sut.s'berraa HHamiltaan MHS.Wer emenher tbe rogbyIr M na-us y knocbtig, ' ffiler runnerus'cere sîrasded on raGle sbooliog and the girls' baskt- fir the sissers alobs'd six bila, gmra f ouefl 2d2a-23gom Oh. mlt you soi let Hlm conte in!necand and bied sabes Feter s'as hall competitin. base wals an d stroeb sut imo. s'ares oest niebsrin, evrepoun a .' Clr yTchio in Bood mou ahed on Caivary trss'o ouI ai trsb. Teas'iooee of tbe respectire ws bot v f fas.yoLha olrb Tcnioo Taocleasse us from sUl sis. Milton regaisedovtwl oa ruos Pi csmPeîitions s'ill reprearot Ballas ltoffn W. Beach tbe iraI mth Melansmoonding esuoiy al the Junioir Fa rer Dis. taTbencrme Commencement, s'ilb TWO BIG HITS "IDn' on fitan T1,tk aiogs vatriteiiField Osy 1t0 be beld aI the Boad ro urchase isaad n rsnai Stvrw eft on third. Ontario Ageasultural Csllege Chismas belta, iralt eir Fris Color by ebsi9lor0Car. Girl" Inte-idfariMlo e Guelpb. Portable Unit aogoisb. brouaibtth istenIo ClrbTcnclr MITZI GAYNOR Anitnc tiseed tii faoe, on et _____ Untamediud r ae n) i ed DAVID WAYNE Fiomseoslsemun (ofiad rm oe s) Tbheors' yer asbegoo ils ýýUna e PLnoun ,mni ansd piled up foui' runsaos one bhi Plbus, 'ee rdei aorr Duob Ie so Ihav bcs, b ateth beot 0-4 Meansasso Iln L CVictoseia St. The f510sinf moliontrasaphant. SPC. and A.A. danees. Jl errW r confased o a bospibol liedmy alted, DO Vaugthanand resh' Bigo,' k, Dow> aras punseda "fit a aebsdgiog alssa irit sanne firs'parlles, gaveoterCTTN"Souneyer TeIi a L" business asili be carried on by s lkdo. ssdtSin e ha- it.a'eebi' a'at eUni th rpr OI te tdssvalu sia ri-SHELLY WINTERS and madsonfiral aistheerrtice.At Monster Falir ti aasleab Ua epsrt i 4h sad 5th fnrm osentta TueoCr.BAY "oieMdes m so osl frhr50 d. Beeatiaag sua the ssis.lriz,ai itraSta e y r u-otot e-teplayît. beh"invC T R D M veM des a s n the bih fraatr. W l." alliais Basitias.lh.at the reports i, b"aruary. A. H. Deforest doas eouslad aaaaa-raasay Noartha Hundred.a s itiaa'clina liatr.. a ia o legaad t a beais rib a Th' asa brscond aîligsîd asalMaltoan a'a'laaed aaîashy Slia aanster Staeet Fat- 1bahilaI lS '.haabs'iaa acord aitis misterri11 laTh, O fia l teni bb as mihte n scThe bainaa aa'.ei added a'rosa agaa Xalaaasit,-a i a y a5 la lie ib iethe ga il P u Fsrs'al Bobketbailt, base. Taxi absthlMiltan club.inataie S.,tî'.