TEU1ISDAY, NOVEME 27, 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PG EW McNaIIy Out Month be 21 APis egs eevd utrdkde u aFERGUS WITH 13-2 COUNT; MOItn With Kidn.y Ijr l. iey ewl ieyb u o tr. dorlng Ookll Merfa ers willP PPEAR IN GOLD AND GREEN High . M E SU R IE TO the doto Mepor, ____________________ Emopitli reports that McNally, More than 9 sut of 10 Canadian SMilton dominatcd the Fergua SUMMARY Sîr o-phceypae ijrtelmen for three solid perlods F0irst Peeiod School MilonCo-p ocey loer njr-homes are radio-eqoipped. when the ioda Icosi thrat wee hit cf M: Fox (Cruicishankat. 5.0 Scolland visilesl the local ice pal- M: Grenke (Fox, Cruick- cste root t a 1- o r Fin osanko) ................ 7.40 N ton aretils trout h oct aro13d2 inal M: Grenke ................... 11.30)[N w fo te oclCoop. :Emoslie (Baller) ...........13.40 _______________ or1elclC-p.M: Greoke .....................loo Decked out in theoir red, wihite Pros.-MeCon. tripping. Melan- Commencement has corne anid and bloc sweaters, tho visitera son, interference; Baller, holdiog; gose for aoother year amid the Eleclors of Nelson Township: lache ileam play alîhough Sparko, Maon, sloshing; Kelly, bigh stick; ebeers and appîaso of tead their goalie, put os o splendid ex- McNally, holding; ,Honiley, bigla ieces who hraved tho elemento hbicon cf cet mindiol atost stick; Mann, trippiol. ta waleh the kiddieo pul on their lbein col ptely an' protecti M Second Peiod soog anddancc. There wer ex- VO0T E i i '01 boys. M: Melickaau(MCsî M00 ,,ItnUrwsonbt ihsds (t iiike, T.wtisley and Cim.M: Veanha (Toannsl 1100 te the detriniental prcipiloiiss !a infirma emdi ih YOURc VOTE AND IUEC JO N ER Y beskueasutilc ta trisis M: 'Tmcalcy (Vaughan, rteî- t7uu ia tursod the terra fima ieu ocid. Ccuichahanks (lHeipel) ...19.01) An aflermath of dlean op and - RESPECTFUILY SOI.ICITED FOR A wel sighl limited the crowdlM Pes.-Huntly, rooghisg; Botter, sille dosin ssow pereades tbha ta an estimaled 400 as the localt roaohing, 10 mis. misconduct; Mc- sehool. The acting, dancing, tansb-I boys blosssird forth in soie dis-' Nally, boardlng; Mass, holding; lisg and speeches are forgoltes __ Nelsn To nshi Coucill tictie grecs and gld uniforme,. Mass, higb stick; McCann, bigh alois ostil open night and the Miltas Ca-opa drave in thee stick. schoot bas corne bock te grtm reol- TO M O Fo 9 39 eoeThird Perd d ilion with the opproachiol coas. orug 193 teebesi 13 m is os yin M: CoesbVhgha<ny) 8.4 Aller the commencement attract- the liraI franc. Eight penalties M: Tosley ................... î.) ions wccc over on Friday night,A Safeguard your 000 dollars with a carefal, placned adminis- wore disbcd out by referees luit M: Melasson (Lintos, short dance mon beld in the audit-1 tration. Elect a candidate Wiho codersiands the secsied ta bondIe the session qaîte Gresho) ................12.21 ore. Tees toms alois nasned us,W problesis of the cotepayor hunded out wore 20. Cens.-Mass, bigh stick: MeNaI- SC. and A.A. have sot loosced NFR...NCLO Mcul afedarpac l-ly. hoohing: Mass. cbargisî; Me- tibeir parso strings yet. Pe-haps a>U ncy ini the assin snd oua sent t Manty, oabig: rsehing ng wa 111 e n onhIe floor mootd bave, TOWNSHIP OF NASSAGAWEYA, 1953 Oubeille Mesisciat boapital. Msrsbl.made the dancrs look libeFrenh- ________________Miltan Kvasuîa G c, li Han ley - Casadian lsa collera.MCnMNly sn o: Ia rm N rh Iti an ,imndhIe0, ong0.0a.t 70pr. ~----------------..-.---- c.toip lii.Fn.MtsLs Paper at Nov. W.I. estinvsloing the ncbool's ose osid: December list Fecs - Spab.a. Butter. Mann* - nrty mqurry Ibise beoyd ea FIGURE SKATING LES N ison Boleai, Ematie. Kelly, Nol- TeNvmrmetnnI tib sorr ds hcer ed radtm.0lîîMîîUîî*î.