PActE N M- .aUFMep3lY, NOVE5bER 27, 10 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ON4TARIO M.chanized Sound LTTER TO EDITONC MEO ELECTRICAL1 Ont. Forums Report Wit*liStrCAMERON S. A. FAY and SONS *Ontario farms are mechanized dcto Eqaiy M LA CONTRACTING ona a aaaed basie', reptieut 651,.MSOR N Cf teNOtaroCTINGFrum tetheDar Mr.EdIto:a a e UL O~DTPlumbing and Heatmng FURNACE OIL BURNIER SALS & SERVICE "Are We Over-Meciaizd?" Theion inj Neson tawnshsip whiehis Cernent Block, BrickSetM tlW r S haal Secion No. 2 Eramaaa Far- based ae thse qaestion el echealo ^unim epresented the majority ofand equality feducatioaatspper- or Stan. he etlW r NEIL McPHAIL forums wbee thetu aaid: "Mast tueuttu. Isasufut fu e tabrief ta the -Phone Chariot St. Phono 432J Milton farms in this eeighbarisoed are atention af the e ers one r two APPLIANCES andl FIXTURES mechanizrd on a sourd basia be- tiseughOs for sonsiderotion. Bur ington 2709 PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT. cause il i.f hought thot farmesr The mancipal roussit bas,,onitýu! ------jbu> no, what the'55. a ffu5oid a Ifu,,tucres sfed taeýdoetic tien.___________________ Othususuaos g rera sry Osufasu' hssssssu s,,hIIl buifares.Thrsu" farieursremesbuised o ao ld nbssa'If the uii hve don, basis incfuded the fart that ther' ail thoft they coufut in discoaragivit ju a abor sbortoge ansdeqipenftbhebudng of srhoosand divid- O IL H E A T is ~e et oefy neeeseary bat sente- ing theftownship ieto twoaeas. Btu...... Q I E Ttesescieaper tha re elp. d iir te irsitwld bc a- instal a "i T" 011 Burner in your Ae rr blttatteraih use n r wogn s si o f thelack of capital tse vest ln There bave beee esaey ofate- rurnace o - 395 masbieertu, because fartess are offrn ets fmode in e4~d ta ,tis.e stasn.- Stas smalltet warrant ievestment dard., of fh oneoinceabOOfbot£ and because macieyjlasee-few factsbased onresearchband CopeU it 20gln, Tnk I h dsusinr;otdby52ofiikigast f rralea " H e 's a fam ily uio,28.1,favored fbe sooper co.usand n5ter5ituofaftfe 2 2f G .B ND SOatvownerhbIIof ssishinery and oso ifdaed ssisoffsinOntario. I EO.BUN Y SO 25 % wereedivided t eir opiionbave .ufuudfsst reforsuand tresut B.A. Distrbutor Phono Milton 313 oser tbe ose of rsooas quipmesf suusur'bsusub s sus rural feduesufios Af f seut ro-operaffoelv-sussned mach-is n o ssuuusufsu.u busse beetthuf Report One Case ,,,ie challenge aufose te prot IfusA T OC I VOTE TO RE-ELECT Polio in uakvimue asus s u55550555porscbfiessonmorColertsStce.a Mmiymott Oenwcsofploylts stanedussufasesuf ssfissrify misb f nuanei aiy atr...coassel tu o 00cas arrange f0 ois bas essre ort samyrte îsatsadu usfu. eses e om onusf se i desigvod Io safeguard n5jset ose, but after yosr chidren'e educatuos Coaefy Heaffh Unif from Oakvitfe Uofuuorufu'fvy. feus researcb sfssdie.s esery member of the family. Thats mhy clear off yoor mortgage . .. ta proteot hbso esS in a 4-year-ofd boy. Thisohisse beeuu made o rurals edusato sus s offen sase to plan yoor lfe inserance yoo and yooe famity againot fthe cripplisg W illiam Green, Farm er smks1 atoa f assfr oain oft u'inestbafdIassident . .uf Ose Csssty for tbis ype. ils ns fat- us Ns a'Yorb Stuf'auste asoe mt h fataiymssmoeepessinikesan ciet...f aliies Wet ireni Th 'wbo kbooms from hue oms esperiesce proside yosr mife mith a asfisg iscome I Tissemaaes eru fooabf Vegss .