îoi nil'ît bia rmedy bhe situation, con as- la i , )1,-vb;.iIia'til kp has t lt IM jI Phone 21a Milton aîbea'baîba'houtaabaseht fod. The alsigna reatiu spaort-aîa.s'ssifseessury'" e i'aaltarn.vitahbMitons'in- c Shv Phon2lS iItn Sautbbassd iiiah.ia' at .ared ha the -MilîtonirFre hepio'b A letiar rbom C. W. Lb,i'ub. -5' ag the h.askbllaa a b s'yssip ROBERTCUMMINGS ogtyfr0.x Î4 HOUR SERVICE 'elly s'. cri athe mouaiaafdorMi! mrnt ad ths Canadiao Led is n rutibar s ieFsa .Amtau eanGaeas' hs art s,-15-7. M ______ s'îbniaior fr h ei Brasais 13f. e.zte. i.ied aI biais' 951 fom M.H.S ,.sme f aîr a "Tale of Two Mjc."Sat. & Bois. bomeram allaa a ,,iiehai'.a Bngandslaeiy deas' s' aeas natha' tee arma. COunil lbe%-aeefisandm o rever. ce at pain four__________________isgligbaubrsof eoasnig,aprgarna , so aa n atioand laItthIia siire We asauld liha' tusay hbss'ickel fusestriO-OuO ad iere syrie posy ridra fur the airer is the aboemeni of 1952itix- v, ar ba enjesiis wrs'itisg bisese { cbîldeen. s hartlsont fbrena pssard. bilaIs aibarla ihrssgbaaltishe year Ruri Tmsy Haptinsnad is orcestra A smotion, sposaserd fbY MrKrr rd lai oersaor appreriationsta AUCTION SALE played for dancaigasnlise îas'n bull ad Msre t4alsaaa hStauientb om l EDtheUS. J 24-2 - f roso f l e ls' ky bo aw . tbre'aaaasilsitbsadaily sars'ensaaeis fr teiraa.spraion onJUN 2-2 Wînes f bclcb damarel sbsg mth tise mileoge accooni al bla in doiaf ou. "oe aea a" Sîsreung FEATHERSTONE 0F FARM BUILDINGS kicieset nod diakîes, Georgc E. th, nd ofealmeel 4o NalasdRsse a a P asIDols- MrsWlo E etiin i SIDNEY REYES fr15suit, E. B. Clemens, R.2, o uiiplAfir ugsEd le Lt 7 t iespoct o otoMltas; ludy'u or gestu birJaCle., -aorisaiib e prspossrd tee forsectd "Troic Zone 7ownshiphlanaml. Ta rt ) anto aannNs, apalrls inalobu rs and peddlersmo * I baeesvlb al arts.bmntîrdo, wg"ltisr î n.bgsa 28Hrs ale uî~ockey Club Head Wih Ronald Reagan » Rhonda Fleming PHONE MILTON 158r22 MONDAY EVENING, JUNE = tun; moollea blanhet Idonaivi jsy bliedaît wmus ai tise Oral meeinf. At 't o'clocb. Mlton Caîbaîlas Ladies' Lcagae , A latte s'as rend feses F. M, Jlo Wabdie ws'sa elerîrd prenid. PROMPT SERVICE Bars No . ,approx. 30088 f.if6BRd Wunsli.y. Biieington. Grah as'requoesting ibat tise liosa s flseMla she l o fi.posa; ire raf ad arigt Set ti aliops and bed lamp 1riu a a lat sent bis place and 1953-54 ai a meeting bebd Mssday ________________________ asid N u. 2'prs 2M f. aNrilI MePbaala, Jam Knigbt Mi'- haveo t draised This lobasourerent- saphtinlaMaion, - tII.poutu, steel rouaI and upright ton; brcipead Mlon Dapartunaly brrnoaaladit isrsxprrirdua Otter sbfiiaa l rled sacre: Sadaing Sor), Lisda Cuso,ilo; laiiou ibbbe ercted hem hiMl frst niî'-yrs'.kda'nt. Hart Barre; 2 brssder bousea, permanent, osuer Mou. E. Haye5as, oiar.At ibat ftise i s esperrd trîarar. Charlea Cialherh; se 1 aai bars. pproO. 