î;*îl-î-~mî ovell, LInJoi.mmeeLingîof Lhedan promsite il will sol ho cepetd I OfficialsBlt Tana. Roay Lîlues, Moastaîn Union Womns Institute na the future. jbath tcain Hamilton. nos bctd aithIe home of Mcs. V. Pat on fthc Baeb Dept ------McArtbsr wîtb 25 ssrmbccn. one We estcsd oc blEarticat con -__________________________ viier and four oildron. prescrit. gaaoîs 2e'oops o ______________________ The president. Mms. M ltcadheoad biraledclon d ve nthmsic for Arrngeent hae ben odeforI ponrd the meeting with tirc Istît- bis oscome addccm. Tbcy mere MISS~~~~~~ JDANECIKte Ode, fotlowed by thse Instituc te of copialefocy and W a' h tat Milton Arena MIS W hat' W hatIN ot fecetoalef prayor. Thc seccctary maid tbciuthaetkn ra deol __ shtohfpciirspdfttiad the buiesw, epeae WEE< STARTINO aI 0e ailonAceu at intr t gvo ennînThc ladies sorepted an invitation Aise In Ilse for compliments arc TBURSDAY, NOV. 27- jthis yeor pcovided enogh popilS wiii sigo ep for a lenson of the Compbettvitle W.o 10t at- Janet Fostor and Donc Dobie RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL sach and every1Sttnrd Msie noc app. îd1 o mon or ife rt osrd ecnd cie- ecan vr audybelsicen 12.00 and 2.00 o'clock for te er a r Mystic er Tea.o m baas frt bard scnd dca- 8.00 p.m.-Auto Parts vs. Zimmerman the suinter sesn cý L. Monos tooms anding, secon ofccnvossing thc diffecent linos pooticetyl. Doe thanko sbsald ho90bc.Hrnyv.Mfa ei-Blisas 7, Spoot 7, Chic- 'fcteNtogaecîesu it. în ta Mc. Wslber for tircleas dg 5, Coules 5, Mills 5. Ptolemy Il os dhecidd ot tsecuopt' ctin and cnscbing of the play FRIDAY. NOV. 28- Those wishing to avail themselves of this opportunuty jlas 2, Rsspbecy 2, Flctcher 0. $30 g aoccoment Iront. and lac onllmited patience In try- INTERMEDIATE "A" GÎt.A. wrteà etertoth aen sain te hid' ae ndeah rHîgh single. Peddie 1t2; halO $15.m0 nos danatod te thc Milton nig bo bcep thc dead man from 8.30 p.m.-Milton vs. Georgetown $ witea ite teth arsa taingthechîd' ag ad ech tiple, Baitoy 767. Oints Clous fond. Thc report of tasîbiol. I STRA.NV 5 oewiII be notified when the classes wîîî start. Ladies' Mu tîsoce lob loasi stand- îl SAlasding NOmV.lce mcc ai- PO j OlCa ns 27 Nscma Brans 2; Pikyleocd for and rsposded ta. In thc rugby game hetreen PUBLIC SKATING Dama 2. abyChlda20 Pky Mms V. McActhur gave s report Georgetowns juniors and Milton 2.00 p.m. and 8.00 pics. * PHONE 502 MILTON FOR ADOED INFORMATION Tadale 26. an the seosly focmed scelsng club. juniaos the latter camc sat viet- High single, Kay Claridîe 2.56: ander thc leadership Of Mcc. N. seios. The final score ins 8-1. MOS4DAY, DEC. 1- _______________________ tile, Koy Cluridge 576; hîgO Cotiltor. asoistrd hy Mcs. MeAclO- The soce toschdosin mes sccurcd HALTON JUNIOR FARMERS avrgRaby Childa 205. Ur. 0e Non Philllps and a kiek osas 8.00 p.m.-Milton va. Paîermo ____________________________P._________ Ladies' leam sandingl The ladies doaosid $10,0o teIbe oampleted by Ko> MaBtch" Rld- 9.00 p.m.-Norval vi. Acton P olnen 49, Jean Wcilus- lalton Taberrulsis and Iteatth doit.PulcSaigntl0.5pm Wot8 lu Hason 47, Kath Cout - Association and ase decidrd ta Cubli Chatqutl 045pm a Iun 29 Dt ary21 ed o qsitt atrcody un bond ta thc Aonon iablng te psîchsc o Tt'ESDAY, DEC. 2-- Do alro 5 lc rs 6ncdy in Europe tbcosîb the, Un- pair ut red flannelo. ptcoac contact RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL H sah rile. Lais Evno 1;i9 is0.vc.tO aa amln om.Tcnn 8.00 p.m.-Merchants vs. Hornby 505 lte m asEan 616. dg- A piper as a nom Canadian in- er has vcacoîd for voris cessons. lai hu otndil Ldg da.otcy ma fies by Mrs. E. B. Il is ramaced tOut snree nI the 9.00 p.m.