~ seutfht pspfa ell shat a famsly seeds. Milton people asho if yos die . .. and to gsaraotee yoor re- wlis 21 rases last year. It lu prob- essssm sossu. a es e bseh nd ff bo kom Sfom iockse, and bis fine famsty, fremoot if yoa bie. ASCOUNCILLOR FOR NELSON TOWNSHIP oble Ibat tbrre ii be ns msrO eefs s esumuaredsIltus bse sui lusoa be s jsst sucb a mas. "Steas' bas SteosLockie ises on Court St. Hell be AS OO~~cses tbis year bcase oethfie ais- astud sbssss fasuuufot tes- alreacly gssen sossd adsice to many of glad to belp yoo plan yosr future secor- proashinigecofdweater, teffousf'sssiu,orus'ufssuusufususufeuum the Mi 'sfaiies.Tbb is friesdly s.Cntat h'm today With a dangorously high dobonturo dobt-almost ono million sots report. Fsuoi l Nea' Yor as fsufs ot ilomsss rogfy O1 y dollars-it ih necossary tb havo oxperioncoal mon at the hlm Vissu -Te si>trie. tsufearber! for tho next yoar. As a sucesesfui frmer. I atk for your f suuurat sf sussen uinineu' supiport in this loction on December 1 st. T , yaurEoonliý f Wh ho inAm-com14iee fpur ec TAKE "SOT l«; ýod Issu 4 £cldsg uensa'sgratne ScAbs 0usd st ffsfsusssIs's0uslsu You Voe ad IflunceM a bq, an AcsdeIl nsuanc fl5sstuss Nususisu s. s'suusss LIuu g'su s u' ' f ss suss F i ONTARsIO5f 055 (uuutu 5555 i "se 5su u su.' 0O51c On Decemlser lst'ssii bs b.' I s Issus' lisse. ,Usfs ' l t's us f u;."' us"Q IN I.E.l.OE,0 For inMilno sisubusoi, Yo otefanInf 5en uBo'rsof susIIi 5 sutrandbccient b "bncesuan Ditrct N rn ui 21 c rooi-ng I Il h F I' B rrn ' lu'_ '<s' fi!" t, '(f .55 t ' s- (l J oh n C h arii M ltoCyof), ) r19 Iln - - " - ""s '5:,hng f,/-.__ ___-- St sf 1s"'loc InuinI . 1 5 f ha:a C au i emh * *f i iI11 I 'l if Cs !n , ý- fI r ~RIVER PLASTIC ver s thlelb nsitt Roor te ft yeaen oser mot. I' NON. ".. hoée cidi nid niki a'taSsein kt. VY TNE YARD -&Y THE TILE - 091N VOUE OWN PLOOR lFlo-1Esl oe ilustsrouscotera baey caiilos powant. a noor aisas150% 1tL _ý gweend. CLEMENT Floor & Roof Service1 MILTON 426W after his officiaI arrivai on Saturday, Dec. 130h to say a personal hello f0 Ailhiî lifle friends who would like te visit him at MacNab & Son Home Furnishing Store on r, SAT. DEC. 136h PROM 7.30-9 P.M. MON.-TUES.-WED. DEC. 15, 16, 17 PROM arn. 2-5.30 p.m. 7. 30-9 p.rn. SPONSORED BY Milton Hardware McKim Hardware Pickett Drug Store - '\ ul ed Wood Shoe Store C. B. Knight MacNab & Son i COAT SAL SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS WE ARE CLEARING OUR FINE COLLECTION OF PUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED COATS FOR YOUR WINTER WEARING FAMOUS NAME WOOLENS, IN THIS SEASONS SMARTEST STYLING. SEE ALL THE INTERESTING NEW COLORS. COATS FOR EVERY FASHIONABLE TASTE IF YOU LIKE VOUR COAT UNTRIMMED OR ELEGANTLY FUR TRIMMED, YOUL IND JUST THE GARMENT FOR YOU. AIl Greatly Under Priced COAT TIME IS NOW SHOP HERE AND SAVE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED - - --- e -- - - MILTON DEPT. STORE PHONE 112 MILTON, ONT. 1 iý