20x20) !tCisrlie, Allro, Milton; man's sweat. the let s'sulbch grad4realle Vers Greobe; exerutave. M ILTON aireel mot and 12hfoot pusa. ereaMdeI Kntting. HrryDavis, Aereprt fm TIL C.Trrels n pela MeMulloîs, DueGieso, Dirh Buldings tu be rrmovvd by Ns .Mltn wo2 i. huga floue (Mîtl- naayaa' ai iding in ahi'Boisfirld, CI, la sis Bus Knagbt. Cam'pbell b. I G1 153. to Mllaaagî Floydt Whelbsm..'iuMJ lasa anfil the towsh'ip s'as re-, ' n Hsy ri i T M 'C bas'a al atit;lamiaaLrlyuand HllonlS baeed taahePrlanning, Css"it 5M- 5 eli;manage. e P lus FNANK PETCH. Austisairer. bîarbu Paeremo.bi avbesad Eleetricanad Acetybese s G egalao 3bfrfrh sukit*.r,- BbTwn Repaie Weldîsg f Ail Typas De________________ aiga aMîsMt s1. Soa Pe ie Ciailaisth, liais idn sao ilird petv Wliglady's swatear (MaiutKnlttaagî smaillioniMain 'ta F.. t rb10le i: Ju n e Wedîf / - Mea E. D 'hlahùit. Catnpaialsîlls. li Ifan1 ' l laaiila'.la'a W inrateav t e*yg i Portable Esupoeni -' Masbar luit. tns niita anl ia P)St.l d.îaa ilaiial 11 1,Imi al ' ,, 'î ,'toria î i tnon MartnaSPt. Causa PHONE - 348N ADCariY7 Da:.n ý E. 1,s 1,.l as'thailaoi;.a onix MainiM;iRoberts Brilliant WOMEN MERE jaMAKi'lla li;- laiiaasu aa li1"'. a.b axi TE VUBEEN BEEGIaSU Laal aIý .ata'i' i Md. ioLI, d Pi.îiiitu i N absliaaeeaBrahiy lii a1i.' l' a ailaon IIa,,«, ot0.1 i ýhstagh n Hee dea iftaforfater a wilsake hs happest! A "a", îSita.abî.i adauti:0 T i gi a "'1ie , t 1t oi aas ,soie a ofdaLas o.jssee us lta' tol adoîs, Miltto ; boa IlTt n ,,I or, Il onFahr' ay iY"~~'Esi-arî..ua, alidI ul mo.Iaiai dfrot ala'a o hiaaaaaaa sua 'gl aaa iaaiîia ts bb as it d'sa-uadtih on-t e o toeEseMng m al--ttoaniail il B ac ' da daaa F hnPTckleTOL al oc h yu d a a' aaa aîb",4la av b pa l tla' bar Caiabflc lh Solmn E rs 29 Moe os m r hn tl. i lton. aaa lbielii tael il ia'aitit o ),' i 'a rat n os- ba egbtfby ied . to ne , Pm o My ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h snysa'aa, u od ai isi ba P o pict ile'o hum iasE ctandes r-~ cremsshentco estpayng ad sîset utafA te aas liialîrt aid theue a1 ,hie aaad iiraadra a nd it GJga Or bauthaît icairarhavel nIhisP'lbca Sn ll - oi"spiioiang a ha snd M yhDsper fhououncahch ttriachanitutndbal a T aitîso ltais.nd('ail'Barla"aor niaipoCtsmtîtaectIrs-Dsils troi $27.9 Faîher'e Dayout ane 21s1 knock nSîmetlava itîca Ila- atiha alde s a nd o ha vebaa lî' ait Csu rfil ,-1).Cu ri 'aaa herlla ighliaitl tais na e re o ne ow rTol Money do s mred an t arsalt M lDa ais vranpal o tiingismtîte10vtheebair isa' Isîbos'- ..s.Jaor2t nI jo/ and Sii@V Iift@ lO i ala'Paos Oaa. bis ban et s-d iatru lbri p A , t t ,s a'i o sn aaas'dn bar poy-il ýii.. Gas od roil$.5) f S Io th M1ssedtBdan bcas raiIIpraaddsingbes' ms-nb. 1049lFng reCl bCte urpir. ur l 'ti saisathcise a's-'d asulsd 1 i nan a mum to.e oýittea Bahiby Band Panor srJ t"' ro 1 75EDriltrit Suntasa te ineguive aon elhrtiirthikDathd oq Van l.usen 1947 et u o f Cnac i etalec bote oe finshs . uiigî gg ut-t ae at0 t. P auck n -4 ll'tstasonge 1947 ardieda, iaimep04 Inl tht s'ci-ds-s ..th,.. ou23.0 shirts if yodcatch'tahiafufy Or in thas. dilof min "linhîs saarierandhi7oneflater 194 Cbr P-al i rd daimstoc. tnaalPialaîtara baîlidupa O The.91 L J Innn aket l94tPostîaoCospe rtaundandallbeinostng, Ss'iilenturint 7500 ba o fl ariiaJabss-.ogfPi va .. .240MsPioa aripronSi- ths' et h n fiarn. 