-Milîing vs. Streetsville erc5.aenies 32, Deseradoes 24,.1 Clomonîs, thc titte belng 'Iton , oser ferma are tbcnming shindigs WDEDY E Chmpin s20. romitheNorth.'ltmuas 9!en inin thenea ftue. Wondercif me PUBLICAY SKATING Laishigh sinle. Mabot Tococo the tîrm ,1of Iraotoîo Mrs. ceutd attend an the str-sglti ofPBLC1KTN 2 0w<lis hilis triple, Moisl ClerecnLs iss assi,îrd bo Mcc. R. ou rsac r Cord, 2.00 p.m.-Mas, Pas and Kiddies HudT tin '166 a;mesihtTre(,iic I musy vory redrdoatons 8.00 p.m.-AII Othera THufl iii' 64. s.010 Tep, n>iuocemhrnccdein 1- CRESCENT WINO TB RSDAY, DEC 4-- T o Hîldluiii>0694mLich ..yyre,>'iutid by ail C omcriaî,l Leagae-Msourosl l.s Ace MeArtisr fieee d RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL 5 t lioi... 2.71. t t hv latdies wits a o.ixapheon, seon ef oegeoo 8.00 p.m.-Moffat vs,. Auto Parts 36. hipùný35, h ic %%aý njopri y al. or n 'l %,,rkng a rvoltioary9.00 p.m.-Zimmerman vi. Milling - i~~~~~~r 33, iriehers 33. Bulaisîrs B. Il,,e oe ta.lupisei iii tt. r,s ,nl-sae A5 os> eeltun'eîi îlep fuît>ed . 4 l,îk f thelî ls fuslg Joint Sewers NU .>. Ic th ble,teiheîîî .»tigsie tl ________________ 114',W ,ee>e ihio 11- ise ,so il- .,1 ti, tip tisebs otb ~p is ist>> ,f lis h, &Itdll, tiese p Fridlay, TrIaalgar .X»>he su l th, N ,oi tz, ,Itti Nov. 28t-h \ TartOaf1a s".,,,>ît,2.~~~2>,, d> .l..>ai P 8.30 p.m -u ..od' u t,"'isrt'l(.i'50A t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '%.RIT UNIONI(iht>I. 1 ., * issstl 50 Thi .,. of thu,îiii. e 3 MILTON CO-OPS Ys. GEORGETOWN tý, s'. e y> .1,n t.1 .. ..ý Rova 'i >1ir C o>î'> MAILTON ARENA --v r 2. M nie Tbi(ak'z a Guelpl ,Sd....,,,:k.,î t - f iltc -. t >,, le ..tu, r4.30 P .- d FR1. DEC. 5 -MILTON CO.OPS vs. ELMIRA i et,, " h 'il>' TrtauIga,. il J.,îe W, Wî>k'm c,îîee eoebhi.,eonpeo.îafiures andt elo iîîpyîrted by ather simeres>a aaniand tumso#'ic- a io f Maa lck bas brooghl a l fs.' "Mayrov laid To e Electors of Nassagaweya > nambae et figures me dids't s wbc e askcd Ouheille fer a Yt#e VOEad NLECEwl b prcitdb report os the facilirs thc toms Ys OEad NLEC u bene tdb AC T ON Mod, Tedy eoîti offer as. wc didn't mOk for Dec. 1-2 saod. "Wc asbrd sihal the tomswL PGIN M MtAi-Star couhî nîfer s for nervising osy- A . S e v c oshere trsre 0006 1e 20,000 people. Musical We monîrd 10 hnom reec Oak- Fri.-Sat. Nov, 28-29 îville cosld bondIe the situation or Matinea Sot. 2 pi.m. "Love ly to wbelbcr me moald bacc lu buitd a For Council 1953 .plant oI our oren. q "Fronis' the Look ctý"' "Thc township prosestcd thceLIGDAMNA DCME loren milO a detled plan oI a sys- OIN DAM DY EC BR1 Taiking Maie Technicolor tomi the tomnship msutd need In is bck gai Ifi00 .m.to 700 .m.BLACK FACE s bock agoin Starriog Iviee oI osr expansion. They gaveliOa to0p uooo lut oI figures but dosol soc inKATHRYN GRAYSON bore tbey arrive ai Iheir rosI fig-' U S E YO0U R VO0T E TUBE RED SKELTON unes. ""Francis HOWARD KEEL "Now wesboar lIse province doos netlik thidea o enposding the oes a ~ , ~ , - Dabiltoplatel take rare of osr Goes topossihlr 25,000 expansion. Asd bhey 505 gioe us figures fac taking cart- of Wiest Pon"5,000 people reithout sayisg bore Uant, Shows Ihcy arrive ai Ibeir esol.' Storring Mans. te Fecs William G, Slorric, ronsultiol SE I>ram 7 p,,a, engiocor fsr thb onship, doshl- E ... DONALD O'CONNOR ., Sat. & H03. cd the Oaheille plant mos capable Front ~ aI3 o haodtîng as additionai huad. CAR IN DITCH,JO N N R S -. r $5 0 DAMAGE; DRIVER 1ON O N B O S"7 models fac ICHARGED EV POLICE 0 Synchru-Sosati 'rsiag - interlocks WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY DEC. 3-4 GA A G ictre and sousd$395 Ian MeDosatd of R. N. 2, Caled- GA AG0 Sharp, true picuce, clear ta etiges$395 "DIPLOMATIC COURIER" ons beOen ebargrd reih driviol 22 tubes for long-rasge ereelias AND 12F %hon .hiu abi . ihy ms inipaired 5 P