1940 Hudson Sedas loveathued n bus' oli a ra nd Mibthe n obth s eiss o n 000 i- a Cioc Ern gASh enaes 95a2 fn îslte itEs 08Cier -tS tahe Moto ib.,a nd ib. 1 ri Eorbs-roin echaiT h " ' e s E B. Cday J le ma nLndthabgpreaosiai Dsnd aisue Van Heusen 147 FueS ~u bedaat, su1loer]ntfseou Hable roy . F. Pounsrdy res to or a y- 1256mnt - coumIor Mcccta1a5complote S danI nyewas tsss sng olasa ""'"' eioofmerfiesb 'mPhlahvment: A OWR Sata gvethï D& 94 FrdCubCope Whnt carn ltîe w'dskteantFnacendrd e BayanPlaontobs ds melcion E hitssprt 1940 Mevedanriey botlie ton hetrParis-spryhk dy $438971 rei 'ateaue, e.R cITiePrfc if o Dmc 947seFordTCachoes bîs'o iusteaieyresrsogoa-suuy nd, rbgeCionalect "adMsAWobuy- îOdptkstmwrotfepn Vonarta ais 011947 orSditotranioahoac me Ii nd ll ontis eids, isronat 'sl-,s ......... 121.1W Bamd ee nboot.da s R5e am tethssne iN f od s uc t sbîra192bord oc Ine ee .. L oudgterF . evs.. .03 ragMrs rdieoee 't oeSne 19i0ePontiacpCoupearous' asn r er y m esis F Sie ab n d oien 50 o't( ua etn fS.Pu' You11 indjus th git fr Op 940HuMoody n cS da y, Tis es G d thse ardmons i s' nd i l taon hallid e s 'roo ......... 300.00.UnitGd Pycr panvenig A lia r Sae st rday 3tnSak onth ispa..MEahrreaetxe 22 raS E.dB.Cvaatîanbsas tsibesangd 196 or 0to wtBis t an illame up ntise ahy, RPa irlu ad eeastitis....... 1,,,877 t coan... H reisadom loe andda y eeig. cs I nvbrb a s'y sert n tues ,bu Priniing & aunting-isMias " a I abs- M n.POWCRes'anîss'ss 1pm or ceuaasofly. lbkiss'bpayi.. 79rsngr tif tiY.trsa' nlaady booh and aaINrec if e Dd i avey nea erec gft wthCoG lade ad needIli e t atyn ekewba t he in e rwr03........4..1.7or Ihesia ch apln Baut I inots- an o n Hin a n irote-a tvatr w sbar tte rlu cap theret n plce 89 engfrm OpenMondy, edneday Friay Whnerd eo nd boul m a o wnhlon eesMi .E yrpee da n losheome a no tha ae d. __ ___ __ 9.6 bîb,Aspi o rOioaiso o h ls d g andon D pt to e Satra vnns, 7yreey to Psrd s and____________109.77____ring____ Tour Refonded I thinkI nfyom taIbietse osiiuai foa or aet. A a'ront Casadisîs bouins a Mosea Pono 519 ostlua on"Faber Day" bgis. as-yseen labeu fo tia rgeîln o r stidy op odand atn Jeaoiteeo isps's asi-bladdbigs snomr y arbresbol 070.000,0 go.A Pg: hreOdtheneAA~ Phuse 112 Mqilt MILTON, ONT. Coisîmblu, S.C.mone ar3,34o43 latoa vvanî - iteesi iiRMSDAY, JUNZ lm, 1053 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGZ